예제 #1
	def post(self):
		user = users.get_current_user()
		game_key = self.request.get("game_key")
		self.channel = Channel()
		if not game_key:
			#if the client did not specify a game_key, then obviously they have no friends so we'll create a game_key for them
			game_key = str(random.getrandbits(32)) + user.user_id() # a relatively long pseudo random number should ensure enough uniqueness that we require (after all, it's not secret!)
			token = self.channel.createToken(user, game_key)

			self.game = Game(key_name = str(game_key))
			gameupdater = GameUpdater(self.game)
			self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
			self.response.write(json.dumps({'game_key': game_key, 'token' : token})) #Return a JSON with the token inside		
			game = Game.get_by_key_name(self.request.get('game_key'))
			if not game :
				self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
				self.response.write(json.dumps({'error' : 'no game exists'})) #Return a JSON with the token inside
			else :
				game_key =  self.request.get('game_key')
				token = self.channel.createToken(user, game_key)
				self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
				self.response.write(json.dumps({'game_key': game_key, 'token' : token})) #Return a JSON with the token inside