async def _new_document(self, _: Client, message: Message): devices = [] if self._config.upnp_enabled: devices.extend(await UpnpDeviceFinder.find(self._config)) if self._config.chromecast_enabled: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences devices.extend(await ChromecastDeviceFinder.find(self._config)) if self._config.xbmc_enabled: devices.extend(await XbmcDeviceFinder.find(self._config)) if self._config.vlc_enabled: devices.extend(await VlcDeviceFinder.find(self._config)) if devices: try: filename = pyrogram_filename(message) except TypeError: filename = "NaN" self._state_machine.set_state( message, States.SELECT, SelectStateData(message.message_id, filename, devices.copy())) buttons = [[KeyboardButton(repr(device))] for device in devices] buttons.append([KeyboardButton(_CANCEL_BUTTON)]) markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(buttons, one_time_keyboard=True) await message.reply("Select a device", reply_markup=markup) else: await message.reply("Supported devices not found in the network", reply_markup=_REMOVE_KEYBOARD)
async def rate(_client: Client, callback: CallbackQuery): _, amount, tgo_id ='|') accept_rate(int(tgo_id), int(amount), info = get_info(tgo_id) await callback.edit_message_text( f"Success!\n🌟Rates average: {info.stars_average} / 5") review = await _client.ask(, "Want to write a review?", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[KeyboardButton('Yes'), KeyboardButton('No')]], resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True)) await review.delete() await review.request.delete() if str(review.text) == 'No': return await callback.message.reply("Thanks!", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) elif str(review.text) == 'Yes': review = await _client.ask(, "Write your review:", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) await review.request.delete() await review.delete() await callback.message.reply("Thanks!") return await _client.send_message( info.owner, "Review from " f" [{callback.from_user.first_name}]" f"(tg://user?id={}) " f"about [this bot](tg://user?id={})\n\n" f"{str(review.text)}") else: return await callback.message.reply("Stop zaccing me!")
async def open_panel(_client: Client, message: Message): await message.reply( "Select Option below", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup([ [KeyboardButton('Add new')], [KeyboardButton('My bots / channels / groups')] ], resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True) )
def kb(rows = [], **kwargs): lines = [] for row in rows: line = [] for button in row: button_type = type(button) if button_type == str: button = KeyboardButton(button) elif button_type == dict: button = KeyboardButton(**button) line.append(button) lines.append(line) return ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard=lines, **kwargs)
async def start(app: Client, message: Message): if in USERS: await message.reply_text(plate("hello", USERS[])) else: await message.reply_text( "Language? Sprache? Linguaggio?", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[ KeyboardButton(DE), KeyboardButton(US), KeyboardButton(IT), ]], resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True, ), )
