예제 #1
def test_view():
    a, b = pt.Vector(1), pt.Vector(2)
    p1 = pt.Path([a, b])
    p2 = pt.Path([a, b])
    d = pt.ShapeStyle()
    o1 = d(p1)
    o2 = d(p2)
    v = pt.View(pt.vector.Transformation(lambda x: x + a))
    assert str(v[0]) == "\\draw (2) -- (3);"
    v.apply(pt.vector.Transformation(lambda x: 2 * x))
    assert str(v[0]) == "\\draw (4) -- (6);"
예제 #2
def test_shift():

    # Test if the transformation is correct
    t = pt.vector.Shift(-pt.Vector(1, 100))
    assert (t(pt.Vector(1, 2)) == pt.Vector(2, 102)).all()

    # Test if transformations are not rejected
    t(O(pt.Vector(0, 0)))

    # Test if non-scalable objects are rejected
    class N:

    o = N()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
예제 #3
def test_scaling():

    # Test if the transformation is correct
    t = pt.vector.Scaling(3, 5, pt.Vector(1, 1))
    assert (t(pt.Vector(1, 2)) == pt.Vector(0, 5)).all()

    # Test if transformations are not rejected
    t(O(pt.Vector(0, 0)))

    # Test if non-scalable objects are rejected
    class N(pt.vector.Shiftable):
        def copy(self):

        def apply(self, t):

    o = N()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
예제 #4
def test_node():
    n = pt.Node(pt.Vector(1), "test")
    assert str(n) == "\\node at (1) {test};"

    m = pt.Node(pt.vector.AnchoredVector(pt.Vector(3), pt.Vector(5)), "test")
    assert str(m) == "\\node at (8) {test};"

    t = pt.vector.Transformation(lambda x: 2 * x)
    assert str(t(n)) == "\\node at (2) {test};"
    assert str(t(m)) == "\\node at (11) {test};"

    assert str(n) == "\\node at (1) {test};"
    assert str(m) == "\\node at (8) {test};"

    t(n, True)
    t(m, True)

    assert str(n) == "\\node at (2) {test};"
    assert str(m) == "\\node at (11) {test};"

    n = pt.Node(pt.Vector(1), "test", pt.Orientation.SOUTH_EAST)
    assert str(n) == "\\node[anchor=south east] at (1) {test};"
예제 #5
def test_transformation():

    # Test if Vectors are passed directly to the transformation
    t = pt.vector.Transformation(lambda x: x + pt.Vector(0, 1))
    assert (t(pt.Vector(0, 0)) == pt.Vector(0, 1)).all()

    # Test how transformable objects are passed to the transformation

    o = O(pt.Vector(0, 0))
    assert (t(o).v == pt.Vector(0, 1)).all()
    assert (o.v == pt.Vector(0, 0)).all()
    assert (t(o, True).v == pt.Vector(0, 1)).all()
    assert (o.v == pt.Vector(0, 1)).all()

    # Test if non-transformable objects are rejected
    class N:

    o = N()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
예제 #6
def test_vector():

    # Test if Vectors are cast to the correct shape under all circumstances
    assert pt.Vector().shape == (0, )
    assert pt.Vector(0).shape == (1, )
    assert pt.Vector(0, 0).shape == (2, )

    # Test the string representation of a vector
    assert str(pt.Vector(1, 2, 3)) == "(1, 2, 3)"

    # Test the behaviour of Vectors under linear transformations
    transformation = np.array([[1, 0], [3, 1], [4, 0]])
    assert np.all(pt.Vector(1, 2, 3) @ transformation == pt.Vector(19, 2))

    # Test the string representation of a matrix
    assert str(np.ones((2, 2), dtype=np.int8)) == "(1, 1) -- (1, 1)"
예제 #7
def test_anchoredvector():
    t = pt.vector.Transformation(lambda x: x + pt.Vector(0, 1))
    v = pt.vector.AnchoredVector(pt.Vector(0, 0), pt.Vector(1, 1))
    a = t(v)
    assert (v.anchor == pt.Vector(0, 0)).all()
    assert (a.anchor == pt.Vector(0, 1)).all()
    assert (v.offset == pt.Vector(1, 1)).all()
    assert (a.offset == pt.Vector(1, 1)).all()
    assert str(v) == "(1, 1)"
    assert str(a) == "(1, 2)"

    t = pt.vector.Transformation(lambda x: 2 * x)
    v = pt.vector.AnchoredVector(
        pt.vector.AnchoredVector(pt.Vector(2), pt.Vector(3)),
        pt.vector.AnchoredVector(pt.Vector(5), pt.Vector(7)),
    assert str(v) == "(17)"
    assert str(t(v)) == "(19)"
    assert str(v) == "(17)"
    assert (t(v).anchor.anchor == pt.Vector(4)).all()
    assert (t(v).anchor.offset == pt.Vector(3)).all()
    assert (t(v).offset.anchor == pt.Vector(5)).all()
    assert (t(v).offset.offset == pt.Vector(7)).all()