예제 #1
파일: pysqldb.py 프로젝트: sdelcros/pysql
    def __init__(self, connectString, mode=""):
        # Instance attributs
        self.connection = None
        self.cursor = None

        # Read Conf
        self.conf = PysqlConf.getConfig()

        # Keep connection string to allow future connection
        self.connectString = connectString.encode(self.conf.getCodec(), "ignore")

        # Connect to Oracle
            if mode == "sysoper":
                    self.connection = connect(self.connectString, mode=SYSOPER)
                except (DatabaseError), e:
                    print CYAN + _("Connected to an idle instance") + RESET
                    self.connection = connect(self.connectString, mode=SYSOPER | PRELIM_AUTH)
            elif mode == "sysdba":
                    self.connection = connect(self.connectString, mode=SYSDBA)
                except (DatabaseError), e:
                    print CYAN + _("Connected to an idle instance") + RESET
                    self.connection = connect(self.connectString, mode=SYSDBA | PRELIM_AUTH)
예제 #2
def setup():
    # Set  PYDEVDEBUG to 1 in order to desactivate shell colors

    # Setup gettext to avoid error with the global _() function
    gettext.install("pysql", "", unicode=1)

    # Add pysql module path
    sys.path.append(abspath(join(dirname(__file__), pardir, "src", "pysql")))

    # Set locale
    # Loads config (first time)
    from pysqlconf import PysqlConf

    # Sets the locale
    import pysqlmain
예제 #3
def viewImage(imagePath):
    """Shows Image with prefered user image viewer
@param imagePath: path to image file"""
    conf = PysqlConf.getConfig()
    viewer = conf.get("graph_viewer")
    if viewer == "off":
    elif viewer == "auto":
        if os.name == "nt":
            viewers = ("mspaint.exe",)
            viewers = ("gwenview", "kview", "kuickshow", "eog", "gthumb", "gimp", "firefox")
        for viewer in viewers:
            viewer = which(viewer)
            if viewer is not None:
        viewer = which(viewer)
    if viewer is not None:
        subprocess.Popen([viewer, imagePath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        raise PysqlException(_("Viewer was not found"))
예제 #4
파일: pysqlmain.py 프로젝트: sdelcros/pysql
def main():
    """Pysql main function"""
    rc = 0 # Return code

    # Options & args stuf
    (options, argv) = parseOptions()

    # i18n stuff
    if os.name == "nt":
        # Windows stuff is never like everybody...
        i18nPath = join(dirname(sys.argv[0]), "share", "locale")
        # Unix std path
        i18nPath = join(dirname(sys.argv[0]), pardir, "share", "locale")
    # Loads message catalog
    gettext.install("pysql", i18nPath, unicode=1)

    # Loads config (first time)
    conf = PysqlConf.getConfig()

    # Sets the locale

        if options.update:
                pysqlupdate.checkForUpdate(options.proxyHost, options.proxyUser, options.proxyPassword)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                print _("Aborting update")
        elif options.version:
                import cx_Oracle
            except ImportError:
                # Untranslatable error message (i18n still not initialized at this step)
                print RED + BOLD + "cx_Oracle module cannot be loaded." + RESET
                print "Please, ensure you correctly install it from: " + CYAN + "http://cx-oracle.sf.net" + RESET
                print "And that have the according Oracle client installation."
                print "Get it from the Oracle site : http://www.oracle.com"
                print "(press enter key to exit)"
            # Now we can import PysqlShell (and subsequent modules that depends on cx_Oracle)
            from pysqlshell import PysqlShell
            # Default is to launch pysql in standard mode (local client) 
            shell = PysqlShell(silent=options.silent, argv=argv)
            if options.oneTryLogin and shell.db == None:
                rc = 1
                rc = shell.rc
        # Bye
        if os.name == "nt" and not options.version:
            # Don't exit too fast for windows users, else they don't see error sum up
            print _("(press any key to exit)")
    except StandardError, e:
        # Just a hook for a more pleasant error handling
        print "\n==> Unrecoverable error during initialisation. Exiting <=="
        print _("(press enter key to exit)")
예제 #5
def desc(db, objectName, printDetails=True, printStats=False, sort=False):
    """Describes an object
    @param objectName: object to be described
    @return: header and resultset of definition as a tuple (header, definition)
    ==> This function should be split in two parts: one in pysqlOraObjects for object self description
    the other one here as a describe function that encapsulate pysqlOraObjects manipulation"""

    header = []
    result = []

    # Reads conf
    conf = PysqlConf.getConfig()
    unit = conf.get("unit") # Unit used to format data

    # Look for object type if given
    matchResult = re.match("(.*) \((.+)\)", objectName)
    if matchResult:
        oraObject = OraObject(objectName=matchResult.group(1),
        oraObject = OraObject(objectName=objectName)

    # Gets the object type and owner
    oraObjectSet = oraObject.guessInfos(db, interactive=True)

    if len(oraObjectSet) == 1:
        oraObject = oraObjectSet.pop()
    elif len(oraObjectSet) > 1:
        print CYAN + _("Got multiple result:") + "\n-" + RESET,
        print "\n- ".join([str(x) for x in oraObjectSet])
        # Looking for own object
        ownOraObjects = [o for o in oraObjectSet if o.getOwner() == db.getUsername().upper()]
        publicOraObjects = [o for o in oraObjectSet if o.getOwner() == "PUBLIC"]
        if len(ownOraObjects) == 1:
            oraObject = ownOraObjects.pop()
            print BOLD + RED + _("Defaulting to own object: %s") % oraObject + RESET
        # Looking for public objects
        elif len(publicOraObjects) == 1:
            oraObject = publicOraObjects.pop()
            print BOLD + RED + _("Defaulting to public object: %s") % oraObject + RESET
        # No result
        return ([], [])

    # Object or type unknown?
    if oraObject.getType() == "":
        return ([], [])

    # Tries to resolve synonym and describe the target
    if oraObject.getType() == "SYNONYM":
        oraObject = oraObject.getTarget(db)
        if oraObject.getType() == "SYNONYM":
            # cannot desc, too much synonym recursion
            return ([], [])

    # Guess object status

    # Displays some information about the object
    if printDetails:
        print CYAN + _("Name") + "\t: " + oraObject.getName() + RESET
        print CYAN + _("Type") + "\t: " + oraObject.getType() + RESET
        print CYAN + _("Owner") + "\t: " + oraObject.getOwner() + RESET
        if oraObject.getStatus() in ("INVALID", "OFFLINE", "UNUSED"):
            print CYAN + _("Status") + "\t\t: " + BOLD + RED + oraObject.getStatus() + RESET
            print CYAN + _("Status") + "\t\t: " + oraObject.getStatus() + RESET
        if oraObject.getType() in ("TABLE", "TABLE PARTITION", "INDEX", "INDEX PARTITION"):
                print CYAN + _("Tablespace") + "\t: " + oraObject.getTablespace(db) + RESET
            except PysqlException:
                print CYAN + _("Tablespace") + "\t: " + _("<unable to get tablepsace name>") + RESET
                print CYAN + _("Partitioned?") + "\t: " + (oraObject.isPartitioned(db) and _("Yes") or _("No")) + RESET
            except PysqlException:
                print CYAN + _("Partitioned?") + "\t: " + _("<unable to get partition information>") + RESET
        if oraObject.getType() in ("TABLE", "TABLE PARTITION", "VIEW", "MATERIALIZED VIEW"):
                print CYAN + _("Comment") + "\t: " + oraObject.getComment(db) + RESET
            except PysqlException:
                print CYAN + _("Comment") + "\t: " + _("<unable to get comment>") + RESET
        if oraObject.getType() not in ("DATA FILE", "TABLESPACE", "USER"):
                print CYAN + _("Created on") + "\t: " + oraObject.getCreated(db) + RESET
            except PysqlException:
                print CYAN + _("Created on") + "\t: " + _("<unable to get date of creation>") + RESET
                print CYAN + _("Last DDL on") + "\t: " + oraObject.getLastDDL(db) + RESET
            except PysqlException:
                print CYAN + _("Last DDL on") + "\t: " + _("<unable to get date of last DDL modification>") + RESET

