예제 #1
    def _attach_files(self, files_info):
        """Attach results of instrument list_files routine to Instrument object

        file_info :
            Stored file information

        updates the file list (files), start_date, and stop_date attributes
        of the Files class object.

        if not files_info.empty:
            unique_files = len(files_info.index.unique()) != len(files_info)
            if (not self._sat.multi_file_day and unique_files):
                estr = 'Duplicate datetimes in provided file '
                estr = '{:s}information.\nKeeping one of each '.format(estr)
                estr = '{:s}of the duplicates, dropping the rest.'.format(estr)
                ind = files_info.index.duplicated()

                idx = np.unique(files_info.index, return_index=True)
                files_info = files_info.iloc[idx[1]]
                # raise ValueError('List of files must have unique datetimes.')

            self.files = files_info.sort_index()
            # filter for empty files here (in addition to refresh)
            if self.ignore_empty_files:
            # extract date information
            if not self.files.empty:
                self.start_date = \
                self.stop_date = \
                self.start_date = None
                self.stop_date = None
            self.start_date = None
            self.stop_date = None
            # convert to object type
            # necessary if Series is empty, enables == checks with strings
            self.files = files_info.astype(np.dtype('O'))
예제 #2
def init(self):
    """Initializes the Instrument object with instrument specific values.

    Runs once upon instantiation.

    self : pysat.Instrument
        Instrument class object


    logger.warning(' '.join(
        ('Time stamps may be non-unique because Channel A',
         'and B are different instruments.  An upgrade to',
         'the pysat.Constellation object is required to',
         'solve this issue. See pysat issue #614 for more', 'info.')))
    self.acknowledgements = mm_gold.ack_str
    self.references = mm_gold.ref_str

예제 #3
    def refresh(self):
        """Update list of files, if there are changes.

        Calls underlying list_rtn for the particular science instrument.
        Typically, these routines search in the pysat provided path,
        where pysat_data_dir is set by pysat.utils.set_data_dir(path=path).


        output_str = '{platform} {name} {tag} {sat_id}'
        output_str = output_str.format(platform=self._sat.platform,
        output_str = " ".join(("pysat is searching for", output_str, "files."))
        output_str = " ".join(output_str.split())

        info = self._sat._list_rtn(tag=self._sat.tag,
        info = self._remove_data_dir_path(info)
        if not info.empty:
            if self.ignore_empty_files:
            logger.info('Found {ll:d} of them.'.format(ll=len(info)))
            estr = "Unable to find any files that match the supplied template."
            estr += " If you have the necessary files please check pysat "
            estr += "settings and file locations (e.g. pysat.pysat_dir)."
        # attach to object
        # store - to disk, if enabled
예제 #4
def compare_model_and_inst(pairs=None, inst_name=[], mod_name=[],
    """Compare modelled and measured data

    .. deprecated:: 2.2.0
      `satellite_view_through_model` will be removed in pysat 3.0.0, it will
      be added to pysatModels

    pairs : xarray.Dataset instance
        Dataset containing only the desired observation-model data pairs
    inst_name : list of strings
        ordered list of instrument measurements to compare to modelled data
    mod_name : list of strings
        ordered list of modelled data to compare to instrument measurements
    methods : list of strings
        statistics to calculate.  See Notes for accecpted inputs

    stat_dict : dict of dicts
        Dictionary where the first layer of keys denotes the instrument data
        name and the second layer provides the desired statistics
    data_units : dict
        Dictionary containing the units for the data

    Statistics are calculated using PyForecastTools (imported as verify).
    See notes there for more details.

    all - all statistics
    all_bias - bias, meanPercentageError, medianLogAccuracy,
    accuracy - returns dict with mean squared error, root mean squared error,
               mean absolute error, and median absolute error
    scaledAccuracy - returns dict with normaled root mean squared error, mean
                     absolute scaled error, mean absolute percentage error,
                     median absolute percentage error, median symmetric
    bias - scale-dependent bias as measured by the mean error
    meanPercentageError - mean percentage error
    medianLogAccuracy - median of the log accuracy ratio
    symmetricSignedBias - Symmetric signed bias, as a percentage
    meanSquaredError - mean squared error
    RMSE - root mean squared error
    meanAbsError - mean absolute error
    medAbsError - median absolute error
    nRMSE - normaized root mean squared error
    scaledError - scaled error (see PyForecastTools for references)
    MASE - mean absolute scaled error
    forecastError - forecast error (see PyForecastTools for references)
    percError - percentage error
    absPercError - absolute percentage error
    logAccuracy - log accuracy ratio
    medSymAccuracy - Scaled measure of accuracy
    meanAPE - mean absolute percentage error

