예제 #1
def pickle_replay_files(fileNames,filePaths):
    if len(filePaths) > 0:
        print('This may take a while.')
    if len(filePaths) > 1:
        print('I will report back whenever a file is pickled.')

    pickles = 0
    skipped = 0
    directory = 'replays'
    directory = path.join(path.dirname(filePaths[0]),directory)
    makedirs(directory,exist_ok = True)

    noOfFiles = len(filePaths)

    for i in range(noOfFiles):
        filePath = filePaths[i]
        fileName = fileNames[i]
        print('\nAnalysing ' + str(fileName))
            #skip if .data exists
            outputFilePath = path.join(directory,fileName[:-7]+'.data')
            if path.isfile(outputFilePath) :
                skipped += 1
                print('Skipping file as .data exists already.')

            replay = Replay(filePath)
            # game = Game(replay.netstream)
            # replay.pysickleData = game
            del replay._netstream_raw

            with open(outputFilePath,'wb') as outfile:
            print('Output pickle success.')
            # with open(directory + '/' + fileName[:-7]+'.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
                # outfile.write(replay.netstream_to_json())
            # with open(directory + '/' + fileName[:-7]+'(md).json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
                # outfile.write(replay.metadata_to_json())
            # print('Output JSON success.')
            pickles += 1
            if noOfFiles > 2:
                print('Finished file '+str(pickles)+' of '+str(noOfFiles)+'.')
                print(str(noOfFiles-pickles-skipped)+' remaining.\n')
            print('Could not pickle ' + str(fileName))
    print('Pickled ' + str(pickles) + ' files.')
예제 #2
class Parser(object):

    def __init__(self, file_path, parse_netstream=False, obj=None):
        self.replay = Replay(file_path)
        self.replay_id = self.replay.header['Id']

        self.actor_metadata = {}
        self.goal_metadata = {}
        self.match_metadata = {}
        self.team_metadata = {}
        self.actors = {}
        self.cars = {}
        self.boost_data = {}
        self.heatmap_json_filename = None

        assert len(self.team_metadata) == 0

        pickle_filename = 'uploads/pickle_files/{}.pickle'.format(self.replay_id)
        heatmap_json_filename = 'uploads/replay_json_files/{}.json'.format(self.replay_id)
        location_json_filename = 'uploads/replay_location_json_files/{}.json'.format(self.replay_id)

        if parse_netstream:
                self.replay = pickle.loads(default_storage.open(pickle_filename).read())
            except (FileNotFoundError, OSError, S3ResponseError):
                    default_storage.save(pickle_filename, ContentFile(pickle.dumps(self.replay)))
                except FrameParsingError:
                    # Bail us out of here early, just provide an 'old school' parse.
                    parse_netstream = False

        if not parse_netstream:


        # If the number of goals in the header doesn't match the number of goals
        # in the game, try to get the missing goal data from the netstream.

          {'actor_id': 3,
           'actor_type': 'Archetypes.Teams.Team1',
           'data': {'Engine.TeamInfo:Score': 1},
           'new': False,
           'startpos': 2053839}),
        if len(self.replay.header.get('Goals', [])) < self.replay.header.get('Team0Score', 0) + self.replay.header.get('Team1Score', 0):
            for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
                for _, actor in frame.actors.items():
                    if 'data' not in actor:

                    if (
                        'Engine.TeamInfo:Score' in actor['data'] and
                        'TAGame.Team_TA:GameEvent' not in actor['data'] and
                        if 'Goals' not in self.replay.header:
                            self.replay.header['Goals'] = []

                            'PlayerName': 'Unknown player (own goal?)',
                            'PlayerTeam': actor['actor_type'].replace('Archetypes.Teams.Team', ''),
                            'frame': index

        # Extract the goal information.
        if 'Goals' in self.replay.header:
            for goal in self.replay.header['Goals']:

        if 'NumFrames' in self.replay.header:
            assert len(self.team_metadata) == 2

        for player in self.actors.copy():
            # Get their position data.
            if 'type' not in self.actors[player]:

            if self.actors[player]['type'] == 'player':
                self.actors[player]['position_data'] = self._get_player_position_data(player)
            elif self.actors[player]['type'] == 'ball':
                if 'ball' not in self.actors:
                    self.actors['ball'] = {
                        'position_data': {}

                ball_data = self._get_player_position_data(player)

                self.actors['ball']['position_data'] = {

                del self.actors[player]

        # Compress the location data per (player) actor.
        compressed_data = {}

        for actor in self.actors:
            if 'type' not in self.actors[actor]:

            if self.actors[actor]['type'] == 'player':
                compressed_data[actor] = {}

                current_key = ''
                key = ''

                keys = self.actors[actor]['position_data'].keys()

                if len(keys) == 0:

                for frame in range(min(keys), max(keys)):
                    if frame in self.actors[actor]['position_data']:
                        data = self.actors[actor]['position_data'][frame]
                        key = '{},{}'.format(data['x'], data['y'])

                    if key == current_key:
                        compressed_data[actor][key] += 1
                        if key not in compressed_data[actor]:
                            compressed_data[actor][key] = 1
                            compressed_data[actor][key] += 1

                assert sum([i[1] for i in compressed_data[actor].items()]) == max(self.actors[actor]['position_data'], key=int) - min(self.actors[actor]['position_data'], key=int)

        if default_storage.exists(heatmap_json_filename):

        heatmap_json_filename = default_storage.save(heatmap_json_filename, ContentFile(json.dumps(compressed_data, separators=(',', ':'))))

        self.heatmap_json_filename = heatmap_json_filename

        if obj.eligble_for_analysis():
            # Advanced replay parsing.
            # Restructure the data so that it's chunkable.
            frame_data = []

            for frame in range(self.replay.header['NumFrames']):
                frame_dict = {
                    'time': self.replay.netstream[frame].current,
                    'actors': []

                for player in self.actors:
                    position_data = self.actors[player]['position_data']

                    if frame in position_data:
                            'id': player,
                            'type': self.actors[player].get('type', 'ball'),


            if default_storage.exists(location_json_filename):

            # pprint(self.boost_data)

            small_actors = {}

            for key, value in self.actors.items():
                small_actors[key] = value

                del small_actors[key]['position_data']

            final_data = {
                'frame_data': frame_data,
                'goals': self.replay.header.get('Goals', []),
                'boost': self.boost_data,
                'seconds_mapping': self.seconds_mapping,
                'actors': self.actors,
                'teams': self.team_metadata

            location_json_filename = default_storage.save(location_json_filename, ContentFile(json.dumps(final_data, separators=(',', ':'))))
            self.location_json_filename = location_json_filename

    def _get_match_metadata(self, frame):
        # Search through the frames looking for some game replication info.
        game_info = [
            value for name, value in frame.actors.items()
            if (
                'GameReplicationInfoArchetype' in name and
                'Engine.GameReplicationInfo:ServerName' in value['data']

        if not game_info:

        game_info = game_info[0]['data']

        self.match_metadata = {
            'server_name': game_info['Engine.GameReplicationInfo:ServerName'],
            'playlist': game_info.get('ProjectX.GRI_X:ReplicatedGamePlaylist', 0)

    def _get_team_metadata(self, frame):
        # Search through the frame looking for team info.
        team_info = [
            value for name, value in frame.actors.items()
            if 'Archetypes.Teams.Team' in value.get('actor_type', '') and value['new']

        if not team_info:

        for team in team_info:
            self.team_metadata[team['actor_id']] = team['actor_type'].replace('Archetypes.Teams.Team', '')

    def _extract_goal_data(self, base_index, search_index=None):
        # If the player name is unique within the actor set, then don't bother
        # searching through frames for the data.
        for goal in self.replay.header['Goals']:
            if goal['frame'] == base_index:
                player = [
                    for actor_id, data in self.actors.items()
                    if data['type'] == 'player' and data['name'] == goal['PlayerName']

                if len(player) == 1:
                    self.goal_metadata[base_index] = player[0]

                # We found the goal we wanted, we just couldn't find the player,
                # but break out early as a minor optimisation.

        if not search_index:
            search_index = base_index

            if base_index not in self.replay.netstream:
                search_index = base_index - 1

        frame = self.replay.netstream[search_index]

        scorer = None

        players = [
            for name, value in frame.actors.items()
            if value['actor_type'] == 'TAGame.Default__PRI_TA'

        # Figure out who scored.
        for value in players:
            if 'TAGame.PRI_TA:MatchGoals' in value['data']:
                scorer = value['actor_id']

            if 'TAGame.PRI_TA:MatchAssists' in value['data']:
                # print('we have the assister!', value['actor_id'])

        # Search in the closest frames, then gradually expand the search.

        if scorer is None:
            if search_index < base_index - 100:
                print('Unable to find goal for frame', base_index)

            if search_index == base_index:
                next_index = base_index - 1
            elif search_index - base_index < 0:
                next_index = base_index + abs(search_index - base_index)
            elif search_index - base_index > 0:
                next_index = base_index + (search_index - base_index + 1) * -1

            if next_index not in self.replay.netstream:
                next_index = search_index - 1

            self._extract_goal_data(base_index, next_index)

        # print('Found goal', search_index - base_index)
        self.goal_metadata[base_index] = scorer

    def _get_actors(self):
        for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
            # We can attempt to get the match metadata during this loop and
            # save us having to loop the netstream more than once.
            if not self.match_metadata:

            if len(self.team_metadata) < 2:

            # Find the player actor objects.
            players = [
                for name, value in frame.actors.items()
                if value['actor_type'] == 'TAGame.Default__PRI_TA'

            for value in players:
                Example `value`:

                {'actor_id': 2,
                 'actor_type': 'TAGame.Default__PRI_TA',
                 'data': {'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Ping': 24,
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerID': 656,
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerName': "AvD Sub'n",
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team': (True, 6),
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:UniqueId': (1, 76561198040631598, 0),
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:bReadyToPlay': True,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:CameraSettings': {'dist': 270.0,
                                                           'fov': 107.0,
                                                           'height': 110.0,
                                                           'pitch': -2.0,
                                                           'stiff': 1.0,
                                                           'swiv': 4.300000190734863},
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadout': (11, [23, 0, 613, 39, 752, 0, 0]),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadoutOnline': (11, 0, 0),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:PartyLeader': (1, 76561198071203042, 0),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ReplicatedGameEvent': (True, 1),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:Title': 0,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:TotalXP': 9341290,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:bUsingSecondaryCamera': True},
                 'new': False,
                 'startpos': 102988}

                if 'data' not in value:

                if 'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:bWaitingPlayer' in value['data']:

                team_id = None
                actor_id = value['actor_id']

                if 'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team' in value['data']:
                    team_id = value['data']['Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team'][1]

                if actor_id in self.actors:
                    if team_id is not None:
                        if self.actors[actor_id]['team'] != team_id:
                            if actor_id in self.actor_metadata:
                                self.actor_metadata[actor_id]['Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team'] = value['data']['Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team']

                            if team_id != -1:
                                self.actors[actor_id]['team'] = team_id

                        if not self.actors[actor_id]['team'] or team_id == -1:
                            # self.actors[actor_id]['team'] = team_id
                            self.actors[actor_id]['left'] = index

                elif 'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadout' in value['data']:
                    player_name = value['data']['Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerName']

                    self.actors[actor_id] = {
                        'type': 'player',
                        'join': index,
                        'left': self.replay.header['NumFrames'],
                        'name': player_name,
                        'team': team_id,

                    if actor_id not in self.actor_metadata:
                        self.actor_metadata[actor_id] = value['data']

                # See if our current data value has any new fields.
                if actor_id not in self.actor_metadata:
                    self.actor_metadata[actor_id] = value['data']
                    for key, value in value['data'].items():
                        if key not in self.actor_metadata[actor_id]:
                            self.actor_metadata[actor_id][key] = value

            # Get the ball data (if any).
            ball = [
                for name, value in frame.actors.items()
                if (
                    value['actor_type'] == 'Archetypes.Ball.Ball_Default' and
                    'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState' in value.get('data', {})

            if ball:
                # pprint(ball)
                ball = ball[0]

                if ball['actor_id'] not in self.actors and 'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState' in ball['data']:
                    self.actors[ball['actor_id']] = {
                        'type': 'ball'

    def _get_boost_data(self):
        # 'TAGame.CarComponent_Boost_TA:ReplicatedBoostAmount'

