예제 #1
def sio_model(xarr, vcen, width, tex, column, background=None, tbg=2.73):

    if hasattr(tex, 'unit'):
        tex = tex.value
    if hasattr(tbg, 'unit'):
        tbg = tbg.value
    if hasattr(column, 'unit'):
        column = column.value
    if column < 25:
        column = 10**column
    if hasattr(vcen, 'unit'):
        vcen = vcen.value
    if hasattr(width, 'unit'):
        width = width.value

    if background is not None:
        tbg = background

    # assume equal-width channels
    kwargs = dict(rest=ref_freq)
    equiv = u.doppler_radio(**kwargs)
    channelwidth = np.abs(xarr[1].to(u.Hz, equiv) -
                          xarr[0].to(u.Hz, equiv)).value
    velo = xarr.to(u.km / u.s, equiv).value
    mol_model = np.zeros_like(xarr).value

    freqs_ = freqs.to(u.Hz).value

    Q = m.calculate_partitionfunction(result.data['States'],

    jnu_bg = lte_molecule.Jnu_cgs(xarr.to(u.Hz).value, tbg)
    bg_model = np.ones_like(xarr).value * jnu_bg

    for voff, A, g, nu, eu in zip(vdiff, aij, deg, freqs_, EU):
        tau_per_dnu = lte_molecule.line_tau_cgs(tex, column, Q, g, nu, eu,
        s = np.exp(-(velo - vcen - voff)**2 /
                   (2 * width**2)) * tau_per_dnu / channelwidth
        jnu_mol = lte_molecule.Jnu_cgs(nu, tex)

        # the "emission" model is generally zero everywhere, so we can just
        # add to it as we move along
        mol_model = mol_model + jnu_mol * (1 - np.exp(-s))

        # background is assumed to start as a uniform value, then each
        # absorption line multiplies to reduce it.  s is zero for most velocities,
        # so this is mostly bg_model *= 1
        bg_model *= np.exp(-s)

    if background:
        # subtract jnu_bg because we *must* rezero for the case of
        # having multiple components, otherwise the backgrounds add,
        # which is nonsense
        model = bg_model + mol_model - jnu_bg
        model = mol_model

    return model
def ch3ocho_model(xarr, vcen, width, tex, column, background=None, tbg=2.73):

    if hasattr(tex,'unit'):
        tex = tex.value
    if hasattr(tbg,'unit'):
        tbg = tbg.value
    if hasattr(column, 'unit'):
        column = column.value
    if column < 25:
        column = 10**column
    if hasattr(vcen, 'unit'):
        vcen = vcen.value
    if hasattr(width, 'unit'):
        width = width.value

    ckms = constants.c.to(u.km/u.s).value

    # assume equal-width channels
    #kwargs = dict(rest=ref_freq)
    #equiv = u.doppler_radio(**kwargs)
    channelwidth = np.abs(xarr[1].to(u.Hz, ) - xarr[0].to(u.Hz, )).value
    #velo = xarr.to(u.km/u.s, equiv).value
    freq = xarr.to(u.Hz).value # same unit as nu below
    model = np.zeros_like(xarr).value

    freqs_ = freqs.to(u.Hz).value

    #Q = specmodel.calculate_partitionfunction(result.data['States'],
    #                                          temperature=tex)[ch3ocho.Id]

    Q = (deg * np.exp(-EU*u.erg / (constants.k_B * tex*u.K))).sum()

    for A, g, nu, eu in zip(aij, deg, freqs_, EU):
        taudnu = lte_molecule.line_tau_cgs(tex,
        width_dnu = width / ckms * nu
        effective_linewidth_dnu = (2 * np.pi)**0.5 * width_dnu
        fcen = (1 - vcen/ckms) * nu
        tauspec = (np.exp(-(freq - fcen)**2 / (2 * width_dnu**2)) *
        jnu = (lte_molecule.Jnu_cgs(nu, tex)-lte_molecule.Jnu_cgs(nu, tbg))

        model = model + jnu*(1-np.exp(-tauspec))

    if background is not None:
        return background-model
    return model
예제 #3
def hnco_model(xarr, vcen, width, tex, column, background=None, tbg=2.73):

    if hasattr(tex,'unit'):
        tex = tex.value
    if hasattr(tbg,'unit'):
        tbg = tbg.value
    if hasattr(column, 'unit'):
        column = column.value
    if column < 25:
        column = 10**column
    if hasattr(vcen, 'unit'):
        vcen = vcen.value
    if hasattr(width, 'unit'):
        width = width.value

