def login(self, username, password, **options): """ logs in the provided user and gets a valid token. :param str username: username. :param str password: password. :raises InvalidUserInfoError: invalid user info error. :raises UserNotFoundError: user not found error. :raises UserIsNotActiveError: user is not active error. :returns: a valid token. :rtype: str """ if username is None or password is None: raise InvalidUsernameOrPasswordError(_('Username or password is invalid.')) store = get_current_store() user = store.query(UserEntity).filter(UserEntity.username == username).one_or_none() fail_message = _('User not found, make sure that ' 'username and password are correct.') if user is None: raise UserNotFoundError(fail_message) if hashing_services.is_match(password, user.password_hash) is not True: raise UserNotFoundError(fail_message) if user.is_active is False: raise UserIsNotActiveError(_('User [{user_id}] is not active.' .format( user.last_login_date = store.add(user) payload = DTO( return DTO(access_token=toke_services.generate_access_token(payload, is_fresh=True), refresh_token=toke_services.generate_refresh_token(payload))
class PersonIMDBPageValidator(HTTPSValidator): """ person imdb page validator class. """ regex = r'^[\d]+/$' default_minimum_length = 30 default_maximum_length = 150 default_allow_blank = False default_allow_whitespace = False default_nullable = True pattern_not_match_message = _('The provided value for [{param_name}] ' 'is not a valid imdb person page.')
def get(self, id): """ gets actor with given id. it raises an error if actor does not exist. :param int id: person id. :raises ActorDoesNotExistError: actor does not exist error. :rtype: PersonEntity """ entity = self._get(id) if entity is None: raise ActorDoesNotExistError(_('Actor with id [{id}] does not exist.') .format(id=id)) return entity
def get(self, id): """ gets genre with given id. it raises an error if genre does not exist. :param int id: genre id. :raises GenreDoesNotExistError: genre does not exist error. :rtype: GenreEntity """ entity = self._get(id) if entity is None: raise GenreDoesNotExistError( _('Genre with id [{id}] does not exist.').format(id=id)) return entity
def get(self, id): """ gets language with given id. it raises an error if language does not exist. :param int id: language id. :raises LanguageDoesNotExistError: language does not exist error. :rtype: LanguageEntity """ entity = self._get(id) if entity is None: raise LanguageDoesNotExistError(_('Language with id [{id}] does not exist.') .format(id=id)) return entity
def get(self, province_id, **options): """ gets the specified province. :param int province_id: province id to get its info. :raises ProvinceNotFoundError: province not found error. :returns: dict(int id, str name) :rtype: dict """ store = get_current_store() province = store.query(ProvinceEntity).get(province_id) if province is None: raise ProvinceNotFoundError(_('Province [{province_id}] not found.' .format(province_id=province_id))) return province.to_dict()
def get(self, city_id, **options): """ gets the specified city. :param int city_id: city id to get its info. :raises CityNotFoundError: city not found error. :returns: dict(int id, str name, int province_id: province id) :rtype: dict """ store = get_current_store() city = store.query(CityEntity).get(city_id) if city is None: raise CityNotFoundError( _('City [{city_id}] not found.'.format(city_id=city_id))) return city.to_dict()