예제 #1
def beaconStates(input):
    # pull out the inputs for the generation of observation data
    beaconList       = input[0]
    observationTimes = input[1]
    extras            = input[-1]

    # compute and save total number of observations
    nObservationss    = len( beaconList )

    # Load Ephemeris Files from extras dictionary
    pyswice.furnsh_c(bskSpicePath  + extras['basic_bsp'])
    pyswice.furnsh_c(dinoSpicePath + extras['mission_bsp'])
    pyswice.furnsh_c(dinoSpicePath + extras['tls'])

    # instantiate beaconStates
    beaconStates = []

    # for each observation time, compute the state of the dictated beacon
    for ii in xrange( nObservationss ):
        stateArray = np.zeros(6)
        state      = pyswice.new_doubleArray(6)
        lt         = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
        pyswice.spkezr_c( beaconList[ii], observationTimes[ii], extras['ref_frame'],\
                          'None', 'SUN', state, lt)
        for i in range(6):
            stateArray[i] = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(state, i)
    # convert final data set into numpy array
    beaconStates = np.array(beaconStates)

    return beaconStates
예제 #2
def EOM(state, et, primaryIndex, secondaryIndices, nSecondaries, muPrimary, muSecondaries,
        kSRP, cR, abcorr, refFrame, bodies, stateDimension):

    # pull out the STM
    phi = np.array(state[stateDimension:], copy=True)
    phi = np.reshape(phi, (stateDimension, stateDimension) )

    # gravitational force from primary body
    fPrimary = -muPrimary * state[0:3] / np.linalg.norm(state[0:3]) ** 3

    # gravitational force from secondary bodies
    f3rdBodies = 0

    # set the size of the spacecraftPositionitionSecondaries between 
    # secondary bodies and primary body
    position_secondaries_primary = np.zeros((3, nSecondaries))

    # loop through the secondary bodies
    for ii in range(nSecondaries):
        # determine distance from secondary to primary body
        positionArray = np.zeros(3)
        stateSpice = pyswice.new_doubleArray(6)
        lt = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
        pyswice.spkezr_c(bodies[secondaryIndices[ii]], et, refFrame,
                        abcorr, bodies[primaryIndex], stateSpice, lt)
        for i in range(3):
            positionArray[i] = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(stateSpice, i)
        position_secondaries_primary[:, ii] = positionArray

        # calculate the "third body" force
        f3rdBodies += -muSecondaries[ii] * \
           ( ( state[0:3] - position_secondaries_primary[:, ii] ) / \
             np.linalg.norm(state[0:3] - position_secondaries_primary[:, ii] ) ** 3 + \
             position_secondaries_primary[:, ii] / \
             np.linalg.norm( position_secondaries_primary[:, ii] )**3 )

    # SRP force
    fSRP = cR * kSRP * state[0:3] / \
            np.linalg.norm(state[0:3]) ** 3

    # total force (acceleration) vector
    f = fPrimary + f3rdBodies + fSRP

    # args for the A matrix function
    args = (state[0:stateDimension], nSecondaries, muPrimary, muSecondaries, kSRP, cR,\

    # A matrix calculation
    A = matrixA(args)

    # compute the derivative of the STM
    dPhi = np.dot(A, phi)
    dPhi = np.reshape(dPhi,stateDimension * stateDimension)

    # acceleration vector to be returned to the integrator
    dState = [state[3], state[4], state[5], f[0], f[1], f[2]]
    dState += list(dPhi)

    return dState
예제 #3
def beaconStates(input):
    # pull out the inputs for the generation of observation data
    beaconList = input[0]
    observationTimes = input[1]
    extras = input[-1]

    # compute and save total number of observations
    nObservationss = len(beaconList)

    # Load Ephemeris Files from extras dictionary
    pyswice.furnsh_c(bskSpicePath + extras['basic_bsp'])
    pyswice.furnsh_c(dinoSpicePath + extras['mission_bsp'])
    pyswice.furnsh_c(dinoSpicePath + extras['tls'])

    # instantiate beaconStates
    beaconStates = []

    # for each observation time, compute the state of the dictated beacon
    for ii in xrange(nObservationss):
        stateArray = np.zeros(6)
        state = pyswice.new_doubleArray(6)
        lt = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
        pyswice.spkezr_c( beaconList[ii], observationTimes[ii], extras['ref_frame'],\
                          'None', 'SUN', state, lt)
        for i in range(6):
            stateArray[i] = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(state, i)

    # convert final data set into numpy array
    beaconStates = np.array(beaconStates)

    return beaconStates
예제 #4
def EOM(state, et, primary_index, secondary_indices, nSecondaries, muPrimary,
        muSecondaries, kSRP, cR, abcorr, ref_frame, bodies, stateDimension):

    # pull out the STM
    phi = np.array(state[stateDimension:], copy=True)
    phi = np.reshape(phi, (stateDimension, stateDimension))

    # gravitational force from primary body
    fPrimary = -muPrimary * state[0:3] / np.linalg.norm(state[0:3])**3

    # gravitational force from secondary bodies
    f3rdBodies = 0

    # set the size of the spacecraftPositionitionSecondaries between
    # secondary bodies and primary body
    position_secondaries_primary = np.zeros((3, nSecondaries))

    # loop through the secondary bodies
    for ii in range(nSecondaries):
        # determine distance from secondary to primary body
        positionArray = np.zeros(3)
        stateSpice = pyswice.new_doubleArray(6)
        lt = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
        pyswice.spkezr_c(bodies[secondary_indices[ii]], et, ref_frame, abcorr,
                         bodies[primary_index], stateSpice, lt)
        for i in range(3):
            positionArray[i] = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(stateSpice, i)
        position_secondaries_primary[:, ii] = positionArray

        # calculate the "third body" force
        f3rdBodies += -muSecondaries[ii] * \
           ( ( state[0:3] - position_secondaries_primary[:, ii] ) / \
             np.linalg.norm(state[0:3] - position_secondaries_primary[:, ii] ) ** 3 + \
             position_secondaries_primary[:, ii] / np.linalg.norm( position_secondaries_primary[:, ii] )**3 )

    # SRP force
    fSRP = cR * kSRP * state[0:3] / np.linalg.norm(state[0:3])**3

    # total force (acceleration) vector
    f = fPrimary + f3rdBodies + fSRP + state[6:9]

    # args for the A matrix function
    args = (state[0:stateDimension], nSecondaries, muPrimary, muSecondaries,
            kSRP, cR, position_secondaries_primary)

    # A matrix calculation
    A = matrixA(args)

    # calculate the derivative of the STM
    dPhi = np.dot(A, phi)
    dPhi = np.reshape(dPhi, stateDimension * stateDimension)

    # acceleration vector to be returned to the integrator
    dState = [0] * stateDimension
    dState[0:6] = [state[3], state[4], state[5], f[0], f[1], f[2]]
    dState += list(dPhi)

    return dState
예제 #5
def main():

    # extras dictionary for importing to functions
    extras = {}

    #  S  P  I  C  E  C  O  D  E

    # basic .bsp filename (generic, such as de430, etc)
    extras['basic_bsp'] = 'de430.bsp'
    # .bsp filename for mission
    extras['mission_bsp'] = 'DINO_kernel.bsp'
    # .tls filename
    extras['tls'] = 'naif0011.tls'

    # prep pyswice for the extraction of initial data
    # is the only reason that we do this is for lines 165 and 166?
    pyswice.furnsh_c(bskSpicePath + 'de430.bsp')
    pyswice.furnsh_c(dinoSpicePath + 'naif0011.tls')
    pyswice.furnsh_c(dinoSpicePath + 'DINO_kernel.bsp')

    DINO_kernel = dinoSpicePath + 'DINO_kernel.bsp'
    body_int = -100  #SP.spkobj(DINO_kernel)
    body_id_str = str(body_int)

    # search_window = pyswice.new_doubleArray(2)
    # pyswice.spkcov_c(DINO_kernel, body_int, search_window)
    # list_of_events = pyswice.wnfetd_c(search_window, 0)
    # tBSP_Start = list_of_events[0]
    # tBSP_End = list_of_events[1]

    # Initial condition for spacecraft
    # data = io.loadmat('saves/obsData.mat')
    # trueEphemeris = {}
    # reference of sun to sc
    # trueEphemeris['spacecraft'] = np.copy(data['stateS'])
    # # reference of sun to Earth
    # trueEphemeris['S2E'] = np.copy(data['stateE'])
    # # reference of sun to Mars
    # trueEphemeris['S2M'] = np.copy(data['stateM'])

    # time span
    # timeSpan = data['etT'].flatten()
    #Filtering End Epochs
    start_et = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
    end_et = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
    pyswice.utc2et_c('23 JUL 2020 17:00:00', start_et)
    pyswice.utc2et_c('30 JUL 2020 17:00:00', end_et)

    start_et = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(start_et, 0)
    end_et = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(end_et, 0)

