def reversion_get(reposname='', depth=10): """ 获取版本库当前的提交,包含编号,时间,和变化。 默认向前查10个版本库 @Return: (status, msgs, results) status = INT, # 状态码, 0正常执行,否则有问题 msgs = String, # 如果status非零, 错误信息在msgs中体现 results = LIST, # 正常执行后的返回值,类似于 [ {'1':{'date':'2012-12-05 22:33:44 ()', 'diff':'更新的内容'}} {'0':{'date':'2012-12-05 22:33:44 ()', 'diff':'更新的内容'}} ] """ if not reposname: return (-1, u'Error: 版本仓库名不能为空!', '') (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd="svnlook history " + REPOSITORY_SVN_DIR + "/" + reposname + " | grep \/") if status != 0: return (status, msgs, results) reversion = [r.split() for r in results.split('\n') if r ][0:depth] results = [] for r in reversion: (s1, m1, date) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd="svnlook date " + REPOSITORY_SVN_DIR + "/" + reposname + " -r %s"%r[0]) (s2, m2, diff) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd="svnlook diff " + REPOSITORY_SVN_DIR + "/" + reposname + " -r %s"%r[0]) if s1 + s2 == 0: results.append({r[0]:{'date':date, 'diff':diff}}) return (status, msgs, results)
def get_ProcStat(): """获取cpu监控数据 @Return: (status, msgs, results) status = INT, Function execution status, 0 is normal, other is failure. msgs = STRING, If status equal to 0, msgs is '', otherwise will be filled with error message. results = DICT { "cpuuse": '34', #百分比 } """ status=0; msgs=''; results=''; now_data = {} # 当前 /proc/stat 的值 last_data = {} # 上一次 /proc/stat 的值,时间跨度足够短 # 获取当前数据 cmd = "cat /proc/stat | grep '%s'" % 'cpu ' (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd=cmd) if status == 0: cpu_all = results.split() cpu_all.pop(0) cpu_data=[int(i) for i in cpu_all] now_data['idle']=cpu_data[3] now_data['total']=sum(cpu_data) else: return (status, msgs, "Error: Can not get data from file /proc/stat") # 获取历史数据 (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd='cat /tmp/proc_stat') if status == 0: last_data = json.loads("%s" % results.strip()) else: status = 0; msgs = ''; results = {} last_data = now_data # 保存当前数据到历史数据表中 fp = file('/tmp/proc_stat', 'w') fp.write(json.dumps(now_data)) fp.close() # 处理两个数据,得到要计算的值 results = {} diff_total = int(now_data['total'])-int(last_data['total']) diff_idle=(int(now_data['idle'])-int(last_data['idle'])) if diff_total > 0: results['cpuuse']=int(round(100*(float(diff_total-diff_idle)/diff_total))) else: # 第一次加载的时候,历史数据为空,无法计算, 所有初始化为0 results['cpuuse']=0 return (status, msgs, results)
def passwd_del(username=''): """ 删除svn用户 @params:username=STRING """ cmd = "export HOME=/home/apache; cd "+REPOSITORY_DIR+"; htpasswd -D .htpasswd " + username (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd=cmd) return (status, msgs, results)
def get_ProcMeminfo(): """ 获取内存数据 @Return: (status, msgs, results) status = INT, Fuction execution status, 0 is normal, other is failure. msgs = STRING, If status equal to 0, msgs is '', otherwise will be filled with error message. results = DICT { 'memtotal': 1017812, #单位都是 KB 'memused': 283708 } """ now_data = {} # 用于存储从/proc/meminfo读取的原始数据 status=0; msgs=''; results=''; #从文件获取数据信息 cmd = "cat /proc/meminfo" (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd=cmd) if status == 0: temps=results.split('\n') for temp in temps: tmp = temp.split() now_data[tmp[0]]=tmp[1] else: return (status, msgs, 'Error: Can not get data from file /proc/meminfo.') #处理数据得到最终结果 results={} results['memtotal']=int(now_data['MemTotal:']) #results['memused']=int(now_data['MemTotal:'])-int(now_data['MemFree:'])-int(now_data['Buffers:'])-int(now_data['Cached:']) results['memused']=int(now_data['MemTotal:'])-int(now_data['MemFree:']) results['buffers']=int(now_data['Buffers:']) results['cached']=int(now_data['Cached:']) return (status,msgs,results)
def passwd_set(username='', password=''): """ 修改svn用户密码 @params:username=STRING password=STRING """ cmd = "export HOME=/home/apache; cd "+REPOSITORY_DIR+"; htpasswd -b .htpasswd " + username + " " + password (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd=cmd) return (status, msgs, results)
def svn_get(): """ 得到当前有那些svn仓库, 返回一个版本库名称构成的序列 @return results=LIST # LIST=['test1', 'test2'] """ cmd = "ls " + REPOSITORY_SVN_DIR (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd=cmd) results = [r for r in results.split() if r] return (status, msgs, results)
def memory(): dic={} (status,msg,memory)=pyssh.getcmd(cmd='/usr/bin/free -m|/bin/grep buffers/cache') memory=re.split(' +',memory) dic['total']=str(int(memory[2])+int(memory[3])) dic['used']=memory[2] dic['free']=memory[3] dic['use%']=str(round(float(dic['used'])*100/float(dic['total']),1)) return dic
def svn_del(proname=""): """ 删除svn仓库 @params: proname=STRING #工程名,英文字母,数字,下划线 """ if proname != "": cmd = "export HOME=/home/apache; cd "+REPOSITORY_SVN_DIR+"; rm -rf " + proname (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd=cmd) else: status = -1; msgs = u"不能删除空的版本库,请正确输入"; resutls = "" return (status, msgs, results)
def rootsize(): dic={} (status,msg,rootsize)=pyssh.getcmd(cmd='/bin/df -h|/bin/grep "/$"') rootsize=rootsize.strip() rootsize=re.split(' +',rootsize) dic['size']=rootsize[0] dic['used']=rootsize[1] dic['avail']=rootsize[2] dic['use%']=rootsize[3] return dic
def svn_add(proname=""): """ 创建svn仓库 @params: proname=STRING #工程名,英文字母,数字,下划线 """ if proname != "": cmd = "export HOME=/home/apache; cd "+REPOSITORY_SVN_DIR+";" cmd+= "svnadmin create "+proname+";" cmd+= "chown apache.apache -R " + proname + ";" cmd+= "chmod 700 -R " + proname (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd=cmd) else: status = -1; msgs = u"请输入正确的版本库名称, 它有字母, 下划线, 和数字构成!"; resutls = "" return (status, msgs, results)
def passwd_get(): """ 得到svn仓库的所有用户 @return: results=LIST #LIST=['user1', 'user2'] """ cmd = "cat " + HTPASSWD (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd=cmd) if status != 0: return (status, msgs, results) tmp = [] for res in results.split("\n"): if res != "": tmp.append(res.split(":")[0]) return (status, msgs, tmp)
def load(): dic={} (status,msg,load)=pyssh.getcmd(cmd='/usr/bin/uptime') load=load.strip() load=load.split(' ') load=load[-1].split(': ') load[1]=load[1].split(', ') for i in range(len(load[1])): if 0<float(load[1][i]) and float(load[1][i])<=1: load[1][i]=str(float(load[1][i])*0.6*100) elif 1<float(load[1][i]) and float(load[1][i])<=3: load[1][i]=str((float(load[1][i])+2)*20) elif float(load[1][i])>3: load[1][i]=str(100) load[0]=load[0].replace(" ","") dic[load[0]]=load[1] return dic
def repos_import_add(reposname='', dirs='{trunk,tags,branches,docs}'): """ 给一个版本库设置一个目录结构,默认包含{trunk,branches,tags,docs} @Params: reposname = STRING; #版本库名称, 是字串 dirs = STRING; #版本库的目录结构,多个目录, 由{}括起来, 并由,分割 默认是: {trunk,tags,branches,docs} 并在trunk/ 创建文件README.txt """ if reposname: cmd = "rm -rf /tmp/repos ; " cmd +="mkdir -p /tmp/repos/"+dirs+" ;" cmd +="touch /tmp/repos/trunk/README.txt ;" cmd +="svn import /tmp/repos/ file://"+ REPOSITORY_SVN_DIR + "/" + reposname + "/ -m 'Set Default Directory'; " cmd += "rm -rf /tmp/repos " (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd=cmd) else: status = -1; msgs = u'Error:版本库名称不能为空'; results = '' return (status, msgs, results)
