def make_transformations():

    global a
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5
    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, i, k, l, m] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 5)
    _10 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _15 = randint(10, 20)
    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('i', i)
    change_token_all_occurrences('k', k)
    change_token_all_occurrences('l', l)
    change_token_all_occurrences('m', m)
    change_all_occurrences('10', str(_10))
    change_all_occurrences('15', str(_15))

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')
    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1,_3, _4, _5] = sample(range(_10), 4)

    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+b+', r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3+', r'\verb+' + str(_3) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+')
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global b
    global c
    global _1
    global _2
    global _5
    global _13

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, b, c, r, i] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 5)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('b', b)
    change_token_all_occurrences('c', c)
    change_token_all_occurrences('r', r)
    change_token_all_occurrences('i', i)
    change_all_occurrences('13', str(_13))

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+b+', r'\verb+' + b + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+c+', r'\verb+' + c + '+')

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _2, _5] = sample(range(_13), 3)

    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+1+', r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2+', r'\verb+' + str(_2) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+')
예제 #3
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global p
    global P
    global _1_1
    global _1_2
    global _1_3
    global _2_1
    global _2_2
    global _3
    global _13

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, i, n, p, P] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 5)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _3 = randint(0, 5)
    _33 = randint(50, 255)
    P = P.upper()

    change_all_occurrences('135', "<b><i>" + _135 + "</b></i>")
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', "<b><i>" + a + "</b></i>")
    change_token_all_occurrences('i', "<b><i>" + i + "</b></i>")
    change_token_all_occurrences('n', "<b><i>" + n + "</b></i>")
    change_token_all_occurrences('p', "<b><i>" + p + "</b></i>")
    change_token_all_occurrences('P', "<b><i>" + P + "</b></i>")
    change_all_occurrences('13', "<b><i>" + str(_13) + "</b></i>")
    change_all_occurrences('3', "<b><i>" + str(_3) + "</b></i>")
    change_all_occurrences('33', "<b><i>" + str(_33) + "</b></i>")

    _1_1, _1_2, _1_3 = _1_quest()
    _2_1, _2_2 = _2_quest()
    _3 = choice(("alterar o", "aceder ao"))
    # answers
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + a + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + P + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + p + '+' + "</b></i>")

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _2] = sample(range(_13), 2)

                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_1_1) + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_1_2) + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_1_3) + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_2_1) + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_2_2) + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_3) + '+' + "</b></i>")
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global b
    global c
    global _1
    global _2
    global _5
    global _13

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, b, c, r, i] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 5)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)

                           "<b><font color=red><i>" + _135 + "</font></i></b>")
        'a', "<b><font color=red><i>" + a + "</font></i></b>")
        'b', "<b><font color=red><i>" + b + "</font></i></b>")
        'c', "<b><font color=red><i>" + c + "</font></i></b>")
        'r', "<b><font color=red><i>" + r + "</font></i></b>")
        'i', "<b><font color=red><i>" + i + "</font></i></b>")
        '13', "<b><font color=red><i>" + str(_13) + "</font></i></b>")

    # answers
        "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + a + '+' + "</font></i></b>")
        "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + b + '+' + "</font></i></b>")
        "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + c + '+' + "</font></i></b>")

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _2, _5] = sample(range(_13), 3)

        r'\verb+1+', "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+' +
        r'\verb+2+', "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_2) + '+' +
        r'\verb+5+', "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+' +
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, i, k, l, m] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 5)
    _10 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _15 = randint(10, 20)

                           "<b><font color=red><i>" + _135 + "</font></i></b>")
        'a', "<b><font color=red><i>" + a + "</font></i></b>")
        'i', "<b><font color=red><i>" + i + "</font></i></b>")
        'k', "<b><font color=red><i>" + k + "</font></i></b>")
        'l', "<b><font color=red><i>" + l + "</font></i></b>")
        'm', "<b><font color=red><i>" + m + "</font></i></b>")
        '10', "<b><font color=red><i>" + str(_10) + "</font></i></b>")
        '15', "<b><font color=red><i>" + str(_15) + "</font></i></b>")

    # answers
        "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + a + '+' + "</font></i></b>")

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _3, _4, _5] = sample(range(_10), 4)

        r'\verb+b+', "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+' +
        r'\verb+3+', "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_3) + '+' +
        r'\verb+5+', "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+' +
예제 #6
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5

    # question
    _123456 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    a = choice(string.ascii_lowercase)  # ERROR: isto está mal!!!  a letra 'a'
    # não pode ser uma letra qualquer. porque se for igual a 'n' como
    # há no programa uma variável 'n' isto vai causar um erro
    # deexecuçaõ. Intermitente, o que ainda é pior
    # soluções possíveis:
    # 1. escolher uma letra qualquer execto o 'n'
    # 2. substituir também a variável 'n' escolhendo duas letras diferentes
    # vai ser usada a solução 2 porque assim as versões ainda ficam
    # mais diferentes. a variável 'n' passa também a ser diferente
    [a, n] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 2)
    _1000 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _100 = randint(500, 1000)
    _200 = _100 + 1000

    change_all_occurrences('123456', "<b><i>" + _123456 + "</b></i>")
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', "<b><i>" + a + "</b></i>")
    change_token_all_occurrences('n', "<b><i>" + n + "</b></i>")
    change_all_occurrences('1000', "<b><i>" + str(_1000) + "</b></i>")
    change_all_occurrences('100', "<b><i>" + str(_100) + "</b></i>")
    change_all_occurrences('200', "<b><i>" + str(_200) + "</b></i>")

    # answers
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + a + '+' + "</b></i>")

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _2, _3, _4, _5] = sample(range(_1000), 5)
    print(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5)
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_2) + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_3) + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_4) + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+' + "</b></i>")
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global b
    global c
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5
    global rgb_idx
    global limiar
    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    a = choice(string.ascii_lowercase) # ERROR: isto está mal!!!  a letra 'a'
    # não pode ser uma letra qualquer. porque se for igual a 'n' como
    # há no programa uma variável 'n' isto vai causar um erro
    # deexecuçaõ. Intermitente, o que ainda é pior
    # soluções possíveis:
    # 1. escolher uma letra qualquer execto o 'n'
    # 2. substituir também a variável 'n' escolhendo duas letras diferentes
    # vai ser usada a solução 2 porque assim as versões ainda ficam
    # mais diferentes. a variável 'n' passa também a ser diferente
    [a, b, c, i] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 4)
    _10 = randint(19000, 20000)

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('la', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('lb', b)
    change_token_all_occurrences('lc', c)
    change_token_all_occurrences('i', i)
    change_all_occurrences('10', str(_10))

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+la+',"<b><font color=red><i>" +  r'\verb+' + a + '+'+ "</font></i></b>")
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+lb+',"<b><font color=red><i>" +  r'\verb+' + b + '+'+ "</font></i></b>")
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+lc+',"<b><font color=red><i>" +  r'\verb+' + c + '+'+ "</font></i></b>")
    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_2, _4, _5] = sample(range(_10), 3)
    _1 = randint(0, 255)
    _3 = choice((0, 255))
    black_or_white = 'brancos' if _3 == 255 else 'pretos'
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+1+',"<b><font color=red><i>" +  r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+'+ "</font></i></b>")
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2+',"<b><font color=red><i>" +  r'\verb+' + str(_2) + '+'+ "</font></i></b>")
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3+',"<b><font color=red><i>" +  r'\verb+' + black_or_white + '+'+ "</font></i></b>")
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+4+',"<b><font color=red><i>" +  r'\verb+' + str(_4) + '+'+ "</font></i></b>")
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+',"<b><font color=red><i>" +  r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+'+ "</font></i></b>")
    rgb_idx = rgb_decision()
    RGBpix = rgb_str(rgb_idx)
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+RGBpix+',"<b><font color=red><i>" +  RGBpix+ "</font></i></b>")
    limiar = randint(80, 140)
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+limTreshold+',"<b><font color=red><i>" +  str(limiar)+ "</font></i></b>")
def make_transformations():
    global counter
    global d
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5

    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))

    [a, counter, c, d] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 4)
    _1 = randint(10, 80)
    _5 = randint(50, 100)
    _6 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _15 = randint(200, 500)

    change_all_occurrences('135', "<b><i>" + _135 + "</b></i>")
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', "<b><i>" + a + "</b></i>")
    change_token_all_occurrences('counter', "<b><i>" + counter + "</b></i>")
    change_token_all_occurrences('c', "<b><i>" + c + "</b></i>")
    change_token_all_occurrences('d', "<b><i>" + d + "</b></i>")
    change_token_all_occurrences('3', "<b><i>" + str(_1) + "</b></i>")
    change_all_occurrences('5', "<b><i>" + str(_5) + "</b></i>")
    change_all_occurrences('6', "<b><i>" + str(_6) + "</b></i>")
    change_all_occurrences('15', "<b><i>" + str(_15) + "</b></i>")

                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + a + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + c + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + d + '+' + "</b></i>")

    _2, decision1 = decision_function()
    _3, decision2 = decision_function_2()
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + decision1 + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + decision2 + '+' + "</b></i>")
                           "<b><i>" + r'\verb+' + counter + '+' + "</b></i>")
def make_transformations():
    global counter
    global d
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5
    global _7

    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))

    [a, counter, c, d] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 4)
    _1 = randint(10, 80)
    _5 = randint(50, 100)
    _7 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _15 = randint(200, 500)

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('counter', counter)
    change_token_all_occurrences('c', c)
    change_token_all_occurrences('d', d)
    change_token_all_occurrences('3', str(_1))
    change_all_occurrences('5', str(_5))
    change_all_occurrences('7', str(_7))
    change_all_occurrences('15', str(_15))

    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+1_idx+', r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+')

    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+c+', r'\verb+' + c + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+d+', r'\verb+' + d + '+')

    _2, decision1 = decision_function()
    _3, decision2 = decision_function_2()
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2+', r'\verb+' + decision1 + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3+', r'\verb+' + decision2 + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + counter + '+')
def make_transformations():
    global c
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    c = choice(string.ascii_lowercase)  # ERROR: isto está mal!!!  a letra 'a'
    # não pode ser uma letra qualquer. porque se for igual a 'n' como
    # há no programa uma variável 'n' isto vai causar um erro
    # deexecuçaõ. Intermitente, o que ainda é pior
    # soluções possíveis:
    # 1. escolher uma letra qualquer execto o 'n'
    # 2. substituir também a variável 'n' escolhendo duas letras diferentes
    # vai ser usada a solução 2 porque assim as versões ainda ficam
    # mais diferentes. a variável 'n' passa também a ser diferente
    [c, d, o] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 3)
    _55 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _11 = randint(500, 1000)
    _333 = randint(0, 10000)

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('c', c)
    change_token_all_occurrences('d', d)
    change_token_all_occurrences('o', o)
    change_all_occurrences('55', str(_55))
    change_all_occurrences('11', str(_11))
    change_all_occurrences('333', str(_333))

    # answers
        "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + c + '+' + "</font></i></b>")

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _2, _3, _4, _5] = sample(range(_55), 5)
    print(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5)
        r'\verb+1+', "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+' +
        r'\verb+2+', "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_2) + '+' +
        r'\verb+3+', "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_3) + '+' +
        r'\verb+4+', "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_4) + '+' +
        r'\verb+5+', "<b><font color=red><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+' +
예제 #11
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5
    global list_distance
    global wtc
    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, n, k] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 3)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _33  = randint(1, 500)
    _66  = randint(500, 1000)
    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('n', n)
    change_token_all_occurrences('k', k)

    change_all_occurrences('13', str(_13))
    change_all_occurrences('33', str(_33))
    change_all_occurrences('66', str(_66))

    list_distance = choice((3, 4, 5, 6, 7))
    _5 = choice(range(_13 - list_distance))
    wtc = choice(range(list_distance))
    if wtc == 0:
        wtc += choice((1,2))
    if wtc == list_distance:
        wtc -= choice((1,2))
    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')
    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _4, _5] = sample(range(_13), 3)
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+1+', r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+4+', r'\verb+' + str(_4) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+')

    #alinea 5
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+k+', r'\verb+' + k + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+dist+', r'\verb+' + str(list_distance) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+k_val+', r'\verb+' + str(wtc) + '+')
예제 #12
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, n, c] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 3)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _3 = randint(0, 5)
    _33 = randint(_3, 500)

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('n', n)
    change_token_all_occurrences('c', c)
    change_all_occurrences('13', str(_13))
    change_all_occurrences('3', str(_3))
    change_all_occurrences('33', str(_33))

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')

    _1 = question_1()
    _2 = question_2()
    _3 = randint(_3, _33)
    _4 = choice((pt_impar, 'pares'))
    _5 = 'par' if _4 == pt_impar else pt_impar

    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+1+', r'\verb+' + str(_1[0]) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2+', r'\verb+' + str(_2[0]) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3+', r'\verb+' + str(_3) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+4+', r'\verb+' + _4 + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + _5 + '+')
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global b
    global c
    global d
    global e

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    a = choice(string.ascii_lowercase) # ERROR: isto está mal!!!  a letra 'a'
    # não pode ser uma letra qualquer. porque se for igual a 'n' como
    # há no programa uma variável 'n' isto vai causar um erro
    # deexecuçaõ. Intermitente, o que ainda é pior
    # soluções possíveis:
    # 1. escolher uma letra qualquer execto o 'n'
    # 2. substituir também a variável 'n' escolhendo duas letras diferentes
    # vai ser usada a solução 2 porque assim as versões ainda ficam
    # mais diferentes. a variável 'n' passa também a ser diferente
    [a, b, c, d, e, i] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 6)
    _150 = randint(2000, 3000)
    _70 = _150 - 1500
    _450 = _150 + 5000
    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('b', b)
    change_token_all_occurrences('c', c)
    change_token_all_occurrences('d', d)
    change_token_all_occurrences('e', e)
    change_token_all_occurrences('i', i)
    change_all_occurrences('150', str(_150))
    change_all_occurrences('70', str(_70))
    change_all_occurrences('450', str(_450))

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+b+', r'\verb+' + b + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+c+', r'\verb+' + c + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+d+', r'\verb+' + d + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+e+', r'\verb+' + e + '+')
def make_transformations():
    global a
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    a = choice(string.ascii_lowercase)  # ERROR: isto está mal!!!  a letra 'a'

    # não pode ser uma letra qualquer. porque se for igual a 'n' como
    # há no programa uma variável 'n' isto vai causar um erro
    # deexecuçaõ. Intermitente, o que ainda é pior
    # soluções possíveis:
    # 1. escolher uma letra qualquer execto o 'n'
    # 2. substituir também a variável 'n' escolhendo duas letras diferentes
    # vai ser usada a solução 2 porque assim as versões ainda ficam
    # mais diferentes. a variável 'n' passa também a ser diferente
    [a, k, c, g, l, n, g1] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 7)
    _20 = randint(18000, 20000)

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('k', k)
    change_token_all_occurrences('c', c)
    change_token_all_occurrences('g', g)
    change_token_all_occurrences('l', l)
    change_token_all_occurrences('n', n)
    change_token_all_occurrences('g1', g1)
    change_all_occurrences('20', str(_20))

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _2, _3, _4, _5] = sample(range(_20), 5)

    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+1+', r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2+', r'\verb+' + str(_2) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3+', r'\verb+' + str(_3) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+4+', r'\verb+' + str(_4) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+')
예제 #15
def make_transformations():
    global a
    global f
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, b, c, d, e, f] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 6)
    _30 = randint(19000, 20000)

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('b', b)
    change_token_all_occurrences('c', c)
    change_token_all_occurrences('d', d)
    change_token_all_occurrences('e', e)
    change_token_all_occurrences('f', f)
    change_all_occurrences('30', str(_30))

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+b+', r'\verb+' + b + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+f+', r'\verb+' + f + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+_30+', r'\verb+' + str(_30) + '+')

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _2, _3, _4, _5] = sample(range(_30), 5)

    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+1+', r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2+', r'\verb+' + str(_2) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3+', r'\verb+' + str(_3) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+4+', r'\verb+' + str(_4) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+')
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global _1
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5
    global idx_m1
    global idx_m2
    global answer_2_decision
    global answer_2_index
    global cl_1
    global cl_2
    global v1
    global v2

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    a = choice(string.ascii_lowercase)  # ERROR: isto está mal!!!  a letra 'a'
    # não pode ser uma letra qualquer. porque se for igual a 'n' como
    # há no programa uma variável 'n' isto vai causar um erro
    # deexecuçaõ. Intermitente, o que ainda é pior
    # soluções possíveis:
    # 1. escolher uma letra qualquer execto o 'n'
    # 2. substituir também a variável 'n' escolhendo duas letras diferentes
    # vai ser usada a solução 2 porque assim as versões ainda ficam
    # mais diferentes. a variável 'n' passa também a ser diferente
    [a, n] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 2)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _133 = randint(-50, 100)
    _255 = randint(101, 255)

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('n', n)
    change_all_occurrences('13', str(_13))
    change_all_occurrences('133', str(_133))
    change_all_occurrences('255', str(_255))

    idx_m1, idx_m2 = idx_getter(_13)
    cl_1, v1, cl_2, v2 = cl_v_getter()
    answer_2_decision = choice(("coluna", "linha"))
    answer_2_index = choice(range(3))
    answer_2_index_str = "primeira" if answer_2_index == 0 else "segunda" if answer_2_index == 1 else "terceira"
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+cl_1+', r'\verb+' + cl_1 + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+cl_2+', r'\verb+' + cl_2 + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+v1+', r'\verb+' + str(v1) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+v2+', r'\verb+' + str(v2) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+idx_m1+', r'\verb+' + str(idx_m1) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+idx_m2+', r'\verb+' + str(idx_m2) + '+')
                           r'\verb+' + str(answer_2_decision) + '+')
                           r'\verb+' + answer_2_index_str + '+')
    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _3, _4, _5] = sample(range(_13), 4)

    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+1+', r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2+', r'\verb+' + str(idx_m1) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3+', r'\verb+' + str(_3) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+4+', r'\verb+' + str(_4) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+')
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global e
    global f
    global numpy_func
    global _1_t
    global _1_f
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5_dimension
    global _5
    global _23

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, b, c, d, e, f, n] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 7)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _3 = randint(0, 5)
    _23 = randint(6, 300)
    _33 = randint(6, 600)

    maneiras_corretas = [
        'np.zeros(0)', 'np.ones(0)', 'np.arange(0)', 'np.array([])',
        'np.empty(0)', 'np.eye(0)'
    maneiras_incorretas = ['[]', 'array()', 'np.array()', 'np.empty()']
    numpy_func = choice((maneiras_corretas))

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('b', b)
    change_token_all_occurrences('c', c)
    change_token_all_occurrences('d', d)
    change_token_all_occurrences('e', e)
    change_token_all_occurrences('f', f)
    change_token_all_occurrences('n', n)
    change_all_occurrences('13', str(_13))
    change_all_occurrences('3', str(_3))
    change_all_occurrences('23', str(_23))
    change_all_occurrences('33', str(_33))
    change_all_occurrences('numpy_func', numpy_func)

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+e+', r'\verb+' + e + '+')

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_5] = sample(range(_13), 1)

    _2 = randint(0, 1)
    if _2 == 0:
        change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2+', r'\verb+' + pt_e + '+')
    if _2 == 1:
        change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2+', r'\verb+' + pt_nao + '+')
    _3_funcs = [
        'np.vstack(' + b + ', ' + c + ')', 'np.hstack((' + b + ', ' + c + '))',
        'np.vstack(' + b + ', ' + d + ')', 'np.hstack((' + b + ', ' + d + '))',
        'np.vstack(' + c + ', ' + b + ')', 'np.hstack((' + c + ', ' + b + '))',
        'np.vstack(' + c + ', ' + d + ')', 'np.hstack((' + c + ', ' + d + '))',
        'np.vstack(' + d + ', ' + b + ')', 'np.hstack((' + d + ', ' + b + '))',
        'np.vstack(' + d + ', ' + c + ')', 'np.hstack((' + d + ', ' + c + '))',
        'np.vstack((' + b + ', ' + c + '))', 'np.vstack((' + c + ', ' + d +
        '))', 'np.vstack((' + b + ', ' + d + '))',
        'np.vstack((' + d + ', ' + c + '))', 'np.hstack(' + b + ', ' + c + ')',
        'np.vstack(([], []))', 'np.hstack(' + b + ', ' + d + ')',
        'np.vstack((' + d + ', ' + d + '))', 'np.hstack(' + c + ', ' + b + ')',
        'np.vstack((' + c + ', ' + c + '))', 'np.hstack(' + c + ', ' + d + ')',
        'np.vstack((' + b + ', ' + b + '))', 'np.hstack(' + d + ', ' + b + ')'

    [_3_idx] = sample(range(len(_3_funcs)), 1)
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3+', r'\verb+' + _3_funcs[_3_idx] + '+')
    if _3_idx % 2 == 0:
        answer_3_true = pt_lancar + ' um erro'
        if _3_idx < 15:
            answer_3_false = 'originar um numpy array de 2 ' + pt_dimensoes
            answer_3_false = 'originar um numpy array de 1 ' + pt_dimensao
        change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+33+', answer_3_true)
        change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+333+', answer_3_false)

    if _3_idx % 2 != 0:
        if _3_idx < 12:
            answer_3_true = 'originar um numpy array de 1 ' + pt_dimensao
            answer_3_false = 'originar um numpy array de 2 ' + pt_dimensoes
            answer_3_true = 'originar um numpy array de 2 ' + pt_dimensoes
            option_answer_3_false = 'originar um numpy array de 1 ' + pt_dimensao
            answer_3_false = choice(
                (pt_lancar + ' um erro', option_answer_3_false))
        change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+33+', answer_3_true)
        change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+333+', answer_3_false)

    _5_dimension = choice((1, 2))
    if _5_dimension == 1:
        _5 = choice(('-2', '-1', '0', ':', '1'))
        _5 = _5 + ', :'
    if _5_dimension == 2:
        _5 = ':, ' + str(randint(-_23, _23))
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + f + '[' + str(_5) + ']+')

    # true answer
    _1_t, answer_1_true = quest_1(maneiras_corretas, maneiras_incorretas, True)
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+1_t+', r'\verb+' + _1_t + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+11+', answer_1_true)
    # false answer
    _1_f, answer_1_false = quest_1(maneiras_corretas, maneiras_incorretas,
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+1_f+', r'\verb+' + _1_f + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+111+', answer_1_false)
def make_transformations():
    global a
    global d
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5
    global _10
    global _20
    global _33
    global decision
    global _func5
    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, b, d, l, k, i] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 6)
    _10 = randint(18000, 20000)
    _50 = randint(50, 150)
    _20 = _10 * randint(2, 4)
    _33 = randint(2, 5)
    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('b', b)
    change_token_all_occurrences('d', d)
    change_token_all_occurrences('l', l)
    change_token_all_occurrences('k', k)
    change_token_all_occurrences('i', i)
    change_all_occurrences('10', str(_10))
    change_all_occurrences('50', str(_50))
    change_all_occurrences('20', str(_20))
    change_all_occurrences('3', str(_33))

    func1 = choice(('[::-1].sort()', '[-1::].sort()', '[:-1:].sort()'))
    func2 = 'sort(reverse=True)'
    func3 = ['sort(key=len)', 'sort()',
             'sort(key=len, reverse=True)', 'sort(reverse=True)']
    ab = [b, a]
    decision = choice((0, 1, 2, 3))
    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+_33+', r'\verb+' + str(_33) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+b+', r'\verb+' + b + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+ab+', r'\verb+' + ab[decision % 2] + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+d+', r'\verb+' + d + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+func1+', r'\verb+' + func1 + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+func2+', r'\verb+' + func2 + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+func3+', r'\verb+' + func3[decision] + '+')
    # indexes with no repetitions
    _5 = choice((2, 3, 4, 5))
    _func5 = choice(('primeiros', 'ultimos'))

    [_3] = sample(range(_50), 1)
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2+', r'\verb+' + _func5[decision] + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3+', r'\verb+' + str(_3) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+func5+', r'\verb+' + _func5 + '+')
예제 #19
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global _1
    global _2_1
    global _2_2
    global __var
    global var
    global P
    global p

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, n, p, P, var, i] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 6)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _3 = randint(-50, 5)
    _33 = randint(5, 1500)
    __var = '__' + var
    P = P.upper()

        '135', "<b><font color=green><i>" + _135 + "</i></font></b>")
        'a', "<b><font color=green><i>" + a + "</i></font></b>")
        'P', "<b><font color=green><i>" + P + "</i></font></b>")
        '__var', "<b><font color=green><i>" + __var + "</i></font></b>")
        'p', "<b><font color=green><i>" + p + "</i></font></b>")
        'i', "<b><font color=green><i>" + i + "</i></font></b>")
        'n', "<b><font color=green><i>" + n + "</i></font></b>")
        '13', "<b><font color=green><i>" + str(_13) + "</i></font></b>")
        '3', "<b><font color=green><i>" + str(_3) + "</i></font></b>")
        '33', "<b><font color=green><i>" + str(_33) + "</i></font></b>")

    # answers
        "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + a + '+' + "</i></font></b>")
        "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + p + '+' + "</i></font></b>")
        "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + P + '+' + "</i></font></b>")

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _2_1, _2_2] = sample(range(_13), 3)

        r'\verb+1+', "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+' +
        r'\verb+2_1+', "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_2_1) +
        '+' + "</i></font></b>")
        r'\verb+2_2+', "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + str(_2_2) +
        '+' + "</i></font></b>")
        r'\verb+3+', "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + __var + '+' +
예제 #20
def make_transformations():
    global a
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    a = choice(string.ascii_lowercase)  # ERROR: isto está mal!!!  a letra 'a'

    # não pode ser uma letra qualquer. porque se for igual a 'n' como
    # há no programa uma variável 'n' isto vai causar um erro
    # deexecuçaõ. Intermitente, o que ainda é pior
    # soluções possíveis:
    # 1. escolher uma letra qualquer execto o 'n'
    # 2. substituir também a variável 'n' escolhendo duas letras diferentes
    # vai ser usada a solução 2 porque assim as versões ainda ficam
    # mais diferentes. a variável 'n' passa também a ser diferente
    [a, b, c, d, e, f] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 6)
    _300 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _125 = randint(0, 1500)

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('b', b)
    change_token_all_occurrences('c', c)
    change_token_all_occurrences('d', d)
    change_token_all_occurrences('e', e)
    change_token_all_occurrences('f', f)
    change_all_occurrences('300', str(_300))
    change_all_occurrences('125', str(_125))

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _3, _4, _5] = sample(range(_300), 4)
    ##    print(_300 , _1, _2, _3, _4, _5)
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+1+', r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3+', r'\verb+' + str(_3) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+4+', r'\verb+' + str(_4) + '+')
예제 #21
def make_transformations():
    global a
    global _1
    global _2
    global _3
    global _4
    global _5

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, i, k, s, m, l] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 6)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('i', i)
    change_token_all_occurrences('k', k)
    change_token_all_occurrences('s', s)
    change_token_all_occurrences('m', m)
    change_token_all_occurrences('l', l)
    change_all_occurrences('13', str(_13))

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _2, _3, _4, _5] = sample(range(_13), 5)

    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+1+', r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2+', r'\verb+' + str(_2) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3+', r'\verb+' + str(_3) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+4+', r'\verb+' + str(_4) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+')
예제 #22
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global b
    global c
    global d
    global e
    global _5

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, b, c, d, e, i] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 6)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _3 = randint(1, 500)
    _9 = randint(500, 1000)
    _18 = _9 * 2

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('b', b)
    change_token_all_occurrences('c', c)
    change_token_all_occurrences('d', d)
    change_token_all_occurrences('e', e)
    change_token_all_occurrences('i', i)
    change_all_occurrences('13', str(_13))
    change_all_occurrences('3', str(_3))
    change_all_occurrences('9', str(_9))
    change_all_occurrences('18', str(_18))

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+c+', r'\verb+' + c + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+d+', r'\verb+' + d + '+')

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_5] = sample(range(_13), 1)

    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+')
예제 #23
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global _1
    global _2
    global _5
    global _35
    global _36

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, n, e, M, m, x] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 6)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _33 = randint(1, 5000)
    _66 = randint(5000, 10000)
    _35 = randint(1, 17984)
    _36 = _35 + 1

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('n', n)
    change_token_all_occurrences('e', e)
    change_token_all_occurrences('m', m)
    change_token_all_occurrences('M', M)
    change_token_all_occurrences('x', x)
    change_all_occurrences('13', str(_13))
    change_all_occurrences('33', str(_33))
    change_all_occurrences('66', str(_66))

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+class+', r'\verb+' + M + '+')
    functions = {
        'print_v1()': 'NameError',
        'print_v1(' + str(e) + ')': 'NameError',
        'print_v2()': 'NameError',
        'print_v2(' + str(e) + ')': 'NameError',
        'print_v3()': 'TypeError',
        str(M) + '.print_v1()': 'TypeError',
        str(M) + '.print_v2(' + str(e) + ')': 'TypeError',
        str(M) + '.print_v3(' + str(e) + ')': 'AttributeError',
        str(m) + '.print_v1(' + str(e) + ')': 'TypeError',
        str(m) + '.print_v2(' + str(e) + ')': 'TypeError',
        str(m) + '.print_v3(' + str(e) + ')': 'AttributeError',
        str(M) + '.print_v1(' + str(e) + ')': str(_36),
        str(m) + '.print_v1()': "function print_v1",
        str(M) + '.print_v2()': 'function print_v2',
        'print_v3(' + str(e) + ')': str(_36)

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_5] = sample(range(_13), 1)

    idx = choice(range(len(functions)))
    _1 = list(functions.values())[idx]
    _2 = choice(('pares', 'impares'))
                           r'\verb+' + list(functions.keys())[idx] + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2+', r'\verb+' + str(_2) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + str(_5) + '+')
예제 #24
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global d
    global str_a
    global int_a
    global dic
    global _2
    global _3_decision
    global _4
    global _4_decision
    global _5
    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, n, x, d, dic] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 5)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _3 = randint(0, 5)
    _33 = randint(_3, 500)
    str_a = 'str_' + a
    int_a = 'int_' + a
    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('n', n)
    change_token_all_occurrences('x', x)
    change_token_all_occurrences('d', d)
    change_token_all_occurrences('dic', dic)
    change_token_all_occurrences('str_a', str_a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('int_a', int_a)
    change_all_occurrences('13', str(_13))
    change_all_occurrences('3', str(_3))
    change_all_occurrences('33', str(_33))

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+d+', r'\verb+' + d + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+dic+', r'\verb+' + dic + '+')
    # indexes with no repetitions
    _2 = choice((d, str_a, int_a, a))
    _3_decision = choice(("int", "float", "str"))
    _4 = choice(ascii_letters)
    _5 = choice(("maior", "menor"))

    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2+', r'\verb+' + _2 + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+4+', r'\verb+' + _4 + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+4_t+', r'\verb+"' + _4 + '"+')
    _4_decision = choice((0, 1))
    if _4_decision == 0:
        change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+4_f+', r'\verb+"' + _4 + '"+')
        change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+4_f+', r'\verb+' + _4 + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+5+', r'\verb+' + _5 + '+')
예제 #25
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global b
    global _1
    global _2_1
    global _2_2
    global _3
    global _3_1
    global _3_2
    global _3_1_f
    global _3_2_f
    global _4
    global __var
    global var
    global P
    global p

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, b, n, p, P, var, i] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 7)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _3 = randint(0, 3)
    _33 = randint(50, 1500)
    __var = '__' + var
    P = P.upper()

    wrong_3 = choice((p + '.' + '__' + var, P + '.' + '__' + var,
                      p + '._' + P + '_' + var, P + '.' + var, p + '.' + var))
    correct_answers_list = [
        p + '._' + P + '__' + var, p + ".get_var()", P + "().get_var()"

    _3_1, _3_2 = sample(correct_answers_list, 2)

    decision = choice((0, 1))
    correct_3 = choice((_3_1, _3_2))

    _3_1_f = correct_3 if decision == 0 else wrong_3
    _3_2_f = wrong_3 if decision == 0 else _3_1

        '135', "<b><font color=green><i>" + _135 + "</font></i></b>")
        'a', "<b><font color=green><i>" + a + "</font></i></b>")
        'b', "<b><font color=green><i>" + b + "</font></i></b>")
        'P', "<b><font color=green><i>" + P + "</font></i></b>")
        '__var', "<b><font color=green><i>" + __var + "</font></i></b>")
        'p', "<b><font color=green><i>" + p + "</font></i></b>")
        'i', "<b><font color=green><i>" + i + "</font></i></b>")
        'n', "<b><font color=green><i>" + n + "</font></i></b>")
        '13', "<b><font color=green><i>" + str(_13) + "</font></i></b>")
        '3', "<b><font color=green><i>" + str(_3) + "</font></i></b>")
        '33', "<b><font color=green><i>" + str(_33) + "</font></i></b>")

    # answers
        "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + a + '+' + "</font></i></b>")
        "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + b + '+' + "</font></i></b>")

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1] = sample(range(10), 1)
    _1 = str(_1)

    #regex parameters decision
    [_2_1, _2_2] = sample(range(10), 2)
    _2_1 = str(_2_1)
    _2_2 = str(_2_2)

    decision = choice(("single", "list"))
    if decision == "single":
        [_4] = sample(range(10), 1)
        _4 = str(_4) + choice(('?', '*', '+'))
    if decision == "list":
        [_4] = sample(range(10), 1)
        [max_4] = sample(range(len(str(_13))), 1)
        max_4 = max_4 if max_4 > 0 else max_4 + 1
        [min_4] = sample(range(max_4), 1)
        _4 = str(_4) + '{' + str(min_4) + '-' + str(max_4) + '}'

        "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + _1 + '+' + "</font></i></b>")
        r'\verb+2_1+', "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + _2_1 + '+' +
        r'\verb+2_2+', "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + _2_2 + '+' +
        r'\verb+3_1+', "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + _3_1 + '+' +
        r'\verb+3_2+', "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + _3_2 + '+' +
    ##    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3_1+',"<b><font color=green><i>" +  _3_1+ "</font></i></b>")
    ##    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3_2+',"<b><font color=green><i>" +  _3_2 + "</font></i></b>")
        r'\verb+3_1_f+', "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + _3_1_f +
        '+' + "</font></i></b>")
        r'\verb+3_2_f+', "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + _3_2_f +
        '+' + "</font></i></b>")
        "<b><font color=green><i>" + r'\verb+' + _4 + '+' + "</font></i></b>")
예제 #26
def make_transformations():

    global a
    global _1
    global _2_1
    global _2_2
    global __var
    global var
    global P
    global p

    # question
    _135 = str(randint(1000000, 2000000))
    [a, n, p, P, var, i] = sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 6)
    _13 = randint(19000, 20000)
    _3 = randint(-50, 5)
    _33 = randint(5, 1500)
    __var = '__' + var
    P = P.upper()

    change_all_occurrences('135', _135)
    change_token_all_occurrences('a', a)
    change_token_all_occurrences('P', P)
    change_token_all_occurrences('__var', __var)
    change_token_all_occurrences('p', p)
    change_token_all_occurrences('i', i)
    change_token_all_occurrences('n', n)
    change_all_occurrences('13', str(_13))
    change_all_occurrences('3', str(_3))
    change_all_occurrences('33', str(_33))

    # answers
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+a+', r'\verb+' + a + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+classp+', r'\verb+' + p + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+classP+', r'\verb+' + P + '+')

    # indexes with no repetitions
    [_1, _2_1, _2_2] = sample(range(_13), 3)

    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+1+', r'\verb+' + str(_1) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2_1+', r'\verb+' + str(_2_1) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+2_2+', r'\verb+' + str(_2_2) + '+')
    change_all_occurrences(r'\verb+3+', r'\verb+' + __var + '+')