예제 #1
def postprocess_linrate(rows, cols, params):
    Postprocess linear rate.
    :param rows: xxxx
    :param cols: xxxx
    :param params: xxxx
    :return xxxx
    # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned
    # setup paths
    xlks, _, crop = cf.transform_params(params)
    base_unw_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST])
    dest_tifs = cf.get_dest_paths(base_unw_paths, crop, params, xlks)

    # load previously saved prepread_ifgs dict
    preread_ifgs_file = join(params[cf.TMPDIR], 'preread_ifgs.pk')
    ifgs = cp.load(open(preread_ifgs_file, 'rb'))
    tiles = run_pyrate.get_tiles(dest_tifs[0], rows, cols)

    # linrate aggregation
    if mpiops.size >= 3:
            save_linrate(ifgs, params, tiles, out_type=t)
            for i, t in enumerate(['linrate', 'linerror', 'linsamples'])
            if i == mpiops.rank
        if mpiops.rank == MASTER_PROCESS:
                save_linrate(ifgs, params, tiles, out_type=t)
                for t in ['linrate', 'linerror', 'linsamples']
예제 #2
def roipac_prepifg(base_ifg_paths, params):
    Prepare ROI_PAC interferograms which combines both conversion to geotiff
    and multilooking/cropping operations.

    :param list base_ifg_paths: List of unwrapped interferograms
    :param dict params: Parameters dictionary corresponding to config file
    log.info("Preparing ROI_PAC format interferograms")
    parallel = params[cf.PARALLEL]

    if parallel:
        log.info("Parallel prepifg is not implemented for ROI_PAC")

    log.info("Running prepifg in serial")
    xlooks, ylooks, crop = cf.transform_params(params)
    rsc_file = os.path.join(params[cf.DEM_HEADER_FILE])
    if rsc_file is not None:
        projection = roipac.parse_header(rsc_file)[ifc.PYRATE_DATUM]
        raise roipac.RoipacException('No DEM resource/header file is '
    dest_base_ifgs = [os.path.join(params[cf.OUT_DIR],
                                   os.path.basename(q).split('.')[0] + '_' +
                                   os.path.basename(q).split('.')[1] + '.tif')
                      for q in base_ifg_paths]

    for b, d in zip(base_ifg_paths, dest_base_ifgs):
        header_file = "%s.%s" % (b, ROI_PAC_HEADER_FILE_EXT)
        header = roipac.manage_header(header_file, projection)
        write_geotiff(header, b, d, nodata=params[cf.NO_DATA_VALUE])
        dest_base_ifgs, crop_opt=crop, xlooks=xlooks, ylooks=ylooks)
예제 #3
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.tif_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        cls.test_conf = common.TEST_CONF_GAMMA

        # change the required params
        cls.params = cf.get_config_params(cls.test_conf)
        cls.params[cf.OBS_DIR] = common.SML_TEST_GAMMA
        cls.params[cf.PROCESSOR] = 1  # gamma
        file_list = list(cf.parse_namelist(os.path.join(common.SML_TEST_GAMMA,
        fd, cls.params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST] = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.conf',
        # write a short filelist with only 3 gamma unws
        with open(cls.params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST], 'w') as fp:
            for f in file_list[:3]:
                fp.write(os.path.join(common.SML_TEST_GAMMA, f) + '\n')
        cls.params[cf.OUT_DIR] = cls.tif_dir
        cls.params[cf.PARALLEL] = 0
        cls.params[cf.REF_EST_METHOD] = 1
        cls.params[cf.DEM_FILE] = common.SML_TEST_DEM_GAMMA
        # base_unw_paths need to be geotiffed and multilooked by run_prepifg
        cls.base_unw_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(

        xlks, ylks, crop = cf.transform_params(cls.params)

        # dest_paths are tifs that have been geotif converted and multilooked
        run_prepifg.gamma_prepifg(cls.base_unw_paths, cls.params)
        cls.base_unw_paths.pop()  # removed dem as we don't want it in ifgs

        dest_paths = cf.get_dest_paths(
            cls.base_unw_paths, crop, cls.params, xlks)
        cls.ifgs = common.small_data_setup(datafiles=dest_paths)
예제 #4
    def setUpClass(cls):
        params = cf.get_config_params(common.TEST_CONF_ROIPAC)
        cls.temp_out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        sys.argv = ['run_prepifg.py', common.TEST_CONF_ROIPAC]
        params[cf.OUT_DIR] = cls.temp_out_dir

        params[cf.REF_EST_METHOD] = 2

        xlks, ylks, crop = cf.transform_params(params)

        base_ifg_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST])

        dest_paths = cf.get_dest_paths(base_ifg_paths, crop, params, xlks)
        # start run_pyrate copy
        ifgs = common.pre_prepare_ifgs(dest_paths, params)
        mst_grid = common.mst_calculation(dest_paths, params)
        refx, refy = run_pyrate._ref_pixel_calc(dest_paths, params)
        # Estimate and remove orbit errors
        pyrate.orbital.remove_orbital_error(ifgs, params)
        ifgs = common.prepare_ifgs_without_phase(dest_paths, params)
        _, ifgs = rpe.estimate_ref_phase(ifgs, params, refx, refy)
        r_dist = covariance.RDist(ifgs[0])()
        maxvar = [covariance.cvd(i, params, r_dist)[0] for i in ifgs]
        vcmt = covariance.get_vcmt(ifgs, maxvar)

        params[cf.TIME_SERIES_METHOD] = 1
        params[cf.PARALLEL] = 0
        # Calculate time series
        cls.tsincr_0, cls.tscum_0, _ = common.calculate_time_series(
            ifgs, params, vcmt, mst=mst_grid)

        params[cf.PARALLEL] = 1
        cls.tsincr_1, cls.tscum_1, cls.tsvel_1 = \
            common.calculate_time_series(ifgs, params, vcmt, mst=mst_grid)

        params[cf.PARALLEL] = 2
        cls.tsincr_2, cls.tscum_2, cls.tsvel_2 = \
            common.calculate_time_series(ifgs, params, vcmt, mst=mst_grid)

        # load the matlab data
        ts_dir = os.path.join(common.SML_TEST_DIR, 'matlab_time_series')
        tsincr_path = os.path.join(ts_dir, 'ts_incr_interp0_method1.csv')
        ts_incr = np.genfromtxt(tsincr_path)

        # the matlab tsvel return is a bit pointless and not tested here
        # tserror is not returned
        # tserr_path = os.path.join(SML_TIME_SERIES_DIR,
        # 'ts_error_interp0_method1.csv')
        # ts_err = np.genfromtxt(tserr_path, delimiter=',')
        tscum_path = os.path.join(ts_dir, 'ts_cum_interp0_method1.csv')
        ts_cum = np.genfromtxt(tscum_path)
        cls.ts_incr = np.reshape(ts_incr,
        cls.ts_cum = np.reshape(ts_cum, newshape=cls.tscum_0.shape, order='F')
예제 #5
    def setUpClass(cls):
        rate_types = ['linrate', 'linerror', 'linsamples']
        cls.tif_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        cls.test_conf = common.TEST_CONF_GAMMA

        # change the required params
        params = cf.get_config_params(cls.test_conf)
        params[cf.OBS_DIR] = common.SML_TEST_GAMMA
        params[cf.PROCESSOR] = 1  # gamma
        params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST] = os.path.join(common.SML_TEST_GAMMA,
        params[cf.OUT_DIR] = cls.tif_dir
        params[cf.PARALLEL] = 0
        params[cf.APS_CORRECTION] = False
        params[cf.TMPDIR] = os.path.join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], cf.TMPDIR)

        xlks, ylks, crop = cf.transform_params(params)

        # base_unw_paths need to be geotiffed and multilooked by run_prepifg
        base_unw_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST])