    import verify  # PyForecastTools
    from pysat import utils

    warnings.warn(' '.join(["This function is deprecated here and will be",
                            "removed in pysat 3.0.0. Please use",
                            "pysatModelUtils instead:"
                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    method_rout = {"bias": verify.bias, "accuracy": verify.accuracy,
                   "meanPercentageError": verify.meanPercentageError,
                   "medianLogAccuracy": verify.medianLogAccuracy,
                   "symmetricSignedBias": verify.symmetricSignedBias,
                   "meanSquaredError": verify.meanSquaredError,
                   "RMSE": verify.RMSE, "meanAbsError": verify.meanAbsError,
                   "medAbsError": verify.medAbsError, "MASE": verify.MASE,
                   "scaledAccuracy": verify.scaledAccuracy,
                   "nRMSE": verify.nRMSE, "scaledError": verify.scaledError,
                   "forecastError": verify.forecastError,
                   "percError": verify.percError, "meanAPE": verify.meanAPE,
                   "absPercError": verify.absPercError,
                   "logAccuracy": verify.logAccuracy,
                   "medSymAccuracy": verify.medSymAccuracy}

    replace_keys = {'MSE': 'meanSquaredError', 'MAE': 'meanAbsError',
                    'MdAE': 'medAbsError', 'MAPE': 'meanAPE',
                    'MdSymAcc': 'medSymAccuracy'}

    # Grouped methods for things that don't have convenience functions
    grouped_methods = {"all_bias": ["bias", "meanPercentageError",
                       "all": list(method_rout.keys())}

    # Replace any group method keys with the grouped methods
    for gg in [(i, mm) for i, mm in enumerate(methods)
               if mm in list(grouped_methods.keys())]:
        # Extend the methods list to include all the grouped methods
        # Remove the grouped method key

    # Ensure there are no duplicate methods
    methods = list(set(methods))

    # Test the input
    if pairs is None:
        raise ValueError('must provide Dataset of paired observations')

    if len(inst_name) != len(mod_name):
        raise ValueError('must provide equal number of instrument and model ' +
                         'data names for comparison')

    if not np.all([iname in pairs.data_vars.keys() for iname in inst_name]):
        raise ValueError('unknown instrument data value supplied')

    if not np.all([iname in pairs.data_vars.keys() for iname in mod_name]):
        raise ValueError('unknown model data value supplied')

    if not np.all([mm in list(method_rout.keys()) for mm in methods]):
        known_methods = list(method_rout.keys())
        unknown_methods = [mm for mm in methods
                           if mm not in list(method_rout.keys())]
        raise ValueError('unknown statistical method(s) requested:\n' +
                         '{:}\nuse only:\n{:}'.format(unknown_methods,

    # Initialize the output
    stat_dict = {iname: dict() for iname in inst_name}
    data_units = {iname: pairs.data_vars[iname].units for iname in inst_name}

    # Cycle through all of the data types
    for i, iname in enumerate(inst_name):
        # Determine whether the model data needs to be scaled
        iscale = utils.scale_units(pairs.data_vars[iname].units,
        mod_scaled = pairs.data_vars[mod_name[i]].values.flatten() * iscale

        # Flatten both data sets, since accuracy routines require 1D arrays
        inst_dat = pairs.data_vars[iname].values.flatten()

        # Ensure no NaN are used in statistics
        inum = np.where(np.isfinite(mod_scaled) & np.isfinite(inst_dat))[0]

        if inum.shape[0] < 2:
            # Not all data types can use all statistics.  Print warnings
            # instead of stopping processing.  Only valid statistics
            # will be included in output
            logger.info("{:s} can't calculate stats for {:d} finite samples".format( \
                                                        iname, inum.shape[0]))
            # Calculate all of the desired statistics
            for mm in methods:
                    stat_dict[iname][mm] = method_rout[mm](mod_scaled[inum],

                    # Convenience functions add layers to the output, remove
                    # these layers
                    if hasattr(stat_dict[iname][mm], "keys"):
                        for nn in stat_dict[iname][mm].keys():
                            new = replace_keys[nn] if nn in replace_keys.keys()\
                                else nn
                            stat_dict[iname][new] = stat_dict[iname][mm][nn]
                        del stat_dict[iname][mm]
                except ValueError as verr:
                    # Not all data types can use all statistics.  Print warnings
                    # instead of stopping processing.  Only valid statistics
                    # will be included in output
                    logger.warning("{:s} can't use {:s}: {:}".format(iname, mm, verr))
                except NotImplementedError:
                    # Not all data types can use all statistics.  Print warnings
                    # instead of stopping processing.  Only valid statistics
                    # will be included in output
                    logger.warning("{:s} can't implement {:s}".format(iname, mm))

    return stat_dict, data_units
예제 #5
def extract_modelled_observations(inst=None, model=None, inst_name=[],
                                  mod_name=[], mod_datetime_name=None,
                                  mod_time_name=None, mod_units=[],
                                  sel_name=None, method='linear',
    """Extracts instrument-aligned data from a modelled data set

    .. deprecated:: 2.2.0
      `extract_modelled_observations` will be removed in pysat 3.0.0, it will
      be added to pysatModels

    inst : pysat.Instrument instance
        instrument object for which modelled data will be extracted
    model : xarray Dataset
        modelled data set
    inst_name : list of strings
        list of names of the data series to use for determing instrument
    mod_name : list of strings
        list of names of the data series to use for determing model locations
        in the same order as inst_name.  These must make up a regular grid.
    mod_datetime_name : string
        Name of the data series in the model Dataset containing datetime info
    mod_time_name : string
        Name of the time coordinate in the model Dataset
    mod_units : list of strings
        units for each of the mod_name location attributes.  Currently
        supports: rad/radian(s), deg/degree(s), h/hr(s)/hour(s), m, km, and cm
    sel_name : list of strings or NoneType
        list of names of modelled data indices to append to instrument object,
        or None to append all modelled data (default=None)
    method : string
        Interpolation method.  Supported are 'linear', 'nearest', and
        'splinef2d'.  The last is only supported for 2D data and is not
        recommended here.  (default='linear')
    model_label : string
        name of model, used to identify interpolated data values in instrument

    added_names : list of strings
        list of names of modelled data added to the instrument

    For best results, select clean instrument data after alignment with model

    from scipy import interpolate
    from pysat import utils

    warnings.warn(' '.join(["This function is deprecated here and will be",
                            "removed in pysat 3.0.0. Please use",
                            "pysatModelUtils instead:"
                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    # Test input
    if inst is None:
        raise ValueError('Must provide a pysat instrument object')

    if model is None:
        raise ValueError('Must provide modelled data')

    if mod_datetime_name is None:
        raise ValueError('Need datetime key for model datasets')

    if mod_time_name is None:
        raise ValueError('Need time coordinate name for model datasets')

    if len(inst_name) == 0:
        estr = 'Must provide instrument location attribute names as a list'
        raise ValueError(estr)

    if len(inst_name) != len(mod_name):
        estr = 'Must provide the same number of instrument and model '
        estr += 'location attribute names as a list'
        raise ValueError(estr)

    if len(mod_name) != len(mod_units):
        raise ValueError('Must provide units for each model location ' +

    inst_scale = np.ones(shape=len(inst_name), dtype=float)
    for i, ii in enumerate(inst_name):
        if ii not in list(inst.data.keys()):
            raise ValueError('Unknown instrument location index ' +
        inst_scale[i] = utils.scale_units(mod_units[i],

    # Determine which data to interpolate and initialize the interpolated
    # output
    if sel_name is None:
        sel_name = list(model.data_vars.keys())

    for mi in mod_name:
        if mi in sel_name:

    # Determine the model time resolution
    tm_sec = (np.array(model.data_vars[mod_datetime_name][1:]) -
    tm_sec /= np.timedelta64(1, 's')
    ti_sec = (inst.index[1:] - inst.index[:-1]).min().total_seconds()
    min_del = tm_sec if tm_sec < ti_sec else ti_sec

    # Determine which instrument observations are within the model time
    # resolution of a model run
    mind = list()
    iind = list()
    for i, tt in enumerate(np.array(model.data_vars[mod_datetime_name])):
        del_sec = abs(tt - inst.index).total_seconds()
        if del_sec.min() <= min_del:

    # Determine the model coordinates closest to the satellite track
    interp_data = dict()
    interp_shape = inst.index.shape if inst.pandas_format else \
    inst_coord = {kk: getattr(inst.data, inst_name[i]).values * inst_scale[i]
                  for i, kk in enumerate(mod_name)}
    for i, ii in enumerate(iind):
        # Cycle through each model data type, since it may not depend on
        # all the dimensions
        for mdat in sel_name:
            # Determine the dimension values
            dims = list(model.data_vars[mdat].dims)
            ndim = model.data_vars[mdat].data.shape
            indices = {mod_time_name: mind[i]}

            # Construct the data needed for interpolation
            values = model[indices][mdat].data
            points = [model.coords[kk].data for kk in dims if kk in mod_name]
            get_coords = True if len(points) > 0 else False
            idims = 0

            while get_coords:
                if inst.pandas_format:
                    # This data iterates only by time
                    xout = ii
                    xi = [inst_coord[kk][ii] for kk in dims if kk in mod_name]
                    get_coords = False
                    # This data may have additional dimensions
                    if idims == 0:
                        # Determine the number of dimensions
                        idims = len(inst.data.coords)
                        idim_names = inst.data.coords.keys()[1:]

                        # Find relevent dimensions for cycling and slicing
                        ind_dims = [k for k, kk in enumerate(inst_name)
                                    if kk in idim_names]
                        imod_dims = [k for k in ind_dims
                                     if mod_name[k] in dims]
                        ind_dims = [inst.data.coords.keys().index(inst_name[k])
                                    for k in imod_dims]

                        # Set the number of cycles
                        icycles = 0
                        ncycles = sum([len(inst.data.coords[inst_name[k]])
                                       for k in imod_dims])
                        cinds = np.zeros(shape=len(imod_dims), dtype=int)

                    # Get the instrument coordinate for this cycle
                    if icycles < ncycles or icycles == 0:
                        ss = [ii if k == 0 else 0 for k in range(idims)]
                        se = [ii + 1 if k == 0 else
                              for k in range(idims)]
                        xout = [cinds[ind_dims.index(k)] if k in ind_dims
                                else slice(ss[k], se[k]) for k in range(idims)]
                        xind = [cinds[ind_dims.index(k)] if k in ind_dims
                                else ss[k] for k in range(idims)]
                        xout = tuple(xout)
                        xind = tuple(xind)

                        xi = list()
                        for kk in dims:
                            if kk in mod_name:
                                # This is the next instrument coordinate
                                k = mod_name.index(kk)
                                if k in imod_dims:
                                    # This is an xarray coordiante
                                    # This is an xarray variable

                        # Cycle the indices
                        if len(cinds) > 0:
                            k = 0
                            cinds[k] += 1

                            while cinds[k] > \
                                k += 1
                                if k < len(cinds):
                                    cinds[k-1] = 0
                                    cinds[k] += 1
                        icycles += 1

                    # If we have cycled through all the coordinates for this
                    # time, move onto the next time
                    if icycles >= ncycles:
                        get_coords = False

                # Interpolate the desired value
                    yi = interpolate.interpn(points, values, xi, method=method)
                except ValueError as verr:
                    if str(verr).find("requested xi is out of bounds") > 0:
                        # This is acceptable, pad the interpolated data with
                        # NaN
                        logger.warning("{:} for ".format(verr) +
                              "{:s} data at {:}".format(mdat, xi))
                        yi = [np.nan]
                        raise ValueError(verr)

                # Save the output
                attr_name = "{:s}_{:s}".format(model_label, mdat)
                if attr_name not in interp_data.keys():
                    interp_data[attr_name] = np.full(shape=interp_shape,
                interp_data[attr_name][xout] = yi[0]

    # Test and ensure the instrument data doesn't already have the interpolated
    # data.  This should not happen
    if np.any([mdat in inst.data.keys() for mdat in interp_data.keys()]):
        raise ValueError("instrument object already contains model data")

    # Update the instrument object and attach units to the metadata
    for mdat in interp_data.keys():
        attr_name = mdat.split("{:s}_".format(model_label))[-1]
        inst.meta[mdat] = {inst.units_label: model.data_vars[attr_name].units}

        if inst.pandas_format:
            inst[mdat] = pds.Series(interp_data[mdat], index=inst.index)
            inst.data = inst.data.assign(interp_key=(inst.data.coords.keys(),
            inst.data.rename({"interp_key": mdat}, inplace=True)

    return interp_data.keys()
예제 #6
파일: _cdf.py 프로젝트: pysat/pysatNASA
    def to_pysat(self, flatten_twod=True,
                 labels={'units': ('Units', str), 'name': ('Long_Name', str),
                         'notes': ('Var_Notes', str), 'desc': ('CatDesc', str),
                         'min_val': ('ValidMin', float),
                         'max_val': ('ValidMax', float),
                         'fill_val': ('FillVal', float)}):
        Exports loaded CDF data into data, meta for pysat module

        flatten_twod : bool
            If True, then two dimensional data is flattened across
            columns. Name mangling is used to group data, first column
            is 'name', last column is 'name_end'. In between numbers are
            appended 'name_1', 'name_2', etc. All data for a given 2D array
            may be accessed via, data.ix[:,'item':'item_end']
            If False, then 2D data is stored as a series of DataFrames,
            indexed by Epoch. data.ix[0, 'item']  (default=True)

        labels : dict
            Dict where keys are the label attribute names and the values
            are tuples that have the label values and value types in
            that order.
            (default={'units': ('units', str), 'name': ('long_name', str),
                      'notes': ('notes', str), 'desc': ('desc', str),
                      'min_val': ('value_min', float),
                      'max_val': ('value_max', float)
                      'fill_val': ('fill', float)})

        pandas.DataFrame, pysat.Meta
            Data and Metadata suitable for attachment to a pysat.Instrument

        The *_labels should be set to the values in the file, if present.
        Note that once the meta object returned from this function is attached
        to a pysat.Instrument object then the *_labels on the Instrument
        are assigned to the newly attached Meta object.

        The pysat Meta object will use data with labels that match the patterns
        in *_labels even if the case does not match.

        # Create pysat.Meta object using data above
        # and utilizing the attribute labels provided by the user
        meta = pysat.Meta(pds.DataFrame.from_dict(self.meta, orient='index'),

        cdata = self.data.copy()
        lower_names = [name.lower() for name in meta.keys()]
        for name, true_name in zip(lower_names, meta.keys()):
            if name == 'epoch':
                meta.data.rename(index={true_name: 'epoch'}, inplace=True)
                epoch = cdata.pop(true_name)
                cdata['Epoch'] = epoch

        data = dict()
        index = None
        for varname, df in cdata.items():
            if varname not in ('Epoch', 'DATE'):
                if type(df) == pds.Series:
                    data[varname] = df

                    # CDF data Series are saved using a mix of Range and
                    # Datetime Indexes. This requires that the user specify
                    # the desired index when creating a DataFrame
                    if type(df.index) == pds.DatetimeIndex and index is None:
                        index = df.index

        if index is None:
            raise ValueError(''.join(['cdflib did not load a DatetimeIndex, ',
                                      'not pysat compatible']))

            data = pds.DataFrame(data, index=index)
        except pds.core.indexes.base.InvalidIndexError as ierr:
            estr = "Invalid times in data file(s): {:}".format(str(ierr))
            data = pds.DataFrame(None)

        return data, meta
예제 #7
파일: _cdf.py 프로젝트: pysat/pysatNASA
    def set_epoch(self, x_axis_var):
        """Stores epoch dependency

        x_axis_var : str
            name of variable


        data_type_description = self._cdf_file.varinq(

        center_measurement = self._center_measurement
        cdf_file = self._cdf_file
        if self.get_dependency(x_axis_var) is None:
            delta_plus_var = 0.0
            delta_minus_var = 0.0
            has_plus_minus = [False, False]

            xdata = cdf_file.varget(x_axis_var)
            epoch_var_atts = cdf_file.varattsget(x_axis_var)

            # Check for DELTA_PLUS_VAR/DELTA_MINUS_VAR attributes
            if center_measurement:
                if 'DELTA_PLUS_VAR' in epoch_var_atts:
                    delta_plus_var = cdf_file.varget(
                    delta_plus_var_att = cdf_file.varattsget(
                    has_plus_minus[0] = True

                    # Check if a conversion to seconds is required
                    if 'SI_CONVERSION' in delta_plus_var_att:
                        si_conv = delta_plus_var_att['SI_CONVERSION']
                        delta_plus_var = delta_plus_var.astype(float) \
                            * np.float(si_conv.split('>')[0])
                    elif 'SI_CONV' in delta_plus_var_att:
                        si_conv = delta_plus_var_att['SI_CONV']
                        delta_plus_var = delta_plus_var.astype(float) \
                            * np.float(si_conv.split('>')[0])

                if 'DELTA_MINUS_VAR' in epoch_var_atts:
                    delta_minus_var = cdf_file.varget(
                    delta_minus_var_att = cdf_file.varattsget(
                    has_plus_minus[1] = True

                    # Check if a conversion to seconds is required
                    if 'SI_CONVERSION' in delta_minus_var_att:
                        si_conv = delta_minus_var_att['SI_CONVERSION']
                        delta_minus_var = \
                            delta_minus_var.astype(float) \
                            * np.float(si_conv.split('>')[0])
                    elif 'SI_CONV' in delta_minus_var_att:
                        si_conv = delta_minus_var_att['SI_CONV']
                        delta_minus_var = \
                            delta_minus_var.astype(float) \
                            * np.float(si_conv.split('>')[0])

            if ('CDF_TIME' in data_type_description) \
                    or ('CDF_EPOCH' in data_type_description):
                if self._datetime:
                    # Convert xdata to datetime
                        new_xdata = cdflib.cdfepoch.to_datetime(xdata)
                    except TypeError as terr:
                        estr = ("Invalid data file(s). Please contact CDAWeb "
                                "for assistance: {:}".format(str(terr)))
                        new_xdata = []

                    # Add delta to time, if both plus and minus are defined
                    if np.all(has_plus_minus):
                        # This defines delta_time in seconds supplied
                        delta_time = np.asarray((delta_plus_var
                                                 - delta_minus_var) / 2.0)

                        # delta_time may be a single value or an array
                        xdata = [xx + dt.timedelta(seconds=int(delta_time))
                                 if delta_time.shape == ()
                                 else xx + dt.timedelta(seconds=delta_time[i])
                                 for i, xx in enumerate(new_xdata)]
                        xdata = new_xdata

                self.set_dependency(x_axis_var, xdata)
예제 #8
파일: omni_hro.py 프로젝트: pysat/pysatNASA
def calculate_imf_steadiness(inst,
                             max_clock_angle_std=(90.0 / np.pi),
    """ Calculate IMF steadiness using clock angle standard deviation and
    the coefficient of variation of the IMF magnitude in the GSM Y-Z plane

    inst : pysat.Instrument
        Instrument with OMNI HRO data
    steady_window : int
        Window for calculating running statistical moments in min (default=15)
    min_window_frac : float
        Minimum fraction of points in a window for steadiness to be calculated
    max_clock_angle_std : float
        Maximum standard deviation of the clock angle in degrees (default=22.5)
    max_bmag_cv : float
        Maximum coefficient of variation of the IMF magnitude in the GSM
        Y-Z plane (default=0.5)


    # We are not going to interpolate through missing values
    rates = {'': 1, '1min': 1, '5min': 5}
    sample_rate = int(rates[inst.tag])
    max_wnum = np.floor(steady_window / sample_rate)
    if max_wnum != steady_window / sample_rate:
        steady_window = max_wnum * sample_rate
        logger.warning("sample rate is not a factor of the statistical window")
            "new statistical window is {:.1f}".format(steady_window))

    min_wnum = int(np.ceil(max_wnum * min_window_frac))

    # Calculate the running coefficient of variation of the BYZ magnitude
    byz_mean = inst['BYZ_GSM'].rolling(min_periods=min_wnum,
    byz_std = inst['BYZ_GSM'].rolling(min_periods=min_wnum,
    inst['BYZ_CV'] = pds.Series(byz_std / byz_mean, index=inst.data.index)

    # Calculate the running circular standard deviation of the clock angle
    circ_kwargs = {'high': 360.0, 'low': 0.0, 'nan_policy': 'omit'}
        ca_std = \
    except TypeError:
        warnings.warn(' '.join([
            'To automatically remove NaNs from the',
            'calculation, please upgrade to scipy 1.4 or', 'newer'
        ca_std = \
    inst['clock_angle_std'] = pds.Series(ca_std, index=inst.data.index)

    # Determine how long the clock angle and IMF magnitude are steady
    imf_steady = np.zeros(shape=inst.data.index.shape)

    steady = False
    for i, cv in enumerate(inst.data['BYZ_CV']):
        if steady:
            del_min = int(
                (inst.data.index[i] - inst.data.index[i - 1]).total_seconds() /
            if np.isnan(cv) or np.isnan(ca_std[i]) or del_min > sample_rate:
                # Reset the steadiness flag if fill values are encountered, or
                # if an entry is missing
                steady = False

        if cv <= max_bmag_cv and ca_std[i] <= max_clock_angle_std:
            # Steadiness conditions have been met
            if steady:
                imf_steady[i] = imf_steady[i - 1]

            imf_steady[i] += sample_rate
            steady = True

    inst['IMF_Steady'] = pds.Series(imf_steady, index=inst.data.index)