def __init__(self, lons=None, lats=None, nprocs=1): if type(lons) != type(lats): raise TypeError('lons and lats must be of same type') elif lons is not None: if lons.shape != lats.shape: raise ValueError('lons and lats must have same shape') self.nprocs = nprocs # check the latitutes if lats is not None and ((lats.min() < -90. or lats.max() > +90.)): # throw exception raise ValueError( 'Some latitudes are outside the [-90.;+90] validity range') else: self.lats = lats # check the longitudes if lons is not None and ((lons.min() < -180. or lons.max() >= +180.)): # issue warning warnings.warn('All geometry objects expect longitudes in the [-180:+180[ range. ' + 'We will now automatically wrap your longitudes into [-180:+180[, and continue. ' + 'To avoid this warning next time, use routine utils.wrap_longitudes().') # wrap longitudes to [-180;+180[ self.lons = utils.wrap_longitudes(lons) else: self.lons = lons self.ndim = None self.cartesian_coords = None
def open_dataset(fname, dtype='f4', res='C384', tile=1): """Reads the binary data for FV3-CHEM input generated by prep_chem_sources. Parameters ---------- fname : type Description of parameter `fname`. **kwargs : This is the kwargs for the fv3grid. Users can define the res='C384' and the tile=1. valid values for them are: res = 'C768' 'C384' 'C192' 'C96' 'C48' tile = 1 2 3 4 5 6 Returns ------- xaray DataArray Description of returned object. """ w = FortranFile(fname) a = w.read_reals(dtype=dtype) r = int(res[1:]) s = a.reshape((r, r), order='F') if has_fv3grid: grid = fg.get_fv3_grid(res=res, tile=tile) # grid = grid.set_coords(['latitude', 'longitude', 'grid_lat', 'grid_lon']) grid['longitude'] = wrap_longitudes(grid.longitude) # grid = grid.rename({'grid_lat': 'lat_b', 'grid_lon': 'lon_b'}) name = fname.split('.bin')[0] grid[name] = (('x', 'y'), s) return grid[name] else: return xr.DataArray(s, dims=('x', 'y'))
def test_wrap_longitudes(self): # test that we indeed wrap to [-180:+180[ step = 60 lons = np.arange(-360,360+step,step) self.assertTrue((lons.min() < -180) and (lons.max() >= 180) and (+180 in lons)) wlons = utils.wrap_longitudes(lons) self.assertFalse((wlons.min() < -180) or (wlons.max() >= 180) or (+180 in wlons))
def test_wrap_longitudes(self): # test that we indeed wrap to [-180:+180[ step = 60 lons = np.arange(-360, 360 + step, step) self.assertTrue((lons.min() < -180) and (lons.max() >= 180) and (+180 in lons)) wlons = utils.wrap_longitudes(lons) self.assertFalse((wlons.min() < -180) or (wlons.max() >= 180) or (+180 in wlons))
def __init__(self, lons, lats, nprocs=1): if lons.shape != lats.shape: raise ValueError('lon and lat arrays must have same shape') elif lons.ndim > 2: raise ValueError('Only 1 and 2 dimensional swaths are allowed') if lons.shape == lats.shape and lons.dtype == lats.dtype: self.shape = lons.shape self.size = lons.size self.ndim = lons.ndim self.dtype = lons.dtype else: raise ValueError(('%s must be created with either ' 'lon/lats of the same shape with same dtype') % self.__class__.__name__) if type(lons) != type(lats): raise TypeError('lons and lats must be of same type') elif lons is not None: if lons.shape != lats.shape: raise ValueError('lons and lats must have same shape') self.nprocs = nprocs # check the latitutes if lats is not None and ((lats.min() < -90. or lats.max() > +90.)): # throw exception raise ValueError( 'Some latitudes are outside the [-90.;+90] validity range') else: self.lats = lats # check the longitudes if lons is not None and ((lons.min() < -180. or lons.max() >= +180.)): # issue warning warnings.warn( 'All geometry objects expect longitudes in the [-180:+180[ range. ' + 'We will now automatically wrap your longitudes into [-180:+180[, and continue. ' + 'To avoid this warning next time, use routine utils.wrap_longitudes().' ) # wrap longitudes to [-180;+180[ self.lons = utils.wrap_longitudes(lons) else: self.lons = lons self.cartesian_coords = None
def open_dataset(fname, dtype="f4", res="C384", tile=1): """Reads the binary data for FV3-CHEM input generated by prep_chem_sources. Parameters ---------- fname : type Description of parameter `fname`. **kwargs : This is the kwargs for the fv3grid. Users can define the res='C384' and the tile=1. valid values for them are: res = 'C768' 'C384' 'C192' 'C96' 'C48' tile = 1 2 3 4 5 6 Returns ------- xaray DataArray Description of returned object. """ from pyresample.utils import wrap_longitudes from import FortranFile w = FortranFile(fname) a = w.read_reals(dtype=dtype) r = int(res[1:]) s = a.reshape((r, r), order="F") if has_fv3grid: grid = fg.get_fv3_grid(res=res, tile=tile) # grid = grid.set_coords(['latitude', 'longitude', 'grid_lat', 'grid_lon']) grid["longitude"] = wrap_longitudes(grid.longitude) # grid = grid.rename({'grid_lat': 'lat_b', 'grid_lon': 'lon_b'}) name = fname.split(".bin")[0] grid[name] = (("x", "y"), s) return grid[name] else: print("Please install the fv3grid from") print("to gain the full capability of this dataset") return xr.DataArray(s, dims=("x", "y"))
def open_mfdataset( fname, earth_radius=6370000, convert_to_ppb=True, var_list=["O3", "PM25"], **kwargs ): """Method to open multiple (or single) CESM netcdf files. This method extends the xarray.open_mfdataset functionality It is the main method called by the driver. Other functions defined in this file are internally called by open_mfdataset and are preceeded by an underscore (e.g. _get_latlon). Parameters ---------- fname : string or list fname is the path to the file or files. It will accept wildcards in strings as well. earth_radius : float The earth radius used for map projections convert_to_ppb : boolean If true the units of the gas species will be converted to ppbv and units of aerosols to ug m^-3 var_list : string or list List of variables to load from the CESM file. Default is to load ozone (O3) and PM2.5 (PM25). Returns ------- xarray.DataSet """ from pyresample.utils import wrap_longitudes # check that the files are netcdf format names, netcdf = _ensure_mfdataset_filenames(fname) # open the dataset using xarray try: if netcdf: dset_load = xr.open_mfdataset(fname, combine="nested", concat_dim="time", **kwargs) else: raise ValueError except ValueError: print( """File format not recognized. Note that files should be in netcdf format. Do not mix and match file types.""" ) ############################# # Process the loaded data # extract variables of choice dset = dset_load.get(var_list) # rename altitude dimension to z for monet use # also rename lon to x and lat to y dset = dset.rename_dims({"lon": "x", "lat": "y", "lev": "z"}) # convert to -180 to 180 longitude lon = wrap_longitudes(dset["lon"]) lat = dset["lat"] lons, lats = meshgrid(lon, lat) dset.coords["longitude"] = (("y", "x"), lons) dset.coords["latitude"] = (("y", "x"), lats) # Set longitude and latitude to be only coordinates dset = dset.reset_coords() dset = dset.set_coords(["latitude", "longitude"]) # re-order so surface is associated with the first vertical index dset = dset.sortby("z", ascending=False) ############################# # convert units if convert_to_ppb: for i in dset.variables: if "units" in dset[i].attrs: # convert all gas species from mol/mol to ppbv if "mol/mol" in dset[i].attrs["units"]: dset[i] *= 1e09 dset[i].attrs["units"] = "ppbv" # convert "kg/m3 to \mu g/m3 " elif "kg/m3" in dset[i].attrs["units"]: dset[i] *= 1e09 dset[i].attrs["units"] = r"$\mu g m^{-3}$" return dset
