def __init__(self, parent=None): QTabBar.__init__(self, parent) self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setElideMode(Qt.ElideRight) self.setSelectionBehaviorOnRemove(QTabBar.SelectLeftTab) self.drag_start_pos = QPoint() self.drag_droped_pos = QPoint() self.mouse_cursor = QCursor() self.drag_initiated = False
def mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent): cursor = QCursor() x = QMouseEvent.x() y = QMouseEvent.y() if (x < 1280 and y < 720) and (x > 15 and y > 15): if self._rubber == None: if not self.frozen: self.freeze() self.frozen_before = False else: self.frozen_before = True self.rub_origin = QMouseEvent.pos() self._rubber = QRubberBand(QRubberBand.Rectangle, self) self.crop_stat = IMG elif (x > 1300 and y > 520) and (x < 1907 and y < 1010): self.rub_origin = QMouseEvent.pos() self._rubber = QRubberBand(QRubberBand.Rectangle, self) if QMouseEvent.button( ) == Qt.RightButton and self.selected_count != 0: self.select_status = HIST_DESELECTION else: self.select_status = HIST_SELECTION self.crop_stat = HIST self.log_info("hist status {}".format("HSV" if self.hist_status == HSV else "LAB"))
def _add_exclude_filter(self, filter_index=False): """ :param filter_index: if false then this function shows a QMenu to allow the user to choose a type of message filter. ''bool'' OR :param filter_index: the index of the filter to be added, ''int'' :return: if a filter was added then the index is returned, ''int'' OR :return: if no filter was added then None is returned, ''NoneType'' """ if filter_index is False: filter_index = -1 filter_select_menu = QMenu() for index in self._filter_factory_order: # flattens the _exclude filters list and only adds the item if it doesn't # already exist if index in ['message', 'location'] or \ not self.filter_factory[index][1] in \ [type(item) for sublist in self._exclude_filters for item in sublist]: filter_select_menu.addAction(self.filter_factory[index][0]) action = filter_select_menu.exec_(QCursor.pos()) if action is None: return None for index in self._filter_factory_order: if self.filter_factory[index][0] == action.text(): filter_index = index if filter_index == -1: return None index = len(self._exclude_filters) newfilter = self.filter_factory[filter_index][1]() if len(self.filter_factory[filter_index]) >= 4: newwidget = self.filter_factory[filter_index][2]( newfilter, self._rospack, self.filter_factory[filter_index][3]) else: newwidget = self.filter_factory[filter_index][2](newfilter, self._rospack) # pack the new filter tuple onto the filter list self._exclude_filters.append( (newfilter, FilterWrapperWidget(newwidget, self.filter_factory[filter_index][0]), filter_index)) self._proxy_model.add_exclude_filter(newfilter) newfilter.filter_changed_signal.connect( self._proxy_model.handle_exclude_filters_changed) self._exclude_filters[index][1].delete_button.clicked.connect( self._delete_exclude_filter) self._model.rowsInserted.connect( self._exclude_filters[index][1].repopulate) # place the widget in the proper location self.exclude_table.insertRow(index) self.exclude_table.setCellWidget(index, 0, self._exclude_filters[index][1]) self.exclude_table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.exclude_table.resizeRowsToContents() newfilter.filter_changed_signal.emit() return index
def on_mouse_up(self, event): self._paused = False if self._selecting_mode in [_SelectionMode.LEFT_MARKED, _SelectionMode.MOVE_LEFT, _SelectionMode.MOVE_RIGHT, _SelectionMode.SHIFTING]: if self._selected_left is None: self._selecting_mode = _SelectionMode.NONE else: self._selecting_mode = _SelectionMode.MARKED self.scene().views()[0].setCursor(QCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor)) self.scene().update()
def mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent): cursor = QCursor() x = QMouseEvent.x() y = QMouseEvent.y() # if in coords of image and crop status is image then draw the rect if self._rubber is None: return if (x < 1280 and y < 720) and (x > 15 and y > 15) and self.crop_stat == IMG: self._rubber.setGeometry( QRect(self.rub_origin, QMouseEvent.pos()).normalized()) # if in coords of hist and crop status is hist then draw the rect elif (x > 1300 and y > 520) and (x < 1907 and y < 1010) and self.crop_stat == HIST: self._rubber.setGeometry( QRect(self.rub_origin, QMouseEvent.pos()).normalized())
def _add_exclude_filter(self, filter_index=False): """ :param filter_index: if false then this function shows a QMenu to allow the user to choose a type of message filter. ''bool'' OR :param filter_index: the index of the filter to be added, ''int'' :return: if a filter was added then the index is returned, ''int'' OR :return: if no filter was added then None is returned, ''NoneType'' """ if filter_index is False: filter_index = -1 filter_select_menu = QMenu() for index in self._filter_factory_order: # flattens the _exclude filters list and only adds the item if it doesn't already exist if index in ['message', 'location'] or not self.filter_factory[index][1] in [type(item) for sublist in self._exclude_filters for item in sublist]: filter_select_menu.addAction(self.filter_factory[index][0]) action = filter_select_menu.exec_(QCursor.pos()) if action is None: return None for index in self._filter_factory_order: if self.filter_factory[index][0] == action.text(): filter_index = index if filter_index == -1: return None index = len(self._exclude_filters) newfilter = self.filter_factory[filter_index][1]() if len(self.filter_factory[filter_index]) >= 4: newwidget = self.filter_factory[filter_index][2](newfilter, self._rospack, self.filter_factory[filter_index][3]) else: newwidget = self.filter_factory[filter_index][2](newfilter, self._rospack) # pack the new filter tuple onto the filter list self._exclude_filters.append((newfilter, FilterWrapperWidget(newwidget, self.filter_factory[filter_index][0]), filter_index)) self._proxy_model.add_exclude_filter(newfilter) newfilter.filter_changed_signal.connect(self._proxy_model.handle_exclude_filters_changed) self._exclude_filters[index][1].delete_button.clicked.connect(self._delete_exclude_filter) self._model.rowsInserted.connect(self._exclude_filters[index][1].repopulate) # place the widget in the proper location self.exclude_table.insertRow(index) self.exclude_table.setCellWidget(index, 0, self._exclude_filters[index][1]) self.exclude_table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.exclude_table.resizeRowsToContents() newfilter.filter_changed_signal.emit() return index
def on_left_down(self, event): if self.playhead == None: return self._clicked_pos = self._dragged_pos = event.pos() self.pause() if event.modifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier: return x = self._clicked_pos.x() y = self._clicked_pos.y() if x >= self._history_left and x <= self._history_right: if y >= self._history_top and y <= self._history_bottom: # Clicked within timeline - set playhead playhead_secs = self.map_x_to_stamp(x) if playhead_secs <= 0.0: self.playhead = rospy.Time(0, 1) else: self.playhead = rospy.Time.from_sec(playhead_secs) self.scene().update() elif y <= self._history_top: # Clicked above timeline if self._selecting_mode == _SelectionMode.NONE: self._selected_left = None self._selected_right = None self._selecting_mode = _SelectionMode.LEFT_MARKED self.scene().update() self.emit_play_region() elif self._selecting_mode == _SelectionMode.MARKED: left_x = self.map_stamp_to_x(self._selected_left) right_x = self.map_stamp_to_x(self._selected_right) if x < left_x - self._selection_handle_width or x > right_x + self._selection_handle_width: self._selected_left = None self._selected_right = None self._selecting_mode = _SelectionMode.LEFT_MARKED self.scene().update() self.emit_play_region() elif self._selecting_mode == _SelectionMode.SHIFTING: self.scene().views()[0].setCursor( QCursor(Qt.ClosedHandCursor))
def _on_ctrl_info(self, index): popup = self._popup_widget ctrl = self._controllers[index.row()] popup.ctrl_name.setText( popup.ctrl_type.setText(ctrl.type) res_model = QStandardItemModel() model_root = QStandardItem('Claimed Resources') res_model.appendRow(model_root) for hw_res in ctrl.claimed_resources: hw_iface_item = QStandardItem(hw_res.hardware_interface) model_root.appendRow(hw_iface_item) for res in hw_res.resources: res_item = QStandardItem(res) hw_iface_item.appendRow(res_item) popup.resource_tree.setModel(res_model) popup.resource_tree.setItemDelegate(FontDelegate(popup.resource_tree)) popup.resource_tree.expandAll() popup.move(QCursor.pos())
def showEvent(self, event): geom = self.frameGeometry() geom.moveTopLeft(QCursor.pos()) self.setGeometry(geom) super(QDialog, self).showEvent(event)
def on_mouse_move(self, event): if not self._history_left: # TODO: need a better notion of initialized return x = event.pos().x() y = event.pos().y() if event.buttons() == Qt.NoButton: # Mouse moving if self._selecting_mode in [_SelectionMode.MARKED, _SelectionMode.MOVE_LEFT, _SelectionMode.MOVE_RIGHT, _SelectionMode.SHIFTING]: if y <= self._history_top and self._selected_left is not None: left_x = self.map_stamp_to_x(self._selected_left) right_x = self.map_stamp_to_x(self._selected_right) if abs(x - left_x) <= self._selection_handle_width: self._selecting_mode = _SelectionMode.MOVE_LEFT self.scene().views()[0].setCursor(QCursor(Qt.SizeHorCursor)) return elif abs(x - right_x) <= self._selection_handle_width: self._selecting_mode = _SelectionMode.MOVE_RIGHT self.scene().views()[0].setCursor(QCursor(Qt.SizeHorCursor)) return elif x > left_x and x < right_x: self._selecting_mode = _SelectionMode.SHIFTING self.scene().views()[0].setCursor(QCursor(Qt.OpenHandCursor)) return else: self._selecting_mode = _SelectionMode.MARKED self.scene().views()[0].setCursor(QCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor)) else: # Mouse dragging if event.buttons() == Qt.MidButton or event.modifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier: # Middle or shift: zoom and pan dx_drag, dy_drag = x - self._dragged_pos.x(), y - self._dragged_pos.y() if dx_drag != 0: self.translate_timeline(-self.map_dx_to_dstamp(dx_drag)) if (dx_drag == 0 and abs(dy_drag) > 0) or (dx_drag != 0 and abs(float(dy_drag) / dx_drag) > 0.2 and abs(dy_drag) > 1): zoom = min(self._max_zoom_speed, max(self._min_zoom_speed, 1.0 + self._zoom_sensitivity * dy_drag)) self.zoom_timeline(zoom, self.map_x_to_stamp(x)) self.scene().views()[0].setCursor(QCursor(Qt.ClosedHandCursor)) elif event.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton: # Left: move selected region and move selected region boundry clicked_x = self._clicked_pos.x() clicked_y = self._clicked_pos.y() x_stamp = self.map_x_to_stamp(x) if y <= self._history_top: if self._selecting_mode == _SelectionMode.LEFT_MARKED: # Left and selecting: change selection region clicked_x_stamp = self.map_x_to_stamp(clicked_x) self._selected_left = min(clicked_x_stamp, x_stamp) self._selected_right = max(clicked_x_stamp, x_stamp) self.scene().update() elif self._selecting_mode == _SelectionMode.MOVE_LEFT: self._selected_left = x_stamp self.scene().update() elif self._selecting_mode == _SelectionMode.MOVE_RIGHT: self._selected_right = x_stamp self.scene().update() elif self._selecting_mode == _SelectionMode.SHIFTING: dx_drag = x - self._dragged_pos.x() dstamp = self.map_dx_to_dstamp(dx_drag) self._selected_left = max(self._start_stamp.to_sec(), min(self._end_stamp.to_sec(), self._selected_left + dstamp)) self._selected_right = max(self._start_stamp.to_sec(), min(self._end_stamp.to_sec(), self._selected_right + dstamp)) self.scene().update() self.emit_play_region() elif clicked_x >= self._history_left and clicked_x <= self._history_right and clicked_y >= self._history_top and clicked_y <= self._history_bottom: # Left and clicked within timeline: change playhead if x_stamp <= 0.0: self.playhead = rospy.Time(0, 1) else: self.playhead = rospy.Time.from_sec(x_stamp) self.scene().update() self._dragged_pos = event.pos()
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent): cursor = QCursor() x = QMouseEvent.x() y = QMouseEvent.y() if self._rubber is None: return if (x < 1280 and y < 720) and (x > 15 and y > 15) and self.crop_stat == IMG: if not self.frozen_before: self.freeze() a = self.mapToGlobal(self.rub_origin) b = QMouseEvent.globalPos() a = self.wdg_img.mapFromGlobal(a) b = self.wdg_img.mapFromGlobal(b) self._rubber.hide() self._rubber = None pix = QPixmap(self.wdg_img.pixmap()) sx = float(self.wdg_img.rect().width()) sy = float(self.wdg_img.rect().height()) # h 1080 w 1920 sx = self.orig_w / sx sy = self.orig_h / sy a.setX(int(a.x() * sx)) a.setY(int(a.y() * sy)) b.setX(int(b.x() * sx)) b.setY(int(b.y() * sy)) rect_ = QRect(a, b) h_ = rect_.height() w_ = rect_.width() y1, x1, y2, x2 = rect_.getCoords() rospy.loginfo('Img cropped x1 {} y1 {} x2 {} y2{}'.format( x1, y1, x2, y2)) self.log_info('Img cropped x1 {} y1 {} x2 {} y2{}'.format( x1, y1, x2, y2)) self.capture_cropped(x1, y1, x2, y2) elif (x > 1300 and y > 520) and (x < 1907 and y < 1010) and self.crop_stat == HIST: # h 1080 w 1920 if self.hist_status == HSV: cur_hist = self.inner_hist elif self.hist_status == LUV: cur_hist = self.inner_luv_hist # if not self.frozen_before: # self.freeze() a = self.mapToGlobal(self.rub_origin) b = QMouseEvent.globalPos() a = cur_hist.mapFromGlobal(a) b = cur_hist.mapFromGlobal(b) self._rubber.hide() self._rubber = None pix = QPixmap(cur_hist.pixmap()) sx = float(cur_hist.rect().width()) sy = float(cur_hist.rect().height()) # h 1080 w 1920 if self.hist_status == HSV: sx = self.hist_hsv_orig_w / sx sy = self.hist_hsv_orig_h / sy elif self.hist_status == LUV: sx = self.hist_lab_orig_w / sx sy = self.hist_lab_orig_h / sy a.setX(int(a.x() * sx)) a.setY(int(a.y() * sy)) b.setX(int(b.x() * sx)) b.setY(int(b.y() * sy)) rect_ = QRect(a, b) h_ = rect_.height() w_ = rect_.width() # y1,x1,y2,x2 = rect_.getCoords() x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect_.getCoords() rospy.loginfo('Hist cropped x1 {} y1 {} x2 {} y2 {}'.format( x1, y1, x2, y2)) self.log_info('Hist cropped x1 {} y1 {} x2 {} y2 {}'.format( x1, y1, x2, y2)) if self.select_status == HIST_SELECTION: self.select_hist(x1, y1, x2, y2, h_, w_, self.hist_status) elif self.select_status == HIST_DESELECTION: self.deselect_hist(x1, y1, x2, y2, self.hist_status) else: if self._rubber is not None: self._rubber.hide() self._rubber = None self.crop_stat = 0
class DetachableTabBar(QTabBar): ''' The TabBar class re-implements some of the functionality of the QTabBar widget ''' detach_tab_signal = Signal(int, QPoint, bool) # tab at pos, mouse cursor position, by double click move_tab_signal = Signal(int, int) empty_signal = Signal() def __init__(self, parent=None): QTabBar.__init__(self, parent) self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setElideMode(Qt.ElideRight) self.setSelectionBehaviorOnRemove(QTabBar.SelectLeftTab) self.drag_start_pos = QPoint() self.drag_droped_pos = QPoint() self.mouse_cursor = QCursor() self.drag_initiated = False def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): ''' Send the detach_tab_signal when a tab is double clicked ''' event.accept() self.detach_tab_signal.emit(self.tabAt(event.pos()), self.mouse_cursor.pos(), True) def mousePressEvent(self, event): ''' Set the starting position for a drag event when the mouse button is pressed ''' self.drag_droped_pos = QPoint(0, 0) self.drag_initiated = False if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.drag_start_pos = event.pos() QTabBar.mousePressEvent(self, event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): ''' Determine if the current movement is a drag. If it is, convert it into a QDrag. If the drag ends inside the tab bar, emit an move_tab_signal. If the drag ends outside the tab bar, emit an detach_tab_signal. ''' # Determine if the current movement is detected as a drag if not self.drag_start_pos.isNull() and ((event.pos() - self.drag_start_pos).manhattanLength() > QApplication.startDragDistance()): self.drag_initiated = True # If the current movement is a drag initiated by the left button if ((event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton)) and self.drag_initiated: # Stop the move event finishMoveEvent = QMouseEvent(QEvent.MouseMove, event.pos(), Qt.NoButton, Qt.NoButton, Qt.NoModifier) QTabBar.mouseMoveEvent(self, finishMoveEvent) # Convert the move event into a drag drag = QDrag(self) mime_data = QMimeData() mime_data.setData('action', b'application/tab-detach') drag.setMimeData(mime_data) # Create the appearance of dragging the tab content # tab_index = self.tabAt(self.drag_start_pos) pixmap = self.parentWidget().grab() targetPixmap = QPixmap(pixmap.size()) targetPixmap.fill(Qt.transparent) painter = QPainter(targetPixmap) painter.setOpacity(0.85) painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, pixmap) painter.end() drag.setPixmap(targetPixmap) # Initiate the drag dropAction = drag.exec_(Qt.MoveAction | Qt.CopyAction) # If the drag completed outside of the tab bar, detach the tab and move # the content to the current cursor position if dropAction == Qt.IgnoreAction: event.accept() self.detach_tab_signal.emit(self.tabAt(self.drag_start_pos), self.mouse_cursor.pos(), False) elif dropAction == Qt.MoveAction: # else if the drag completed inside the tab bar, move the selected tab to the new position if not self.drag_droped_pos.isNull(): self.move_tab_signal.emit(self.tabAt(self.drag_start_pos), self.tabAt(self.drag_droped_pos)) else: # else if the drag completed inside the tab bar new TabBar, move the selected tab to the new TabBar self.detach_tab_signal.emit(self.tabAt(self.drag_start_pos), self.mouse_cursor.pos(), False) event.accept() else: QTabBar.mouseMoveEvent(self, event) def dragEnterEvent(self, event): ''' Determine if the drag has entered a tab position from another tab position ''' self.drag_droped_pos = QPoint(0, 0) mime_data = event.mimeData() formats = mime_data.formats() if 'action' in formats and'action') == 'application/tab-detach': event.acceptProposedAction() QTabBar.dragMoveEvent(self, event) def dropEvent(self, event): ''' Get the position of the end of the drag ''' self.drag_droped_pos = event.pos() mime_data = event.mimeData() formats = mime_data.formats() if 'action' in formats and'action') == 'application/tab-detach': event.acceptProposedAction() QTabBar.dropEvent(self, event) def prepared_for_drop(self): return not self.drag_droped_pos.isNull() def tabRemoved(self, index): QTabBar.tabRemoved(self, index) if self.count() == 0: self.empty_signal.emit()