def BIL2netCDF(BILfile, BILdtype='uint16', outdir=os.getcwd(), theme_name='undefined', theme_unit='undefined', long_name='undefined'): ''' Convenience function converting the given BIL file to netCDF. @param BILfile: Input BIl file. @param outdir: Output directory. @param theme_name: Short name for the theme. @param theme_unit: Metric unit of the theme data. @param long_name: Descriptive name for the theme. @return: netCDF file in the output directory. ''' ncfilename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(BILfile))[0] + '.nc' bd = BILdata(BILfile, BILdtype) yy, mm, dd = "13", "09", "11" tstring = yy+'-'+mm+'-'+dd+' 06:00:00' secs = date2num(iso2datetime(tstring), timeunit) mask = flipud(senorge_mask()) ncdata = flipud(int16( # array needs to be flipped ud-down and transposed to fit the coordinate system ncdata[mask] = get_FillValue(ncdata.dtype) ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir, ncfilename)) # = True print ncdata.dtype.str ncfile.add_variable(theme_name, ncdata.dtype.str, theme_unit, long_name, ncdata, lsd=1) ncfile.close()
def BIL2netCDF(BILfile, BILdtype='uint16', outdir=os.getcwd(), theme_name='undefined', theme_unit='undefined', long_name='undefined'): ''' Convenience function converting the given BIL file to netCDF. @param BILfile: Input BIl file. @param outdir: Output directory. @param theme_name: Short name for the theme. @param theme_unit: Metric unit of the theme data. @param long_name: Descriptive name for the theme. @return: netCDF file in the output directory. ''' ncfilename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(BILfile))[0] + '.nc' bd = BILdata(BILfile, BILdtype) yy, mm, dd = "13", "09", "11" tstring = yy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd + ' 06:00:00' secs = date2num(iso2datetime(tstring), timeunit) mask = flipud(senorge_mask()) ncdata = flipud( int16( ) # array needs to be flipped ud-down and transposed to fit the coordinate system ncdata[mask] = get_FillValue(ncdata.dtype) ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir, ncfilename)) # = True print ncdata.dtype.str ncfile.add_variable(theme_name, ncdata.dtype.str, theme_unit, long_name, ncdata, lsd=1) ncfile.close()
def main(): """ Loads and verifies input data, calls the model, and controls the output stream. Command line usage:: python //~HOME/pysenorge/themes/ YYYY-MM-DD [options] """ # Theme variables themedir1 = 'wind_speed_avg_10m' themedir2 = 'wind_speed_max_10m' # Setup input parser usage = "usage: python //~HOME/pysenorge/theme_layers/ YYYY-MM-DD [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-t", "--timerange", action="store", dest="timerange", type="string", default="[7,31]", help='''Time-range as "[6,30]"''') parser.add_option("--no-bil", action="store_false", dest="bil", default=True, help="Set to suppress output in BIL format") parser.add_option("--nc", action="store_true", dest="nc", default=False, help="Set to store output in netCDF format") parser.add_option("--png", action="store_true", dest="png", default=False, help="Set to store output as PNG image") # Comment to suppress help # parser.print_help() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Verify input parameters if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide the date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD!") parser.print_help() # get current datetime cdt = iso2datetime(args[0]+" 06:00:00") ncfilename = "" % datetime2BILdate(cdt-timedelta(days=1)) if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide an input file!") else: # Add full path to the filename ncfile = os.path.join(netCDFin, str(cdt.year), ncfilename) timerange = eval(options.timerange) print 'Time-range', timerange if not os.path.exists(ncfile): parser.error("%s does not exist!" % ncfile) else: if timerange == None: # Load wind data from prognosis (netCDF file) for entire time-range ds = Dataset(ncfile, 'r') wind_time = ds.variables['time'][:] x_wind = ds.variables['x_wind'][:,:,:] y_wind = ds.variables['y_wind'][:,:,:] rlon = ds.variables['rlon'][:] rlat = ds.variables['rlat'][:] ds.close() else: # Load wind data from prognosis (netCDF file) for selected time-range ds = Dataset(ncfile, 'r') wind_time = ds.variables['time'][timerange[0]:timerange[1]] x_wind = ds.variables['x_wind'][timerange[0]:timerange[1],:,:] y_wind = ds.variables['y_wind'][timerange[0]:timerange[1],:,:] rlon = ds.variables['rlon'][:] rlat = ds.variables['rlat'][:] ds.close() # from netCDF4 import num2date # for t in wind_time: # print num2date(t, "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00") print "Using input data from file %s" % ncfilename # Setup outputs _tstart = time.gmtime(wind_time[0]) tstruct = time.gmtime(wind_time[-1]) # or -1 if it should be the average until that date print "For the period %s-%s-%s:%s - %s-%s-%s:%s" % (str(_tstart.tm_year).zfill(4), str(_tstart.tm_mon).zfill(2), str(_tstart.tm_mday).zfill(2), str(_tstart.tm_hour).zfill(2), str(tstruct.tm_year).zfill(4), str(tstruct.tm_mon).zfill(2), str(tstruct.tm_mday).zfill(2), str(tstruct.tm_hour).zfill(2)) outfile1 = '%s_%s_%s_%s' % (themedir1, str(tstruct.tm_year).zfill(4), str(tstruct.tm_mon).zfill(2), str(tstruct.tm_mday).zfill(2)) outfile2 = '%s_%s_%s_%s' % (themedir2, str(tstruct.tm_year).zfill(4), str(tstruct.tm_mon).zfill(2), str(tstruct.tm_mday).zfill(2)) outdir1 = os.path.join(BILout, themedir1, str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) if not os.path.exists(outdir1): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BILout, themedir1)): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir1) os.chdir(os.path.join(BILout, themedir1)) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) outdir2 = os.path.join(BILout, themedir2, str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) if not os.path.exists(outdir2): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BILout, themedir2)): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir2) os.chdir(os.path.join(BILout, themedir2)) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) # Calculate the wind speed vector - using model() total_wind_avg, max_wind, wind_dir = model(x_wind, y_wind) # interpolate total average wind speed to seNorge grid total_wind_avg_intp = interpolate(rlon, rlat, total_wind_avg) max_wind_intp = interpolate(rlon, rlat, max_wind) wind_dir_intp = interpolate(rlon, rlat, wind_dir) # Replace NaN values with the appropriate FillValue total_wind_avg_intp = nan2fill(total_wind_avg_intp) max_wind_intp = nan2fill(max_wind_intp) wind_dir_intp = nan2fill(wind_dir_intp) if options.bil: from pysenorge.grid import senorge_mask mask = senorge_mask() # Write to BIL file # avg wind bil_avg_wind = flipud(uint16(total_wind_avg_intp*10.0)) bil_avg_wind[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir1, outfile1+'.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(bil_avg_wind.flatten()) # collapsed into one dimension print biltext # max wind bil_max_wind = flipud(uint16(max_wind_intp*10.0)) bil_max_wind[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir2, outfile2+'.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(bil_max_wind.flatten()) print biltext # # wind direction # bil_dir_wind = flipud(uint16(wind_dir_intp)) # bil_dir_wind[mask] = UintFillValue # bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir, ## 'wind_direction_10m'+'_'+dtstr+'.bil'), # outfile+'.bil'), # datatype='uint16') # biltext = bilfile.write(bil_dir_wind.flatten()) # print biltext if # Write to NC file ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir1, outfile1+'.nc')) # = themename[-1]) ncfile.add_variable('avg_wind_speed', total_wind_avg.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Average wind speed last 24h', total_wind_avg_intp) ncfile.add_variable('max_wind_speed', max_wind.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Maximum wind gust last 24h', max_wind_intp) ncfile.add_variable('wind_direction', wind_dir.dtype.str, "cardinal direction", 'Prevailing wind direction last 24h', wind_dir_intp) ncfile.close() if options.png: # Write to PNG file writePNG(total_wind_avg_intp[0,:,:], os.path.join(outdir1, outfile1), cltfile=r"Z:\tmp\wind_10m_daily\avg_wind_speed_10_no.clt" ) writePNG(max_wind_intp[0,:,:], os.path.join(outdir2, outfile2), cltfile=r"Z:\tmp\wind_10m_daily\max_wind_speed_10_no.clt" ) # writePNG(wind_dir_intp[0,:,:], # os.path.join(outdir, 'wind_direction'+'_'+dt), # cltfile=r"Z:\tmp\wind_10m_daily\wind_direction_10_no.clt" # ) # At last - cross fingers it all worked out! print "\n*** Finished successfully ***\n"
def main(): ''' Loads and verifies input data, calls the model, and controls the output stream. Command line usage:: python //~HOME/pysenorge/themes/ YYYY-MM-DD [options] ''' # Theme variables themedir = 'additional_snow_depth' themename = '' # Setup input parser usage = "usage: python //~HOME/pysenorge/themes/ YYYY-MM-DD [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-o", "--outdir", action="store", dest="outdir", type="string", metavar="DIR", default=os.path.join(BILout, themedir), help="Output directory - default: $BILout/%s/$HYDROYEAR" % \ themedir) parser.add_option("--no-bil", action="store_false", dest="bil", default=True, help="Set to suppress output in BIL format") parser.add_option("--nc", action="store_true", dest="nc", default=False, help="Set to store output in netCDF format") parser.add_option("--png", action="store_true", dest="png", default=False, help="Set to store output as PNG image") # Comment to suppress help # parser.print_help() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide the date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD!") parser.print_help() # get current datetime cdt = iso2datetime(args[0]+" 06:00:00") windfilename = "wind_speed_avg_10m_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) # Add full path to the filename windfile = os.path.join(BILout, "wind_speed_avg_10m", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), windfilename) if not os.path.exists(windfile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing wind data does not exist!" %\ windfile) else: # Load todays data wind = BILdata(windfile, 'uint16') # convert to Celsius = float32(*0.1 sdfilename = "sdfsw_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) sdfile = os.path.join(BILout, "sdfsw", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), sdfilename) if not os.path.exists(sdfile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing snow-depth data does not exist!" %\ sdfile) else: sd = BILdata(sdfile, 'uint16') agefilename = "age_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) agefile = os.path.join(BILout, "age", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), agefilename) if not os.path.exists(agefile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing snow-age data does not exist!" %\ agefile) else: age = BILdata(agefile, 'uint8') lwcfilename = "lwc_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) lwcfile = os.path.join(BILout, "lwc", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), lwcfilename) if not os.path.exists(lwcfile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing snow-LWC data does not exist!" %\ lwcfile) else: lwc = BILdata(lwcfile, 'uint8') # from import Histogram # Histogram(, R=(0, 2000)) # Setup outputs outfile = themedir+'_'+datetime2BILdate(cdt) outdir = os.path.join(options.outdir, str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) if not os.path.exists(outdir): if not os.path.exists(options.outdir): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir) os.chdir(options.outdir) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) # Calculate additional snow depth due to wind #Hwind = __model(, Hwind = model(,,, # Set no-data values to UintFillValue mask = senorge_mask() Hwind[mask] = UintFillValue if options.bil: # Write to BIL file bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile+'.bil'), datatype='uint16') Hwind = uint16(Hwind*1000) Hwind[mask] = UintFillValue # import pylab # pylab.imshow(Hwind, vmin=0, vmax=300, # pylab.colorbar() # # from import Histogram # Histogram(Hwind, R=(0, 500)) biltext = bilfile.write(Hwind) print biltext if from import NCdata # Prepare data # Change array order ncHwind = flipud(Hwind) # Write to NC file ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile+'.nc')) = True # secs = date2num(cdt, timeunit) # used in # ncfile.add_variable(themedir, ncHwind.dtype.str, "m", themename, ncHwind) ncfile.close() if options.png: from import writePNG # Write to PNG file writePNG(flipud(Hwind), os.path.join(outdir, outfile), cltfile=os.path.join(BILout, themedir, "Hwind.clt") ) # At last - cross fingers it all worked out! print "\n*** Finished successfully ***\n"
def main(): # Theme variables themedir = 'awsd' themename = 'Average wind speed 24h' # Setup input parser usage = "usage: python //~HOME/pysenorge/theme_layers/ YYYY-MM-DD [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option( "-o", "--outdir", action="store", dest="outdir", type="string", default=os.path.join(netCDFout, themedir), help="Output directory for netCDF file - default: $netCDFout/%s/$YEAR" % themedir) parser.add_option("-t", "--timerange", action="store", dest="timerange", type="string", default="None", help='''Time-range as "[6,30]"''') # Comment to suppress help parser.print_help() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Verify input parameters if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide the date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD!") parser.print_help() # get current datetime cdt = iso2datetime(args[0] + " 06:00:00") ncfilename = "" % datetime2BILdate( cdt) # e.g. if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide an input file!") else: # Add full path to the filename ncfile = os.path.join(netCDFin, str(cdt.year), ncfilename) timerange = eval(options.timerange) if not os.path.exists(ncfile): parser.error("%s does not exist!" % ncfile) else: if timerange == None: # Load wind data from prognosis (netCDF file) for full timerange ds = Dataset(ncfile, 'r') wind_time = ds.variables['time'][:] x_wind = ds.variables['x_wind'][:, :, :] y_wind = ds.variables['y_wind'][:, :, :] rlon = ds.variables['rlon'][:] rlat = ds.variables['rlat'][:] ds.close() print "xwind-shape", x_wind.shape else: # Load wind data from prognosis (netCDF file) for selected timerange ds = Dataset(ncfile, 'r') wind_time = ds.variables['time'][timerange[0]:timerange[1]] x_wind = ds.variables['x_wind'][timerange[0]:timerange[1], :, :] y_wind = ds.variables['y_wind'][timerange[0]:timerange[1], :, :] rlon = ds.variables['rlon'][:] rlat = ds.variables['rlat'][:] ds.close() print "xwind-shape", x_wind.shape # Setup outputs tstruct = time.gmtime( wind_time[-1]) # or -1 if it should be the average until that date outfile = '%s_%s_%s_%s' % (themedir, str( tstruct.tm_year).zfill(4), str( tstruct.tm_mon).zfill(2), str(tstruct.tm_mday).zfill(2)) outdir = os.path.join(options.outdir, str(cdt.year)) if not os.path.exists(outdir): if not os.path.exists(options.outdir): os.chdir(netCDFout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir) os.chdir(options.outdir) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(cdt.year)) # Calculate the wind speed vector - using model() total_wind = model(x_wind, y_wind) # average over 24h total_wind_avg = mean(total_wind, axis=0) # interpolate total average wind speed to seNorge grid total_wind_avg_intp = interpolate(rlon, rlat, total_wind_avg) # Replace NaN values with the appropriate FillValue total_wind_avg_intp = nan2fill(total_wind_avg_intp) # Write to NC file ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile + '.nc'))[0]) ncfile.add_variable(themedir, total_wind_avg.dtype.str, "m s-1", themename, total_wind_avg_intp) ncfile.close() # At last - cross fingers it all worked out! print "\n*** Finished successfully ***\n"
def main(): ''' Loads and verifies input data, calls the model, and controls the output stream. Command line usage:: python //~HOME/pysenorge/themes/ YYYY-MM-DD [options] ''' # Theme variables themedir = 'depth_hoar_index_2' themename = 'Depth hoar index 2' # Setup input parser usage = "usage: python //~HOME/pysenorge/themes/ YYYY-MM-DD [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-o", "--outdir", action="store", dest="outdir", type="string", metavar="DIR", default=os.path.join(BILout, themedir), help="Output directory - default: $BILout/%s/$HYDROYEAR" % themedir) parser.add_option("--no-bil", action="store_false", dest="bil", default=True, help="Set to suppress output in BIL format") parser.add_option("--nc", action="store_true", dest="nc", default=False, help="Set to store output in netCDF format") parser.add_option("--png", action="store_true", dest="png", default=False, help="Set to store output as PNG image") # Comment to suppress help parser.print_help() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide the date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD!") parser.print_help() # get current datetime cdt = iso2datetime(args[0]+" 06:00:00") oneday = timedelta(days=1) tmfilename = "tm_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) sdfilename = "sd_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) # yesterdays tds data file tdsfilename = "%s_%s.bil" % (themedir, datetime2BILdate(cdt-oneday)) # Add full path to the filename tmfile = os.path.join(METdir, "tm", str(cdt.year), tmfilename) sdfile = os.path.join(BILin, "sd", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), sdfilename) tdsfile = os.path.join(BILout, themedir, str(get_hydroyear(cdt-oneday)), tdsfilename) if not os.path.exists(tmfile): tmfile = os.path.join(PROGdir, str(cdt.year), tmfilename) print "Warning: Observation not found - using prognosis instead!" if not os.path.exists(tmfile): parser.error("BIL file containing temperature data does not exist!" %\ tmfile) elif not os.path.exists(sdfile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing snow-depth data does not exist!" %\ sdfile) else: # Load todays data tm = BILdata(tmfile, 'uint16') # convert to Celsius = (float32( / 10.0) - 273.1 # Load yesterdays data sd = BILdata(sdfile, 'uint16') # convert mm to m = float32( / 1000.0 if not os.path.exists(tdsfile): print "Yesterdays TDS2 data does not exist - using None!" tds = BILdata("tdsdummy", 'uint16') else: # Load todays data tds = BILdata(tdsfile, 'uint16') # = float32( # Setup outputs outfile = themedir+'_'+datetime2BILdate(cdt) if secs = date2num(cdt, timeunit) # used in outdir = os.path.join(options.outdir, str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) if not os.path.exists(outdir): if not os.path.exists(options.outdir): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir) os.chdir(options.outdir) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) # Calculate sum of snow temperature gradients # tds = uint16(model(,, tds = model(,, # Set no-data values to UintFillValue mask = senorge_mask() tds[mask] = UintFillValue if options.bil: # Write to BIL file bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile+'.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(tds) print biltext if from import NCdata # Prepare data # nctds = int2float(tds) # imask = mask == False # # Convert to Celcius/Kelvin # nctds[imask] = nctds[imask]/10.0 # Change array order nctds = flipud(tds) # Write to NC file ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile+'.nc')) = True ncfile.add_variable(themedir, nctds.dtype.str, "days", themename, nctds) ncfile.close() if options.png: from import writePNG # Write to PNG file writePNG(flipud(tds), os.path.join(outdir, outfile), cltfile=r"Z:\snowsim\%s\tgss2_v2.clt" % themedir ) # At last - cross fingers it all worked out! print "\n*** Finished successfully ***\n"
def main(): """ Loads and verifies input data, calls the model, and controls the output stream. """ # Theme variables themedir1 = 'wind_speed_avg_1500m' themedir2 = 'wind_speed_max_1500m' today ="%Y_%m_%d") tomorrow = ( + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y_%m_%d") # Setup input parser usage = "usage: python //~HOME/pysenorge/theme_layers/ \ YYYY-MM-DD NC-File-Describtion [options]" #--------------------------------------------------------- #add options with parser module parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) #create no bil parser.add_option("--no-bil", action="store_false", dest="bil", default=True, help="Set to suppress output in BIL format") #create netCDF parser.add_option("--nc", action="store_true", dest="nc", default=False, help="Set to store output in netCDF format") #create png parser.add_option("--png", action="store_true", dest="png", default=False, help="Set to store output as PNG image") # Comment to suppress help # parser.print_help() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Verify input parameters if len(args) != 2: parser.error( "Please provide the date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD and the timenc!") parser.print_help() #Select which date yr = str(args[0].split("-")[0]) mon = str(args[0].split("-")[1]) day = str(args[0].split("-")[2]) #Select which nc-file timearg = args[1] load_date = "%s_%s_%s" % (yr, mon, day) ncfilename = "" % (timearg, load_date) ncfile = os.path.join(netCDFin, "2013", ncfilename) #Test if path of the netCDF file exists if not os.path.exists(ncfile): parser.error("%s does not exist!" % ncfile) else: # Load wind data from prognosis (netCDF file) for entire time-range ds = Dataset(ncfile, 'r') wind_time = ds.variables['time'][:] x_wind = ds.variables['x_wind_850hpa'][:, :, :] y_wind = ds.variables['y_wind_850hpa'][:, :, :] ds.close() print "Using input data from file %s" % ncfile #Get timenc and control if the time is right ob_time = time.strftime("%H", time.gmtime(wind_time[0])) data_timenc = _time_fun(ob_time) if timearg == data_timenc: pass else: print "The given input parameter and time value of the netCDF are not the same" timenc = data_timenc #--------------------------------------------------------- #Output paths, output filenames and timerange begin_time = time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(wind_time[0])) end_time = time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(wind_time[24])) print "For the period from the", begin_time, "to", end_time outfile1 = '%s_%s' % (themedir1, today) outfile2 = '%s_%s' % (themedir2, today) cdt = iso2datetime(args[0] + " 06:00:00") #--------------------------------------------------------- #Output path 1 outdir1 = os.path.join(BILout, themedir1, str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) if not os.path.exists(outdir1): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BILout, themedir1)): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir1) os.chdir(os.path.join(BILout, themedir1)) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) #Output path 2 outdir2 = os.path.join(BILout, themedir2, str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) if not os.path.exists(outdir2): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BILout, themedir2)): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir2) os.chdir(os.path.join(BILout, themedir2)) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) #Output path for wind_00 til wind _18 if timenc == "00": outdir_hour = os.path.join(BILout, str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), load_date, "00") elif timenc == "06": outdir_hour = os.path.join(BILout, str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), load_date, "06") elif timenc == "12": outdir_hour = os.path.join(BILout, str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), load_date, "12") elif timenc == "18": outdir_hour = os.path.join(BILout, str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), load_date, "18") if not os.path.exists(outdir_hour): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BILout, str(get_hydroyear(cdt)))): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) os.chdir(os.path.join(BILout, str(get_hydroyear(cdt)))) os.makedirs('%s/%s/' % (load_date, timenc)) #--------------------------------------------------------- # Calculate the wind speed vector - using model() total_wind_avg, max_wind, total_wind, wind_dir_cat, \ hour_wind = model(x_wind, y_wind) # interpolate total average wind speed to seNorge grid total_wind_avg_intp = interpolate_new(total_wind_avg) max_wind_intp = interpolate_new(max_wind) wind_dir_intp = interpolate_new(wind_dir_cat) #dom_wind_tab_intp = interpolate_new(dom_wind_tab) # Replace NaN values with the appropriate FillValue total_wind_avg_intp = nan2fill(total_wind_avg_intp) max_wind_intp = nan2fill(max_wind_intp) wind_dir_intp = nan2fill(wind_dir_intp) #dom_wind_tab_intp = nan2fill(dom_wind_tab_intp) #-------------------------------------------------------- #Hourly wind forecast based on the recent AROME input file if timenc == "18": #at 01:00 wind_18 = interpolate_new(total_wind[0, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_18 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[0, :, :]) #at 07:00 wind_00 = interpolate_new(total_wind[6, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_00 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[6, :, :]) #at 13:00 wind_06 = interpolate_new(total_wind[12, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_06 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[12, :, :]) #at 19:00 wind_12 = interpolate_new(total_wind[18, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_12 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[18, :, :]) outfile3 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_18_1500m", today) outfile4 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_00_1500m", today) outfile5 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_06_1500m", today) outfile6 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_12_1500m", today) elif timenc == "00": #at 07:00 wind_00 = interpolate_new(total_wind[0, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_00 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[0, :, :]) #at 13:00 wind_06 = interpolate_new(total_wind[6, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_06 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[6, :, :]) #at 19:00 wind_12 = interpolate_new(total_wind[12, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_12 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[12, :, :]) #next day at 01:00 wind_18 = interpolate_new(total_wind[18, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_18 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[18, :, :]) outfile3 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_00_1500m", today) outfile4 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_06_1500m", today) outfile5 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_12_1500m", today) outfile6 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_18_1500m", tomorrow) elif timenc == "06": #at 13:00 wind_06 = interpolate_new(total_wind[0, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_06 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[0, :, :]) #at 19:00 wind_12 = interpolate_new(total_wind[6, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_12 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[6, :, :]) #next day 01:00 wind_18 = interpolate_new(total_wind[12, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_18 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[12, :, :]) #next day 07:00 wind_00 = interpolate_new(total_wind[18, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_00 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[18, :, :]) outfile3 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_06_1500m", today) outfile4 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_12_1500m", today) outfile5 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_18_1500m", tomorrow) outfile6 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_00_1500m", tomorrow) elif timenc == "12": #at 19:00 wind_12 = interpolate_new(total_wind[0, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_12 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[0, :, :]) #next day 01:00 wind_18 = interpolate_new(total_wind[6, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_18 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[6, :, :]) #next day 07:00 wind_00 = interpolate_new(total_wind[12, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_00 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[12, :, :]) #next day 13:00 wind_06 = interpolate_new(total_wind[18, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_06 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[18, :, :]) outfile3 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_12_1500m", today) outfile4 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_18_1500m", tomorrow) outfile5 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_00_1500m", tomorrow) outfile6 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_06_1500m", tomorrow) #--------------------------------------------------------- #Option --bil: Multiplied by 10 to store data as integer if options.bil: from pysenorge.grid import senorge_mask mask = senorge_mask() #Avg wind bil_avg_wind = flipud(uint16(total_wind_avg_intp * 10.0)) bil_avg_wind[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir1, outfile1 + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') #Colapse into one dimension biltext = bilfile.write(bil_avg_wind.flatten()) print biltext # Max wind bil_max_wind = flipud(uint16(max_wind_intp * 10.0)) bil_max_wind[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir2, outfile2 + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(bil_max_wind.flatten()) print biltext # bil wind at 00 bil_wind_00 = flipud(uint16(wind_00 * 10.0)) bil_wind_00[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile3 + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(bil_wind_00.flatten()) print biltext # bil wind at 06 bil_wind_06 = flipud(uint16(wind_06 * 10.0)) bil_wind_06[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile4 + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(bil_wind_06.flatten()) print biltext #bil wind at 12 bil_wind_12 = flipud(uint16(wind_12 * 10.0)) bil_wind_12[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile5 + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(bil_wind_12.flatten()) print biltext #bil wind at 18 bil_wind_18 = flipud(uint16(wind_18 * 10.0)) bil_wind_18[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile6 + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(bil_wind_18.flatten()) print biltext #--------------------------------------------------------- #Option --nc: write a nc file if ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir1, outfile1 + '.nc'))[-1]) ncfile.add_variable('avg_wind_speed', total_wind_avg.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Average wind speed last 24h', total_wind_avg_intp) ncfile.add_variable('max_wind_speed', max_wind.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Maximum wind gust last 24h', max_wind_intp) ncfile.add_variable('wind_direction', wind_dir_cat.dtype.str, "cardinal direction", 'Prevailing wind direction last 24h', wind_dir_intp) ncfile.add_variable('wind_00', wind_00.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Wind forecast 01:00', wind_00) ncfile.add_variable('wind_06', wind_06.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Wind forecast 07:00', wind_06) ncfile.add_variable('wind_12', wind_12.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Wind forecast 13:00', wind_12) ncfile.add_variable('wind_18', wind_18.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Wind forecast 19:00', wind_18) ncfile.close() #--------------------------------------------------------- #Option --png: Write a PNG files if options.png: avg_clt_file_path = "/home/ralf/Dokumente/summerjob/data/avg_wind_speed_10_no.clt" max_clt_file_path = "/home/ralf/Dokumente/summerjob/data/max_wind_speed_10_no.clt" direction_clt_file_path = "/home/ralf/Dokumente/summerjob/data/wind_direction_10_no.clt" #Creates png file wind average writePNG(total_wind_avg_intp[:, :], os.path.join(outdir1, outfile1), cltfile=avg_clt_file_path) #Creates png file wind max writePNG(max_wind_intp[:, :], os.path.join(outdir2, outfile2), cltfile=max_clt_file_path) #Hourly wind speed maps writePNG(wind_00, os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile3), cltfile=avg_clt_file_path) writePNG(wind_06, os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile4), cltfile=avg_clt_file_path) writePNG(wind_12, os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile5), cltfile=avg_clt_file_path) writePNG(wind_18, os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile6), cltfile=avg_clt_file_path) #Wind direction writePNG(wind_dir_intp[:, :], os.path.join(outdir1, 'wind_direction'), cltfile=direction_clt_file_path) #Hourly wind directions writePNG(hour_wind_intp_00[:, :], os.path.join(outdir1, 'wind_direction_hour_00'), cltfile=direction_clt_file_path) writePNG(hour_wind_intp_06[:, :], os.path.join(outdir1, 'wind_direction_hour_06'), cltfile=direction_clt_file_path) writePNG(hour_wind_intp_12[:, :], os.path.join(outdir1, 'wind_direction_hour_12'), cltfile=direction_clt_file_path) writePNG(hour_wind_intp_18[:, :], os.path.join(outdir1, 'wind_direction_hour_18'), cltfile=direction_clt_file_path) #Maximal dominate wind speed #writePNG(dom_wind_tab_intp[:, :], # os.path.join(outdir1, today, 'wind_direction_dom_wind_tab'), # cltfile=direction_clt_file_path # ) # At last - cross fingers* it all worked out! *and toes !!! print "\n***Finished successfully***\n"
def main(): # Theme variables themedir = 'awsd' themename = 'Average wind speed 24h' # Setup input parser usage = "usage: python //~HOME/pysenorge/theme_layers/ YYYY-MM-DD [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-o", "--outdir", action="store", dest="outdir", type="string", default=os.path.join(netCDFout, themedir), help="Output directory for netCDF file - default: $netCDFout/%s/$YEAR" % themedir) parser.add_option("-t", "--timerange", action="store", dest="timerange", type="string", default="None", help='''Time-range as "[6,30]"''') # Comment to suppress help parser.print_help() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Verify input parameters if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide the date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD!") parser.print_help() # get current datetime cdt = iso2datetime(args[0]+" 06:00:00") ncfilename = "" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) # e.g. if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide an input file!") else: # Add full path to the filename ncfile = os.path.join(netCDFin, str(cdt.year), ncfilename) timerange = eval(options.timerange) if not os.path.exists(ncfile): parser.error("%s does not exist!" % ncfile) else: if timerange == None: # Load wind data from prognosis (netCDF file) for full timerange ds = Dataset(ncfile, 'r') wind_time = ds.variables['time'][:] x_wind = ds.variables['x_wind'][:,:,:] y_wind = ds.variables['y_wind'][:,:,:] rlon = ds.variables['rlon'][:] rlat = ds.variables['rlat'][:] ds.close() print "xwind-shape", x_wind.shape else: # Load wind data from prognosis (netCDF file) for selected timerange ds = Dataset(ncfile, 'r') wind_time = ds.variables['time'][timerange[0]:timerange[1]] x_wind = ds.variables['x_wind'][timerange[0]:timerange[1],:,:] y_wind = ds.variables['y_wind'][timerange[0]:timerange[1],:,:] rlon = ds.variables['rlon'][:] rlat = ds.variables['rlat'][:] ds.close() print "xwind-shape", x_wind.shape # Setup outputs tstruct = time.gmtime(wind_time[-1]) # or -1 if it should be the average until that date outfile = '%s_%s_%s_%s' % (themedir, str(tstruct.tm_year).zfill(4), str(tstruct.tm_mon).zfill(2), str(tstruct.tm_mday).zfill(2)) outdir = os.path.join(options.outdir, str(cdt.year)) if not os.path.exists(outdir): if not os.path.exists(options.outdir): os.chdir(netCDFout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir) os.chdir(options.outdir) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(cdt.year)) # Calculate the wind speed vector - using model() total_wind = model(x_wind, y_wind) # average over 24h total_wind_avg = mean(total_wind, axis=0) # interpolate total average wind speed to seNorge grid total_wind_avg_intp = interpolate(rlon, rlat, total_wind_avg) # Replace NaN values with the appropriate FillValue total_wind_avg_intp = nan2fill(total_wind_avg_intp) # Write to NC file ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile+'.nc'))[0]) ncfile.add_variable(themedir, total_wind_avg.dtype.str, "m s-1", themename, total_wind_avg_intp) ncfile.close() # At last - cross fingers it all worked out! print "\n*** Finished successfully ***\n"
def main(): ''' Loads and verifies input data, calls the models, and controls the output stream. Command line usage:: python //~HOME/pysenorge/themes/ YYYY-MM-DD [options] ''' # Theme variables themedir = 'additional_snow_depth' themename = '' # Setup input parser usage = "usage: python //~HOME/pysenorge/themes/ YYYY-MM-DD [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-o", "--outdir", action="store", dest="outdir", type="string", metavar="DIR", default=os.path.join(BILout, themedir), help="Output directory - default: $BILout/%s/$HYDROYEAR" % \ themedir) parser.add_option("--no-bil", action="store_false", dest="bil", default=True, help="Set to suppress output in BIL format") parser.add_option("--nc", action="store_true", dest="nc", default=False, help="Set to store output in netCDF format") parser.add_option("--png", action="store_true", dest="png", default=False, help="Set to store output as PNG image") # Comment to suppress help # parser.print_help() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide the date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD!") parser.print_help() # Get current datetime cdt = iso2datetime(args[0]+" 06:00:00") #Ändern Fehler... windfilename = "wind_speed_avg_10m_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import wind-speed 10m map # windfile = os.path.join(BILout, "wind_speed_avg_10m", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)),windfilename) windfile = os.path.join(BILout, windfilename) if not os.path.exists(windfile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing wind data does not exist!" %\ windfile) else: # Load todays data wind = BILdata(windfile, 'uint16') # convert to Celsius = float32(*0.1 #multiplyed by 0.1 because of in integer values in wind_model #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #import snow-depth map sdfilename = "sdfsw_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) #sdfile = os.path.join(BILout, "sdfsw", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), sdfilename) sdfile = os.path.join(BILout, sdfilename) if not os.path.exists(sdfile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing snow-depth data does not exist!" %\ sdfile) else: sd = BILdata(sdfile, 'uint16') #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #import snow-age map agefilename = "age_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) #agefile = os.path.join(BILout, "age", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), agefilename) agefile = os.path.join(BILout, agefilename) if not os.path.exists(agefile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing snow-age data does not exist!" %\ agefile) else: age = BILdata(agefile, 'uint8') #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #import liquid-water-content map lwcfilename = "lwc_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) #lwcfile = os.path.join(BILout, "lwc", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), lwcfilename) lwcfile = os.path.join(BILout, lwcfilename) if not os.path.exists(lwcfile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing snow-LWC data does not exist!" %\ lwcfile) else: lwc = BILdata(lwcfile, 'uint8') #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Calculate and import frozen-snow map try: frz = frozen_snow.frozen() frz.load_data(os.path.join(BILout, "ssttm_2013_01_13.bil")) frz.check_value(frz.tsi) except (IOError,NameError): print "Couldn't find or load frozen-snow map" # Setup outputs outfile = themedir+'_'+datetime2BILdate(cdt) outdir = os.path.join(options.outdir, str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) if not os.path.exists(outdir): if not os.path.exists(options.outdir): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir) os.chdir(options.outdir) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) #Run additional-snow map model Hwind = model(,,,, frz.idex) # Set no-data values to UintFillValue mask = senorge_mask() Hwind[mask] = UintFillValue #Option create bil-file if options.bil: # Write to BIL file bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile+'.bil'), datatype='uint16') Hwind = uint16(Hwind*1000) Hwind[mask] = UintFillValue biltext = bilfile.write(Hwind) print biltext #Option create nc-file if from import NCdata # Prepare data # Change array order ncHwind = flipud(Hwind) # Write to NC file ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile+'.nc')) = True ncfile.add_variable(themedir, ncHwind.dtype.str, "m", themename, ncHwind) ncfile.close() #Option create png imagefile if options.png: from import writePNG # Write to PNG file writePNG(flipud(Hwind), os.path.join(outdir, outfile), cltfile=os.path.join("/home/ralf/Dokumente/summerjob/data/additional_snow_depth_wind.clt") ) # At last - cross fingers it all worked out! print "\n*** Finished successfully ***\n"
def main(): ''' Loads and verifies input data, calls the model, and controls the output stream. Command line usage:: python //~HOME/pysenorge/themes/ YYYY-MM-DD [options] ''' # Theme variables themedir = 'depth_hoar_index_2' themename = 'Depth hoar index 2' # Setup input parser usage = "usage: python //~HOME/pysenorge/themes/ YYYY-MM-DD [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option( "-o", "--outdir", action="store", dest="outdir", type="string", metavar="DIR", default=os.path.join(BILout, themedir), help="Output directory - default: $BILout/%s/$HYDROYEAR" % themedir) parser.add_option("--no-bil", action="store_false", dest="bil", default=True, help="Set to suppress output in BIL format") parser.add_option("--nc", action="store_true", dest="nc", default=False, help="Set to store output in netCDF format") parser.add_option("--png", action="store_true", dest="png", default=False, help="Set to store output as PNG image") # Comment to suppress help parser.print_help() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide the date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD!") parser.print_help() # get current datetime cdt = iso2datetime(args[0] + " 06:00:00") oneday = timedelta(days=1) tmfilename = "tm_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) sdfilename = "sd_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) # yesterdays tds data file tdsfilename = "%s_%s.bil" % (themedir, datetime2BILdate(cdt - oneday)) # Add full path to the filename tmfile = os.path.join(METdir, "tm", str(cdt.year), tmfilename) sdfile = os.path.join(BILin, "sd", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), sdfilename) tdsfile = os.path.join(BILout, themedir, str(get_hydroyear(cdt - oneday)), tdsfilename) if not os.path.exists(tmfile): tmfile = os.path.join(PROGdir, str(cdt.year), tmfilename) print "Warning: Observation not found - using prognosis instead!" if not os.path.exists(tmfile): parser.error("BIL file containing temperature data does not exist!" %\ tmfile) elif not os.path.exists(sdfile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing snow-depth data does not exist!" %\ sdfile) else: # Load todays data tm = BILdata(tmfile, 'uint16') # convert to Celsius = (float32( / 10.0) - 273.1 # Load yesterdays data sd = BILdata(sdfile, 'uint16') # convert mm to m = float32( / 1000.0 if not os.path.exists(tdsfile): print "Yesterdays TDS2 data does not exist - using None!" tds = BILdata("tdsdummy", 'uint16') else: # Load todays data tds = BILdata(tdsfile, 'uint16') # = float32( # Setup outputs outfile = themedir + '_' + datetime2BILdate(cdt) if secs = date2num(cdt, timeunit) # used in outdir = os.path.join(options.outdir, str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) if not os.path.exists(outdir): if not os.path.exists(options.outdir): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir) os.chdir(options.outdir) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) # Calculate sum of snow temperature gradients # tds = uint16(model(,, tds = model(,, # Set no-data values to UintFillValue mask = senorge_mask() tds[mask] = UintFillValue if options.bil: # Write to BIL file bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(tds) print biltext if from import NCdata # Prepare data # nctds = int2float(tds) # imask = mask == False # # Convert to Celcius/Kelvin # nctds[imask] = nctds[imask]/10.0 # Change array order nctds = flipud(tds) # Write to NC file ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile + '.nc')) = True ncfile.add_variable(themedir, nctds.dtype.str, "days", themename, nctds) ncfile.close() if options.png: from import writePNG # Write to PNG file writePNG(flipud(tds), os.path.join(outdir, outfile), cltfile=r"Z:\snowsim\%s\tgss2_v2.clt" % themedir) # At last - cross fingers it all worked out! print "\n*** Finished successfully ***\n"
def main(): # Theme variables themedir = 'net_radiative_flux' themename = 'Daily avg. net radiation flux' # Setup input parser usage = "usage: python //~HOME/pysenorge/theme_layers/ YYYY-MM-DD [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-t", "--timerange", action="store", dest="timerange", type="string", default="[7,31]", help='''Time-range as "[7,31]"''') parser.add_option("--no-bil", action="store_false", dest="bil", default=True, help="Set to suppress output in BIL format") parser.add_option("--nc", action="store_true", dest="nc", default=False, help="Set to store output in netCDF format") parser.add_option("--png", action="store_true", dest="png", default=False, help="Set to store output as PNG image") # Comment to suppress help # parser.print_help() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Verify input parameters if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide the date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD!") parser.print_help() # get current datetime cdt = iso2datetime(args[0]+" 06:00:00") ncfilename = "" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide an input file!") else: # Add full path to the filename ncfile = os.path.join(netCDFin, str(cdt.year), ncfilename) timerange = eval(options.timerange) if not os.path.exists(ncfile): parser.error("%s does not exist!" % ncfile) else: if timerange == None: # Load wind data from prognosis (netCDF file) for entire time-range ds = Dataset(ncfile, 'r') _time = ds.variables['time'][:] SWnet = ds.variables['net_sw_surface'][:,:,:] LWnet = ds.variables['net_lw_surface'][:,:,:] Hs = ds.variables['sensible_heat_surface'][:,:,:] Hl = ds.variables['latent_heat_surface'][:,:,:] rlon = ds.variables['rlon'][:] rlat = ds.variables['rlat'][:] ds.close() else: # Load wind data from prognosis (netCDF file) for selected time-range ds = Dataset(ncfile, 'r') _time = ds.variables['time'][timerange[0]:timerange[1]] SWnet = ds.variables['net_sw_surface'][timerange[0]:timerange[1],:,:] LWnet = ds.variables['net_lw_surface'][timerange[0]:timerange[1],:,:] Hs = ds.variables['sensible_heat_surface'][timerange[0]:timerange[1],:,:] Hl = ds.variables['latent_heat_surface'][timerange[0]:timerange[1],:,:] rlon = ds.variables['rlon'][:] rlat = ds.variables['rlat'][:] ds.close() from netCDF4 import num2date for t in _time: print num2date(t, "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00") # Setup outputs tstruct = time.gmtime(_time[-1]) # or -1 if it should be the average until that date outfile = '%s_%s_%s_%s' % (themedir, str(tstruct.tm_year).zfill(4), str(tstruct.tm_mon).zfill(2), str(tstruct.tm_mday).zfill(2)) print outfile outdir = os.path.join(BILout, themedir, str(cdt.year)) if not os.path.exists(outdir): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BILout, themedir)): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir) os.chdir(os.path.join(BILout, themedir)) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(cdt.year)) # Calculate the wind speed vector - using model() Rnet = model(SWnet, LWnet, Hs, Hl) # interpolate total average wind speed to seNorge grid Rnet_intp = interpolate(rlon, rlat, Rnet) # Replace NaN values with the appropriate FillValue Rnet_intp = nan2fill(Rnet_intp) # # Set no-data values to IntFillValue # mask = senorge_mask() # tgss[mask] = IntFillValue # # if options.bil: # # Write to BIL file # bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile+'.bil'), # datatype='int16') # biltext = bilfile.write(tgss) # print biltext if # Prepare data # Change array order ncRnet = (Rnet_intp) # Write to NC file ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile+'.nc'))[-1]) ncfile.add_variable(themedir, ncRnet.dtype.str, "W m-2", themename, ncRnet) ncfile.close() # if options.png: # from import writePNG # # Write to PNG file # writePNG(flipud(Rnet_intp), os.path.join(outdir, outfile), # cltfile=os.path.join(BILout, themedir, "tgss.clt") # ) # At last - cross fingers it all worked out! print "\n*** Finished successfully ***\n"
def main(): ''' Loads and verifies input data, calls the models, and controls the output stream. Command line usage:: python //~HOME/pysenorge/themes/ YYYY-MM-DD [options] ''' # Theme variables themedir = 'additional_snow_depth' themename = '' # Setup input parser usage = "usage: python //~HOME/pysenorge/themes/ YYYY-MM-DD [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-o", "--outdir", action="store", dest="outdir", type="string", metavar="DIR", default=os.path.join(BILout, themedir), help="Output directory - default: $BILout/%s/$HYDROYEAR" % \ themedir) parser.add_option("--no-bil", action="store_false", dest="bil", default=True, help="Set to suppress output in BIL format") parser.add_option("--nc", action="store_true", dest="nc", default=False, help="Set to store output in netCDF format") parser.add_option("--png", action="store_true", dest="png", default=False, help="Set to store output as PNG image") # Comment to suppress help # parser.print_help() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Please provide the date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD!") parser.print_help() # Get current datetime cdt = iso2datetime(args[0] + " 06:00:00") #Ändern Fehler... windfilename = "wind_speed_avg_10m_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import wind-speed 10m map # windfile = os.path.join(BILout, "wind_speed_avg_10m", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)),windfilename) windfile = os.path.join(BILout, windfilename) if not os.path.exists(windfile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing wind data does not exist!" %\ windfile) else: # Load todays data wind = BILdata(windfile, 'uint16') # convert to Celsius = float32( ) * 0.1 #multiplyed by 0.1 because of in integer values in wind_model #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #import snow-depth map sdfilename = "sdfsw_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) #sdfile = os.path.join(BILout, "sdfsw", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), sdfilename) sdfile = os.path.join(BILout, sdfilename) if not os.path.exists(sdfile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing snow-depth data does not exist!" %\ sdfile) else: sd = BILdata(sdfile, 'uint16') #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #import snow-age map agefilename = "age_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) #agefile = os.path.join(BILout, "age", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), agefilename) agefile = os.path.join(BILout, agefilename) if not os.path.exists(agefile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing snow-age data does not exist!" %\ agefile) else: age = BILdata(agefile, 'uint8') #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #import liquid-water-content map lwcfilename = "lwc_%s.bil" % datetime2BILdate(cdt) #lwcfile = os.path.join(BILout, "lwc", str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), lwcfilename) lwcfile = os.path.join(BILout, lwcfilename) if not os.path.exists(lwcfile): parser.error("BIL file %s containing snow-LWC data does not exist!" %\ lwcfile) else: lwc = BILdata(lwcfile, 'uint8') #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Calculate and import frozen-snow map try: frz = frozen_snow.frozen() frz.load_data(os.path.join(BILout, "ssttm_2013_01_13.bil")) frz.check_value(frz.tsi) except (IOError, NameError): print "Couldn't find or load frozen-snow map" # Setup outputs outfile = themedir + '_' + datetime2BILdate(cdt) outdir = os.path.join(options.outdir, str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) if not os.path.exists(outdir): if not os.path.exists(options.outdir): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir) os.chdir(options.outdir) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) #Run additional-snow map model Hwind = model(,,,, frz.idex) # Set no-data values to UintFillValue mask = senorge_mask() Hwind[mask] = UintFillValue #Option create bil-file if options.bil: # Write to BIL file bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') Hwind = uint16(Hwind * 1000) Hwind[mask] = UintFillValue biltext = bilfile.write(Hwind) print biltext #Option create nc-file if from import NCdata # Prepare data # Change array order ncHwind = flipud(Hwind) # Write to NC file ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile + '.nc')) = True ncfile.add_variable(themedir, ncHwind.dtype.str, "m", themename, ncHwind) ncfile.close() #Option create png imagefile if options.png: from import writePNG # Write to PNG file writePNG( flipud(Hwind), os.path.join(outdir, outfile), cltfile=os.path.join( "/home/ralf/Dokumente/summerjob/data/additional_snow_depth_wind.clt" )) # At last - cross fingers it all worked out! print "\n*** Finished successfully ***\n"
def main(): ''' Loads and verifies input data, calls the model, and controls the output stream. ''' # Theme variables themedir = 'tmgr' themename = 'Temperature gradient last 24h' # Setup input parser usage = "usage: python //~HOME/pysenorge/themes/ tm_TODAY.bil tm_YESTERDAY.bil [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-o", "--outdir", action="store", dest="outdir", type="string", metavar="DIR", default=os.path.join(BILout, themedir), help="Output directory - default: $BILout/%s/$YEAR" % themedir) parser.add_option("--no-bil", action="store_false", dest="bil", default=True, help="Set to suppress output in BIL format") parser.add_option("--nc", action="store_true", dest="nc", default=False, help="Set to store output in netCDF format") parser.add_option("--png", action="store_true", dest="png", default=False, help="Set to store output as PNG image") # Comment to suppress help parser.print_help() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() yy, mm, dd = get_date_filename(args[0]) yy_range = arange(1950, 2050) # Verify input parameters if int(yy) not in yy_range: parser.error("Could not determine year from file name.") if len(args) != 2: parser.error("Please provide two input files!") parser.print_help() else: # Add full path to the filename todaysfile = os.path.join(METdir, "tm", yy, args[0]) yesterdaysfile = os.path.join(METdir, "tm", yy, args[1]) if not os.path.exists(todaysfile):# and os.path.isfile(options.todaysfile): parser.error("BIL file containing todays temperature data does not exist!") elif not os.path.exists(yesterdaysfile):# and os.path.isfile(options.todaysfile): parser.error("BIL file containing yesterdays temperature data does not exist!") else: # Load todays data today = BILdata(todaysfile, 'uint16') # Load yesterdays data yesterday = BILdata(yesterdaysfile, 'uint16') # Setup outputs outfile = themedir+'_'+yy+'_'+mm+'_'+dd tstring = yy+'-'+mm+'-'+dd+' 06:00:00' if secs = date2epoch(tstring) # used in outdir = os.path.join(options.outdir, yy) if not os.path.exists(outdir): if not os.path.exists(options.outdir): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir) os.chdir(options.outdir) os.system('mkdir %s' % yy) # # Calculate temperature gradient tmgr = int16(model(float32(, float32( # Set no-data values to IntFillValue mask = senorge_mask() imask = mask==False tmgr[mask] = IntFillValue if options.bil: # Write to BIL file bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile+'.bil'), datatype='int16') biltext = bilfile.write(tmgr) print biltext if from import NCdata #@UnresolvedImport # Prepare data nctmgr = int2float(tmgr) imask = mask == False # Convert to Celcius/Kelvin nctmgr[imask] = nctmgr[imask]/10.0 # Change array order nctmgr = flipud(nctmgr) # Write to NC file ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile+'.nc')) = True ncfile.add_variable(themedir, nctmgr.dtype.str, "K s-1", themename, nctmgr) ncfile.close() if options.png: from import writePNG #@UnresolvedImport # Write to PNG file writePNG(tmgr, os.path.join(outdir, outfile)) # At last - cross fingers it all worked out! print "\n*** Finished successfully ***\n"
def main(): """ Loads and verifies input data, calls the model, and controls the output stream. """ # Theme variables themedir1 = 'wind_speed_avg_1500m' themedir2 = 'wind_speed_max_1500m' today ="%Y_%m_%d") tomorrow = ( + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y_%m_%d") # Setup input parser usage = "usage: python //~HOME/pysenorge/theme_layers/ \ YYYY-MM-DD NC-File-Describtion [options]" #--------------------------------------------------------- #add options with parser module parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) #create no bil parser.add_option("--no-bil", action="store_false", dest="bil", default=True, help="Set to suppress output in BIL format") #create netCDF parser.add_option("--nc", action="store_true", dest="nc", default=False, help="Set to store output in netCDF format") #create png parser.add_option("--png", action="store_true", dest="png", default=False, help="Set to store output as PNG image") # Comment to suppress help # parser.print_help() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Verify input parameters if len(args) != 2: parser.error("Please provide the date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD and the timenc!") parser.print_help() #Select which date yr = str(args[0].split("-")[0]) mon = str(args[0].split("-")[1]) day = str(args[0].split("-")[2]) #Select which nc-file timearg = args[1] load_date = "%s_%s_%s" % (yr, mon, day) ncfilename = "" % (timearg, load_date) ncfile = os.path.join(netCDFin, "2013", ncfilename) #Test if path of the netCDF file exists if not os.path.exists(ncfile): parser.error("%s does not exist!" % ncfile) else: # Load wind data from prognosis (netCDF file) for entire time-range ds = Dataset(ncfile, 'r') wind_time = ds.variables['time'][:] x_wind = ds.variables['x_wind_850hpa'][:, :, :] y_wind = ds.variables['y_wind_850hpa'][:, :, :] ds.close() print "Using input data from file %s" % ncfile #Get timenc and control if the time is right ob_time = time.strftime("%H", time.gmtime(wind_time[0])) data_timenc = _time_fun(ob_time) if timearg == data_timenc: pass else: print "The given input parameter and time value of the netCDF are not the same" timenc = data_timenc #--------------------------------------------------------- #Output paths, output filenames and timerange begin_time = time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(wind_time[0])) end_time = time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(wind_time[24])) print "For the period from the", begin_time, "to", end_time outfile1 = '%s_%s' % (themedir1, today) outfile2 = '%s_%s' % (themedir2, today) cdt = iso2datetime(args[0] + " 06:00:00") #--------------------------------------------------------- #Output path 1 outdir1 = os.path.join(BILout, themedir1, str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) if not os.path.exists(outdir1): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BILout, themedir1)): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir1) os.chdir(os.path.join(BILout, themedir1)) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) #Output path 2 outdir2 = os.path.join(BILout, themedir2, str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) if not os.path.exists(outdir2): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BILout, themedir2)): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir2) os.chdir(os.path.join(BILout, themedir2)) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) #Output path for wind_00 til wind _18 if timenc == "00": outdir_hour = os.path.join(BILout, str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), load_date, "00") elif timenc == "06": outdir_hour = os.path.join(BILout, str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), load_date, "06") elif timenc == "12": outdir_hour = os.path.join(BILout, str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), load_date, "12") elif timenc == "18": outdir_hour = os.path.join(BILout, str(get_hydroyear(cdt)), load_date, "18") if not os.path.exists(outdir_hour): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BILout, str(get_hydroyear(cdt)))): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % str(get_hydroyear(cdt))) os.chdir(os.path.join(BILout, str(get_hydroyear(cdt)))) os.makedirs('%s/%s/' % (load_date, timenc)) #--------------------------------------------------------- # Calculate the wind speed vector - using model() total_wind_avg, max_wind, total_wind, wind_dir_cat, \ hour_wind = model(x_wind, y_wind) # interpolate total average wind speed to seNorge grid total_wind_avg_intp = interpolate_new(total_wind_avg) max_wind_intp = interpolate_new(max_wind) wind_dir_intp = interpolate_new(wind_dir_cat) #dom_wind_tab_intp = interpolate_new(dom_wind_tab) # Replace NaN values with the appropriate FillValue total_wind_avg_intp = nan2fill(total_wind_avg_intp) max_wind_intp = nan2fill(max_wind_intp) wind_dir_intp = nan2fill(wind_dir_intp) #dom_wind_tab_intp = nan2fill(dom_wind_tab_intp) #-------------------------------------------------------- #Hourly wind forecast based on the recent AROME input file if timenc == "18": #at 01:00 wind_18 = interpolate_new(total_wind[0, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_18 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[0, :, :]) #at 07:00 wind_00 = interpolate_new(total_wind[6, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_00 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[6, :, :]) #at 13:00 wind_06 = interpolate_new(total_wind[12, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_06 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[12, :, :]) #at 19:00 wind_12 = interpolate_new(total_wind[18, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_12 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[18, :, :]) outfile3 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_18_1500m", today) outfile4 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_00_1500m", today) outfile5 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_06_1500m", today) outfile6 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_12_1500m", today) elif timenc == "00": #at 07:00 wind_00 = interpolate_new(total_wind[0, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_00 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[0, :, :]) #at 13:00 wind_06 = interpolate_new(total_wind[6, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_06 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[6, :, :]) #at 19:00 wind_12 = interpolate_new(total_wind[12, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_12 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[12, :, :]) #next day at 01:00 wind_18 = interpolate_new(total_wind[18, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_18 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[18, :, :]) outfile3 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_00_1500m", today) outfile4 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_06_1500m", today) outfile5 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_12_1500m", today) outfile6 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_18_1500m", tomorrow) elif timenc == "06": #at 13:00 wind_06 = interpolate_new(total_wind[0, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_06 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[0, :, :]) #at 19:00 wind_12 = interpolate_new(total_wind[6, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_12 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[6, :, :]) #next day 01:00 wind_18 = interpolate_new(total_wind[12, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_18 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[12, :, :]) #next day 07:00 wind_00 = interpolate_new(total_wind[18, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_00 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[18, :, :]) outfile3 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_06_1500m", today) outfile4 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_12_1500m", today) outfile5 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_18_1500m", tomorrow) outfile6 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_00_1500m", tomorrow) elif timenc == "12": #at 19:00 wind_12 = interpolate_new(total_wind[0, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_12 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[0, :, :]) #next day 01:00 wind_18 = interpolate_new(total_wind[6, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_18 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[6, :, :]) #next day 07:00 wind_00 = interpolate_new(total_wind[12, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_00 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[12, :, :]) #next day 13:00 wind_06 = interpolate_new(total_wind[18, :, :]) hour_wind_intp_06 = interpolate_new(hour_wind[18, :, :]) outfile3 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_12_1500m", today) outfile4 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_18_1500m", tomorrow) outfile5 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_00_1500m", tomorrow) outfile6 = '%s_%s' % ("wind_speed_06_1500m", tomorrow) #--------------------------------------------------------- #Option --bil: Multiplied by 10 to store data as integer if options.bil: from pysenorge.grid import senorge_mask mask = senorge_mask() #Avg wind bil_avg_wind = flipud(uint16(total_wind_avg_intp * 10.0)) bil_avg_wind[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir1, outfile1 + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') #Colapse into one dimension biltext = bilfile.write(bil_avg_wind.flatten()) print biltext # Max wind bil_max_wind = flipud(uint16(max_wind_intp * 10.0)) bil_max_wind[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir2, outfile2 + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(bil_max_wind.flatten()) print biltext # bil wind at 00 bil_wind_00 = flipud(uint16(wind_00 * 10.0)) bil_wind_00[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile3 + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(bil_wind_00.flatten()) print biltext # bil wind at 06 bil_wind_06 = flipud(uint16(wind_06 * 10.0)) bil_wind_06[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile4 + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(bil_wind_06.flatten()) print biltext #bil wind at 12 bil_wind_12 = flipud(uint16(wind_12 * 10.0)) bil_wind_12[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile5 + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(bil_wind_12.flatten()) print biltext #bil wind at 18 bil_wind_18 = flipud(uint16(wind_18 * 10.0)) bil_wind_18[mask] = UintFillValue bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile6 + '.bil'), datatype='uint16') biltext = bilfile.write(bil_wind_18.flatten()) print biltext #--------------------------------------------------------- #Option --nc: write a nc file if ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir1, outfile1 + '.nc'))[-1]) ncfile.add_variable('avg_wind_speed', total_wind_avg.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Average wind speed last 24h', total_wind_avg_intp) ncfile.add_variable('max_wind_speed', max_wind.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Maximum wind gust last 24h', max_wind_intp) ncfile.add_variable('wind_direction', wind_dir_cat.dtype.str, "cardinal direction", 'Prevailing wind direction last 24h', wind_dir_intp) ncfile.add_variable('wind_00', wind_00.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Wind forecast 01:00', wind_00) ncfile.add_variable('wind_06', wind_06.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Wind forecast 07:00', wind_06) ncfile.add_variable('wind_12', wind_12.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Wind forecast 13:00', wind_12) ncfile.add_variable('wind_18', wind_18.dtype.str, "m s-1", 'Wind forecast 19:00', wind_18) ncfile.close() #--------------------------------------------------------- #Option --png: Write a PNG files if options.png: avg_clt_file_path = "/home/ralf/Dokumente/summerjob/data/avg_wind_speed_10_no.clt" max_clt_file_path = "/home/ralf/Dokumente/summerjob/data/max_wind_speed_10_no.clt" direction_clt_file_path = "/home/ralf/Dokumente/summerjob/data/wind_direction_10_no.clt" #Creates png file wind average writePNG(total_wind_avg_intp[:, :], os.path.join(outdir1, outfile1), cltfile=avg_clt_file_path ) #Creates png file wind max writePNG(max_wind_intp[:, :], os.path.join(outdir2, outfile2), cltfile=max_clt_file_path ) #Hourly wind speed maps writePNG(wind_00, os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile3), cltfile=avg_clt_file_path ) writePNG(wind_06, os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile4), cltfile=avg_clt_file_path ) writePNG(wind_12, os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile5), cltfile=avg_clt_file_path ) writePNG(wind_18, os.path.join(outdir_hour, outfile6), cltfile=avg_clt_file_path ) #Wind direction writePNG(wind_dir_intp[:, :], os.path.join(outdir1, 'wind_direction'), cltfile=direction_clt_file_path ) #Hourly wind directions writePNG(hour_wind_intp_00[:, :], os.path.join(outdir1, 'wind_direction_hour_00'), cltfile=direction_clt_file_path ) writePNG(hour_wind_intp_06[:, :], os.path.join(outdir1, 'wind_direction_hour_06'), cltfile=direction_clt_file_path ) writePNG(hour_wind_intp_12[:, :], os.path.join(outdir1, 'wind_direction_hour_12'), cltfile=direction_clt_file_path ) writePNG(hour_wind_intp_18[:, :], os.path.join(outdir1, 'wind_direction_hour_18'), cltfile=direction_clt_file_path ) #Maximal dominate wind speed #writePNG(dom_wind_tab_intp[:, :], # os.path.join(outdir1, today, 'wind_direction_dom_wind_tab'), # cltfile=direction_clt_file_path # ) # At last - cross fingers* it all worked out! *and toes !!! print "\n***Finished successfully***\n"
def main(): ''' Loads and verifies input data, calls the model, and controls the output stream. ''' # Theme variables themedir = 'tmgr' themename = 'Temperature gradient last 24h' # Setup input parser usage = "usage: python //~HOME/pysenorge/themes/ tm_TODAY.bil tm_YESTERDAY.bil [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-o", "--outdir", action="store", dest="outdir", type="string", metavar="DIR", default=os.path.join(BILout, themedir), help="Output directory - default: $BILout/%s/$YEAR" % themedir) parser.add_option("--no-bil", action="store_false", dest="bil", default=True, help="Set to suppress output in BIL format") parser.add_option("--nc", action="store_true", dest="nc", default=False, help="Set to store output in netCDF format") parser.add_option("--png", action="store_true", dest="png", default=False, help="Set to store output as PNG image") # Comment to suppress help parser.print_help() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() yy, mm, dd = get_date_filename(args[0]) yy_range = arange(1950, 2050) # Verify input parameters if int(yy) not in yy_range: parser.error("Could not determine year from file name.") if len(args) != 2: parser.error("Please provide two input files!") parser.print_help() else: # Add full path to the filename todaysfile = os.path.join(METdir, "tm", yy, args[0]) yesterdaysfile = os.path.join(METdir, "tm", yy, args[1]) if not os.path.exists( todaysfile): # and os.path.isfile(options.todaysfile): parser.error( "BIL file containing todays temperature data does not exist!") elif not os.path.exists( yesterdaysfile): # and os.path.isfile(options.todaysfile): parser.error( "BIL file containing yesterdays temperature data does not exist!") else: # Load todays data today = BILdata(todaysfile, 'uint16') # Load yesterdays data yesterday = BILdata(yesterdaysfile, 'uint16') # Setup outputs outfile = themedir + '_' + yy + '_' + mm + '_' + dd tstring = yy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd + ' 06:00:00' if secs = date2epoch(tstring) # used in outdir = os.path.join(options.outdir, yy) if not os.path.exists(outdir): if not os.path.exists(options.outdir): os.chdir(BILout) os.system('mkdir %s' % themedir) os.chdir(options.outdir) os.system('mkdir %s' % yy) # # Calculate temperature gradient tmgr = int16(model(float32(, float32( # Set no-data values to IntFillValue mask = senorge_mask() imask = mask == False tmgr[mask] = IntFillValue if options.bil: # Write to BIL file bilfile = BILdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile + '.bil'), datatype='int16') biltext = bilfile.write(tmgr) print biltext if from import NCdata #@UnresolvedImport # Prepare data nctmgr = int2float(tmgr) imask = mask == False # Convert to Celcius/Kelvin nctmgr[imask] = nctmgr[imask] / 10.0 # Change array order nctmgr = flipud(nctmgr) # Write to NC file ncfile = NCdata(os.path.join(outdir, outfile + '.nc')) = True ncfile.add_variable(themedir, nctmgr.dtype.str, "K s-1", themename, nctmgr) ncfile.close() if options.png: from import writePNG #@UnresolvedImport # Write to PNG file writePNG(tmgr, os.path.join(outdir, outfile)) # At last - cross fingers it all worked out! print "\n*** Finished successfully ***\n"