        # dest_paths are tifs that have been geotif converted and multilooked
        cls.dest_paths = cf.get_dest_paths(base_unw_paths, crop, params, xlks)
        run_prepifg.gamma_prepifg(base_unw_paths, params)
        tiles = run_pyrate.get_tiles(cls.dest_paths[0], 3, 3)
        ifgs = common.small_data_setup()
        cls.refpixel_p, cls.maxvar_p, cls.vcmt_p = \
            run_pyrate.process_ifgs(cls.dest_paths, params, 3, 3)
        cls.mst_p = common.reconstruct_mst(ifgs[0].shape, tiles,
        cls.rate_p, cls.error_p, cls.samples_p = [
            common.reconstruct_linrate(ifgs[0].shape, tiles, params[cf.TMPDIR],
                                       t) for t in rate_types

        # now create the non parallel version
        cls.tif_dir_s = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        params[cf.PARALLEL] = 0
        params[cf.OUT_DIR] = cls.tif_dir_s
        params[cf.TMPDIR] = os.path.join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], cf.TMPDIR)
        cls.dest_paths_s = cf.get_dest_paths(base_unw_paths, crop, params,
        run_prepifg.gamma_prepifg(base_unw_paths, params)
        cls.refpixel, cls.maxvar, cls.vcmt = \
            run_pyrate.process_ifgs(cls.dest_paths_s, params, 3, 3)

        cls.mst = common.reconstruct_mst(ifgs[0].shape, tiles,
        cls.rate, cls.error, cls.samples = [
            common.reconstruct_linrate(ifgs[0].shape, tiles, params[cf.TMPDIR],
                                       t) for t in rate_types
예제 #6
def gamma_prepifg(base_unw_paths, params):
    GAMMA prepifg which combines both conversion to geotiff and multi-looking
     and cropping.

    :param base_unw_paths: List of unwrapped interferograms
    :param params: Parameters dictionary corresponding to config file
    :return xxxx
    # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned
    log.info("Preparing GAMMA format interferograms")
    parallel = params[cf.PARALLEL]

    # dest_base_ifgs: location of geo_tif's
    if parallel:
        log.info("Running prepifg in parallel with {} "
        dest_base_ifgs = Parallel(n_jobs=params[cf.PROCESSES], verbose=50)(
            delayed(gamma_multiprocessing)(p, params) for p in base_unw_paths)
        log.info("Running prepifg in serial")
        dest_base_ifgs = [
            gamma_multiprocessing(b, params) for b in base_unw_paths

    ifgs = [prepifg.dem_or_ifg(p) for p in dest_base_ifgs]
    xlooks, ylooks, crop = cf.transform_params(params)
    user_exts = (params[cf.IFG_XFIRST], params[cf.IFG_YFIRST],
                 params[cf.IFG_XLAST], params[cf.IFG_YLAST])
    exts = prepifg.get_analysis_extent(crop,
    thresh = params[cf.NO_DATA_AVERAGING_THRESHOLD]
    if parallel:
        Parallel(n_jobs=params[cf.PROCESSES], verbose=50)(
            delayed(prepifg.prepare_ifg)(p, xlooks, ylooks, exts, thresh, crop)
            for p in dest_base_ifgs)
            prepifg.prepare_ifg(i, xlooks, ylooks, exts, thresh, crop)
            for i in dest_base_ifgs
예제 #7
    def setUpClass(cls):

        params = cf.get_config_params(TEST_CONF_ROIPAC)
        cls.temp_out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        sys.argv = ['run_prepifg.py', TEST_CONF_ROIPAC]
        params[cf.OUT_DIR] = cls.temp_out_dir
        params[cf.REF_EST_METHOD] = 2
        xlks, ylks, crop = cf.transform_params(params)
        base_ifg_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST])
        dest_paths = cf.get_dest_paths(base_ifg_paths, crop, params, xlks)
        ifgs = shared.pre_prepare_ifgs(dest_paths, params)
        refx, refy = run_pyrate.ref_pixel_calc(dest_paths, params)
        pyrate.orbital.remove_orbital_error(ifgs, params)
        ifgs = prepare_ifgs_without_phase(dest_paths, params)
        _, ifgs = rpe.estimate_ref_phase(ifgs, params, refx, refy)