    # body vector for SUN, EARTH, MARS
    extras['bodies'] = ['SUN', '3', '399']

    # specify primary and secondary
    extras['primary'] = 0
    extras['secondary'] = [1, 2]

    # respective GP vector
    extras['mu'] = [1.32712428 * 10**11, 3.986004415 * 10**5, 4.305 * 10**4]

    # abcorr for spkzer
    extras['abcorr'] = 'NONE'

    # reference frame
    extras['ref_frame'] = 'J2000'

    # SRP parameter
    # A/M ratio multiplied by solar pressure constant at 1 AU with adjustments
        'SRP'] = 0.3**2 / 14. * 149597870.**2 * 1358. / 299792458. / 1000.  # turboprop document Eq (64)

    # coefficient of reflectivity
    extras['cR'] = 1.

    # number of observations per beacon until moving to the next
    extras['repeat_obs'] = 1

    # SNC coefficient
    extras['SNC'] = (2 * 10**(-4))**3

    # Number of batch iterations
    extras['iterations'] = 3

    # Initializing the error
    extras['x_hat_0'] = 0

    # rng seed for debugging purposes
    extras['seed'] = 5

    # Camera/P&L Parameters

    # Focal Length (mm)
    extras['FoL'] = 100.
    angles = []
    extras['DCM_BI'] = np.eye(3)
    extras['DCM_TVB'] = np.eye(3)

    # Camera resolution (pixels)
    extras['resolution'] = [1024., 1024.]

    # width and height of pixels in camera
    extras['pixel_width'] = 5.
    extras['pixel_height'] = 5.

    # direction coefficient of pixel and line axes
    extras['pixel_direction'] = 1.
    extras['line_direction'] = 1.

    # Are we using the real dynamics for the ref or the trueData
    extras['realData'] = 'OFF'

    # Add anomaly detection parameters
    extras['anomaly'] = False
    extras['anomaly_num'] = 0
    extras['anomaly_threshold'] = 4


    # Get Observation Times and Ephemerides. This outputs a full data set that is not
    # parsed in any way. Ephemerides for all objects at all times are given.
    trueEphemeris, timeSpan = dg.generate_data(
        planet_beacons=['earth', 'mars barycenter'],

    tt_switch = 5

    print '------------------'
    print 'Filter Image Span : ', (timeSpan[-1] - timeSpan[0]) / (60 * 60 *
                                                                  24), 'days'
    print '------------------'

    # number and keys of beacons. note that the true ephem is going to have one spot for the
    # sun, which in NOT a beacon. These are used in beaconBinSPICE.
    beacon_names = trueEphemeris.keys()
    extras['unique_beacon_IDs'] = beacon_names
    extras['n_unique_beacons'] = len(beacon_names)

    # BLOCK A page 196

    # copy the initial conditions as the first sun to SC referenceStates from the SPICE file
    IC = np.copy(trueEphemeris['spacecraft'][:, 0])

    print 'IC', IC

    # spice_derived_state is only referenced here. Should these be axed?
    spice_derived_state = pyswice.new_doubleArray(6)
    lt = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
    pyswice.spkezr_c(body_id_str, timeSpan[0], 'J2000', 'None', 'Sun',
                     spice_derived_state, lt)

    # a priori uncertainty for the referenceStates
    covBar = np.zeros((IC.shape[0], IC.shape[0]))
    covBar[0, 0] = 10000**2
    covBar[1, 1] = 10000**2
    covBar[2, 2] = 10000**2
    covBar[3, 3] = .1**2
    covBar[4, 4] = .1**2
    covBar[5, 5] = .1**2

    # add uncertainty to the IC
    initialPositionError = 1000 * np.divide(IC[0:3], np.linalg.norm(IC[0:3]))
    initialVelocityError = 0.01 * np.divide(IC[3:6], np.linalg.norm(IC[3:6]))

    IC[0:6] += np.append(initialPositionError, initialVelocityError)

    # uncertainty to be added in the form of noise to the measurables.
    # Takes the form of variance. Currently, the same value is used in both
    # the creation of the measurements as well as the weighting of the filter (W)
    observationUncertainty = np.identity(2)
    observationUncertainty[0, 0] = 0.2**2
    observationUncertainty[1, 1] = 0.2**2

    # the initial STM is an identity matrix
    phi0 = np.identity(IC.shape[0])

    # initiate a priori deviation
    stateDevBar = np.zeros(IC.shape)

    # initiate a filter output dictionary
    filterOutputs = {}

    # Get the noisy observations

    # observation inputs
    observationInputs = (trueEphemeris, observationUncertainty, angles, extras)

    # Get the observation data (dataObservations). This dictionary contains the SPICE data
    # from which values are calculated (key = 'SPICE'), the true observations before
    # uncertainty is added (key = 'truth') and the measured observations (key = 'measurements').
    # These are the 'measurements' values that are now simulating an actual observation,
    # and they are to be processed by the filter.
    # The dictionary also contains the list of beacons by name and order of processing.
    # This list of strings (key = 'beacons') is needed for
    # the filter's own beacon position generator
    dataObservations = getObs(observationInputs)

