예제 #1
# json_choices is a hack to get around mutual recursion
# a json is value is one of text, number, mapping, and collection
# text is any characters between quotes
# a number is like the regular expression -?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?
# "parser >> Parser.lift(func)" means "pass the parsed value into func and return a new Parser"
# quoted_collection(start, space, inner, joiner, end)
#   means "a list of inner separated by joiner surrounded by start and end"
# we have to put a lot of "spaces" in since JSON allows lot of optional whitespace

json_choices = []
json = choice(json_choices)
text = quoted_chars("'", "'")
number = group_chars(
    [option_chars(["-"]), digits,
     option_chars([".", digits])]) >> Parser.lift(float)
joiner = between(spaces, match(","), spaces)
mapping_pair = pair(text, spaces & match(":") & spaces & json)
collection = quoted_collection("[", spaces, json, joiner,
                               "]") >> Parser.lift(list)
mapping = quoted_collection("{", spaces, mapping_pair, joiner,
                            "}") >> Parser.lift(dict)
json_choices.extend([text, number, mapping, collection])

import induce, helpers

jsonstr = "{'a' : -1.0, 'b' : 2.0, 'z' : {'c' : [1.0, [2.0, [3.0]]]}}"
with induce.grammar() as g:
    with induce.Tracer(jsonstr, g):
        print json.parseString(jsonstr)
예제 #2
def csv(cell):
    return sep_end_by(line(cell), match("\n"))
예제 #3
#HACK: json_choices is used to get around mutual recursion 
#a json is value is one of text, number, mapping, and collection, which we define later 
json_choices = []
json         = choice(json_choices)

#text is any characters between quotes
text         = quoted_chars("'", "'")

#sort of like the regular expression -?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?
#in case you're unfamiliar with monads, "parser >> Parser.lift(func)" means "pass the parsed value into func but give me a new Parser back"
number       = group_chars([option_chars(["-"]), digits, option_chars([".", digits])]) >> Parser.lift(float)

#quoted_collection(start, space, inner, joiner, end) means "a list of inner separated by joiner surrounded by start and end"
#also, we have to put a lot of spaces in there since JSON allows lot of optional whitespace
joiner       = between(spaces, match(","), spaces)
mapping_pair = pair(text, spaces & match(":") & spaces & json)
collection   = quoted_collection("[", spaces, json,         joiner, "]") >> Parser.lift(list)
mapping      = quoted_collection("{", spaces, mapping_pair, joiner, "}") >> Parser.lift(dict)

#HACK: finish the work around mutual recursion
json_choices.extend([text, number, mapping, collection])

############# simplified CSV ########################

def line(cell):
    return sep_end_by(cell, match(","))

def csv(cell):
    return sep_end_by(line(cell), match("\n"))
예제 #4
def line(cell):
    return sep_end_by(cell, match(","))
예제 #5
from pysec import Parser, choice, quoted_chars, group_chars, \
   option_chars, digits, between, pair, spaces, match, \
   group, quoted_collection, sep_end_by

# HACK: json_choices is used to get around mutual recursion 
# A json value is one of text, number, mapping, and collection, 
# which we define later 
select_stmt = []

sql = choice(select_stmt) 

#text is any characters between quotes
text = quoted_chars("'", "'")

select = match('SELECT')

star = match('*')  

col = match(text) 

colstmt = choice(star, col) 

from_ = match('FROM')

tablestmt = text 

semi = match(';')  

# sql = select >> colstmt >> from_ >> tablestmt >> semi