def repos_dirtrees(reposname='', depth=2): """ 获取版本库的目录结构,默认深度到根之下2级 @Params: reposname = STRING 版本库的名字 depth = INT 搜索的深度 @Return: (status, msgs, results) status = INT, # 状态码, 0正常执行,否则有问题 msgs = String, # 如果status非零, 错误信息在msgs中体现 results = LIST, # 正常执行后的返回值,类似于 [ '/', '/tree',...... ] """ if not reposname: return (-1, u'Error: 版本仓库名不能为空!', '') cmd = "svnlook tree " + REPOSITORY_SVN_DIR + "/" + reposname + " | grep \/" (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd=cmd) if status != 0: return (status, msgs, results) treedirs = [t for t in results.split('\n') if t] # 所有的目录 index = [t.count(' ') for t in treedirs if t] # 每个目录的级别 for j in range(1, len(treedirs)): ct_now = treedirs[j].count(' ') # 当前目录的级别 if ct_now > depth: # 如果超过深度, 就继续处理, 跳过当前 treedirs[j] = '' continue for i in range(j-1,-1,-1): if index[i] < ct_now: # 如果当前目录的级别小于之前一个目录的,就叠加之 treedirs[j] = treedirs[i][treedirs[i].count(' '):] + treedirs[j][treedirs[j].count(' '):] ct_now = index[i] break treedirs = ['/'] + [t[0:-1] for t in treedirs if t and t!='/'] # 去除最后的斜线 return (status, msgs, treedirs)
import pyssh REPOSITORY_DIR = "/opt/repository" # 仓库主目录 REPOSITORY_SVN_DIR = "/opt/repository/svnserver" # SVN主目录 HTPASSWD = "/opt/repository/.htpasswd" # 用户密码文件 AUTHZ = "/opt/repository/.authz.conf" # 授权文件 if not os.path.exists('/opt'): os.mkdir('/opt', 0700) if not os.path.exists(REPOSITORY_DIR): os.mkdir(REPOSITORY_DIR, 0700) if not os.path.exists(REPOSITORY_SVN_DIR): os.mkdir(REPOSITORY_SVN_DIR, 0700) if not os.path.exists(HTPASSWD): pyssh.getcmd(cmd="echo '' > %r ; chmod 700 %r"%(HTPASSWD,HTPASSWD)) if not os.path.exists(AUTHZ): pyssh.getcmd(cmd="echo '' > %r ; chmod 700 %r"%(AUTHZ, AUTHZ)) CF = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() """ 公共返回值 @return:status=INT, # 执行状态, 0=成功执行函数功能, 其他数字=没有成功执行, 错误信息在msgs中 msgs = STRING, # 执行错误的时候, 返回的错误信息 results = INT/STRING/LIST/TUPLE/DICT, # 执行结果 """ def svn_add(proname=""):
def get_ProcDiskstats(devices): """ 获取IO监控数据 @Params: devices = LIST # 物理硬盘的设备名, 例如 devices=['sda', 'sdb', 'hda', 'scisi'] @Return: (status, msgs, results) status = INT, Fuction execution status, 0 is normal, other is failure. msgs = STRING, If status equal to 0, msgs is '', otherwise will be filled with error message. results = DICT { 'sda': { # 设备sda的读写能力 'reading': 50032, # 单位都是 KB/s 'writing': 20, }, 'sdb': { 'reading': 50032, # 单位都是 KB/s 'writing': 20, } } @Note: 获取数据的效果, 和 #vmstat -n 1 一致 """ status=0; msgs=''; results=''; if devices == []: return (-1, 'Error: Params is None.', '') now_data = {} # 当前 /proc/diskstats 的值 last_data = {} # 上一次 /proc/diskstats 的值, 时间跨度由调用程序决定 # 获取当前数据 cmd = "cat /proc/diskstats | egrep '%s'" % (len(devices)==1 and devices[0]+' ' or ' |'.join(devices)+' ') # 只获取到物理硬盘的数据 (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd=cmd) if status == 0: now_data['timestamp'] = time.time() temps = results.split('\n') for temp in temps: tmp = re.split('[ ]+', temp) now_data[tmp[3]] = { 'number_of_issued_reads':tmp[4], # Field 1 'number_of_reads_merged':tmp[5], # Field 2 'number_of_sectors_read':tmp[6], # Field 3 'number_of_milliseconds_spent_reading':tmp[7], # Field 4 'number_of_writes_completed':tmp[8], # Field 5 'number_of_writes_merged':tmp[9], # Field 6 'number_of_sectors_written':tmp[10], # Field 7 'number_of_milliseconds_spent_writing':tmp[11], # Field 8 'number_of_IOs_currently_in_progress':tmp[12], # Field 9 'number_of_milliseconds_spent_doing_IOs':tmp[13], # Field 10 'number_of_milliseconds_spent_doing_IOs_2':tmp[13], # Field 11 } else: return (status, msgs, 'Error: Can not get data from file /proc/diskstats.') # 获取历史数据 (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd='cat /tmp/proc_diskstats') if status == 0 and results!