        # Calculate interferogram noise
        cls.maxvar = [cvd(i, params)[0] for i in ifgs]
        cls.vcmt = get_vcmt(ifgs, cls.maxvar)
예제 #8
    def setUpClass(cls):

        params = cf.get_config_params(common.TEST_CONF_ROIPAC)
        cls.temp_out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        sys.argv = ['run_prepifg.py', common.TEST_CONF_ROIPAC]
        params[cf.OUT_DIR] = cls.temp_out_dir


        params[cf.OUT_DIR] = cls.temp_out_dir
        params[cf.REF_EST_METHOD] = 2
        params[cf.PARALLEL] = False

        xlks, ylks, crop = cf.transform_params(params)

        base_ifg_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST])

        dest_paths = cf.get_dest_paths(base_ifg_paths, crop,
                                               params, xlks)

        # start run_pyrate copy
        ifgs = shared.pre_prepare_ifgs(dest_paths, params)
        mst_grid = tests.common.mst_calculation(dest_paths, params)
        # Estimate reference pixel location
        refx, refy = run_pyrate.ref_pixel_calc(dest_paths, params)

        # Estimate and remove orbit errors
        pyrate.orbital.remove_orbital_error(ifgs, params)

        for i in ifgs:

        ifgs = shared.pre_prepare_ifgs(dest_paths, params)

        cls.ref_phs, cls.ifgs = estimate_ref_phase(ifgs, params, refx, refy)

        # end run_pyrate copy

        for i in ifgs:
예제 #9
def test_vcm_matlab_vs_mpi(mpisync, tempdir, get_config):
    from tests.common import SML_TEST_DIR, TEST_CONF_ROIPAC

    params_dict = get_config(TEST_CONF_ROIPAC)
    MATLAB_VCM_DIR = os.path.join(SML_TEST_DIR, 'matlab_vcm')
    matlab_vcm = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(MATLAB_VCM_DIR, 'matlab_vcmt.csv'),
    if mpiops.rank == 0:
        outdir = tempdir()
        outdir = None
    outdir = mpiops.comm.bcast(outdir, root=0)
    params_dict[cf.OUT_DIR] = outdir
    params_dict[cf.PARALLEL] = False
    xlks, ylks, crop = cf.transform_params(params_dict)
    base_unw_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(params_dict[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST])
    # dest_paths are tifs that have been geotif converted and multilooked
    dest_paths = cf.get_dest_paths(base_unw_paths, crop, params_dict, xlks)

    # run prepifg, create the dest_paths files
    if mpiops.rank == 0:
        run_prepifg.roipac_prepifg(base_unw_paths, params_dict)


    tiles = run_pyrate.get_tiles(dest_paths[0], rows=1, cols=1)
    preread_ifgs = run_pyrate.create_ifg_dict(dest_paths,
    refpx, refpy = run_pyrate.ref_pixel_calc(dest_paths, params_dict)
    run_pyrate.orb_fit_calc(dest_paths, params_dict)
    run_pyrate.ref_phase_estimation(dest_paths, params_dict, refpx, refpy)

    maxvar, vcmt = run_pyrate.maxvar_vcm_calc(dest_paths, params_dict,
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(maxvar, matlab_maxvar, decimal=4)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(matlab_vcm, vcmt, decimal=3)
    if mpiops.rank == 0:
예제 #10
    def setUpClass(cls):

        params = cf.get_config_params(TEST_CONF_ROIPAC)
        cls.temp_out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        sys.argv = ['run_prepifg.py', TEST_CONF_ROIPAC]
        params[cf.OUT_DIR] = cls.temp_out_dir
        params[cf.TMPDIR] = os.path.join(cls.temp_out_dir, cf.TMPDIR)
        params[cf.REF_EST_METHOD] = 2
        cls.params = params
        xlks, ylks, crop = cf.transform_params(params)
        base_ifg_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST])
        dest_paths = cf.get_dest_paths(base_ifg_paths, crop, params, xlks)
        ifgs = common.pre_prepare_ifgs(dest_paths, params)
        refx, refy = run_pyrate._ref_pixel_calc(dest_paths, params)
        pyrate.orbital.remove_orbital_error(ifgs, params)
        ifgs = prepare_ifgs_without_phase(dest_paths, params)
        _, cls.ifgs = rpe.estimate_ref_phase(ifgs, params, refx, refy)
        r_dist = RDist(ifgs[0])()
        # Calculate interferogram noise
        cls.maxvar = [cvd(i, params, r_dist, calc_alpha=True,
                          save_acg=True, write_vals=True)[0] for i in ifgs]
        cls.vcmt = get_vcmt(ifgs, cls.maxvar)
예제 #11
    def setUpClass(cls):
        params = cf.get_config_params(TEST_CONF_ROIPAC)
        cls.temp_out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        sys.argv = ['run_prepifg.py', TEST_CONF_ROIPAC]
        params[cf.OUT_DIR] = cls.temp_out_dir
        params[cf.TMPDIR] = os.path.join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], cf.TMPDIR)

        params[cf.REF_EST_METHOD] = 2

        xlks, _, crop = cf.transform_params(params)

        base_ifg_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST])

        dest_paths = cf.get_dest_paths(base_ifg_paths, crop, params, xlks)

        # start run_pyrate copy
        ifgs = pre_prepare_ifgs(dest_paths, params)
        mst_grid = tests.common.mst_calculation(dest_paths, params)

        refx, refy = run_pyrate._ref_pixel_calc(dest_paths, params)

        # Estimate and remove orbit errors
        pyrate.orbital.remove_orbital_error(ifgs, params)
        ifgs = prepare_ifgs_without_phase(dest_paths, params)

        _, ifgs = rpe.estimate_ref_phase(ifgs, params, refx, refy)
        r_dist = vcm_module.RDist(ifgs[0])()
        maxvar = [vcm_module.cvd(i, params, r_dist)[0] for i in ifgs]
        vcmt = vcm_module.get_vcmt(ifgs, maxvar)

        # Calculate linear rate map
        params[cf.PARALLEL] = 1
        cls.rate, cls.error, cls.samples = tests.common.calculate_linear_rate(
            ifgs, params, vcmt, mst_mat=mst_grid)

        params[cf.PARALLEL] = 2
        cls.rate_2, cls.error_2, cls.samples_2 = \
            tests.common.calculate_linear_rate(ifgs, params, vcmt,

        params[cf.PARALLEL] = 0
        # Calculate linear rate map
        cls.rate_s, cls.error_s, cls.samples_s = \
            tests.common.calculate_linear_rate(ifgs, params, vcmt,

        matlab_linrate_dir = os.path.join(SML_TEST_DIR, 'matlab_linrate')

        cls.rate_matlab = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(matlab_linrate_dir,
        cls.error_matlab = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(matlab_linrate_dir,

        cls.samples_matlab = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(
            matlab_linrate_dir, 'coh_sta.csv'),
예제 #12
def test_timeseries_linrate_mpi(mpisync, tempdir, modify_config,
                                ref_est_method, row_splits, col_splits,
                                get_crop, orbfit_lks, orbfit_method,
    params = modify_config
    outdir = mpiops.run_once(tempdir)
    params[cf.OUT_DIR] = outdir
    params[cf.TMPDIR] = os.path.join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], cf.TMPDIR)
    params[cf.REF_EST_METHOD] = ref_est_method
    params[cf.IFG_CROP_OPT] = get_crop
    params[cf.ORBITAL_FIT_LOOKS_Y] = orbfit_lks
    params[cf.ORBITAL_FIT_LOOKS_X] = orbfit_lks
    params[cf.ORBITAL_FIT_METHOD] = orbfit_method
    params[cf.ORBITAL_FIT_DEGREE] = orbfit_degrees
    xlks, ylks, crop = cf.transform_params(params)
    if xlks * col_splits > 45 or ylks * row_splits > 70:
        print('skipping test because lks and col_splits are not compatible')

    # skip some tests in travis to run CI faster
    if TRAVIS and (xlks % 2 or row_splits % 2 or col_splits % 2
                   or orbfit_lks % 2):
        print('Skipping in travis env for faster CI run')
    print("xlks={}, ref_est_method={}, row_splits={}, col_splits={}, "
          "get_crop={}, orbfit_lks={}, orbfit_method={}, "
          "rank={}".format(xlks, ref_est_method, row_splits, col_splits,
                           get_crop, orbfit_lks, orbfit_method, orbfit_degrees,

    base_unw_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST])
    # dest_paths are tifs that have been geotif converted and multilooked
    dest_paths = cf.get_dest_paths(base_unw_paths, crop, params, xlks)

