def check_for_block_removal(self, x, y, z, team_blocks_only=False): if self.blocks_removed is not None: time = seconds() - (BLOCK_TEAM_REMOVAL_MINS if team_blocks_only else BLOCK_REMOVAL_MINS) * 60.0 block_time = 0 amount = 0 for b in reversed(self.blocks_removed): if (team_blocks_only and b[1] is not None and b[1][0] != and b[1][1] == or ( not team_blocks_only and (b[1] is None or b[1][0] != if block_time == 0: block_time = b[0] if b[0] < time: break amount += 1 if (amount > 1 and block_time > self.last_block_time + 30 and not amount % (BLOCK_TEAM_REMOVAL_MAX if team_blocks_only else BLOCK_REMOVAL_MAX)): send_warning( self.protocol, "Warning: %s #%s removed %s%s blocks (%s)" % (, self.player_id, amount, " team" if team_blocks_only else "", to_coordinates(x, y))) self.last_block_time = block_time
def buildpw(connection, password=None, area=None): """ Quick way of giving a player a password for a protected area /buildpw <password> <area> """ if password is None and area is None: pws_str = "" for pw in connection.protocol.password_areas: pws_str += pw + " " if pws_str == "": pws_str = "none" return "Passwords: " + pws_str elif area is None: areas_str = "" for pw_coord in connection.protocol.password_areas.get(password): areas_str += to_coordinates(pw_coord[0], pw_coord[1]) + " " if areas_str == "": areas_str = "none" return "Areas for " + password + ": " + areas_str else: if connection.protocol.password_areas.get(password) is None: connection.protocol.password_areas[password] = set() areas = connection.protocol.password_areas[password] area_coord = coordinates(area) areas.symmetric_difference_update([area_coord]) message = ("%s now %s with %s" % (area.upper(), "allowed" if area_coord in areas else "disallowed", password)) if len(areas) < 1: connection.protocol.password_areas.pop(password, None) return message
def where(connection, value=None): if value is not None: connection = get_player(connection.protocol, value) elif connection not in connection.protocol.players: raise ValueError() x, y, z = connection.get_location() return '%s is in %s (%s, %s, %s)' % (, to_coordinates( x, y), int(x), int(y), int(z))
def where(connection, value = None): if value is not None: connection = get_player(connection.protocol, value) elif connection not in connection.protocol.players: raise ValueError() x, y, z = connection.get_location() return '%s is in %s (%s, %s, %s)' % (, to_coordinates(x, y), int(x), int(y), int(z))
def where(connection, player): """ Tell you the coordinates of yourself or of a given player /where [player] """ x, y, z = player.get_location() return '%s is in %s (%s, %s, %s)' % (, to_coordinates( x, y), int(x), int(y), int(z))
def on_block_destroy(self, x, y, z, mode): x, y, z = self.get_location() coord = to_coordinates(x, y) if self.jailed: self.send_chat("You can't destroy blocks when you're in jail! You were jailed for: %s" % (self.reason)) return False elif coord in jail_coords and not self.user_types.admin: self.send_chat("Stop trying to destroy the jail, %s!" % return False return connection.on_block_destroy(self, x, y, z, mode)
def on_line_build_attempt(self, points): x, y, z = self.get_location() coord = to_coordinates(x, y) if self.jailed: self.send_chat("You can't build when you're jailed! You were jailed for: %s" % (self.reason)) return False elif coord == in jail_coords and not self.user_types.admin: self.send_chat("You can't build near the jail, %s!" % return False return connection.on_line_build_attempt(self, points)
def start_airstrike(self, x, y, z): coords = to_coordinates(x, y) message = S_ALLIED.format(, coords=coords) self.protocol.send_chat(message, global_message=False, message = S_ENEMY.format(coords=coords) self.protocol.send_chat(message, global_message=False, = reactor.seconds() reactor.callLater(ARRIVAL_DELAY, self.do_airstrike, x, y, z)
def selectChunk(connection): position = connection.get_location() position = (floor(position[0]), floor(position[1]), floor(position[2])) x = (position[0] // 64) * 64 y = (position[1] // 64) * 64 pos1 = (x, y, 0) pos2 = (x + 64, y + 64, 63) connection.pos1 = pos1 connection.pos2 = pos2 connection.send_chat("Selected current chunk ({})".format( to_coordinates(x, y)))
def check_for_located_on_enemy_side(self): area = if (area is not None and self.world_object is not None and is_in_area(self.world_object.position.x, self.world_object.position.y, *area)): if not self.located_on_enemy_side: x, y, z = self.get_location() send_warning(self.protocol, "Warning: %s #%s is on enemy side (%s)" % (, self.player_id, to_coordinates(x, y))) self.located_on_enemy_side = True
def start_airstrike(self, coord_x, coord_y): coords = to_coordinates(coord_x, coord_y) message = S_ALLIED.format(player =, coords = coords) self.protocol.send_chat(message, global_message = False, team = message = S_ENEMY.format(coords = coords) self.protocol.send_chat(message, global_message = False, team = = seconds() self.airstrike = False callLater(2.5, self.do_airstrike, coord_x, coord_y)
def on_block_build_attempt(self, x, y, z): coord = to_coordinates(x, y) if self.jailed: self.send_chat("You can't build when you're jailed! You were jailed for %s" % (self.reason)) return False elif coord == "B8" and not self.user_types.admin: # Stuff self.send_chat("You can't build near the jail, %s!" % return False elif coord == "C8" and not self.user_types.admin: self.send_chat("You can't build near the jail, %s!" % return False return connection.on_block_build_attempt(self, x, y, z)
