def decimate(obj: pyr.Object, verbose=False): """ Decimates a mesh, reducing the number of faces by 2. This is EXTREMELY inefficient, and not differentiable - use it sparingly! Modifies the input mesh. """ # Let's make a temporary directory intermediate_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() orig_out = os.path.join(intermediate_dir, "orig.obj") new_out = os.path.join(intermediate_dir, "decim.obj") if verbose: print("Made temp dir:") print(intermediate_dir) # First, let's save the redner pyr.save_obj(obj, orig_out) # Now, let's load in openmesh mesh = openmesh.read_trimesh(orig_out) # Now, decimate by half orig_nfaces = mesh.n_faces() if verbose: print("Original # of faces:", orig_nfaces) decimator = openmesh.TriMeshDecimater(mesh) algorithm = openmesh.TriMeshModQuadricHandle() decimator.add(algorithm) decimator.initialize() decimator.decimate_to_faces(n_faces=round(orig_nfaces / 2)) mesh.garbage_collection() if verbose: print("New # of faces:", mesh.n_faces()) openmesh.write_mesh(new_out, mesh) # Now, we have it. Load it back into redner decim_obj = pyr.load_obj(new_out, return_objects=True)[0] # And set the faces/indices obj.vertices = decim_obj.vertices obj.indices = decim_obj.indices # Recompute normals - the face normals have been broken recompute_normals(obj) # Finally, clean up the dir files_to_delete = os.listdir(intermediate_dir) for each_file in files_to_delete: apath = os.path.join(intermediate_dir, each_file) if verbose: print("Deleting", apath) os.remove(apath) if verbose: print("Deleting", intermediate_dir) os.rmdir(intermediate_dir)
def save_3d(mesh, mesh_name, allow_overwrite = True): ''' Saves a 3D model ''' dpath = os.path.join(mydir, mesh_name) fpath = os.path.join(dpath, "mesh.obj") os.makedirs(dpath, exist_ok=True) if os.path.isfile(fpath) and not allow_overwrite: raise FileExistsError(fpath) else: pyr.save_obj(mesh, fpath)
def model(cam_pos, cam_look_at, shape_coeffs, color_coeffs, resolution, center, all_euler_angles, all_translations): # First rotate around center, then translation imgs = [] #obj = pyredner.load_obj('p_ones30/final.obj', return_objects=True)[0] vertices, indices, uvs, normals = pyredner.generate_sphere(128, 64) vertices *= 80 m = pyredner.Material( diffuse_reflectance=torch.ones(2, 2, 3, dtype=torch.float32)) obj = pyredner.Object(vertices=vertices, indices=indices, normals=normals, uvs=uvs, material=m) v = obj.vertices.clone() for i in range(len(all_translations)): rotation_matrix = pyredner.gen_rotate_matrix(all_euler_angles[i]).to( pyredner.get_device()) center = # vertices = ((shape_mean + shape_basis @ shape_coeffs).view(-1, 3) - center) @ torch.t(rotation_matrix) + center + all_translations[i].to(pyredner.get_device()) obj.vertices = (v - center) @ torch.t(rotation_matrix) + center obj.normals = pyredner.compute_vertex_normal(obj.vertices, indices) # colors = (color_mean + color_basis @ color_coeffs).view(-1, 3) # m = pyredner.Material(diffuse_reflectance = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])) m = pyredner.Material(use_vertex_color=True) # obj = pyredner.Object(vertices=vertices, indices=indices, normals=normals, material=m, colors=colors) if i == 0: pyredner.save_obj(obj, "generated/env_dataset_" + name + '/tgt_obj.obj') cam = pyredner.Camera( position=cam_pos, look_at=cam_look_at, # Center of the vertices up=torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), fov=torch.tensor([45.0]), resolution=resolution) scene = pyredner.Scene(camera=cam, objects=[obj], envmap=envmap) img = pyredner.render_pathtracing(scene=scene, num_samples=(128, 4)) imgs.append(img) return imgs
def model(cam_poses, cam_look_ats, shape_coeffs, color_coeffs, resolution): # First rotate around center, then translation imgs = [] vertices = (shape_mean + shape_basis @ shape_coeffs).view(-1, 3) normals = pyredner.compute_vertex_normal(vertices, indices) colors = (color_mean + color_basis @ color_coeffs).view(-1, 3) m = pyredner.Material(use_vertex_color=False, specular_reflectance=torch.tensor( [1., 1., 1.], device=pyredner.get_device()), roughness=torch.tensor([0.02])) obj = pyredner.Object(vertices=vertices, indices=indices, normals=normals, material=m, colors=colors) obj = pyredner.load_obj('generated/env_dataset_oness_n/tgt_obj.obj', return_objects=True)[0] obj.material.specular_reflectance = pyredner.Texture( torch.tensor([0.05, 0.05, 0.05], device=pyredner.get_device())) obj.material.roughness = pyredner.Texture(torch.tensor([0.02])) pyredner.save_obj(obj, "generated/senv_dataset_" + name + '/tgt_obj.obj') for i in range(len(cam_poses)): cam = pyredner.Camera( position=cam_poses[i], look_at=cam_look_ats[i % len(cam_look_ats)], # Center of the vertices up=torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), fov=torch.tensor([45.0]), resolution=resolution) scene = pyredner.Scene(camera=cam, objects=[obj], envmap=envmap) img = pyredner.render_pathtracing(scene=scene, num_samples=(128, 4)) imgs.append(img) return imgs