    # run prepifg, create the dest_paths files
    if mpiops.rank == 0:
        run_prepifg.gamma_prepifg(base_unw_paths, params)


     refpy), maxvar, vcmt = run_pyrate.process_ifgs(ifg_paths=dest_paths,

    tiles = mpiops.run_once(run_pyrate.get_tiles,
    postprocessing.postprocess_linrate(row_splits, col_splits, params)
    postprocessing.postprocess_timeseries(row_splits, col_splits, params)
    ifgs_mpi_out_dir = params[cf.OUT_DIR]
    ifgs_mpi = small_data_setup(datafiles=dest_paths)

    # single process timeseries/linrate calculation
    if mpiops.rank == 0:
        params_old = modify_config
        params_old[cf.OUT_DIR] = tempdir()
        params_old[cf.REF_EST_METHOD] = ref_est_method
        params_old[cf.IFG_CROP_OPT] = get_crop
        params_old[cf.ORBITAL_FIT_LOOKS_Y] = orbfit_lks
        params_old[cf.ORBITAL_FIT_LOOKS_X] = orbfit_lks
        params_old[cf.ORBITAL_FIT_METHOD] = orbfit_method
        params_old[cf.ORBITAL_FIT_DEGREE] = orbfit_degrees
        xlks, ylks, crop = cf.transform_params(params_old)
        base_unw_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(params_old[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST])
        dest_paths = cf.get_dest_paths(base_unw_paths, crop, params_old, xlks)
        run_prepifg.gamma_prepifg(base_unw_paths, params_old)

        ifgs = shared.pre_prepare_ifgs(dest_paths, params_old)
        mst_grid = tests.common.mst_calculation(dest_paths, params_old)
        refy, refx = refpixel.ref_pixel(ifgs, params_old)
        assert (refx == refpx) and (refy == refpy)  # both must match
        pyrate.orbital.remove_orbital_error(ifgs, params_old)
        ifgs = common.prepare_ifgs_without_phase(dest_paths, params_old)
        rpe.estimate_ref_phase(ifgs, params_old, refx, refy)
        ifgs = shared.pre_prepare_ifgs(dest_paths, params_old)
        maxvar_s = [vcm.cvd(i, params_old)[0] for i in ifgs]
        vcmt_s = vcm.get_vcmt(ifgs, maxvar)
        tsincr, tscum, _ = tests.common.compute_time_series(
            ifgs, mst_grid, params, vcmt)
        rate, error, samples = tests.common.calculate_linear_rate(
            ifgs, params_old, vcmt, mst_grid)
        mst_mpi = reconstruct_mst(ifgs[0].shape, tiles, params[cf.TMPDIR])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mst_grid, mst_mpi)
        tsincr_mpi, tscum_mpi = reconstruct_times_series(
            ifgs[0].shape, tiles, params[cf.TMPDIR])

        rate_mpi, error_mpi, samples_mpi = \
            [reconstruct_linrate(ifgs[0].shape, tiles, params[cf.TMPDIR], t)
             for t in ['linrate', 'linerror', 'linsamples']]
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(maxvar, maxvar_s)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(vcmt, vcmt_s)
        for i, j in zip(ifgs, ifgs_mpi):
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(i.phase_data, j.phase_data)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tsincr, tsincr_mpi, decimal=4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tscum, tscum_mpi, decimal=4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(rate, rate_mpi, decimal=4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(error, error_mpi, decimal=4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(samples, samples_mpi, decimal=4)

        # assert linear rate output tifs are same
        _tifs_same(ifgs_mpi_out_dir, params_old[cf.OUT_DIR], 'linrate.tif')
        _tifs_same(ifgs_mpi_out_dir, params_old[cf.OUT_DIR], 'linerror.tif')
        _tifs_same(ifgs_mpi_out_dir, params_old[cf.OUT_DIR], 'linsamples.tif')

        # assert time series output tifs are same
        epochlist = algorithm.get_epochs(ifgs)[0]

        for i in range(tsincr.shape[2]):
            _tifs_same(ifgs_mpi_out_dir, params_old[cf.OUT_DIR],
                       'tsincr' + '_' + str(epochlist.dates[i + 1]) + ".tif")

        # 12 timeseries outputs
        assert i + 1 == tsincr.shape[2]
        shutil.rmtree(ifgs_mpi_out_dir)  # remove mpi out dir
        shutil.rmtree(params_old[cf.OUT_DIR])  # remove serial out dir
예제 #13
def postprocess_timeseries(rows, cols, params):
    Postprocess time series output.
    :param rows: xxxx
    :param cols: xxxx
    :param params: xxxx
    :return xxxx    
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    xlks, _, crop = cf.transform_params(params)
    base_unw_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST])
    dest_tifs = cf.get_dest_paths(base_unw_paths, crop, params, xlks)
    output_dir = params[cf.TMPDIR]

    # load previously saved prepread_ifgs dict
    preread_ifgs_file = join(output_dir, 'preread_ifgs.pk')
    ifgs = cp.load(open(preread_ifgs_file, 'rb'))

    # metadata and projections
    gt, md, wkt = ifgs['gt'], ifgs['md'], ifgs['wkt']
    epochlist = ifgs['epochlist']
    ifgs = [v for v in ifgs.values() if isinstance(v, PrereadIfg)]

    tiles = run_pyrate.get_tiles(dest_tifs[0], rows, cols)

    # load the first tsincr file to determine the number of time series tifs
    tsincr_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'tsincr_0.npy')
    tsincr = np.load(file=tsincr_file)

    # pylint: disable=no-member
    no_ts_tifs = tsincr.shape[2]
    # we create 2 x no_ts_tifs as we are splitting tsincr and tscuml
    # to all processes.
    process_tifs = mpiops.array_split(range(2 * no_ts_tifs))

    # depending on nvelpar, this will not fit in memory
    # e.g. nvelpar=100, nrows=10000, ncols=10000, 32bit floats need 40GB memory
    # 32 * 100 * 10000 * 10000 / 8 bytes = 4e10 bytes = 40 GB
    # the double for loop helps us overcome the memory limit
    log.info('process {} will write {} ts (incr/cuml) tifs of '
             'total {}'.format(mpiops.rank, len(process_tifs), no_ts_tifs * 2))
    for i in process_tifs:
        tscum_g = np.empty(shape=ifgs[0].shape, dtype=np.float32)
        if i < no_ts_tifs:
            for n, t in enumerate(tiles):
                tscum_file = os.path.join(output_dir,
                tscum = np.load(file=tscum_file)

                md[ifc.EPOCH_DATE] = epochlist.dates[i + 1]
                # sequence position; first time slice is #0
                md['SEQUENCE_POSITION'] = i + 1
                        t.top_left_x:t.bottom_right_x] = tscum[:, :, i]
                dest = os.path.join(
                    'tscuml' + "_" + str(epochlist.dates[i + 1]) + ".tif")
                md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.CUML
                shared.write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, tscum_g, dest, np.nan)
            tsincr_g = np.empty(shape=ifgs[0].shape, dtype=np.float32)
            i %= no_ts_tifs
            for n, t in enumerate(tiles):
                tsincr_file = os.path.join(output_dir,
                tsincr = np.load(file=tsincr_file)

                md[ifc.EPOCH_DATE] = epochlist.dates[i + 1]
                # sequence position; first time slice is #0
                md['SEQUENCE_POSITION'] = i + 1
                         t.top_left_x:t.bottom_right_x] = tsincr[:, :, i]
                dest = os.path.join(
                    'tsincr' + "_" + str(epochlist.dates[i + 1]) + ".tif")
                md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.INCR
                shared.write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, tsincr_g, dest,
    log.info('process {} finished writing {} ts (incr/cuml) tifs of '
             'total {}'.format(mpiops.rank, len(process_tifs), no_ts_tifs * 2))
예제 #14
def test_transform_params():
    params = {config.IFG_LKSX: 3, config.IFG_LKSY: 2, config.IFG_CROP_OPT: 1}
    assert cf.transform_params(params) == (3, 2, 1)