예제 #1
def counter(bit_count):
    """Counter example with n bits and reset signal."""

    # Example Counter System (SMV-like syntax)
    # VAR bits: word[bit_count];
    #     reset: boolean;
    # INIT: bits = 0 & reset = FALSE;
    # TRANS: next(bits) = bits + 1
    # TRANS: next(bits = 0) <-> next(reset)

    from pysmt.typing import BVType
    bits = Symbol("bits", BVType(bit_count))
    nbits = next_var(bits)
    reset = Symbol("r", BOOL)
    nreset = next_var(reset)
    variables = [bits, reset]

    init = bits.Equals(0) & Not(reset)

    trans = nbits.Equals(bits + 1) &\

    # A true invariant property: (reset -> bits = 0)
    true_prop = reset.Implies(bits.Equals(0))

    # A false invariant property: (bits != 2**bit_count-1)
    false_prop = bits.NotEquals(2**bit_count - 1)

    return (TransitionSystem(variables, init, trans), [true_prop, false_prop])
예제 #2
def main():
    # example = counter(4)

    # bmcind = BMCInduction(example[0])
    # pdr = PDR(example[0])

    # for prop in example[1]:
    #     bmcind.check_property(prop)
    #     pdr.check_property(prop)
    #     print("")

    from pysmt.typing import BVType
    x = Symbol("x", BVType(4))
    xprime = next_var(x)
    y = Symbol("y", BVType(4))
    yprime = next_var(y)
    var = [x, y]
    nvar = [xprime, yprime]
    init = x.Equals(0) & y.Equals(1)
    trans = xprime.Equals(x.Equals(15).Ite(BV(
        15, 4), x + 1)) & yprime.Equals(x + y.BVULT(y).Ite(y, x + y))
    prop = y.BVUGT(0)
    system = TransitionSystem(var, init, trans)
    bmcind = BMCInduction(system)
    pdr = PDR(system)
예제 #3
# We create a map from BitVectors to Reals, so that each bitvector
# value (interpreted as unary number) is equal to the Real
# value.
# The map is represented by an Array of type BV8 -> Real
map_type = ArrayType(BV8, REAL)
my_map = Symbol("my_map", map_type)

# Fill-up the map, by defining all 256 values:
for i in range(0, 255):
    my_map = my_map.Store(BV(i, 8), Real(i))

# We want to find find a value for which our relation does not work.
# In other words, we ask if there is a value for the bitvector
# s.t. the corresponding value in the array is different from the
# unary interpretation of the bitvector.
bv_var = Symbol("bv", BV8)
int_var = Symbol("int", INT)
real_var = Symbol("real", REAL)

f = And(
    # Convert the BV into INT
    # Convert the INT into REAL
    # Compare the value stored in the map with the REAL value

print(get_model(f)) # Indeed our range only gets up to 254!!!
예제 #4
파일: qe.py 프로젝트: SE-Researcher/ASE2018
# We can restrict the values that x can adopt by imposing them as
# precondition.
# If we perform quantifier elimination on this expression we obtain an
# unsurprising result:
f2 = ForAll([x], Exists([y], ((x >= 0.0) & (x <= 4.0)).Implies(rect)))
qf_f2 = qelim(f2)

# The power of quantifier elimination lies in the possibility of
# representing sets of solutions. Lets introduce a new symbol z, that
# represents the grid distance (aka Manhattan distance) of (x,y) from
# the origin.
z = Symbol("z", REAL)
distance = z.Equals(x + y)

# We want to characterize the set of points in the rectangle, in terms
# of their grid distance from the origin. In other words, we want to
# constraint z to be able to assume values that are possible within
# the rectangle. We want a formula in z that is satisfiable iff there
# is a value for z s.t.  exists a value for x,y within the rectangle.
# An example of the type of information that we expect to see is the
# maximum and minimum value of z.
f3 = Exists([x, y], rect & distance)
qe_f3 = qelim(f3)

# Depending on the solver in use you might get a different
# result. Try: qelim(f3, solver_name="msat_fm")
예제 #5
    s = StrConcat(s, pad)
    # Ensure total length is > = 10
    f = And(
        StrLength(s) >= 10,
        # And that randint is a natural number
        # Otherwise IntToStr returns the empty string
        randint >= 0)
    return s, f

# Create a strong passowrd from the initial one
new_password, constr = strengthen_password(password_in)

# If the input password is strong, if not, use the strengthen_password
check = And(
        Ite(is_good_password(password_in), password_in, new_password)), constr)

# Run the example by providing an example password to be checked
import sys
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
    user_pass = sys.argv[1]
    print("Usage %s <password>" % sys.argv[0])
    user_pass = "******"

m1 = get_model(And(password_in.Equals(String(user_pass)), check))

# Is our 'strengthen' procedure always yielding a strong password?
# Can you think of an input that would not be properly sanitized?
m2 = get_model(And(check, Not(is_good_password(password_out))))
예제 #6
def main():
    # Given variables =================================================

    I = int(input())
    J = int(input())
    K = int(input())
    T_MAX = int(input())

    array_1D = Symbol("1D", ArrayType(INT, INT))
    array_2D = Symbol("2D", ArrayType(INT, ArrayType(INT, INT)))

    # T[j][k]
    # Earliest start execution time of service k on server j
    T = Symbol("T", ArrayType(INT, ArrayType(INT, INT)))
    for j in range(0, J):
        T_row = array_1D
        k = 0
        for val in [int(x) for x in input().split()]:
            # print(symbol_name("T", j, k), " -> ", str(val))
            T_row = T_row.Store(Int(k), Int(val))
            k = k + 1
        T = T.Store(Int(j), T_row)
    T = Symbol("T", ArrayType(INT, ArrayType(INT, ArrayType(INT, INT))))
    for i in range(0, I):
        T_mat = array_2D
        for j in range(0, J):
            T_mat_row = array_1D
            k = 0
            for val in [int(x) for x in input().split()]:
                # print(symbol_name("T", j, k), " -> ", str(val))
                T_mat_row = T_mat_row.Store(Int(k), Int(val))
                k = k + 1
            T_mat = T_mat.Store(Int(j), T_mat_row)
        T = T.Store(Int(i), T_mat)

    # C[j][k]
    # The computation time of service k on server j
    C = Symbol("C", ArrayType(INT, ArrayType(INT, INT)))
    for j in range(0, J):
        C_row = array_1D
        k = 0
        for val in [int(x) for x in input().split()]:
            # print(symbol_name("C", j, k), " -> ", str(val))
            C_row = C_row.Store(Int(k), Int(val))
            k = k + 1
        C = C.Store(Int(j), C_row)

    # Tv[j][j'][k]
    # the transmission time (delivery) of service k from server j to server j'
    Tv = Symbol("Tv", ArrayType(INT, ArrayType(INT, ArrayType(INT, INT))))

    for j in range(0, J):
        Tv_mat = array_2D
        for jj in range(0, J):
            Tv_mat_row = array_1D
            k = 0
            for val in [int(x) for x in input().split()]:
                # print(symbol_name("Tv", j, jj, k), " -> ", str(val))
                Tv_mat_row = Tv_mat_row.Store(Int(k), Int(val))
                k = k + 1
            Tv_mat = Tv_mat.Store(Int(jj), Tv_mat_row)
        Tv = Tv.Store(Int(j), Tv_mat)

    # D[i][k]
    # Vehicle i's reception deadline for service k
    # valid[i][k] == -1 iff vehicle i doesn't demand service k
    D = Symbol("D", ArrayType(INT, ArrayType(INT, INT)))
    valid = []

    for i in range(0, I):
        D_row = array_1D
        k = 0
        for val in [int(x) for x in input().split()]:
            # print(symbol_name("D", i, k), " -> ", str(val))
            D_row = D_row.Store(Int(k), Int(val))
            k = k + 1
            if (val == -1): valid[-1].append(False)
            else: valid[-1].append(True)

        D = D.Store(Int(i), D_row)

    # F[i][k]
    # The required freshness of vehicle i for service k
    F = Symbol("F", ArrayType(INT, ArrayType(INT, INT)))

    for i in range(0, I):
        F_row = array_1D
        k = 0
        for val in [int(x) for x in input().split()]:
            # print(symbol_name("F", i, k), " -> ", str(val))
            F_row = F_row.Store(Int(k), Int(val))
            k = k + 1
        F = F.Store(Int(i), F_row)

    # R[i][j][t]
    # if vehicle i is in the communication of server j at time t
    R = Symbol("R", ArrayType(INT, ArrayType(INT, ArrayType(INT, INT))))
    for i in range(0, I):
        R_mat = array_2D
        for j in range(0, J):
            R_mat_row = array_1D
            t = 0
            for val in [int(x) for x in input().split()]:
                # print(symbol_name("R", i, j, t), " -> ", str(val))
                R_mat_row = R_mat_row.Store(Int(t), Int(val))
                t = t + 1
            R_mat = R_mat.Store(Int(j), R_mat_row)
        R = R.Store(Int(i), R_mat)
    R = Symbol("R", ArrayType(INT, ArrayType(INT, INT)))
    for i in range(0, I):
        R_mat = array_1D

        R_it = input().split(',')
        t = 0
        for r in R_it:
            cum_t = int(r.split()[0])
            cur_j = int(r.split()[1])
            for _ in range(cum_t):
                R_mat = R_mat.Store(Int(t), Int(cur_j))
                t += 1
        R = R.Store(Int(i), R_mat)

    # M[k]
    # the required memory size (delivery) of service k
    M = [int(x) for x in input().split()]

    # M_bar[j]
    # the memory size of server j
    M_bar = [int(x) for x in input().split()]

    start_time = time.time()

    # Decision variables =================================================

    class DV:  # Decision variable
        def __init__(self, i, k):
            self.i_int = i
            self.k_int = k
            self.i = Int(i)
            self.k = Int(k)
            self.e = Symbol(symbol_name("e", i, k), INT)
            self.d = Symbol(symbol_name("d", i, k), INT)
            self.s = Symbol(symbol_name("s", i, k), INT)
            self.t = Symbol(symbol_name("t", i, k), INT)

    DV_set = set()

    for i in range(0, I):
        for k in range(0, K):
            if valid[i][k]:
                DV_set.add(DV(i, k))

    # Constraints =================================================

    # Variable domain
    domain = And(
        [And(GE(dv.e, Int(0)), LT(dv.e, Int(J))) for dv in DV_set] +
        [And(GE(dv.d, Int(0)), LT(dv.d, Int(J))) for dv in DV_set] +
        [And(GE(dv.s, Int(0)), LT(dv.s, Int(T_MAX))) for dv in DV_set] +
        [And(GE(dv.t, Int(0)), LT(dv.t, Int(T_MAX))) for dv in DV_set])

    # Execution constraint
    eq1 = And([
        Or(dv1.s + C.Select(dv1.e).Select(dv1.k) <= dv2.s,
           dv1.s >= dv2.s + C.Select(dv2.e).Select(dv2.k),
           And(dv1.k.Equals(dv2.k), dv1.s.Equals(dv2.s)))
        for (dv1, dv2) in itertools.combinations(DV_set, 2)

    # Timing constraint
    #eq2 = And([T.Select(dv.e).Select(dv.k) <= dv.s for dv in DV_set])
    eq2 = And(
        [T.Select(dv.i).Select(dv.e).Select(dv.k) <= dv.s for dv in DV_set])
    eq3 = And([
        dv.s + C.Select(dv.e).Select(dv.k) +
        Tv.Select(dv.e).Select(dv.d).Select(dv.k) <= dv.t for dv in DV_set
    eq4 = And([dv.t <= D.Select(dv.i).Select(dv.k) for dv in DV_set])
    eq5 = And([dv.t <= dv.s + F.Select(dv.i).Select(dv.k) for dv in DV_set])
    #eq3_1 = And([Tv.Select(dv.e).Select(dv.d).Select(dv.k) >= 0])

    # Pinpoint constraint
    #eq6 = And([R.Select(dv.i).Select(dv.d).Select(dv.t).Equals(Int(1)) for dv in DV_set])
    eq6 = And([R.Select(dv.i).Select(dv.t).Equals(dv.d) for dv in DV_set])

    # Memory constraint
    eq7 = And(Bool(True))
    memory_sums = []  # for objective function
    for t in range(0, T_MAX):
        for j in range(0, J):
            memory_sum = Int(0)  # for a single server at time t
            for dv in DV_set:
                indicator = Symbol(
                    symbol_name("ind", j, t, dv.i_int, dv.k_int), INT)
                existence_formula = And(
                    dv.d.Equals(j), t >= dv.s + C.Select(dv.e).Select(dv.k) +
                    Tv.Select(dv.e).Select(dv.d).Select(dv.k), t < dv.t)
                # print(existence_formula.Iff(indicator.Equals(1)))
                eq7 = eq7.And(Not(existence_formula).Iff(indicator.Equals(0)))
                eq7 = eq7.And(existence_formula.Iff(indicator.Equals(1)))
                memory_sum += M[dv.k_int] * indicator
            eq7 = eq7.And(memory_sum <= M_bar[j])
            memory_sums[-1] += memory_sum
            # print(memory_sum)
    # print(eq7)
    # print(memory_sums[0])

    # memory_sums[t] == the sum of memory usage of all server at time t

    # # Decision version
    # # Objective constraint
    # obj = Max(memory_sums) <= 4
    # model = get_model(And(domain, eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7, obj))
    # print(model)

    # Optimization version
    # Minimize the maximum memory used
    constraints = And(domain, eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7)
    if (not is_sat(And(constraints,
                       Max(memory_sums) <= sum(M_bar)),
        if (is_sat(And(constraints, Max(memory_sums) <= 0), solver_name="z3")):
            print(f"Objective value = 0")
            #print(get_model(And(constraints, Max(memory_sums) <= 0)))
            l = 1
            r = sum(M_bar) + 1
            while l < r:
                # print(f"{l}, {r}")
                m = int((l + r) / 2)
                if is_sat(And(constraints,
                              Max(memory_sums) <= m),
                    # print(m)
                    r = m
                    l = m + 1
            print(f"Objective value = {l}")
            #print(get_model(And(constraints, Max(memory_sums) <= m)))

    # print(is_sat(And(domain, eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7, obj)))
    running_time = time.time() - start_time
    outfile = open("time.out", "a")