예제 #1
def test_multiple_visuals():
    urdf = """
    <robot name="robot_name">
    <link name="link0">
            <origin xyz="0 0 1"/>
                <sphere radius="0.123"/>
    <link name="link1">
            <origin xyz="0 0 1"/>
                <sphere radius="0.234"/>
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()

    assert_equal(len(tm.visuals), 2)
예제 #2
def test_multiple_parents():
    urdf = """
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <robot name="mmm">
        <link name="parent0"/>
        <link name="parent1"/>
        <link name="child"/>

        <joint name="joint0" type="revolute">
            <origin xyz="1 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
            <parent link="parent0"/>
            <child link="child"/>
            <axis xyz="1 0 0"/>
        <joint name="joint1" type="revolute">
            <origin xyz="0 1 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
            <parent link="parent1"/>
            <child link="child"/>
            <axis xyz="1 0 0"/>
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()

    p0c = tm.get_transform("parent0", "child")
    p1c = tm.get_transform("parent1", "child")
    assert_equal(p0c[0, 3], p1c[1, 3])
예제 #3
def test_collision():
    urdf = """
    <robot name="robot_name">
    <link name="link0"/>
    <link name="link1">
            <origin xyz="0 0 1"/>
    <joint name="joint0" type="fixed">
        <parent link="link0"/>
        <child link="link1"/>
        <origin xyz="0 0 1"/>
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()

    link1_to_link0 = tm.get_transform("link1", "link0")
    expected_link1_to_link0 = transform_from(np.eye(3), np.array([0, 0, 1]))
    assert_array_almost_equal(link1_to_link0, expected_link1_to_link0)

    link1_to_link0 = tm.get_transform("link1/collision_0", "link0")
    expected_link1_to_link0 = transform_from(np.eye(3), np.array([0, 0, 2]))
    assert_array_almost_equal(link1_to_link0, expected_link1_to_link0)
예제 #4
def test_fixed_joint():
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()
    tcp_to_link0 = tm.get_transform("tcp", "linkmount")
        np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1.174], [0, 0, 0, 1]]))
예제 #5
def test_ee_frame():
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()
    link7_to_linkmount = tm.get_transform("link6", "linkmount")
        np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1.124], [0, 0, 0, 1]]))
예제 #6
def test_joint_limits():
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()

    assert_raises(KeyError, tm.get_joint_limits, "unknown_joint")
    assert_array_almost_equal(tm.get_joint_limits("joint1"), (-1, 1))
    assert_array_almost_equal(tm.get_joint_limits("joint2"), (-1, np.inf))
    assert_array_almost_equal(tm.get_joint_limits("joint3"), (-np.inf, 1))
예제 #7
def test_joint_angles():
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()
    for i in range(1, 7):
        tm.set_joint("joint%d" % i, 0.1 * i)
    link7_to_linkmount = tm.get_transform("link6", "linkmount")
        np.array([[0.121698, -0.606672, 0.785582, 0.489351],
                  [0.818364, 0.509198, 0.266455, 0.114021],
                  [-0.561668, 0.610465, 0.558446, 0.924019], [0., 0., 0.,
예제 #8
def test_plot_mesh_smoke_with_scale():
    if not matplotlib_available:
        raise SkipTest("matplotlib is required for this test")

    BASE_DIR = "test/test_data/"
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()
    with open(BASE_DIR + "simple_mechanism.urdf", "r") as f:
        tm.load_urdf(f.read(), mesh_path=BASE_DIR)
    tm.set_joint("joint", -1.1)
    ax = tm.plot_frames_in(
        "lower_cone", s=0.1, whitelist=["upper_cone", "lower_cone"], show_name=True)
    ax = tm.plot_connections_in("lower_cone", ax=ax)
    tm.plot_visuals("lower_cone", ax=ax)
예제 #9
def test_without_origin():
    urdf = """
    <robot name="robot_name">
    <link name="link0"/>
    <link name="link1"/>
    <joint name="joint0" type="fixed">
        <parent link="link0"/>
        <child link="link1"/>
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()
    link1_to_link0 = tm.get_transform("link1", "link0")
    assert_array_almost_equal(link1_to_link0, np.eye(4))
예제 #10
def test_plot_without_mesh():
    if not matplotlib_available:
        raise SkipTest("matplotlib is required for this test")

    BASE_DIR = "test/test_data/"
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()
    with open(BASE_DIR + "simple_mechanism.urdf", "r") as f:
        tm.load_urdf(f.read(), mesh_path=None)
    tm.set_joint("joint", -1.1)
    ax = tm.plot_frames_in(
        "lower_cone", s=0.1, whitelist=["upper_cone", "lower_cone"], show_name=True)
    ax = tm.plot_connections_in("lower_cone", ax=ax)

    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        tm.plot_visuals("lower_cone", ax=ax)
        assert_equal(len(w), 1)
예제 #11
def test_joint_limit_clipping():
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()

    tm.set_joint("joint1", 2.0)
    link7_to_linkmount = tm.get_transform("link6", "linkmount")
        np.array([[0.5403023, -0.8414710, 0, 0], [0.8414710, 0.5403023, 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, 1, 1.124], [0, 0, 0, 1]]))

    tm.set_joint("joint1", -2.0)
    link7_to_linkmount = tm.get_transform("link6", "linkmount")
        np.array([[0.5403023, 0.8414710, 0, 0], [-0.8414710, 0.5403023, 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, 1, 1.124], [0, 0, 0, 1]]))
예제 #12
def test_plot_mesh_smoke_without_scale():
    if not matplotlib_available:
        raise SkipTest("matplotlib is required for this test")

    urdf = """
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <robot name="simple_mechanism">
        <link name="upper_cone">
          <visual name="upper_cone">
            <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 1.5708 0"/>
            <mesh filename="cone.stl"/>

        <link name="lower_cone">
          <visual name="lower_cone">
            <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
            <mesh filename="cone.stl"/>

        <joint name="joint" type="revolute">
          <origin xyz="0 0 0.2" rpy="0 0 0"/>
          <parent link="lower_cone"/>
          <child link="upper_cone"/>
          <axis xyz="1 0 0"/>
          <limit lower="-2.79253" upper="2.79253" effort="0" velocity="0"/>