    # create dictionary for observation data to be inputs in filter. This is a more limited
    # dictionary than dataObservations and serves as the most "real" input
    filterObservations = {}
    filterObservations['measurements'] = dataObservations['measurements']
    filterObservations['beaconIDs'] = dataObservations['beacons']

    # Run the Filter

    # alter to coefficient of reflectivity to be zero. This negates any contribution of
    # modeling SRP
    extras['cR'] = 0.0

    # run the filter and output the referenceStates (including STMs), est states and extra data
    for itr in xrange(extras['iterations']):

        if itr > 0:
            IC = estimatedState[0, :]
            stateDevBar -= extraData['stateDevHatArray'][0, :]

        if itr == 0:
            extras['oldPost'] = np.zeros([len(timeSpan), 2])

        # the arguments for the filter: the IC, the first STM, the time span, the observables
        # data dictionary, a priori uncertainty, and the measurables' uncertainty,
        # as well as any extras
        filterInputs = (IC, phi0, timeSpan, filterObservations,\
                         covBar, observationUncertainty, stateDevBar, angles, extras)
        # run filter function
        referenceState, estimatedState, extraData = run_batch(filterInputs)
        extras['oldPost'] = extraData['postfit residuals']

        # Check for anomaly:

        [anomaly_bool, anomaly_num] = extraData['anomaly_detected']
        if anomaly_bool == True:
            print '**********************************************************'
            print 'Anomaly Detected - Estimates are not to be trusted'
            print '**********************************************************'
            print anomaly_num, 'Residuals out of bounds'

        # save all outputs into the dictionary with a name associated with the iteration
        filterOutputs[str(itr)] = {}
        filterOutputs[str(itr)]['referenceState'] = referenceState
        filterOutputs[str(itr)]['estimatedState'] = estimatedState
        filterOutputs[str(itr)]['extraData'] = extraData

        # \ BLOCK A page 196

        # Iteration Directory
        dirIt = 'Batch_Iteration' + str(itr + 1)

        # Make directory for the iterations
        if not os.path.exists(dirIt):

        # File to write data
        writingText( itr+1, referenceState, estimatedState, trueEphemeris, extraData,\
                     initialPositionError , initialVelocityError)

        # calculate the difference between the perturbed reference and
        # true trajectories: reference state errors
        stateError = referenceState[:, 0:6] - trueEphemeris['spacecraft'].T

        # compare the estimated and true trajectories: estimated state errors
        stateErrorHat = estimatedState[:, 0:6] - trueEphemeris['spacecraft'].T

        plotData = extraData

        plotData['postfit delta'] = extraData['postfit changes']
        plotData['states'] = estimatedState
        plotData['truth'] = dataObservations['truth']
        plotData['beacon_list'] = dataObservations['beacons']
        plotData['timeSpan'] = timeSpan
        plotData['dirIt'] = dirIt
        plotData['err'] = stateError
        plotData['stateErrorHat'] = stateErrorHat
        plotData['obs_uncertainty'] = observationUncertainty
        plotData['referenceState'] = referenceState
        plotData['trueEphemeris'] = trueEphemeris
        plotData['extras'] = extras
        plotData['acc_est'] = 'OFF'

        #  Write the output to the pickle file
        fileTag = 'SRP_test'
        file = dirIt + '/' + fileTag + '_data.pkl'
        pklFile = open(file, 'wb')
        pickle.dump(plotData, pklFile, -1)

예제 #6
def main():

    # extras dictionary for importing to functions
    extras = {}

    #  S  P  I  C  E  C  O  D  E

    # basic .bsp filename (generic, such as de430, etc)
    extras['basic_bsp']   = 'de430.bsp'
    # .bsp filename for mission
    extras['mission_bsp'] = 'DINO_kernel.bsp'
    # .tls filename 
    extras['tls']         = 'naif0011.tls'

    # prep pyswice for the extraction of initial data
    # is the only reason that we do this is for lines 165 and 166?
    pyswice.furnsh_c(bskSpicePath  + 'de430.bsp')
    pyswice.furnsh_c(dinoSpicePath + 'naif0011.tls')
    pyswice.furnsh_c(dinoSpicePath + 'DINO_kernel.bsp')

    DINO_kernel = dinoSpicePath + 'DINO_kernel.bsp'
    body_int = -100#SP.spkobj(DINO_kernel)
    body_id_str = str(body_int)

    # search_window = pyswice.new_doubleArray(2)
    # pyswice.spkcov_c(DINO_kernel, body_int, search_window)
    # list_of_events = pyswice.wnfetd_c(search_window, 0)
    # tBSP_Start = list_of_events[0]
    # tBSP_End = list_of_events[1]

    # Initial condition for spacecraft
    # data = io.loadmat('saves/obsData.mat')
    # trueEphemeris = {}
    # reference of sun to sc
    # trueEphemeris['spacecraft'] = np.copy(data['stateS'])
    # # reference of sun to Earth
    # trueEphemeris['S2E'] = np.copy(data['stateE'])
    # # reference of sun to Mars
    # trueEphemeris['S2M'] = np.copy(data['stateM'])

    # time span
    # timeSpan = data['etT'].flatten()
    #Filtering End Epochs
    start_et = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
    pyswice.utc2et_c('23 JUL 2020 17:00:00', start_et)
    pyswice.utc2et_c('30 JUL 2020 17:00:00', end_et)

    start_et = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(start_et, 0)
    end_et   = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(end_et, 0)

    # body vector for SUN, EARTH, MARS
    extras['bodies'] = ['SUN', '3', '399']

    # specify primary and secondary
    extras['primary'] = 0
    extras['secondary'] = [1, 2]

    # respective GP vector
    extras['mu'] = [1.32712428 * 10 ** 11, 3.986004415 * 10 ** 5, 4.305 * 10 ** 4]

    # abcorr for spkzer
    extras['abcorr'] = 'NONE'

    # reference frame
    extras['ref_frame'] = 'J2000'

    # SRP parameter
    # A/M ratio multiplied by solar pressure constant at 1 AU with adjustments
    extras['SRP'] = 0.3**2/14. * 149597870.**2 * 1358. / 299792458. / 1000. # turboprop document Eq (64)

    # coefficient of reflectivity
    extras['cR'] = 1.

    # number of observations per beacon until moving to the next
    extras['repeat_obs'] = 1

    # SNC coefficient
    extras['SNC'] = (2 * 10 ** (-4)) ** 3

    # Number of batch iterations
    extras['iterations'] = 3

    # Initializing the error
    extras['x_hat_0'] = 0

    # rng seed for debugging purposes
    extras['seed'] = 5

    # Camera/P&L Parameters

    # Focal Length (mm)
    extras['FoL'] = 100.
    angles = []
    extras['DCM_BI'] = np.eye(3)
    extras['DCM_TVB'] = np.eye(3)

    # Camera resolution (pixels)
    extras['resolution'] = [1024., 1024.]

    # width and height of pixels in camera
    extras['pixel_width'] = 5.
    extras['pixel_height'] = 5.

    # direction coefficient of pixel and line axes
    extras['pixel_direction'] = 1.
    extras['line_direction'] = 1.

    # Are we using the real dynamics for the ref or the trueData
    extras['realData']= 'OFF'

    # Add anomaly detection parameters
    extras['anomaly']= False
    extras['anomaly_num'] = 0
    extras['anomaly_threshold'] = 4


    # Get Observation Times and Ephemerides. This outputs a full data set that is not
    # parsed in any way. Ephemerides for all objects at all times are given.
    trueEphemeris, timeSpan = dg.generate_data(sc_ephem_file=DINO_kernel,
                                          planet_beacons = ['earth','mars barycenter'],
                                          extras = extras,
                                          realData = extras['realData'])

    tt_switch = 5

    print '------------------'
    print 'Filter Image Span : ' , (timeSpan[-1] - timeSpan[0])/(60*60*24), 'days'
    print '------------------'

    # number and keys of beacons. note that the true ephem is going to have one spot for the
    # sun, which in NOT a beacon. These are used in beaconBinSPICE. 
    beacon_names = trueEphemeris.keys()
    extras['unique_beacon_IDs'] = beacon_names
    extras['n_unique_beacons'] = len(beacon_names)

    # BLOCK A page 196

    # copy the initial conditions as the first sun to SC referenceStates from the SPICE file
    IC = np.copy(trueEphemeris['spacecraft'][:, 0])

    IC = np.append( IC, np.array( [0, 0, 0] ) )

    print 'IC', IC

    # spice_derived_state is only referenced here. Should these be axed?
    spice_derived_state = pyswice.new_doubleArray(6)
    lt = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
    pyswice.spkezr_c(body_id_str, timeSpan[0], 'J2000', 'None', 'Sun', spice_derived_state, lt)

    # a priori uncertainty for the referenceStates
    covBar = np.zeros((IC.shape[0], IC.shape[0]))
    covBar[0, 0] = 10000**2
    covBar[1, 1] = 10000**2
    covBar[2, 2] = 10000**2
    covBar[3, 3] = .1**2
    covBar[4, 4] = .1**2
    covBar[5, 5] = .1**2
    covBar[6, 6] = (10**(-8))**2
    covBar[7, 7] = (10**(-8))**2
    covBar[8, 8] = (10**(-8))**2

    # add uncertainty to the IC
    initialPositionError = 1000 * np.divide(IC[0:3], np.linalg.norm(IC[0:3]))
    initialVelocityError = 0.01 * np.divide(IC[3:6], np.linalg.norm(IC[3:6]))

    IC[0:6] += np.append(initialPositionError, initialVelocityError)

    # uncertainty to be added in the form of noise to the measurables. 
    # Takes the form of variance. Currently, the same value is used in both
    # the creation of the measurements as well as the weighting of the filter (W)
    observationUncertainty = np.identity(2)
    observationUncertainty[0, 0] = 0.2 ** 2
    observationUncertainty[1, 1] = 0.2 ** 2

    # the initial STM is an identity matrix
    phi0 = np.identity(IC.shape[0])

    # initiate a priori deviation
    stateDevBar = np.zeros(IC.shape)

    # initiate a filter output dictionary
    filterOutputs = {}

    # Get the noisy observations
    # observation inputs
    observationInputs = (trueEphemeris, observationUncertainty, angles, extras)

    # Get the observation data (dataObservations). This dictionary contains the SPICE data
    # from which values are calculated (key = 'SPICE'), the true observations before
    # uncertainty is added (key = 'truth') and the measured observations (key = 'measurements').
    # These are the 'measurements' values that are now simulating an actual observation, 
    # and they are to be processed by the filter. 
    # The dictionary also contains the list of beacons by name and order of processing. 
    # This list of strings (key = 'beacons') is needed for 
    # the filter's own beacon position generator
    dataObservations = getObs(observationInputs)

    # create dictionary for observation data to be inputs in filter. This is a more limited
    # dictionary than dataObservations and serves as the most "real" input
    filterObservations = {}
    filterObservations['measurements'] = dataObservations['measurements']
    filterObservations['beaconIDs']    = dataObservations['beacons']

    # Run the Filter

    # alter to coefficient of reflectivity to be zero. This negates any contribution of
    # modeling SRP
    extras['cR'] = 0.0

   # run the filter and output the reference referenceStates (including STMs), est states and extra data
    for itr in xrange(extras['iterations']):

        if itr > 0:
            # IC = est_state[0, :]
            IC += extraData['stateDevHatArray'][0, :]
            stateDevBar -= extraData['stateDevHatArray'][0, :]

        # the arguments for the filter are the IC, the first STM, the time span, the observables
        # data dictionary, a priori uncertainty, and the measurables' uncertainty,
        # as well as any extras
        if itr==0:
            extras['oldPost'] = np.zeros([len(timeSpan), 2])

        filterInputs = (IC, phi0, timeSpan, filterObservations,\
                         covBar, observationUncertainty, stateDevBar, angles, extras)
        # run filter function
        referenceState, estimatedState, extraData = run_batch(filterInputs)

        extras['oldPost'] = extraData['postfit residuals']
        # save all outputs into the dictionary with a name associated with the iteration
        filterOutputs[str(itr)] = {}
        filterOutputs[str(itr)]['referenceState'] = referenceState
        filterOutputs[str(itr)]['estimatedState'] = estimatedState
        filterOutputs[str(itr)]['extraData'] = extraData

        # \ BLOCK A page 196

        # Iteration Directory
        dirIt = 'Batch_Iteration' + str(itr+1)

        # Make directory for the iterations
        if not os.path.exists(dirIt):

        # File to write data
        writingText(itr+1, referenceState, estimatedState, trueEphemeris, extraData, initialPositionError , initialVelocityError)

        # calculate the difference between the perturbed reference and true trajectories: reference state errors
        stateError = referenceState[:, 0:6] - trueEphemeris['spacecraft'].T

        # compare the estimated and true trajectories: estimated state errors
        stateErrorHat = estimatedState[:, 0:6] - trueEphemeris['spacecraft'].T

        plotData = extraData

        plotData['postfit delta']   = extraData['postfit changes']
        plotData['states']          = estimatedState
        plotData['truth']           = dataObservations['truth']
        plotData['beacon_list']     = dataObservations['beacons']
        plotData['timeSpan']        = timeSpan
        plotData['dirIt']           = dirIt
        plotData['err']             = stateError
        plotData['stateErrorHat']   = stateErrorHat
        plotData['obs_uncertainty'] = observationUncertainty
        plotData['referenceState']  = referenceState
        plotData['trueEphemeris']   = trueEphemeris
        plotData['extras']          = extras
        plotData['acc_est']         = 'ON'
        PF( plotData )

        #  Write the output to the pickle file
        fileTag = 'SRP_test'
        file = dirIt+'/'+fileTag+'_data.pkl'
        pklFile = open( file, 'wb')
        pickle.dump( plotData, pklFile, -1 )


    [anomaly_bool , anomaly_num] = extraData['anomaly_detected']
    if anomaly_bool == True:
        print '**********************************************************'
        print 'Anomaly Detected - Estimates are not to be trusted'
        print '**********************************************************'
        print anomaly_num, 'Residuals out of bounds'

예제 #7
def generate_data(sc_ephem_file, planet_beacons,
                  beaconIDs, n_observations=10,
                  start_et=None, end_et=None, extras = {}, realData = 'OFF', ref='J2000'):
    # Load Ephemeris Files
    pyswice.furnsh_c(bskSpicePath  + extras['basic_bsp'])
    pyswice.furnsh_c(dinoSpicePath + extras['mission_bsp'])
    pyswice.furnsh_c(dinoSpicePath + extras['tls'])

    for beacon in planet_beacons:
        found = pyswice.new_intArray(1)
        pyswice.intArray_setitem(found, 0, 0)
        beaconid = pyswice.new_intArray(1)
        pyswice.bodn2c_c(beacon, beaconid, found)
        beaconIDs.append(pyswice.intArray_getitem(beaconid, 0))

    # Identify Spacecraft Body
    bodyID = -100  # SP.spkobj(sc_ephem_file)
    bodyIDStr = str(bodyID)
    # Create Time Array
    observationTimes = np.linspace(start_et, end_et, num=n_observations,
                                    endpoint=True)  # range(start_et, end_et, n_observations - 1)

    # Create Beacon and Spacecraft states at Observation Times
    # stateSpacecraft = []
    # earth_states = []
    # mars_states = []
    # jupiter_states = []
    # venus_states = []
    # for t in observationTimes:
    #     earth_states.append(SP.spkezr(targ='3', et=t, ref=ref, abcorr='None', obs='SUN')[0])
    #     mars_states.append(SP.spkezr(targ='4', et=t, ref=ref, abcorr='None', obs='SUN')[0])
    #     jupiter_states.append(SP.spkezr(targ='5', et=t, ref=ref, abcorr='None', obs='SUN')[0])
    #     stateSpacecraft.append(SP.spkezr(targ=bodyIDStr, et=t, ref=ref, abcorr='None', obs='SUN')[0])
    #     venus_states.append(SP.spkezr(targ='2', et=t, ref=ref, abcorr='None', obs='SUN')[0])
    # ephemerides = {'spacecraft': np.array(stateSpacecraft).T,
    # 'earth': np.array(earth_states).T,
    # 'mars': np.array(mars_states).T,
    # 'jupiter': np.array(jupiter_states).T,
    # 'venus': np.array(venus_states).T
    # }

    stateSpacecraft = []
    for t in observationTimes:
        state = pyswice.new_doubleArray(6)
        lt = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
        stateArray = np.zeros(6)
        pyswice.spkezr_c(bodyIDStr, t, ref, 'None', 'SUN', state, lt)
        for i in range(6):
            stateArray[i] = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(state, i)
    ephemerides = {'spacecraft': np.array(stateSpacecraft).T}

    dyn_ref_state = []
    if realData == 'OFF':
        IC0 = stateSpacecraft[0]
        stateDimension = IC0.shape[0]
        phi0 = np.identity(stateDimension)
        # input to the propagator takes the ref_state and STM at t0, as well as the list of times
        propagationInputs = (IC0, phi0, observationTimes, extras)
        # execute propagation
        state = runRef(propagationInputs)
        for jj in range(len(observationTimes)):
        ephemerides = {'spacecraft': np.array(dyn_ref_state).T}

    # for planet in planet_beacons:
    #     planet = planet.lower()
    #     states = []
    #     for t in observationTimes:
    #         stateArray = np.zeros(6)
    #         state = pyswice.new_doubleArray(6)
    #         lt = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
    #         pyswice.spkezr_c(bodyIDStr, t, ref, 'None', 'SUN', state, lt)
    #         for i in range(6):
    #             stateArray[i] = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(state, i)
    #         stateSpacecraft.append(stateArray)
    #     ephemerides[planet] = np.array(states).T

    for beaconID in beaconIDs:
        beaconState = []
        for t in observationTimes:
            stateArray = np.zeros(6)
            state = pyswice.new_doubleArray(6)
            lt = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
            pyswice.spkezr_c(str(beaconID), t, ref, 'None', 'SUN', state, lt)
            for i in range(6):
                stateArray[i] = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(state, i)
        beaconState = np.array(beaconState).T
        ephemerides[str(beaconID)] = np.array(beaconState)

    return ephemerides, observationTimes
예제 #8
def generate_data(sc_ephem_file,
    # Load Ephemeris Files
    pyswice.furnsh_c(bskSpicePath + extras['basic_bsp'])
    pyswice.furnsh_c(dinoSpicePath + extras['mission_bsp'])
    pyswice.furnsh_c(dinoSpicePath + extras['tls'])

    for beacon in planet_beacons:
        found = pyswice.new_intArray(1)
        pyswice.intArray_setitem(found, 0, 0)
        beaconid = pyswice.new_intArray(1)
        pyswice.bodn2c_c(beacon, beaconid, found)
        beaconIDs.append(pyswice.intArray_getitem(beaconid, 0))

    # Identify Spacecraft Body
    bodyID = -100  # SP.spkobj(sc_ephem_file)
    bodyIDStr = str(bodyID)
    # Create Time Array
    observationTimes = np.linspace(
        start_et, end_et, num=n_observations,
        endpoint=True)  # range(start_et, end_et, n_observations - 1)

    # Create Beacon and Spacecraft states at Observation Times
    # stateSpacecraft = []
    # earth_states = []
    # mars_states = []
    # jupiter_states = []
    # venus_states = []
    # for t in observationTimes:
    #     earth_states.append(SP.spkezr(targ='3', et=t, ref=ref, abcorr='None', obs='SUN')[0])
    #     mars_states.append(SP.spkezr(targ='4', et=t, ref=ref, abcorr='None', obs='SUN')[0])
    #     jupiter_states.append(SP.spkezr(targ='5', et=t, ref=ref, abcorr='None', obs='SUN')[0])
    #     stateSpacecraft.append(SP.spkezr(targ=bodyIDStr, et=t, ref=ref, abcorr='None', obs='SUN')[0])
    #     venus_states.append(SP.spkezr(targ='2', et=t, ref=ref, abcorr='None', obs='SUN')[0])
    # ephemerides = {'spacecraft': np.array(stateSpacecraft).T,
    # 'earth': np.array(earth_states).T,
    # 'mars': np.array(mars_states).T,
    # 'jupiter': np.array(jupiter_states).T,
    # 'venus': np.array(venus_states).T
    # }

    stateSpacecraft = []
    for t in observationTimes:
        state = pyswice.new_doubleArray(6)
        lt = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
        stateArray = np.zeros(6)
        pyswice.spkezr_c(bodyIDStr, t, ref, 'None', 'SUN', state, lt)
        for i in range(6):
            stateArray[i] = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(state, i)
    ephemerides = {'spacecraft': np.array(stateSpacecraft).T}

    dyn_ref_state = []
    if realData == 'OFF':
        IC0 = stateSpacecraft[0]
        stateDimension = IC0.shape[0]
        phi0 = np.identity(stateDimension)
        # input to the propagator takes the ref_state and STM at t0, as well as the list of times
        propagationInputs = (IC0, phi0, observationTimes, extras)
        # execute propagation
        state = runRef(propagationInputs)
        for jj in range(len(observationTimes)):
        ephemerides = {'spacecraft': np.array(dyn_ref_state).T}

    # for planet in planet_beacons:
    #     planet = planet.lower()
    #     states = []
    #     for t in observationTimes:
    #         stateArray = np.zeros(6)
    #         state = pyswice.new_doubleArray(6)
    #         lt = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
    #         pyswice.spkezr_c(bodyIDStr, t, ref, 'None', 'SUN', state, lt)
    #         for i in range(6):
    #             stateArray[i] = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(state, i)
    #         stateSpacecraft.append(stateArray)
    #     ephemerides[planet] = np.array(states).T

    for beaconID in beaconIDs:
        beaconState = []
        for t in observationTimes:
            stateArray = np.zeros(6)
            state = pyswice.new_doubleArray(6)
            lt = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1)
            pyswice.spkezr_c(str(beaconID), t, ref, 'None', 'SUN', state, lt)
            for i in range(6):
                stateArray[i] = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(state, i)
        beaconState = np.array(beaconState).T
        ephemerides[str(beaconID)] = np.array(beaconState)

    return ephemerides, observationTimes