def bathymetry(target_lat, target_lon, blur=None): CACHE_DIR = current_app.config["CACHE_DIR"] BATHYMETRY_FILE = current_app.config["BATHYMETRY_FILE"] fname = str(np.median(target_lat)) + "," + str(np.median(target_lon)) hashed = hashlib.sha1( "".join(fname + str(target_lat.shape) + str(target_lon.shape)).encode() ).hexdigest() if _bathymetry_cache.get(hashed) is None: try: data = np.load(CACHE_DIR + "/" + hashed + ".npy") except: with Dataset(BATHYMETRY_FILE, "r") as ds: lat = ds.variables["y"] lon = ds.variables["x"] z = ds.variables["z"] def lat_index(v): return int(round((v - lat[0]) * 60.0)) def lon_index(v): return int(round((v - lon[0]) * 60.0)) lon_idx_min = target_lon.argmin() lon_idx_max = target_lon.argmax() target_lon = wrap_longitudes(target_lon) minlat = lat_index(np.amin(target_lat)) maxlat = lat_index(np.amax(target_lat)) minlon = lon_index(target_lon.ravel()[lon_idx_min]) maxlon = lon_index(target_lon.ravel()[lon_idx_max]) if minlon > maxlon: in_lon = np.concatenate((lon[minlon:], lon[0:maxlon])) in_data = np.concatenate( (z[minlat:maxlat, minlon:], z[minlat:maxlat, 0:maxlon]), 1 ) else: in_lon = lon[minlon:maxlon] in_data = z[minlat:maxlat, minlon:maxlon] res = in_data.transpose() * -1 lats, lons = np.meshgrid(lat[minlat:maxlat], in_lon) orig_def = pyresample.geometry.SwathDefinition(lons=lons, lats=lats) target_def = pyresample.geometry.SwathDefinition( lons=target_lon.astype(np.float64), lats=target_lat.astype(np.float64) ) data = pyresample.kd_tree.resample_nearest( orig_def, res, target_def, radius_of_influence=500000, fill_value=None, nprocs=4, ) def do_save(filename, data):, data.filled()) if not os.path.isdir(CACHE_DIR): os.makedirs(CACHE_DIR) t = threading.Thread(target=do_save, args=(CACHE_DIR + "/" + hashed, data)) t.daemon = True t.start() _bathymetry_cache[hashed] = data else: data = _bathymetry_cache[hashed] if blur is not None: try: return gaussian_filter(data, sigma=float(blur)) except: return data else: return data
def bathymetry(basemap, target_lat, target_lon, blur=None): CACHE_DIR = app.config['CACHE_DIR'] BATHYMETRY_FILE = app.config['BATHYMETRY_FILE'] if basemap is None: fname = str(np.median(target_lat)) + "," + str(np.median(target_lon)) else: fname = basemap.filename hashed = hashlib.sha1(fname + str(target_lat.shape) + str(target_lon.shape) ).hexdigest() if _bathymetry_cache.get(hashed) is None: try: data = np.load(CACHE_DIR + "/" + hashed + ".npy") except: with Dataset(BATHYMETRY_FILE, 'r') as ds: lat = ds.variables['y'] lon = ds.variables['x'] z = ds.variables['z'] def lat_index(v): return int(round((v - lat[0]) * 60.0)) def lon_index(v): return int(round((v - lon[0]) * 60.0)) lon_idx_min = target_lon.argmin() lon_idx_max = target_lon.argmax() target_lon = wrap_longitudes(target_lon) minlat = lat_index(np.amin(target_lat)) maxlat = lat_index(np.amax(target_lat)) minlon = lon_index(target_lon.ravel()[lon_idx_min]) maxlon = lon_index(target_lon.ravel()[lon_idx_max]) if minlon > maxlon: in_lon = np.concatenate((lon[minlon:], lon[0:maxlon])) in_data = np.concatenate((z[minlat:maxlat, minlon:], z[minlat:maxlat, 0:maxlon]), 1) else: in_lon = lon[minlon:maxlon] in_data = z[minlat:maxlat, minlon:maxlon] res = in_data.transpose() * -1 lats, lons = np.meshgrid(lat[minlat:maxlat], in_lon) orig_def = pyresample.geometry.SwathDefinition( lons=lons, lats=lats) target_def = pyresample.geometry.SwathDefinition( lons=target_lon.astype(np.float64), lats=target_lat.astype(np.float64)) data = pyresample.kd_tree.resample_nearest( orig_def, res, target_def, radius_of_influence=500000, fill_value=None, nprocs=4) def do_save(filename, data):, data.filled()) if not os.path.isdir(CACHE_DIR): os.makedirs(CACHE_DIR) t = threading.Thread( target=do_save, args=(CACHE_DIR + "/" + hashed, data)) t.daemon = True t.start() _bathymetry_cache[hashed] = data else: data = _bathymetry_cache[hashed] if blur is not None: try: return gaussian_filter(data, sigma=float(blur)) except: return data else: return data
def set_gridlines_info_dict(gridlines_info, area_def): ''' Set the final values for gridlines plotting params, pulling from argument and defaults. Args: gridlines_info (dict) : Dictionary of parameters for plotting gridlines. The following fields are available. If a field is not included in the dictionary, the field is added to the return dictionary and the default is used. gridlines_info['grid_lat_spacing'] default auto calculated 5 lat grid lines gridlines_info['grid_lon_spacing'] default auto calculated 5 lon grid lines gridlines_info['grid_lat_xoffset'] default None (0.01 * image height) gridlines_info['grid_lon_xoffset'] default