ordSrv = Manager().getOrderServer() priceSrv = Manager().getPriceServer() products = priceSession.getProducts(prodName='HSI', prodType=aenums.TT_PROD_FUTURE) product = products[0] contracts = priceSession.getContracts(product) contract = contracts[3] custDefaults = allCustDefaults[0] run_now = True prev_trading_status = None curr_trading_status = None pricey = None while run_now is True: try: if not priceSession.feed_down: for enum, price in priceSession.getPrices(contract).items(): if "SETTL" in str(enum): pricey = price.value elif "LAST_TRD_PRC" in str(enum): pricey = price.value elif "SRS_STATUS" in str(enum): curr_trading_status = price.value if curr_trading_status == prev_trading_status: pass else: orderSession.deleteMyOrders() if "FUTURE" not in str(product.prod_type) and pricey is None: pricey = 10 if pricey is None: pricey = 30000 else:
import time import pyscreenshot from pyrate.ttapi.manager import Manager priceSession = Manager().getPriceSession() priceSrv = Manager().getPriceServer() while True: if time.localtime()[3] == 7 and time.localtime()[4] in range(0, 5): pyscreenshot.grab_to_file(r"C:\tt\screenshot_start_subscribe_" + "-".join([str(time.localtime()[3]), str(time.localtime()[4]), str(time.localtime()[5])]) + ".png") products = priceSession.getProducts() for product in products: contracts = priceSession.getContracts(product) for contract in contracts: print contract pricedata = priceSession.getPrices(contract, timeout=90) pyscreenshot.grab_to_file(r"C:\tt\screenshot_end_subscribe_" + "-".join([str(time.localtime()[3]), str(time.localtime()[4]), str(time.localtime()[5])]) + ".png") time.sleep(360) python f = open(r'/var/log/debesys/OC_ose.log', 'r') all_client_ips = [] for line in f.readlines(): exid, uexid, exectype, client_ip = None, None, None, None date = " ".join(line.split(" ")[0:1]) if date == "2020-06-16": if "MaurDC-Ko" in line and "SEGMENT" not in line and "Account.name" not in line and "CUSTOMER_DEFAULTS" not in line: for elem in line.split(" "): if elem.startswith("client_ip"): client_ip = elem.split("=")[-1].replace("\"", "") client_ip = client_ip.replace("\n", "")