        # Do we have a new car object? Assign it to the user.
        {'actor_id': 7,
         'actor_type': 'Archetypes.Car.Car_Default',
         'data': {'Engine.Pawn:PlayerReplicationInfo': (True, 4),
                  'TAGame.Car_TA:TeamPaint': {'CustomColorID': 90,
                                              'CustomFinishID': 270,
                                              'Team': 0,
                                              'TeamColorID': 3,
                                              'TeamFinishID': 270},
                  'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState': {'flag': False,
                                                          'pos': (0, -4608, 43),
                                                          'rot': (-1.000030518509476,
                                                          'vec1': (0, 0, -162),
                                                          'vec2': (0, 0, 0)},
                  'TAGame.Vehicle_TA:ReplicatedThrottle': 255},
         'new': False,
         'startpos': 4230}
        {'actor_id': 8,
         'actor_type': 'Archetypes.CarComponents.CarComponent_Boost',
         'data': {'TAGame.CarComponent_Boost_TA:ReplicatedBoostAmount': 85,
                  'TAGame.CarComponent_TA:Vehicle': (True, 7)},
         'new': False,
         'startpos': 4537}

        self.boost_actors = {}
        self.cars = {}

        for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
            # pprint(frame.actors.items())

            for name, value in frame.actors.items():
                actor_id = value['actor_id']

                # Get any cars.
                if value['actor_type'] == 'Archetypes.Car.Car_Default':
                    if 'data' not in value:

                    if 'Engine.Pawn:PlayerReplicationInfo' in value['data']:
                        player_id = value['data']['Engine.Pawn:PlayerReplicationInfo'][1]
                        self.cars[actor_id] = player_id

                # Get any boost objects.
                if value['actor_type'] == 'Archetypes.CarComponents.CarComponent_Boost':
                    if actor_id not in self.boost_actors:
                        self.boost_actors[actor_id] = {}

                    if 'data' not in value:

                    if 'TAGame.CarComponent_TA:Vehicle' in value['data']:
                        car_id = value['data']['TAGame.CarComponent_TA:Vehicle'][1]
                        self.boost_actors[actor_id] = car_id

                    if 'TAGame.CarComponent_Boost_TA:ReplicatedBoostAmount' in value['data']:
                        if actor_id not in self.boost_data:
                            self.boost_data[actor_id] = {}

                        self.boost_data[actor_id][index] = value['data']['TAGame.CarComponent_Boost_TA:ReplicatedBoostAmount']

        # Data structure:
        # value key = booster id (in values)
        # booster id maps to a car (in actors)
        # cars map to players (in card)

        self.boost_data = {
            'values': self.boost_data,
            'actors': self.boost_actors,
            'cars': self.cars,

    def _get_seconds_remaining(self):
        self.seconds_mapping = {}

        for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
            for name, value in frame.actors.items():
                if 'data' not in value:

                if 'TAGame.GameEvent_Soccar_TA:SecondsRemaining' in value['data']:
                    self.seconds_mapping[index] = value['data']['TAGame.GameEvent_Soccar_TA:SecondsRemaining']

    def _get_player_position_data(self, player_id):
        player = self.actors[player_id]
        result = {}

        car_actor_obj = None

        # TODO: Refactor this to only loop the netstream once.
        if player['type'] == 'player':
            for index in range(player['join'], player['left']):
                    frame = self.replay.netstream[index]
                except KeyError:
                    # Handle truncated network data.

                # First we need to find the player's car object.
                for actor in frame.actors:
                    actor_obj = frame.actors[actor]

                    if 'data' not in actor_obj:

                    engine = actor_obj['data'].get('Engine.Pawn:PlayerReplicationInfo')

                    # This is the correct object for this player.
                    if engine and engine[1] == player_id:
                        car_actor_obj = actor_obj['actor_id']

                    # If the actor we're looking at is the car object, then get the
                    # position and rotation data for this frame.
                    if actor_obj['actor_id'] == car_actor_obj:
                        state_data = actor_obj['data'].get('TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState')

                        if state_data:
                            x, y, z = state_data['pos']
                            yaw, pitch, roll = state_data['rot']

                            result[index] = {
                                'x': x,
                                'y': y,
                                'z': z,
                                'pitch': pitch,
                                'roll': roll,
                                'yaw': yaw

        elif player['type'] == 'ball':
            for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
                # Does this actor exist in the frame data?
                for actor in frame.actors:
                    actor_obj = frame.actors[actor]

                    if 'data' not in actor_obj:

                    if actor_obj['actor_id'] != player_id:

                    if 'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState' not in actor_obj['data']:

                    if actor_obj['actor_type'] != 'Archetypes.Ball.Ball_Default':

                    state_data = actor_obj['data']['TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState']

                    x, y, z = state_data['pos']
                    yaw, pitch, roll = state_data['rot']

                    result[index] = {
                        'x': x,
                        'y': y,
                        'z': z,
                        'pitch': pitch,
                        'roll': roll,
                        'yaw': yaw

        return result
class Generator(object):

    actor_metadata = {}
    goal_metadata = {}
    match_metadata = {}
    actors = {}

    def __init__(self, file_path=None):
        if not file_path:
            file_path = sys.argv[1]

            self.replay = pickle.load(open(file_path + '.pickle', "rb"))
            self.replay_id = self.replay.header['Id']
            self.replay = Replay(path=file_path)
            self.replay_id = self.replay.header['Id']

            pickle.dump(self.replay, open(file_path + '.pickle', 'wb'))

        # Extract the goal information.
        if 'Goals' in self.replay.header:
            for goal in self.replay.header['Goals']:


        for player in self.actors.copy():
            # Get their position data.
            if self.actors[player]['type'] == 'player':
                self.actors[player]['position_data'] = self.get_player_position_data(player)
            elif self.actors[player]['type'] == 'ball':
                if 'ball' not in self.actors:
                    self.actors['ball'] = {
                        'position_data': {}

                ball_data = self.get_player_position_data(player)

                self.actors['ball']['position_data'] = {

                del self.actors[player]

        collated_data = {
            'actors': self.actors,
            'goal_metadata': self.goal_metadata,
            'actor_metadata': self.actor_metadata,
            'match_metadata': self.match_metadata,

        self.json = json.dumps(collated_data, indent=2)

    def get_match_metadata(self, frame):
        # Search through the frames looking for some game replication info.
        game_info = [
            value for name, value in frame.actors.items()
            if (
                'GameReplicationInfoArchetype' in name and
                'Engine.GameReplicationInfo:ServerName' in value['data']

        if not game_info:

        game_info = game_info[0]['data']

        self.match_metadata = {
            'server_name': game_info['Engine.GameReplicationInfo:ServerName'],
            'playlist': game_info['ProjectX.GRI_X:ReplicatedGamePlaylist']

    def extract_goal_data(self, base_index, search_index=None):
        if not search_index:
            search_index = base_index

        frame = self.replay.netstream[search_index]

        scorer = None

        players = [
            for name, value in frame.actors.items()
            if value['actor_type'] == 'TAGame.Default__PRI_TA'