= '': last_data = json.loads("%s" % results.strip()) else: status = 0; msgs = ''; results = {} last_data = now_data # 保存当前数据到历史数据表中 #cmd = """echo \"%s\" > /tmp/proc_diskstats""" % json.dumps(now_data) #(status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd=cmd) fp = file('/tmp/proc_diskstats', 'w') fp.write(json.dumps(now_data)) fp.close() # 处理两个数据,得到要计算的值 results = {} timecut = float(now_data['timestamp']) - float(last_data['timestamp']) if timecut > 0: for key in devices: reading = (int(now_data[key]['number_of_sectors_read']) - int(last_data[key]['number_of_sectors_read']))/2/timecut writing = (int(now_data[key]['number_of_sectors_written']) - int(last_data[key]['number_of_sectors_written']))/2/timecut results[key] = {'reading':int(reading), 'writing':int(writing)} else: # 第一次加载的时候,历史数据为空, 无法计算,所以初始化为0 for key in devices: results[key] = {'reading':0, 'writing':0} return (status, msgs, results)
def get_ProcNetDev(devices, bandwidth): """获取网络监控数据 @Params: devices = LIST # 物理网卡的设备名,例如 devices=['eth0', 'eth1', 'eth2', 'eth3'] bandwidth = DICT # 对应物理网卡的带宽,例如 bandwidth={'eth0':1000, 'eth1':10000}) @Return: (status, msgs, results) status = INT, Fuction execution status, 0 is normal , other is failure. msgs = STRING, If status equal to 0, msgs is '', otherwise will be filled with error message. results = DICE { 'eth0': { #网卡eth0的传输能力 'transmit': 1024, #单位无特殊说明都是 KB/s 'receive': 10240, 'bandwidth':1000, #单位是 M/s }, 'eth1': { #网卡eth1的传输能力 'transmit': 1024, #单位无特殊说明都是 KB/s 'receive': 10240, 'bandwidth':1000, #单位是 M/s } } @Note: """ status=0; msgs=''; results=''; if devices == []: return (-1, 'Error: Params is None.', '') now_data = {} # 当前 /proc/net/dev 的值 last_data = {} # 上一次 /proc/net/dev 的值,时间跨度由调用程序决定 # 获取当前数据 cmd = "cat /proc/net/dev | egrep '%s'" % (len(devices)==1 and devices[0]+':' or ':|'.join(devices)+':') #获取物理网卡的数据 (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd=cmd) if status == 0: now_data['timestamp'] = time.time() temps = results.split('\n') for temp in temps: tmp_main = temp.split(':') tmp=tmp_main[1].split() now_data[tmp_main[0].strip()] = { 'receive_bytes': tmp[0], 'receive_packets': tmp[1], 'receive_errs': tmp[2], 'receive_drop': tmp[3], 'receive_fifo': tmp[4], 'receive_frame': tmp[5], 'receive_compressed': tmp[6], 'receive_multicast': tmp[7], 'transmit_bytes': tmp[8], 'transmit_packets': tmp[9], 'transmit_errs': tmp[10], 'transmit_drop': tmp[11], 'transmit_fifo': tmp[12], 'transmit_colls': tmp[13], 'transmit_carrier': tmp[14], 'transmit_compressed': tmp[15] } else: return (status, msgs, 'Error: Can not get data from file /proc/net/dev.') # 获取历史数据 (status, msgs, results) = pyssh.getcmd(cmd="cat /tmp/proc_net_dev") if status == 0: last_data = json.loads("%s" % results.strip()) else: # 第一次加载,没有历史数据的情况 status=0; msgs = ''; results = {} last_data = now_data fp = file('/tmp/proc_net_dev', 'w') fp.write(json.dumps(now_data)) fp.close() # 处理两个数据,得到要计算的值 results = {} timecut = float(now_data['timestamp']) - float(last_data['timestamp']) if timecut > 0: for key in devices: receive = (int(now_data[key]['receive_bytes']) - int(last_data[key]['receive_bytes']))/1024/timecut transmit = (int(now_data[key]['transmit_bytes']) - int(last_data[key]['transmit_bytes']))/1024/timecut results[key] = {'receive':int(receive), 'transmit':int(transmit), 'bandwidth':bandwidth[key]} else: # 第一次加载的时候,历史数据为空,无法计算,所以初始化为0 for key in devices: results[key] = {'receive':0, 'transmit':0, 'bandwidth':bandwidth[key]} return (status,msgs,results)