#pyredner.imwrite(abs(img - target[4]).data.cpu(), 'process/process2_img{:0>2d}.png'.format(t // 5)) total_loss.backward() ver_optimizer.step() if smooth_scheme != 'None':# and t > 20: pyredner.smooth(vertices, indices, smooth_lmd, smooth_scheme, bound) pyredner.smooth(vertices, indices, smooth_lmd, smooth_scheme, bound) if t == 200: ver_optimizer=torch.optim.Adam([vertices], lr=0.05) print("{:.^16}total_loss = {:.6f}".format(t, total_loss)) print((normals - pyredner.compute_vertex_normal(vertices, indices, max)).pow(2).sum()) pyredner.save_obj(obj, output_path + '/final.obj') print(output_path + '/final.obj') for i in range(len(cam_poses)): img, obj = model(cam_poses[i], cam_look_at, vertices, ambient_color, dir_light_intensity, dir_light_direction, normals) pyredner.imwrite(, output_path + '/view0{}.png'.format(i)) plt.plot(losses[i], label='view0{}'.format(i)) plt.legend() plt.ylabel("loss") plt.xlabel("iterations") plt.savefig(output_path + "/lossCurve.png", dpi=800) xlim = plt.xlim() ylim = plt.ylim()
# Plot the loss #f, (ax_loss, ax_diff_img, ax_img) = plt.subplots(1, 3) losses[i].append( # Only store images every 10th iterations if t % 5 == 0: # imgs.append(torch.pow(, 1.0 / 2.2).cpu()) # Record the Gamma corrected image pyredner.imwrite(, 'process/process2_img{:0>2d}.png'.format(t // 5)) print("{:.^20}".format(t)) if t == 30: ver_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([vertices], lr=0.01) #for x in losses: # print('0{:0>7.6f}'.format(x), end=' ') pyredner.save_obj(obj, 'process/final.obj') for i in range(len(cam_poses)): img, obj = model(cam_poses[i], cam_look_at, vertices, color_coeffs, ambient_color, dir_light_intensity, dir_light_direction) pyredner.imwrite(, 'process/result/view0{}.png'.format(i)) plt.plot(losses[i]) plt.ylabel("loss") plt.xlabel("iterations") plt.savefig("process/result/lossCurve.png", dpi=800) print(losses)
for ind, img in enumerate(renders): diff = torch.abs(img - targets[ind]) img = diff = pyredner.imwrite( diff, path + "renders/diff_" + str(subdiv) + "_" + str(i) + "_" + str(ind) + ".png") pyredner.imwrite( img, path + "renders/geom_" + str(subdiv) + "_" + str(i) + "_" + str(ind) + ".png") # if torch.abs(loss - prev_loss) < 0.1: # break pyredner.save_obj( optim_objects[0], path + "models/output_" + str(subdiv) + "_" + str(i) + ".obj") loss.backward() optimizer.step() prev_loss = loss i += 1 #if (len(optim_objects[0].indices) > face_target): # simplify(refinemesh, refinemesh, face_target) # face_target += 1000 #refinemesh = path + "models/subdivision_" + str(subdiv) + ".obj" #os.system("meshlabserver -i " + path + "models/output_" + str(i - 1) + ".obj" + " -o " + refinemesh + " -s meshlab/subdivide.mlx") pyredner.save_obj( optim_objects[0],
shape_coe = 30 * torch.ones(199, device=pyredner.get_device( )) #torch.randn(199, device=pyredner.get_device(), dtype=torch.float32) color_coe = 3 * torch.ones( 199, device=pyredner.get_device() ) #torch.tensor(3 * nprd.randn(199), device=pyredner.get_device(), dtype=torch.float32) imgs, obj = model(cam_poses, cam_look_at, shape_coe, color_coe, lights_list, (1000, 1000)) for i in range(len(imgs)): pyredner.imwrite( imgs[i].cpu(), 'generated/dataset_' + name + '/tgt_img{:0>2d}.png'.format(i)) obj.material = pyredner.Material( diffuse_reflectance=torch.tensor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])) pyredner.save_obj(obj, 'generated/dataset_' + name + '/' + name + '.obj')'generated/dataset_' + name + '/env_data.npy', env_data) ''' import urllib #urllib.request.urlretrieve('', 'target.png') target = pyredner.imread('target.png').to(pyredner.get_device()) cam_pos = torch.tensor([-0.2697, -5.7891, 373.9277], requires_grad=True) cam_look_at = torch.tensor([-0.2697, -5.7891, 54.7918], requires_grad=True) shape_coeffs = torch.zeros(199, device=pyredner.get_device(), requires_grad=True) color_coeffs = torch.zeros(199, device=pyredner.get_device(), requires_grad=True) ambient_color = torch.ones(3, device=pyredner.get_device(), requires_grad=True) dir_light_intensity = torch.zeros(3, device=pyredner.get_device(), requires_grad=True) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([shape_coeffs, color_coeffs, ambient_color, dir_light_intensity], lr=0.1) cam_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([cam_pos, cam_look_at], lr=0.5)