예제 #1
파일: rks.py 프로젝트: tmash/pyscf
def _dft_common_init_(mf):
    mf.xc = 'LDA,VWN'
    mf.nlc = ''
    mf.grids = gen_grid.Grids(mf.mol)
    mf.grids.level = getattr(__config__, 'dft_rks_RKS_grids_level',
    mf.nlcgrids = gen_grid.Grids(mf.mol)
    mf.nlcgrids.level = getattr(__config__, 'dft_rks_RKS_nlcgrids_level',
    # Use rho to filter grids
    mf.small_rho_cutoff = getattr(__config__, 'dft_rks_RKS_small_rho_cutoff', 1e-7)
# don't modify the following attributes, they are not input options
    mf._numint = numint.NumInt()
    mf._keys = mf._keys.union(['xc', 'nlc', 'omega', 'grids', 'nlcgrids',
예제 #2
def make_e_psi1(pcmobj, dm, r_vdw, ui, ylm_1sph, cached_pol, Xvec, L):
    mol = pcmobj.mol
    natm = mol.natm
    lmax = pcmobj.lmax
    nlm = (lmax + 1)**2
    grids = pcmobj.grids

    if not (isinstance(dm, numpy.ndarray) and dm.ndim == 2):
        dm = dm[0] + dm[1]
    ni = numint.NumInt()
    max_memory = pcmobj.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
    make_rho, nset, nao = ni._gen_rho_evaluator(mol, dm)
    den = numpy.empty((4, grids.weights.size))

    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr()
    vmat = numpy.zeros((3, nao, nao))
    psi1 = numpy.zeros((natm, 3))
    i1 = 0
    for ia, (coords, weight,
             weight1) in enumerate(rks_grad.grids_response_cc(grids)):
        i0, i1 = i1, i1 + weight.size
        ao = ni.eval_ao(mol, coords, deriv=1)
        mask = gen_grid.make_mask(mol, coords)
        den[:, i0:i1] = make_rho(0, ao, mask, 'GGA')

        fak_pol, leak_idx = cached_pol[mol.atom_symbol(ia)]
        eta_nj = 0
        p1 = 0
        for l in range(lmax + 1):
            fac = 4 * numpy.pi / (l * 2 + 1)
            p0, p1 = p1, p1 + (l * 2 + 1)
            eta_nj += fac * numpy.einsum('mn,m->n', fak_pol[l], Xvec[ia,
        psi1 -= numpy.einsum('n,n,zxn->zx', den[0, i0:i1], eta_nj, weight1)
        psi1[ia] -= numpy.einsum('xn,n,n->x', den[1:4, i0:i1], eta_nj, weight)

        vtmp = numpy.zeros((3, nao, nao))
        aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao[0], weight * eta_nj)
        rks_grad._d1_dot_(vtmp, mol, ao[1:4], aow, mask, ao_loc, True)
        vmat += vtmp

    aoslices = mol.aoslice_by_atom()
    for ia in range(natm):
        shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = aoslices[ia]
        psi1[ia] += numpy.einsum('xij,ij->x', vmat[:, p0:p1], dm[p0:p1]) * 2
    return psi1
예제 #3
파일: ddcosmo.py 프로젝트: tmash/pyscf
def make_psi_vmat(pcmobj, dm, r_vdw, ui, grids, ylm_1sph, cached_pol, L_X, L):
    mol = pcmobj.mol
    natm = mol.natm
    lmax = pcmobj.lmax
    nlm = (lmax+1)**2

    i1 = 0
    scaled_weights = numpy.empty(grids.weights.size)
    for ia in range(natm):
        fak_pol, leak_idx = cached_pol[mol.atom_symbol(ia)]
        i0, i1 = i1, i1 + fak_pol[0].shape[1]
        eta_nj = 0
        p1 = 0
        for l in range(lmax+1):
            fac = 4*numpy.pi/(l*2+1)
            p0, p1 = p1, p1 + (l*2+1)
            eta_nj += fac * numpy.einsum('mn,m->n', fak_pol[l], L_X[ia,p0:p1])
        scaled_weights[i0:i1] = eta_nj * grids.weights[i0:i1]

    if not (isinstance(dm, numpy.ndarray) and dm.ndim == 2):
        dm = dm[0] + dm[1]
    ni = numint.NumInt()
    max_memory = pcmobj.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
    make_rho, nset, nao = ni._gen_rho_evaluator(mol, dm)
    shls_slice = (0, mol.nbas)
    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr()
    den = numpy.empty(grids.weights.size)
    vmat = numpy.zeros((nao,nao))
    p1 = 0
    aow = None
    for ao, mask, weight, coords \
            in ni.block_loop(mol, grids, nao, 0, max_memory):
        p0, p1 = p1, p1 + weight.size
        den[p0:p1] = weight * make_rho(0, ao, mask, 'LDA')
        aow = numpy.ndarray(ao.shape, order='F', buffer=aow)
        aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao, scaled_weights[p0:p1], out=aow)
        vmat -= numint._dot_ao_ao(mol, ao, aow, mask, shls_slice, ao_loc)
    ao = aow = scaled_weights = None

    nelec_leak = 0
    psi = numpy.empty((natm,nlm))
    i1 = 0
    for ia in range(natm):
        fak_pol, leak_idx = cached_pol[mol.atom_symbol(ia)]
        i0, i1 = i1, i1 + fak_pol[0].shape[1]
        nelec_leak += den[i0:i1][leak_idx].sum()
        p1 = 0
        for l in range(lmax+1):
            fac = 4*numpy.pi/(l*2+1)
            p0, p1 = p1, p1 + (l*2+1)
            psi[ia,p0:p1] = -fac * numpy.einsum('n,mn->m', den[i0:i1], fak_pol[l])
# Contribution of nuclear charge to the total density
# The factor numpy.sqrt(4*numpy.pi) is due to the product of 4*pi * Y_0^0
        psi[ia,0] += numpy.sqrt(4*numpy.pi)/r_vdw[ia] * mol.atom_charge(ia)
    logger.debug(pcmobj, 'electron leak %f', nelec_leak)

    # <Psi, L^{-1}g> -> Psi = SL the adjoint equation to LX = g
    L_S = numpy.linalg.solve(L.T.reshape(natm*nlm,-1), psi.ravel()).reshape(natm,-1)
    coords_1sph, weights_1sph = make_grids_one_sphere(pcmobj.lebedev_order)
    # JCP, 141, 184108, Eq (39)
    xi_jn = numpy.einsum('n,jn,xn,jx->jn', weights_1sph, ui, ylm_1sph, L_S)
    extern_point_idx = ui > 0
    cav_coords = (mol.atom_coords().reshape(natm,1,3)
                  + numpy.einsum('r,gx->rgx', r_vdw, coords_1sph))
    cav_coords = cav_coords[extern_point_idx]
    xi_jn = xi_jn[extern_point_idx]

    max_memory = pcmobj.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
    blksize = int(max(max_memory*1e6/8/nao**2, 400))

    cintopt = gto.moleintor.make_cintopt(mol._atm, mol._bas,
                                         mol._env, 'int3c2e')
    vmat_tril = 0
    for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, xi_jn.size, blksize):
        fakemol = gto.fakemol_for_charges(cav_coords[i0:i1])
        v_nj = df.incore.aux_e2(mol, fakemol, intor='int3c2e', aosym='s2ij',
        vmat_tril += numpy.einsum('xn,n->x', v_nj, xi_jn[i0:i1])
    vmat += lib.unpack_tril(vmat_tril)
    return psi, vmat, L_S
예제 #4
def make_psi_vmat(pcmobj,
    The first order derivative of E_ddCOSMO wrt density matrix

        with_nuc (bool): Mute the contribution of nuclear charges when
            computing the second order derivatives of energy.
    mol = pcmobj.mol
    natm = mol.natm
    lmax = pcmobj.lmax
    nlm = (lmax + 1)**2

    dms = numpy.asarray(dm)
    is_single_dm = dms.ndim == 2
    grids = pcmobj.grids

    ni = numint.NumInt()
    max_memory = pcmobj.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
    make_rho, n_dm, nao = ni._gen_rho_evaluator(mol, dms)
    dms = dms.reshape(n_dm, nao, nao)
    Xvec = Xvec.reshape(n_dm, natm, nlm)

    i1 = 0
    scaled_weights = numpy.empty((n_dm, grids.weights.size))
    for ia in range(natm):
        fak_pol, leak_idx = cached_pol[mol.atom_symbol(ia)]
        fac_pol = _vstack_factor_fak_pol(fak_pol, lmax)
        i0, i1 = i1, i1 + fac_pol.shape[1]
        scaled_weights[:, i0:i1] = numpy.einsum('mn,im->in', fac_pol, Xvec[:,
    scaled_weights *= grids.weights

    shls_slice = (0, mol.nbas)
    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr()
    den = numpy.empty((n_dm, grids.weights.size))
    vmat = numpy.zeros((n_dm, nao, nao))
    p1 = 0
    aow = None
    for ao, mask, weight, coords \
            in ni.block_loop(mol, grids, nao, 0, max_memory):
        p0, p1 = p1, p1 + weight.size
        for i in range(n_dm):
            den[i, p0:p1] = make_rho(i, ao, mask, 'LDA')
            aow = numint._scale_ao(ao, scaled_weights[i, p0:p1], out=aow)
            vmat[i] -= numint._dot_ao_ao(mol, ao, aow, mask, shls_slice,
    den *= grids.weights
    ao = aow = scaled_weights = None

    nelec_leak = 0
    psi = numpy.zeros((n_dm, natm, nlm))
    i1 = 0
    for ia in range(natm):
        fak_pol, leak_idx = cached_pol[mol.atom_symbol(ia)]
        fac_pol = _vstack_factor_fak_pol(fak_pol, lmax)
        i0, i1 = i1, i1 + fac_pol.shape[1]
        nelec_leak += den[:, i0:i1][:, leak_idx].sum(axis=1)
        psi[:, ia] = -numpy.einsum('in,mn->im', den[:, i0:i1], fac_pol)
    logger.debug(pcmobj, 'electron leaks %s', nelec_leak)

    # Contribution of nuclear charges to the total density
    # The factor numpy.sqrt(4*numpy.pi) is due to the product of 4*pi * Y_0^0
    if with_nuc:
        for ia in range(natm):
            psi[:, ia, 0] += numpy.sqrt(
                4 * numpy.pi) / r_vdw[ia] * mol.atom_charge(ia)

    # <Psi, L^{-1}g> -> Psi = SL the adjoint equation to LX = g
    L_S = numpy.linalg.solve(
        L.reshape(natm * nlm, -1).T,
        psi.reshape(n_dm, -1).T)
    L_S = L_S.reshape(natm, nlm, n_dm).transpose(2, 0, 1)
    coords_1sph, weights_1sph = make_grids_one_sphere(pcmobj.lebedev_order)
    # JCP, 141, 184108, Eq (39)
    xi_jn = numpy.einsum('n,jn,xn,ijx->ijn', weights_1sph, ui, ylm_1sph, L_S)
    extern_point_idx = ui > 0
    cav_coords = (mol.atom_coords().reshape(natm, 1, 3) +
                  numpy.einsum('r,gx->rgx', r_vdw, coords_1sph))
    cav_coords = cav_coords[extern_point_idx]
    xi_jn = xi_jn[:, extern_point_idx]

    max_memory = pcmobj.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
    blksize = int(max(max_memory * .9e6 / 8 / nao**2, 400))

    cintopt = gto.moleintor.make_cintopt(mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env,
    vmat_tril = 0
    for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, cav_coords.shape[0], blksize):
        fakemol = gto.fakemol_for_charges(cav_coords[i0:i1])
        v_nj = df.incore.aux_e2(mol,
        vmat_tril += numpy.einsum('xn,in->ix', v_nj, xi_jn[:, i0:i1])
    vmat += lib.unpack_tril(vmat_tril)

    if is_single_dm:
        psi = psi[0]
        L_S = L_S[0]
        vmat = vmat[0]
    return psi, vmat, L_S
예제 #5
mf._numint.libxc = dft.xcfun
# PySCF-1.6.1 and newer supports the .TDDFT method to create a TDDFT
# object after importing tdscf module.
td = mf.TDDFT()
print(td.kernel()[0] * 27.2114)

# Overwriting the relevant attributes of the ground state mf object,
# the TDDFT calculations can be run with different XC, grids.
mf.xc = 'lda,vwn'
td = mf.TDDFT()
print(td.kernel()[0] * 27.2114)

# Overwriting the ground state SCF object is unsafe.  A better solution is to
# create a new fake SCF object to hold different XC, grids parameters.
from pyscf.dft import numint

mf = dft.RKS(mol).run(xc='pbe0')
mf1 = copy.copy(mf)
mf1.xc = 'lda,vwn'
mf1.grids = dft.Grids(mol)
mf1.grids.level = 2
mf1._numint = numint.NumInt()
mf1._numint.libxc = dft.xcfun
td = mf1.TDDFT()
print(td.kernel()[0] * 27.2114)