예제 #1
def mjd_to_greg(mjd):
    Convert MJD into gregorian date.

    mjd : float
        Date in the format MJD.

    greg : string
        Gregorian date (format: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS)

    >>> mjd = greg_to_mjd('19881103_000000')
    >>> greg = mjd_to_greg(mjd)
    >>> print('MJD={} ->'.format(round(mjd, 2)), 'GREG={}'.format(greg))
    MJD=47468.0 -> GREG=19881103_000000
    year, month, day, fracday, baddate = slalib.sla_djcl(mjd)

    if baddate:
        raise ValueError(BadMJD)

    sign, (hour, minute, second, frac) = slalib.sla_dd2tf(2, fracday)

    s = '{:4d}{:2d}{:2d}_{:2d}{:2d}{:2d}'.format(year, month, day, hour,
                                                 minute, second)
    s = s.replace(' ', '0')

    return s
예제 #2
    def getDate(self, line, columns):
        if columns['sep'] == ',':
            fields = line.split(columns['sep'])
            dateStr = fields[columns['Date']['num']].strip()
            dateStr = line[columns['Date']['start']:columns['Date']['end']]
        if columns['Date']['type'] == 'CAL':
            dateFmt = columns['Date']['format']
            if '.' in dateStr:
                dateTimeStr, msecStr = dateStr.split('.')
                msec = int(msecStr)
                dateTimeStr = dateStr
                msec = 0
        elif columns['Date']['type'] == 'JD':
            # The subtraction is because sla_djcl wants an MJD
            jd = float(dateStr)
            yy, mm, dd, fracDay, j = slalib.sla_djcl(jd - 2400000.5)
            sign, hmsf = slalib.sla_dd2tf(3, fracDay)
            dateStr = '-'.join([str(yy), '%02d' % mm, '%02d' % dd])
            timeStr = ':'.join(
                ['%02d' % hmsf[0],
                 '%02d' % hmsf[1],
                 '%02d' % hmsf[2]])
            dateTimeStr = ' '.join([dateStr, timeStr])
            dateFmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
            msec = int(hmsf[3])

        date = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            dateTimeStr, dateFmt) + datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=msec)
        return date
예제 #3
def mjd_utc2datetime(mjd):
    """Converts a passed Modified Julian date to a Python datetime object. 'None' is
    returned if the conversion was not possible."""

    year, month, day, frac, status = S.sla_djcl(mjd)
    if status != 0:
        return None
    sign, hms = S.sla_dd2tf(0, frac)
    dt = datetime(year, month, day, hms[0], hms[1], hms[2])
    return dt
예제 #4
def jd_utc2datetime(jd):
    """Converts a passed Julian date to a Python datetime object. 'None' is
    returned if the conversion was not possible."""

        mjd_utc = jd - 2400000.5
    except TypeError:
            mjd_utc = float(jd) - 2400000.5
            return None
    year, month, day, frac, status = S.sla_djcl(mjd_utc)
    if status != 0:
        return None
    sign, hms = S.sla_dd2tf(0, frac)
    dt = datetime(year, month, day, hms[0], hms[1], hms[2])
    return dt
예제 #5
def processDatetime(dateTime):
    Returns a Python datetime object.

    Given a date/time, supplied as any any of the following:
      - Python datetime object
      - Julian date (JD)
      - Modified Julian date (MJD)
      - YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS (You can leave off the HH:MM:SS or some subset of that)
      - YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (You can leave off the HH:MM:SS or some subset of that)
      - YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS (You can leave off the HH:MM:SS or some subset of that)

    returns the equivalent date/time, expressed as a Python datetime

        jd: The date/time

        The date/time, expressed as a datetime object
    dateTimeFormats = ('%Y%m%d', '%Y-%m-%d', '%Y/%m/%d', '%Y%m%d %H',
                       '%Y%m%d %H%M', '%Y%m%d %H%M%S', '%Y%m%d %H',
                       '%Y%m%d %H:%M', '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y%m%d-%H',
                       '%Y%m%d-%H:%M', '%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%dT%H',
                       '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H',
                       '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y/%m/%d %H',
                       '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M', '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%b-%d %H:%M')

    # if the input value is already a datetime object, just return it.
    if isinstance(dateTime, datetime.datetime):
        return dateTime
        # The input value might be a JD, MJD, or a YYYYMMDD.DDDD. If
        # it is any of those, we can convert it to a float. If we
        # can't convert it to a float, it must be one of the string
        # representations, e.g., YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS.
            dateTime = float(dateTime)
        except ValueError:

        if isinstance(dateTime, float):
            # The input is a float. Now we have to determine if it is
            # YYYYMMDD.DDDD or JD/MJD.  If the string represention of
            # the date portion of the input is the same length as
            # 'YYYYMMDD', it must be a YYYYMMDD.DDDD. JD and MJD dates
            # are typically either 7 or 5 characters long,
            # respectively, not 8 characters, at least for the range
            # of dates that we usually care about.
            (fracDay, date) = math.modf(dateTime)
            if len(str(int(date))) == len('YYYYMMDD'):
                # Convert input YYYYMMDD.DDDD into datetime object
                return datetime.datetime.strptime(str(
                    int(date)), '%Y%m%d') + datetime.timedelta(days=fracDay)
                # Input is either JD or MJD. Raise an exception if we
                # slalib isn't available.
                if not jdOk:
                    raise NoSlalibError(
                        'Julian dates require slalib, but slalib is not available'
                # For the dates that we care about, if the value is
                # greater than 2400000, we assume that it is a JD, so
                # convert it to an MJD.
                if dateTime > 2400000:
                    dateTime -= 2400000.5
                yy, mm, dd, fracDay, j = slalib.sla_djcl(dateTime - 2400000.5)
                sign, hmsf = slalib.sla_dd2tf(3, fracDay)
                dateStr = '-'.join([str(yy), '%02d' % mm, '%02d' % dd])
                timeStr = ':'.join(
                    ['%02d' % hmsf[0],
                     '%02d' % hmsf[1],
                     '%02d' % hmsf[2]])
                dateTimeStr = ' '.join([dateStr, timeStr])
                dateFmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
                msec = int(hmsf[3])
                return datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    dateFmt) + datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=msec)

        elif isinstance(dateTime, str):
            # The input date is a string. Using one of the acceptable
            # formats, parse it and create a datetime object.
            dateTimeObj = None
            for format in dateTimeFormats:
                    dateTimeObj = datetime.datetime.strptime(dateTime, format)
                except ValueError:

            # If we were able to parse the input string, return the
            # datetime object. Otherwise, raise an exception.
            if dateTimeObj:
                return dateTimeObj
                raise DateTimeFormatError('Unexpected date/time format: %s' %
            raise DateTimeFormatError('Unexpected date/time format: %s' %