def add_events(self, events=None, filename=None): if events is not None: if filename is not None: logger.debug('Loading events from file %s' % filename)
def plot_medians_meca(events, eventsclusters, clusters, conf, resdir, plotdir): nclusters = len(clusters) f = plt.figure(figsize=(10., 4.)) f.subplots_adjust(left=0., right=1., bottom=0., top=1.) axes = f.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) for icl, cl in enumerate(clusters): medians = model.load_events( os.path.join(resdir, 'median_cluster' + str(cl) + '.pf')) median = medians[0] if median.moment_tensor is not None: median_mt = median.moment_tensor beachball.plot_beachball_mpl(median_mt, axes, beachball_type='full', size=150., position=((10. * (icl + 0.5) / nclusters), 2.), color_t=cluster_to_color(cl), alpha=1.0, linewidth=1.0) axes.set_xlim(0., 10.) axes.set_ylim(0., 4.) axes.set_axis_off() figname = os.path.join(plotdir, 'medians_meca.' + conf.figure_format) f.savefig(figname)
def get_events(self): if self.events_path is None: return None if self._events is None: self._events = model.load_events(self.expand_path( self.events_path)) return self._events
def setup(self): self.data_pile = pile.make_pile( self.data_paths, fileformat=self.data_format) if self.data_pile.is_empty(): sys.exit('Data pile is empty!') self.deltat_want = self.config.deltat_want or \ min(self.data_pile.deltats.keys()) self.n_samples = int( (self.config.sample_length + self.config.tpad) / self.deltat_want) logger.debug('loading marker file %s' % self.fn_markers) # loads just plain markers: markers = marker.load_markers(self.fn_markers) if self.fn_events: markers.extend( [marker.EventMarker(e) for e in load_events(self.fn_events)]) if self.sort_markers:'sorting markers!') markers.sort(key=lambda x: x.tmin) marker.associate_phases_to_events(markers) markers_by_nsl = {} for m in markers: if not m.match_nsl([:3]): continue if m.get_phasename().upper() != self.align_phase: continue markers_by_nsl.setdefault(m.one_nslc()[:3], []).append(m) assert(len(markers_by_nsl) == 1) # filter markers that do not have an event assigned: self.markers = list(markers_by_nsl.values())[0] if not self.labeled: dummy_event = Event(lat=0., lon=0., depth=0.) for m in self.markers: if not m.get_event(): m.set_event(dummy_event) self.markers = [m for m in self.markers if m.get_event() is not None] if not len(self.markers): raise Exception('No markers left in dataset') self.config.channels = list(self.data_pile.nslc_ids.keys()) self.config.channels.sort()
def process(args, scenario_folder, n_tests=1, show=True): nstart = 8 array_centers = [] from .guesstimate_depth_v02 import PlotSettings, plot events = [] stations = [] mod = insheim_layered_model() for i in range(nstart, nstart+1): i = 8 scenario_folder = "scenarios/" print("%s/scenario_%s/event.txt" % (scenario_folder, i)) events.append(model.load_events("%s/scenario_%s/event.txt" % (scenario_folder, i))[0]) stations.append(model.load_stations("%s/scenario_%s/" % (scenario_folder, i))) traces = io.load(pjoin("%sscenario_%s/" % (scenario_folder, i), 'traces.mseed')) event = events[0] stations = stations[0] min_dist = min( [ortho.distance_accurate50m(s, event) for s in stations]) max_dist = max( [ortho.distance_accurate50m(s, event) for s in stations]) tmin = CakeTiming(phase_selection='first(p|P|PP)-10', fallback_time=0.001) tmax = CakeTiming(phase_selection='first(p|P|PP)+52', fallback_time=1000.) timing=(tmin, tmax) fns = ['.'] array_id = "INS" settings_fn = pjoin("%sscenario_%s/" % (scenario_folder, i), 'plot_settings.yaml') settings = PlotSettings.from_argument_parser(args) if not settings.trace_filename: settings.trace_filename = pjoin("%sscenario_%s/" % (scenario_folder, i), 'beam.mseed') if not settings.station_filename: fn_array_center = pjoin("%sscenario_%s/" % (scenario_folder, i), '') settings.station_filename = fn_array_center station = model.load_stations(fn_array_center) settings.store_id = 'landau_100hz' settings.event_filename = pjoin("%sscenario_%s/" % (scenario_folder, i), "event.txt") settings.save_as = pjoin("%sscenario_%s/" % (scenario_folder, i), "depth_%(array-id)s.png") plot(settings) if args.overwrite_settings: settings.dump(filename=settings_fn) if show is True:
def get_event_names(self): def extra(path): return expand_template(path, dict(event_name='*')) def fp(path): return self.expand_path(path, extra=extra) events = [] for fn in glob.glob(fp(self.events_path)): events.extend(model.load_events(filename=fn)) event_names = [ for ev in events] return event_names
def setup(self): self.data_pile = pile.make_pile( self.data_paths, fileformat=self.data_format) if self.data_pile.is_empty(): sys.exit('Data pile is empty!') self.deltat_want = self.config.deltat_want or \ min(self.data_pile.deltats.keys()) self.n_samples = int( (self.config.sample_length + self.config.tpad) / self.deltat_want) logger.debug('loading marker file %s' % self.fn_markers) # loads just plain markers: markers = marker.load_markers(self.fn_markers) if self.fn_events: markers.extend( [marker.EventMarker(e) for e in load_events(self.fn_events)]) marker.associate_phases_to_events(markers) markers = [m for m in markers if isinstance(m, marker.PhaseMarker)] markers_dict = defaultdict(list) for m in markers: if m.get_phasename().upper() != self.align_phase: continue markers_dict[m.get_event()].append(m) self.markers = [] for e, _markers in markers_dict.items(): first = min(_markers, key=lambda x: x.tmin) self.markers.append(first) if not self.labeled: dummy_event = Event(lat=0., lon=0., depth=0.) for m in self.markers: if not m.get_event(): m.set_event(dummy_event) self.markers = [m for m in self.markers if m.get_event() is not None] if not len(self.markers): raise Exception('No markers left in dataset') self.config.channels = list(self.data_pile.nslc_ids.keys()) self.config.channels.sort()
def add_events(self, events=None, filename=None): if events is not None: if filename is not None: logger.debug('Loading events from file "%s"...' % filename) try: events = model.load_events(filename)'Loading events from %s: %i events found.' % (filename, len(events))) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Could not load events from %s!', filename) raise e
def load_comparison(self): ''' For comparison in synthetic tests. ''' fn = self.input_filename(caption='Select an event catalog') kind_compare = 4 compare_events = model.load_events(fn) markers = [ gui_util.EventMarker(event=e, kind=kind_compare) for e in compare_events ] self.markers_compare = markers self.add_markers(self.markers_compare)
def read_data(event_fn): events = model.load_events(event_fn) moment_tensors = [] for e in events: if e.moment_tensor is not None: moment_tensors.append(e.moment_tensor) else: moment_tensors.append(None) normals = moment_tensors2normals(moment_tensors) centers = to_cartesian(events) colors = to_colors(moment_tensors) return normals, centers, colors
def assoicate_single(ev, data_dir, store_id, store, stations=None, pre=0.5, post=3, reference_event=None, min_len=420, pick_sigma=0.02): events = [] waveforms = [] labels = [] gf_freq = store.config.sample_rate mod = store.config.earthmodel_1d found = False pathlist = Path(data_dir).glob('ev_*/') for path in sorted(pathlist): targets = [] path = str(path)+"/" try: event = model.load_events(path+"event.txt")[0] if ev.time-10 < event.time and ev.time+10 > event.time: traces_loaded = io.load(path+"/waveforms/rest/traces.mseed") stations_unsorted = model.load_stations(data_dir+"") for st in stations_unsorted: st.dist = orthodrome.distance_accurate50m(, st.lon,, event.lon) st.azi = orthodrome.azimuth(, st.lon,, event.lon) stations = sorted(stations_unsorted, key=lambda x: x.dist, reverse=True) traces_processed = [] traces = wp.check_traces(traces_loaded, stations, min_len=min_len) traces_processed, nsamples = wp.process_loaded_waveforms(traces, stations, ev, gf_freq, mod, pre, post) if found is False: events.append(event) waveforms.append(traces_processed) found = True except: pass data_events, nsamples = wp.prepare_waveforms(waveforms) return data_events, nsamples, event
def prep_data_batch(data_dir, store_id, stations=None, pre=0.5, post=3, reference_event=None, min_len=420, pick_sigma=0.02): engine = LocalEngine(store_superdirs=['/home/asteinbe/gf_stores']) store = engine.get_store(store_id) mod = store.config.earthmodel_1d gf_freq = store.config.sample_rate cake_phase = cake.PhaseDef("P") phase_list = [cake_phase] events = [] waveforms = [] waveforms_shifted = [] events = scedc_util.scedc_fm_to_pyrocko(file) labels = labels_from_events(events) pathlist = Path(data_dir).glob('ev_0/') for path in sorted(pathlist): try: targets = [] path = str(path)+"/" event = model.load_events(path+"event.txt")[0] traces_loaded = io.load(path+"traces.mseed") stations_unsorted = model.load_stations(data_dir+"") for st in stations_unsorted: st.dist = orthodrome.distance_accurate50m(, st.lon,, event.lon) st.azi = orthodrome.azimuth(, st.lon,, event.lon) stations = sorted(stations_unsorted, key=lambda x: x.dist, reverse=True) traces_processed = [] traces = check_traces(traces_loaded, stations, min_len=min_len) traces_processed, nsamples = wp.process_loaded_waveforms(traces, stations, event, gf_freq, mod, pre, post) events.append(event) waveforms.append(traces_processed) except: pass return waveforms, nsamples, events, waveforms_shifted
def subset_events_dist_cat(catalog, mag_min, mag_max, tmin, tmax, st_lat, st_lon, dist_min=None, dist_max=None): """ Extract a subset of events from event catalog :param catalog: Event catalog in pyrocko format :param mag_min: Min. magnitude :param mag_max: Max. magnitude :param tmin: string representing UTC time :param tmax: string representing UTC time :param format tmin: time string format ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.OPTFRAC') :param format tmax: time string format ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.OPTFRAC') :param dist_min: min. distance (km) :param dist_max: max. distance (km) :param depth_min :param depth_max :returns: list of events """ use_events = [] events = model.load_events(catalog) for ev in events: if ev.magnitude < mag_max and\ ev.magnitude > mag_min and\ ev.time < util.str_to_time(tmax) and\ ev.time > util.str_to_time(tmin): if dist_min or dist_max: dist = orthodrome.distance_accurate50m_numpy(, ev.lon, st_lat, st_lon)/1000. if dist_min and dist_max and\ dist > dist_min and dist < dist_max: use_events.append(ev) if dist_min and not dist_max and dist > dist_min: use_events.append(ev) if dist_max and not dist_min and dist < dist_max: use_events.append(ev) return(use_events)
def get_event_names(self): def extra(path): return expand_template(path, dict(event_name='*')) def fp(path): return self.expand_path(path, extra=extra) events = [] events_path = fp(self.events_path) fns = glob.glob(events_path) if not fns: raise DatasetError('No event files matching "%s".' % events_path) for fn in fns: events.extend(model.load_events(filename=fn)) event_names = [ for ev in events] event_names.sort() return event_names
def get_event_names(self):'Loading events ...') def extra(path): return expand_template(path, dict( event_name='*')) def fp(path): return self.expand_path(path, extra=extra) def check_events(events, fn): for ev in events: if not logger.warning('Event in %s has no name!', fn) return if not or not ev.lon: logger.warning('Event %s has inconsistent coordinates!', if not ev.depth: logger.warning('Event %s has no depth!', if not ev.time: logger.warning('Event %s has no time!', events = [] events_path = fp(self.events_path) fns = glob.glob(events_path) if not fns: raise DatasetError('No event files matching "%s".' % events_path) for fn in fns: logger.debug('Loading from file %s' % fn) ev = model.load_events(filename=fn) check_events(ev, fn) events.extend(ev) event_names = [ for ev_ in events] event_names.sort() return event_names
def read_data(event_fn=None, events=None, get=None): if event_fn is not None and events is None: events = model.load_events(event_fn) else: events = events moment_tensors = [] for e in events: if e.moment_tensor is not None: moment_tensors.append(e.moment_tensor) else: moment_tensors.append(None) centers = to_cartesian(events) colors = to_colors(moment_tensors) normals = [] if get == 'rupture_plane': normals.append(get_rupture_planes(moment_tensors, centers)) else: for g in get: normals.append(moment_tensors2normals(moment_tensors, g)) return normals, centers, colors
def read_data(event_fn=None, events=None, get=None): if event_fn is not None and events is None: events = model.load_events(event_fn) else: events = events moment_tensors = [] for e in events: if e.moment_tensor is not None: moment_tensors.append(e.moment_tensor) else: moment_tensors.append(None) centers = to_cartesian(events) colors = to_colors(moment_tensors) normals = [] if get=='rupture_plane': normals.append(get_rupture_planes(moment_tensors, centers)) else: for g in get: normals.append(moment_tensors2normals(moment_tensors, g)) return normals, centers, colors
def beam(scenario_folder, n_tests=1, show=False): nstart = 8 array_centers = [] events = [] stations = [] mod = insheim_layered_model() for i in range(nstart, n_tests): print("%s/scenario_%s/event.txt" % (scenario_folder, i)) events.append(model.load_events("%s/scenario_%s/event.txt" % (scenario_folder, i))[0]) stations.append(model.load_stations("%s/scenario_%s/" % (scenario_folder, i))) traces = io.load(pjoin("%sscenario_%s/" % (scenario_folder, i), 'traces.mseed')) event = events[0] stations = stations[0] min_dist = min( [ortho.distance_accurate50m(s, event) for s in stations]) max_dist = max( [ortho.distance_accurate50m(s, event) for s in stations]) tmin = CakeTiming(phase_selection='first(p|P|PP)-10', fallback_time=0.001) tmax = CakeTiming(phase_selection='first(p|P|PP)+52', fallback_time=1000.) timing=(tmin, tmax) tstart = timing[0].t(mod, (event.depth, min_dist)) tend = timing[1].t(mod, (event.depth, max_dist)) normalize = True bf = BeamForming(stations, traces, normalize=normalize) bf.process(event=event, timing=tmin, fn_dump_center=pjoin("%sscenario_%s/" % (scenario_folder, i), ''), fn_beam=pjoin("%sscenario_%s/" % (scenario_folder, i), 'beam.mseed'), station="INS") if show is True: bf.plot(fn=pjoin("%sscenario_%s/" % (scenario_folder, i), 'beam_shifts.png')) array_centers.append(bf.station_c)
def plot(settings, show=False): #align_phase = 'P(cmb)P<(icb)(cmb)p' with_onset_line = False fill = True align_phase = 'P' zoom_window = settings.zoom ampl_scaler = '4*standard deviation' quantity = settings.quantity zstart, zstop, inkr = settings.depths.split(':') test_depths = num.arange(float(zstart)*km, float(zstop)*km, float(inkr)*km) try: traces = io.load(settings.trace_filename) except FileLoadError as e: return event = model.load_events(settings.event_filename) assert len(event)==1 event = event[0] event.depth = float(settings.depth) * 1000. base_source = MTSource.from_pyrocko_event(event) test_sources = [] for d in test_depths: s = base_source.clone() s.depth = float(d) test_sources.append(s) if settings.store_superdirs: engine = LocalEngine(store_superdirs=settings.store_superdirs) else: engine = LocalEngine(use_config=True) try: store = engine.get_store(settings.store_id) except seismosizer.NoSuchStore as e:'%s ... skipping.' % e) return stations = model.load_stations(settings.station_filename) station = filter(lambda s: match_nslc('%s.%s.%s.*' % s.nsl(), traces[0].nslc_id), stations) assert len(station) == 1 station = station[0] targets = [station_to_target(station, quantity=quantity, store_id=settings.store_id)] try: request = engine.process(targets=targets, sources=test_sources) except seismosizer.NoSuchStore as e:'%s ... skipping.' % e) return except meta.OutOfBounds as error: if settings.force_nearest_neighbor: logger.warning('%s Using nearest neighbor instead.' % error) mod_targets = [] for t in targets: closest_source = min(test_sources, key=lambda s: s.distance_to(t)) farthest_source = max(test_sources, key=lambda s: s.distance_to(t)) min_dist_delta = store.config.distance_min - closest_source.distance_to(t) max_dist_delta = store.config.distance_max - farthest_source.distance_to(t) if min_dist_delta < 0: azi, bazi = closest_source.azibazi_to(t) newlat, newlon = ortho.azidist_to_latlon(, t.lon, azi, min_dist_delta*cake.m2d) elif max_dist_delta < 0: azi, bazi = farthest_source.azibazi_to(t) newlat, newlon = ortho.azidist_to_latlon(, t.lon, azi, max_dist_delta*cake.m2d), t.lon = newlat, newlon mod_targets.append(t) request = engine.process(targets=mod_targets, sources=test_sources) else: logger.error("%s: %s" % (error, ".".join(station.nsl()))) return alldepths = list(test_depths) depth_count = dict(zip(sorted(alldepths), range(len(alldepths)))) target_count = dict(zip([[:3] for t in targets], range(len(targets)))) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) maxz = max(test_depths) minz = min(test_depths) relative_scale = (maxz-minz)*0.02 for s, t, tr in request.iter_results(): if quantity=='velocity': tr = integrate_differentiate(tr, 'differentiate') onset = engine.get_store(t.store_id).t( 'begin', (s.depth, s.distance_to(t))) tr = settings.do_filter(tr) if settings.normalize: tr.set_ydata(tr.get_ydata()/num.max(abs(tr.get_ydata()))) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left='off', right='off', labelleft='off') y_pos = s.depth xdata = tr.get_xdata()-onset-s.time tr_ydata = tr.get_ydata() * -1 visible = tr.chop(tmin=event.time+onset+zoom_window[0], tmax=event.time+onset+zoom_window[1]) if ampl_scaler == 'trace min/max': ampl_scale = float(max(abs(visible.get_ydata()))) elif ampl_scaler == '4*standard deviation': ampl_scale = 4*float(num.std(visible.get_ydata())) else: ampl_scale = 1. ampl_scale /= settings.gain ydata = (tr_ydata/ampl_scale)*relative_scale + y_pos ax.plot(xdata, ydata, c='black', linewidth=1., alpha=1.) if False: ax.fill_between(xdata, y_pos, ydata, where=ydata<y_pos, color='black', alpha=0.5) ax.text(zoom_window[0]*1.09, y_pos, '%1.1f' % (s.depth/1000.), horizontalalignment='right') #, fontsize=12.) if False: mod = store.config.earthmodel_1d label = 'pP' arrivals = mod.arrivals(phases=[cake.PhaseDef(label)], distances=[s.distance_to(t)*cake.m2d], zstart=s.depth) try: t = arrivals[0].t ydata_absmax = num.max(num.abs(tr.get_ydata())) marker_length = 0.5 x_marker = [t-onset]*2 y = [y_pos-(maxz-minz)*0.025, y_pos+(maxz-minz)*0.025] ax.plot(x_marker, y, linewidth=1, c='blue') ax.text(x_marker[1]-x_marker[1]*0.005, y[1], label, #fontsize=12, color='black', verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='right') except IndexError: logger.warning('no pP phase at d=%s z=%s stat=%s' % (s.distance_to(t)*cake.m2d, s.depth, station.station)) pass if len(traces)==0: raise Exception('No Trace found!') if len(traces)>1: raise Exception('More then one trace provided!') else: onset = 0 tr = traces[0] correction = float(settings.correction) if quantity=='displacement': tr = integrate_differentiate(tr, 'integrate') tr = settings.do_filter(tr) onset = engine.get_store(targets[0].store_id).t( 'begin', (event.depth, s.distance_to(targets[0]))) + event.time if settings.normalize: tr.set_ydata(tr.get_ydata()/max(abs(tr.get_ydata()))) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left='off', right='off', labelleft='off') y_pos = event.depth xdata = tr.get_xdata()-onset+correction tr_ydata = tr.get_ydata() *-1 visible = tr.chop(tmin=onset+zoom_window[0]+correction, tmax=onset+zoom_window[1]+correction) if ampl_scaler == 'trace min/max': ampl_scale = float(max(abs(visible.get_ydata()))) elif ampl_scaler == '4*standard deviation': ampl_scale = 4*float(num.std(visible.get_ydata())) else: ampl_scale = 1. ydata = (tr_ydata/ampl_scale * settings.gain*settings.gain_record)*relative_scale + y_pos ax.plot(xdata, ydata, c=settings.color, linewidth=1.) ax.set_xlim(zoom_window) zmax = max(test_depths) zmin = min(test_depths) zrange = zmax - zmin ax.set_ylim((zmin-zrange*0.2, zmax+zrange*0.2)) ax.set_xlabel('Time [s]') ax.text(0.0, 0.6, 'Source depth [km]', rotation=90, horizontalalignment='left', transform=fig.transFigure) #, fontsize=12.) if fill: ax.fill_between(xdata, y_pos, ydata, where=ydata<y_pos, color=settings.color, alpha=0.5) if with_onset_line: ax.text(0.08, zmax+zrange*0.1, align_phase, fontsize=14) vline = ax.axvline(0., c='black') vline.set_linestyle('--') if settings.title: params = {'array-id': ''.join(station.nsl()), 'event_name':, 'event_time': time_to_str(event.time)} ax.text(0.5, 1.05, settings.title % params, horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) if settings.auto_caption: cax = fig.add_axes([0., 0., 1, 0.05], label='caption') cax.axis('off') cax.xaxis.set_visible(False) cax.yaxis.set_visible(False) if settings.quantity == 'displacement': quantity_info = 'integrated velocity trace. ' if settings.quantity == 'velocity': quantity_info = 'differentiated synthetic traces. ' if settings.quantity == 'restituted': quantity_info = 'restituted traces. ' captions = {'filters':''} for f in settings.filters: captions['filters'] += '%s-pass, order %s, f$_c$=%s Hz. '%(f.type, f.order, f.corner) captions['quantity_info'] = quantity_info captions['store_sampling'] = 1./store.config.deltat cax.text(0, 0, 'Filters: %(filters)s f$_{GF}$=%(store_sampling)s Hz.