예제 #1
	def setup(self, numTests=0, cycles=1, xargs=None, threads=0, testoutdir=u'', runner=None, **kwargs):
		super(GitHubActionsCIWriter, self).setup(numTests=numTests, cycles=cycles, xargs=xargs, threads=threads, 
			testoutdir=testoutdir, runner=runner, **kwargs)
		self.__outputs = set()
		self.remainingAnnotations = int(self.maxAnnotations)-2 # one is used up for the non-zero exit status and one is used for the summary
		if str(self.failureTestLogAnnotations).lower()!='true': self.remainingAnnotations = 0
		self.failureTestLogAnnotations = []

		self.runner = runner
		self.runid = os.path.basename(testoutdir)
		if runner.printLogs is None:
			# if setting was not overridden by user, default for CI is 
			# to only print failures since otherwise the output is too long 
			# and hard to find the logs of interest
			runner.printLogs = PrintLogs.FAILURES
		self.outputGitHubCommand(u'group', u'Logs for test run: %s' % self.runid)
		# enable coloring automatically, since this CI provider supports it
		runner.project.formatters.stdout.color = True
		# in this provider, colors render more clearly with bright=False
		self.artifacts = {} # map of category:[paths]
예제 #2
	def setup(self, numTests=0, cycles=1, xargs=None, threads=0, testoutdir=u'', runner=None, **kwargs):
		self.runid = os.path.basename(testoutdir)
		if runner.printLogs is None:
			# if setting was not overridden by user, default for Travis is 
			# to only print failures since otherwise the output is too long 
			# and hard to find the logs of interest
			runner.printLogs = PrintLogs.FAILURES
		stdoutPrint(u'travis_fold:start:PySys-%s'%self.runid.replace(' ', '-'))
		# enable coloring automatically, since this CI provider supports it, 
		# but must explicitly disable bright colors since it doesn't yet support that
		runner.project.formatters.stdout.color = True