    BASE_DIR = "test/test_data/"
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()
    tm.load_urdf(urdf, mesh_path=BASE_DIR)
    tm.set_joint("joint", -1.1)
    ax = tm.plot_frames_in("lower_cone",
                           whitelist=["upper_cone", "lower_cone"],
    ax = tm.plot_connections_in("lower_cone", ax=ax)
    tm.plot_visuals("lower_cone", ax=ax)
예제 #13
def test_collision_box_without_size():
    urdf = """
    <robot name="robot_name">
    <link name="link0">
            <origin xyz="0 0 1"/>
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()

    assert_equal(len(tm.collision_objects), 1)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tm.collision_objects[0].size, np.zeros(3))
예제 #14
def test_collision_sphere():
    urdf = """
    <robot name="robot_name">
    <link name="link0">
            <origin xyz="0 0 1"/>
                <sphere radius="0.123"/>
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()

    assert_equal(len(tm.collision_objects), 1)
    assert_equal(tm.collision_objects[0].radius, 0.123)
예제 #15
def test_parse_material_without_color():
    urdf = """
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <robot name="mmm">
        <material name="Black"/>
        <link name="root">
                    <box size="0.758292 1.175997 0.8875"/>
                    <material name="Black"/>
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()
    assert_true(tm.visuals[0].color is None)
예제 #16
def test_parse_material_local():
    urdf = """
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <robot name="mmm">
        <link name="root">
                    <box size="0.758292 1.175997 0.8875"/>
                    <material name="Black">
                        <color rgba="1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0"/>
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()
    assert_array_almost_equal(tm.visuals[0].color, np.array([1, 0, 0, 1]))
예제 #17
def test_with_empty_axis():
    urdf = """
    <robot name="robot_name">
    <link name="link0"/>
    <link name="link1"/>
    <joint name="joint0" type="revolute">
        <parent link="link0"/>
        <child link="link1"/>
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()
    tm.set_joint("joint0", np.pi)
    link1_to_link0 = tm.get_transform("link1", "link0")
        np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]))
예제 #18
def test_plot_mesh_smoke_with_package_dir():
    if not matplotlib_available:
        raise SkipTest("matplotlib is required for this test")

    urdf = """
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <robot name="simple_mechanism">
        <link name="cone">
          <visual name="cone">
            <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 1.5708 0"/>
            <mesh filename="package://test/test_data/cone.stl"/>
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()
    tm.load_urdf(urdf, package_dir="./")
예제 #19
def test_prismatic_joint():
    urdf = """
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <robot name="mmm">
        <link name="parent"/>
        <link name="child"/>

        <joint name="joint" type="prismatic">
            <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
            <parent link="parent"/>
            <child link="child"/>
            <axis xyz="1 0 0"/>
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()
    tm.set_joint("joint", 5.33)

    c2p = tm.get_transform("child", "parent")
        np.array([[1, 0, 0, 5.33], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]))
예제 #20
class RemoteHelloRobot(object):
    """Hello Robot interface"""
    def __init__(self):
        self._robot = Robot()
        if not self._robot.is_calibrated():
        self._done = True
        # Read battery maintenance guide https://docs.hello-robot.com/battery_maintenance_guide/

    def _check_battery(self):
        p = self._robot.pimu
        val_in_range("CPU Temp", p.status["cpu_temp"], vmin=15, vmax=80)

    def _load_urdf(self):
        import os

        urdf_path = os.path.join(

        from pytransform3d.urdf import UrdfTransformManager
        import pytransform3d.transformations as pt
        import pytransform3d.visualizer as pv
        import numpy as np

        self.tm = UrdfTransformManager()
        with open(urdf_path, "r") as f:
            urdf = f.read()

    def get_camera_transform(self):
        s = self._robot.get_status()
        head_pan = s["head"]["head_pan"]["pos"]
        head_tilt = s["head"]["head_tilt"]["pos"]

        # Get Camera transform
        self.tm.set_joint("joint_head_pan", head_pan)
        self.tm.set_joint("joint_head_tilt", head_tilt)
        camera_transform = self.tm.get_transform("camera_link", "base_link")

        return camera_transform

    def get_status(self):
        return self._robot.get_status()

    def get_base_state(self):
        s = self._robot.get_status()
        return (s["base"]["x"], s["base"]["y"], s["base"]["theta"])

    def get_pan(self):
        s = self._robot.get_status()
        return s["head"]["head_pan"]["pos"]

    def get_tilt(self):
        s = self._robot.get_status()
        return s["head"]["head_tilt"]["pos"]

    def set_pan(self, pan):
        self._robot.head.move_to("head_pan", pan)

    def set_tilt(self, tilt):
        self._robot.head.move_to("head_tilt", tilt)

    def reset_camera(self):

    def set_pan_tilt(self, pan, tilt):
        """Sets both the pan and tilt joint angles of the robot camera  to the
        specified values.

        :param pan: value to be set for pan joint in radian
        :param tilt: value to be set for the tilt joint in radian

        :type pan: float
        :type tilt: float
        :type wait: bool
        self._robot.head.move_to("head_pan", pan)
        self._robot.head.move_to("head_tilt", tilt)

    def test_connection(self):
        print("Connected!!")  # should print on server terminal
        return "Connected!"  # should print on client terminal

    def home(self):

    def stow(self):

    def push_command(self):

    def translate_by(self, x_m):

    def rotate_by(self, x_r):

    def go_to_absolute(self, xyt_position):
        """Moves the robot base to given goal state in the world frame.

        :param xyt_position: The goal state of the form (x,y,yaw)
                             in the world (map) frame.
        if self._done:
            self._done = False
            global_xyt = xyt_position
            base_state = self.get_base_state()
            base_xyt = transform_global_to_base(global_xyt, base_state)
            goto(self._robot, list(base_xyt), dryrun=False)
            self._done = True
        return self._done

    def go_to_relative(self, xyt_position):
        """Moves the robot base to the given goal state relative to its current

        :param xyt_position: The  relative goal state of the form (x,y,yaw)
        if self._done:
            self._done = False
            goto(self._robot, list(xyt_position), dryrun=False)
            self._done = True

    def is_moving(self):
        return not self._done

    def stop(self):

    def remove_runstop(self):
        if robot.pimu.status["runstop_event"]:
예제 #21
class Atlas():
    """ This class represents a 15 DOF (revolute joints only) serial chain of the humanoid Atlas.
        The investigated chain is the following:
        ['l_foot', 'l_talus', 'l_lleg', 'l_uleg', 'l_lglut', 'l_uglut', 'pelvis', 'ltorso', 'mtorso',\
         'utorso', 'l_clav', 'l_scap', 'l_uarm', 'l_larm', 'l_farm', 'l_hand', 'tcp']
    def __init__(self, urdf_path, theta_stds=None):
        """ Constructor:
                urdf_path: string: path to the URDF file containing the model of the manipulator
                           including all relevant parameters
                theta_stds: 15x1-vector: standard deviations of the joint accuracies of the manipulator (rad)
        with open(urdf_path) as f:
            urdf_string = f.read()
        self.tm = UrdfTransformManager()
        self.n_DOFS = 15
        self.has_jacobian = False
        self.has_IK = False
        self.has_singularity_condition = False