\n%(quantity_info)s' % captions, fontsize=12, transform=cax.transAxes) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.4, bottom=0.15) else: plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1) ax.invert_yaxis() if settings.save_as:'save as: %s ' % settings.save_as) options = settings.__dict__ options.update({'array-id': ''.join(station.nsl())}) fig.savefig(settings.save_as % options, dpi=160, bbox_inches='tight') if show:
def __snufflings__(): return [MapMaker()] if __name__ == '__main__': util.setup_logging('', 'info') s = MapMaker() options, args, parser = s.setup_cli() s.markers = [] if options.stations_filename: stations = model.load_stations(options.stations_filename) s.stations = stations else: s.stations = None if options.events_filename: events = model.load_events(filename=options.events_filename) markers = [gui_util.EventMarker(e) for e in events] s.markers.extend(markers) if options.markers_filename: markers = gui_util.load_markers(options.markers_filename) s.markers.extend(markers) s.open_external = True mapmap = {'google': 'Google Maps', 'osm': 'OpenStreetMap'} s.map_kind = mapmap[options.map_provider]
def invert(self, args): align_phase = 'P' ampl_scaler = '4*standard deviation' for array_id in self.provider.use: try: if args.array_id and array_id != args.array_id: continue except AttributeError: pass subdir = pjoin('array_data', array_id) settings_fn = pjoin(subdir, 'plot_settings.yaml') if os.path.isfile(settings_fn): settings = PlotSettings.load(filename=pjoin(settings_fn)) settings.update_from_args(self.args) else: logger.warn('no settings found: %s' % array_id) continue if settings.store_superdirs: engine = LocalEngine(store_superdirs=settings.store_superdirs) else: engine = LocalEngine(use_config=True) try: store = engine.get_store(settings.store_id) except seismosizer.NoSuchStore as e:'%s ... skipping.' % e) return try: store = engine.get_store(settings.store_id) except seismosizer.NoSuchStore as e:'%s ... skipping.' % e) return if not settings.trace_filename: settings.trace_filename = pjoin(subdir, 'beam.mseed') if not settings.station_filename: settings.station_filename = pjoin(subdir, '') zoom_window = settings.zoom mod = store.config.earthmodel_1d zstart, zstop, inkr = settings.depths.split(':') test_depths = num.arange(float(zstart)*km, float(zstop)*km, float(inkr)*km) traces = io.load(settings.trace_filename) event = model.load_events(settings.event_filename) assert len(event)==1 event = event[0] event.depth = float(settings.depth) * 1000. base_source = MTSource.from_pyrocko_event(event) test_sources = [] for d in test_depths: s = base_source.clone() s.depth = float(d) test_sources.append(s) stations = model.load_stations(settings.station_filename) station = filter(lambda s: match_nslc('%s.%s.%s.*' % s.nsl(), traces[0].nslc_id), stations) if len(station) != 1: logger.error('no matching stations found. %s %s' % []) else: station = station[0] targets = [station_to_target(station, quantity=settings.quantity, store_id=settings.store_id)] try: request = engine.process(targets=targets, sources=test_sources) except seismosizer.NoSuchStore as e:'%s ... skipping.' % e) return except meta.OutOfBounds as error: if settings.force_nearest_neighbor: logger.warning('%s Using nearest neighbor instead.' % error) mod_targets = [] for t in targets: closest_source = min(test_sources, key=lambda s: s.distance_to(t)) farthest_source = max(test_sources, key=lambda s: s.distance_to(t)) min_dist_delta = store.config.distance_min - closest_source.distance_to(t) max_dist_delta = store.config.distance_max - farthest_source.distance_to(t) if min_dist_delta < 0: azi, bazi = closest_source.azibazi_to(t) newlat, newlon = ortho.azidist_to_latlon(, t.lon, azi, min_dist_delta*cake.m2d) elif max_dist_delta < 0: azi, bazi = farthest_source.azibazi_to(t) newlat, newlon = ortho.azidist_to_latlon(, t.lon, azi, max_dist_delta*cake.m2d), t.lon = newlat, newlon mod_targets.append(t) request = engine.process(targets=mod_targets, sources=test_sources) else: raise error candidates = [] for s, t, tr in request.iter_results(): tr.deltat = regularize_float(tr.deltat) if True: tr = integrate_differentiate(tr, 'differentiate') tr = settings.do_filter(tr) candidates.append((s, tr)) assert len(traces)==1 ref = traces[0] ref = settings.do_filter(ref) dist = ortho.distance_accurate50m(event, station) tstart = self.provider.timings[array_id].timings[0].t(mod, (event.depth, dist)) + event.time tend = self.provider.timings[array_id].timings[1].t(mod, (event.depth, dist)) + event.time ref = ref.chop(tstart, tend) misfits = [] center_freqs = num.arange(1., 9., 4.) num_f_widths = len(center_freqs) mesh_fc = num.zeros(len(center_freqs)*num_f_widths*len(candidates)) mesh_fwidth = num.zeros(len(center_freqs)*num_f_widths*len(candidates)) misfits_array = num.zeros((len(center_freqs), num_f_widths, len(candidates))) depths_array = num.zeros((len(center_freqs), num_f_widths, len(candidates))) debug = False pb = ProgressBar(maxval=max(center_freqs)).start() i = 0 for i_fc, fc in enumerate(center_freqs): if debug: fig = plt.figure() fl_min = fc-fc*2./5. fr_max = fc+fc*2./5. widths = num.linspace(fl_min, fr_max, num_f_widths) for i_width, width in enumerate(widths): i_candidate = 0 mesh_fc[i] = fc mesh_fwidth[i] = width i += 1 for source, candidate in candidates: candidate = candidate.copy() tstart = self.provider.timings[array_id].timings[0].t(mod, (source.depth, dist)) + event.time tend = self.provider.timings[array_id].timings[1].t(mod, (source.depth, dist)) + event.time filters = [ ButterworthResponse(corner=float(fc+width*0.5), order=4, type='low'), ButterworthResponse(corner=float(fc-width*0.5), order=4, type='high')] settings.filters = filters candidate = settings.do_filter(candidate) candidate.chop(tmin=tstart, tmax=tend) candidate.shift(float(settings.correction)) m, n, aproc, bproc = ref.misfit(candidate=candidate, setup=settings.misfit_setup, debug=True) aproc.set_codes(station='aproc') bproc.set_codes(station='bproc') if debug: ax = fig.add_subplot(len(test_depths)+1, 1, i+1) ax.plot(aproc.get_xdata(), aproc.get_ydata()) ax.plot(bproc.get_xdata(), bproc.get_ydata()) mf = m/n #misfits.append((source.depth, mf)) misfits_array[i_fc][i_width][i_candidate] = mf i_candidate += 1 pb.update(fc) pb.finish() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) i_best_fits = num.argmin(misfits_array, 2) print 'best fits: \n', i_best_fits best_fits = num.min(misfits_array, 2) #cmap = xmesh, ymesh = num.meshgrid(mesh_fc, mesh_fwidth) #c = (best_fits-num.min(best_fits))/(num.max(best_fits)-num.min(best_fits)) ax.scatter(xmesh, ymesh, best_fits*100) #ax.scatter(mesh_fc, mesh_fwidth, c) #ax.scatter(mesh_fc, mesh_fwidth, s=best_fits) ax.set_xlabel('fc') ax.set_ylabel('f_width') plt.legend()
def snuffler_from_commandline(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] usage = '''usage: %prog [options] waveforms ...''' parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option( '--format', dest='format', default='detect', choices=io.allowed_formats('load'), help='assume input files are of given FORMAT. Choices: %s' % io.allowed_formats('load', 'cli_help', 'detect')) parser.add_option( '--pattern', dest='regex', metavar='REGEX', help='only include files whose paths match REGEX') parser.add_option( '--stations', dest='station_fns', action='append', default=[], metavar='STATIONS', help='read station information from file STATIONS') parser.add_option( '--stationxml', dest='stationxml_fns', action='append', default=[], metavar='STATIONSXML', help='read station information from XML file STATIONSXML') parser.add_option( '--event', '--events', dest='event_fns', action='append', default=[], metavar='EVENT', help='read event information from file EVENT') parser.add_option( '--markers', dest='marker_fns', action='append', default=[], metavar='MARKERS', help='read marker information file MARKERS') parser.add_option( '--follow', type='float', dest='follow', metavar='N', help='follow real time with a window of N seconds') parser.add_option( '--cache', dest='cache_dir', default=config.config().cache_dir, metavar='DIR', help='use directory DIR to cache trace metadata ' '(default=\'%default\')') parser.add_option( '--force-cache', dest='force_cache', action='store_true', default=False, help='use the cache even when trace attribute spoofing is active ' '(may have silly consequences)') parser.add_option( '--store-path', dest='store_path', metavar='PATH_TEMPLATE', help='store data received through streams to PATH_TEMPLATE') parser.add_option( '--store-interval', type='float', dest='store_interval', default=600, metavar='N', help='dump stream data to file every N seconds [default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--ntracks', type='int', dest='ntracks', default=24, metavar='N', help='initially use N waveform tracks in viewer [default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--opengl', dest='opengl', action='store_true', default=False, help='use OpenGL for drawing') parser.add_option( '--qt5', dest='gui_toolkit_qt5', action='store_true', default=False, help='use Qt5 for the GUI') parser.add_option( '--qt4', dest='gui_toolkit_qt4', action='store_true', default=False, help='use Qt4 for the GUI') parser.add_option( '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='print debugging information to stderr') options, args = parser.parse_args(list(args)) if options.debug: util.setup_logging('snuffler', 'debug') else: util.setup_logging('snuffler', 'warning') if options.gui_toolkit_qt4: config.override_gui_toolkit = 'qt4' if options.gui_toolkit_qt5: config.override_gui_toolkit = 'qt5' this_pile = pile.Pile() stations = [] for stations_fn in extend_paths(options.station_fns): stations.extend(model.station.load_stations(stations_fn)) for stationxml_fn in extend_paths(options.stationxml_fns): stations.extend( stationxml.load_xml( filename=stationxml_fn).get_pyrocko_stations()) events = [] for event_fn in extend_paths(options.event_fns): events.extend(model.load_events(event_fn)) markers = [] for marker_fn in extend_paths(options.marker_fns): markers.extend(marker.load_markers(marker_fn)) return snuffle( this_pile, stations=stations, events=events, markers=markers, ntracks=options.ntracks, follow=options.follow, controls=True, opengl=options.opengl, paths=args, cache_dir=options.cache_dir, regex=options.regex, format=options.format, force_cache=options.force_cache, store_path=options.store_path, store_interval=options.store_interval)
def invert(self, args): align_phase = 'P' ampl_scaler = '4*standard deviation' for array_id in self.provider.use: try: if args.array_id and array_id != args.array_id: continue except AttributeError: pass subdir = pjoin('array_data', array_id) settings_fn = pjoin(subdir, 'plot_settings.yaml') if os.path.isfile(settings_fn): settings = PlotSettings.load(filename=pjoin(settings_fn)) settings.update_from_args(self.args) else: logger.warn('no settings found: %s' % array_id) continue if settings.store_superdirs: engine = LocalEngine(store_superdirs=settings.store_superdirs) else: engine = LocalEngine(use_config=True) try: store = engine.get_store(settings.store_id) except seismosizer.NoSuchStore as e:'%s ... skipping.' % e) return try: store = engine.get_store(settings.store_id) except seismosizer.NoSuchStore as e:'%s ... skipping.' % e) return if not settings.trace_filename: settings.trace_filename = pjoin(subdir, 'beam.mseed') if not settings.station_filename: settings.station_filename = pjoin(subdir, '') zoom_window = settings.zoom mod = store.config.earthmodel_1d zstart, zstop, inkr = settings.depths.split(':') test_depths = num.arange( float(zstart) * km, float(zstop) * km, float(inkr) * km) traces = io.load(settings.trace_filename) event = model.load_events(settings.event_filename) assert len(event) == 1 event = event[0] event.depth = float(settings.depth) * 1000. base_source = MTSource.from_pyrocko_event(event) test_sources = [] for d in test_depths: s = base_source.clone() s.depth = float(d) test_sources.append(s) stations = model.load_stations(settings.station_filename) station = filter( lambda s: match_nslc('%s.%s.%s.*' % s.nsl(), traces[0].nslc_id ), stations) if len(station) != 1: logger.error('no matching stations found. %s %s' % []) else: station = station[0] targets = [ station_to_target(station, quantity=settings.quantity, store_id=settings.store_id) ] try: request = engine.process(targets=targets, sources=test_sources) except seismosizer.NoSuchStore as e:'%s ... skipping.' % e) return except meta.OutOfBounds as error: if settings.force_nearest_neighbor: logger.warning('%s Using nearest neighbor instead.' % error) mod_targets = [] for t in targets: closest_source = min(test_sources, key=lambda s: s.distance_to(t)) farthest_source = max(test_sources, key=lambda s: s.distance_to(t)) min_dist_delta = store.config.distance_min - closest_source.distance_to( t) max_dist_delta = store.config.distance_max - farthest_source.distance_to( t) if min_dist_delta < 0: azi, bazi = closest_source.azibazi_to(t) newlat, newlon = ortho.azidist_to_latlon(, t.lon, azi, min_dist_delta * cake.m2d) elif max_dist_delta < 0: azi, bazi = farthest_source.azibazi_to(t) newlat, newlon = ortho.azidist_to_latlon(, t.lon, azi, max_dist_delta * cake.m2d), t.lon = newlat, newlon mod_targets.append(t) request = engine.process(targets=mod_targets, sources=test_sources) else: raise error candidates = [] for s, t, tr in request.iter_results(): tr.deltat = regularize_float(tr.deltat) if True: tr = integrate_differentiate(tr, 'differentiate') tr = settings.do_filter(tr) candidates.append((s, tr)) assert len(traces) == 1 ref = traces[0] ref = settings.do_filter(ref) dist = ortho.distance_accurate50m(event, station) tstart = self.provider.timings[array_id].timings[0].t( mod, (event.depth, dist)) + event.time tend = self.provider.timings[array_id].timings[1].t( mod, (event.depth, dist)) + event.time ref = ref.chop(tstart, tend) misfits = [] center_freqs = num.arange(1., 9., 4.) num_f_widths = len(center_freqs) mesh_fc = num.zeros( len(center_freqs) * num_f_widths * len(candidates)) mesh_fwidth = num.zeros( len(center_freqs) * num_f_widths * len(candidates)) misfits_array = num.zeros( (len(center_freqs), num_f_widths, len(candidates))) depths_array = num.zeros( (len(center_freqs), num_f_widths, len(candidates))) debug = False pb = ProgressBar(maxval=max(center_freqs)).start() i = 0 for i_fc, fc in enumerate(center_freqs): if debug: fig = plt.figure() fl_min = fc - fc * 2. / 5. fr_max = fc + fc * 2. / 5. widths = num.linspace(fl_min, fr_max, num_f_widths) for i_width, width in enumerate(widths): i_candidate = 0 mesh_fc[i] = fc mesh_fwidth[i] = width i += 1 for source, candidate in candidates: candidate = candidate.copy() tstart = self.provider.timings[array_id].timings[0].t( mod, (source.depth, dist)) + event.time tend = self.provider.timings[array_id].timings[1].t( mod, (source.depth, dist)) + event.time filters = [ ButterworthResponse(corner=float(fc + width * 0.5), order=4, type='low'), ButterworthResponse(corner=float(fc - width * 0.5), order=4, type='high') ] settings.filters = filters candidate = settings.do_filter(candidate) candidate.chop(tmin=tstart, tmax=tend) candidate.shift(float(settings.correction)) m, n, aproc, bproc = ref.misfit( candidate=candidate, setup=settings.misfit_setup, debug=True) aproc.set_codes(station='aproc') bproc.set_codes(station='bproc') if debug: ax = fig.add_subplot( len(test_depths) + 1, 1, i + 1) ax.plot(aproc.get_xdata(), aproc.get_ydata()) ax.plot(bproc.get_xdata(), bproc.get_ydata()) mf = m / n #misfits.append((source.depth, mf)) misfits_array[i_fc][i_width][i_candidate] = mf i_candidate += 1 pb.update(fc) pb.finish() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) i_best_fits = num.argmin(misfits_array, 2) print('best fits: \n', i_best_fits) best_fits = num.min(misfits_array, 2) #cmap = xmesh, ymesh = num.meshgrid(mesh_fc, mesh_fwidth) #c = (best_fits-num.min(best_fits))/(num.max(best_fits)-num.min(best_fits)) ax.scatter(xmesh, ymesh, best_fits * 100) #ax.scatter(mesh_fc, mesh_fwidth, c) #ax.scatter(mesh_fc, mesh_fwidth, s=best_fits) ax.set_xlabel('fc') ax.set_ylabel('f_width') plt.legend()
) parser.add_argument( "--show", help="show figure at the end", default=False, required=False, action="store_true", ) args = parser.parse_args() stations = model.load_stations(args.stations) if args.usestations: stations = [ s for s in stations if util.match_nslc(args.usestations, s.nsl()) ] events = [] if events.extend(model.load_events( if args.markers: markers = gui_util.load_markers(args.markers) events.extend([m.get_event() for m in markers]) get_bounds( stations, events=events, usestations=args.usestations, printall=args.printall,, )
alpha=alpha) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pyrocko import model args = sys.argv[1:] data = [] for iarg, arg in enumerate(args): if os.path.exists(arg): events = model.load_events(arg) for ev in events: if not ev.moment_tensor: logger.warn('no moment tensor given for event') continue data.append((, ev.moment_tensor)) else: vals = list(map(float, arg.split(','))) mt = mtm.as_mt(vals) data.append(('%i' % (iarg+1), mt)) n = len(data) ncols = 1 while ncols**2 < n:
def snuffler_from_commandline(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] usage = '''usage: %prog [options] waveforms ...''' parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option( '--format', dest='format', default='detect', choices=io.allowed_formats('load'), help='assume input files are of given FORMAT. Choices: %s' % io.allowed_formats('load', 'cli_help', 'detect')) parser.add_option('--pattern', dest='regex', metavar='REGEX', help='only include files whose paths match REGEX') parser.add_option('--stations', dest='station_fns', action='append', default=[], metavar='STATIONS', help='read station information from file STATIONS') parser.add_option( '--stationxml', dest='stationxml_fns', action='append', default=[], metavar='STATIONSXML', help='read station information from XML file STATIONSXML') parser.add_option('--event', '--events', dest='event_fns', action='append', default=[], metavar='EVENT', help='read event information from file EVENT') parser.add_option('--markers', dest='marker_fns', action='append', default=[], metavar='MARKERS', help='read marker information file MARKERS') parser.add_option('--follow', type='float', dest='follow', metavar='N', help='follow real time with a window of N seconds') parser.add_option('--cache', dest='cache_dir', default=config.config().cache_dir, metavar='DIR', help='use directory DIR to cache trace metadata ' '(default=\'%default\')') parser.add_option( '--force-cache', dest='force_cache', action='store_true', default=False, help='use the cache even when trace attribute spoofing is active ' '(may have silly consequences)') parser.add_option( '--store-path', dest='store_path', metavar='PATH_TEMPLATE', help='store data received through streams to PATH_TEMPLATE') parser.add_option( '--store-interval', type='float', dest='store_interval', default=600, metavar='N', help='dump