def row_reply_button_command(client, message): keyboard = ReplyKeyboard() keyboard.row(KeyboardButton('1', 'reply_keyboard#1')) keyboard.row(KeyboardButton('2', 'reply_keyboard#2'), KeyboardButton('3', 'reply_keyboard#3')) keyboard.row(KeyboardButton('4', 'reply_keyboard#4')) keyboard.row(KeyboardButton('5', 'reply_keyboard#5')) message.reply_text( '<b>Add button row:</b>\n\n' "<code>keyboard = ReplyKeyboard()</code>\n" "<code>keyboard.row(KeyboardButton('1', 'reply_keyboard#1'))</code>\n" "<code>keyboard.row(</code>\n" "<code> KeyboardButton('2', 'reply_keyboard#2'),</code>\n" "<code> KeyboardButton('3', 'reply_keyboard#3')</code>\n" "<code>)</code>\n" "<code>keyboard.row(KeyboardButton('4', 'reply_keyboard#4'))</code>\n" "<code>keyboard.row(KeyboardButton('5', 'reply_keyboard#5'))</code>\n", reply_markup=keyboard)
def add_reply_button_command(client, message): keyboard = ReplyKeyboard(row_width=3) keyboard.add( KeyboardButton('1', 'reply_keyboard#1'), KeyboardButton('2', 'reply_keyboard#2'), KeyboardButton('3', 'reply_keyboard#3'), KeyboardButton('4', 'reply_keyboard#4'), KeyboardButton('5', 'reply_keyboard#5'), ) message.reply_text( '<b>Add buttons:</b>\n\n' '<code>keyboard = ReplyKeyboard(row_width=3)</code>\n' '<code>keyboard.add(</code>\n' "<code> KeyboardButton('1', 'reply_keyboard#1'),</code>\n" "<code> KeyboardButton('2', 'reply_keyboard#2'),</code>\n" "<code> KeyboardButton('3', 'reply_keyboard#3'),</code>\n" "<code> KeyboardButton('4', 'reply_keyboard#4'),</code>\n" "<code> KeyboardButton('5', 'reply_keyboard#5'),</code>\n" '<code>)</code>\n', reply_markup=keyboard)
async def start_handler(_client: Client, message): if hasattr(message, 'reply'): callback = message.reply else: await message.message.delete() callback = message.message.reply await callback( f""" Hi {message.from_user.first_name}, Welcome. What can i do? 🔸Rate channels / bots / groups. 🔸Send Review for channels / bots / groups. 🔸Contact the admins of channel / bots / group / etc.. Want to support me? [Donate here]( """, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[KeyboardButton('Open panel')], [KeyboardButton('Contact me')]], resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True))
def handle_start(c, m): edit_home() yangilash() buyurtmalar[] = [] bot.send_message(, """Assalomu Alaykum, EZAZ | Milliy Taomlar botimizga xush kelibsiz. Iltimos, avval siz bilan bog'lanishimiz uchun o'z raqamingizni 👤 Kontakt ko'rinishda jo'nating yoki pastdagi "📲 Telefon raqamni jo'natish" tugmasini bosing:""", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[ KeyboardButton("📱 Telefon raqamni jo'natish", request_contact=True), ]], resize_keyboard=True))
async def show_my_tg_objects(_client: Client, callback: CallbackQuery): data_splitted ='|') how_to_show = None if len(data_splitted) == 3: tgo_type, how_to_show = data_splitted[1:] else: tgo_type = data_splitted[1] buttons = list_of_tg_objects(, tgo_type) if not how_to_show: how_to_show = await _client.ask(, 'How do you want to show them?', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[KeyboardButton('By name')], [KeyboardButton('By username')]], resize_keyboard=True)) await how_to_show.delete() await how_to_show.request.delete() how_to_show = how_to_show.text if buttons: try: await callback.edit_message_text( f"{Emoji.DOWN_ARROW} " + (f"Here your " + tgo_type + 's' if tgo_type != 'all' else "All of your bots / channels / groups") + f" {Emoji.DOWN_ARROW}", reply_markup=make_buttons_from_tg_objects( buttons, show_by[how_to_show] if len(how_to_show) > 1 else how_to_show, f"{tgo_type}|{show_by[how_to_show] if len(how_to_show) > 1 else how_to_show}" )) except KeyError: await callback.edit_message_text(Emoji.FACE_WITH_ROLLING_EYES) else: await callback.edit_message_text( f'Nothing to show {Emoji.MAN_SHRUGGING}')
async def contact(_client: Client, message: Message): msg = await _client.ask(, "Write a messages and then press 'Done'.", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[KeyboardButton('Done')]], resize_keyboard=True)) if str(msg.text) != "Done": await _client.send_message( 'Oxcafe1c2a', "[{}](tg://user?id={}) said: \n\n\n{}".format( message.from_user.first_name,, str(msg.text))) await contact(_client, message) else: await msg.delete() await message.reply("The messages was sent successfully!") await start_handler(_client, message)
def handle_text(c, m: Message): edit_home() global buyurtmalar, temp, info if m.text.lower() == "yangila": yangilash() return if == -1001149535338: yangilash() return if == guruh_id: if m.text.lower().startswith("info"): text = "Bugun:\n" for k, v in info.items(): text += "{}ta {};\n".format(v, k) text += "sotildi" bot.send_message(, text) return elif m.text.lower().startswith("tozala"): info = {} m.reply("Ma'lumotlar to'liq tozalandi!") return elif m.text.lower().startswith("javob"): if m.text.split("\n")[1] == "hammaga": for i in phone_numbers.keys(): try: bot.send_message(i, '\n'.join(m.text.split('\n')[2:])) except: pass else: try: bot.send_message( m.text.split('\n')[1], '\n'.join(m.text.split('\n')[2:])) except: pass return elif m.text == ortga: fikr[] = None if not temp.get( or len(temp.get(, [])) <= 1: temp[] = None bot.send_message(, bosh, reply_markup=bolimlar) return else: # print(1) temp[] = [temp[][0]] x = [] try: bot.send_message(, choice(faktlar[temp[][0]])) except: pass for i, t in enumerate(taomlar[temp[][0]]): a, b = i // 2, i % 2 if b == 0: x.append([]) x[a].append(t[1]) x.append([ortga, korzina]) x.append([buyurtma]) # print(2) x = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(x, resize_keyboard=True) bot.send_message(, "{} :".format(temp[][0]), reply_markup=x) return elif fikr.get(, 0): text = "{} `{}` mavzu: {}\n\n".format(m.from_user.first_name,, fikr[]) text += m.text bot.send_message(guruh_id, text) bot.send_message(, "Rahmat adminstratorlar albatta siz bilan bo'glanadi.", reply_markup=bolimlar) fikr[] = None elif m.text == manzil_: bot.send_location(, 41.120233069494155, 69.07184731700151) bot.send_message(, """🍴 Ezaz Milliy Taomlar: 🇺🇿 Toshkent viloyati,Yangiyo'l shahar,Toshkent shox. 34-uy. """) return elif m.text == menu: bot.send_message(, bosh, reply_markup=bolimlar) temp[] = None return elif m.text == boglanish: x = ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[shikoyat], [taklif], [xatolik], [shunchaki], [ ortga, ]], resize_keyboard=True) bot.send_message(, """✉️ Telegram orqali: @EzazAdmin 📞 Telefon orqali: +998951466616 📧 Elektron Pochta: [email protected] 📷 Instagram: <b>✍ Marhamat: qay tarzda bog'lanmoqchisiz ?</b>""", reply_markup=x) return elif m.text == qoidalar: bot.send_message(, """ 👤 <b>Hurmatli mijoz,</b>siz tanlagan taomlar uchun doimiy ravishda "Bir martalik" idish qo'shib oboriladi. shuning uchun BOT avtomatik tarzda Quyuq taom uchun: quyuq idish(1000so'm) suyuq taom uchun: suyuq idish(1500so'm) hisoblaydi. 🛵 Yetkazib berish xizmatimiz Yangiyo'l shahar va Tumanida amal qiladi.Yetkazib berish xizmatimiz 3kmdan uzoq masofaga km hisobida 1000so'mdan qo'shib boriladi.Bu ishni BOTning o'zi avtomatik tarzda bajaradi. ⚠️Bundan tashqari albatta mahsulot yetkazib berilgandan so'ng siz mahsulotlar nomi yozilgan mahsus chekni talab qilishingiz mumkun bo'ladi. 👨💻Shikoyat yoki qandaydir taklif murojaatlar bo'lsa "Bog'lanish" bo'limiga o'tishingiz mumkin,Adminstratorlar albatta siz bilan bog'lanadi. 👤 KONTAKTLAR: @EZAZSUPPORTBOT +998951466616 +998903366807 """) elif m.text == korzina: try: if not buyurtmalar[]: bot.send_message(, "🧐 Siz hali taom tanlamadingiz \"🔙 Ortga\" qaytib taom tanlang va Savatga yig'ib " "boring.🛒", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[ortga]], resize_keyboard=True)) return except KeyError: buyurtmalar[] = [] bot.send_message(, '🧐 Siz hali taom tanlamadingiz "🔙 Ortga" qaytib taom tanlang va Savatga yig\'ib boring.🛒', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[ortga]], resize_keyboard=True)) return else: x = [] text = "👇 Siz tanlagan taomlar:\n\n" for i in buyurtmalar[]: # print(i) text += "{}x{}: {}00\n".format(i[2], i[0], i[1] * i[2]) x.append([ KeyboardButton("❌ {}ni bekor qilish".format(i[0]), request_contact=False) ]) x.append([buyurtma]) x.append([tozalash]) x.append([ortga]) x = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(x, resize_keyboard=True) bot.send_message(, text, reply_markup=x) return elif m.text == sozlamalar: bot.send_message(, "Sozlamalar orqali siz bilan bog'lanishimiz mumkin bo'lgan raqamingizni o'zgartirishingiz mumkin:", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[KeyboardButton(telefon, request_contact=True)], [ortga]], resize_keyboard=True)) return elif m.text == tozalash: buyurtmalar[] = [] bot.send_message(, """Siz tanlagan barcha taomlar to'liq tozalandi. 👇 Kerakli taomlar bo'limni tanlang:""", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[ortga, menu]], resize_keyboard=True)) return elif m.text == shikoyat: fikr[] = 'shikoyat' bot.send_message(, """<b>Qanday shikoyat qilmoqchisiz ?</b> 🔸 O'z fikringizni yozib qoldiring albatta inobatga olamiz:""", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[ortga]], resize_keyboard=True)) return elif m.text == taklif: fikr[] = 'taklif' bot.send_message(, """<b>Qanday taklifingiz bor ?</b> 🔸 O'z fikringizni yozib qoldiring albatta inobatga olamiz:""", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[ortga]], resize_keyboard=True)) return elif m.text == xatolik: fikr[] = 'xatolik' bot.send_message(, """<b>Qanday xatolik topdingiz ?</b> 🔸 O'z fikringizni yozib qoldiring albatta inobatga olamiz:""", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[ortga]], resize_keyboard=True)) return elif m.text == shunchaki: fikr[] = 'shunchaki' bot.send_message(, """🔸 O'z fikringizni yozib qoldiring albatta inobatga olamiz:""", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[ortga]], resize_keyboard=True)) return elif m.text == buyurtma: x = buyurtmalar.get(, None) if x is None: buyurtmalar[] = [] if not x: bot.send_message(, '🧐 Siz hali taom tanlamadingiz "🔙 Ortga" qaytib taom tanlang va Savatga yig\'ib boring.🛒', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[ortga, menu]], resize_keyboard=True)) return jami = 0.0 text = "👇 Siz tanlagan taomlar: \n\n" for i in buyurtmalar[]: # print(i) text += "{} x {}: {}00\n".format(i[2], i[0], i[1] * i[2]) jami += i[1] * i[2] bot.send_message(, text) x = ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[ha], [yuq], [qol]], resize_keyboard=True) bot.send_message(, "Tasdiqlaysizmi ❓", reply_markup=x) return elif m.text == ha and not xizmat_narxi.get(, 0): manzil[] = True bot.send_message(, """Iltimos oldin manzilni aniqlash uchun "📍<b>Geolokatsiya</b>" tugmasini bosib manzilni jo'nating:""", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[KeyboardButton("📍 Geolokatsiya", request_location=True)]], resize_keyboard=True)) return elif m.text == ha: komment[] = True bot.send_message(, "💬 Istasangiz, buyurtmangiz haqida izoh kommentariya yozib qoldirishingiz mumkin.Biz uni albatta inobatga olamiz.", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup([["Shart emas"]], resize_keyboard=True)) return elif m.text == yuq: buyurtmalar[] = [] bot.send_message(, """Siz tanlagan taomlaringiz to'liq tozalandi 👇 Kerakli taomlar bo'limni tanlang:""", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[ortga, menu]], resize_keyboard=True)) return elif m.text == qol: bot.send_message(, """Taomlaringiz savatda saqlandi 👇 Kerakli taomlar bo'limni tanlang:""", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[ortga, menu]], resize_keyboard=True)) elif m.text in taomlar.keys(): x = [] try: bot.send_message(, choice(faktlar[m.text])) except: pass for i, t in enumerate(taomlar[m.text]): a, b = i // 2, i % 2 if b == 0: x.append([]) x[a].append(t[1]) x.append([ortga, korzina]) x = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(x, resize_keyboard=True) temp[] = [m.text] bot.send_message(, "{} :".format(m.text), reply_markup=x) return elif manzil.get(, 0) and komment.get(, 0): text = "{} (`{}`) {} buyurtma berdi:\n".format( m.from_user.first_name,, m.from_user.last_name or "") idishlar = 0.0 jami = 0.0 for n, i in enumerate(buyurtmalar[]): text += "{}) {} x {} {}00\n".format(n + 1, i[0], i[2], i[1] * i[2]) jami += i[1] * i[2] if "suyuq" in i[-1].lower() or "uyg'ur" in i[-1].lower(): idishlar += 1.5 * i[2] if "quyuq" in i[-1].lower() or "salatlar" in i[-1].lower(): idishlar += 1.0 * i[2] if idishlar: text += "🍽 Bir martalik idishlar: {}00\n".format(idishlar) text += "🛵 Yetkazib berish hizmati: {}00\n".format( xizmat_narxi[]) jami += xizmat_narxi[] text += "🔖 Jami: {0}00\n\n".format(jami + idishlar) text += "📞 Tel: {}\n📍 Manzil: {}".format(phone_numbers[], manzil[]) text += "\n💬 Komment: {}".format(m.text) bot.send_message(guruh_id, text) bot.send_location(guruh_id, *geolokatsiya[]) for i in buyurtmalar[]: a = info.get(i[-1], 0) + i[2] info[i[-1]] = a temp[] = None manzil[] = None komment[] = None buyurtmalar[] = [] bot.send_message(, "Rahmat,tez orada adminstratorlarimiz albatta siz bilan bog'lanishadi " "👇 Kerakli taomlar bo'limini tanlang:", reply_markup=bolimlar) return elif "bekor qilish" in m.text: import re s ="(\w*) bekor", m.text) s = s.groups()[0][:-2] # print(s) for i in buyurtmalar[]: if s in i[0]: buyurtmalar[].remove(i) break x = [] jami = 6.0 text = "👇 Siz tanlagan taomlar:\n\n" for i in buyurtmalar[]: # print(i) text += "{}x{}: {}00\n".format(i[2], i[0], i[1] * i[2]) jami += i[1] * i[2] x.append([ KeyboardButton("❌ {}ni bekor qilish".format(i[0]), request_contact=False) ]) x.append([buyurtma]) x.append([tozalash]) x.append([ortga]) text += "\nYetkazib berish: 6.000\n\nJami: {}00".format(jami) x = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(x, resize_keyboard=True) bot.send_message(, text, reply_markup=x) return elif temp.get(, 0) and len(temp[]) == 1: bol = temp[][0] x = None for i in taomlar[bol]: if m.text in i: x = i break if x is None: return # print(x) if "ro'yxat" in m.text.lower(): bot.send_photo(, x[0]) return temp[].append(m.text) temp[].append(x[2]) if x[3]: bot.send_photo(, x[0], caption="""{}\nNarxi: {}00so'm""".format(x[1], x[2]), reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[x[3]], [x[4]]], resize_keyboard=True)) if x[-1]: bot.send_message(, x[-1]) else: bot.send_photo(, x[0], caption="""{}\nNarxi: {}00so'm""".format( x[1], x[2]), reply_markup=raqamlar) if x[-1]: bot.send_message(, x[-1]) bot.send_message(, "👇 