def gen_sx_autoloader_files_menu(): print('***********************************************') print('SX AUTOLOADER GENERATE FILES FROM HDD OR FOLDER') print('***********************************************') print('') folder=input("Input a drive path: ") if not os.path.exists(folder): sys.exit("Can't find location") title = 'Target for autoloader files: ' options = ['HDD','SD'] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) if selected[0]=='HDD': type='hdd' else: type='sd' title = 'Push files after generation?: ' options = ['YES','NO'] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) if selected[0]=='YES': push=True else: push=False title = "Ensure files can't colide after transfer?: " options = ['YES','NO'] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) if selected[0]=='YES': no_colide=True else: no_colide=False gen_sx_autoloader_files(folder,type=type,push=push,no_colide=no_colide)
def push_sx_autoloader_libraries(): if not is_switch_connected(): sys.exit("Can't push files. Switch device isn't connected.\nCheck if mtp responder is running!!!") title = "Ensure files can't colide after transfer?: " options = ['YES','NO'] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) if selected[0]=='YES': no_colide=True else: no_colide=False print(' * Pushing autoloader files in hdd folder') HDD_folder=os.path.join(sx_autoloader_db, 'hdd') destiny="1: External SD Card\\sxos\\titles\\00FF0012656180FF\\cach\\hdd" process=subprocess.Popen([nscb_mtp,"TransferFolder","-ori",HDD_folder,"-dst",destiny,"-fbf","true"]) while process.poll()==None: if process.poll()!=None: process.terminate(); print(' * Pushing autoloader files in SD folder') SD_folder=os.path.join(sx_autoloader_db, 'sd') destiny="1: External SD Card\\sxos\\titles\\00FF0012656180FF\\cach\\sd" process=subprocess.Popen([nscb_mtp,"TransferFolder","-ori",SD_folder,"-dst",destiny,"-fbf","true"]) while process.poll()==None: if process.poll()!=None: process.terminate(); if no_colide==True: cleanup_sx_autoloader_files()
def interface_compressedf_mode(): from python_pick import pick title = 'Compressed files detected. Input download mode' options = ['Compressed', 'Uncompressed'] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) response = selected[0] return response
def interface_xci_mode(): from python_pick import pick title = 'Xci files detected. Input download mode' options = ['Untrimmed', 'Trimmed', 'Supertrimmed'] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) response = selected[0] return response
def pick_download_folder(): title = 'Select download folder: ' db = libraries(download_lib_file) if db == False: return False, False options = [x for x in db.keys()] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) path = (db[selected[0]])['path'] return path
def pick_download_folder(): from python_pick import pick title = 'Select download folder: ' db = libraries(download_lib_file) if db == False: return False, False options = [x for x in db.keys()] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) path = selected[0] return path
def pick_transfer_folder(): if not os.path.exists(mtp_internal_lib): return "SD" title = 'Select transfer folder: ' db = libraries(mtp_internal_lib) if db == False: return "SD" options = [x for x in db.keys()] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) path = (db[selected[0]])['path'] return path
def TD_picker(path): remote = location(route=path) names, ids = get_TeamDrives(remote.token_name) if names: title = 'Select Teamdrive (press SPACE\RIGHT to mark\\unmark, ENTER to continue): \n"None" will return the My-Drive section of the account' options = names selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) TD = selected[0] if TD == 'None': TD = None else: TD = None return TD
def remote_interface_filter_local(filelist): title = 'Add a search filter?: ' options = ['Yes', 'No'] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) response = selected[0] if response == 'No': return filelist else: clear_Screen() About() ck = input('INPUT SEARCH FILTER: ') filelist = listmanager.filter_vlist(filelist, token=ck, Print=False) return filelist
def interface_filter(path=None): title = 'Add a search filter?: ' options = ['Yes','No'] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) response=selected[0] if response=='No': return None else: clear_Screen() About() if path != None: print("Filepath {}\n".format(str(path))) ck=input('INPUT SEARCH FILTER: ') return ck
def search_with_filter(folder_paths, extlist=['nsp', 'nsz', 'xci', 'xcz']): filepaths = [] title = 'Add a search filter?: ' options = ['Yes', 'No'] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) response = selected[0] if response == 'No': for fo in folder_paths: rlist = listmanager.folder_to_list(fo, extlist) filepaths = [*filepaths, *rlist] return filepaths else: clear_Screen() About() ck = input('INPUT SEARCH FILTER: ') for fo in folder_paths: rlist = listmanager.folder_to_list(fo, extlist, ck) filepaths = [*filepaths, *rlist] return filepaths
def pick_libraries(): title = 'Select libraries to search: ' db=libraries(remote_lib_file) if db==False: return False,False options = [x for x in db.keys()] selected = pick(options, title,multi_select=True,min_selection_count=1) # print(selected) paths=list();TDs=list() for entry in selected: paths.append((db[entry[0]])['path']) try: TDs.append((db[entry[0]])['TD_name']) except: TDs.append(None) # for p in range(len(paths)): # print(paths[p]) # print(TDs[p]) return paths,TDs
def token_picker(): files = folder_to_list(credentials_dir, "all") # print(files) tokens = list() names = list() for file in files: bname = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(file)) test = bname.split(".") if len(test) == 1 and file not in tokens: tokens.append(file) names.append(str(os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(file)))) if len(names) > 1: title = 'Pick an account (press SPACE\RIGHT to mark\\unmark, ENTER to continue): ' options = names selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) tok = names[selected[1]] elif len(names) == 1: tok = names[0] else: tok = False return tok
def search_folder(path, TD=None, ext=None, filter=None, order=None, mime='files', Pick=True, Print=True, pickmode='multi'): file_list = list() userfilter = filter isroot = False TDlist = False file_listv2 = list() if isinstance(path, list): paths = path else: paths = path.split('.+') if isinstance(TD, list): TDlist = TD index = 0 for path in paths: # print(path) try: if userfilter == None or filter == "": filter = "" else: filter = " and name contains '{}'".format(userfilter) if TDlist != False: TD = TDlist[index] index += 1 if TD == "pick": TD = TD_picker(path) if TD != None: remote = location(route=path, TD_Name=TD) else: remote = location(route=path) drive_service = remote.drive_service if drive_service == None: if remote.token_name == None: auth = auth() else: auth = auth(token=token_name) drive_service = auth.drive_service tk, fl = get_path_parameters(path) if not fl and TD == None: root = 'root' remote.root = root remote.ID = root elif not fl: root = remote.ID remote.root = root remote.ID = root else: root = remote.root # print(remote.ID) if mime == 'files': page_token = None pagesize = 1000 while True: if root != 'root': results = drive_service.files().list( q="mimeType!='application/' and '{}' in parents{}" .format(remote.ID, filter), pageSize=pagesize, pageToken=page_token, fields= "nextPageToken, files(id, name, size, createdTime)", includeItemsFromAllDrives=True, supportsAllDrives=True).execute() else: results = drive_service.files().list( q="mimeType!='application/' and '{}' in parents{}" .format(remote.ID, filter), pageSize=pagesize, pageToken=page_token, fields= "nextPageToken, files(id, name, size, createdTime)" ).execute() items = results.get('files', []) try: page_token = results.get('nextPageToken', None) except: pass for file in items: try: file_list.append([ file['name'], file['size'], path, file['createdTime'] ]) except: pass if Print == True: print(f'- {path}: Total Retrieved ' + str(len(file_list))) if page_token == None: break elif mime == 'folders': page_token = None pagesize = 100 while True: if root != 'root': results = drive_service.files().list( q="mimeType='application/' and '{}' in parents{}" .format(remote.ID, filter), pageSize=pagesize, pageToken=page_token, fields="nextPageToken, files(id, name)", includeItemsFromAllDrives=True, supportsAllDrives=True).execute() else: results = drive_service.files().list( q="mimeType='application/' and '{}' in parents{}" .format(remote.ID, filter), pageSize=pagesize, pageToken=page_token, fields="nextPageToken, files(id, name)").execute() items = results.get('files', []) try: page_token = results.get('nextPageToken', None) except: pass for file in items: try: file_list.append([file['name'], path]) except: pass if Print == True: print(f'- {path}: Total Retrieved ' + str(len(file_list))) if page_token == None: break except: print(f'- {path}: Retrieved 0') return False if not file_list: return False file_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) if Pick == True: if pickmode != 'single': title = 'Select results (press SPACE\RIGHT to mark\\unmark, ENTER to continue): ' elif mime == "files": title = 'Select result:' else: title = 'Select result:\n + Press space or right to select content \n + Press E to finish selection' oplist = list() cleanlist = list() if mime == 'folders': for item in file_list: oplist.append(item[0]) cleanlist.append(clean_name(item[0])) else: for item in file_list: sz = str(sq_tools.getSize(int(item[1]))) oplist.append(item[0] + ' | ' + sz) cleanlist.append(clean_name(item[0]) + ' | ' + sz) options = cleanlist if pickmode != 'single': selected = pick(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=0) elif mime == "files": selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) if selected[0] == False: return False else: picker = Picker(options, title, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: return False # print (selected) oplist = file_list file_list = list() if pickmode == 'single': if mime == 'folders': basepath = oplist[selected[1]][1] if basepath[-1] != "/" and basepath[-1] != "\\": basepath = basepath + '/' pth = basepath + oplist[selected[1]][0] else: basepath = oplist[selected[1]][2] if basepath[-1] != "/" and basepath[-1] != "\\": basepath = basepath + '/' pth = basepath + oplist[selected[1]][0] return pth if mime == 'folders': for file in selected: basepath = oplist[file[1]][1] if basepath[-1] != "/" and basepath[-1] != "\\": basepath = basepath + '/' pth = basepath + oplist[file[1]][0] file_list.append(pth) else: for file in selected: basepath = oplist[file[1]][2] if basepath[-1] != "/" and basepath[-1] != "\\": basepath = basepath + '/' pth = basepath + oplist[file[1]][0] file_list.append(pth) if not file_list: return False if Print == True: print("\n- User selected the following results: ") for file in file_list: print(file) else: print("- User selected {} files".format(str(len(file_list)))) if TDlist != False and file_list: file_listv2.append([file_list, TD]) if TDlist != False: return file_listv2 return file_list
def get_files_from_walk(tfile=None, extlist=['nsp', 'nsz', 'xci', 'xcz'], filter=False, recursive=False, doPrint=False): if not isinstance(extlist, list): if str(extlist).lower() != 'all': ext = extlist.split() extlist = [] for x in ext: extlist.append(x) folder, rec = folder_walker() if folder == False: return False if rec == True: recursive = True print("Parsing files. Please wait...") title = 'Add a search filter?: ' options = ['Yes', 'No'] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) response = selected[0] if response == 'No': pass else: clear_Screen() About() filter = input('INPUT SEARCH FILTER: ') if recursive == False: files = listmanager.nextfolder_to_list(folder, extlist=extlist, filter=filter) else: files = listmanager.folder_to_list(folder, extlist=extlist, filter=filter) if not files: sys.exit("Query didn't return any files") order = pick_order() if order == False: return False filedata = {} for file in files: try: fname = os.path.basename(file) fsize = os.path.getsize(file) fdate = os.path.getctime(file) entry = { 'filepath': file, 'filename': fname, 'size': fsize, 'date': fdate } if not fname in filedata: filedata[fname] = entry except: pass options = [] if order == 'name_ascending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['filename']) elif order == 'name_descending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['filename']) options.reverse() elif order == 'size_ascending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['size']) elif order == 'size_descending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['size']) options.reverse() elif order == 'date_ascending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['date']) elif order == 'date_descending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['date']) options.reverse() title = 'Select content: \n + Press space or right to select entries \n + Press Enter to confirm selection \n + Press E to exit selection \n + Press A to select all entries' picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 def select_all(picker): return "ALL", -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('a'), select_all) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('A'), select_all) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: print("User didn't select any files") return False newgpaths = [] if selected[0] == "ALL": for game in options: newgpaths.append(os.path.join(folder, game)) else: for game in selected: newgpaths.append(os.path.join(folder, game[0])) if tfile != None: with open(tfile, 'w', encoding='utf8') as textfile: for i in newgpaths: textfile.write((i).strip() + "\n") if doPrint != False: for i in newgpaths: print(i) return newgpaths