예제 #1
def pose2pandas(pose: pyrosetta.Pose,
                scorefxn: pyrosetta.ScoreFunction) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Return a pandas dataframe from the scores of the pose

    :param pose:
    scores = pd.DataFrame(pose.energies().residue_total_energies_array())
    pi = pose.pdb_info()
    scores['residue'] = scores.index.to_series() \
        .apply(lambda r: pose.residue( r +1) \
               .name1() + pi.pose2pdb( r +1)
    return scores
예제 #2
def add_bfactor_from_score(pose: pyrosetta.Pose):
    Adds the bfactors from total_score.
    Snippet for testing in Jupyter

    >>> import nglview as nv
    >>> view = nv.show_rosetta(pose)
    >>> # view = nv.show_file('test.cif')
    >>> view.clear_representations()
    >>> view.add_tube(radiusType="bfactor", color="bfactor", radiusScale=0.10, colorScale="RdYlBu")
    >>> view

    ``replace_res_remap_bfactors`` may have been a cleaner strategy. This was quicker to write.

    If this fails, it may be because the pose was not scored first.
    if pose.pdb_info().obsolete():
        raise ValueError(
            'Pose pdb_info is flagged as obsolete (change `pose.pdb_info().obsolete(False)`)'
    # scores
    energies = pose.energies()

    def get_res_score(res):
        total_score = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreType.total_score
        # if pose.residue(res).is_polymer()
            return energies.residue_total_energies(res)[total_score]
            return float('nan')

    # the array goes from zero (nan) to n_residues
    total_scores = np.array(
        [float('nan')] +
        [get_res_score(res) for res in range(1,
                                             pose.total_residue() + 1)])
    mask = np.isnan(total_scores)
    total_scores -= np.nanmin(total_scores)
    total_scores *= 100 / np.nanmax(total_scores)
    total_scores = np.nan_to_num(total_scores, nan=100)
    total_scores[mask] = 0.
    # add to pose
    pdb_info = pose.pdb_info()
    for res in range(pose.total_residue()):
        for i in range(pose.residue(res + 1).natoms()):
            pdb_info.bfactor(res + 1, i + 1, total_scores[res + 1])
예제 #3
 def get_scoredict(self, pose: pyrosetta.Pose) -> Dict[str, float]:
     Given a pose get the global scores.
     a = pose.energies().total_energies_array()
     return dict(zip(a.dtype.fields.keys(), a.tolist()[0]))