        # Figure out who scored.
        for value in players:
            if 'TAGame.PRI_TA:MatchGoals' in value['data']:
                scorer = value['actor_id']

        if not scorer:
            self.extract_goal_data(base_index, search_index - 1)

        self.goal_metadata[base_index] = scorer

    def get_actors(self):
        for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
            # We can attempt to get the match metadata during this loop and
            # save us having to loop the netstream more than once.
            if not self.match_metadata:

            # Find the player actor objects.
            players = [
                for name, value in frame.actors.items()
                if value['actor_type'] == 'TAGame.Default__PRI_TA'

            for value in players:
                Example `value`:

                {'actor_id': 2,
                 'actor_type': 'TAGame.Default__PRI_TA',
                 'data': {'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Ping': 24,
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerID': 656,
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerName': "AvD Sub'n",
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team': (True, 6),
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:UniqueId': (1, 76561198040631598, 0),
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:bReadyToPlay': True,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:CameraSettings': {'dist': 270.0,
                                                           'fov': 107.0,
                                                           'height': 110.0,
                                                           'pitch': -2.0,
                                                           'stiff': 1.0,
                                                           'swiv': 4.300000190734863},
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadout': (11, [23, 0, 613, 39, 752, 0, 0]),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadoutOnline': (11, 0, 0),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:PartyLeader': (1, 76561198071203042, 0),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ReplicatedGameEvent': (True, 1),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:Title': 0,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:TotalXP': 9341290,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:bUsingSecondaryCamera': True},
                 'new': False,
                 'startpos': 102988}

                if 'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerName' not in value['data']:

                team_id = None
                actor_id = value['actor_id']

                if 'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team' in value['data']:
                    team_id = value['data']['Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team'][1]

                if actor_id in self.actors:
                    if (not self.actors[actor_id]['team'] and team_id) or team_id == -1:
                        self.actors[actor_id]['team'] = team_id

                elif 'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadout' in value['data']:
                    player_name = value['data']['Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerName']

                    self.actors[actor_id] = {
                        'type': 'player',
                        'join': index,
                        'left': self.replay.header['NumFrames'],
                        'name': player_name,
                        'team': team_id,

                    if actor_id not in self.actor_metadata:
                        self.actor_metadata[actor_id] = value['data']

            # Get the ball data (if any).
            ball = [
                for name, value in frame.actors.items()
                if (
                    value['actor_type'] == 'Archetypes.Ball.Ball_Default' and
                    'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState' in value.get('data', {})

            if ball:
                ball = ball[0]

                if ball['actor_id'] not in self.actors and 'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState' in ball['data']:
                    self.actors[ball['actor_id']] = {
                        'type': 'ball'

    def get_player_position_data(self, player_id):
        player = self.actors[player_id]
        result = {}

        car_actor_obj = None

        if player['type'] == 'player':
            for index in range(player['join'], player['left']):
                    frame = self.replay.netstream[index]
                except KeyError:
                    # Handle truncated network data.

                # First we need to find the player's car object.
                for actor in frame.actors:
                    actor_obj = frame.actors[actor]

                    if 'data' not in actor_obj:

                    engine = actor_obj['data'].get('Engine.Pawn:PlayerReplicationInfo')

                    # This is the correct object for this player.
                    if engine and engine[1] == player_id:
                        car_actor_obj = actor_obj['actor_id']

                    # If the actor we're looking at is the car object, then get the
                    # position and rotation data for this frame.
                    if actor_obj['actor_id'] == car_actor_obj:
                        state_data = actor_obj['data'].get('TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState')

                        if state_data:
                            x, y, z = state_data['pos']
                            yaw, pitch, roll = state_data['rot']

                            result[index] = {
                                'x': x,
                                'y': y,
                                'z': z,
                                'pitch': pitch,
                                'roll': roll,
                                'yaw': yaw

        elif player['type'] == 'ball':
            for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
                # Does this actor exist in the frame data?
                for actor in frame.actors:
                    actor_obj = frame.actors[actor]

                    if 'data' not in actor_obj:

                    if actor_obj['actor_id'] != player_id:

                    if 'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState' not in actor_obj['data']:

                    state_data = actor_obj['data']['TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState']

                    x, y, z = state_data['pos']
                    yaw, pitch, roll = state_data['rot']

                    result[index] = {
                        'x': x,
                        'y': y,
                        'z': z,
                        'pitch': pitch,
                        'roll': roll,
                        'yaw': yaw

        return result
예제 #4
    file_path = f.name
elif sys.argv[1].startswith('http'):
    r = requests.get(sys.argv[1], headers=headers)
    f = tempfile.TemporaryFile('wb')


    file_path = f.name
    file_path = sys.argv[1]

replay = Replay(path=file_path)
replay_id = replay.header['Id']

def _extract_data(replay, replay_analyser, player):
    datasets = {}
    lst_plots = []
    slicing = False
    data = replay_analyser.get_actor_pos(player, slicing)

    new_datasets = analyser.AnalyserUtils.filter_coords(
        data, True, True, False)
    for entry in new_datasets:
        if entry['title_short'] in datasets:
            print("Dataset already in Plotlist")
예제 #5
    print('This may take a while.')
if len(filePaths) > 1:
    print('I will report back whenever a file is pickled.')

pickles = 0
directory = 'replays'
makedirs(directory,exist_ok = True)

for i in range(len(filePaths)):
    filePath = filePaths[i]
    fileName = fileNames[i]
    print('Analysing ' + str(fileName))
        replay = Replay(filePath)
        game = Game(replay.netstream)
        replay.pysickleData = game
        del replay._netstream_raw

        with open(directory + '/' + fileName[:-7]+'.data','wb') as outfile:
        print('Output pickle success.')
        with open(directory + '/' + fileName[:-7]+'.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
        with open(directory + '/' + fileName[:-7]+'(md).json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
        print('Output JSON success.')
예제 #6
class Generator(object):
    def __init__(self):
        file_path = sys.argv[1]

            self.replay = pickle.load(open(file_path + '.pickle', "rb"))
            self.replay_id = self.replay.header['Id']
            self.replay = Replay(path=file_path)
            self.replay_id = self.replay.header['Id']

            pickle.dump(self.replay, open(file_path + '.pickle', 'wb'))

        self.players = self.get_players()
        self.ballData = self.get_ball_data()

        for player in self.players:
            # Get their position data.
                'position_data'] = self.get_player_position_data(player)

        # Restructure the data so that it's chunkable.
        frame_data = []

        for frame in range(self.replay.header['NumFrames']):
            frame_dict = {
                'time': self.replay.netstream[frame].current,
                'actors': []

            for player in self.players:
                position_data = self.players[player]['position_data']

                if frame in position_data:
                        'id': player,
                        'type': 'car',

            if frame in self.ballData:
                    'id': 'ball',
                    'type': 'ball',


        assert len(frame_data) == self.replay.header[
            'NumFrames'], "Missing {} frames from data output.".format(
                self.replay.header['NumFrames'] - len(frame_data))

        # Get min and max z values.
        for axis in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
            values = [
                actor[axis] for frame in frame_data
                for actor in frame['actors']

            print(axis, min(values), max(values))

        json.dump(frame_data, open(file_path + '.json', 'w'), indent=2)

    def get_players(self):
        players = {}

        for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
            pri_ta = [
                value for name, value in frame.actors.items()
                if 'e_Default__PRI_TA' in name

            for value in pri_ta:
                Example `value`:

                {'actor_id': 2,
                 'actor_type': 'TAGame.Default__PRI_TA',
                 'data': {'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Ping': 24,
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerID': 656,
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerName': "AvD Sub'n",
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team': (True, 6),
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:UniqueId': (1, 76561198040631598, 0),
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:bReadyToPlay': True,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:CameraSettings': {'dist': 270.0,
                                                           'fov': 107.0,
                                                           'height': 110.0,
                                                           'pitch': -2.0,
                                                           'stiff': 1.0,
                                                           'swiv': 4.300000190734863},
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadout': (11, [23, 0, 613, 39, 752, 0, 0]),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadoutOnline': (11, 0, 0),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:PartyLeader': (1, 76561198071203042, 0),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ReplicatedGameEvent': (True, 1),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:Title': 0,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:TotalXP': 9341290,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:bUsingSecondaryCamera': True},
                 'new': False,
                 'startpos': 102988}
                if 'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerName' not in value[

                team_id = None
                actor_id = value['actor_id']

                if 'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team' in value['data']:
                    team_id = value['data'][

                player_name = value['data'][

                if actor_id in players:
                    if (not players[actor_id]['team']
                            and team_id) or team_id == -1:
                        players[actor_id]['team'] = team_id

                elif 'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadout' in value['data']:
                    players[actor_id] = {
                        'join': index,
                        'left': self.replay.header['NumFrames'],
                        'name': player_name,
                        'team': team_id,

        return players

    def get_player_position_data(self, player_id):
        player = self.players[player_id]
        result = {}

        car_actor_obj = None

        for index in range(player['join'], player['left']):
            frame = self.replay.netstream[index]
            # pprint(frame.actors)

            # First we need to find the player's car object.
            for actor in frame.actors:
                actor_obj = frame.actors[actor]

                if 'data' not in actor_obj:

                engine = actor_obj['data'].get(

                # This is the correct object for this player.
                if engine and engine[1] == player_id:
                    car_actor_obj = actor_obj['actor_id']

                # If the actor we're looking at is the car object, then get the
                # position and rotation data for this frame.
                if actor_obj['actor_id'] == car_actor_obj:
                    state_data = actor_obj['data'].get(

                    if state_data:
                        x, y, z = state_data['pos']
                        yaw, pitch, roll = state_data['rot']

                        result[index] = {
                            'x': x,
                            'y': y,
                            'z': z,
                            'pitch': pitch,
                            'roll': roll,
                            'yaw': yaw

        return result

    def get_ball_data(self):
        result = {}
        for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
            for actor in frame.actors:
                actor_obj = frame.actors[actor]

                if 'data' not in actor_obj:
                if 'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState' not in actor_obj[
                if actor_obj['actor_type'] != 'Archetypes.Ball.Ball_Default':

                # print(actor_obj['actor_id'])

                state_data = actor_obj['data'][

                x, y, z = state_data['pos']
                yaw, pitch, roll = state_data['rot']

                result[index] = {
                    'x': x,
                    'y': y,
                    'z': z,
                    'pitch': pitch,
                    'roll': roll,
                    'yaw': yaw
        return result
예제 #7
class Parser(object):
    def __init__(self, file_path, parse_netstream=False, obj=None):
        self.replay = Replay(file_path)
        self.replay_id = self.replay.header['Id']

        self.actor_metadata = {}
        self.goal_metadata = {}
        self.match_metadata = {}
        self.team_metadata = {}
        self.actors = {}
        self.cars = {}
        self.boost_data = {}
        self.heatmap_json_filename = None

        assert len(self.team_metadata) == 0

        pickle_filename = 'uploads/pickle_files/{}.pickle'.format(
        heatmap_json_filename = 'uploads/replay_json_files/{}.json'.format(
        location_json_filename = 'uploads/replay_location_json_files/{}.json'.format(

        if parse_netstream:
                self.replay = pickle.loads(
            except (FileNotFoundError, OSError, S3ResponseError):
                except FrameParsingError:
                    # Bail us out of here early, just provide an 'old school' parse.
                    parse_netstream = False

        if not parse_netstream:


        # If the number of goals in the header doesn't match the number of goals
        # in the game, try to get the missing goal data from the netstream.
          {'actor_id': 3,
           'actor_type': 'Archetypes.Teams.Team1',
           'data': {'Engine.TeamInfo:Score': 1},
           'new': False,
           'startpos': 2053839}),
        if len(self.replay.header.get('Goals', [])) < self.replay.header.get(
                'Team0Score', 0) + self.replay.header.get('Team1Score', 0):
            for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
                for _, actor in frame.actors.items():
                    if 'data' not in actor:

                    if ('Engine.TeamInfo:Score' in actor['data']
                            and 'TAGame.Team_TA:GameEvent' not in actor['data']
                            and actor['actor_type'].startswith(
                        if 'Goals' not in self.replay.header:
                            self.replay.header['Goals'] = []

                            'Unknown player (own goal?)',
                                'Archetypes.Teams.Team', ''),

        # Extract the goal information.
        if 'Goals' in self.replay.header:
            for goal in self.replay.header['Goals']:

        if 'NumFrames' in self.replay.header:
            assert len(self.team_metadata) == 2

        for player in self.actors.copy():
            # Get their position data.
            if 'type' not in self.actors[player]:

            if self.actors[player]['type'] == 'player':
                    'position_data'] = self._get_player_position_data(player)
            elif self.actors[player]['type'] == 'ball':
                if 'ball' not in self.actors:
                    self.actors['ball'] = {'position_data': {}}

                ball_data = self._get_player_position_data(player)

                self.actors['ball']['position_data'] = {

                del self.actors[player]

        # Compress the location data per (player) actor.
        compressed_data = {}

        for actor in self.actors:
            if 'type' not in self.actors[actor]:

            if self.actors[actor]['type'] == 'player':
                compressed_data[actor] = {}

                current_key = ''
                key = ''

                keys = self.actors[actor]['position_data'].keys()

                if len(keys) == 0:

                for frame in range(min(keys), max(keys)):
                    if frame in self.actors[actor]['position_data']:
                        data = self.actors[actor]['position_data'][frame]
                        key = '{},{}'.format(data['x'], data['y'])

                    if key == current_key:
                        compressed_data[actor][key] += 1
                        if key not in compressed_data[actor]:
                            compressed_data[actor][key] = 1
                            compressed_data[actor][key] += 1

                assert sum([
                    i[1] for i in compressed_data[actor].items()
                ]) == max(self.actors[actor]['position_data'], key=int) - min(
                    self.actors[actor]['position_data'], key=int)

        if default_storage.exists(heatmap_json_filename):

        heatmap_json_filename = default_storage.save(
            ContentFile(json.dumps(compressed_data, separators=(',', ':'))))

        self.heatmap_json_filename = heatmap_json_filename

        if obj.eligble_for_analysis():
            # Advanced replay parsing.
            # Restructure the data so that it's chunkable.
            frame_data = []

            for frame in range(self.replay.header['NumFrames']):
                frame_dict = {
                    'time': self.replay.netstream[frame].current,
                    'actors': []

                for player in self.actors:
                    position_data = self.actors[player]['position_data']

                    if frame in position_data:
                            self.actors[player].get('type', 'ball'),


            if default_storage.exists(location_json_filename):

            # pprint(self.boost_data)

            small_actors = {}

            for key, value in self.actors.items():
                small_actors[key] = value

                del small_actors[key]['position_data']

            final_data = {
                'frame_data': frame_data,
                'goals': self.replay.header.get('Goals', []),
                'boost': self.boost_data,
                'seconds_mapping': self.seconds_mapping,
                'actors': self.actors,
                'teams': self.team_metadata

            location_json_filename = default_storage.save(
                ContentFile(json.dumps(final_data, separators=(',', ':'))))
            self.location_json_filename = location_json_filename

    def _get_match_metadata(self, frame):
        # Search through the frames looking for some game replication info.
        game_info = [
            value for name, value in frame.actors.items()
            if ('GameReplicationInfoArchetype' in name
                and 'Engine.GameReplicationInfo:ServerName' in value['data'])

        if not game_info:

        game_info = game_info[0]['data']

        self.match_metadata = {
            'server_name': game_info['Engine.GameReplicationInfo:ServerName'],
            'playlist': game_info.get('ProjectX.GRI_X:ReplicatedGamePlaylist',

    def _get_team_metadata(self, frame):
        # Search through the frame looking for team info.
        team_info = [
            value for name, value in frame.actors.items()
            if 'Archetypes.Teams.Team' in value.get('actor_type', '')
            and value['new']

        if not team_info:

        for team in team_info:
            self.team_metadata[team['actor_id']] = team['actor_type'].replace(
                'Archetypes.Teams.Team', '')

    def _extract_goal_data(self, base_index, search_index=None):
        # If the player name is unique within the actor set, then don't bother
        # searching through frames for the data.
        for goal in self.replay.header['Goals']:
            if goal['frame'] == base_index:
                player = [
                    actor_id for actor_id, data in self.actors.items()
                    if data['type'] == 'player'
                    and data['name'] == goal['PlayerName']

                if len(player) == 1:
                    self.goal_metadata[base_index] = player[0]

                # We found the goal we wanted, we just couldn't find the player,
                # but break out early as a minor optimisation.

        if not search_index:
            search_index = base_index

            if base_index not in self.replay.netstream:
                search_index = base_index - 1

        frame = self.replay.netstream[search_index]

        scorer = None

        players = [
            value for name, value in frame.actors.items()
            if value['actor_type'] == 'TAGame.Default__PRI_TA'

        # Figure out who scored.
        for value in players:
            if 'TAGame.PRI_TA:MatchGoals' in value['data']:
                scorer = value['actor_id']

            if 'TAGame.PRI_TA:MatchAssists' in value['data']:
                # print('we have the assister!', value['actor_id'])

        # Search in the closest frames, then gradually expand the search.

        if scorer is None:
            if search_index < base_index - 100:
                print('Unable to find goal for frame', base_index)

            if search_index == base_index:
                next_index = base_index - 1
            elif search_index - base_index < 0:
                next_index = base_index + abs(search_index - base_index)
            elif search_index - base_index > 0:
                next_index = base_index + (search_index - base_index + 1) * -1

            if next_index not in self.replay.netstream:
                next_index = search_index - 1

            self._extract_goal_data(base_index, next_index)

        # print('Found goal', search_index - base_index)
        self.goal_metadata[base_index] = scorer

    def _get_actors(self):
        for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
            # We can attempt to get the match metadata during this loop and
            # save us having to loop the netstream more than once.
            if not self.match_metadata:

            if len(self.team_metadata) < 2:

            # Find the player actor objects.
            players = [
                value for name, value in frame.actors.items()
                if value['actor_type'] == 'TAGame.Default__PRI_TA'

            for value in players:
                Example `value`:

                {'actor_id': 2,
                 'actor_type': 'TAGame.Default__PRI_TA',
                 'data': {'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Ping': 24,
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerID': 656,
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerName': "AvD Sub'n",
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team': (True, 6),
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:UniqueId': (1, 76561198040631598, 0),
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:bReadyToPlay': True,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:CameraSettings': {'dist': 270.0,
                                                           'fov': 107.0,
                                                           'height': 110.0,
                                                           'pitch': -2.0,
                                                           'stiff': 1.0,
                                                           'swiv': 4.300000190734863},
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadout': (11, [23, 0, 613, 39, 752, 0, 0]),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadoutOnline': (11, 0, 0),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:PartyLeader': (1, 76561198071203042, 0),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ReplicatedGameEvent': (True, 1),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:Title': 0,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:TotalXP': 9341290,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:bUsingSecondaryCamera': True},
                 'new': False,
                 'startpos': 102988}

                if 'data' not in value:

                if 'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:bWaitingPlayer' in value[

                team_id = None
                actor_id = value['actor_id']

                if 'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team' in value['data']:
                    team_id = value['data'][

                if actor_id in self.actors:
                    if team_id is not None:
                        if self.actors[actor_id]['team'] != team_id:
                            if actor_id in self.actor_metadata:
                                    'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team'] = value[

