예제 #1
def adjoint_test_rho():
    import numpy as np
    from pysit import PML, RectangularDomain, CartesianMesh, PointSource, ReceiverSet, Shot, VariableDensityAcousticWave, generate_seismic_data, PointReceiver, RickerWavelet
    from pysit.gallery.horizontal_reflector import horizontal_reflector

    # Setup

    #   Define Domain
    pmlx = PML(0.1, 1000, ftype='quadratic')
    pmlz = PML(0.1, 1000, ftype='quadratic')
    x_config = (0.1, 1.0, pmlx, pmlx)
    z_config = (0.1, 1.0, pmlz, pmlz)

    d = RectangularDomain( x_config, z_config )
    m = CartesianMesh(d, 70,80 )
    #   Generate true wave speed
    #   (M = C^-2 - C0^-2)
    C,C0,m,d = horizontal_reflector(m)
    M = [w*C, C/w]
    M0 = [C0, C0]
    # Set up shots
    Nshots = 1
    shots = []
    xmin = d.x.lbound
    xmax = d.x.rbound
    nx   = m.x.n
    zmin = d.z.lbound
    zmax = d.z.rbound
    for i in xrange(Nshots):

        # Define source location and type
#       source = PointSource(d, (xmax*(i+1.0)/(Nshots+1.0), 0.1), RickerWavelet(10.0))
        source = PointSource(m, (.188888, 0.18888), RickerWavelet(10.0))
        # Define set of receivers
        zpos = zmin + (1./9.)*zmax
        xpos = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
        receivers = ReceiverSet(m, [PointReceiver(m, (x, zpos)) for x in xpos])
        # Create and store the shot
        shot = Shot(source, receivers)
    # Define and configure the wave solver  
    solver = VariableDensityAcousticWave(m,
                                         model_parameters={'kappa': M[0], 'rho' : M[1]}, 
    # Generate synthetic Seismic data
    print('Generating data...')
    base_model = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'kappa': M[0], 'rho':M[1]})
    generate_seismic_data(shots, solver, base_model, wavefields=wavefields)
    tools = TemporalModeling(solver)
    m0 = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'kappa': M[0], 'rho':M[1]})
    m1 = m0.perturbation()
    v=uniform(.5,2.2,len(m0.rho)).reshape((len(m0.rho),1))  #pertubation of m2

    fwdret = tools.forward_model(shot,  m0, 1, ['wavefield', 'dWaveOp', 'simdata'])
    dWaveOp0 = fwdret['dWaveOp']
    inc_field = fwdret['wavefield']
    data = fwdret['simdata']
    #data += np.random.rand(*data.shape)
    linfwdret = tools.linear_forward_model_rho(shot, m0, m1, ['simdata'],wavefield=inc_field)
    lindata = linfwdret['simdata']
    adjret = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, data, 1, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0,wavefield=inc_field)
    # multiplied adjmodel by an additional m2 model.
    adjmodel = adjret['imaging_condition'].rho
    #adjmodel = 1.0/adjmodel
    #m1_C = m1.C

    print "data space ", np.sum(data*lindata)*solver.dt
    print "model space ", np.dot(v.T, adjmodel).squeeze()*np.prod(m.deltas)
    print "their diff ", np.dot(v.T, adjmodel).squeeze()*np.prod(m.deltas)-np.sum(data*lindata)*solver.dt
예제 #2
def adjoint_test_rho():
    import numpy as np
    from pysit import PML, RectangularDomain, CartesianMesh, PointSource, ReceiverSet, Shot, VariableDensityAcousticWave, generate_seismic_data, PointReceiver, RickerWavelet
    from pysit.gallery.horizontal_reflector import horizontal_reflector

