def test_instantiates_new_hourly_disabled(self, mocker): task = Task.to_be_created(command="", hour=None, minute=10, disabled=True) assert task.command == "" assert task.hour is None assert task.minute == 10 assert task.interval == "hourly" assert task.enabled is False assert task.__repr__() == "Hourly task '' ready to be created"
def main(*, command, hour, minute, disabled): get_logger(set_info=True) hour = int(hour) if hour is not None else None task = Task.to_be_created(command=command, hour=hour, minute=int(minute), disabled=disabled) task.create_schedule()
def test_instantiates_new_daily_enabled(self): task = Task.to_be_created(command="", hour=8, minute=10, disabled=False) assert task.command == "" assert task.hour == 8 assert task.minute == 10 assert task.interval == "daily" assert task.enabled is True assert task.__repr__() == "Daily task '' ready to be created"
def set( command: str = typer.Option( ..., "-c", "--command", help="Task's command to be scheduled" ), hour: int = typer.Option( None, "-h", "--hour", min=0, max=23, help="Sets the task to be performed daily at HOUR", ), minute: int = typer.Option( ..., "-m", "--minute", min=0, max=59, help="Minute on which the task will be executed", ), disabled: bool = typer.Option( False, "-d", "--disabled", help="Creates disabled task (otherwise enabled)" ), ): """Create a scheduled task. Two categories of tasks are available: daily and hourly. Both kinds require a command to run and scheduled time. In order to create a daily task provide hour and minute; to create hourly task provide only minute. If task is intended to be enabled later add --disabled flag. Example: Create a daily task to be run at 13:15: pa schedule set --command "echo foo" --hour 13 --minute 15 Create an inactive hourly task to be run 27 minutes past every hour: pa schedule set --command "echo bar" --minute 27 --disabled Note: Once task is created its behavior may be altered later on with `pa schedule update` or deleted with `pa schedule delete` commands.""" logger = get_logger(set_info=True) task = Task.to_be_created( command=command, hour=hour, minute=minute, disabled=disabled ) try: task.create_schedule() except Exception as e: logger.warning(snakesay(str(e)))
def test_creates_daily_task(self, mocker, task_specs): mock_create = mocker.patch("pythonanywhere.api.schedule.Schedule.create") mock_create.return_value = task_specs mock_update_specs = mocker.patch("pythonanywhere.task.Task.update_specs") task = Task.to_be_created(command="echo foo", hour=16, minute=0, disabled=False) task.create_schedule() assert mock_update_specs.call_args == call(task_specs) assert mock_create.call_count == 1 assert mock_create.call_args == call( {"command": "echo foo", "hour": 16, "minute": 0, "enabled": True, "interval": "daily"} )
def test_raises_when_to_be_created_gets_wrong_minute(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: Task.to_be_created(command="echo foo", hour=12, minute=78) assert str(e.value) == "Minute has to be in 0..59"
def test_raises_when_to_be_created_gets_wrong_hour(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: Task.to_be_created(command="echo foo", hour=25, minute=1) assert str(e.value) == "Hour has to be in 0..23"