Miqdorni kiriting yoki o'zingiz yozing:") return elif temp.get(, 0) and len(temp[]) == 3: if len(m.text) <= 2: soni = int(m.text) temp[].append(soni) try: # nomi #narxi #soni buyurtmalar[].append( (temp[][1], temp[][2], soni, temp[][0])) except KeyError: buyurtmalar[] = [] buyurtmalar[].append( (temp[][1], temp[][2], soni, temp[][0])) bot.send_message(, "🛒 Siz tanlagan taomlar savatga qo'shildi Buyurtma Berish bo'limiga kirib buyurtma qilishingiz mumkin!" "", reply_markup=bolimlar) return else: temp[][1] += " {}".format(m.text) bot.send_message(, "👇 Miqdorni kiriting yoki o'zingiz yozing:", reply_markup=raqamlar) elif m.text == "🔙 Ortga": bot.send_message(, "👇 Kerakli taomlar bo'limini tanlang:", reply_markup=bolimlar) temp[] = None return elif m.text == "👨💻 Bog'lanish": bot.send_message(, """✉️ Telegram orqali: @EzazAdmin 📞 Telefon orqali: +998951466616 📧 Elektron Pochta: [email protected] 📷 Instagram: """) return
def keyboard_button(self) -> KeyboardButton: return KeyboardButton("fake button")
def keyboard_row(self) -> List[KeyboardButton]: return [KeyboardButton("fake button"), KeyboardButton("fake button")]
async def add_bot(_client: Client, callback: CallbackQuery, message="What's the username of your group?"): await callback.message.delete() username = await _client.ask(, message) # noqa if str(username.text) == '/start': return await start_handler(_client, callback.message) try: username = str(username.text) if username.isdigit(): if username.isdigit(): return (await add_bot( _client, callback, "Do not send an ID, only username. try again.\n" "What's the username of your channel?")) group = await _client.get_chat(username) except (IndexError, ValueError, KeyError, UsernameNotOccupied, UsernameInvalid, PeerIdInvalid) as e: return (await add_bot( _client, callback, ("username not exist. try again.\n" if not isinstance( e, IndexError) else 'Something went wrong, try again\n') + "What's the username of your group?")) if group.type not in ('group', 'supergroup'): await add_bot( _client, callback, "This username not belong to a group, try again.\n" "What's the username of your group?") else: code = get_code() await _client.ask(, "How to authorise the group:\n" "Go to 'manage group'\n" f"Then add this code: `{code}` to your group description,\n" f"then press 'Done'\n" "[Then remove this from your group description]", timeout=200, filters=Filters.regex('Done'), reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[KeyboardButton('Done')]], resize_keyboard=True)) bot = await _client.get_chat(username) if code in bot.description: await callback.message.reply('OK!', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: await callback.message.reply('Code not found! try again', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return await add_bot(_client, callback) add = add_tg(, group.title,, group.username, 'group') if add: await callback.message.reply( "That's the details about the group:\n" f"🔸Owner: {callback.from_user.first_name}" f"{callback.from_user.last_name or ''}" f" [{}]\n" f"🔸Group name: {}\n" f"🔸Group id: {}\n" + (f"🔸Group username: {add.username or ''}\n" if group. username else '') + f"\n\nRate link:\{}") else: await callback.message.reply("The group already exist!")
def keyboard_button(self) -> KeyboardButton: return KeyboardButton(self._text)
def generate_section_pad(): return ReplyKeyboardMarkup( keyboard = [ [KeyboardButton( text = x )] for x in custom_service_bot_class.SECTION ], resize_keyboard = True, one_time_keyboard = True)