                            if team_id != -1:
                                self.actors[actor_id]['team'] = team_id

                        if not self.actors[actor_id]['team'] or team_id == -1:
                            # self.actors[actor_id]['team'] = team_id
                            self.actors[actor_id]['left'] = index

                elif 'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadout' in value['data']:
                    player_name = value['data'][

                    self.actors[actor_id] = {
                        'type': 'player',
                        'join': index,
                        'left': self.replay.header['NumFrames'],
                        'name': player_name,
                        'team': team_id,

                    if actor_id not in self.actor_metadata:
                        self.actor_metadata[actor_id] = value['data']

                # See if our current data value has any new fields.
                if actor_id not in self.actor_metadata:
                    self.actor_metadata[actor_id] = value['data']
                    for key, value in value['data'].items():
                        if key not in self.actor_metadata[actor_id]:
                            self.actor_metadata[actor_id][key] = value

            # Get the ball data (if any).
            ball = [
                value for name, value in frame.actors.items()
                if (value['actor_type'] == 'Archetypes.Ball.Ball_Default'
                    and 'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState' in value.get(
                        'data', {}))

            if ball:
                # pprint(ball)
                ball = ball[0]

                if ball['actor_id'] not in self.actors and 'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState' in ball[
                    self.actors[ball['actor_id']] = {'type': 'ball'}

    def _get_boost_data(self):
        # 'TAGame.CarComponent_Boost_TA:ReplicatedBoostAmount'

        # Do we have a new car object? Assign it to the user.
        {'actor_id': 7,
         'actor_type': 'Archetypes.Car.Car_Default',
         'data': {'Engine.Pawn:PlayerReplicationInfo': (True, 4),
                  'TAGame.Car_TA:TeamPaint': {'CustomColorID': 90,
                                              'CustomFinishID': 270,
                                              'Team': 0,
                                              'TeamColorID': 3,
                                              'TeamFinishID': 270},
                  'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState': {'flag': False,
                                                          'pos': (0, -4608, 43),
                                                          'rot': (-1.000030518509476,
                                                          'vec1': (0, 0, -162),
                                                          'vec2': (0, 0, 0)},
                  'TAGame.Vehicle_TA:ReplicatedThrottle': 255},
         'new': False,
         'startpos': 4230}
        {'actor_id': 8,
         'actor_type': 'Archetypes.CarComponents.CarComponent_Boost',
         'data': {'TAGame.CarComponent_Boost_TA:ReplicatedBoostAmount': 85,
                  'TAGame.CarComponent_TA:Vehicle': (True, 7)},
         'new': False,
         'startpos': 4537}

        self.boost_actors = {}
        self.cars = {}

        for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
            # pprint(frame.actors.items())

            for name, value in frame.actors.items():
                actor_id = value['actor_id']

                # Get any cars.
                if value['actor_type'] == 'Archetypes.Car.Car_Default':
                    if 'data' not in value:

                    if 'Engine.Pawn:PlayerReplicationInfo' in value['data']:
                        player_id = value['data'][
                        self.cars[actor_id] = player_id

                # Get any boost objects.
                if value[
                        'actor_type'] == 'Archetypes.CarComponents.CarComponent_Boost':
                    if actor_id not in self.boost_actors:
                        self.boost_actors[actor_id] = {}

                    if 'data' not in value:

                    if 'TAGame.CarComponent_TA:Vehicle' in value['data']:
                        car_id = value['data'][
                        self.boost_actors[actor_id] = car_id

                    if 'TAGame.CarComponent_Boost_TA:ReplicatedBoostAmount' in value[
                        if actor_id not in self.boost_data:
                            self.boost_data[actor_id] = {}

                        self.boost_data[actor_id][index] = value['data'][

        # Data structure:
        # value key = booster id (in values)
        # booster id maps to a car (in actors)
        # cars map to players (in card)

        self.boost_data = {
            'values': self.boost_data,
            'actors': self.boost_actors,
            'cars': self.cars,

    def _get_seconds_remaining(self):
        self.seconds_mapping = {}

        for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
            for name, value in frame.actors.items():
                if 'data' not in value:

                if 'TAGame.GameEvent_Soccar_TA:SecondsRemaining' in value[
                    self.seconds_mapping[index] = value['data'][

    def _get_player_position_data(self, player_id):
        player = self.actors[player_id]
        result = {}

        car_actor_obj = None

        # TODO: Refactor this to only loop the netstream once.
        if player['type'] == 'player':
            for index in range(player['join'], player['left']):
                    frame = self.replay.netstream[index]
                except KeyError:
                    # Handle truncated network data.

                # First we need to find the player's car object.
                for actor in frame.actors:
                    actor_obj = frame.actors[actor]

                    if 'data' not in actor_obj:

                    engine = actor_obj['data'].get(

                    # This is the correct object for this player.
                    if engine and engine[1] == player_id:
                        car_actor_obj = actor_obj['actor_id']

                    # If the actor we're looking at is the car object, then get the
                    # position and rotation data for this frame.
                    if actor_obj['actor_id'] == car_actor_obj:
                        state_data = actor_obj['data'].get(

                        if state_data:
                            x, y, z = state_data['pos']
                            yaw, pitch, roll = state_data['rot']

                            result[index] = {
                                'x': x,
                                'y': y,
                                'z': z,
                                'pitch': pitch,
                                'roll': roll,
                                'yaw': yaw

        elif player['type'] == 'ball':
            for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
                # Does this actor exist in the frame data?
                for actor in frame.actors:
                    actor_obj = frame.actors[actor]

                    if 'data' not in actor_obj:

                    if actor_obj['actor_id'] != player_id:

                    if 'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState' not in actor_obj[

                    if actor_obj[
                            'actor_type'] != 'Archetypes.Ball.Ball_Default':

                    state_data = actor_obj['data'][

                    x, y, z = state_data['pos']
                    yaw, pitch, roll = state_data['rot']

                    result[index] = {
                        'x': x,
                        'y': y,
                        'z': z,
                        'pitch': pitch,
                        'roll': roll,
                        'yaw': yaw

        return result
예제 #8
class Generator(object):

    actor_metadata = {}
    goal_metadata = {}
    match_metadata = {}
    actors = {}

    def __init__(self, file_path=None):
        if not file_path:
            file_path = sys.argv[1]

            self.replay = pickle.load(open(file_path + '.pickle', "rb"))
            self.replay_id = self.replay.header['Id']
            self.replay = Replay(path=file_path)
            self.replay_id = self.replay.header['Id']

            pickle.dump(self.replay, open(file_path + '.pickle', 'wb'))

