def handle(self): console.log(console.INFO, 'Connection Request') #print "req:",self.request,"ser:",self.server,"client:",self.client_address #print "socket=" , self.request.socket self.done = 0 while not self.done: data = self.request.recv(MSG_MAX_LEN) if not data: break #client forced close connection try: #unpickle the message msg = pickle.loads(data) except: #error console.log(console.ERROR, 'Unrecognized msg format[' + data + ']') sendmsg = Message(type="String", body="Error - no format") else: sendmsg = self.process(msg) #there must be a response for each incoming message #pickle the message out senddata = pickle.dumps(sendmsg, 0) #0 for ASCII encrypt #print "Send:\t",`senddata` self.request.send(senddata) #close connection self.request.close()
def handle(self): console.log(console.INFO,'Connection Request') #print "req:",self.request,"ser:",self.server,"client:",self.client_address #print "socket=" , self.request.socket self.done = 0 while not self.done: data = self.request.recv(MSG_MAX_LEN) if not data: break #client forced close connection try: #unpickle the message msg = cPickle.loads(data) except: #error console.log(console.ERROR,'Unrecognized msg format[' + data+']') sendmsg = Message(type="String",body="Error - no format") else: sendmsg = self.process(msg) #there must be a response for each incoming message #pickle the message out senddata = cPickle.dumps(sendmsg,0)#0 for ASCII encrypt #print "Send:\t",`senddata` self.request.send(senddata) #close connection self.request.close()
def connect(self): """ Connect to server - already defined in init """ shift = 0 done = 0 while not done: try: console.log(console.INFO, "trying port:" + str(self.port + shift)) self.s.connect((, self.port + shift)) self.port += shift self.init_server() break except: console.log(console.WARNING, "Connection failed" + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) #print "eer=",sys.exc_info()[0],']' #for some reason, I need to restart the socket #after every failed try to connect self.s.close() self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) shift += 1 if (shift > 10): break if (shift > 10): console.log(console.FATAL,'Client can\'t connect:' + ` + ":"\ + str(self.port)`) self.alive = 0 else: console.log(console.INFO,'Client connected to ' + ` + ":"\ + str(self.port)`)
def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=PYROPORT): """ Init the class - define socket type """ = host self.port = port self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) console.log(console.INFO,'Client init') self.alive = 1 #0 for false, 1 for true - flag to quit
def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=PYROPORT): """ Init the class - define socket type """ = host self.port = port self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) console.log(console.INFO, 'Client init') self.alive = 1 #0 for false, 1 for true - flag to quit
def init_server(self): """ This function will send a verification message to test if client is connected to a SimServer or some other one! It will raise an exception if it was wrong """ self.send(Message("Init")) ret = self.receive() if (ret.type == "OK" and ret.body=="Init"):#Good server! console.log(console.INFO,'Server Verified') else: console.log(console.INFO,'Server incompatible') raise ConnectionError, 'Wrong Server'
def init_server(self): """ This function will send a verification message to test if client is connected to a SimServer or some other one! It will raise an exception if it was wrong """ self.send(Message("Init")) ret = self.receive() if (ret.type == "OK" and ret.body == "Init"): #Good server! console.log(console.INFO, 'Server Verified') else: console.log(console.INFO, 'Server incompatible') raise ConnectionError('Wrong Server')
def connect(self): """ Connect to server - already defined in init """ shift = 0 done = 0 while not done: try: console.log(console.INFO,"trying port:" + str(self.port+shift)) self.s.connect((, self.port+shift)) self.port += shift self.init_server() break except: console.log(console.WARNING, "Connection failed" + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) #print "eer=",sys.exc_info()[0],']' #for some reason, I need to restart the socket #after every failed try to connect self.s.close() self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) shift += 1 if (shift > 10): break if (shift>10): console.log(console.FATAL,'Client can\'t connect:' + ` + ":"\ + str(self.port)`) self.alive = 0 else: console.log(console.INFO,'Client connected to ' + ` + ":"\ + str(self.port)`)
def receive(self): """ Rewceives a string, unpickle it, then returns the Message object """ #get msg msg = self.receiveString() #smsg = Message() try: #unpickle it smsg = pickle.loads(msg) except: #error console.log(console.ERROR, 'Unrecognized msg format[' + msg + ']') #raise #print "error=[", sys.exc_info()[0],"]" smsg = Message() return smsg
def receive(self): """ Rewceives a string, unpickle it, then returns the Message object """ #get msg msg = self.receiveString() #smsg = Message() try: #unpickle it smsg = cPickle.loads(msg) except: #error console.log(console.ERROR,'Unrecognized msg format[' + msg+']') #raise #print "error=[", sys.exc_info()[0],"]" smsg = Message() return smsg
def process(self,data): """this functin will handle all the incoming messages from client args: data - Message class return: msg - Message class """ if (data.type == "Init"): msg = Message("OK","Init") elif (data.type == "ExecCode"): #run code exec data.body msg = Message("OK","ExecCode") elif (data.type == "Robot"): #any messages that deal with robots msg = self.process_robot(data) else: console.log(console.WARNING,'Unknown message type from client['\ + data.type + ']') msg = Message("Error","unknown type[" + data.type + "]") return msg
def process(self, data): """this functin will handle all the incoming messages from client args: data - Message class return: msg - Message class """ if (data.type == "Init"): msg = Message("OK", "Init") elif (data.type == "ExecCode"): #run code exec(data.body) msg = Message("OK", "ExecCode") elif (data.type == "Robot"): #any messages that deal with robots msg = self.process_robot(data) else: console.log(console.WARNING,'Unknown message type from client['\ + data.type + ']') msg = Message("Error", "unknown type[" + data.type + "]") return msg
def __init__(self, ip_port, handler): """ The official - behind the scenes - init don't change anything add any init code to init_world() this init will reserve IP_Port and stuff like that """ self.alive = 1 self.request_queue_size = 10 shift = 0 while 1: try: console.log(console.INFO,'Trying port :' + str(PYROPORT+shift)) #print "trying port:",PYROPORT+shift SocketServer.TCPServer.__init__(self,ip_port, \ handler) break except: shift += 1 ip_port=("localhost",PYROPORT+shift) if (shift > 10): break if (shift>10): console.log(console.FATAL,'Can\'t bind ' + str(ip_port)) return else: console.log(console.INFO,'Server at ' + str(ip_port)) self.init_world()
def __init__(self, ip_port, handler): """ The official - behind the scenes - init don't change anything add any init code to init_world() this init will reserve IP_Port and stuff like that """ self.alive = 1 self.request_queue_size = 10 shift = 0 while 1: try: console.log(console.INFO, 'Trying port :' + str(PYROPORT + shift)) #print "trying port:",PYROPORT+shift socketserver.TCPServer.__init__(self,ip_port, \ handler) break except: shift += 1 ip_port = ("localhost", PYROPORT + shift) if (shift > 10): break if (shift > 10): console.log(console.FATAL, 'Can\'t bind ' + str(ip_port)) return else: console.log(console.INFO, 'Server at ' + str(ip_port)) self.init_world()
def quit(self): console.log(console.INFO,'Server is quitting') #self.socket.shutdown(0) self.alive = 0 self.socket.close()
def close(self): """ Close connection """ console.log(console.INFO,'Client closing') self.s.close()
def quit(self): console.log(console.INFO, 'Server is quitting') #self.socket.shutdown(0) self.alive = 0 self.socket.close()
def close(self): """ Close connection """ console.log(console.INFO, 'Client closing') self.s.close()