예제 #1
    def fill(
        counter: Optional[int] = None,
        ttl: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> 'OperationGroup':
        """Try to fill all fields left unfilled, use approximate fees
        (not optimal, use `autofill` to simulate operation and get precise values).

        :param counter: Override counter value (for manual handling)
        :param ttl: Number of blocks to wait in the mempool before removal (default is 5 for public network, 60 for sandbox)
        :rtype: OperationGroup
        if kwargs.get('branch_offset') is not None:
            logger.warning('`branch_offset` argument is deprecated, use `ttl` instead')
            ttl = MAX_OPERATIONS_TTL - kwargs['branch_offset']

        if ttl is None:
            ttl = self.context.get_operations_ttl()
        if not 0 < ttl <= MAX_OPERATIONS_TTL:
            raise Exception('`ttl` has to be in range (0, 60]')

        chain_id = self.chain_id or self.context.get_chain_id()
        branch = self.branch or self.shell.blocks[f'head-{MAX_OPERATIONS_TTL - ttl}'].hash()
        protocol = self.protocol or self.shell.head.header()['protocol']
        source = self.key.public_key_hash()

        if counter is not None:

        replace_map = {
            'pkh': source,
            'source': source,
            'delegate': source,  # self registration
            'counter': lambda x: str(self.context.get_counter()),
            'secret': lambda x: self.key.activation_code,
            'period': lambda x: str(self.shell.head.voting_period()),
            'public_key': lambda x: self.key.public_key(),
            'fee': lambda x: str(default_fee(x)),
            'gas_limit': lambda x: str(default_gas_limit(x, self.context.constants)),
            'storage_limit': lambda x: str(default_storage_limit(x, self.context.constants)),

        def fill_content(content):
            content = content.copy()
            for k, v in replace_map.items():
                if content.get(k) in ['', '0']:
                    content[k] = v(content) if callable(v) else v
            return content

        return self._spawn(
            contents=list(map(fill_content, self.contents)),
예제 #2
파일: node.py 프로젝트: utdemir/pytezos
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     for attempt in range(REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT):
         logger.debug('Node request attempt %s/%s', attempt + 1, REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT)
             return fn(*args, **kwargs)
         except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
             if attempt + 1 == REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT:
                 raise e
예제 #3
파일: group.py 프로젝트: baking-bad/pytezos
    def autofill(
        gas_reserve: int = DEFAULT_GAS_RESERVE,
        burn_reserve: int = DEFAULT_BURN_RESERVE,
        counter: Optional[int] = None,
        ttl: Optional[int] = None,
        fee: Optional[int] = None,
        gas_limit: Optional[int] = None,
        storage_limit: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> 'OperationGroup':
        """Fill the gaps and then simulate the operation in order to calculate fee, gas/storage limits.

        :param gas_reserve: Add a safe reserve for dynamically calculated gas limit (default is 100).
        :param burn_reserve: Add a safe reserve for dynamically calculated storage limit (default is 100).
        :param counter: Override counter value (for manual handling)
        :param ttl: Number of blocks to wait in the mempool before removal (default is 5 for public network, 60 for sandbox)
        :param fee: Explicitly set fee for operation. If not set fee will be calculated depending on results of operation dry-run.
        :param gas_limit: Explicitly set gas limit for operation. If not set gas limit will be calculated depending on results of
            operation dry-run.
        :param storage_limit: Explicitly set storage limit for operation. If not set storage limit will be calculated depending on
            results of operation dry-run.
        :rtype: OperationGroup
        if kwargs.get('branch_offset') is not None:
            logger.warning('`branch_offset` argument is deprecated, use `ttl` instead')
            ttl = MAX_OPERATIONS_TTL - kwargs['branch_offset']

        opg = self.fill(counter=counter, ttl=ttl)
        opg_with_metadata = opg.run()
        if not OperationResult.is_applied(opg_with_metadata):
            raise RpcError.from_errors(OperationResult.errors(opg_with_metadata))

        extra_size = (32 + 64) // len(opg.contents) + 1  # size of serialized branch and signature

        def fill_content(content: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
            if validation_passes[content['kind']] == 3:
                _gas_limit, _storage_limit, _fee = gas_limit, storage_limit, fee

                if _gas_limit is None:
                    _gas_limit = OperationResult.consumed_gas(content)
                    if content['kind'] in ['origination', 'transaction']:
                        _gas_limit += gas_reserve

                if storage_limit is None:
                    _paid_storage_size_diff = OperationResult.paid_storage_size_diff(content)
                    _burned = OperationResult.burned(content)
                    _storage_limit = _paid_storage_size_diff + _burned
                    if content['kind'] in ['origination', 'transaction']:
                        _storage_limit += burn_reserve

                if _fee is None:
                    _fee = calculate_fee(content, _gas_limit, extra_size)

                current_counter = int(content['counter'])
                    counter=str(current_counter + self.context.get_counter_offset()),

            logger.debug("autofilled transaction content: %s" % content)
            return content

        opg.contents = list(map(fill_content, opg_with_metadata['contents']))
        return opg
예제 #4
    def inject(
        check_result: bool = True,
        num_blocks_wait: int = 5,
        time_between_blocks: Optional[int] = None,
        min_confirmations: int = 0,
        """Inject the signed operation group.

        :param check_result: raise RpcError in case operation is applied but has runtime errors
        :param num_blocks_wait: number of blocks to wait for injection
        :param time_between_blocks: override the corresponding parameter from constants
        :param min_confirmations: number of block injections to wait for before returning
        :returns: operation group with metadata (raw RPC response)
        if kwargs.get('_async'):
            logger.warning('`_async` argument is deprecated, use `min_confirmations` instead')
            min_confirmations = 0 if kwargs['_async'] is True else 1


        opg_hash = self.shell.injection.operation.post(

        if min_confirmations == 0:
            return {
                'chain_id': self.chain_id,
                'hash': opg_hash,

        logger.info('Waiting for %s confirmations in %s blocks', min_confirmations, num_blocks_wait)
        in_mempool = True
        confirmations = 0
        for _ in range(num_blocks_wait):
            logger.info('Waiting for the next block')

            if in_mempool:
                    pending_opg = self.shell.mempool.pending_operations[opg_hash]
                    if not OperationResult.is_applied(pending_opg):
                        raise RpcError.from_errors(OperationResult.errors(pending_opg))
                    logger.info('Operation %s is still in mempool', opg_hash)
                except StopIteration:
                    in_mempool = False

                res = self.shell.blocks[-1:].find_operation(opg_hash)
            except StopIteration:
                logger.info('Operation %s not found in lastest block', opg_hash)

            if check_result:
                if not OperationResult.is_applied(res):
                    raise RpcError.from_errors(OperationResult.errors(res))

            confirmations += 1
            logger.info('Got %s/%s confirmations', confirmations, min_confirmations)
            if confirmations == min_confirmations:
                return res

        raise TimeoutError(f'Operation {opg_hash} got {confirmations} confirmations in {num_blocks_wait} blocks')