def setup(self, numTests=0, cycles=1, xargs=None, threads=0, testoutdir=u'', runner=None, **kwargs): self.runner = runner if not self.destDir: raise Exception('Cannot set destDir to ""') self.destDir = toLongPathSafe(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(runner.project.root, self.destDir\ .replace('@OUTDIR@', os.path.basename(runner.outsubdir)) \ ))) if os.path.exists(self.destDir) and all(f.endswith(('.txt', '.zip')) for f in os.listdir(self.destDir)): deletedir(self.destDir) # remove any existing archives (but not if this dir seems to have other stuff in it!) self.archiveAtEndOfRun = str(self.archiveAtEndOfRun).lower()=='true' self.fileExcludesRegex = re.compile(self.fileExcludesRegex) if self.fileExcludesRegex else None self.fileIncludesRegex = re.compile(self.fileIncludesRegex) if self.fileIncludesRegex else None self.maxArchiveSizeMB = float(self.maxArchiveSizeMB) self.maxArchives = int(self.maxArchives) self.__totalBytesRemaining = int(float(self.maxTotalSizeMB)*1024*1024) if self.archiveAtEndOfRun: self.queuedInstructions = [] self.skippedTests = [] self.archivesCreated = 0 self.__artifactWriters = [w for w in self.runner.writers if isinstance(w, ArtifactPublisher)] def pub(path, category): path = fromLongPathSafe(path).replace('\\','/') for a in self.__artifactWriters: a.publishArtifact(path, category) self.runner.publishArtifact = pub
def setup(self, **kwargs): # Creates the output directory for the writing of the test summary files. self.outputDir = (os.path.join(kwargs['runner'].project.root, 'target', 'pysys-reports') if not self.outputDir else os.path.join(kwargs['runner'].output + '/..', self.outputDir)) deletedir(self.outputDir) mkdir(self.outputDir) self.cycles = kwargs.pop('cycles', 0)
def setup(self, numTests=0, cycles=1, xargs=None, threads=0, testoutdir=u'', runner=None, **kwargs): for k in self.pluginProperties: if not hasattr(type(self), k): raise UserError('Unknown property "%s" for %s' % (k, self)) self.runner = runner if not self.destDir: raise Exception('Cannot set destDir to ""') # avoid double-expanding (which could mess up ${$} escapes), but if using default value we need to expand it if self.destDir == TestOutputArchiveWriter.destDir: self.destDir = runner.project.expandProperties(self.destDir) self.destDir = toLongPathSafe( os.path.normpath(os.path.join(runner.output + '/..', self.destDir))) if os.path.exists(self.destDir) and all( f.endswith(('.txt', '.zip')) for f in os.listdir(self.destDir)): deletedir( self.destDir ) # remove any existing archives (but not if this dir seems to have other stuff in it!) self.fileExcludesRegex = re.compile( self.fileExcludesRegex) if self.fileExcludesRegex else None self.fileIncludesRegex = re.compile( self.fileIncludesRegex) if self.fileIncludesRegex else None self.__totalBytesRemaining = int( float(self.maxTotalSizeMB) * 1024 * 1024) if self.archiveAtEndOfRun: self.queuedInstructions = [] self.skippedTests = [] self.archivesCreated = 0 self.includeNonFailureOutcomes = [ str(o) for o in OUTCOMES ] if self.includeNonFailureOutcomes == '*' else [ o.strip().upper() for o in self.includeNonFailureOutcomes.split(',') if o.strip() ] for o in self.includeNonFailureOutcomes: if not any(o == str(outcome) for outcome in OUTCOMES): raise UserError( 'Unknown outcome display name "%s" in includeNonFailureOutcomes' % o)
def clean(self): """Remove large files and folders if the test passes""" if self.testcase.getOutcome() == PASSED:'Purging node %s output directory of large files' % os.remove(self.jar) map(lambda x: deletedir(os.path.join(, x)), ['artemis', 'brokers'])
def clean(self): Project.findAndLoadProject(outdir=self.outsubdir) descriptors = createDescriptors(self.arguments, None, [], [], None, self.workingDir, expandmodes=False) supportMultipleModesPerRun = Project.getInstance().getProperty( 'supportMultipleModesPerRun', True) for descriptor in descriptors: if self.all: modulepath = os.path.join(descriptor.testDir, descriptor.module) cache = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(modulepath), "__pycache__") if os.path.isdir(cache):"Deleting pycache: " + cache) deletedir(cache) else: log.debug('__pycache__ does not exist: %s', cache) path = modulepath + ".pyc" if os.path.exists(path):"Deleting compiled Python module: " + path) os.remove(path) else: log.debug('.pyc does not exist: %s', path) for mode in (descriptor.modes or [None]): pathToDelete = os.path.join(descriptor.testDir, descriptor.output, self.outsubdir) if os.path.isabs(self.outsubdir ): # must delete only the selected testcase pathToDelete += "/" + if supportMultipleModesPerRun and mode: pathToDelete += '~' + mode if os.path.exists(pathToDelete):"Deleting output directory: " + pathToDelete) deletedir(pathToDelete) else: log.debug("Output directory does not exist: " + pathToDelete)
def setup(self, numTests=0, cycles=1, xargs=None, threads=0, testoutdir=u'', runner=None, **kwargs): for k in self.pluginProperties: if not hasattr(type(self), k): raise UserError('Unknown property "%s" for %s' % (k, self)) self.runner = runner if not self.destDir: raise Exception('Cannot set destDir to ""') if not self.fileIncludesRegex: raise Exception('fileIncludesRegex must be specified for %s' % type(self).__name__) self.destDir = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(runner.output + '/..', self.destDir)) if pathexists(self.destDir + os.sep + 'pysysproject.xml'): raise Exception('Cannot set destDir to testRootDir') # the code below assumes (for long path safe logic) this includes correct slashes (if any) self.outputPattern = self.outputPattern.replace('/', os.sep).replace( '\\', os.sep) if self.destArchive: self.destArchive = os.path.join(self.destDir, self.destArchive) if os.path.exists(self.destDir): deletedir( self.destDir ) # remove any existing archives (but not if this dir seems to have other stuff in it!) def prepRegex(exp): if not exp: return None if not exp.endswith('$'): exp = exp + '$' # by default require regex to match up to the end to avoid common mistakes return re.compile(exp) self.fileExcludesRegex = prepRegex(self.fileExcludesRegex) self.fileIncludesRegex = prepRegex(self.fileIncludesRegex) self.collectedFileCount = 0