    # Displays some statistics about the object
    if printStats:
        if oraObject.getType() in ("TABLE", "TABLE PARTITION"):
                print ORANGE + _("Last analyzed on") + ": " + str(oraObject.getLastAnalyzed(db)) + RESET
            except PysqlException:
                print CYAN + _("Last analyzed on") + "\t: " + _("<unable to get date of last statistics computation>") + RESET
                print ORANGE + _("Nb rows") + "\t\t: " + str(oraObject.getNumRows(db)) + RESET
            except PysqlException:
                print CYAN + _("Nb rows") + "\t: " + _("<unable to get number of rows>") + RESET
                print ORANGE + _("Nb used blocks") + "\t: " + str(oraObject.getUsedBlocks(db)) + RESET
            except PysqlException:
                print ORANGE + _("Nb used blocks") + "\t: " + _("<unable to get number of used blocks>") + RESET
                print ORANGE + _("Avg row length") + "\t: " + str(oraObject.getAvgRowLength(db)) + RESET
            except PysqlException:
                print CYAN + _("Avg row length") + "\t: " + _("<unable to get average row length") + RESET

    # Evaluates object type (among the 24 defined)
    if oraObject.getType() in ("TABLE" , "TABLE PARTITION"):
        header = [_("Name"), _("Type"), _("Null?"), _("Comments"), _("Indexes")]
        columns = oraObject.getTableColumns(db, sort)

        # Gets indexed columns of the table
        indexedColumns = oraObject.getIndexedColumns(db)
        # Format index this way: index_name(index_position)
        #TODO: handle database encoding instead of using just str()
        indexedColumns = [[i[0], i[1] + "(" + str(i[2]) + ")"] for i in indexedColumns]
        for column in columns:
            column = list(column) # change tuple to list
            indexInfo = [i[1] for i in indexedColumns if i[0] == column[0]]
            column.append(", ".join(indexInfo))

    elif oraObject.getType() in ("VIEW", "MATERIALIZED VIEW"):
        header = [_("Name"), _("Type"), _("Null?"), _("Comments")]
        result = oraObject.getTableColumns(db)

    elif oraObject.getType() == "CONSUMER GROUP":
        raise PysqlNotImplemented()

    elif oraObject.getType() == "CONTEXT":
        raise PysqlNotImplemented()

    elif oraObject.getType() == "DATA FILE":
        header = [_("Tablespace"), _("Size (%s)") % unit.upper(), _("Free (%s)") % unit.upper(), _("%Used")]
        size = convert(oraObject.getAllocatedBytes(db), unit)
        free = convert(oraObject.getFreeBytes(db), unit)
        if size != 0:
            used = 100 - float(100 * free) / size
            used = 0
        if printDetails:
            print CYAN + _("Tablespace: ") + oraObject.getTablespace(db).getName() + RESET
        result = [[oraObject.getTablespace(db).getName(), round(size, 2), round(free, 2), round(used, 2)]]

    elif oraObject.getType() == "DATABASE LINK":
        header = [_("Target")]
        result = [[oraObject.getRemoteUser(db) + "@" + oraObject.getRemoteHost(db)]]

    elif oraObject.getType() == "DIRECTORY":
        header = [_("Path")]
        result = [[oraObject.getPath(db)]]

    elif oraObject.getType() == "EVALUATION CONTEXT":
        raise PysqlNotImplemented()

    elif oraObject.getType()in("FUNCTION", "PACKAGE", "PROCEDURE"):
        header = [_("#"), _("Source")]
        result = oraObject.getSource(db)

    elif oraObject.getType() == "INDEX":
        header = [_("Property"), _("Value")]
        result = oraObject.getProperties(db)

    elif oraObject.getType() == "INDEX PARTITION":
        raise PysqlNotImplemented()

    elif oraObject.getType() == "INDEXTYPE":
        raise PysqlNotImplemented()

    elif oraObject.getType() == "JAVA CLASS":
        raise PysqlNotImplemented()

    elif oraObject.getType() == "JAVA DATA":
        raise PysqlNotImplemented()

    elif oraObject.getType() == "JAVA RESOURCE":
        raise PysqlNotImplemented()

    elif oraObject.getType() == "LIBRARY":
        raise PysqlNotImplemented()

    elif oraObject.getType() == "OPERATOR":
        raise PysqlNotImplemented()

    elif oraObject.getType() == "PACKAGE BODY":
        raise PysqlNotImplemented()

    elif oraObject.getType() == "SEQUENCE":
        header = [_("Last"), _("Min"), _("Max"), _("Step")]
        result = [[oraObject.getLast(db), oraObject.getMin(db), oraObject.getMax(db), oraObject.getStep(db)]]

    elif oraObject.getType() == "TABLE PARTITION":
        raise PysqlNotImplemented()

    elif oraObject.getType() == "TABLESPACE":
        header = [_("Datafile"), _("Size (%s)") % unit.upper(), _("Free (%s)") % unit.upper(), _("%Used")]
        result = [[]]
        totalSize = 0
        totalFree = 0
        totalUsed = 0
        for datafile in oraObject.getDatafiles():
            name = datafile.getName()
            size = convert(datafile.getAllocatedBytes(db), unit)
            free = convert(datafile.getFreeBytes(db), unit)
            if size != 0:
                used = 100 - float(100 * free) / size
                used = 0
            result.append([name, round(size, 2), round(free, 2), round(used, 2)])
            totalSize += size
            totalFree += free
        if totalSize != 0:
            totalUsed = 100 - float(100 * totalFree) / totalSize
            totalUsed = 0
        if len(oraObject.getDatafiles()) > 1:
            result[0] = ["> " + _("TOTAL"), round(totalSize, 2), round(totalFree, 2), round(totalUsed, 2)]

    elif oraObject.getType() == "TRIGGER":
        header = [_("Status"), _("Table"), _("Type"), _("Event"), _("Body")]
        result = [[oraObject.getStatus(db), oraObject.getTable(db).getFullName(),
                 oraObject.getTriggerType(db), oraObject.getEvent(db),
                 oraObject.getBody(db).replace("\n", " ")]]

    elif oraObject.getType() == "USER":
        header = [_("Tablespace"), _("Default?"), _("#Tables"), _("#Indexes")]
        result = [[]]
        totalTables = 0
        totalIndexes = 0
        defaultTbs = oraObject.getDefaultTablespace(db)
        #tempTbs = oraObject.getTempTablespace(db)
        for tablespace in oraObject.getTablespaces():
            name = tablespace.getName()
            nbTables = oraObject.getNbTables(db, tablespace=tablespace.getName())
            nbIndexes = oraObject.getNbIndexes(db, tablespace=tablespace.getName())
            if name == defaultTbs:
                defstr = u"*"
                defstr = u""
            result.append([name, defstr, nbTables, nbIndexes])
            totalTables += nbTables
            totalIndexes += nbIndexes
        if len(oraObject.getTablespaces()) > 1:
            result[0] = ["> " + _("TOTAL"), u"", totalTables, totalIndexes]
        raise PysqlException(_("Type not handled: %s") % oraObject.getType())
    return (header, result)
예제 #6
def pkgTree(db, packageName):
    """Creates the call tree of internal package functions and procedures"""

    # Tries to import pydot module
        from pydot import find_graphviz, Dot, Edge, Node
    except ImportError:
        message = _("Function not available because pydot module is not installed.\n\t")
        message += _("Go to http://dkbza.org/pydot.html to get it.")
        raise PysqlException(message)

    # Reads conf
    conf = PysqlConf.getConfig()
    format = conf.get("graph_format") # Output format of the picture
    fontname = conf.get("graph_fontname") # Font used for functions names
    fontsize = conf.get("graph_fontsize") # Font size for functions names
    fontcolor = conf.get("graph_fontcolor") # Color of functions names

    # Gets picture generator
    prog = getProg(find_graphviz(), conf.get("graph_program"), "fdp")

    package = OraObject(objectName=packageName)

    graph = Dot(overlap="false", splines="true")

    # Lists of function or procedure
    verbs = []

    # Tries to resolve synonym and describe the target
    #TODO: factorise this code!!
    if package.getType() == "SYNONYM":
        package = package.getTarget(db)
        if package.getType() == "SYNONYM":
            raise PysqlException(_("Too much synonym recursion"))

    if package.getType() not in ("PACKAGE", "PACKAGE BODY"):
        raise PysqlException(_("This is not a package or package not found"))

    # Gets package body content
    package.setType(u"PACKAGE BODY")
    print CYAN + _("Extracting package source...") + RESET
    content = package.getSQLAsList(db)

    # Removes comments
    print CYAN + _("Parsing source and building graph...") + RESET
    newContent = []
    comment = False
    for line in content:
        line, comment = removeComment(line, comment)
    content = newContent

    # Gets procedures and functions
    for line in content:
        result = re.match("\s*(FUNCTION|PROCEDURE)\s+(.+?)[\s|\(]+", line, re.I)
        if result:
            graph.add_node(Node(result.group(2).upper(), shape="box", label=result.group(2).upper(), \
                                fontsize=str(fontsize), fontname=fontname, fontcolor=fontcolor))

    if not verbs:
        raise PysqlException(_("This package does not have any readable function or procedure"))

    verbs = "|".join(verbs)
    # Gets call of functions/procedure inside each other
    currentVerb = ""
    for line in content:
        # Doesn't pay attention to end lines
        if re.match("\s*END.*;", line, re.I):
        # Marks the function/procedure we are parsing
        result = re.match("\s*(FUNCTION|PROCEDURE)\s+(.+?)[\s|\(]+", line, re.I)
        if result:
            currentVerb = result.group(2)
            continue # else we get a circular reference below ;-)
        result = re.match(".*\s(%s).*" % verbs, line, re.I)
        if result:
            if graph.get_edge(currentVerb.upper(), result.group(1).upper()) is None:
                graph.add_edge(Edge(src=currentVerb.upper(), dst=result.group(1).upper()))

    filename = package.getName() + "_dep." + format
    generateImage(graph, filename, prog, format)
예제 #7
def datamodel(db, userName, tableFilter=None, withColumns=True):
    """Extracts the datamodel of the current user as a picture
The generation of the picture is powered by Graphviz (http://www.graphviz.org)
through the PyDot API (http://www.dkbza.org/pydot.html)
@param db: pysql db connection
@param userName: schema to be extracted
@param tableFilter: filter pattern (in pysql extended syntax to extract only some tables (None means all)
@param withColumns: Indicate whether columns are included or not in datamodel picture
    # Tries to import pydot module
        from pydot import find_graphviz, Dot, Edge, Node
    except ImportError:
        message = _("Function not available because pydot module is not installed.\n\t")
        message += _("Go to http://dkbza.org/pydot.html to get it.")
        raise PysqlException(message)

    # Reads conf
    conf = PysqlConf.getConfig()
    format = conf.get("graph_format") # Output format of the picture
    fontname = conf.get("graph_fontname") # Font used for table names
    fontsize = conf.get("graph_fontsize") # Font size for table names
    fontcolor = conf.get("graph_fontcolor") # Color of table and column names
    tablecolor = conf.get("graph_tablecolor") # Color of tables
    bordercolor = conf.get("graph_bordercolor") # Color of tables borders
    linkcolor = conf.get("graph_linkcolor") # Color of links between tables
    linklabel = conf.get("graph_linklabel") # Display constraints name or not

    # Gets picture generator
    prog = getProg(find_graphviz(), conf.get("graph_program"), "fdp")

    graph = Dot(splines="compound")

    # Tables, columns and constraints (temporary and external tables are excluded. So are TOAD tables)
    if tableFilter:
        whereClause = generateWhere("table_name", tableFilter)
        whereClause = "1=1"
    tables = db.executeAll(datamodelSql["tablesFromOwner"] % (userName, whereClause))
    nbTables = len(tables)
    if nbTables == 0:
        raise PysqlException(_("No table found. Your filter clause is too restrictive or the schema is empty"))
    tableList = ", ".join(["'%s'" % table[0] for table in tables]) # Table list formated to be used in SQL query
    print CYAN + _("Extracting %d tables...      ") % nbTables + RESET,
    current = 0
    for table in tables:
        tableName = table[0]
        content = """<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0">"""
        content += """\n<TR><TD PORT="%s">""" % tableName
        content += """<FONT FACE="%s" POINT-SIZE="%f" COLOR="%s">""" % (fontname, fontsize, fontcolor)
        content += tableName
        content += "</FONT></TD></TR>"
        if withColumns:
            columns = db.executeAll(datamodelSql["columnsFromOwnerAndTable"], [userName, tableName])
            for column in columns:
                columnName = column[0]
                columnType = column[1]
                content += """\n<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT" PORT="%s_%s">""" % (tableName, columnName)
                content += """<FONT FACE="%s" POINT-SIZE="%f" COLOR="%s">""" % \
                         (fontname, fontsize - 2, fontcolor)
                if column[2] is None: # Normal field
                    content += " "
                else: # Primary key field
                    content += "PK%d" % int(column[2])
                content += " %s (%s)" % (columnName, columnType)
                content += "</FONT></TD></TR>"
        content += "\n</TABLE>>"
        graph.add_node(Node(tableName, shape="none", label=content, style="filled", \
                            fillcolor=tablecolor, color=bordercolor))
        current += 1
        sys.stdout.write("\b\b\b\b\b%4.1f%%" % round(100 * float(current) / nbTables, 1))

    # Links between tables (foreign key -> primary key)
    # Only extract links from considered tables
    links = db.executeAll(datamodelSql["constraintsFromOwner"] % (userName, tableList, tableList))
    nbLinks = len(links)
    print (CYAN + _("Extracting %d links...      ") % nbLinks + RESET),
    current = 0
    for link in links:
        if linklabel == "yes":
            graph.add_edge(Edge(src=link[1], dst=link[2], color=linkcolor))
            graph.add_edge(Edge(src=link[1], dst=link[2], label=link[0], color=linkcolor, \
                                fontcolor=linkcolor, fontname=fontname, fontsize=str(fontsize - 3)))
        current += 1
        sys.stdout.write("\b\b\b\b\b%4.1f%%" % round(100 * float(current) / nbLinks, 1))

    filename = db.getDSN() + "_" + userName + "." + format
    generateImage(graph, filename, prog, format)
예제 #8
def diskusage(db, userName, withIndexes=False, percent=True):
    """Extracts the physical storage of the current user as a picture based on Oracle statistics
The generation of the picture is powered by Graphviz (http://www.graphviz.org)
through the PyDot API (http://www.dkbza.org/pydot.html)
    # Tries to import pydot module
        from pydot import find_graphviz, Dot, Subgraph, Cluster, Edge, Node
    except ImportError:
        message = _("Function not available because pydot module is not installed.\n\t")
        message += _("Go to http://dkbza.org/pydot.html to get it.")
        raise PysqlException(message)

    # Reads conf
    conf = PysqlConf.getConfig()
    unit = conf.get("unit") # Unit used to format data
    format = conf.get("graph_format") # Output format of the picture
    fontname = conf.get("graph_fontname") # Font used for table names
    fontsize = conf.get("graph_fontsize") # Font size for table names
    fontcolor = conf.get("graph_fontcolor") # Color of table and column names
    tablecolor = conf.get("graph_tablecolor") # Color of tables
    indexcolor = conf.get("graph_indexcolor") # Color of indexes
    bordercolor = conf.get("graph_bordercolor") # Color of borders

    # Gets picture generator
    prog = getProg(find_graphviz(), conf.get("graph_program"), "fdp")

# First step: objects library building
    # Tablespaces
    if userName == db.getUsername().upper():
        tablespaces = db.executeAll(diskusageSql["Tablespaces"])
        tablespaces = db.executeAll(diskusageSql["TablespacesFromOwner"], [userName])
    tbsBytes = 0
    tbsList = []
    for tablespace in tablespaces:
        tablespaceName = unicode(tablespace[0])

        # Tables from current tablespace
        if userName == db.getUsername().upper():
            tables = db.executeAll(diskusageSql["TablesFromTbs"], [tablespaceName])
            tables = db.executeAll(diskusageSql["TablesFromOwnerAndTbs"], [userName, tablespaceName])
        tabList = []
        print CYAN + _("Extracting %3d tables from tablespace %s") % (len(tables), tablespaceName) + RESET
        for table in tables:
            tableName = table[0]
            if table[1] is None:
                print RED + _("""Warning: table "%s" removed because no statistics have been found""") \
                           % (tablespaceName + "/" + tableName) + RESET
            if table[1] == 0:
                print RED + _("""Warning: table "%s" removed because it is empty""") \
                           % (tablespaceName + "/" + tableName) + RESET
            numRows = int(table[1])
            avgRowLen = float(table[2])
            bytes = int(table[3])
            tbsBytes += bytes
            tabList += [[tableName, bytes, numRows, avgRowLen]]

        if withIndexes:
            # Indexes from current tablespace
            if userName == db.getUsername().upper():
                indexes = db.executeAll(diskusageSql["IndexesFromTbs"], [tablespaceName])
                indexes = db.executeAll(diskusageSql["IndexesFromOwnerAndTbs"], [userName, tablespaceName])
            idxList = []
            print CYAN + _("Extracting %3d indexes from tablespace %s") % (len(indexes), tablespaceName) + RESET
            for index in indexes:
                indexName = index[0]
                if index[1] is None:
                    print RED + _("""Warning: index "%s" removed because no statistics have been found""") \
                            % (tablespaceName + "/" + indexName) + RESET
                if index[1] == 0:
                    print RED + _("""Warning: index "%s" removed because it is empty""") \
                            % (tablespaceName + "/" + indexName) + RESET
                numRows = int(index[1])
                distinctKeys = int(index[2])
                bytes = int(index[3])
                tabName = str(index[4])
                tbsBytes += bytes
                idxList += [[indexName, bytes, numRows, distinctKeys, tabName]]
            print CYAN + _("Not extracting indexes from tablespace %s (ignored)") % (tablespaceName) + RESET
            idxList = []
        tbsList += [[tablespaceName, tbsBytes, tabList, idxList]]

# Second step: objects drawing
    graph = Dot(label=userName, overlap="false", splines="true")

    for tbs in tbsList:
        tbsName = tbs[0]
        tbsBytes = tbs[1]
        tabList = tbs[2]
        idxList = tbs[3]
        subGraph = Subgraph("cluster_" + tbsName, bgcolor="palegreen", \
                          fontname=fontname, fontsize=str(fontsize - 1), \
                          label="%s\\n(%d %s)" % (tbsName, convert(tbsBytes, unit), unit.upper()))

        print CYAN + _("Displaying %3d tables for tablespace %s") % (len(tabList), tbsName) + RESET
        for tab in tabList:
            name = tab[0]
            bytes = tab[1]
            numRows = tab[2]      # unused
            avgRowLen = tab[3]    # unused

            # Mathematics at work
            width = 0.2
            height = 0.2
            if percent:
                height += 10 * round(float(bytes) / tbsBytes, 4)
                label = "%s\\n(%.2f %s)" % (name, round(100 * float(bytes) / tbsBytes, 2), "%")

                height += round(sqrt(bytes) / 8192, 3)
                width += round(sqrt(bytes) / 8192, 3)
                label = "%s\\n(%3d %s)" % (name, convert(bytes, unit), unit.upper())
            subGraph.add_node(Node(name, label=label, shape="box", style="filled", \
                                   color="none", fillcolor=tablecolor, \
                                   fontname=fontname, fontcolor=fontcolor, fixedsize="false", \
                                   fontsize=str(fontsize - 2 - floor((len(label) - 7) / 15)), \
                                   nodesep="0.01", height=str(height), width=str(max(width, 1))))

        print CYAN + _("Displaying %3d indexes for tablespace %s") % (len(idxList), tbsName) + RESET
        for idx in idxList:
            name = idx[0]
            bytes = idx[1]
            numRows = idx[2]      # unused
            distinctKeys = idx[3] # unused
            tabName = idx[4]      # unused

            # Mathematics at work again)
            width = 0.2
            height = 0.2
            if percent:
                height += 10 * round(float(bytes) / tbsBytes, 4)
                label = "%s\\n(%.2f %s)" % (name, round(100 * float(bytes) / tbsBytes, 2), "%")
                height += round(sqrt(bytes) / 8192, 3)
                width += round(sqrt(bytes) / 8192, 3)
                label = "%s\\n(%3d %s)" % (name, convert(bytes, unit), unit.upper())

            subGraph.add_node(Node(name, label=label, shape="box", style="filled", \
                                color="none", fillcolor=indexcolor, \
                                fontname=fontname, fontcolor=fontcolor, fixedsize="false", \
                                fontsize=str(fontsize - 2 - floor((len(label) - 7) / 15)), \
                                nodesep="0.01", height=str(height), width=str(max(width, 1))))
            #Moving index near by its table (unused because it widens the graph)
            #subGraph.add_edge(Edge(src=name, dst=tabName, constraint="false", style="invis"))

    filename = "du_" + userName + "." + format
    generateImage(graph, filename, prog, format)
예제 #9
def dependencies(db, objectName, direction, maxDepth, maxNodes):
    """Displays object dependencies as a picture
The generation of the picture is powered by Graphviz (http://www.graphviz.org)
through the PyDot API (http://www.dkbza.org/pydot.html)
@param db: pysql db connection
@param objectName: name of the oracle object on which dependancies are computed
@param direction: direction of the dependancy graph. Can be "onto", "from" or "both"
@param maxDepth: Override default maxDepth value. If None, use default value
@param maxNodes: Override default maxNodes value. If None, use default value
    # Tries to import pydot module
        from pydot import find_graphviz, Dot, Edge, Node
    except ImportError:
        message = _("Function not available because pydot module is not installed.\n\t")
        message += _("Go to http://dkbza.org/pydot.html to get it.")
        raise PysqlException(message)

