예제 #1
    def fromxml(self, xml):
        self.side = False

        # Find the side of the table border -------------------------

        if xml.tag in TableBorder.sides_xml.values():

            for h, x in TableBorder.sides_xml.items():
                if x == xml.tag:
                    self.side = h

        if not self.side:
            msg = "Invalid side for TableBorder"

            if self.style_type == "table":
                msg += " in TableStyle"

            if self.style_type == "cell":
                msg += " in CellStyle"

            raise exceptions.InsaneSLAValue(msg)

        # If the table border's side was found ----------------------

        # -------------------------------------------------

        if (width := xml.get("Width")) is not None:
            self.width = dimensions.Dim(float(width))
예제 #2
    def fromxml(self, xml):

        if xml == "FOOTNOTEFRAME":
            note_style = xml.get("NSname")
            own_frame = xml.get("myID")
            story_frame = xml.get("MasterID")

            if note_style is not None:
                self.note_style = note_style

            if own_frame is not None:
                self.own_frame_id = own_frame

            if story_frame is not None:
                self.story_frame_id = story_frame

            if story_frame is None or own_frame is None:

                raise exceptions.InsaneSLAValue(
                    "Note frame has no page object ID or\
                     no parent page object ID.")

            return True

        return False
예제 #3
    def toxml(self):
        :rtype: lxml.etree._Element
        :returns: XML representation of document mark

        global mark_type_xml

        xml = ET.Element("Mark")

        if self.type:

            # --- Label -----------------------------------------------------

            # When @type is "3" (variable text), @str acts as @label
            # in other @types, and @label acts as a mark identifier.
            # So :
            #   DocumentMark.name  = @label if @type == "3"
            #   DocumentMark.label = @label if @type != "3"

            if self.type == "variable":
                xml.attrib["label"] = self.name
                xml.attrib["label"] = self.label

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------

            xml.attrib["type"] = mark_type_xml[self.type]

            if self.type == "variable":
                xml.attrib["str"] = self.label

            if self.type == "objectref":
                xml.attrib["ItemID"] = self.target_object

            if self.type == "markref":
                xml.attrib["MARKlabel"] = self.target_mark["label"]
                xml.attrib["MARKtype"] = mark_type_xml[

            raise exceptions.InsaneSLAValue("Invalid Marks/Mark @type")

        return xml
예제 #4
    def toxml(self, optional: bool = True):
        Return SLA as lxml.etree._Element

        :type optional: bool
        :param optional: Includes optional attributes (True by default)
        :returns: xml
        :rtype: lxml.etree._Element

        xml = ET.Element("SCRIBUSUTF8NEW")

        xml.attrib["Version"] = ".".join(self.version)

        if self.document is None:
            raise exceptions.InsaneSLAValue(
                "SLA file has no SCRIBUSUTF8NEW/DOCUMENT"
            dx = self.document.toxml(optional)

        return xml
예제 #5
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------

            if self.type == "objectref":
                if (mitem := xml.get("ItemID")) is not None:
                    self.target_object = mitem

            if self.type == "markref":
                if (mtarget_label := xml.get("MARKlabel")) is not None:
                    self.target_mark["label"] = mtarget_label

                if (mtarget_type := xml.get("MARKtype")) is not None:

                    if mtarget_type in mark_type_xml.values():
                        self.target_mark["type"] = mark_type_xml[mtarget_type]
                        raise exceptions.InsaneSLAValue(
                            "Invalid Marks/Mark @type")

            return True

            return False

class StoryMarkAbstract(xmlc.PyScribusElement):
    Abstract class for MARK elements in Scribus stories.

    :type mark_type: str
    :param mark_type: Type of mark
    :type label: str
    :param label: Mark label
예제 #6
            #--- Lists ------------------------------------------------------

            is_ul, is_ol = False, False

            if (is_bullet := xml.get("Bullet")) is not None:
                if is_bullet == "1":
                    self.listing["type"] = "ul"
                    is_ul = True

            if (is_numeroted := xml.get("Numeration")) is not None:
                if is_numeroted == "1":
                    self.listing["type"] = "ol"
                    is_ol = True

            if is_ol and is_ul:
                raise exceptions.InsaneSLAValue(
                    "Style {} is both bullet and numeroted list.".format(name))

            if (bullet_char := xml.get("BulletStr")) is not None:
                self.listing["char"] = bullet_char

            #--- Parent character style -------------------------------------

            if (character_parent := xml.get("CPARENT")) is not None:
                self.character_parent = character_parent

            #--- Leading ----------------------------------------------------

            if (leading := xml.get("LINESPMode")) is not None:

                for human, code in ParagraphStyle.leading_xml.items():
                    if leading == code: