class Test_SimpleSQLite_create_table_from_tabledata(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize(["value", "expected"], [ [ ptr.TableData("json1", ["attr_a", "attr_b", "attr_c"], [ { 'attr_a': 1, 'attr_b': 4, 'attr_c': 'a' }, { 'attr_a': 2, 'attr_b': 2.1, 'attr_c': 'bb' }, { 'attr_a': 3, 'attr_b': 120.9, 'attr_c': 'ccc' }, ]), [(1, 4.0, 'a'), (2, 2.1, 'bb'), (3, 120.9, 'ccc')] ], [ ptr.TableData( "multibyte_char", ["姓", "名", "生年月日", "郵便番号", "住所", "電話番号"], [ [ "山田", "太郎", "2001/1/1", "100-0002", "東京都千代田区皇居外苑", "03-1234-5678" ], [ "山田", "次郎", "2001/1/2", "251-0036", "神奈川県藤沢市江の島1丁目", "03-9999-9999" ], ]), [ ("山田", "太郎", "2001/1/1", "100-0002", "東京都千代田区皇居外苑", "03-1234-5678"), ("山田", "次郎", "2001/1/2", "251-0036", "神奈川県藤沢市江の島1丁目", "03-9999-9999"), ] ], ]) def test_normal(self, tmpdir, value, expected): p_db = tmpdir.join("tmp.db") con = SimpleSQLite(str(p_db), "w") con.create_table_from_tabledata(value) assert con.get_table_name_list() == [value.table_name] assert con.get_attr_name_list(value.table_name) == value.header_list result ="*", table_name=value.table_name) result_matrix = result.fetchall() assert result_matrix == expected actual = con.select_as_tabledata(column_list=value.header_list, table_name=value.table_name) assert actual == value
def test_normal_json(self, tmpdir, file_path, format_name): p_file_path = Path(str(tmpdir.join(file_path))) p_file_path.parent.makedirs_p() with open(p_file_path, "w") as f: f.write('''[ {"attr_a": 1}, {"attr_b": 2.1, "attr_c": "bb"} ]''') expeced_list = [ ptr.TableData("validdata_json1", ["attr_a", "attr_b", "attr_c"], [ { 'attr_a': 1 }, { 'attr_b': 2.1, 'attr_c': 'bb' }, ]) ] loader = ptr.TableFileLoader(p_file_path, format_name) assert loader.format_name == "json" for tabledata, expected in zip(loader.load(), expeced_list): assert tabledata == expected
def test_normal_csv(self, tmpdir, file_path, format_name): filename = pv.replace_symbol(file_path, "") p_file_path = Path( six.text_type(tmpdir.join(filename + Path(file_path).ext))) p_file_path.parent.makedirs_p() with open(p_file_path, "w") as f: f.write('''"attr_a","attr_b","attr_c" 1,4,"a" 2,2.1,"bb" 3,120.9,"ccc"''') expeced_list = [ ptr.TableData(filename, ["attr_a", "attr_b", "attr_c"], [ [1, 4, "a"], [2, "2.1", "bb"], [3, "120.9", "ccc"], ]) ] loader = ptr.TableFileLoader(p_file_path, format_name) assert loader.format_name == "csv" for tabledata, expected in zip(loader.load(), expeced_list): print(ptw.dump_tabledata(expected)) print(ptw.dump_tabledata(tabledata)) assert tabledata == expected
def test_normal_json(self, url, format_name): responses.add(responses.GET, url, body='''[ {"attr_a": 1}, {"attr_b": 2.1, "attr_c": "bb"} ]''', content_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8', status=200) expeced_list = [ ptr.TableData("json1", ["attr_a", "attr_b", "attr_c"], [ { 'attr_a': 1 }, { 'attr_b': 2.1, 'attr_c': 'bb' }, ]) ] loader = ptr.TableUrlLoader(url, format_name) assert loader.format_name == "json" for tabledata, expected in zip(loader.load(), expeced_list): assert tabledata == expected
def test_normal_csv(self, url, format_name): responses.add(responses.GET, url, body='''"attr_a","attr_b","attr_c" 1,4,"a" 2,2.1,"bb" 3,120.9,"ccc"''', content_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8', status=200) expeced_list = [ ptr.TableData("csv1", ["attr_a", "attr_b", "attr_c"], [ [1, 4, "a"], [2, "2.1", "bb"], [3, "120.9", "ccc"], ]) ] loader = ptr.TableUrlLoader(url, format_name) assert loader.format_name == "csv" for tabledata, expected in zip(loader.load(), expeced_list): print("[expected]\n{}".format(ptw.dump_tabledata(expected))) print("[actual]\n{}".format(ptw.dump_tabledata(tabledata))) assert tabledata == expected
def create_table_from_data_matrix(self, table_name, attr_name_list, data_matrix, index_attr_list=None): """ Create a table if not exists. Moreover, insert data into the created table. :param str table_name: Table name to create. :param list attr_name_list: List of attribute names of the table. :param data_matrix: Data to be inserted into the table. :type data_matrix: List of |dict|/|namedtuple|/|list|/|tuple| :param tuple index_attr_list: List of attribute names of creating indices. :raises simplesqlite.InvalidTableNameError: |raises_validate_table_name| :raises simplesqlite.InvalidAttributeNameError: |raises_validate_attr_name| :raises ValueError: If the ``data_matrix`` is empty. :Example: :ref:`example-create-table-from-data-matrix` .. seealso:: :py:meth:`.create_table` :py:meth:`.insert_many` :py:meth:`.create_index_list` """ self.__create_table_from_tabledata( ptr.TableData(table_name, attr_name_list, data_matrix), index_attr_list)
def select_as_tabledata(self, table_name, column_list=None, where=None, extra=None): """ SELECT data in the database and return data as a :py:class:`pytablereader.TableData`. :param str table_name: Table name to extract data. :param list column_list: Column name list to get data. If the value is |None|, get data from all of the columns in the table. :return: Table data as a :py:class:`pytablereader.TableData` instance. :rtype: pytablereader.TableData :raises simplesqlite.NullDatabaseConnectionError: |raises_check_connection| :raises simplesqlite.TableNotFoundError: |raises_verify_table_existence| :raises simplesqlite.OperationalError: |raises_operational_error| .. note:: ``pandas`` package required to execute this method. """ if column_list is None: column_list = self.get_attr_name_list(table_name) result =",".join( SqlQuery.to_attr_str_list(column_list)), table_name=table_name, where=where, extra=extra) if result is None: return ptr.TableData(table_name=None, header_list=[], record_list=[]) return ptr.TableData(table_name=table_name, header_list=column_list, record_list=result.fetchall())
def test_normal_excel(self): url = '' data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data/validdata.xlsx") with open(data_path, "rb") as f: responses.add(responses.GET, url,, content_type='application/octet-stream', status=200) expeced_list = [ ptr.TableData(table_name='testsheet1', header_list=['a1', 'b1', 'c1'], record_list=[ ['aa1', 'ab1', 'ac1'], [1.0, 1.1, 'a'], [2.0, 2.2, 'bb'], [3.0, 3.3, 'cc'], ]), ptr.TableData(table_name='testsheet3', header_list=['a3', 'b3', 'c3'], record_list=[ ['aa3', 'ab3', 'ac3'], [4.0, 1.1, 'a'], [5.0, '', 'bb'], [6.0, 3.3, ''], ]), ] loader = ptr.TableUrlLoader(url) assert loader.format_name == "excel" for tabledata, expected in zip(loader.load(), expeced_list): assert tabledata == expected
def test_normal_excel(self, tmpdir): file_path = '/tmp/valid/test/data/validdata.xlsx' p_file_path = Path(str(tmpdir.join(file_path))) p_file_path.parent.makedirs_p() tabledata_list = [ ptr.TableData(table_name='testsheet1', header_list=['a1', 'b1', 'c1'], record_list=[ ['aa1', 'ab1', 'ac1'], [1.0, 1.1, 'a'], [2.0, 2.2, 'bb'], [3.0, 3.3, 'cc'], ]), ptr.TableData(table_name='testsheet3', header_list=['a3', 'b3', 'c3'], record_list=[ ['aa3', 'ab3', 'ac3'], [4.0, 1.1, 'a'], [5.0, '', 'bb'], [6.0, 3.3, ''], ]), ] writer = ptw.ExcelXlsxTableWriter() writer.open_workbook(p_file_path) for tabledata in tabledata_list: writer.from_tabledata(tabledata) writer.write_table() writer.close() loader = ptr.TableFileLoader(p_file_path) assert loader.format_name == "excel" for tabledata in loader.load(): assert tabledata in tabledata_list
def database_path(tmpdir): p = tmpdir.join("tmp.db") db_path = str(p) con = simplesqlite.SimpleSQLite(db_path, "w") con.create_table_from_tabledata(ptr.TableData( "testdb0", ["attr_a", "attr_b"], [ [1, 2], [3, 4], ]), index_attr_list=["attr_a"] ) con.create_table_from_tabledata(ptr.TableData( "testdb1", ["foo", "bar", "hoge"], [ [1, 2.2, "aa"], [3, 4.4, "bb"], ]), index_attr_list=("foo", "hoge") ) con.create_table( "constraints", [ "primarykey_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY", "notnull_value REAL NOT NULL", "unique_value INTEGER UNIQUE", ] ) return db_path
def test_smoke_database_connection(self, database_path, verbosity_level, output_format, expected_v): con = simplesqlite.SimpleSQLite(database_path, "a") extractor = ss.SqliteSchemaExtractor(con, verbosity_level, output_format) assert len(extractor.dumps()) > 10 assert extractor.verbosity_level == expected_v assert extractor.get_database_schema() is not None for table_name in extractor.get_table_name_list(): extractor.get_table_schema_text(table_name) con.create_table_from_tabledata( ptr.TableData("newtable", ["foo", "bar", "hoge"], [ [1, 2.2, "aa"], [3, 4.4, "bb"], ])) extractor.get_table_schema_text("newtable")
class Test_SimpleSQLite_select_as_dict(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize(["value", "expected"], [ [ ptr.TableData("json1", ["attr_a", "attr_b", "attr_c"], [ { 'attr_a': 1, 'attr_b': 4, 'attr_c': 'a' }, { 'attr_a': 2, 'attr_b': 2.1, 'attr_c': 'bb' }, { 'attr_a': 3, 'attr_b': 120.9, 'attr_c': 'ccc' }, ]), { 'json1': [ OrderedDict([('attr_a', 1), ('attr_b', 4), ('attr_c', 'a')]), OrderedDict([('attr_a', 2), ('attr_b', 2.1), ('attr_c', 'bb')]), OrderedDict([('attr_a', 3), ('attr_b', 120.9), ('attr_c', 'ccc')]), ], }, ], ]) def test_normal(self, tmpdir, value, expected): p_db = tmpdir.join("tmp.db") con = SimpleSQLite(str(p_db), "w") con.create_table_from_tabledata(value) assert con.select_as_dict(table_name=value.table_name) == expected
class Test_ExcelTableFileLoader_load: def setup_method(self, method): TableLoader.clear_table_count() @pytest.mark.parametrize([ "table_name", "start_row", "expected_tabledata", ], [ [ "%(sheet)s", 0, [ ptr.TableData(table_name="boolsheet", header_list=["true", "false", "tf", "lost"], record_list=[ [True, False, True, True], [True, False, False, ""], [True, False, False, False], ]), ptr.TableData(table_name="testsheet1", header_list=["a1", "b1", "c1"], record_list=[ ["aa1", "ab1", "ac1"], [1.0, 1.1, "a"], [2.0, 2.2, "bb"], [3.0, 3.3, "cc"], ]), ptr.TableData(table_name="testsheet3", header_list=["a3", "b3", "c3"], record_list=[ ["aa3", "ab3", "ac3"], [4.0, 1.1, "a"], [5.0, "", "bb"], [6.0, 3.3, ""], ]), ] ], [ "%(filename)s_%(sheet)s", 2, [ ptr.TableData(table_name="tmp_boolsheet", header_list=["TRUE", "FALSE", "False", "False"], record_list=[]), ptr.TableData(table_name="tmp_testsheet1", header_list=["aa1", "ab1", "ac1"], record_list=[ [1.0, 1.1, "a"], [2.0, 2.2, "bb"], [3.0, 3.3, "cc"], ]), ptr.TableData(table_name="tmp_testsheet3", header_list=["a3", "b3", "c3"], record_list=[ ["aa3", "ab3", "ac3"], [4.0, 1.1, "a"], [5.0, "", "bb"], [6.0, 3.3, ""], ]), ] ], ]) def test_normal(self, valid_excel_file_path, table_name, start_row, expected_tabledata): loader = ptr.ExcelTableFileLoader(valid_excel_file_path) loader.table_name = table_name loader.start_row = start_row for tabledata, expected in zip(loader.load(), expected_tabledata): assert tabledata == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize([ "table_name", "start_row", "expected", ], [ [ "%(sheet)s", 0, ptr.InvalidDataError, ], ]) def test_abnormal(self, invalid_excel_file_path, table_name, start_row, expected): loader = ptr.ExcelTableFileLoader(invalid_excel_file_path) loader.table_name = table_name loader.start_row = start_row for tabletuple in loader.load(): assert tabletuple == [] @pytest.mark.parametrize([ "source", "expected", ], [ ["", ptr.InvalidFilePathError], [None, ptr.InvalidFilePathError], ]) def test_null_file_path(self, source, expected): loader = ptr.ExcelTableFileLoader(source) with pytest.raises(expected): for _tabletuple in loader.load(): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize([ "table_name", "expected", ], [ ["", ValueError], [None, ValueError], ]) def test_null_table_name(self, valid_excel_file_path, table_name, expected): loader = ptr.ExcelTableFileLoader(valid_excel_file_path) loader.table_name = table_name with pytest.raises(expected): for _tabletuple in loader.load(): pass