def where(connection, player=None): """ Tell you the coordinates of yourself or of a given player /where [player] """ if player is not None: connection = get_player(connection.protocol, player) elif connection not in connection.protocol.players: raise ValueError() x, y, z = connection.get_location() return '%s is in %s (%s, %s, %s)' % (, to_coordinates( x, y), int(x), int(y), int(z))
def allow(connection, password): """ Using a password to get permission for areas /allow <password> """ areas = connection.protocol.password_areas.get(password) if areas is None or len(areas) < 1: return "Invalid key" else: connection.allowed_areas.update(areas) areas_str = "" for a in areas: areas_str += to_coordinates(a[0], a[1]) + " " connection.protocol.irc_say("%s got permission for %s" % (, areas_str)) return "Permission allowed for " + areas_str
def on_block_build_attempt(self, x, y, z): coord = to_coordinates(x, y) if self.jailed: self.send_chat( "You can't build when you're jailed! You were jailed for %s" % (self.reason)) return False elif coord == "B8" and not self.user_types.admin: # Stuff self.send_chat("You can't build near the jail, %s!" % return False elif coord == "C8" and not self.user_types.admin: self.send_chat("You can't build near the jail, %s!" % return False return connection.on_block_build_attempt(self, x, y, z)
def start_dangerzone(self, coord_x, coord_y): print "start_dangerzone" coords = to_coordinates(coord_x, coord_y) message = S_DZ_START.format(, coords=coords) self.protocol.send_chat(message) message = S_DZ_GETOUT.format(seconds=EVAC_TIME) self.protocol.send_chat(message) = seconds() self.dangerzone = False self.protocol.dz_x = coord_x self.protocol.dz_y = coord_y if is None: return self.protocol.dangerzone_on = True callLater(EVAC_TIME, self.do_dangerzone) callLater(DANGERZONE_DURATION, self.end_dangerzone)
def start_dangerzone(self, coord_x, coord_y): print "start_dangerzone" coords = to_coordinates(coord_x, coord_y) message = S_DZ_START.format(player =, coords = coords) self.protocol.send_chat(message) message = S_DZ_GETOUT.format(seconds = EVAC_TIME) self.protocol.send_chat(message) = seconds() self.dangerzone = False self.protocol.dz_x = coord_x self.protocol.dz_y = coord_y if is None: return self.protocol.dangerzone_on = True callLater(EVAC_TIME, self.do_dangerzone) callLater(DANGERZONE_DURATION, self.end_dangerzone)
def protect(connection, area=None): """ Protect an area inside the public build region /protect <area> """ if area is None: areas_str = "" for protected_coord in connection.protocol.protected_areas: areas_str += to_coordinates(protected_coord[0], protected_coord[1]) + " " if areas_str == "": areas_str = "none" return "Protected areas: " + areas_str else: area_coord = coordinates(area) connection.protocol.protected_areas.symmetric_difference_update( [area_coord]) message = ("The area at %s is now %s" % (area.upper(), "protected" if area_coord in connection.protocol.protected_areas else "unprotected")) connection.protocol.broadcast_chat(message)
def on_animation_update(self, jump, crouch, sneak, sprint): markers_allowed = (VV_ENABLED and self.allow_markers and self.protocol.allow_markers) if markers_allowed and sneak and self.world_object.sneak != sneak: now = seconds() if self.last_marker is None or now - self.last_marker > COOLDOWN: presses = self.sneak_presses presses.append(now) if len(presses) == 2 and presses[0] >= now - VV_TIMEFRAME: location = self.get_there_location() if location: coords = to_coordinates(*location) chat_message.chat_type = CHAT_TEAM chat_message.player_id = self.player_id chat_message.value = S_SPOTTED.format(coords = coords) self.protocol.send_contained(chat_message, team = self.make_marker(Enemy, location) presses.clear() return connection.on_animation_update(self, jump, crouch, sneak, sprint)
def on_animation_update(self, jump, crouch, sneak, sprint): markers_allowed = (VV_ENABLED and self.allow_markers and self.protocol.allow_markers) if markers_allowed and sneak and self.world_object.sneak != sneak: now = seconds() if self.last_marker is None or now - self.last_marker > COOLDOWN: presses = self.sneak_presses presses.append(now) if len(presses) == 2 and presses[0] >= now - VV_TIMEFRAME: location = self.get_there_location() if location: coords = to_coordinates(*location) chat_message.chat_type = CHAT_TEAM chat_message.player_id = self.player_id chat_message.value = S_SPOTTED.format( coords=coords) self.protocol.send_contained(chat_message, self.make_marker(Enemy, location) presses.clear() return connection.on_animation_update(self, jump, crouch, sneak, sprint)
def do_dangerzone(self): print("do_dangerzone") coords = to_coordinates(self.protocol.dz_x, self.protocol.dz_y) message = S_DZ_NOWDZ.format(coords = coords) self.protocol.send_chat(message) callLater(0.5, self.dangerzone_damage)
def test_to_coords(self): self.assertEqual(to_coordinates(511, 511), "H8")
def do_dangerzone(self): print("do_dangerzone") coords = to_coordinates(self.protocol.dz_x, self.protocol.dz_y) message = S_DZ_NOWDZ.format(coords=coords) self.protocol.send_chat(message) callLater(0.5, self.dangerzone_damage)
def end_dangerzone(self): coords = to_coordinates(self.protocol.dz_x, self.protocol.dz_y) message = S_DZ_END.format(coords=coords) self.protocol.send_chat(message) self.protocol.dangerzone_on = False
def end_dangerzone(self): coords = to_coordinates(self.protocol.dz_x, self.protocol.dz_y) message = S_DZ_END.format(coords = coords) self.protocol.send_chat(message) self.protocol.dangerzone_on = False