def test_oniom_md(): calc_dict = { "high": { "type": "pypsi4", "method": "scf", "basis": "sto-3g", }, "low": { "type": "pyxtb", }, } high_inds = (4, 5, 6) from pysisyphus.calculators.ONIOM import ONIOM oniom = ONIOM(calc_dict, high_inds) geom = geom_loader("") geom.set_calculator(oniom) v0 = .005 * np.random.rand(*geom.coords.shape) md_kwargs = { "v0": v0, "t": 40, "dt": 0.5, } md_result = md(geom, **md_kwargs) from pysisyphus.xyzloader import make_trj_str coords = md_result.coords.reshape(-1, len(geom.atoms), 3) * BOHR2ANG trj_str = make_trj_str(geom.atoms, coords) with open("md.trj", "w") as handle: handle.write(trj_str)
def test_thermostat(): geom = geom_loader("lib:dynamics/") from pysisyphus.calculators.XTB import XTB geom.set_calculator(XTB(pal=2)) opt = RFOptimizer(geom, thresh="gau_loose", max_cycles=25) T = 298.15 seed = 20182503 v0 = get_mb_velocities_for_geom(geom, T, seed=seed).flatten() # steps = 6000 steps = 250 dt = 0.5 md_kwargs = { "v0": v0, "steps": steps, "dt": dt, "remove_com_v": True, "thermostat": "csvr", "timecon": 25, } res = md(geom, **md_kwargs) # assert dt * steps / 1000 == pytest.approx(res.t) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt E_tot = res.E_tot E_tot -= E_tot.mean() from pysisyphus.constants import AU2KJPERMOL E_tot *= AU2KJPERMOL T = res.T fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2) ax0.plot(E_tot) ax0.axhline(E_tot.mean()) ax0.set_title("$\Delta$E$_{tot}$ / kJ mol⁻¹") ax1.plot(T) T_mean = T.mean() print("T_mean", T_mean, "K") ax1.axhline(T_mean) ax1.set_title(f"T / K, avg. = {T_mean:.2f} K") plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig("md.pdf")
def test_rattle_tip3p(this_dir): geom = geom_loader(this_dir / "") # geom = geom_loader(this_dir / "") # geom.jmol() T = 298.15 calc = TIP3P() potentials = [ { "type": "logfermi", "beta": 6, "T": T, "radius": 10, }, ] ext_calc = ExternalPotential(calc, potentials=potentials) geom.set_calculator(ext_calc) constraints = list( it.chain( *[get_water_constraints(i) for i in range(len(geom.atoms) // 3)])) seed = 20200626 v0 = get_mb_velocities_for_geom(geom, T, seed=seed).flatten() md_kwargs = { "v0": v0, # "steps": 100, # "dt": 1, "steps": 250, "dt": 1.5, # "steps": 500, # "dt": 0.25, "constraints": constraints, "constraint_kwargs": { # "remove_com_v": False, }, # "thermostat": "csvr", } # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() md_result = md(geom, **md_kwargs) from pysisyphus.xyzloader import coords_to_trj coords = md_result.coords trj_fn = "md.trj" atoms = geom.atoms coords_to_trj(trj_fn, atoms, coords)
def test_mb_velocities(): geom = geom_loader("") geom.set_calculator(PySCF(basis="sto3g")) # Preoptimization opt = RFOptimizer(geom, thresh="gau_tight") print() T = 298.15 seed = 20182503 v0 = get_mb_velocities_for_geom(geom, T, seed=seed).flatten() steps = 100 dt = 0.5 res = md(geom, v0, steps, dt) assert dt * steps / 1000 == pytest.approx(res.t) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() from pysisyphus.xyzloader import coords_to_trj coords = res.coords trj_fn = "md.trj" atoms = geom.atoms coords_to_trj(trj_fn, atoms, coords)
def run_md(geom, dt, steps, v0=None, term_funcs=None, external=False): if external and hasattr(geom.calculator, "run_md"): t = dt * steps t_ps = t * 1e-3 md_kwargs = { "atoms": geom.atoms, "coords": geom.coords, "t": t, "dt": dt, "velocities": v0, "dump": dt, } print("Running MD with external calculator implementation.") if term_funcs is not None: print("Termination functions are not supported in external MD!") geoms = geom.calculator.run_md(**md_kwargs) md_result = MDResult( coords=[geom.coords for geom in geoms], t_ps=t_ps, step=int(t / dt - 1), terminated=None, T=None, E_tot=None, ) else: md_kwargs = { "v0": v0, "steps": steps, "dt": dt, "term_funcs": term_funcs, "verbose": False, "remove_com_v": False, } print("Running MD with internal implementation.") md_result = md(geom, **md_kwargs) return md_result
def test_velocity_verlet(): geom = AnaPot.get_geom((0.52, 1.80, 0)) x0 = geom.coords.copy() v0 = .1 * np.random.rand(*geom.coords.shape) t = 3 dts = (.005, .01, .02, .04, .08) all_xs = list() for dt in dts: geom.coords = x0.copy() md_kwargs = { "v0": v0.copy(), "t": t, "dt": dt, } md_result = md(geom, **md_kwargs) all_xs.append(md_result.coords) calc = geom.calculator calc.plot() ax = for dt, xs in zip(dts, all_xs): ax.plot(*xs.T[:2], "o-", label=f"dt={dt:.3f}") # ax.plot(*xs.T[:2], "-", label=f"dt={dt:.3f}") ax.legend()