예제 #1
파일: column.py 프로젝트: conor1984/Pyrseas
    def from_map(self, table, incols):
        """Initialize the dictionary of columns by converting the input list

        :param table: table or type owning the columns/attributes
        :param incols: YAML list defining the columns
        if not incols:
            raise ValueError("Table '%s' has no columns" % table.name)
        cols = self[(table.schema, table.name)] = []

        for incol in incols:
            for key in incol:
                if isinstance(incol[key], dict):
                    arg = incol[key]
                    arg = {'type': incol[key]}
                col = Column(schema=table.schema, table=table.name, name=key,
                if len(col.privileges) > 0:
                    if table.owner is None:
                        raise ValueError("Column '%s.%s' has privileges but "
                                         "no owner information" % (
                                         table.name, key))
                    col.privileges = privileges_from_map(
                        col.privileges, col.allprivs, table.owner)
예제 #2
    def from_map(self, schema, inobjs, newdb):
        """Initalize the dictionary of tables by converting the input map

        :param schema: schema owning the tables
        :param inobjs: YAML map defining the schema objects
        :param newdb: collection of dictionaries defining the database
        for key in inobjs:
            if not key.startswith('foreign table '):
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % key)
            ftb = key[14:]
            self[(schema.name, ftb)] = ftable = ForeignTable(
                schema=schema.name, name=ftb)
            inftable = inobjs[key]
            if not inftable:
                raise ValueError("Foreign table '%s' has no specification" %
                newdb.columns.from_map(ftable, inftable['columns'])
            except KeyError as exc:
                exc.args = ("Foreign table '%s' has no columns" % ftb, )
            for attr in ['server', 'options', 'owner', 'description']:
                if attr in inftable:
                    setattr(ftable, attr, inftable[attr])
            if 'privileges' in inftable:
                ftable.privileges = privileges_from_map(
                    inftable['privileges'], ftable.allprivs, ftable.owner)
예제 #3
    def from_map(self, schema, inobjs, newdb):
        """Initalize the dictionary of tables by converting the input map

        :param schema: schema owning the tables
        :param inobjs: YAML map defining the schema objects
        :param newdb: collection of dictionaries defining the database
        for key in inobjs:
            if not key.startswith('foreign table '):
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % key)
            ftb = key[14:]
                  ftb)] = ftable = ForeignTable(schema=schema.name, name=ftb)
            inftable = inobjs[key]
            if not inftable:
                raise ValueError("Foreign table '%s' has no specification" %
                newdb.columns.from_map(ftable, inftable['columns'])
            except KeyError as exc:
                exc.args = ("Foreign table '%s' has no columns" % ftb, )
            for attr in ['server', 'options', 'owner', 'description']:
                if attr in inftable:
                    setattr(ftable, attr, inftable[attr])
            if 'privileges' in inftable:
                ftable.privileges = privileges_from_map(
                    inftable['privileges'], ftable.allprivs, ftable.owner)
예제 #4
    def from_map(self, inwrappers, newdb):
        """Initialize the dictionary of wrappers by examining the input map

        :param inwrappers: input YAML map defining the data wrappers
        :param newdb: collection of dictionaries defining the database
        for key in inwrappers:
            if not key.startswith('foreign data wrapper '):
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % key)
            fdw = key[21:]
            self[fdw] = wrapper = ForeignDataWrapper(name=fdw)
            inwrapper = inwrappers[key]
            inservs = {}
            for key in inwrapper:
                if key.startswith('server '):
                    inservs.update({key: inwrapper[key]})
                elif key in [
                        'handler', 'validator', 'options', 'owner', 'oldname',
                    setattr(wrapper, key, inwrapper[key])
                elif key == 'privileges':
                    wrapper.privileges = privileges_from_map(
                        inwrapper[key], wrapper.allprivs, inwrapper['owner'])
                    raise KeyError("Expected typed object, found '%s'" % key)
            newdb.servers.from_map(wrapper, inservs, newdb)
예제 #5
    def from_map(self, inwrappers, newdb):
        """Initialize the dictionary of wrappers by examining the input map

        :param inwrappers: input YAML map defining the data wrappers
        :param newdb: collection of dictionaries defining the database
        for key in inwrappers:
            if not key.startswith('foreign data wrapper '):
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % key)
            fdw = key[21:]
            self[fdw] = wrapper = ForeignDataWrapper(name=fdw)
            inwrapper = inwrappers[key]
            inservs = {}
            for key in inwrapper:
                if key.startswith('server '):
                    inservs.update({key: inwrapper[key]})
                elif key in ['handler', 'validator', 'options', 'owner',
                             'oldname', 'description']:
                    setattr(wrapper, key, inwrapper[key])
                elif key == 'privileges':
                    wrapper.privileges = privileges_from_map(
                        inwrapper[key], wrapper.allprivs, inwrapper['owner'])
                    raise KeyError("Expected typed object, found '%s'" % key)
            newdb.servers.from_map(wrapper, inservs, newdb)
예제 #6
    def from_map(self, table, incols):
        """Initialize the dictionary of columns by converting the input list

        :param table: table or type owning the columns/attributes
        :param incols: YAML list defining the columns
        if not incols:
            raise ValueError("Table '%s' has no columns" % table.name)
        cols = self[(table.schema, table.name)] = []

        for incol in incols:
            for key in incol:
                if isinstance(incol[key], dict):
                    arg = incol[key]
                    arg = {'type': incol[key]}
                col = Column(schema=table.schema, table=table.name, name=key,
                if len(col.privileges) > 0:
                    if table.owner is None:
                        raise ValueError("Column '%s.%s' has privileges but "
                                         "no owner information" % (
                                             table.name, key))
                    col.privileges = privileges_from_map(
                        col.privileges, col.allprivs, table.owner)
예제 #7
    def from_map(self, inmap, newdb):
        """Initialize the dictionary of schemas by converting the input map

        :param inmap: the input YAML map defining the schemas
        :param newdb: collection of dictionaries defining the database

        Starts the recursive analysis of the input map and
        construction of the internal collection of dictionaries
        describing the database objects.
        for key in inmap:
            (objtype, spc, sch) = key.partition(' ')
            if spc != ' ' or objtype != 'schema':
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % key)
            inschema = inmap[key]
            schema = self[sch] = Schema(sch, inschema.pop('description', None),
                                        inschema.pop('owner', None),
                                        inschema.pop('privileges', []))
            schema.privileges = privileges_from_map(schema.privileges,

            objdict = {}
            for key in sorted(inschema.keys()):
                mapped = False
                for prefix in PREFIXES:
                    if key.startswith(prefix):
                        otype = PREFIXES[prefix]
                        if otype not in objdict:
                            objdict[otype] = {}
                        objdict[otype].update({key: inschema[key]})
                        mapped = True
                # Needs separate processing because it overlaps
                # operator classes and operator families
                if not mapped and key.startswith('operator '):
                    otype = 'operators'
                    if otype not in objdict:
                        objdict[otype] = {}
                    objdict[otype].update({key: inschema[key]})
                    mapped = True
                elif key == 'oldname':
                    setattr(schema, key, inschema[key])
                    mapped = True
                if not mapped and key != 'schema':
                    raise KeyError("Expected typed object, found '%s'" % key)

            for objtype in SCHOBJS1:
                if objtype in objdict:
                    subobjs = getattr(newdb, objtype)
                    subobjs.from_map(schema, objdict[objtype], newdb)
            for objtype in SCHOBJS2:
                if objtype in objdict:
                    subobjs = getattr(newdb, objtype)
                    subobjs.from_map(schema, objdict[objtype])
예제 #8
파일: schema.py 프로젝트: reedstrm/Pyrseas
    def from_map(self, inmap, newdb):
        """Initialize the dictionary of schemas by converting the input map

        :param inmap: the input YAML map defining the schemas
        :param newdb: collection of dictionaries defining the database

        Starts the recursive analysis of the input map and
        construction of the internal collection of dictionaries
        describing the database objects.
        for key in inmap:
            (objtype, spc, sch) = key.partition(' ')
            if spc != ' ' or objtype != 'schema':
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % key)
            schema = self[sch] = Schema(name=sch)
            inschema = inmap[key]
            objdict = {}
            for key in sorted(inschema.keys()):
                mapped = False
                for prefix in PREFIXES:
                    if key.startswith(prefix):
                        otype = PREFIXES[prefix]
                        if otype not in objdict:
                            objdict[otype] = {}
                        objdict[otype].update({key: inschema[key]})
                        mapped = True
                # Needs separate processing because it overlaps
                # operator classes and operator families
                if not mapped and key.startswith('operator '):
                    otype = 'operators'
                    if otype not in objdict:
                        objdict[otype] = {}
                    objdict[otype].update({key: inschema[key]})
                    mapped = True
                elif key in ['oldname', 'owner', 'description']:
                    setattr(schema, key, inschema[key])
                    mapped = True
                elif key == 'privileges':
                    schema.privileges = privileges_from_map(
                        inschema[key], schema.allprivs, schema.owner)
                    mapped = True
                if not mapped and key != 'schema':
                    raise KeyError("Expected typed object, found '%s'" % key)

            for objtype in SCHOBJS1:
                if objtype in objdict:
                    subobjs = getattr(newdb, objtype)
                    subobjs.from_map(schema, objdict[objtype], newdb)
            for objtype in SCHOBJS2:
                if objtype in objdict:
                    subobjs = getattr(newdb, objtype)
                    subobjs.from_map(schema, objdict[objtype])
예제 #9
    def from_map(self, schema, infuncs):
        """Initalize the dictionary of functions by converting the input map

        :param schema: schema owning the functions
        :param infuncs: YAML map defining the functions
        for key in infuncs:
            (objtype, spc, fnc) = key.partition(' ')
            if spc != ' ' or objtype not in ['function', 'aggregate']:
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % key)
            paren = fnc.find('(')
            if paren == -1 or fnc[-1:] != ')':
                raise KeyError("Invalid function signature: %s" % fnc)
            arguments = fnc[paren + 1:-1]
            infunc = infuncs[key]
            fnc = fnc[:paren]
            if objtype == 'function':
                self[(schema.name, fnc,
                      arguments)] = func = Function(schema=schema.name,
                self[(schema.name, fnc,
                      arguments)] = func = Aggregate(schema=schema.name,
                func.language = 'internal'
            if not infunc:
                raise ValueError("Function '%s' has no specification" % fnc)
            for attr in infunc:
                setattr(func, attr, infunc[attr])
            if hasattr(func, 'volatility'):
                func.volatility = func.volatility[:1].lower()
            if isinstance(func, Function):
                src = hasattr(func, 'source')
                obj = hasattr(func, 'obj_file')
                if (src and obj) or not (src or obj):
                    raise ValueError("Function '%s': either source or "
                                     "obj_file must be specified" % fnc)
            if 'privileges' in infunc:
                func.privileges = privileges_from_map(infunc['privileges'],
예제 #10
    def from_map(self, schema, infuncs):
        """Initalize the dictionary of functions by converting the input map

        :param schema: schema owning the functions
        :param infuncs: YAML map defining the functions
        for key in infuncs:
            (objtype, spc, fnc) = key.partition(' ')
            if spc != ' ' or objtype not in ['function', 'aggregate']:
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % key)
            paren = fnc.find('(')
            if paren == -1 or fnc[-1:] != ')':
                raise KeyError("Invalid function signature: %s" % fnc)
            arguments = fnc[paren + 1:-1]
            infunc = infuncs[key]
            fnc = fnc[:paren]
            if objtype == 'function':
                self[(schema.name, fnc, arguments)] = func = Function(
                    schema=schema.name, name=fnc, arguments=arguments)
                self[(schema.name, fnc, arguments)] = func = Aggregate(
                    schema=schema.name, name=fnc, arguments=arguments)
                func.language = 'internal'
            if not infunc:
                raise ValueError("Function '%s' has no specification" % fnc)
            for attr in infunc:
                setattr(func, attr, infunc[attr])
            if hasattr(func, 'volatility'):
                func.volatility = func.volatility[:1].lower()
            if isinstance(func, Function):
                src = hasattr(func, 'source')
                obj = hasattr(func, 'obj_file')
                if (src and obj) or not (src or obj):
                    raise ValueError("Function '%s': either source or "
                                     "obj_file must be specified" % fnc)
            if 'privileges' in infunc:
                func.privileges = privileges_from_map(
                    infunc['privileges'], func.allprivs, func.owner)
예제 #11
    def from_map(self, wrapper, inservers, newdb):
        """Initialize the dictionary of servers by examining the input map

        :param wrapper: associated foreign data wrapper
        :param inservers: input YAML map defining the foreign servers
        :param newdb: collection of dictionaries defining the database
        for key in inservers:
            if not key.startswith('server '):
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % key)
            srv = key[7:]
                  srv)] = serv = ForeignServer(wrapper=wrapper.name, name=srv)
            inserv = inservers[key]
            if inserv:
                for attr, val in list(inserv.items()):
                    setattr(serv, attr, val)
                if 'user mappings' in inserv:
                    newdb.usermaps.from_map(serv, inserv['user mappings'])
                if 'oldname' in inserv:
                    del inserv['oldname']
                if 'privileges' in inserv:
                    serv.privileges = privileges_from_map(
                        inserv['privileges'], serv.allprivs, serv.owner)
예제 #12
    def from_map(self, wrapper, inservers, newdb):
        """Initialize the dictionary of servers by examining the input map

        :param wrapper: associated foreign data wrapper
        :param inservers: input YAML map defining the foreign servers
        :param newdb: collection of dictionaries defining the database
        for key in inservers:
            if not key.startswith('server '):
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % key)
            srv = key[7:]
            self[(wrapper.name, srv)] = serv = ForeignServer(
                wrapper=wrapper.name, name=srv)
            inserv = inservers[key]
            if inserv:
                for attr, val in list(inserv.items()):
                    setattr(serv, attr, val)
                if 'user mappings' in inserv:
                    newdb.usermaps.from_map(serv, inserv['user mappings'])
                if 'oldname' in inserv:
                    del inserv['oldname']
                if 'privileges' in inserv:
                    serv.privileges = privileges_from_map(
                        inserv['privileges'], serv.allprivs, serv.owner)
예제 #13
파일: table.py 프로젝트: pau/Pyrseas
    def from_map(self, schema, inobjs, newdb):
        """Initalize the dictionary of tables by converting the input map

        :param schema: schema owning the tables
        :param inobjs: YAML map defining the schema objects
        :param newdb: collection of dictionaries defining the database
        for k in inobjs:
            inobj = inobjs[k]
            objtype = None
            for typ in OBJTYPES:
                if k.startswith(typ):
                    objtype = typ
                    key = k[len(typ) + 1:]
            if objtype is None:
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % k)
            if objtype == 'table':
                self[(schema.name, key)] = table = Table(
                    schema=schema.name, name=key)
                intable = inobj
                if not intable:
                    raise ValueError("Table '%s' has no specification" % k)
                for attr in ['inherits', 'owner', 'tablespace', 'oldname',
                             'description', 'options', 'unlogged']:
                    if attr in intable:
                        setattr(table, attr, intable[attr])
                    newdb.columns.from_map(table, intable['columns'])
                except KeyError as exc:
                    exc.args = ("Table '%s' has no columns" % key, )
                newdb.constraints.from_map(table, intable)
                if 'indexes' in intable:
                    newdb.indexes.from_map(table, intable['indexes'])
                if 'rules' in intable:
                    newdb.rules.from_map(table, intable['rules'])
                if 'triggers' in intable:
                    newdb.triggers.from_map(table, intable['triggers'])
            elif objtype == 'sequence':
                self[(schema.name, key)] = seq = Sequence(
                    schema=schema.name, name=key)
                inseq = inobj
                if not inseq:
                    raise ValueError("Sequence '%s' has no specification" % k)
                for attr, val in list(inseq.items()):
                    setattr(seq, attr, val)
            elif objtype == 'view':
                self[(schema.name, key)] = view = View(
                    schema=schema.name, name=key)
                inview = inobj
                if not inview:
                    raise ValueError("View '%s' has no specification" % k)
                for attr, val in list(inview.items()):
                    setattr(view, attr, val)
                if 'triggers' in inview:
                    newdb.triggers.from_map(view, inview['triggers'])
            elif objtype == 'materialized view':
                self[(schema.name, key)] = mview = MaterializedView(
                    schema=schema.name, name=key)
                inmview = inobj
                if not inmview:
                    raise ValueError("View '%s' has no specification" % k)
                for attr, val in list(inmview.items()):
                    setattr(mview, attr, val)
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % k)
            obj = self[(schema.name, key)]
            if 'privileges' in inobj:
                    if not hasattr(obj, 'owner'):
                        raise ValueError("%s '%s' has privileges but no "
                                         "owner information" %
                                         obj.objtype.capital(), table.name)
                    obj.privileges = privileges_from_map(
                        inobj['privileges'], obj.allprivs, obj.owner)
예제 #14
    def from_map(self, schema, inobjs, newdb):
        """Initalize the dictionary of tables by converting the input map

        :param schema: schema owning the tables
        :param inobjs: YAML map defining the schema objects
        :param newdb: collection of dictionaries defining the database
        for k in inobjs:
            inobj = inobjs[k]
            objtype = None
            for typ in OBJTYPES:
                if k.startswith(typ):
                    objtype = typ
                    key = k[len(typ) + 1:]
            if objtype is None:
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % k)
            if objtype == 'table':
                self[(schema.name, key)] = table = Table(schema=schema.name,
                intable = inobj
                if not intable:
                    raise ValueError("Table '%s' has no specification" % k)
                for attr in [
                        'inherits', 'owner', 'tablespace', 'oldname',
                        'description', 'options', 'unlogged'
                    if attr in intable:
                        setattr(table, attr, intable[attr])
                    newdb.columns.from_map(table, intable['columns'])
                except KeyError as exc:
                    exc.args = ("Table '%s' has no columns" % key, )
                newdb.constraints.from_map(table, intable, rtables=inobjs)
                if 'indexes' in intable:
                    newdb.indexes.from_map(table, intable['indexes'])
                if 'rules' in intable:
                    newdb.rules.from_map(table, intable['rules'])
                if 'triggers' in intable:
                    newdb.triggers.from_map(table, intable['triggers'])
            elif objtype == 'sequence':
                self[(schema.name, key)] = seq = Sequence(schema=schema.name,
                inseq = inobj
                if not inseq:
                    raise ValueError("Sequence '%s' has no specification" % k)
                for attr, val in list(inseq.items()):
                    setattr(seq, attr, val)
            elif objtype == 'view':
                self[(schema.name, key)] = view = View(schema=schema.name,
                inview = inobj
                if not inview:
                    raise ValueError("View '%s' has no specification" % k)
                for attr, val in list(inview.items()):
                    setattr(view, attr, val)
                if 'triggers' in inview:
                    newdb.triggers.from_map(view, inview['triggers'])
            elif objtype == 'materialized view':
                      key)] = mview = MaterializedView(schema=schema.name,
                inmview = inobj
                if not inmview:
                    raise ValueError("View '%s' has no specification" % k)
                if 'indexes' in inmview:
                    newdb.indexes.from_map(mview, inmview['indexes'])
                for attr, val in list(inmview.items()):
                    setattr(mview, attr, val)
                raise KeyError("Unrecognized object type: %s" % k)
            obj = self[(schema.name, key)]
            if 'privileges' in inobj:
                if obj.owner is None:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "%s '%s' has privileges but no "
                        "owner information" % obj.objtype.capital(),
                obj.privileges = privileges_from_map(inobj['privileges'],
                                                     obj.allprivs, obj.owner)

            if 'depends_on' in inobj: