예제 #1
import pyssed

background = pyssed.style('background: #123456')
italic = pyssed.style('font-style: italic')
bold = pyssed.style('font-weight: bold')
blue = pyssed.style('color: blue')

blue_ul = pyssed.style({'ul': {'background': 'blue'}})

css = {
    'a:hover': background + italic,
    'a:visited': background + bold + blue,
    '.someclass': blue_ul + {
        'a:visited': italic,
    '.anotherclass': blue_ul + {
        'a:visited': bold,

print "\n".join(pyssed.generate(css))
예제 #2
def rounded(radius):
    return pyssed.style({
        'border-radius': radius,
        '-moz-border-radius': int(round(radius * 1.5)),
        '-webkit-border-radius': int(round(radius * 2.0)),
예제 #3
import pyssed

# You can use a variety of syntaxes to specify your styles.  The middle dict
# form is preferred, because CSS uses dash-separated names for things like
# font-weight, which can only be expressed via the dict form.
red = pyssed.style('color: red;')
green = pyssed.style({'color': 'green'})
blue = pyssed.style(color='blue')

# You can even mix & match them, but this isn't really recommended.
aqua_bold = pyssed.style('color: aqua;', {
        'font-weight': 'bold'},

css = {
    '.red': red,
    '.green': green,
    '.blue': blue,
    '.aquabold': aqua_bold,
    '.bluebold': blue + {
        'font-weight': 'bold',

print "\n".join(pyssed.generate(css))
예제 #4
import pyssed

site_background = "#123450"
red = pyssed.style('color: red;')
blue = pyssed.style(color='blue')
green = {'color': 'green'}
bold = pyssed.style('font-weight: bold;')
red_bold = red + bold

def rounded(radius):
    return pyssed.style({
        'border-radius': radius,
        '-moz-border-radius': int(round(radius * 1.5)),
        '-webkit-border-radius': int(round(radius * 2.0)),

css = {
    '.blue': blue,
    '.green': green,
    'ul li': rounded(3) + blue + {
        'font-style': 'italic',
        'background': site_background,
    'div.ground': rounded(7) + red_bold + {
        'p': {
            'text-align': 'left',
            'em': {
                'font-size': '14pt',
                'background': site_background,
예제 #5
def rounded(radius):
    return pyssed.style({
        'border-radius': radius,
        '-moz-border-radius': int(round(radius * 1.5)),
        '-webkit-border-radius': int(round(radius * 2.0)),
예제 #6
import pyssed

site_background = "#123450"
red = pyssed.style('color: red;')
blue = pyssed.style(color='blue')
green = {'color': 'green'}
bold = pyssed.style('font-weight: bold;')
red_bold = red + bold

def rounded(radius):
    return pyssed.style({
        'border-radius': radius,
        '-moz-border-radius': int(round(radius * 1.5)),
        '-webkit-border-radius': int(round(radius * 2.0)),

css = {
    '.blue': blue,
    '.green': green,
    'ul li': rounded(3) + blue + {
        'font-style': 'italic',
        'background': site_background,
    'div.ground': rounded(7) + red_bold + {
        'p': {
            'text-align': 'left',
            'em': {
                'font-size': '14pt',
                'background': site_background,
예제 #7
import pyssed

red = pyssed.style('color: red')
green = pyssed.style('color: green')
bold = pyssed.style('font-weight: bold')

css = {
    'a:hover': red + bold,
    'a:visited': green + bold,
    'a:link': bold + {
        'color': 'purple',

print '\n'.join(pyssed.generate(css))
예제 #8
import pyssed

# You can use a variety of syntaxes to specify your styles.  The middle dict
# form is preferred, because CSS uses dash-separated names for things like
# font-weight, which can only be expressed via the dict form.
red = pyssed.style('color: red;')
green = pyssed.style({'color': 'green'})
blue = pyssed.style(color='blue')

# You can even mix & match them, but this isn't really recommended.
aqua_bold = pyssed.style('color: aqua;', {'font-weight': 'bold'},

css = {
    '.red': red,
    '.green': green,
    '.blue': blue,
    '.aquabold': aqua_bold,
    '.bluebold': blue + {
        'font-weight': 'bold',

print "\n".join(pyssed.generate(css))