def get_municipality(request): """ Returns the requested municipality logo from database. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request): The request containing the fosnr as matchdict parameter. Returns: pyramid.response.Response: The generated response object. """ fosnr = request.matchdict.get('fosnr') source_params = Config.get_municipality_config().get('source').get('params') session = database_adapter.get_session(source_params.get('db_connection')) try: model = DottedNameResolver().resolve(source_params.get('model')) municipality = session.query(model).filter_by(fosnr=fosnr).first() if municipality: logo = getattr(municipality, 'logo', None) if logo: response = request.response response.status_int = 200 response.content_type = 'image/*' response.body = base64.b64decode(logo.encode('ascii')) return response raise HTTPNotFound() finally: session.close()
def get_symbol(request): """ Returns the symbol for the requested theme and type code from database. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request): The request containing the codes as matchdict parameters. Returns: pyramid.response.Response: The generated response object. """ theme_code = request.matchdict.get('theme_code') plr = None for p in Config.get('plrs'): if str(p.get('code')).lower() == str(theme_code).lower(): plr = p break if plr is None: raise HTTPNotFound('No theme with code {}.'.format(theme_code)) source_params = plr.get('source').get('params') session = database_adapter.get_session(source_params.get('db_connection')) type_code = request.params.get('CODE') legend_text = request.params.get('TEXT') if type_code is None: raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing parameter CODE.') if legend_text is None: raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing parameter TEXT.') try: model = DottedNameResolver().resolve('{module_}.{class_}'.format( module_=source_params.get('models'), class_='LegendEntry')) legend_entry = session.query(model).filter( cast(model.type_code, Text) == cast(type_code, Text), cast(model.legend_text, Text) == json.dumps( json.loads( base64.b64decode(legend_text).decode( 'unicode-escape'))).decode('unicode-escape')).first() if legend_entry: symbol = getattr(legend_entry, 'symbol', None) if symbol: response = request.response response.status_int = 200 response.content_type = 'image/*' response.body = base64.b64decode(symbol.encode('ascii')) return response raise HTTPNotFound() finally: session.close()
def get_symbol(request): """ Returns the symbol for the requested theme and type code from database. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request): The request containing the codes as matchdict parameters. Returns: pyramid.response.Response: The generated response object. """ theme_code = request.matchdict.get('theme_code') view_service_id = request.matchdict.get('view_service_id') type_code = request.matchdict.get('type_code') plr = None for p in Config.get('plrs'): if str(p.get('code')).lower() == str(theme_code).lower(): plr = p break if plr is None: raise HTTPNotFound('No theme with code {}.'.format(theme_code)) session = database_adapter.get_session( plr.get('source').get('params').get('db_connection')) try: config_parser = StandardThemeConfigParser(**plr) models = config_parser.get_models() model = models.LegendEntry legend_entry = session.query(model).filter( cast(model.type_code, Text) == cast(type_code, Text)).filter( model.view_service_id == view_service_id).first() if legend_entry: symbol = getattr(legend_entry, 'symbol', None) if symbol: response = request.response response.status_int = 200 if isinstance(symbol, str): response.body = b64.decode(symbol) if isinstance(symbol, bytes): response.body = b64.decode( binascii.b2a_base64(symbol).decode('ascii')) response.content_type = ImageRecord.get_mimetype( bytearray(response.body)) return response raise HTTPNotFound() finally: session.close()
def get_symbol(request): """ Returns the symbol for the requested theme and type code from database. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request): The request containing the codes as matchdict parameters. Returns: pyramid.response.Response: The generated response object. """ theme_code = request.matchdict.get('theme_code') view_service_id = request.matchdict.get('view_service_id') type_code = request.matchdict.get('type_code') plr = None for p in Config.get('plrs'): if str(p.get('code')).lower() == str(theme_code).lower(): plr = p break if plr is None: raise HTTPNotFound('No theme with code {}.'.format(theme_code)) source_params = plr.get('source').get('params') session = database_adapter.get_session(source_params.get('db_connection')) try: model = DottedNameResolver().resolve('{module_}.{class_}'.format( module_=source_params.get('models'), class_='LegendEntry')) legend_entry = session.query(model).filter( cast(model.type_code, Text) == cast(type_code, Text)).filter( model.view_service_id == view_service_id).first() if legend_entry: symbol = getattr(legend_entry, 'symbol', None) if symbol: response = request.response response.status_int = 200 response.body = b64.decode(symbol) response.content_type = ImageRecord.get_mimetype( bytearray(response.body)) return response raise HTTPNotFound() finally: session.close()
def get_surveying_data_provider(real_estate): """ Args: real_estate (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.real_estate.RealEstateRecord): The real estate for which the provider of the surveying data should be delivered. Returns: provider ( The provider who produced the used surveying data. """ params = Config.get_real_estate_config().get('source').get('params') session = database_adapter.get_session(params.get('db_connection')) try: model = DottedNameResolver().resolve(params.get('model')) re = session.query(model).filter(model.egrid == real_estate.egrid).one() provider = OfficeRecord(re.data_provider) return provider finally: session.close()
def get_surveying_data_update_date(real_estate): """ Gets the date of the latest update of the used survey data data for the situation map. The method you find here is only matching the standard configuration. But you can provide your own one if your configuration is different. The only thing you need to take into account is that the input of this method is always and only a real estate record. And the output of this method must be a object. Args: real_estate (pyramid_oereb.lib.records.real_estate.RealEstateRecord): The real estate for which the last update date of the base data should be indicated Returns: update_date (datetime.datetime): The date of the last update of the cadastral base data """ params = Config.get_real_estate_config().get('source').get('params') session = database_adapter.get_session(params.get('db_connection')) try: model = DottedNameResolver().resolve(params.get('model')) re = session.query(model).filter(model.egrid == real_estate.egrid).one() return datetime.datetime.combine(re.currentness, datetime.time.min) finally: session.close()