        #link names of the investigated subchain of Atlas from base to end effector (15-DOF)
        self.sorted_link_names = ['l_foot', 'l_talus', 'l_lleg', 'l_uleg', 'l_lglut', 'l_uglut', 'pelvis', 'ltorso', 'mtorso',\
                                  'utorso', 'l_clav', 'l_scap', 'l_uarm', 'l_larm', 'l_farm', 'l_hand', 'tcp']

        self.joint_info = self._extract_relevant_joints()

        #joint names of the investigated subchain of Atlas from base to end effector (15-DOF)
        self.sorted_joint_names = self._get_sorted_joint_names()

        if theta_stds is None:
            #default is an uncertainty of a standard deviation of 1 degree per joint
            self.theta_stds = np.zeros(self.n_DOFS) + (1 * math.pi / 180)
            self.theta_stds = theta_stds

        self.joint_transformations_notheta = self._construct_transformations_notheta(
        self.summands2, self.summands3 = self._prepare_rodrigues_summands()

        #trajectory that is tested in one of the experiments
        #numbers are: [start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y, start_z, end_z]
        self.trajectory = [-0.5, -0.1, -0.3, 0.3, 1.3, 1.8]

        #arbitrarily chosen subspace of the maximum workspace (for no joint limits) where we train and test
        #it is secured via numerical tests that this set really lies in the workspace
        self.subspace = np.array([[0.7, 1.2], [-0.4, 0.1], [1,
                                                            1.5], [0.6, 0.6],
                                  [0.1, 0.1], [0.1, 0.1], [0, 0.5]])

    def _extract_relevant_joints(self):
        """ Removes the joints not belonging to the investigated chain of Atlas.
        joint_info = self.tm._joints.copy()
        for joint_name in list(self.tm._joints):
            if self.tm._joints[joint_name][
                    0] not in self.sorted_link_names or self.tm._joints[
                        joint_name][1] not in self.sorted_link_names:
        return joint_info

    def _get_sorted_joint_names(self):
        """ Collects the joint names in a sorted list where the order corresponds to the the chain from the
            robot base to the end effector.
        sorted_joints = []
        for i in range(len(self.sorted_link_names) - 1):
            for joint in self.joint_info:
                if self.sorted_link_names[i] in self.joint_info[
                        joint][:2] and self.sorted_link_names[
                            i + 1] in self.joint_info[joint][:2]:
        return sorted_joints

    def _construct_transformations_notheta(self):
        """ Prepares the transformation matrices for this manipulator between two adjacent joints.
            They are valid only for theta_i = 0 for all i, i.e. the default configuration. Later, these
            matrices are re-used in the FK calculation.
                transformations_notheta: 7x4x4-matrix: contains the transformation matrices for adjacent joints
                                                       in the case of theta_i = 0 for all i
        transformations_notheta = np.zeros((self.n_DOFS + 1, 4, 4))
        for i, joint in enumerate(self.sorted_joint_names):
            #take the child to parent transformation matrices for the default configuration
            transformations_notheta[i] = self.joint_info[joint][2]
        #static tcp transformation
        transformations_notheta[-1] = self.tm.get_transform(
            self.sorted_link_names[-1], self.sorted_link_names[-2])

        return transformations_notheta

    def _prepare_rodrigues_summands(self):
        """ Prepares the second summand of the decomposed Rodrigues formula which is used in the FK calculation.
            This matrix does not depend on theta, therefore it is pre-calculated to speed up the FK calculation at runtime.
            Returns: the nx4x4 matrices for the second and third summand of the decomposed Rodrigues formula
        #source of the decomposed Rodrigues formula: https://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/angleToMatrix/

        summand2 = np.zeros((self.n_DOFS, 4, 4))
        summand3 = np.zeros((self.n_DOFS, 4, 4))
        for i, joint in enumerate(self.sorted_joint_names):
            #get rotation axis of the joint
            x, y, z = self.joint_info[joint][3]
            summand2[i, :3, :3] = np.array([[x * x, x * y, x * z],
                                            [x * y, y * y, y * z],
                                            [x * z, y * z, z * z]])
            summand3[i, :3, :3] = np.array([[0, -z, y], [z, 0, -x], [-y, x,
        return summand2, summand3

    def _test_jacobian(self, J, theta_vec):
        """ Checks a jacobian for correctness. This function compares delta_x1 = J(theta) * delta_theta
            and delta_x2 = FK(theta) - FK(theta + delta_theta) for a very small vector delta_theta.
            If delta_x1 and delta_x2 are not close, an exception is thrown.
                J: 6x15-matrix: The manipulator jacobian at theta_vec
                theta_vec: 1x15-vector: The joint angles for which the Jacobian is valid
        theta_vec = np.atleast_2d(theta_vec)
        delta_theta_small = np.zeros((self.n_DOFS, 1))
        std = 1e-4
        delta_theta_small[:, 0] = np.random.normal(loc=0,
        old_jc = theta_vec
        new_jc = theta_vec + delta_theta_small.T
        true_T = self.FK(old_jc)[0]
        new_T = self.FK(new_jc)[0]
        true_quat = quaternion_from_matrix(true_T[:3, :3])
        new_quat = quaternion_from_matrix(new_T[:3, :3])
        pos_error = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(new_T[:3, 3] - true_T[:3, 3])))
        ori_error = 2 * np.arccos(np.abs(np.inner(new_quat, true_quat)))
        cart_error_j = np.dot(J, delta_theta_small)
        pos_error_j = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(cart_error_j[:3])))
        ori_error_j = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(cart_error_j[3:])))
        threshold = 1e-7
        assert np.abs(pos_error -
                      pos_error_j) < threshold, "Jacobian test failed"
        assert np.abs(ori_error -
                      ori_error_j) < threshold, "Jacobian test failed"

    def FK(self, thetas):
        """ Wrapper for the Forward Kinematic Model which transforms joint configurations
            into cartesian space.
                thetas: nx15-matrix or -tensor: angles of the joints (rad)
                        rows: samples
                        columns: joints
                Ts: nx4x4-matrix: homogenous transformation matrices
                    n: number of samples
                    X[i,:,:]: homogenous transformation matrix of the ith sample
                              representing the end effector pose
        sess = tf.Session()
        with sess.as_default():
            thetas_T = tf.convert_to_tensor(thetas)
            Ts = self.FK_tensor(thetas_T).eval()
        return Ts

    def FK_tensor(self, thetas):
        """ Forward Kinematic Model:
            Transforms joint configurations into 3D cartesian space.
                thetas: nx15-tensor: angles of the joints (rad)
                        rows: samples
                        columns: joints
                _0_T_tcp: nx4x4-tensor: homogenous transformation matrices
                          n: number of samples
                          X[i,:,:]: homogenous transformation matrix of the ith sample
                                    representing the end effector pose
        #make sure the datatypes are all float64
        thetas = tf.cast(thetas, dtype=tf.float64)

        #convert preliminary transformation matrices to tensors
        m1 = [tf.shape(thetas)[0], 1, 1, 1]
        m2 = [tf.shape(thetas)[0], 1, 1]
        trans_notheta = tf.tile(
                                     dtype=tf.float64), 0), m1)  #nx16x4x4
        trans_tcp = tf.tile(
                                     dtype=tf.float64), 0), m2)  #nx4x4

        #use the decomposed Rodrigues formula (source: https://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/angleToMatrix/)
        identity = tf.tile(
            tf.expand_dims(tf.eye(4, batch_shape=[15], dtype=tf.float64), 0),
            m1)  #nx15x4x4
        summands2 = tf.expand_dims(
            tf.convert_to_tensor(self.summands2, dtype=tf.float64),
            0)  #1x15x4x4
        summands3 = tf.expand_dims(
            tf.convert_to_tensor(self.summands3, dtype=tf.float64),
            0)  #1x15x4x4

        Sth = tf.reshape(tf.sin(thetas), [-1, 15, 1, 1])  #nx15x1x1
        Cth = tf.reshape(tf.cos(thetas), [-1, 15, 1, 1])  #nx15x1x1
        tth = 1 - Cth  #nx15x1x1

        scaled_identity = tf.multiply(Cth, identity[:, :, :3, :3])  #nx15x3x3
        tmp = tf.concat([scaled_identity, identity[:, :, :3, 3:]],
                        axis=-1)  #nx15x3x4
        scaled_homogenous_summands1 = tf.concat([tmp, identity[:, :, 3:, :]],
                                                axis=2)  #nx15x4x4

        trans_theta = scaled_homogenous_summands1 + tf.multiply(
            tth, summands2) + tf.multiply(Sth, summands3)  #nx16x4x4

        _i_T_ip1 = tf.matmul(trans_notheta, trans_theta)  #nx15x4x4

        #matrix multiplication of all transformation matrices
        _2_T_0 = tf.matmul(_i_T_ip1[:, 1, :, :], _i_T_ip1[:, 0, :, :])  #nx4x4
        _4_T_2 = tf.matmul(_i_T_ip1[:, 3, :, :], _i_T_ip1[:, 2, :, :])  #nx4x4
        _6_T_4 = tf.matmul(_i_T_ip1[:, 5, :, :], _i_T_ip1[:, 4, :, :])  #nx4x4
        _6_T_0 = tf.matmul(_6_T_4, tf.matmul(_4_T_2, _2_T_0))
        #this matrix needs to be inversed because the investigated chain spans two branches of the structural tree of the URDF.
        #the root node (index 6) is the pelvis
        #from index 0 to 6 we go upwards from a leaf towards the root node
        #from index 6 to 16 we go downwards from the root towards another leaf
        #due to this, the order of parent and child changes which makes the inversion necessary at this point
        #homogenous transformation matrices can be inverted faster by using a transposition:
        R_t = tf.matrix_transpose(_6_T_0[:, :3, :3])  #nx3x3
        t = _6_T_0[:, :3, 3:]  #nx3x1
        mRt = -tf.matmul(R_t, t)  #nx3x1
        row4 = identity[:, 0, 3:, :]  #nx1x4
        row123 = tf.concat([R_t, mRt], axis=-1)  #nx3x4
        _0_T_6 = tf.concat([row123, row4], axis=1)  #nx4x4

        _6_T_8 = tf.matmul(_i_T_ip1[:, 6, :, :], _i_T_ip1[:, 7, :, :])  #nx4x4
        _8_T_10 = tf.matmul(_i_T_ip1[:, 8, :, :], _i_T_ip1[:, 9, :, :])  #nx4x4
        _10_T_12 = tf.matmul(_i_T_ip1[:, 10, :, :], _i_T_ip1[:,
                                                             11, :, :])  #nx4x4
        _12_T_14 = tf.matmul(_i_T_ip1[:, 12, :, :], _i_T_ip1[:,
                                                             13, :, :])  #nx4x4
        _14_T_tcp = tf.matmul(_i_T_ip1[:, 14, :, :], trans_tcp)  #nx4x4

        _6_T_10 = tf.matmul(_6_T_8, _8_T_10)
        _10_T_14 = tf.matmul(_10_T_12, _12_T_14)

        _0_T_10 = tf.matmul(_0_T_6, _6_T_10)
        _10_T_tcp = tf.matmul(_10_T_14, _14_T_tcp)

        _0_T_tcp = tf.matmul(_0_T_10, _10_T_tcp)

        return _0_T_tcp

    def plot_configurations(self, joint_configurations):
        """ Plots manipulator configurations in 3D cartesian space.
                joint_configurations: nx15-matrix: angles of the joints (rad)
                                      n: number of samples
                the figure and axis references
        for i in range(joint_configurations.shape[0]):
            joint_names = self.sorted_joint_names
            joint_angles = joint_configurations[i, :]
            for name, angle in zip(joint_names, joint_angles):
                self.tm.set_joint(name, angle)
            if i == 0:
                ax = self.tm.plot_frames_in("l_foot",
                ax = self.tm.plot_frames_in("l_foot",
            ax = self.tm.plot_connections_in("l_foot",

        ax.set_xlabel('x [m]')
        ax.set_ylabel('y [m]')
        ax.set_zlabel('z [m]')
        fig = plt.gcf()
        return fig, ax
예제 #22
import os
from pytransform3d.urdf import UrdfTransformManager
import pytransform3d.visualizer as pv

BASE_DIR = "test/test_data/"
data_dir = BASE_DIR
search_path = "."
while (not os.path.exists(data_dir) and
       os.path.dirname(search_path) != "pytransform3d"):
    search_path = os.path.join(search_path, "..")
    data_dir = os.path.join(search_path, BASE_DIR)

tm = UrdfTransformManager()
with open(data_dir + "simple_mechanism.urdf", "r") as f:
    tm.load_urdf(f.read(), mesh_path=data_dir)
tm.set_joint("joint", -1.1)

fig = pv.figure()

# add graph, box, and sphere
graph = fig.plot_graph(
    tm, "lower_cone", s=0.1, show_frames=True,
    whitelist=["upper_cone", "lower_cone"],
    show_connections=True, show_visuals=True, show_name=False)
box = fig.plot_box([1, 1, 1])
sphere = fig.plot_sphere(2)

# remove graph and box
예제 #23
            figure.plot(arc_bound, c=c)

BASE_DIR = "test/test_data/"
data_dir = BASE_DIR
search_path = "."
while (not os.path.exists(data_dir)
       and os.path.dirname(search_path) != "pytransform3d"):
    search_path = os.path.join(search_path, "..")
    data_dir = os.path.join(search_path, BASE_DIR)

tm = UrdfTransformManager()
filename = os.path.join(data_dir, "robot_with_visuals.urdf")
with open(filename, "r") as f:
    robot_urdf = f.read()
    tm.load_urdf(robot_urdf, mesh_path=data_dir)
tm.set_joint("joint2", 0.2 * np.pi)
tm.set_joint("joint3", 0.2 * np.pi)
tm.set_joint("joint5", 0.1 * np.pi)
tm.set_joint("joint6", 0.5 * np.pi)

ee2base = tm.get_transform("tcp", "robot_arm")
base2ee = tm.get_transform("robot_arm", "tcp")

mass = 1.0
wrench_in_ee = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -9.81, 0.0]) * mass
wrench_in_base = np.dot(pt.adjoint_from_transform(base2ee).T, wrench_in_ee)

fig = pv.figure()

fig.plot_graph(tm, "robot_arm", s=0.1, show_visuals=True)
예제 #24
def test_unknown_joint():
    tm = UrdfTransformManager()
    assert_raises(KeyError, tm.set_joint, "unknown_joint", 0)
예제 #25
      <origin xyz="-0.00065 0.03005 -0.44359" rpy="0 0 0"/>
      <parent link="link_RightLeg"/>
      <child link="link_RightFoot"/>
      <limit effort="0" velocity="0"/>
    <joint name="link_RightToeBase" type="revolute">
      <origin xyz="0.00016 -0.08667 -0.08682" rpy="0 0 0"/>
      <parent link="link_RightFoot"/>
      <child link="link_RightToeBase"/>
      <limit effort="0" velocity="0"/>

tm = UrdfTransformManager()
joint_names = [
    "link_LeftUpLeg", "link_LeftLeg", "link_LeftFoot", "link_LeftToeBase",
    "link_RightUpLeg", "link_RightLeg", "link_RightFoot", "link_RightToeBase"
joint_angles = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
for name, angle in zip(joint_names, joint_angles):
    tm.set_joint(name, angle)
ax = tm.plot_frames_in("compi", whitelist=joint_names, s=0.05, show_name=True)
ax = tm.plot_connections_in("compi", ax=ax)
ax.set_xlim((-0.2, 0.8))
ax.set_ylim((-0.5, 0.5))
ax.set_zlim((-0.2, 0.8))
예제 #26
class Compi():
    """ This class represents a 6 DOF RRR-RRR manipulator with a spherical wrist, e.g. Compi of the DFKI.
        Link lengths and joint limits can be varied via the input URDF-file but the joint rotation axes and
        the coordinate system relations (alpha) are fixed because analytical IK and Jacobian depend on it
        and are hardcoded. This is due to the fact that the whole derivation process, especially of the analytical IK,
        highly depends on those parameters and is difficult to generalize.
    def __init__(self, urdf_path, theta_stds=None):
        """ Constructor:
                urdf_path: path to the URDF file containing the model of the manipulator
                           including all relevant parameters
                theta_stds: 6x1-vector: standard deviations of the joint accuracies of the manipulator (rad)
        with open(urdf_path) as f:
            urdf_string = f.read()
        self.tm = UrdfTransformManager()
        self.n_DOFS = 6
        self.has_jacobian = True
        self.has_IK = True
        self.has_singularity_condition = True
        #sorted link names of the serial chain
        self.sorted_link_names = ['base_link', 'link1', 'link2', 'link3', 'link4', 'link5', 'link6', 'tcp']
        #sorted joint names of the serial chain
        self.sorted_joint_names = self._get_sorted_joint_names()
        self.joint_info = self.tm._joints.copy()
        if theta_stds is None:
            #default is an uncertainty of a standard deviation of 1 degree per joint
            self.theta_stds = np.zeros(self.n_DOFS) + (1*math.pi/180)
            self.theta_stds = theta_stds
        self.joint_transformations_notheta = self._construct_transformations_notheta()
        #trajectory that is tested in one of the experiments
        #numbers are: [start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y, start_z, end_z]
        self.trajectory = [-0.5, -0.1, -0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4]
        #arbitrarily chosen subspace of the maximum workspace (for no joint limits) where we train and test
        #it is secured via numerical tests that this set really lies in the workspace
        self.subspace = np.array([[0, 0.5],
                                  [0, 0.3],
                                  [0.3, 0.6],
                                  [0.8, 0.8],
                                  [0.1, 0.1],
                                  [0.1, 0.1],
                                  [0, 0.3]])
    def _get_sorted_joint_names(self):
        """ Collects the joint names in a sorted list where the order corresponds to the the chain from the
            robot base to the end effector.
        sorted_joints = []
        for i in range(len(self.sorted_link_names)-1):
            for joint in self.tm._joints:
                if self.sorted_link_names[i] in self.tm._joints[joint][:2] and self.sorted_link_names[i+1] in self.tm._joints[joint][:2]:
        return sorted_joints
    def _construct_transformations_notheta(self):
        """ Prepares the transformation matrices for this manipulator between two adjacent joints.
            The transformation matrices are pre-filled with all constant elements, i.e. link lengths,
            rotation axes, angles alpha between two adjacent coordinate systems. The terms containing
            the angle configuration theta are left out and need to be multiplied at a later stage.
            Hence, this matrices are no valid homogenous transformation matrices in this form. However,
            they enable a fast computation of the forward kinematics because the constant parts don't need
            to be calculated over and over again.
                transformations_notheta: 7x4x4-matrix: contains the pre-filled matrices that can be turned
                                          into homogenous transformation matrices easily
        #the construction of homogenous transformation matrices from robot parameters refers to
        #"Modeling and Control of Manipulators, Part I: Geometric and Kinematic Models" by W. Khalil, page 40
        #get link lengths
        l1 = self.tm.get_transform('link2','link1')[2,3]
        l2 = self.tm.get_transform('link3','link2')[0,3]
        l3 = self.tm.get_transform('link4','link3')[1,3]
        l4 = self.tm.get_transform('tcp','link6')[2,3]
        transformations_notheta = np.zeros((7,4,4))
        transformations_notheta[:,0,:2] = 1
        transformations_notheta[:,3,3] = 1
        #fill in the last columns containing the link lengths parameters
        transformations_notheta[1,2,3] = l1
        transformations_notheta[2,0,3] = l2
        transformations_notheta[3,1,3] = l3
        transformations_notheta[6,2,3] = l4
        #fill in the alpha-factors in the second and third columns
        alphas = [0, math.pi/2, 0, -math.pi/2, math.pi/2, -math.pi/2, 0]
        for i, alpha in enumerate(alphas):
            Ca = math.cos(alpha)
            Sa = math.sin(alpha)
            transformations_notheta[i,1,:3] = [Ca, Ca, -Sa]
            transformations_notheta[i,2,:3] = [Sa, Sa, Ca]
        #the last transformation (end effector) is a static one
        transformations_notheta[6,:3,:3] = np.eye(3)
        return transformations_notheta
    def turn_configurations_singular(self, thetas):
        #COMPI: elbow singularity: theta3=-pi/2 or theta3=pi/2
        thetas[:,2] = -math.pi/2
        return thetas

    def jacobian(self, thetas, test=False):
        """ Constructs jacobian matrices of the manipulator for given joint configurations.
                thetas: nx6-matrix: angles of the joints (rad)
                        rows: samples
                        columns: joints
                test: bool: whether to test the constructed jacobians for correctness
                J: nx6x6-matrix: jacobian matrices
                   n: number of samples
                   J[i,:,:]: jacobian matrix of the ith sample
        n = thetas.shape[0]
        #the calculation of the jacobian for this 6-DOF RRR-RRR manipulator refers to
        #"Modeling and Control of Manipulators, Part I: Geometric and Kinematic Models" by W. Khalil
        #construct the kinematic jacobian (base to spherical wrist) first
        #the last link from the spherical wrist to the end effector is not included
        Jk = np.zeros((n,6,6))
        l2 = self.tm.transforms[('link3','link2')][0,3]
        l3 = self.tm.transforms[('link4','link3')][1,3]
        C2 = np.cos(thetas[:,1])
        C3 = np.cos(thetas[:,2])
        C4 = np.cos(thetas[:,3])
        C5 = np.cos(thetas[:,4])
        C6 = np.cos(thetas[:,5])
        S3 = np.sin(thetas[:,2])
        S4 = np.sin(thetas[:,3])
        S5 = np.sin(thetas[:,4])
        S6 = np.sin(thetas[:,5])
        C23 = np.cos(thetas[:,1] + thetas[:,2])
        S23 = np.sin(thetas[:,1] + thetas[:,2])
        Jk[:,0,0] = (- C6*C5*S4 - S6*C4)*(S23*l3 - C2*l2)
        Jk[:,1,0] = (S6*C5*S4 - C6*C4)*(S23*l3 - C2*l2)
        Jk[:,2,0] = S5*S4*(S23*l3 - C2*l2)
        Jk[:,3,0] = (C6*C5*C4 - S6*S4)*S23 + C6*S5*C23
        Jk[:,4,0] = (- S6*C5*C4 - C6*S4)*S23 - S6*S5*C23
        Jk[:,5,0] = - S5*C4*S23 + C5*C23
        Jk[:,0,1] = (- C6*C5*C4 + S6*S4)*(l3 - S3*l2) + C6*S5*C3*l2
        Jk[:,1,1] = (S6*C5*C4 + C6*S4)*(l3 - S3*l2) - S6*S5*C3*l2
        Jk[:,2,1] = S5*C4*(l3 - S3*l2) + C5*C3*l2
        Jk[:,3,1] = - C6*C5*S4 - S6*C4
        Jk[:,4,1] = S6*C5*S4 - C6*C4
        Jk[:,5,1] = S5*S4
        Jk[:,0,2] = (- C6*C5*C4 + S6*S4)*l3
        Jk[:,1,2] = (S6*C5*C4 + C6*S4)*l3
        Jk[:,2,2] = S5*C4*l3
        Jk[:,3,2] = - C6*C5*S4 - S6*C4
        Jk[:,4,2] = S6*C5*S4 - C6*C4
        Jk[:,5,2] = S5*S4
        Jk[:,0,3] = 0
        Jk[:,1,3] = 0
        Jk[:,2,3] = 0
        Jk[:,3,3] = C6*S5
        Jk[:,4,3] = - S6*S5
        Jk[:,5,3] = C5
        Jk[:,0,4] = 0
        Jk[:,1,4] = 0
        Jk[:,2,4] = 0
        Jk[:,3,4] = - S6
        Jk[:,4,4] = - C6
        Jk[:,5,4] = 0
        Jk[:,0,5] = 0
        Jk[:,1,5] = 0
        Jk[:,2,5] = 0
        Jk[:,3,5] = 0
        Jk[:,4,5] = 0
        Jk[:,5,5] = 1
        #include the relation of the last link by multiplying the kinematic jacobian
        #with a screw transformation matrix
        J = np.zeros((n,6,6))
        for i in range(n):
            screw_matrix = np.zeros((6,6))

            #last transformation is fixed, therefore the following matrix is valid
            #for all angle configurations
            E_T_n = self.tm.get_transform(self.tm.nodes[-2], self.tm.nodes[-1])
            E_R_n = E_T_n[:3,:3]
            E_p_n = E_T_n[:3,3]
            E_P_n_screw = np.array([[0, -E_p_n[2], E_p_n[1]],
                                    [E_p_n[2], 0, -E_p_n[0]],
                                    [-E_p_n[1], E_p_n[0], 0]])
            screw_matrix[:3,:3] = E_R_n
            screw_matrix[-3:,-3:] = E_R_n
            screw_matrix[:3,-3:] = E_P_n_screw @ E_R_n
            J[i] = screw_matrix @ Jk[i]
            if test:
                self._test_jacobian(J[i], thetas[i,:])
        return J
    def _test_jacobian(self, J, theta_vec):
        """ Checks a jacobian for correctness. This function compares delta_x1 = J(theta) * delta_theta
            and delta_x2 = FK(theta) - FK(theta + delta_theta) for a very small vector delta_theta.
            If delta_x1 and delta_x2 are not close, an exception is thrown.
                J: 6x6-matrix: The manipulator jacobian at theta_vec
                theta_vec: 1x6-vector: The joint angles for which the Jacobian is valid
        theta_vec = np.atleast_2d(theta_vec)
        delta_theta_small = np.zeros((self.n_DOFS,1))
        std = 1e-4
        delta_theta_small[:,0] = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=std, size=self.n_DOFS)
        old_jc = theta_vec
        new_jc = theta_vec + delta_theta_small.T
        true_T = self.FK(old_jc)[0]
        new_T = self.FK(new_jc)[0]
        true_quat = quaternion_from_matrix(true_T[:3,:3])
        new_quat = quaternion_from_matrix(new_T[:3,:3])
        pos_error = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(new_T[:3,3] - true_T[:3,3])))
        ori_error = 2 * np.arccos(np.abs(np.inner(new_quat, true_quat)))
        cart_error_j = np.dot(J, delta_theta_small)
        pos_error_j = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(cart_error_j[:3])))
        ori_error_j = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(cart_error_j[3:])))
        threshold = 1e-7
        assert np.abs(pos_error - pos_error_j) < threshold, "Jacobian test failed"
        assert np.abs(ori_error - ori_error_j) < threshold, "Jacobian test failed"
    def FK(self, thetas):
        """ Wrapper for the Forward Kinematic Model which transforms joint configurations
            into cartesian space.
                thetas: nx6-matrix or -tensor: angles of the joints (rad)
                        rows: samples
                        columns: joints
                Ts: nx4x4-matrix: homogenous transformation matrices
                    n: number of samples
                    X[i,:,:]: homogenous transformation matrix of the ith sample
                              representing the end effector pose
        sess = tf.Session()
        with sess.as_default():
            thetas_T = tf.convert_to_tensor(thetas)
            Ts = self.FK_tensor(thetas_T).eval()
        return Ts
    def FK_tensor(self, thetas):
        """ Forward Kinematic Model:
            Transforms joint configurations into 3D cartesian space.
                thetas: nx6-tensor: angles of the joints (rad)
                        rows: samples
                        columns: joints
                _0_T_tcp: nx4x4-tensor: homogenous transformation matrices
                          n: number of samples
                          X[i,:,:]: homogenous transformation matrix of the ith sample
                                    representing the end effector pose
        #make sure the datatypes are all float64
        thetas = tf.cast(thetas, dtype=tf.float64)
        #convert pre-filled transformation matrices to tensor
        trans = tf.reshape(tf.convert_to_tensor(self.joint_transformations_notheta[:6], dtype=tf.float64), [1,6,4,4]) #1x6x4x4
        trans_tcp = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.joint_transformations_notheta[6], dtype=tf.float64)                     #4x4
        #calculate masks
        Sth = tf.sin(thetas) #nx6
        Cth = tf.cos(thetas) #nx6

        t1 = tf.stack([Cth, -Sth], axis=-1)         #nx6x2
        t2 = tf.stack([Sth, Cth], axis=-1)          #nx6x2
        t3 = tf.stack([Sth, Cth], axis=-1)          #nx6x2
        t4 = tf.ones_like(t3)                       #nx6x2
        t5 = tf.stack([t1, t2, t3, t4], axis=2)     #nx6x4x2
        t6 = tf.ones_like(t5)                       #nx6x4x2
        masks = tf.concat([t5, t6], axis=-1)        #nx6x4x4
        _i_T_ip1 = tf.multiply(masks, trans)
        _0_T_2 = tf.matmul(_i_T_ip1[:,0,:,:], _i_T_ip1[:,1,:,:])                        #nx4x4
        _2_T_4 = tf.matmul(_i_T_ip1[:,2,:,:], _i_T_ip1[:,3,:,:])                        #nx4x4
        _4_T_6 = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(_i_T_ip1[:,4,:,:], _i_T_ip1[:,5,:,:]), [-1, 4])   #(4n)x4
        _0_T_4 = tf.matmul(_0_T_2, _2_T_4)                                              #nx4x4
        _4_T_tcp = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(_4_T_6, trans_tcp), [-1, 4, 4])                 #nx4x4
        _0_T_tcp = tf.matmul(_0_T_4, _4_T_tcp)                                          #nx4x4
        return _0_T_tcp
    def IK(self, poses):
        """ Analytical Inverse Kinematic Model:
            Transforms end effector poses from 3D cartesian space into the joint space.
                poses: nx4x4-matrix: End effector poses in 3D cartesian space
                       n: number of samples
                       poses[i,:,:]: homogenous transformation matrix of the ith sample
                                     representing the end effector pose
                thetas: nx8x6-matrix: All 8 IK solutions
                        first dim:  n samples
                        second dim: 8 solutions
                        third dim:  6 joint angles
        #rename important variables to improve readability
        n = poses.shape[0]
        l1 = self.tm.transforms[('link2','link1')][2,3]
        l2 = self.tm.transforms[('link3','link2')][0,3]
        l3 = self.tm.transforms[('link4','link3')][1,3]
        l4 = self.tm.transforms[('tcp','link6')][2,3]
        #convert poses from Base_T_tcp (input format) to 0_T_6 (the latter has the easier analytical solution)
        #0_T_6 = 0_T_Base * Base_T_tcp * tcp_T_6
        _0_T_base = np.eye(4)
        _0_T_base[2,3] = -l1
        tcp_T_6 = np.eye(4)
        tcp_T_6[2,3] = -l4
        new_poses = np.zeros_like(poses)
        for i in range(n):
            new_poses[i,:,:] = _0_T_base @ poses[i,:,:] @ tcp_T_6
        #analytical solution from "Modeling and Control of Manipulators, Part I: Geometric and Kinematic Models" by W. Khalil
        #the maximum number of solutions is eight
        thetas = np.zeros((n,8,6))
        sample_times = []
        for i in range(n):
            begin = timer()
            #rename important variables to improve readability
            Px = new_poses[i,0,3]
            Py = new_poses[i,1,3]
            Pz = new_poses[i,2,3]
            sx = new_poses[i,0,0]
            sy = new_poses[i,1,0]
            sz = new_poses[i,2,0]
            nx = new_poses[i,0,1]
            ny = new_poses[i,1,1]
            nz = new_poses[i,2,1]
            ax = new_poses[i,0,2]
            ay = new_poses[i,1,2]
            az = new_poses[i,2,2]
            #position equations
            #two solutions for the first joint angle
            thetas[i,:4,0] = math.atan2(Py, Px)
            if thetas[i,0,0] < 0:
                thetas[i,4:,0] = thetas[i,:4,0] + math.pi
                thetas[i,4:,0] = thetas[i,:4,0] - math.pi
            #two more solutions for the second joint angle
            for j in range(0,8,4):
                B1 = Px * math.cos(thetas[i,j,0]) + Py * math.sin(thetas[i,j,0])
                X = -2 * Pz * l2
                Y = -2 * B1 * l2
                Z = l3**2 - l2**2 - Pz**2 - B1**2
                sqroot_term = X**2 + Y**2 - Z**2
                if sqroot_term < 0:
                    #in this case, the current solution branch offers no solution
                    thetas[i,j:j+4,:] = np.NaN
                sqroot = math.sqrt(sqroot_term)
                denom = X**2 + Y**2
                C2_1 = (Y*Z - X*sqroot) / denom
                S2_1 = (X*Z + Y*sqroot) / denom
                thetas[i,j:j+2,1] = math.atan2(S2_1, C2_1)
                C2_2 = (Y*Z + X*sqroot) / denom
                S2_2 = (X*Z - Y*sqroot) / denom
                thetas[i,j+2:j+4,1] = math.atan2(S2_2, C2_2)
                #one solution for the third joint angle
                S3_1 = (- Pz * S2_1 - B1 * C2_1 + l2) / l3
                C3_1 = (- B1 * S2_1 + Pz * C2_1) / l3
                thetas[i,j:j+2,2] = math.atan2(S3_1, C3_1)
                S3_2 = (- Pz * S2_2 - B1 * C2_2 + l2) / l3
                C3_2 = (- B1 * S2_2 + Pz * C2_2) / l3
                thetas[i,j+2:j+4,2] = math.atan2(S3_2, C3_2)
            #orientation equations
            for j in range(0,8,2):
                if np.isnan(thetas[i,j,0]):
                #two more solutions for the fourth joint angle
                S1 = math.sin(thetas[i,j,0])
                C1 = math.cos(thetas[i,j,0])
                theta23 = thetas[i,j,1] + thetas[i,j,2]
                S23 = math.sin(theta23)
                C23 = math.cos(theta23)
                Hx = C23 * (C1 * ax + S1 * ay) + S23 * az
                Hz = S1 * ax - C1 * ay
                thetas[i,j,3] = math.atan2(Hz, -Hx)
                if thetas[i,j,3] < 0:
                    thetas[i,j+1,3] = thetas[i,j,3] + math.pi
                    thetas[i,j+1,3] = thetas[i,j,3] - math.pi
                #one solution for the fifth joint angle
                Hy = - S23 * (C1 * ax + S1 * ay) + C23 * az
                S4_1 = math.sin(thetas[i,j,3])
                C4_1 = math.cos(thetas[i,j,3])
                S4_2 = math.sin(thetas[i,j+1,3])
                C4_2 = math.cos(thetas[i,j+1,3])
                S5_1 = S4_1 * Hz - C4_1 * Hx
                S5_2 = S4_2 * Hz - C4_2 * Hx
                C5 = Hy
                thetas[i,j,4] = math.atan2(S5_1, C5)
                thetas[i,j+1,4] = math.atan2(S5_2, C5)
                #one solution for the sixth joint angle
                Fx = C23 * (C1 * sx + S1 * sy) + S23 * sz
                Fz = S1 * sx - C1 * sy
                Gx = C23 * (C1 * nx + S1 * ny) + S23 * nz
                Gz = S1 * nx - C1 * ny
                S6_1 = -C4_1 * Fz - S4_1 * Fx
                C6_1 = -C4_1 * Gz - S4_1 * Gx
                S6_2 = -C4_2 * Fz - S4_2 * Fx
                C6_2 = -C4_2 * Gz - S4_2 * Gx
                thetas[i,j,5] = math.atan2(S6_1, C6_1)
                thetas[i,j+1,5] = math.atan2(S6_2, C6_2)
            end = timer()
            time_sample = end - begin
        print("Sum analytical IK: "+str(np.sum(sample_times))+" seconds")
        print("Mean analytical IK: "+str(np.mean(sample_times))+" seconds")
        print("Std analytical IK: "+str(np.std(sample_times))+" seconds")
        return thetas

    def plot_configurations(self, joint_configurations):
        """ Plots manipulator configurations in 3D cartesian space.
                joint_configurations: nx6-matrix: angles of the joints (rad)
                                      n: number of samples
                the figure and axis references
        for i in range(joint_configurations.shape[0]):
            joint_names = self.sorted_joint_names
            joint_angles = joint_configurations[i,:]
            for name, angle in zip(joint_names, joint_angles):
                self.tm.set_joint(name, angle)
            if i == 0:
                ax = self.tm.plot_frames_in("compi", s=0.05, show_name=False)
                ax = self.tm.plot_frames_in("compi", s=0.05, ax=ax, show_name=False)
            ax = self.tm.plot_connections_in("compi", ax=ax)
        ax.set_xlabel('x [m]')
        ax.set_ylabel('y [m]')
        ax.set_zlabel('z [m]')
        fig = plt.gcf()
        return fig, ax
예제 #27
  <robot name="collision">
    <link name="collision">
      <collision name="collision_01">
        <origin xyz="0 0 1" rpy="1 0 0"/>
          <sphere radius="0.2"/>
      <collision name="collision_02">
        <origin xyz="0 0.5 0" rpy="0 1 0"/>
          <cylinder radius="0.1" length="2"/>
      <collision name="collision_03">
        <origin xyz="-0.5 0 0" rpy="0 0 1"/>
          <box size="0.3 0.4 0.5"/>

tm = UrdfTransformManager()
ax = tm.plot_frames_in("collision", s=0.1)
tm.plot_collision_objects("collision", ax)
ax.set_zlim((-0.5, 1.5))
예제 #28
URDF with Meshes

This example shows how to load a URDF with STL meshes. This example must be
run from within the examples folder or the main folder because it uses a
hard-coded path to the URDF file and the meshes.
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pytransform3d.urdf import UrdfTransformManager

BASE_DIR = "test/test_data/"
if not os.path.exists(BASE_DIR):
    BASE_DIR = os.path.join("..", BASE_DIR)

tm = UrdfTransformManager()
with open(BASE_DIR + "simple_mechanism.urdf", "r") as f:
    tm.load_urdf(f.read(), mesh_path=BASE_DIR)
tm.set_joint("joint", -1.1)
ax = tm.plot_frames_in("lower_cone",
                       whitelist=["upper_cone", "lower_cone"],
ax = tm.plot_connections_in("lower_cone", ax=ax)
tm.plot_visuals("lower_cone", ax=ax)
ax.set_xlim((-0.2, 0.2))
ax.set_ylim((-0.2, 0.2))
ax.set_zlim((0.0, 0.4))