    # Setup

    #   Define Domain
    pmlx = PML(0.1, 1000, ftype='quadratic')
    pmlz = PML(0.1, 1000, ftype='quadratic')
    x_config = (0.1, 1.0, pmlx, pmlx)
    z_config = (0.1, 1.0, pmlz, pmlz)

    d = RectangularDomain( x_config, z_config )
    m = CartesianMesh(d, 70,80 )
    #   Generate true wave speed
    #   (M = C^-2 - C0^-2)
    C,C0,m,d = horizontal_reflector(m)
    M = [w*C, C/w]
    M0 = [C0, C0]
    # Set up shots
    Nshots = 1
    shots = []
    xmin = d.x.lbound
    xmax = d.x.rbound
    nx   = m.x.n
    zmin = d.z.lbound
    zmax = d.z.rbound
    for i in xrange(Nshots):

        # Define source location and type
#       source = PointSource(d, (xmax*(i+1.0)/(Nshots+1.0), 0.1), RickerWavelet(10.0))
        source = PointSource(m, (.188888, 0.18888), RickerWavelet(10.0))
        # Define set of receivers
        zpos = zmin + (1./9.)*zmax
        xpos = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
        receivers = ReceiverSet(m, [PointReceiver(m, (x, zpos)) for x in xpos])
        # Create and store the shot
        shot = Shot(source, receivers)
    # Define and configure the wave solver  
    solver = VariableDensityAcousticWave(m,
                                         model_parameters={'kappa': M[0], 'rho' : M[1]}, 
    # Generate synthetic Seismic data
    print('Generating data...')
    base_model = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'kappa': M[0], 'rho':M[1]})
    generate_seismic_data(shots, solver, base_model, wavefields=wavefields)
    tools = TemporalModeling(solver)
    m0 = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'kappa': M[0], 'rho':M[1]})
    m1 = m0.perturbation()
    v=uniform(.5,2.2,len(m0.rho)).reshape((len(m0.rho),1))  #pertubation of m2

    fwdret = tools.forward_model(shot,  m0, 1, ['wavefield', 'dWaveOp', 'simdata'])
    dWaveOp0 = fwdret['dWaveOp']
    inc_field = fwdret['wavefield']
    data = fwdret['simdata']
    #data += np.random.rand(*data.shape)
    linfwdret = tools.linear_forward_model_rho(shot, m0, m1, ['simdata'],wavefield=inc_field)
    lindata = linfwdret['simdata']
    adjret = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, data, 1, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0,wavefield=inc_field)
    # multiplied adjmodel by an additional m2 model.
    adjmodel = adjret['imaging_condition'].rho
    #adjmodel = 1.0/adjmodel
    #m1_C = m1.C

    print "data space ", np.sum(data*lindata)*solver.dt
    print "model space ", np.dot(v.T, adjmodel).squeeze()*np.prod(m.deltas)
    print "their diff ", np.dot(v.T, adjmodel).squeeze()*np.prod(m.deltas)-np.sum(data*lindata)*solver.dt
예제 #3
def adjoint_test():
#if __name__ == '__main__':
    import numpy as np
    from pysit import PML, RectangularDomain, CartesianMesh, PointSource, ReceiverSet, Shot, ConstantDensityAcousticWave, generate_seismic_data, PointReceiver, RickerWavelet
    from pysit.gallery import horizontal_reflector

    # Setup

    #   Define Domain
    pmlx = PML(0.1, 1000, ftype='quadratic')
    pmlz = PML(0.1, 1000, ftype='quadratic')

    x_config = (0.1, 1.0, pmlx, pmlx)
    z_config = (0.1, 0.8, pmlz, pmlz)

    d = RectangularDomain( x_config, z_config )

    m = CartesianMesh(d, 90, 70)

    #   Generate true wave speed
    #   (M = C^-2 - C0^-2)
    C0, C = horizontal_reflector(m)

    # Set up shots
    Nshots = 1
    shots = []

    xmin = d.x.lbound
    xmax = d.x.rbound
    nx   = m.x.n
    zmin = d.z.lbound
    zmax = d.z.rbound

    for i in xrange(Nshots):

        # Define source location and type
#       source = PointSource(d, (xmax*(i+1.0)/(Nshots+1.0), 0.1), RickerWavelet(10.0))
        source = PointSource(m, (.188888, 0.18888), RickerWavelet(10.0))

        # Define set of receivers
        zpos = zmin + (1./9.)*zmax
        xpos = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
        receivers = ReceiverSet(m, [PointReceiver(m, (x, zpos)) for x in xpos])

        # Create and store the shot
        shot = Shot(source, receivers)

    # Define and configure the wave solver
    solver = ConstantDensityAcousticWave(m,
#                                        formulation='scalar',
                                         model_parameters={'C': C},
#                                        spatial_shifted_differences=True,
#                                        cfl_safety=0.01,

    # Generate synthetic Seismic data
    print('Generating data...')
    base_model = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'C': C})
    generate_seismic_data(shots, solver, base_model, wavefields=wavefields)

    tools = TemporalModeling(solver)
    m0 = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'C': C0})

    m1 = m0.perturbation()
    m1 += np.random.rand(*m1.data.shape)

    fwdret = tools.forward_model(shot, m0, ['wavefield', 'dWaveOp', 'simdata'])
    dWaveOp0 = fwdret['dWaveOp']
    inc_field = fwdret['wavefield']
    data = fwdret['simdata']
#   data += np.random.rand(*data.shape)

    linfwdret = tools.linear_forward_model(shot, m0, m1, ['simdata'])
    lindata = linfwdret['simdata']

    adjret = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, data, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0)

    adjmodel = adjret['imaging_condition'].asarray()
    adj_field = adjret['adjointfield']
    m1 = m1.asarray()

    print data.shape, solver.nsteps
    print np.sum(data*lindata)*solver.dt
    print np.dot(m1.T, adjmodel).squeeze()*np.prod(m.deltas)
    print np.dot(m1.T, adjmodel).squeeze()*np.prod(m.deltas)-np.sum(data*lindata)*solver.dt

    qs = adj_field

    qhat = 0.0
    dt = solver.dt
    for k in xrange(solver.nsteps):
        t = k * dt

        qhat += qs[k]*(np.exp(-1j*2.0*np.pi*10.0*t)*dt)
예제 #4
def adjoint_test():
#if __name__ == '__main__':
    import numpy as np
    from pysit import PML, RectangularDomain, CartesianMesh, PointSource, ReceiverSet, Shot, ConstantDensityAcousticWave, generate_seismic_data, PointReceiver, RickerWavelet
    from pysit.gallery import horizontal_reflector

    # Setup

    #   Define Domain
    pmlx = PML(0.1, 1000, ftype='quadratic')
    pmlz = PML(0.1, 1000, ftype='quadratic')

    x_config = (0.1, 1.0, pmlx, pmlx)
    z_config = (0.1, 0.8, pmlz, pmlz)

    d = RectangularDomain( x_config, z_config )

    m = CartesianMesh(d, 90, 70)

    #   Generate true wave speed
    #   (M = C^-2 - C0^-2)
    C0, C = horizontal_reflector(m)

    # Set up shots
    Nshots = 1
    shots = []

    xmin = d.x.lbound
    xmax = d.x.rbound
    nx   = m.x.n
    zmin = d.z.lbound
    zmax = d.z.rbound

    for i in xrange(Nshots):

        # Define source location and type
#       source = PointSource(d, (xmax*(i+1.0)/(Nshots+1.0), 0.1), RickerWavelet(10.0))
        source = PointSource(m, (.188888, 0.18888), RickerWavelet(10.0))

        # Define set of receivers
        zpos = zmin + (1./9.)*zmax
        xpos = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
        receivers = ReceiverSet(m, [PointReceiver(m, (x, zpos)) for x in xpos])

        # Create and store the shot
        shot = Shot(source, receivers)

    # Define and configure the wave solver
    solver = ConstantDensityAcousticWave(m,
#                                        formulation='scalar',
                                         model_parameters={'C': C},
#                                        spatial_shifted_differences=True,
#                                        cfl_safety=0.01,

    # Generate synthetic Seismic data
    print('Generating data...')
    base_model = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'C': C})
    generate_seismic_data(shots, solver, base_model, wavefields=wavefields)

    tools = TemporalModeling(solver)
    m0 = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'C': C0})

    m1 = m0.perturbation()
    m1 += np.random.rand(*m1.data.shape)

    fwdret = tools.forward_model(shot, m0, ['wavefield', 'dWaveOp', 'simdata'])
    dWaveOp0 = fwdret['dWaveOp']
    inc_field = fwdret['wavefield']
    data = fwdret['simdata']
#   data += np.random.rand(*data.shape)

    linfwdret = tools.linear_forward_model(shot, m0, m1, ['simdata'])
    lindata = linfwdret['simdata']

    adjret = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, data, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0)

    adjmodel = adjret['imaging_condition'].asarray()
    adj_field = adjret['adjointfield']
    m1 = m1.asarray()

    print data.shape, solver.nsteps
    print np.sum(data*lindata)*solver.dt
    print np.dot(m1.T, adjmodel).squeeze()*np.prod(m.deltas)
    print np.dot(m1.T, adjmodel).squeeze()*np.prod(m.deltas)-np.sum(data*lindata)*solver.dt

    qs = adj_field

    qhat = 0.0
    dt = solver.dt
    for k in xrange(solver.nsteps):
        t = k * dt

        qhat += qs[k]*(np.exp(-1j*2.0*np.pi*10.0*t)*dt)
    #   Define Domain
    pmlx = PML(0.1, 100)
    pmlz = PML(0.1, 100)

    # The first 2 entires in these tuples indicate the physical domain size.
    x_config = (0.1, 1.0, pmlx, pmlx)
    z_config = (0.1, 0.8, pmlz, pmlz)

    d = RectangularDomain(x_config, z_config)
    # nx and nz specify the number of nodes used in the computational mesh.
    nx = 91
    nz = 71
    m = CartesianMesh(d, nx, nz)
    C, C0, m, d = horizontal_reflector(m)  # C has two reflectors at depth. 
    # This generate the Model Parameters in terms of Kappa and Rho (with 2 reflectors at depth).
    # We "split up" the two reflectors contained in dC so each can be manipulated seperatly. 
    C0 = np.ones((nx,nz))
    dC = C.reshape(nx,nz) - C0
    dC1 = dC[:,:np.ceil(nz/2)]
    dC2 = dC[:,np.ceil(nz/2):]
    dK = np.zeros((nx,nz))
    dR = np.zeros((nx,nz))
    # These next 4 lines allow us to modify the sign and magntiude of each of the bumps for kappa and rho.
    dK[:,:np.ceil(nz/2)] += dC1   
    dR[:,:np.ceil(nz/2)] += dC1   
    dK[:,np.ceil(nz/2):] += dC2
    dR[:,np.ceil(nz/2):] += dC2
예제 #6
    #   Define Domain
    pmlx = PML(0.1, 100)
    pmlz = PML(0.1, 100)

    # The first 2 entires in these tuples indicate the physical domain size.
    x_config = (0.1, 1.0, pmlx, pmlx)
    z_config = (0.1, 0.8, pmlz, pmlz)

    d = RectangularDomain(x_config, z_config)

    # nx and nz specify the number of nodes used in the computational mesh.
    nx = 91
    nz = 71
    m = CartesianMesh(d, nx, nz)
    C, C0, m, d = horizontal_reflector(m)  # C has two reflectors at depth.

    # This generate the Model Parameters in terms of Kappa and Rho (with 2 reflectors at depth).
    # We "split up" the two reflectors contained in dC so each can be manipulated seperatly.
    C0 = np.ones((nx, nz))
    dC = C.reshape(nx, nz) - C0
    dC1 = dC[:, :np.ceil(nz / 2)]
    dC2 = dC[:, np.ceil(nz / 2):]
    dK = np.zeros((nx, nz))
    dR = np.zeros((nx, nz))

    # These next 4 lines allow us to modify the sign and magntiude of each of the bumps for kappa and rho.
    dK[:, :np.ceil(nz / 2)] += dC1
    dR[:, :np.ceil(nz / 2)] += dC1
    dK[:, np.ceil(nz / 2):] += dC2
    dR[:, np.ceil(nz / 2):] += dC2
예제 #7
def adjoint_test():
#if __name__ == '__main__':
#   from pysit import *
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    from pysit import PML, Dirichlet, RectangularDomain, CartesianMesh, PointSource, ReceiverSet, Shot, ConstantDensityAcousticWave,ConstantDensityHelmholtz, generate_seismic_data, PointReceiver, RickerWavelet
    from pysit.gallery import horizontal_reflector

    #   Define Domain
    bc = PML(0.3, 100, ftype='quadratic')
#   bc = Dirichlet()

    x_config = (0.1, 1.0, bc, bc)
    z_config = (0.1, 0.8, bc, bc)

    d = RectangularDomain( x_config, z_config )

    m = CartesianMesh(d, 90, 70)

    #   Generate true wave speed
    #   (M = C^-2 - C0^-2)
    C0, C = horizontal_reflector(m)

    # Set up shots
    Nshots = 1
    shots = []

    xmin = d.x.lbound
    xmax = d.x.rbound
    nx   = m.x.n
    zmin = d.z.lbound
    zmax = d.z.rbound

    point_approx = 'delta'

    for i in xrange(Nshots):

        # Define source location and type
        source = PointSource(m, (.188888, 0.18888), RickerWavelet(10.0), approximation=point_approx)

        # Define set of receivers
        zpos = zmin + (1./9.)*zmax
        xpos = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
        receivers = ReceiverSet(m, [PointReceiver(m, (x, zpos)) for x in xpos])

        # Create and store the shot
        shot = Shot(source, receivers)

    # Define and configure the wave solver
    solver = ConstantDensityAcousticWave(m,
                                         model_parameters={'C': C},

    # Generate synthetic Seismic data
    print('Generating data...')
    base_model = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'C': C})
    generate_seismic_data(shots, solver, base_model)

    solver_frequency = ConstantDensityHelmholtz(m,
                                                model_parameters={'C': C0},
    tools = FrequencyModeling(solver_frequency)
    m0 = solver_frequency.ModelParameters(m,{'C': C0})


    m1 = m0.perturbation()
#   m1 += M
    m1  += np.random.rand(*m1.data.shape)

    freqs = [10.0, 10.5, 10.123334145252]
#   freqs = np.linspace(3,20,20)

    fwdret = tools.forward_model(shot, m0, freqs, ['wavefield', 'dWaveOp', 'simdata'])
    data = fwdret['simdata']
    dWaveOp0 = fwdret['dWaveOp']
    u0hat = fwdret['wavefield'][freqs[0]]

#   data -= shot.receivers.interpolate_data(solver.ts())
#   data *= -1

#   for nu in freqs:
#       data[nu] += np.random.rand(*data[nu].shape)

    linfwdret = tools.linear_forward_model(shot, m0, m1, freqs, ['simdata','wavefield1'])
    lindata = linfwdret['simdata']
    u1hat = linfwdret['wavefield1'][freqs[0]]

    adjret = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, data, freqs, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0)
    qhat = adjret['adjointfield'][freqs[0]]
    adjmodel = adjret['imaging_condition'].data

#   adjret2 = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, lindata_time, freqs, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0)
##  qhat = adjret['adjointfield'][freqs[0]]
#   adjmodel2 = adjret2['imaging_condition'].view(np.ndarray)

    m1 = m1.data

    temp_data_prod = 0.0
    for nu in freqs:
        temp_data_prod += np.dot(lindata[nu].reshape(data[nu].shape).T, np.conj(data[nu]))

    print temp_data_prod.squeeze()
    print np.dot(m1.T, np.conj(adjmodel)).squeeze()*np.prod(m.deltas)
    print np.dot(m1.T, np.conj(adjmodel)).squeeze()*np.prod(m.deltas) - temp_data_prod.squeeze()
예제 #8
def adjoint_test_rho():
#if __name__ == '__main__':
#   from pysit import *
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from numpy.random import uniform
    from pysit import PML, Dirichlet, RectangularDomain, CartesianMesh, PointSource, ReceiverSet, Shot, ConstantDensityAcousticWave,VariableDensityHelmholtz, generate_seismic_data, PointReceiver, RickerWavelet
    from pysit.gallery.horizontal_reflector import horizontal_reflector

    #   Define Domain
    bc = PML(0.3, 100, ftype='quadratic')
#   bc = Dirichlet()
    x_config = (0.1, 1.0, bc, bc)
    z_config = (0.1, 0.8, bc, bc)

    d = RectangularDomain( x_config, z_config )
    m = CartesianMesh(d, 70, 90)

    #   Generate true wave speed
    #   (M = C^-2 - C0^-2)
    C,C0,m,d = horizontal_reflector(m)
    M = [w*C, C/w]
    M0 = [C0, C0]

    # Set up shots
    Nshots = 1
    shots = []
    xmin = d.x.lbound
    xmax = d.x.rbound
    nx   = m.x.n
    zmin = d.z.lbound
    zmax = d.z.rbound
    point_approx = 'delta'
    for i in xrange(Nshots):

        # Define source location and type
        source = PointSource(m, (.188888, 0.18888), RickerWavelet(10.0), approximation=point_approx)
        # Define set of receivers
        zpos = zmin + (1./9.)*zmax
        xpos = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
        receivers = ReceiverSet(m, [PointReceiver(m, (x, zpos)) for x in xpos])
        # Create and store the shot
        shot = Shot(source, receivers)
    # Define and configure the wave solver
    freqs = [3.0,5.0,7.0]
    solver = VariableDensityHelmholtz(m,
                                                model_parameters={'kappa': M[0], 'rho' : M[1]},
    # Generate synthetic Seismic data
    print('Generating data...')
    base_model = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'kappa': M[0], 'rho' : M[1]})
    generate_seismic_data(shots, solver, base_model,frequencies=freqs)
    tools = FrequencyModeling(solver)
    m0 = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'kappa': M[0], 'rho' : M[1]})
    m1 = m0.perturbation()

    # v is pertubation of model 1/rho. (which we have declared as m1). Thus, rho is 1/v. 
    v = uniform(0.5,1.5,len(m0.rho)).reshape((len(m0.rho),1))
    m1.rho  += 1.0/v
#   freqs = np.linspace(3,20,20)
    fwdret = tools.forward_model(shot, m0, freqs, ['wavefield', 'dWaveOp', 'simdata'])
    data = fwdret['simdata']
    dWaveOp0 = fwdret['dWaveOp']
    u0hat = fwdret['wavefield']

#   data -= shot.receivers.interpolate_data(solver.ts())
#   data *= -1  

#   for nu in freqs:
#       data[nu] += np.random.rand(*data[nu].shape)
    linfwdret = tools.linear_forward_model_rho(shot, m0, m1, freqs, ['simdata','wavefield1'], wavefield=u0hat)
    lindata = linfwdret['simdata']
    #u1hat = linfwdret['wavefield1'][freqs[0]]
    adjret = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, data, freqs, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0,wavefield=u0hat)
    qhat = adjret['adjointfield'][freqs[0]]
    adjmodel = adjret['imaging_condition'].rho
#   adjret2 = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, lindata_time, freqs, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0)
##  qhat = adjret['adjointfield'][freqs[0]]
#   adjmodel2 = adjret2['imaging_condition'].view(np.ndarray)
    temp_data_prod = 0.0
    for nu in freqs:
        temp_data_prod += np.dot(lindata[nu].reshape(data[nu].shape).T, np.conj(data[nu]))
    print "data space: ", temp_data_prod.squeeze()
    print "model space: ", np.dot(v.T, np.conj(adjmodel)).squeeze()*np.prod(m.deltas)
    print "their diff: ", np.dot(v.T, np.conj(adjmodel)).squeeze()*np.prod(m.deltas) - temp_data_prod.squeeze()