    # Reads conf
    conf = PysqlConf.getConfig()
    format = conf.get("graph_format") # Output format of the picture
    fontname = conf.get("graph_fontname") # Font used for object names
    fontsize = conf.get("graph_fontsize") # Font size for object names

    # Gets picture generator
    prog = getProg(find_graphviz(), conf.get("graph_program"), "dot")

    graph = Dot(overlap="false", splines="true", rankdir="TB")

    if direction == "onto" or direction == "from":
        dirList = [direction]
    elif direction == "both":
        dirList = ["onto", "from"]
        dirList = []

    for currentDir in dirList:
        depth = 0
        objectList = [OraObject(objectName=objectName)]
        objectOwner = objectList[0].getOwner()
        objectName = objectList[0].getName()
        objectType = objectList[0].getType()
        label = objectOwner + "." + objectName + "\\n(" + objectType + ")"
        graph.add_node(Node(objectName, label=label, fontname=fontname, fontsize=str(fontsize), shape="diamond"))
        nodeList = [objectName]
        edgeList = []
        nextObjectList = []

        while objectList != [] and depth <= maxDepth and len(nodeList) <= maxNodes:
            depth += 1
            for currentObject in objectList:
                currentObjectOwner = currentObject.getOwner()
                currentObjectName = currentObject.getName()
                if currentDir == "onto":
                    # Objects referencing the the current object
                    result = db.executeAll(dependenciesSql["refOnFromOwnerAndName"], \
                                        [currentObjectOwner, currentObjectName])
                elif currentDir == "from":
                    # Objects referenced by the the current object
                    result = db.executeAll(dependenciesSql["refByFromOwnerAndName"], \
                                        [currentObjectOwner, currentObjectName])
                refObjectList = [OraObject(objectOwner=i[0], objectName=i[1]) for i in result]
                for currentRefObject in refObjectList:
                    currentRefObjectOwner = currentRefObject.getOwner()
                    currentRefObjectName = currentRefObject.getName()
                    currentRefObjectType = currentRefObject.getType()
                    if not currentRefObjectName in nodeList:
                        # Object shape
                        if currentRefObjectType in ("TABLE", "VIEW", "SEQUENCE"):
                            shape = "box"
                        elif currentRefObjectType in ("PACKAGE", "FUNCTION", "PROCEDURE", "TRIGGER"):
                            shape = "ellipse"
                            shape = "none"
                        # Object label
                        if currentRefObjectOwner == db.getUsername().upper():
                            label = currentRefObjectName
                            label = currentRefObjectOwner + "." + currentRefObjectName
                        label += "\\n(" + currentRefObjectType + ")"
                        # Adding object to graph
                        graph.add_node(Node(currentRefObjectName, label=label, fontname=fontname, \
                                                                  fontsize=str(fontsize), shape=shape))
                    if not [currentObjectName, currentRefObjectName] in edgeList:
                        if currentDir == "onto":
                            edgeList.append([currentObjectName, currentRefObjectName])
                            graph.add_edge(Edge(dst=currentObjectName, src=currentRefObjectName, \
                        elif currentDir == "from":
                            edgeList.append([currentObjectName, currentRefObjectName])
                            graph.add_edge(Edge(src=currentObjectName, dst=currentRefObjectName, \
                nextObjectList += refObjectList
            objectList = nextObjectList
            nextObjectList = []

        if len(nodeList) > maxNodes:
            print RED + _("Warning: reach max node, references lookup stopped on direction %s") % currentDir + RESET
        if depth > maxDepth:
            print RED + _("Warning: reach max recursion limit, references lookup stopped on direction %s") % currentDir + RESET

    filename = "dep_" + objectOwner + "." + objectName + "." + format
    generateImage(graph, filename, prog, format)