None (0.01 * image width) gridlines_info['grid_lat_yoffset'] default None (0.01 * image height) gridlines_info['grid_lon_yoffset'] default None (0.01 * image width) gridlines_info['grid_lat_fontsize'] default None (plot fontsize) gridlines_info['grid_lon_fontsize'] default None (plot fontsize) gridlines_info['left_label'] default True gridlines_info['right_label'] default False gridlines_info['top_label'] default True gridlines_info['bottom_label'] default False gridlines_info['grid_lat_linewidth'] default 1 gridlines_info['grid_lon_linewidth'] default 1 gridlines_info['grid_lat_color'] default 'black' gridlines_info['grid_lon_color'] default 'black' gridlines_info['grid_lat_dashes'] default [4, 2] gridlines_info['grid_lon_dashes'] default [4, 2] Returns: (dict) : gridlines_info dictionary, with fields as specified above. ''' use_gridlines_info = {} if gridlines_info is None or 'grid_lat_spacing' not in gridlines_info.keys()\ or 'grid_lon_spacing' not in gridlines_info.keys(): from pyresample import utils minlat = area_def.area_extent_ll[1] maxlat = area_def.area_extent_ll[3] minlon = utils.wrap_longitudes(area_def.area_extent_ll[0]) maxlon = utils.wrap_longitudes(area_def.area_extent_ll[2]) if minlon > maxlon and maxlon < 0: maxlon = maxlon + 360 lon_extent = maxlon - minlon lat_extent = maxlat - minlat if lon_extent > 5: lon_spacing = int(lon_extent / 5) elif lon_extent > 2.5: lon_spacing = 1 else: lon_spacing = lon_extent / 5.0 if lat_extent > 5: lat_spacing = int(lat_extent / 5) elif lat_extent > 2.5: lat_spacing = 1 else: lat_spacing = lat_extent / 5.0'lon_extent: %s, lon_spacing: %s', lon_extent, lon_spacing) use_gridlines_info['grid_lat_spacing'] = lat_spacing use_gridlines_info['grid_lon_spacing'] = lon_spacing use_gridlines_info['left_label'] = True use_gridlines_info['right_label'] = False use_gridlines_info['top_label'] = True use_gridlines_info['bottom_label'] = False use_gridlines_info['grid_lat_linewidth'] = 1 use_gridlines_info['grid_lon_linewidth'] = 1 use_gridlines_info['grid_lat_color'] = 'black' use_gridlines_info['grid_lon_color'] = 'black' use_gridlines_info['grid_lat_xoffset'] = None use_gridlines_info['grid_lon_xoffset'] = None use_gridlines_info['grid_lat_yoffset'] = None use_gridlines_info['grid_lon_yoffset'] = None use_gridlines_info['grid_lat_fontsize'] = None use_gridlines_info['grid_lon_fontsize'] = None use_gridlines_info['grid_lat_dashes'] = [4, 2] use_gridlines_info['grid_lon_dashes'] = [4, 2] if gridlines_info is not None: for gkey in gridlines_info.keys(): if gridlines_info[gkey] is not None: use_gridlines_info[gkey] = gridlines_info[gkey] return use_gridlines_info
def sector_xarray_spatial(full_xarray, extent_lonlat, varnames, lon_pad=3, lat_pad=0, verbose=False): ''' Sector an xarray object spatially. If full_xarray is None, return None. Parameters: full_xarray (xarray.Dataset): xarray object to sector spatially extent_lonlat (list of float): Area to sector: [MINLON, MINLAT, MAXLON, MAXLAT] varnames (list of str): list of variable names that should be sectored based on 'timestamp' Returns: None: if full_xarray is None, return None time_xarray: return ''' if full_xarray is None: if verbose: 'full_xarray is None - not attempting to sector spatially, returning None' ) return None sector_xarray = full_xarray.copy() import numpy from pyresample import utils if verbose:'Padding longitudes') # convert extent longitude to be within 0-360 range extent_lonlat[0] = utils.wrap_longitudes(extent_lonlat[0]) - lon_pad extent_lonlat[2] = utils.wrap_longitudes(extent_lonlat[2]) + lon_pad if extent_lonlat[0] > extent_lonlat[2] and extent_lonlat[2] < 0: extent_lonlat[2] = extent_lonlat[2] + 360 extent_lonlat[1] = extent_lonlat[1] - lat_pad extent_lonlat[3] = extent_lonlat[3] + lat_pad if verbose:'Padding latitudes') # Make sure we don't extend latitudes beyond -90 / +90 if extent_lonlat[1] < -90.0: extent_lonlat[1] = -90.0 if extent_lonlat[3] > 90.0: extent_lonlat[3] = 90.0 if verbose:'Wrapping longitudes') import xarray lons = utils.wrap_longitudes(full_xarray['longitude']) if verbose:'Handling dateline') if lons.max() > 179.5 and lons.min( ) < -179.5 and extent_lonlat[2] > 0 and extent_lonlat[0] > 0: lons = xarray.where(full_xarray['longitude'] < 0, full_xarray['longitude'] + 360, full_xarray['longitude']) lats = full_xarray['latitude'] for varname in varnames: good_speeds =[varname].to_masked_array()) if verbose:'STARTED SPATIAL WITH %s points for %s', good_speeds, varname) if verbose: 'Getting appropriate sector area lon %s to %s lat %s to %s, minlon %s, maxlon %s, minlat %s, maxlat %s, %s points', extent_lonlat[0], extent_lonlat[2], extent_lonlat[1], extent_lonlat[3], lons.min().data, lons.max().data, lats.min().data, lats.max().data, good_speeds) sector_inds = (lons > extent_lonlat[0])\ & (lons < extent_lonlat[2])\ & (full_xarray['latitude'] > extent_lonlat[1])\ & (full_xarray['latitude'] < extent_lonlat[3]) # from IPython import embed as shell; shell() covg = False final_good_points = 0 for varname in varnames: sector_xarray[varname] = full_xarray[varname].where(sector_inds) good_speeds =[varname].to_masked_array()) if good_speeds > final_good_points: final_good_points = good_speeds if sector_xarray[ 'latitude'].size < MIN_POINTS or good_speeds < MIN_POINTS: if verbose: LOG.warning( 'INSUFFICIENT SPATIAL DATA between %0.2f and %0.2f lon and %0.2f and %0.2f lat, varname %s, %s points', extent_lonlat[0], extent_lonlat[2], extent_lonlat[1], extent_lonlat[3], varname, good_speeds) else: if verbose: 'MATCHED SPATIAL %s points for var %s after location sectoring', good_speeds, varname) covg = True if not covg: LOG.warning( 'OVERALL INSUFFICIENT SPATIAL DATA between %0.2f and %0.2f lon and %0.2f and %0.2f lat', extent_lonlat[0], extent_lonlat[2], extent_lonlat[1], extent_lonlat[3]) return None LOG.warning( 'OVERALL SUFFICIENT SPATIAL DATA between %0.2f and %0.2f lon and %0.2f and %0.2f lat %s points', extent_lonlat[0], extent_lonlat[2], extent_lonlat[1], extent_lonlat[3], final_good_points) return sector_xarray
def window(self, lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max): """Function to window, ie select a specific region, given the lower left latitude and longitude and the upper right latitude and longitude Parameters ---------- lat_min : float lower left latitude . lon_min : float lower left longitude. lat_max : float upper right latitude. lon_max : float upper right longitude. Returns ------- xr.DataSet returns the windowed object. """ try: from pyresample import utils from .util.interp_util import nearest_point_swathdefinition as npsd from .util.interp_util import lonlat_to_swathdefinition as llsd from numpy import concatenate has_pyresample = True except ImportError: has_pyresample = False try: if has_pyresample: lons, lats = utils.check_and_wrap(self.obj.longitude.values, self.obj.latitude.values) swath = llsd(longitude=lons, latitude=lats) pswath_ll = npsd(longitude=float(lon_min), latitude=float(lat_min)) pswath_ur = npsd(longitude=float(lon_max), latitude=float(lat_max)) row, col = utils.generate_nearest_neighbour_linesample_arrays( swath, pswath_ll, float(1e6)) y_ll, x_ll = row[0][0], col[0][0] row, col = utils.generate_nearest_neighbour_linesample_arrays( swath, pswath_ur, float(1e6)) y_ur, x_ur = row[0][0], col[0][0] if x_ur < x_ll: x1 = self.obj.x.where(self.obj.x >= x_ll, drop=True).values x2 = self.obj.x.where(self.obj.x <= x_ur, drop=True).values xrange = concatenate([x1, x2]).astype(int) self.obj['longitude'][:] = utils.wrap_longitudes( self.obj.longitude.values) # xrange = arange(float(x_ur), float(x_ll), dtype=int) else: xrange = slice(x_ll, x_ur) if y_ur < y_ll: y1 = self.obj.y.where(self.obj.y >= y_ll, drop=True).values y2 = self.obj.y.where(self.obj.y <= y_ur, drop=True).values yrange = concatenate([y1, y2]).astype(int) else: yrange = slice(y_ll, y_ur) return self.obj.sel(x=xrange, y=yrange) else: raise ImportError except ImportError: print('Window functionality is unavailable without pyresample')