stream data to file every N seconds [default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--ntracks', type='int', dest='ntracks', default=24, metavar='N', help='initially use N waveform tracks in viewer [default: %default]') parser.add_option('--opengl', dest='opengl', action='store_true', default=False, help='use OpenGL for drawing') parser.add_option('--qt5', dest='gui_toolkit_qt5', action='store_true', default=False, help='use Qt5 for the GUI') parser.add_option('--qt4', dest='gui_toolkit_qt4', action='store_true', default=False, help='use Qt4 for the GUI') parser.add_option('--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='print debugging information to stderr') options, args = parser.parse_args(list(args)) if options.debug: util.setup_logging('snuffler', 'debug') else: util.setup_logging('snuffler', 'warning') if options.gui_toolkit_qt4: config.override_gui_toolkit = 'qt4' if options.gui_toolkit_qt5: config.override_gui_toolkit = 'qt5' this_pile = pile.Pile() stations = [] for stations_fn in extend_paths(options.station_fns): stations.extend(model.station.load_stations(stations_fn)) for stationxml_fn in extend_paths(options.stationxml_fns): stations.extend( stationxml.load_xml(filename=stationxml_fn).get_pyrocko_stations()) events = [] for event_fn in extend_paths(options.event_fns): events.extend(model.load_events(event_fn)) markers = [] for marker_fn in extend_paths(options.marker_fns): markers.extend(marker.load_markers(marker_fn)) return snuffle(this_pile, stations=stations, events=events, markers=markers, ntracks=options.ntracks, follow=options.follow, controls=True, opengl=options.opengl, paths=args, cache_dir=options.cache_dir, regex=options.regex, format=options.format, force_cache=options.force_cache, store_path=options.store_path, store_interval=options.store_interval)
figs = mopadize(data) else: for i in range(testlines): mt1 = moment_tensor.MomentTensor.random_dc() #data.append((mt1, # mt1, # "line %s" % i)) data.append(mt1) figs = overlay(data) if sort_by = 'magnitude' step_width = 102 fig_count = 0 events = model.load_events( magnitudes = [] if sort_by=='magnitude': try: events.sort(key=lambda x:x.moment_tensor.magnitude) except AttributeError: events.sort(key=lambda x:x.magnitude) elif sort_by=='time': events.sort(key=lambda x:x.time) for e in events: if e.moment_tensor is not None: mag = e.moment_tensor.magnitude else: mag = e.magnitude magnitudes.append(mag)
def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] parser = OptionParser( usage=usage, description=description) parser.add_option( '--width', dest='width', type='float', default=20.0, metavar='FLOAT', help='set width of output image [cm] (%default)') parser.add_option( '--height', dest='height', type='float', default=15.0, metavar='FLOAT', help='set height of output image [cm] (%default)') parser.add_option( '--topo-resolution-min', dest='topo_resolution_min', type='float', default=40.0, metavar='FLOAT', help='minimum resolution of topography [dpi] (%default)') parser.add_option( '--topo-resolution-max', dest='topo_resolution_max', type='float', default=200.0, metavar='FLOAT', help='maximum resolution of topography [dpi] (%default)') parser.add_option( '--no-grid', dest='show_grid', default=True, action='store_false', help='don\'t show grid lines') parser.add_option( '--no-topo', dest='show_topo', default=True, action='store_false', help='don\'t show topography') parser.add_option( '--no-cities', dest='show_cities', default=True, action='store_false', help='don\'t show cities') parser.add_option( '--no-illuminate', dest='illuminate', default=True, action='store_false', help='deactivate artificial illumination of topography') parser.add_option( '--illuminate-factor-land', dest='illuminate_factor_land', type='float', metavar='FLOAT', help='set factor for artificial illumination of land (0.5)') parser.add_option( '--illuminate-factor-ocean', dest='illuminate_factor_ocean', type='float', metavar='FLOAT', help='set factor for artificial illumination of ocean (0.25)') parser.add_option( '--theme', choices=['topo', 'soft'], default='topo', help='select color theme, available: topo, soft (topo)"') parser.add_option( '--download-etopo1', dest='download_etopo1', action='store_true', help='download full ETOPO1 topography dataset') parser.add_option( '--download-srtmgl3', dest='download_srtmgl3', action='store_true', help='download full SRTMGL3 topography dataset') parser.add_option( '--make-decimated-topo', dest='make_decimated', action='store_true', help='pre-make all decimated topography datasets') parser.add_option( '--stations', dest='stations_fn', metavar='FILENAME', help='load station coordinates from FILENAME') parser.add_option( '--events', dest='events_fn', metavar='FILENAME', help='load event coordinates from FILENAME') parser.add_option( '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='print debugging information to stderr') (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if options.debug: util.setup_logging(program_name, 'debug') else: util.setup_logging(program_name, 'info') if options.download_etopo1: import pyrocko.datasets.topo.etopo1 if options.download_srtmgl3: import pyrocko.datasets.topo.srtmgl3 if options.make_decimated: import pyrocko.datasets.topo pyrocko.datasets.topo.make_all_missing_decimated() if (options.download_etopo1 or options.download_srtmgl3 or options.make_decimated) and len(args) == 0: sys.exit(0) if options.theme == 'soft': color_kwargs = { 'illuminate_factor_land': options.illuminate_factor_land or 0.2, 'illuminate_factor_ocean': options.illuminate_factor_ocean or 0.15, 'color_wet': (216, 242, 254), 'color_dry': (238, 236, 230), 'topo_cpt_wet': 'light_sea_uniform', 'topo_cpt_dry': 'light_land_uniform'} elif options.theme == 'topo': color_kwargs = { 'illuminate_factor_land': options.illuminate_factor_land or 0.5, 'illuminate_factor_ocean': options.illuminate_factor_ocean or 0.25} events = [] if options.events_fn: events = model.load_events(options.events_fn) stations = [] if options.stations_fn: stations = model.load_stations(options.stations_fn) if not (len(args) == 4 or ( len(args) == 1 and (events or stations))): parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if len(args) == 4: try: lat = float(args[0]) lon = float(args[1]) radius = float(args[2])*km except Exception: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) else: lats, lons = latlon_arrays(stations+events) lat, lon = map(float, od.geographic_midpoint(lats, lons)) radius = float( num.max(od.distance_accurate50m_numpy(lat, lon, lats, lons))) radius *= 1.1 m = automap.Map( width=options.width, height=options.height, lat=lat, lon=lon, radius=radius, topo_resolution_max=options.topo_resolution_max, topo_resolution_min=options.topo_resolution_min, show_topo=options.show_topo, show_grid=options.show_grid, illuminate=options.illuminate, **color_kwargs) logger.debug('map configuration:\n%s' % str(m)) if options.show_cities: m.draw_cities() if stations: lats = [ for s in stations] lons = [s.lon for s in stations] m.gmt.psxy( in_columns=(lons, lats), S='t8p', G='black', *m.jxyr) for s in stations: m.add_label(, s.lon, '%s' % '.'.join( x for x in s.nsl() if x)) if events: beachball_symbol = 'mt' beachball_size = 20.0 for ev in events: if ev.moment_tensor is None: m.gmt.psxy( in_rows=[[ev.lon,]], S='c12p', G=gmtpy.color('scarletred2'), W='1p,black', *m.jxyr) else: devi = ev.moment_tensor.deviatoric() mt = devi.m_up_south_east() mt = mt / ev.moment_tensor.scalar_moment() \ * pmt.magnitude_to_moment(5.0) m6 = pmt.to6(mt) data = (ev.lon,, 10) + tuple(m6) + (1, 0, 0) if m.gmt.is_gmt5(): kwargs = dict( M=True, S='%s%g' % ( beachball_symbol[0], beachball_size / else: kwargs = dict( S='%s%g' % ( beachball_symbol[0], beachball_size*2 / m.gmt.psmeca( in_rows=[data], G=gmtpy.color('chocolate1'), E='white', W='1p,%s' % gmtpy.color('chocolate3'), *m.jxyr, **kwargs)[-1])
from pyrocko import pile, io, model, util import sys """ Extrahiere miniseed-Daten um Events, die aus Katalog ausgelesen werden """ # mit sys.argv kann man alles abfragen, was hinter dem Programmaufruf steht. dirs = sys.argv[1:] # lade das Stationsfile: stats = model.load_stations('/scratch/local1/doctar/meta/stations.txt') # lese Events: events = model.load_events('/home/zmaw/u254061/master/event_marker_IPMA.txt') # Erstelle ein pile aus allen miniseed in den Ordnern, die man hinter dem Programmaufruf angegeben hat: outpile = pile.make_pile(dirs) f=open('/home/zmaw/u254061/master/event_marker_IPMA.txt') for line in f: if line.lstrip().startswith('#'): continue toks = line.split() timedate, timetime =toks[1], toks[2] gtime = util.str_to_time(str(timedate+' '+timetime)) trange = [gtime-100, gtime+1000] new_pile = [] for traces in outpile.chopper(trange[0], trange[1], load_data=True, degap=False): if traces:
# Stations as black triangles. Genuine GMT commands can be parsed by the maps' # gmt attribute. Last argument of the psxy function call pipes the maps' # pojection system. m.gmt.psxy(in_columns=(lons, lats), S='t20p', G='black', *m.jxyr) # Station labels for i in range(len(stations)): m.add_label(lats[i], lons[i], labels[i]) # Load events from catalog file (generated using catalog.GlobalCMT() # download from # If no moment tensor is provided in the catalogue, the event is plotted # as a red circle. Symbol size relative to magnitude. events = model.load_events('deadsea_events_1976-2017.txt') beachball_symbol = 'd' factor_symbl_size = 5.0 for ev in events: mag = ev.magnitude if ev.moment_tensor is None: ev_symb = 'c' + str(mag * factor_symbl_size) + 'p' m.gmt.psxy(in_rows=[[ev.lon,]], S=ev_symb, G=gmtpy.color('scarletred2'), W='1p,black', *m.jxyr) else: devi = ev.moment_tensor.deviatoric() beachball_size = mag * factor_symbl_size mt = devi.m_up_south_east()
from pyrocko import model, orthodrome as ortho stations = model.load_stations('GERES/') events = model.load_events('castor_event_IGN.dat') for s in stations: print(s) print('distance in deg ', ortho.distance_accurate50m(s, events[0]) / 110.54 / 1000.)