        # Extract the goal information.
        if 'Goals' in self.replay.header:
            for goal in self.replay.header['Goals']:


        for player in self.actors.copy():
            # Get their position data.
            if self.actors[player]['type'] == 'player':
                    'position_data'] = self.get_player_position_data(player)
            elif self.actors[player]['type'] == 'ball':
                if 'ball' not in self.actors:
                    self.actors['ball'] = {'position_data': {}}

                ball_data = self.get_player_position_data(player)

                self.actors['ball']['position_data'] = {

                del self.actors[player]

        collated_data = {
            'actors': self.actors,
            'goal_metadata': self.goal_metadata,
            'actor_metadata': self.actor_metadata,
            'match_metadata': self.match_metadata,

        self.json = json.dumps(collated_data, indent=2)

    def get_match_metadata(self, frame):
        # Search through the frames looking for some game replication info.
        game_info = [
            value for name, value in frame.actors.items()
            if ('GameReplicationInfoArchetype' in name
                and 'Engine.GameReplicationInfo:ServerName' in value['data'])

        if not game_info:

        game_info = game_info[0]['data']

        self.match_metadata = {
            'server_name': game_info['Engine.GameReplicationInfo:ServerName'],
            'playlist': game_info['ProjectX.GRI_X:ReplicatedGamePlaylist']

    def extract_goal_data(self, base_index, search_index=None):
        if not search_index:
            search_index = base_index

        frame = self.replay.netstream[search_index]

        scorer = None

        players = [
            value for name, value in frame.actors.items()
            if value['actor_type'] == 'TAGame.Default__PRI_TA'

        # Figure out who scored.
        for value in players:
            if 'TAGame.PRI_TA:MatchGoals' in value['data']:
                scorer = value['actor_id']

        if not scorer:
            self.extract_goal_data(base_index, search_index - 1)

        self.goal_metadata[base_index] = scorer

    def get_actors(self):
        for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
            # We can attempt to get the match metadata during this loop and
            # save us having to loop the netstream more than once.
            if not self.match_metadata:

            # Find the player actor objects.
            players = [
                value for name, value in frame.actors.items()
                if value['actor_type'] == 'TAGame.Default__PRI_TA'

            for value in players:
                Example `value`:

                {'actor_id': 2,
                 'actor_type': 'TAGame.Default__PRI_TA',
                 'data': {'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Ping': 24,
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerID': 656,
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerName': "AvD Sub'n",
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team': (True, 6),
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:UniqueId': (1, 76561198040631598, 0),
                          'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:bReadyToPlay': True,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:CameraSettings': {'dist': 270.0,
                                                           'fov': 107.0,
                                                           'height': 110.0,
                                                           'pitch': -2.0,
                                                           'stiff': 1.0,
                                                           'swiv': 4.300000190734863},
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadout': (11, [23, 0, 613, 39, 752, 0, 0]),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadoutOnline': (11, 0, 0),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:PartyLeader': (1, 76561198071203042, 0),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:ReplicatedGameEvent': (True, 1),
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:Title': 0,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:TotalXP': 9341290,
                          'TAGame.PRI_TA:bUsingSecondaryCamera': True},
                 'new': False,
                 'startpos': 102988}

                if 'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:PlayerName' not in value[

                team_id = None
                actor_id = value['actor_id']

                if 'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo:Team' in value['data']:
                    team_id = value['data'][

                if actor_id in self.actors:
                    if (not self.actors[actor_id]['team']
                            and team_id) or team_id == -1:
                        self.actors[actor_id]['team'] = team_id

                elif 'TAGame.PRI_TA:ClientLoadout' in value['data']:
                    player_name = value['data'][

                    self.actors[actor_id] = {
                        'type': 'player',
                        'join': index,
                        'left': self.replay.header['NumFrames'],
                        'name': player_name,
                        'team': team_id,

                    if actor_id not in self.actor_metadata:
                        self.actor_metadata[actor_id] = value['data']

            # Get the ball data (if any).
            ball = [
                value for name, value in frame.actors.items()
                if (value['actor_type'] == 'Archetypes.Ball.Ball_Default'
                    and 'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState' in value.get(
                        'data', {}))

            if ball:
                ball = ball[0]

                if ball['actor_id'] not in self.actors and 'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState' in ball[
                    self.actors[ball['actor_id']] = {'type': 'ball'}

    def get_player_position_data(self, player_id):
        player = self.actors[player_id]
        result = {}

        car_actor_obj = None

        if player['type'] == 'player':
            for index in range(player['join'], player['left']):
                    frame = self.replay.netstream[index]
                except KeyError:
                    # Handle truncated network data.

                # First we need to find the player's car object.
                for actor in frame.actors:
                    actor_obj = frame.actors[actor]

                    if 'data' not in actor_obj:

                    engine = actor_obj['data'].get(

                    # This is the correct object for this player.
                    if engine and engine[1] == player_id:
                        car_actor_obj = actor_obj['actor_id']

                    # If the actor we're looking at is the car object, then get the
                    # position and rotation data for this frame.
                    if actor_obj['actor_id'] == car_actor_obj:
                        state_data = actor_obj['data'].get(

                        if state_data:
                            x, y, z = state_data['pos']
                            yaw, pitch, roll = state_data['rot']

                            result[index] = {
                                'x': x,
                                'y': y,
                                'z': z,
                                'pitch': pitch,
                                'roll': roll,
                                'yaw': yaw

        elif player['type'] == 'ball':
            for index, frame in self.replay.netstream.items():
                # Does this actor exist in the frame data?
                for actor in frame.actors:
                    actor_obj = frame.actors[actor]

                    if 'data' not in actor_obj:

                    if actor_obj['actor_id'] != player_id:

                    if 'TAGame.RBActor_TA:ReplicatedRBState' not in actor_obj[

                    state_data = actor_obj['data'][

                    x, y, z = state_data['pos']
                    yaw, pitch, roll = state_data['rot']

                    result[index] = {
                        'x': x,
                        'y': y,
                        'z': z,
                        'pitch': pitch,
                        'roll': roll,
                        'yaw': yaw

        return result