    ckms = constants.c.to(u.km/u.s).value

    # assume equal-width channels
    #kwargs = dict(rest=ref_freq)
    #equiv = u.doppler_radio(**kwargs)
    channelwidth = np.abs(xarr[1].to(u.Hz, ) - xarr[0].to(u.Hz, )).value
    #velo = xarr.to(u.km/u.s, equiv).value
    freq = xarr.to(u.Hz).value # same unit as nu below
    model = np.zeros_like(xarr).value

    freqs_ = freqs.to(u.Hz).value

    Q = specmodel.calculate_partitionfunction(result.data['States'],

    for A, g, nu, eu in zip(aij, deg, freqs_, EU):
        tau_per_dnu = lte_molecule.line_tau_cgs(tex,
        width_dnu = width / ckms * nu
        s = np.exp(-(freq-(1-vcen/ckms)*nu)**2/(2*width_dnu**2))*tau_per_dnu/channelwidth
        jnu = (lte_molecule.Jnu_cgs(nu, tex)-lte_molecule.Jnu_cgs(nu, tbg))

        model = model + jnu*(1-np.exp(-s))

    if background is not None:
        return background-model
    return model
def ch3cn_model(xarr, vcen, width, tex, column, background=None, tbg=2.73):

    if hasattr(tex,'unit'):
        tex = tex.value
    if hasattr(tbg,'unit'):
        tbg = tbg.value
    if hasattr(column, 'unit'):
        column = column.value
    if column < 25:
        column = 10**column
    if hasattr(vcen, 'unit'):
        vcen = vcen.value
    if hasattr(width, 'unit'):
        width = width.value

    # assume equal-width channels
    kwargs = dict(rest=ref_freq)
    equiv = u.doppler_radio(**kwargs)
    channelwidth = np.abs(xarr[1].to(u.Hz, equiv) - xarr[0].to(u.Hz, equiv)).value
    velo = xarr.to(u.km/u.s, equiv).value
    model = np.zeros_like(xarr).value

    freqs_ = freqs.to(u.Hz).value

    Q = m.calculate_partitionfunction(result.data['States'],

    for voff, A, g, nu, eu in zip(vdiff, aij, deg, freqs_, EU):
        tau_per_dnu = lte_molecule.line_tau_cgs(tex,
        s = np.exp(-(velo-vcen-voff)**2/(2*width**2))*tau_per_dnu/channelwidth
        jnu = (lte_molecule.Jnu_cgs(nu, tex)-lte_molecule.Jnu_cgs(nu, tbg))

        model = model + jnu*(1-np.exp(-s))

    if background is not None:
        return background-model
    return model
def hnco_model(xarr, vcen, width, tex, column, background=None, tbg=2.73):

    if hasattr(tex, "unit"):
        tex = tex.value
    if hasattr(tbg, "unit"):
        tbg = tbg.value
    if hasattr(column, "unit"):
        column = column.value
    if column < 25:
        column = 10 ** column
    if hasattr(vcen, "unit"):
        vcen = vcen.value
    if hasattr(width, "unit"):
        width = width.value

    ckms = constants.c.to(u.km / u.s).value

    # assume equal-width channels
    # kwargs = dict(rest=ref_freq)
    # equiv = u.doppler_radio(**kwargs)
    channelwidth = np.abs(xarr[1].to(u.Hz) - xarr[0].to(u.Hz)).value
    # velo = xarr.to(u.km/u.s, equiv).value
    freq = xarr.to(u.Hz).value  # same unit as nu below
    model = np.zeros_like(xarr).value

    freqs_ = freqs.to(u.Hz).value

    Q = specmodel.calculate_partitionfunction(result.data["States"], temperature=tex)[hnco.Id]

    for A, g, nu, eu in zip(aij, deg, freqs_, EU):
        tau_per_dnu = lte_molecule.line_tau_cgs(tex, column, Q, g, nu, eu, 10 ** A)
        width_dnu = width / ckms * nu
        s = np.exp(-(freq - (1 - vcen / ckms) * nu) ** 2 / (2 * width_dnu ** 2)) * tau_per_dnu / channelwidth
        jnu = lte_molecule.Jnu_cgs(nu, tex) - lte_molecule.Jnu_cgs(nu, tbg)

        model = model + jnu * (1 - np.exp(-s))

    if background is not None:
        return background - model
    return model