# Stations as black triangles. Genuine GMT commands can be parsed by the maps' # gmt attribute. Last argument of the psxy function call pipes the maps' # pojection system. m.gmt.psxy(in_columns=(lons, lats), S='t20p', G='black', *m.jxyr) # Station labels for i in range(len(stations)): m.add_label(lats[i], lons[i], labels[i]) # Load events from catalog file (generated using catalog.GlobalCMT() to download from # If no moment tensor is provided in the catalogue, the event is plotted as a red circle. # Symbol size relative to magnitude. events = model.load_events('deadsea_events_1976-2017.txt') beachball_symbol = 'd' factor_symbl_size = 5.0 for ev in events: mag = ev.magnitude if ev.moment_tensor is None: ev_symb = 'c'+str(mag*factor_symbl_size)+'p' m.gmt.psxy( in_rows=[[ev.lon,]], S=ev_symb, G=gmtpy.color('scarletred2'), W='1p,black', *m.jxyr) else: devi = ev.moment_tensor.deviatoric() beachball_size = mag*factor_symbl_size
def plot(settings, show=False): #align_phase = 'P(cmb)P<(icb)(cmb)p' with_onset_line = False fill = True align_phase = 'P' zoom_window = settings.zoom ampl_scaler = '4*standard deviation' quantity = settings.quantity zstart, zstop, inkr = settings.depths.split(':') test_depths = num.arange( float(zstart) * km, float(zstop) * km, float(inkr) * km) try: traces = io.load(settings.trace_filename) except FileLoadError as e: return event = model.load_events(settings.event_filename) assert len(event) == 1 event = event[0] event.depth = float(settings.depth) * 1000. base_source = MTSource.from_pyrocko_event(event) test_sources = [] for d in test_depths: s = base_source.clone() s.depth = float(d) test_sources.append(s) if settings.store_superdirs: engine = LocalEngine(store_superdirs=settings.store_superdirs) else: engine = LocalEngine(use_config=True) try: store = engine.get_store(settings.store_id) except seismosizer.NoSuchStore as e:'%s ... skipping.' % e) return stations = model.load_stations(settings.station_filename) station = filter( lambda s: match_nslc('%s.%s.%s.*' % s.nsl(), traces[0].nslc_id), stations) assert len(station) == 1 station = station[0] targets = [ station_to_target(station, quantity=quantity, store_id=settings.store_id) ] try: request = engine.process(targets=targets, sources=test_sources) except seismosizer.NoSuchStore as e:'%s ... skipping.' % e) return except meta.OutOfBounds as error: if settings.force_nearest_neighbor: logger.warning('%s Using nearest neighbor instead.' % error) mod_targets = [] for t in targets: closest_source = min(test_sources, key=lambda s: s.distance_to(t)) farthest_source = max(test_sources, key=lambda s: s.distance_to(t)) min_dist_delta = store.config.distance_min - closest_source.distance_to( t) max_dist_delta = store.config.distance_max - farthest_source.distance_to( t) if min_dist_delta < 0: azi, bazi = closest_source.azibazi_to(t) newlat, newlon = ortho.azidist_to_latlon(, t.lon, azi, min_dist_delta * cake.m2d) elif max_dist_delta < 0: azi, bazi = farthest_source.azibazi_to(t) newlat, newlon = ortho.azidist_to_latlon(, t.lon, azi, max_dist_delta * cake.m2d), t.lon = newlat, newlon mod_targets.append(t) request = engine.process(targets=mod_targets, sources=test_sources) else: logger.error("%s: %s" % (error, ".".join(station.nsl()))) return alldepths = list(test_depths) depth_count = dict(zip(sorted(alldepths), range(len(alldepths)))) target_count = dict( zip([[:3] for t in targets], range(len(targets)))) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) maxz = max(test_depths) minz = min(test_depths) relative_scale = (maxz - minz) * 0.02 for s, t, tr in request.iter_results(): if quantity == 'velocity': tr = integrate_differentiate(tr, 'differentiate') onset = engine.get_store(t.store_id).t('begin', (s.depth, s.distance_to(t))) tr = settings.do_filter(tr) if settings.normalize: tr.set_ydata(tr.get_ydata() / num.max(abs(tr.get_ydata()))) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left='off', right='off', labelleft='off') y_pos = s.depth xdata = tr.get_xdata() - onset - s.time tr_ydata = tr.get_ydata() * -1 visible = tr.chop(tmin=event.time + onset + zoom_window[0], tmax=event.time + onset + zoom_window[1]) if ampl_scaler == 'trace min/max': ampl_scale = float(max(abs(visible.get_ydata()))) elif ampl_scaler == '4*standard deviation': ampl_scale = 4 * float(num.std(visible.get_ydata())) else: ampl_scale = 1. ampl_scale /= settings.gain ydata = (tr_ydata / ampl_scale) * relative_scale + y_pos ax.plot(xdata, ydata, c='black', linewidth=1., alpha=1.) if False: ax.fill_between(xdata, y_pos, ydata, where=ydata < y_pos, color='black', alpha=0.5) ax.text(zoom_window[0] * 1.09, y_pos, '%1.1f' % (s.depth / 1000.), horizontalalignment='right') #, fontsize=12.) if False: mod = store.config.earthmodel_1d label = 'pP' arrivals = mod.arrivals(phases=[cake.PhaseDef(label)], distances=[s.distance_to(t) * cake.m2d], zstart=s.depth) try: t = arrivals[0].t ydata_absmax = num.max(num.abs(tr.get_ydata())) marker_length = 0.5 x_marker = [t - onset] * 2 y = [ y_pos - (maxz - minz) * 0.025, y_pos + (maxz - minz) * 0.025 ] ax.plot(x_marker, y, linewidth=1, c='blue') ax.text( x_marker[1] - x_marker[1] * 0.005, y[1], label, #fontsize=12, color='black', verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='right') except IndexError: logger.warning( 'no pP phase at d=%s z=%s stat=%s' % (s.distance_to(t) * cake.m2d, s.depth, station.station)) pass if len(traces) == 0: raise Exception('No Trace found!') if len(traces) > 1: raise Exception('More then one trace provided!') else: onset = 0 tr = traces[0] correction = float(settings.correction) if quantity == 'displacement': tr = integrate_differentiate(tr, 'integrate') tr = settings.do_filter(tr) onset = engine.get_store(targets[0].store_id).t( 'begin', (event.depth, s.distance_to(targets[0]))) + event.time if settings.normalize: tr.set_ydata(tr.get_ydata() / max(abs(tr.get_ydata()))) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left='off', right='off', labelleft='off') y_pos = event.depth xdata = tr.get_xdata() - onset + correction tr_ydata = tr.get_ydata() * -1 visible = tr.chop(tmin=onset + zoom_window[0] + correction, tmax=onset + zoom_window[1] + correction) if ampl_scaler == 'trace min/max': ampl_scale = float(max(abs(visible.get_ydata()))) elif ampl_scaler == '4*standard deviation': ampl_scale = 4 * float(num.std(visible.get_ydata())) else: ampl_scale = 1. ydata = (tr_ydata / ampl_scale * settings.gain * settings.gain_record) * relative_scale + y_pos ax.plot(xdata, ydata, c=settings.color, linewidth=1.) ax.set_xlim(zoom_window) zmax = max(test_depths) zmin = min(test_depths) zrange = zmax - zmin ax.set_ylim((zmin - zrange * 0.2, zmax + zrange * 0.2)) ax.set_xlabel('Time [s]') ax.text(0.0, 0.6, 'Source depth [km]', rotation=90, horizontalalignment='left', transform=fig.transFigure) #, fontsize=12.) if fill: ax.fill_between(xdata, y_pos, ydata, where=ydata < y_pos, color=settings.color, alpha=0.5) if with_onset_line: ax.text(0.08, zmax + zrange * 0.1, align_phase, fontsize=14) vline = ax.axvline(0., c='black') vline.set_linestyle('--') if settings.title: params = { 'array-id': ''.join(station.nsl()), 'event_name':, 'event_time': time_to_str(event.time) } ax.text(0.5, 1.05, settings.title % params, horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) if settings.auto_caption: cax = fig.add_axes([0., 0., 1, 0.05], label='caption') cax.axis('off') cax.xaxis.set_visible(False) cax.yaxis.set_visible(False) if settings.quantity == 'displacement': quantity_info = 'integrated velocity trace. ' if settings.quantity == 'velocity': quantity_info = 'differentiated synthetic traces. ' if settings.quantity == 'restituted': quantity_info = 'restituted traces. ' captions = {'filters': ''} for f in settings.filters: captions['filters'] += '%s-pass, order %s, f$_c$=%s Hz. ' % ( f.type, f.order, f.corner) captions['quantity_info'] = quantity_info captions['store_sampling'] = 1. / store.config.deltat cax.text( 0, 0, 'Filters: %(filters)s f$_{GF}$=%(store_sampling)s Hz.\n%(quantity_info)s' % captions, fontsize=12, transform=cax.transAxes) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.4, bottom=0.15) else: plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1) ax.invert_yaxis() if settings.save_as:'save as: %s ' % settings.save_as) options = settings.__dict__ options.update({'array-id': ''.join(station.nsl())}) fig.savefig(settings.save_as % options, dpi=160, bbox_inches='tight') if show:
def command_matrix(args): ''' Execution of command matrix ''' def setup(parser): parser.add_option('--force', dest='force', action='store_true', help='overwrite existing project directory') parser.add_option('--view', dest='view', action='store_true', help='view similarity matrix') parser.add_option('--savefig', dest='savefig', action='store_true', help='save figure of similarity matrix') parser, options, args = cl_parse('matrix', args, setup) if len(args) != 1: help_and_die(parser, 'missing argument') else: fn_config = args[0] if not os.path.isfile(fn_config): die('config file missing: %s' % fn_config) conf = load(filename=fn_config) config.check(conf) if not os.path.isdir(conf.project_dir): die('project directory missing: %s' % conf.project_dir) simmat_temporal_fn = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, 'simmat_temporal.npy') if ((not options.force) and (os.path.isfile(simmat_temporal_fn))): die('similarity matrix exists: %s; use force option' % simmat_temporal_fn) catalog_ref_fn = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, '') if os.path.isfile(catalog_ref_fn): allevents = model.load_events(catalog_ref_fn) else: die('catalog missing: %s' % catalog_ref_fn) if conf.sw_simmat: if not os.path.isfile(conf.sim_mat_fn): die('similarity matrix missing: %s' % conf.sim_mat_fn) if conf.sim_mat_type == 'binary': if os.path.isfile(conf.sim_mat_fn): simmat = sccluster.load_similarity_matrix(conf.sim_mat_fn) else: die('cannot read similarity matrix: %s' % conf.sim_mat_fn) else: die('ascii format for similarity matrix not yet implemented') if len(allevents) != len(simmat): print(len(allevents), len(simmat)) die('clustering stopped, number of events ' + 'differs from matrix size') new_catalog_fn = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, '') model.dump_events(allevents, new_catalog_fn) else: if conf.metric in config.acceptable_mt_based_metrics: events = [ev for ev in allevents if ev.moment_tensor is not None] else: events = [ev for ev in allevents] new_catalog_fn = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, '') model.dump_events(events, new_catalog_fn) simmat = sccluster.compute_similarity_matrix(events, conf.metric) sccluster.save_similarity_matrix(simmat, simmat_temporal_fn) simmat_fig_fn = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, 'simmat_temporal.' + conf.figure_format) if options.view and options.savefig: scplot.view_and_savefig_similarity_matrix(simmat, simmat_fig_fn, 'Sorted chronologically') else: if options.view: scplot.view_similarity_matrix(simmat, 'Sorted chronologically') if options.savefig: scplot.savefig_similarity_matrix(simmat, simmat_fig_fn, 'Sorted chronologically') print('Similarity matrix computed and stored as "%s"' % simmat_temporal_fn) if options.savefig: print('Similarity matrix figure saved as "%s"' % simmat_fig_fn)
def plot(settings, show=False): # align_phase = 'P(cmb)P<(icb)(cmb)p' with_onset_line = False fill = True align_phase = "P" zoom_window = list(settings.zoom) ampl_scaler = "4*standard deviation" quantity = settings.quantity zstart, zstop, inkr = settings.depths.split(":") test_depths = num.arange( float(zstart) * km, float(zstop) * km, float(inkr) * km) try: traces = io.load(settings.trace_filename) except FileLoadError as e: return event = model.load_events(settings.event_filename) assert len(event) == 1 event = event[0] event.depth = float(settings.depth) * 1000.0 base_source = MTSource.from_pyrocko_event(event) test_sources = [] for d in test_depths: s = base_source.clone() s.depth = float(d) test_sources.append(s) if settings.store_superdirs: engine = LocalEngine(store_superdirs=settings.store_superdirs) else: engine = LocalEngine(use_config=True) try: store = engine.get_store(settings.store_id) except seismosizer.NoSuchStore as e:"%s ... skipping." % e) return stations = model.load_stations(settings.station_filename) station = list( filter(lambda s: match_nslc("%s.%s.%s.*" % s.nsl(), traces[0].nslc_id), stations)) assert len(station) == 1 station = station[0] targets = [ station_to_target(station, quantity=quantity, store_id=settings.store_id) ] try: request = engine.process(targets=targets, sources=test_sources) except seismosizer.NoSuchStore as e:"%s ... skipping." % e) return except meta.OutOfBounds as error: if settings.force_nearest_neighbor: logger.warning("%s Using nearest neighbor instead." % error) mod_targets = [] for t in targets: closest_source = min(test_sources, key=lambda s: s.distance_to(t)) farthest_source = max(test_sources, key=lambda s: s.distance_to(t)) min_dist_delta = store.config.distance_min - closest_source.distance_to( t) max_dist_delta = (store.config.distance_max - farthest_source.distance_to(t)) if min_dist_delta < 0: azi, bazi = closest_source.azibazi_to(t) newlat, newlon = ortho.azidist_to_latlon(, t.lon, azi, min_dist_delta * cake.m2d) elif max_dist_delta < 0: azi, bazi = farthest_source.azibazi_to(t) newlat, newlon = ortho.azidist_to_latlon(, t.lon, azi, max_dist_delta * cake.m2d), t.lon = newlat, newlon mod_targets.append(t) request = engine.process(targets=mod_targets, sources=test_sources) else: logger.error("%s: %s" % (error, ".".join(station.nsl()))) return alldepths = list(test_depths) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) maxz = max(test_depths) minz = min(test_depths) relative_scale = (maxz - minz) * 0.02 for s, t, tr in request.iter_results(): if quantity == "velocity": tr = integrate_differentiate(tr, "differentiate") onset = engine.get_store(t.store_id).t("begin", (s.depth, s.distance_to(t))) tr = settings.do_filter(tr) if settings.normalize: tr.set_ydata(tr.get_ydata() / num.max(abs(tr.get_ydata()))) ax.tick_params(axis="y", which="both", left="off", right="off", labelleft="off") y_pos = s.depth xdata = tr.get_xdata() - onset - s.time tr_ydata = tr.get_ydata() * -1 visible = tr.chop( tmin=event.time + onset + zoom_window[0], tmax=event.time + onset + zoom_window[1], ) if ampl_scaler == "trace min/max": ampl_scale = float(max(abs(visible.get_ydata()))) elif ampl_scaler == "4*standard deviation": ampl_scale = 4 * float(num.std(visible.get_ydata())) else: ampl_scale = 1.0 ampl_scale /= settings.gain ydata = (tr_ydata / ampl_scale) * relative_scale + y_pos ax.plot(xdata, ydata, c="black", linewidth=1.0, alpha=1.0) if False: ax.fill_between(xdata, y_pos, ydata, where=ydata < y_pos, color="black", alpha=0.5) ax.text( zoom_window[0] * 1.09, y_pos, "%1.1f" % (s.depth / 1000.0), horizontalalignment="right", ) # , fontsize=12.) if False: mod = store.config.earthmodel_1d label = "pP" arrivals = mod.arrivals( phases=[cake.PhaseDef(label)], distances=[s.distance_to(t) * cake.m2d], zstart=s.depth, ) try: t = arrivals[0].t ydata_absmax = num.max(num.abs(tr.get_ydata())) marker_length = 0.5 x_marker = [t - onset] * 2 y = [ y_pos - (maxz - minz) * 0.025, y_pos + (maxz - minz) * 0.025 ] ax.plot(x_marker, y, linewidth=1, c="blue") ax.text( x_marker[1] - x_marker[1] * 0.005, y[1], label, # fontsize=12, color="black", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", ) except IndexError: logger.warning( "no pP phase at d=%s z=%s stat=%s" % (s.distance_to(t) * cake.m2d, s.depth, station.station)) pass if len(traces) == 0: raise Exception("No Trace found!") if len(traces) > 1: raise Exception("More then one trace provided!") else: tr = traces[0] correction = float(settings.correction) if quantity == "displacement": tr = integrate_differentiate(tr, "integrate") tr = settings.do_filter(tr) onset = (engine.get_store(targets[0].store_id).t( "begin", (event.depth, s.distance_to(targets[0]))) + event.time) if settings.normalize: tr.set_ydata(tr.get_ydata() / max(abs(tr.get_ydata()))) ax.tick_params(axis="y", which="both", left="off", right="off", labelleft="off") y_pos = event.depth xdata = tr.get_xdata() - onset + correction tr_ydata = tr.get_ydata() * -1 visible = tr.chop( tmin=onset + zoom_window[0] + correction, tmax=onset + zoom_window[1] + correction, ) if ampl_scaler == "trace min/max": ampl_scale = float(max(abs(visible.get_ydata()))) elif ampl_scaler == "4*standard deviation": ampl_scale = 4 * float(num.std(visible.get_ydata())) else: ampl_scale = 1.0 ydata = (tr_ydata / ampl_scale * settings.gain * settings.gain_record) * relative_scale + y_pos ax.plot(xdata, ydata, c=settings.color, linewidth=1.0) ax.set_xlim(zoom_window) zmax = max(test_depths) zmin = min(test_depths) zrange = zmax - zmin ax.set_ylim((zmin - zrange * 0.2, zmax + zrange * 0.2)) ax.set_xlabel("Time [s]") ax.text( 0.0, 0.6, "Source depth [km]", rotation=90, horizontalalignment="left", transform=fig.transFigure, ) # , fontsize=12.) if fill: ax.fill_between(xdata, y_pos, ydata, where=ydata < y_pos, color=settings.color, alpha=0.5) if with_onset_line: ax.text(0.08, zmax + zrange * 0.1, align_phase, fontsize=14) vline = ax.axvline(0.0, c="black") vline.set_linestyle("--") if settings.title: params = { "array-id": "".join(station.nsl()), "event_name":, "event_time": time_to_str(event.time), } ax.text( 0.5, 1.05, settings.title % params, horizontalalignment="center", transform=ax.transAxes, ) if settings.auto_caption: cax = fig.add_axes([0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.05], label="caption") cax.axis("off") cax.xaxis.set_visible(False) cax.yaxis.set_visible(False) if settings.quantity == "displacement": quantity_info = "integrated velocity trace. " if settings.quantity == "velocity": quantity_info = "differentiated synthetic traces. " if settings.quantity == "restituted": quantity_info = "restituted traces. " captions = {"filters": ""} for f in settings.filters: captions["filters"] += "%s-pass, order %s, f$_c$=%s Hz. " % ( f.type, f.order, f.corner, ) captions["quantity_info"] = quantity_info captions["store_sampling"] = 1.0 / store.config.deltat cax.text( 0, 0, "Filters: %(filters)s f$_{GF}$=%(store_sampling)s Hz.\n%(quantity_info)s" % captions, fontsize=12, transform=cax.transAxes, ) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4, bottom=0.15) else: plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1) ax.invert_yaxis() if settings.save_as:"save as: %s " % settings.save_as) options = settings.__dict__ options.update({"array-id": "".join(station.nsl())}) fig.savefig(settings.save_as % options, dpi=160, bbox_inches="tight") if show:
def report(env, report_config=None, update_without_plotting=True, make_index=True, make_archive=True, nthreads=0): if report_config is None: report_config = ReportConfig() report_config.set_basepath('.') event_name = env.get_current_event_name()'Creating report entry for run "%s"...' % event_name) fp = report_config.expand_path entry_path = expand_template( op.join(fp(report_config.report_base_path), report_config.entries_sub_path), dict(event_name=event_name, problem_name=event_name)) if op.exists(entry_path) and not update_without_plotting: shutil.rmtree(entry_path) util.ensuredir(entry_path) plots_dir_out = op.join(entry_path, 'plots') util.ensuredir(plots_dir_out) configs_dir = op.join(op.split(__file__)[0], 'app/configs/') rundir_path = env.get_rundir_path() try: os.system("cp -r %s/grun/plots/* %s" % (rundir_path, plots_dir_out)) except: pass os.system("cp %s/plot_collection.yaml %s" % (configs_dir, plots_dir_out)) util.ensuredir("%s/shakemap/default/" % (plots_dir_out)) os.system( "cp %s/*shakemap.png %s/shakemap/default/shakemap.default.gf_shakemap.d100.png" % (rundir_path, plots_dir_out)) os.system("cp %s/shakemap.default.plot_group.yaml %s/shakemap/default/" % (configs_dir, plots_dir_out)) util.ensuredir("%s/location/default/" % (plots_dir_out)) os.system( "cp %s/*location.png %s/location/default/location.default.location.d100.png" % (rundir_path, plots_dir_out)) os.system("cp %s/location.default.plot_group.yaml %s/location/default/" % (configs_dir, plots_dir_out)) util.ensuredir("%s/production_data/default/" % (plots_dir_out)) os.system( "cp %s/*production_data.png %s/production_data/default/production_data.default.production_data.d100.png" % (rundir_path, plots_dir_out)) os.system( "cp %s/production_data.default.plot_group.yaml %s/production_data/default/" % (configs_dir, plots_dir_out)) util.ensuredir("%s/waveforms/default/" % (plots_dir_out)) os.system( "cp %s/waveforms_1.png %s/waveforms/default/waveforms.default.waveforms_1.d100.png" % (rundir_path, plots_dir_out)) os.system( "cp %s/waveforms_2.png %s/waveforms/default/waveforms.default.waveforms_2.d100.png" % (rundir_path, plots_dir_out)) os.system( "cp %s/waveforms_3.png %s/waveforms/default/waveforms.default.waveforms_3.d100.png" % (rundir_path, plots_dir_out)) os.system("cp %s/waveforms.default.plot_group.yaml %s/waveforms/default/" % (configs_dir, plots_dir_out)) os.system("cp %s/grun/config.yaml %s/config.yaml" % (rundir_path, entry_path)) try: event = model.load_events(rundir_path + "event.txt") model.dump_events(event, filename=op.join(entry_path, 'event_reference.yaml'), format="yaml") event = event[0] from silvertine import plot pcc = report_config.plot_config_collection.get_weeded(env) plot.make_plots(env, plots_path=op.join(entry_path, 'plots'), plot_config_collection=pcc) try: run_info = env.get_run_info() except environment.NoRundirAvailable: run_info = None rie = ReportIndexEntry(path='.', problem_name=event_name, silvertine_version="0.01", run_info=run_info) fn = op.join(entry_path, 'event_reference.yaml') if op.exists(fn): rie.event_best = guts.load(filename=fn) fn = op.join(entry_path, 'event_reference.yaml') if op.exists(fn): rie.event_reference = guts.load(filename=fn) fn = op.join(entry_path, 'index.yaml') guts.dump(rie, filename=fn)'Done creating report entry for run "%s".' % "test") # report_index(report_config) # if make_archive: # report_archive(report_config) except FileNotFoundError: pass
def command_cluster(args): ''' Execution of command cluster ''' def setup(parser): parser.add_option('--force', dest='force', action='store_true', help='overwrite existing project directory') parser.add_option('--view', dest='view', action='store_true', help='view similarity matrix after clustering') parser.add_option( '--savefig', dest='savefig', action='store_true', help='save figure of similarity matrix after clustering') parser, options, args = cl_parse('cluster', args, setup) if len(args) != 1: help_and_die(parser, 'missing argument') else: fn_config = args[0] if not os.path.isfile(fn_config): die('config file missing: %s' % fn_config) conf = load(filename=fn_config) config.check(conf) if not os.path.isdir(conf.project_dir): die('project directory missing: %s' % conf.project_dir) resdir = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, 'clustering_results') if not (options.force): if (os.path.isdir(resdir)): die('clustering result directory exists; use force option') if options.force: if (os.path.isdir(resdir)): shutil.rmtree(resdir) os.mkdir(resdir) simmat_temporal_fn = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, 'simmat_temporal.npy') if not os.path.isfile(simmat_temporal_fn): die('similarity matrix does not exists: %s; ' + 'use seiscloud matrix first' % simmat_temporal_fn) new_catalog_fn = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, '') if not os.path.isfile(new_catalog_fn): die('catalog of selected events does not exists: %s; ' + 'use seiscloud matrix first' % new_catalog_fn) simmat_temp = sccluster.load_similarity_matrix(simmat_temporal_fn) events = model.load_events(new_catalog_fn) eventsclusters = sccluster.dbscan(simmat_temp, conf.dbscan_nmin, conf.dbscan_eps, conf.sw_force_cluster_all) clusters = sccluster.get_clusters(events, eventsclusters) if min(eventsclusters) == -1: noise_cluster_empty = False else: noise_cluster_empty = True sccluster.save_all(events, eventsclusters, clusters, conf, resdir) simmat_clus = sccluster.get_simmat_clustered(events, eventsclusters, clusters, conf, resdir, simmat_temp) simmat_clustered_fn = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, 'simmat_clustered.npy') sccluster.save_similarity_matrix(simmat_clus, simmat_clustered_fn) print('I run seiscloud for the project in "%s"' % conf.project_dir) n_clusters = len(clusters) if not noise_cluster_empty: n_clusters = n_clusters - 1 print(str(n_clusters) + ' cluster(s) found') simmat_fig_fn = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, 'simmat_clustered.' + conf.figure_format) if options.view and options.savefig: scplot.view_and_savefig_similarity_matrix(simmat_clus, simmat_fig_fn, 'Sorted after clustering') else: if options.view: scplot.view_similarity_matrix(simmat_clus, 'Sorted after clustering') if options.savefig: scplot.savefig_similarity_matrix(simmat_clus, simmat_fig_fn, 'Sorted after clustering') for cluster in clusters: selevents = clusters[cluster] median = sccluster.get_median(selevents, conf) fn_median = os.path.join(resdir, 'median_cluster' + str(cluster) + '.pf') model.dump_events([median], fn_median) # print(cluster,len(selevents)) print('Similarity matrix after clustering computed and stored as "%s"' % simmat_clustered_fn) if options.savefig: print('Similarity matrix figure saved as "%s"' % simmat_fig_fn)
help='name of file containing station information', required=True) parser.add_argument('--events', help='name of file containing event catalog', default=False, required=False) parser.add_argument('--printall', help='Print all results to terminal', default=True, required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--show', help='show figure at the end', default=False, required=False, action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() stations = model.load_stations(args.stations) if args.usestations: stations = [s for s in stations if util.match_nslc(args.usestations, s.nsl())] events = [] if events.extend(model.load_events( if args.markers: markers = gui_util.load_markers(args.markers) events.extend([m.get_event() for m in markers]) get_bounds(stations, events=events, usestations=args.usestations, printall=args.printall,
def command_plot(args): ''' Execution of command plot ''' def setup(parser): parser.add_option('--force', dest='force', action='store_true', help='overwrite existing project directory') parser, options, args = cl_parse('plot', args, setup) if len(args) != 1: help_and_die(parser, 'missing argument') else: fn_config = args[0] if not os.path.isfile(fn_config): die('config file missing: %s' % fn_config) conf = load(filename=fn_config) config.check(conf) if not os.path.isdir(conf.project_dir): die('project directory missing: %s' % conf.project_dir) resdir = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, 'clustering_results') if not os.path.isdir(resdir): die('clustering results missing: %s' % resdir) plotdir = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, 'clustering_plots') resdir = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, 'clustering_results') if not (options.force): if (os.path.isdir(plotdir)): die('clustering plot directory exists; use force option') if options.force: if (os.path.isdir(plotdir)): shutil.rmtree(plotdir) os.mkdir(plotdir) simmat_temporal_fn = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, 'simmat_temporal.npy') simmat_clustered_fn = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, 'simmat_clustered.npy') if not os.path.isfile(simmat_temporal_fn): die('similarity matrix does not exists: %s; ' + 'use seiscloud matrix first' % simmat_temporal_fn) if not os.path.isfile(simmat_clustered_fn): die('similarity matrix does not exists: %s; ' + 'use seiscloud matrix first' % simmat_clustered_fn) new_catalog_fn = os.path.join(conf.project_dir, '') if not os.path.isfile(new_catalog_fn): die('catalog of selected events does not exists: %s; ' + 'use seiscloud matrix and seiscloud cluster first' % new_catalog_fn) events = model.load_events(new_catalog_fn) eventsclusters = sccluster.load_obj( os.path.join(resdir, 'processed.eventsclusters')) clusters = sccluster.load_obj(os.path.join(resdir, 'processed.clusters')) scplot.plot_all(events, eventsclusters, clusters, conf, resdir, plotdir) print('Seiscloud plots prepared in "%s"' % plotdir)