예제 #1
def transform_task(media_in_json, media_out_json, profile_json, callback_json):

    def copy_callback(start_date, elapsed_time, eta_time, src_size, dst_size, ratio):
        transform_task.update_state(state=TransformTask.PROGRESS, meta={
            u'hostname': request.hostname, 'start_date': start_date, u'elapsed_time': elapsed_time,
            u'eta_time': eta_time, u'media_in_size': src_size, u'media_out_size': dst_size,
            u'percent': int(100 * ratio)})

    def transform_callback(status, measures):
        data_json = object2json({u'task_id': request.id, u'status': status, u'measures': measures}, include_properties=False)
        if callback is None:
            print(u'{0} [ERROR] Unable to callback orchestrator: {1}'.format(request.id, data_json))
            r = callback.post(data_json)
            print(u'{0} Code {1} {2} : {3}'.format(request.id, r.status_code, r.reason, r._content))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    RATIO_DELTA, TIME_DELTA = 0.01, 1  # Update status if at least 1% of progress and 1 second elapsed.
    MAX_TIME_DELTA = 5                 # Also ensure status update every 5 seconds.

        # Avoid 'referenced before assignment'
        callback = dashcast_conf = None
        encoder_out, request = u'', current_task.request

        # Let's the task begin !
        print(u'{0} Transformation task started'.format(request.id))

        # Read current configuration to translate files uri to local paths
        local_config = TransformLocalConfig.read(LOCAL_CONFIG_FILENAME, inspect_constructor=False)
        print(object2json(local_config, include_properties=True))

        # Load and check task parameters
        callback = Callback.from_json(callback_json, inspect_constructor=True)

        # Update callback socket according to configuration
        if local_config.api_nat_socket and len(local_config.api_nat_socket) > 0:

        media_in = Media.from_json(media_in_json, inspect_constructor=True)
        media_out = Media.from_json(media_out_json, inspect_constructor=True)
        profile = TransformProfile.from_json(profile_json, inspect_constructor=True)

        # Verify that media file can be accessed and create output path
        media_in_path = local_config.storage_medias_path(media_in, generate=False)
        if not media_in_path:
            raise NotImplementedError(to_bytes(u'Input media asset will not be readed from shared storage : {0}'.format(
        media_out_path = local_config.storage_medias_path(media_out, generate=True)
        if not media_out_path:
            raise NotImplementedError(to_bytes(u'Output media asset will not be written to shared storage : {0}'.format(
        media_in_root = dirname(media_in_path)
        media_out_root = dirname(media_out_path)

        # Get input media duration and frames to be able to estimate ETA
        media_in_duration = get_media_duration(media_in_path)

        # Keep potential PSNR status
        measures = {}

        # NOT A REAL TRANSFORM : FILE COPY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if profile.encoder_name == u'copy':
            infos = recursive_copy(media_in_root, media_out_root, copy_callback, RATIO_DELTA, TIME_DELTA)
            media_out_tmp = media_in_path.replace(media_in_root, media_out_root)
            os.rename(media_out_tmp, media_out_path)
            start_date = infos[u'start_date']
            elapsed_time = infos[u'elapsed_time']
            media_in_size = infos[u'src_size']

        # A REAL TRANSFORM : TRANSCODE WITH FFMPEG ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        elif profile.encoder_name == u'ffmpeg':

            start_date, start_time = datetime_now(), time.time()
            prev_ratio = prev_time = 0

            # Get input media size to be able to estimate ETA
            media_in_size = get_size(media_in_root)

            # Create FFmpeg subprocess
            cmd = u'ffmpeg -y -i "{0}" {1} "{2}"'.format(media_in_path, profile.encoder_string, media_out_path)
            ffmpeg = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True)

            while True:
                # Wait for data to become available
                select.select([ffmpeg.stderr], [], [])
                chunk = ffmpeg.stderr.read()
                encoder_out += chunk
                elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
                match = FFMPEG_REGEX.match(chunk)
                if match:
                    stats = match.groupdict()
                    media_out_duration = stats[u'time']
                        ratio = total_seconds(media_out_duration) / total_seconds(media_in_duration)
                        ratio = 0.0 if ratio < 0.0 else 1.0 if ratio > 1.0 else ratio
                    except ZeroDivisionError:
                        ratio = 1.0
                    delta_time = elapsed_time - prev_time
                    if (ratio - prev_ratio > RATIO_DELTA and delta_time > TIME_DELTA) or delta_time > MAX_TIME_DELTA:
                        prev_ratio, prev_time = ratio, elapsed_time
                        eta_time = int(elapsed_time * (1.0 - ratio) / ratio) if ratio > 0 else 0
                            meta={u'hostname': request.hostname,
                                  u'start_date': start_date,
                                  u'elapsed_time': elapsed_time,
                                  u'eta_time': eta_time,
                                  u'media_in_size': media_in_size,
                                  u'media_in_duration': media_in_duration,
                                  u'media_out_size': get_size(media_out_root),
                                  u'media_out_duration': media_out_duration,
                                  u'percent': int(100 * ratio),
                                  u'encoding_frame': stats[u'frame'],
                                  u'encoding_fps': stats[u'fps'],
                                  u'encoding_bitrate': stats[u'bitrate'],
                                  u'encoding_quality': stats[u'q']})
                returncode = ffmpeg.poll()
                if returncode is not None:

            # FFmpeg output sanity check
            if returncode != 0:
                raise OSError(to_bytes(u'FFmpeg return code is {0}, encoding probably failed.'.format(returncode)))

            # compute stats about the video
            measures['psnr'] = get_media_psnr(media_in_path, media_out_path)
            measures['ssim'] = get_media_ssim(media_in_path, media_out_path)

            # measures of the data and its metadata
            measures['bitrate'] = get_media_bitrate(media_out_path)

            # FIXME: fake git url, commit
            measures['git_url'] = 'https://github.com/videolan/x265'
            measures['git_commit'] = 'd2051f9544434612a105d2f5267db23018cb3454'

            # Output media file sanity check
#            media_out_duration = get_media_duration(media_out_path)
#            if total_seconds(media_out_duration) / total_seconds(media_in_duration) > 1.5 or < 0.8:
#                salut

        elif profile.encoder_name == u'from_git':

            start_date, start_time = datetime_now(), time.time()
            prev_ratio = prev_time = 0

            # Get input media size to be able to estimate ETA
            media_in_size = get_size(media_in_root)
            metadata = media_out.metadata
            dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()

            prepare_cmd = u'git clone --depth=1 "{0}" "{1}" && cd "{1}" && git checkout "{2}" && {3}'.format(metadata['git_url'], dirpath, metadata['git_commit'], metadata['build_cmds'])
            check_call(prepare_cmd, shell=True)

            # Templated parameter
            encoder_string = profile.encoder_string.replace(u"BITRATE", str(metadata['input_bitrate']))

            cmd = u'cd "{0}" && ffmpeg -y -i "{1}" -f yuv4mpegpipe - | {2} "{3}"'.format(dirpath, media_in_path, encoder_string, media_out_path)
            returncode = call(cmd, shell=True)

            if returncode != 0:
                raise OSError(to_bytes(u'Encoding return code is {0}, encoding probably failed.'.format(returncode)))

            # compute stats about the video
            measures['psnr'] = get_media_psnr(media_in_path, media_out_path)
            measures['ssim'] = get_media_ssim(media_in_path, media_out_path)

            # measures of the data and its metadata
            measures['bitrate'] = get_media_bitrate(media_out_path)

            # FIXME: don't put this in measures
            measures['git_url'] = metadata['git_url']
            measures['git_commit'] = metadata['git_commit']

        # A REAL TRANSFORM : TRANSCODE WITH DASHCAST -------------------------------------------------------------------
        elif profile.encoder_name == u'dashcast':

            start_date, start_time = datetime_now(), time.time()
            prev_ratio = prev_time = 0

            # Get input media size and frames to be able to estimate ETA
            media_in_size = get_size(media_in_root)
                media_in_frames = int(get_media_tracks(media_in_path)[u'video'][u'0:0'][u'estimated_frames'])
                media_out_frames = 0
                raise ValueError(to_bytes(u'Unable to estimate # frames of input media asset'))

            # Create DashCast configuration file and subprocess
            dashcast_conf = u'dashcast_{0}.conf'.format(uuid.uuid4())
            with open(dashcast_conf, u'w', u'utf-8') as f:
            cmd = u'DashCast -conf {0} -av "{1}" {2} -out "{3}" -mpd "{4}"'.format(
                dashcast_conf, media_in_path, profile.dash_options, media_out_root, media_out.filename)
            dashcast = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True)

            while True:
                # Wait for data to become available
                select.select([dashcast.stdout.fileno()], [], [])
                stdout, stderr = read_async(dashcast.stdout), read_async(dashcast.stderr)
                elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
                match = DASHCAST_REGEX.match(stdout)
                if match:
                    stats = match.groupdict()
                    media_out_frames = int(stats[u'frame'])
                        ratio = float(media_out_frames) / media_in_frames
                        ratio = 0.0 if ratio < 0.0 else 1.0 if ratio > 1.0 else ratio
                    except ZeroDivisionError:
                        ratio = 1.0
                    delta_time = elapsed_time - prev_time
                    if (ratio - prev_ratio > RATIO_DELTA and delta_time > TIME_DELTA) or delta_time > MAX_TIME_DELTA:
                        prev_ratio, prev_time = ratio, elapsed_time
                        eta_time = int(elapsed_time * (1.0 - ratio) / ratio) if ratio > 0 else 0
                            meta={u'hostname': request.hostname,
                                  u'start_date': start_date,
                                  u'elapsed_time': elapsed_time,
                                  u'eta_time': eta_time,
                                  u'media_in_size': media_in_size,
                                  u'media_in_duration': media_in_duration,
                                  u'media_out_size': get_size(media_out_root),
                                  u'percent': int(100 * ratio),
                                  u'encoding_frame': media_out_frames})
                match = DASHCAST_SUCCESS_REGEX.match(stdout)
                returncode = dashcast.poll()
                if returncode is not None or match:
                    encoder_out = u'stdout: {0}\nstderr: {1}'.format(stdout, stderr)
                if media_out_frames == 0 and elapsed_time > DASHCAST_TIMEOUT_TIME:
                    encoder_out = u'stdout: {0}\nstderr: {1}'.format(stdout, stderr)
                    raise OSError(to_bytes(u'DashCast does not output frame number, encoding probably failed.'))

            # DashCast output sanity check
            if not exists(media_out_path):
                raise OSError(to_bytes(u'Output media asset not found, DashCast encoding probably failed.'))
            if returncode != 0:
                raise OSError(to_bytes(u'DashCast return code is {0}, encoding probably failed.'.format(returncode)))
            # FIXME check duration too !

        # Here all seem okay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
        media_out_size = get_size(media_out_root)
        media_out_duration = get_media_duration(media_out_path)
        print(u'{0} Transformation task successful, output media asset {1}'.format(request.id, media_out.filename))
        transform_callback(TransformTask.SUCCESS, measures)
        return {u'hostname': request.hostname, u'start_date': start_date, u'elapsed_time': elapsed_time,
                u'eta_time': 0, u'media_in_size': media_in_size, u'media_in_duration': media_in_duration,
                u'media_out_size': media_out_size, u'media_out_duration': media_out_duration, u'percent': 100 }

    except Exception as error:

        # Here something went wrong
        print(u'{0} Transformation task failed '.format(request.id))
        transform_callback(u'ERROR\n{0}\n\nOUTPUT\n{1}'.format(unicode(error), encoder_out), {})

        if dashcast_conf:
예제 #2
def publisher_task(media_json, callback_json):

    def copy_callback(start_date, elapsed_time, eta_time, src_size, dst_size, ratio):
        publisher_task.update_state(state=PublisherTask.PROGRESS, meta={
            u'hostname': request.hostname, u'start_date': start_date, u'elapsed_time': elapsed_time,
            u'eta_time': eta_time, u'media_size': src_size, u'publish_size': dst_size, u'percent': int(100 * ratio)})

    def publish_callback(status, publish_uri):
        data = {u'task_id': request.id, u'status': status}
        if publish_uri:
            data[u'publish_uri'] = publish_uri
        data_json = object2json(data, include_properties=False)
        if callback is None:
            print(u'{0} [ERROR] Unable to callback orchestrator: {1}'.format(request.id, data_json))
            r = callback.post(data_json)
            print(u'{0} Code {1} {2} : {3}'.format(request.id, r.status_code, r.reason, r._content))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    RATIO_DELTA = 0.01  # Update status if at least 1% of progress
    TIME_DELTA = 1      # Update status if at least 1 second(s) elapsed

    # Avoid 'referenced before assignment'
    callback = publish_root = None
    request = current_task.request

        # Let's the task begin !
        print(u'{0} Publication task started'.format(request.id))

        # Read current configuration to translate files URIs to local paths
        local_config = PublisherLocalConfig.read(LOCAL_CONFIG_FILENAME, inspect_constructor=False)
        print(object2json(local_config, include_properties=True))

        # Load and check task parameters
        callback = Callback.from_json(callback_json, inspect_constructor=True)

        # Update callback socket according to configuration
        if local_config.api_nat_socket and len(local_config.api_nat_socket) > 0:

        media = Media.from_json(media_json, inspect_constructor=True)

        # Verify that media file can be accessed
        media_path = local_config.storage_medias_path(media, generate=False)
        if not media_path:
            raise NotImplementedError(to_bytes(u'Media asset will not be readed from shared storage : {0}'.format(
        publish_path, publish_uri = local_config.publish_point(media)
        media_root, publish_root = dirname(media_path), dirname(publish_path)

        infos = recursive_copy(media_root, publish_root, copy_callback, RATIO_DELTA, TIME_DELTA)
        if not valid_uri(publish_uri, check_404=True):
            raise IOError(to_bytes(u'Media asset is unreachable from publication URI {0}'.format(publish_uri)))

        # Here all seem okay
        print(u'{0} Publication task successful, media asset published as {1}'.format(request.id, publish_uri))
        publish_callback(PublisherTask.SUCCESS, publish_uri)
        return {u'hostname': request.hostname, u'start_date': infos[u'start_date'],
                u'elapsed_time': infos[u'elapsed_time'], u'eta_time': 0, u'media_size': infos[u'src_size'],
                u'publish_size': infos[u'src_size'], u'percent': 100}

    except Exception as error:

        # Here something went wrong
        print(u'{0} Publication task failed'.format(request.id))
        if publish_root:
            shutil.rmtree(publish_root, ignore_errors=True)
        publish_callback(unicode(error), None)
예제 #3
def transform_task(media_in_json, media_out_json, profile_json, callback_json):
    def copy_callback(start_date, elapsed_time, eta_time, src_size, dst_size, ratio):
                "hostname": request.hostname,
                "start_date": start_date,
                "elapsed_time": elapsed_time,
                "eta_time": eta_time,
                "media_in_size": src_size,
                "media_out_size": dst_size,
                "percent": int(100 * ratio),

    def transform_callback(status):
        data_json = object2json({"task_id": request.id, "status": status}, include_properties=False)
        if callback is None:
            print("{0} [ERROR] Unable to callback orchestrator: {1}".format(request.id, data_json))
            r = callback.post(data_json)
            print("{0} Code {1} {2} : {3}".format(request.id, r.status_code, r.reason, r._content))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    RATIO_DELTA, TIME_DELTA = 0.01, 1  # Update status if at least 1% of progress and 1 second elapsed.
    MAX_TIME_DELTA = 5  # Also ensure status update every 5 seconds.

        # Avoid 'referenced before assignment'
        callback = dashcast_conf = None
        encoder_out, request = "", current_task.request

        # Let's the task begin !
        print("{0} Transformation task started".format(request.id))

        # Read current configuration to translate files uri to local paths
        local_config = TransformLocalConfig.read(LOCAL_CONFIG_FILENAME, inspect_constructor=False)
        print(object2json(local_config, include_properties=True))

        # Load and check task parameters
        callback = Callback.from_json(callback_json, inspect_constructor=True)

        # Update callback socket according to configuration
        if local_config.api_nat_socket and len(local_config.api_nat_socket) > 0:

        media_in = Media.from_json(media_in_json, inspect_constructor=True)
        media_out = Media.from_json(media_out_json, inspect_constructor=True)
        profile = TransformProfile.from_json(profile_json, inspect_constructor=True)

        # Verify that media file can be accessed and create output path
        media_in_path = local_config.storage_medias_path(media_in, generate=False)
        if not media_in_path:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                to_bytes("Input media asset will not be readed from shared storage : {0}".format(media_in.uri))
        media_out_path = local_config.storage_medias_path(media_out, generate=True)
        if not media_out_path:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                to_bytes("Output media asset will not be written to shared storage : {0}".format(media_out.uri))
        media_in_root = dirname(media_in_path)
        media_out_root = dirname(media_out_path)

        # Get input media duration and frames to be able to estimate ETA
        media_in_duration = get_media_duration(media_in_path)

        # NOT A REAL TRANSFORM : FILE COPY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if profile.encoder_name == "copy":
            infos = recursive_copy(media_in_root, media_out_root, copy_callback, RATIO_DELTA, TIME_DELTA)
            media_out_tmp = media_in_path.replace(media_in_root, media_out_root)
            os.rename(media_out_tmp, media_out_path)
            start_date = infos["start_date"]
            elapsed_time = infos["elapsed_time"]
            media_in_size = infos["src_size"]

        # A REAL TRANSFORM : TRANSCODE WITH FFMPEG ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        elif profile.encoder_name == "ffmpeg":

            start_date, start_time = datetime_now(), time.time()
            prev_ratio = prev_time = 0

            # Get input media size to be able to estimate ETA
            media_in_size = get_size(media_in_root)

            # Create FFmpeg subprocess
            cmd = 'ffmpeg -y -i "{0}" {1} "{2}"'.format(media_in_path, profile.encoder_string, media_out_path)
            ffmpeg = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True)

            while True:
                # Wait for data to become available
                select.select([ffmpeg.stderr], [], [])
                chunk = ffmpeg.stderr.read()
                encoder_out += chunk
                elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
                match = FFMPEG_REGEX.match(chunk)
                if match:
                    stats = match.groupdict()
                    media_out_duration = stats["time"]
                        ratio = total_seconds(media_out_duration) / total_seconds(media_in_duration)
                        ratio = 0.0 if ratio < 0.0 else 1.0 if ratio > 1.0 else ratio
                    except ZeroDivisionError:
                        ratio = 1.0
                    delta_time = elapsed_time - prev_time
                    if (ratio - prev_ratio > RATIO_DELTA and delta_time > TIME_DELTA) or delta_time > MAX_TIME_DELTA:
                        prev_ratio, prev_time = ratio, elapsed_time
                        eta_time = int(elapsed_time * (1.0 - ratio) / ratio) if ratio > 0 else 0
                                "hostname": request.hostname,
                                "start_date": start_date,
                                "elapsed_time": elapsed_time,
                                "eta_time": eta_time,
                                "media_in_size": media_in_size,
                                "media_in_duration": media_in_duration,
                                "media_out_size": get_size(media_out_root),
                                "media_out_duration": media_out_duration,
                                "percent": int(100 * ratio),
                                "encoding_frame": stats["frame"],
                                "encoding_fps": stats["fps"],
                                "encoding_bitrate": stats["bitrate"],
                                "encoding_quality": stats["q"],
                returncode = ffmpeg.poll()
                if returncode is not None:

            # FFmpeg output sanity check
            if returncode != 0:
                raise OSError(to_bytes("FFmpeg return code is {0}, encoding probably failed.".format(returncode)))

            # Output media file sanity check
        #            media_out_duration = get_media_duration(media_out_path)
        #            if total_seconds(media_out_duration) / total_seconds(media_in_duration) > 1.5 or < 0.8:
        #                salut

        # A REAL TRANSFORM : TRANSCODE WITH DASHCAST -------------------------------------------------------------------
        elif profile.encoder_name == "dashcast":

            start_date, start_time = datetime_now(), time.time()
            prev_ratio = prev_time = 0

            # Get input media size and frames to be able to estimate ETA
            media_in_size = get_size(media_in_root)
                media_in_frames = int(get_media_tracks(media_in_path)["video"]["0:0"]["estimated_frames"])
                media_out_frames = 0
                raise ValueError(to_bytes("Unable to estimate # frames of input media asset"))

            # Create DashCast configuration file and subprocess
            dashcast_conf = "dashcast_{0}.conf".format(uuid.uuid4())
            with open(dashcast_conf, "w", "utf-8") as f:
            cmd = 'DashCast -conf {0} -av "{1}" {2} -out "{3}" -mpd "{4}"'.format(
                dashcast_conf, media_in_path, profile.dash_options, media_out_root, media_out.filename
            dashcast = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True)

            while True:
                # Wait for data to become available
                select.select([dashcast.stdout.fileno()], [], [])
                stdout, stderr = read_async(dashcast.stdout), read_async(dashcast.stderr)
                elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
                match = DASHCAST_REGEX.match(stdout)
                if match:
                    stats = match.groupdict()
                    media_out_frames = int(stats["frame"])
                        ratio = float(media_out_frames) / media_in_frames
                        ratio = 0.0 if ratio < 0.0 else 1.0 if ratio > 1.0 else ratio
                    except ZeroDivisionError:
                        ratio = 1.0
                    delta_time = elapsed_time - prev_time
                    if (ratio - prev_ratio > RATIO_DELTA and delta_time > TIME_DELTA) or delta_time > MAX_TIME_DELTA:
                        prev_ratio, prev_time = ratio, elapsed_time
                        eta_time = int(elapsed_time * (1.0 - ratio) / ratio) if ratio > 0 else 0
                                "hostname": request.hostname,
                                "start_date": start_date,
                                "elapsed_time": elapsed_time,
                                "eta_time": eta_time,
                                "media_in_size": media_in_size,
                                "media_in_duration": media_in_duration,
                                "media_out_size": get_size(media_out_root),
                                "percent": int(100 * ratio),
                                "encoding_frame": media_out_frames,
                match = DASHCAST_SUCCESS_REGEX.match(stdout)
                returncode = dashcast.poll()
                if returncode is not None or match:
                    encoder_out = "stdout: {0}\nstderr: {1}".format(stdout, stderr)
                if media_out_frames == 0 and elapsed_time > DASHCAST_TIMEOUT_TIME:
                    encoder_out = "stdout: {0}\nstderr: {1}".format(stdout, stderr)
                    raise OSError(to_bytes("DashCast does not output frame number, encoding probably failed."))

            # DashCast output sanity check
            if not exists(media_out_path):
                raise OSError(to_bytes("Output media asset not found, DashCast encoding probably failed."))
            if returncode != 0:
                raise OSError(to_bytes("DashCast return code is {0}, encoding probably failed.".format(returncode)))
            # FIXME check duration too !

        # Here all seem okay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        media_out_size = get_size(media_out_root)
        media_out_duration = get_media_duration(media_out_path)
        print("{0} Transformation task successful, output media asset {1}".format(request.id, media_out.filename))
        return {
            "hostname": request.hostname,
            "start_date": start_date,
            "elapsed_time": elapsed_time,
            "eta_time": 0,
            "media_in_size": media_in_size,
            "media_in_duration": media_in_duration,
            "media_out_size": media_out_size,
            "media_out_duration": media_out_duration,
            "percent": 100,

    except Exception as error:

        # Here something went wrong
        print("{0} Transformation task failed ".format(request.id))
        transform_callback("ERROR\n{0}\n\nOUTPUT\n{1}".format(unicode(error), encoder_out))

        if dashcast_conf: