예제 #1
파일: Models.py 프로젝트: xydeng/TRIQS
   def __init__(self,Beta,Norb,U_interact,J_Hund) : 
      # NB : the Hamiltonian should NOT contain the quadratic part which is in G0
      Hamiltonian = U_interact * Sum( [ N('up',i)*N('down',i) for i in range(Norb) ] )
      for i in range(Norb-1):
        for j in range(i+1,Norb):
          Hamiltonian += (U_interact-2*J_Hund) * ( N('up',i) * N('down',j) +
                                                   N('down',i) * N('up',j) ) + \
                         (U_interact-3*J_Hund) * ( N('up',i) * N('up',j) +
                                                   N('down',i) * N('down',j) )

      #Quantum_Numbers = {}
      #for i in range(Norb):
      #  Quantum_Numbers['N%sup'%(i+1)]   = N('up',i)
      #  Quantum_Numbers['N%sdown'%(i+1)] = N('down',i)

      Ntot = Sum( [ N(s,i) for s in ['up','down'] for i in range(Norb) ] )
      Sz = Sum( [ N('up',i)-N('down',i) for i in range(Norb) ] )

      Quantum_Numbers = {'Ntot' : Ntot, 'Sz' : Sz}

                      Beta = Beta,
                      GFstruct = [ ('%s'%(ud),[n for n in range(Norb)]) for ud in ['up','down'] ],
                      H_Local = Hamiltonian,
                      Quantum_Numbers = Quantum_Numbers )
      self.N_Cycles  = 10000
예제 #2
파일: Models.py 프로젝트: xydeng/TRIQS
   def __init__(self,Beta,U_interact,J_Hund) : 
      GFstruct = [ ('1up',[1]), ('1down',[1]), ('23up',[1,2]), ('23down',[1,2]) ]
      # NB : the Hamiltonian should NOT contain the quadratic part which is in G0
      #Hamiltonian =   U_interact * Sum( [ N('%d-up'%(i+1),1)*N('%d-down'%(i+1),1)  for i in range(3) ] )
      Hamiltonian =   U_interact * ( N('1up',1)*N('1down',1) + N('23up',1)*N('23down',1) + N('23up',2)*N('23down',2) )
      Hamiltonian +=  (U_interact-2.0*J_Hund) * ( N('1up',1) * (N('23down',1)+N('23down',2)) + N('23up',1) * N('23down',2) )
      Hamiltonian +=  (U_interact-2.0*J_Hund) * ( N('1down',1) * (N('23up',1)+N('23up',2)) + N('23up',2) * N('23down',1) )
      for s in ['up','down']:
        Hamiltonian += (U_interact-3.0*J_Hund) * (N('1%s'%s,1) * (N('23%s'%s,1)+N('23%s'%s,2)) + N('23%s'%s,1)*N('23%s'%s,2) )

#      for i in range(2):
#        for j in range(i+1,3):
#          Hamiltonian += (U_interact-2*J_Hund) * ( N('%d-up'%(i+1),1) * N('%d-down'%(j+1),1) +
#                                                   N('%d-down'%(i+1),1) * N('%d-up'%(j+1),1) ) + \
#                         (U_interact-3*J_Hund) * ( N('%d-up'%(i+1),1) * N('%d-up'%(j+1),1) +
#                                                   N('%d-down'%(i+1),1) * N('%d-down'%(j+1),1) )

#      Quantum_Numbers = { 'N1up' : N('1-up',1), 'N1down' : N('1-down',1),
#                         'N2up' : N('2-up',1), 'N2down' : N('2-down',1),
#                         'N3up' : N('3-up',1), 'N3down' : N('3-down',1) }
      Quantum_Numbers = { 'N1up' : N('1up',1), 'N1down' : N('1down',1),
                         'N23up' : N('23up',1)+N('23up',2),
                         'N23down' : N('23down',1)+N('23down',2) }

                      Beta = Beta,
                      GFstruct = GFstruct,
                      H_Local = Hamiltonian,
                      Quantum_Numbers = Quantum_Numbers )
      self.N_Cycles  = 10000
예제 #3
파일: Models.py 프로젝트: xydeng/TRIQS
   def __init__(self,Beta,U_interact) : 

      self.P = numpy.array([[1,1,1,1], [1,-1,1,-1],[1,1,-1,-1],[1,-1,-1,1]])/2.
      self.Pinv = numpy.linalg.inv(self.P)

      def Cdiag(s):
         s= '-%s'%s
         return [ C('00'+s,1), C('10'+s,1), C('01'+s,1),C('11'+s,1) ] 

      for i in range(4) :
         s= 'up-%d'%(i+1)
         Cnat[s] = Sum( [ self.P[i,j]*c  for j,c in enumerate(Cdiag('up'))] )
         Nnat[s] = Cnat[s].dagger() * Cnat[s]
         s= 'down-%d'%(i+1)
         Cnat[s] = Sum( [ self.P[i,j]*c  for j,c in enumerate(Cdiag('down'))] )
         Nnat[s] = Cnat[s].dagger() * Cnat[s]

      def symm(s):
         s= '-%s'%s
         Cdag('00'+s,1).Symmetry()['kx'] =  1
         Cdag('10'+s,1).Symmetry()['kx'] = -1
         Cdag('01'+s,1).Symmetry()['kx'] =  1
         Cdag('11'+s,1).Symmetry()['kx'] = -1
         Cdag('00'+s,1).Symmetry()['ky'] =  1
         Cdag('10'+s,1).Symmetry()['ky'] =  1
         Cdag('01'+s,1).Symmetry()['ky'] = -1
         Cdag('11'+s,1).Symmetry()['ky'] = -1
      symm('up'); symm('down')

      # NB : the Hamiltonian should NOT contain the quadratic part which is in G0
      Hamiltonian = U_interact* Sum( [ Nnat['up-%d'%(i+1)]* Nnat['down-%d'%(i+1)] for i in range (4)])

      N_u = Sum( [ Nnat['up-%d'%(i+1)] for i in range(4) ] )
      N_d = Sum( [ Nnat['down-%d'%(i+1)] for i in range(4) ] )

      Quantum_Numbers = { 'kx' : 'kx', 'ky' : 'ky', 'N_u' : N_u, 'N_d' : N_d }

                      Beta = Beta,
                      GFstruct = [ ('00-up',[1]), ('10-up',[1]), ('01-up',[1]), ('11-up',[1]),
                                   ('00-down',[1]), ('10-down',[1]), ('01-down',[1]), ('11-down',[1]) ], 
                      H_Local = Hamiltonian,
                      Quantum_Numbers = Quantum_Numbers,
                      Nmax = 2000)

      self.N_Cycles  = 100000
      self.N_Frequencies_Accumulated = 4*int(0.075*Beta/(2*3.1415))
      self.Fitting_Frequency_Start = 3*int(0.075*Beta/(2*3.1415))
      self.Length_Cycle = 100
      self.Nmax_Matrix = 200
      self.Use_Segment_Picture = False
예제 #4
파일: Models.py 프로젝트: xydeng/TRIQS
   def __init__(self,Beta,U_interact) : 

     Hamiltonian = U_interact*( N('1-up',1)*N('1-down',1) + N('1-up',1)*N('2-up',1) +
                                N('1-up',1)*N('2-down',1) + N('1-down',1)*N('2-up',1) +
                                N('1-down',1)*N('2-down',1) + N('2-up',1)*N('2-down',1) )

     Quantum_Numbers = { 'Nup'   : N('1-up',1)+N('2-up',1),
                        'Ndown' : N('1-down',1)+N('2-down',1),
                        'Lz'    : N('1-up',1)+N('1-down',1)-N('2-up',1)-N('2-down',1) }

                     Beta = Beta,
                     GFstruct = [ ('1-up',[1]), ('1-down',[1]), ('2-up',[1]), ('2-down',[1]) ],
                     H_Local = Hamiltonian,
                     Quantum_Numbers = Quantum_Numbers )
     self.N_Cycles  = 1000000
     self.Nmax_Matrix = 300
예제 #5
파일: Models.py 프로젝트: xydeng/TRIQS
   def __init__(self,Beta,U_interact) : 
      self.P = numpy.array([[1,1,1,1], [1,-1,1,-1],[1,1,-1,-1],[1,-1,-1,1]])/2.
      self.Pinv = numpy.linalg.inv(self.P)

      def Cdiag(s):
         s= '-%s'%s
         return [ C('00'+s,1), C('10'+s,1), C('01'+s,1),C('11'+s,1) ] 

      for i in range(4) :
         s= 'up-%d'%(i+1)
         Cnat[s] = Sum( [ self.P[i,j]*c  for j,c in enumerate(Cdiag('up'))] )
         Nnat[s] = Cnat[s].dagger() * Cnat[s]
         s= 'down-%d'%(i+1)
         Cnat[s] = Sum( [ self.P[i,j]*c  for j,c in enumerate(Cdiag('down'))] )
         Nnat[s] = Cnat[s].dagger() * Cnat[s]

      def symm(s):
         s= '-%s'%s
         Cdag('00'+s,1).Symmetry()['kx'] =  1
         Cdag('10'+s,1).Symmetry()['kx'] = -1
         Cdag('01'+s,1).Symmetry()['kx'] =  1
         Cdag('11'+s,1).Symmetry()['kx'] = -1
         Cdag('00'+s,1).Symmetry()['ky'] =  1
         Cdag('10'+s,1).Symmetry()['ky'] =  1
         Cdag('01'+s,1).Symmetry()['ky'] = -1
         Cdag('11'+s,1).Symmetry()['ky'] = -1
      symm('up'); symm('down')

      # NB : the Hamiltonian should NOT contain the quadratic part which is in G0
      Hamiltonian = U_interact* Sum( [ Nnat['up-%d'%(i+1)]* Nnat['down-%d'%(i+1)]  for i in range (4)]) #!!

      N_u = Sum( [ Nnat['up-%d'%(i+1)] for i in range(4) ] )
      N_d = Sum( [ Nnat['down-%d'%(i+1)] for i in range(4) ] )

      Quantum_Numbers = { 'kx' : 'kx', 'ky' : 'ky', 'N_u' : N_u, 'N_d' : N_d }

      Solver.__init__(self,Beta=Beta,GFstruct=[ ('00-up',[1]), ('10-up',[1]), ('01-up',[1]), ('11-up',[1]),
                                                ('00-down',[1]), ('10-down',[1]), ('01-down',[1]), ('11-down',[1]) ],
                      H_Local = Hamiltonian,Quantum_Numbers= Quantum_Numbers )

      self.N_Cycles  = 10
예제 #6
파일: Models.py 프로젝트: xydeng/TRIQS
   def __init__(self,Beta,U_interact) : 
      C_up_1 = (C('Up+',1) + C('Up-',1))/sqrt(2)
      C_up_2 = (C('Up+',1) - C('Up-',1))/sqrt(2)
      C_do_1 = (C('Do+',1) + C('Do-',1))/sqrt(2)
      C_do_2 = (C('Do+',1) - C('Do-',1))/sqrt(2)

      Cdag('Up+',1).Symmetry()['parity'] = 1
      Cdag('Up-',1).Symmetry()['parity'] = -1
      Cdag('Do+',1).Symmetry()['parity'] = 1
      Cdag('Do-',1).Symmetry()['parity'] = -1

      N_up_1 = C_up_1.dagger()*C_up_1
      N_up_2 = C_up_2.dagger()*C_up_2
      N_do_1 = C_do_1.dagger()*C_do_1
      N_do_2 = C_do_2.dagger()*C_do_2

      # NB : the Hamiltonian should NOT contain the quadratic part which is in G0
      Hamiltonian = U_interact * ( N_up_1*N_do_1  + N_up_2*N_do_2 )

      N_u = N('Up-',1)+N('Up+',1)
      N_d = N('Do-',1)+N('Do+',1)

      Quantum_Numbers = { 'parity' : 'parity', 'N_u' : N_u, 'N_d' : N_d }

                      Beta = Beta,
                      GFstruct = [ ('Up+',[1]), ('Up-',[1]), ('Do+',[1]), ('Do-',[1]) ],
                      H_Local = Hamiltonian,
                      Quantum_Numbers = Quantum_Numbers,
                      Nmax = 2000)

      self.N_Cycles  = 100000
      self.N_Frequencies_Accumulated = 4*int(0.075*Beta/(2*3.1415))
      self.Fitting_Frequency_Start = 3*int(0.075*Beta/(2*3.1415))
      self.Length_Cycle = 100
      self.Nmax_Matrix = 200
      self.Use_Segment_Picture = False
예제 #7
e_f, Beta = -U / 2.0, 50

# The impurity solver
S = Solver(
    Beta=Beta,  # inverse temperature
    GFstruct=[('up', [1]),
              ('down', [1])],  # Structure of the Green's function 
    H_Local=U * N('up', 1) * N('down', 1),  # Local Hamiltonian 
    Quantum_Numbers={  # Quantum Numbers 
        'Nup': N('up', 1),  # (operators commuting with H_Local) 
        'Ndown': N('down', 1)
    N_Cycles=500000,  # Number of QMC cycles
    Length_Cycle=200,  # Length of one cycle 
    N_Warmup_Cycles=10000,  # Warmup cycles
    N_Legendre_Coeffs=50,  # Number of Legendre coefficients
    Random_Generator_Name='mt19937',  # Name of the random number generator
    Use_Segment_Picture=True,  # Use the segment picture
    Measured_Operators={  # Operators to be averaged
        'Nimp': N('up', 1) + N('down', 1)
    Global_Moves=[  # Global move in the QMC
        (0.05, lambda (a, alpha, dag): ({
            'up': 'down',
            'down': 'up'
        }[a], alpha, dag))

# Initialize the non-interacting Green's function S.G0
for spin, g0 in S.G0:
예제 #8
Chemical_Potential = U / 2.0
Beta = 100

# Construct a CTQMC solver
from pytriqs.Solvers.Operators import *  # imports the class manipulating C, C_dagger and N = C_dagger C
from pytriqs.Solvers.HybridizationExpansion import Solver  # imports the solver class

S = Solver(
    Beta=Beta,  # inverse temperature
    GFstruct=[('up', [1]), ('down', [1])],  # Structure of the Green function 
    H_Local=U * N('up', 1) * N('down', 1),  # Local Hamiltonian 
        'Nup': N('up', 1),
        'Ndown': N('down', 1)
    },  # Quantum Numbers (operators commuting with H_Local)
    5000,  #200000,                                         # Number of QMC cycles
    #Random_Generator_Name = "mt19937",

#S.Proba_Move = 0.0
#S.Global_Moves =  [ (0.01,  lambda (a,alpha,dag) : (a, alpha, dag)),
#                   (0.01,  lambda (a,alpha,dag) : ({'up' : 'down', 'down' : 'up'}[a], alpha, dag)) ]

# init the Green function
#S.G <<= GF_Initializers.SemiCircular(Half_Bandwidth)
예제 #9
    def __init__(self,

        self.offset = 0
        self.use_spinflip = use_spinflip
        self.Norb = Norb

        if (useMatrix):

            if not (Sl_Int is None):
                Umat = Umatrix(l=l)
                assert len(Sl_Int) == (l + 1), "Sl_Int has the wrong length"
                if (type(Sl_Int) == ListType):
                    Rcl = numpy.array(Sl_Int)
                    Rcl = Sl_Int
                Umat(T=T, Rcl=Rcl)
                if ((U_interact == None) and (J_Hund == None)):
                    MPI.report("Give U,J or Slater integrals!!!")
                    assert 0
                Umat = Umatrix(U_interact=U_interact, J_Hund=J_Hund, l=l)

            if (Umat.N == Umat.Nmat):
                # Transformation T is of size 2l+1
                self.U = Umat.U
                self.Up = Umat.Up
                # Transformation is of size 2(2l+1)
                self.U = Umat.U
            # now we have the reduced matrices U and Up, we need it for tail fitting anyways

            if (use_spinflip):
                #Take the 4index Umatrix
                # check for imaginary matrix elements:
                if (abs(Umat.Ufull.imag) > 0.0001).any():
                        "WARNING: complex interaction matrix!! Ignoring imaginary part for the moment!"
                        "If you want to change this, look into Wien2k/Solver_MultiBand.py"
                self.U4ind = Umat.Ufull.real

            # this will be changed for arbitrary irep:
            # use only one subgroup of orbitals?
            if not (irep is None):
                #print irep, dimreps
                assert not (dimreps is None
                            ), "Dimensions of the representatives are missing!"
                assert Norb == dimreps[
                    irep - 1], "Dimensions of dimrep and Norb do not fit!"
                for ii in range(irep - 1):
                    self.offset += dimreps[ii]

            if ((U_interact == None) and (J_Hund == None)):
                MPI.report("For Kanamori representation, give U and J!!")
                assert 0
            self.U = numpy.zeros([Norb, Norb], numpy.float_)
            self.Up = numpy.zeros([Norb, Norb], numpy.float_)
            for i in range(Norb):
                for j in range(Norb):
                    if (i == j):
                        self.Up[i, i] = U_interact + 2.0 * J_Hund
                        self.Up[i, j] = U_interact
                        self.U[i, j] = U_interact - J_Hund

        if (GFStruct):
            assert map, "give also the mapping!"
            self.map = map
            # standard GFStruct and map
            GFStruct = [('%s' % (ud), [n for n in range(Norb)])
                        for ud in ['up', 'down']]
            self.map = {
                'up': ['up' for v in range(self.Norb)],
                'down': ['down' for v in range(self.Norb)]

        #print GFStruct,self.map

        if (use_spinflip == False):
            Hamiltonian = self.__setHamiltonian_density()
            if (useMatrix):
                Hamiltonian = self.__setfullHamiltonian_Slater()
                Hamiltonian = self.__setfullHamiltonian_Kanamori(J_Hund=J_Hund)

        Quantum_Numbers = self.__setQuantumNumbers(GFStruct)

        # Determine if there are only blocs of size 1:
        self.blocssizeone = True
        for ib in GFStruct:
            if (len(ib[1]) > 1): self.blocssizeone = False

        # now initialize the solver with the stuff given above:


        self.N_Cycles = 10000
        self.Nmax_Matrix = 100
        self.N_Time_Slices_Delta = 10000
        #if ((len(GFStruct)==2*Norb) and (use_spinflip==False)):
        if ((self.blocssizeone) and (use_spinflip == False)):
            self.Use_Segment_Picture = True
            self.Use_Segment_Picture = False
예제 #10
U = 2.5
Chemical_Potential = U / 2.0
Beta = 100
N_loops = 5

# Construct a CTQMC solver
from pytriqs.Solvers.Operators import *  # imports the class manipulating C, C_dagger and N = C_dagger C
from pytriqs.Solvers.HybridizationExpansion import Solver  # imports the solver class
S = Solver(
    Beta=Beta,  # inverse temperature
    GFstruct=[('up', [1]), ('down', [1])],  # Structure of the Green function 
    H_Local=U * N('up', 1) * N('down', 1),  # Local Hamiltonian 
        'Nup': N('up', 1),
        'Ndown': N('down', 1)
    },  # Quantum Numbers (operators commuting with H_Local)
    N_Cycles=5000,  # Number of QMC cycles
    Length_Cycle=200,  # Length of a cycle
    N_Warmup_Cycles=1000,  # How many warmup cycles
    N_Legendre_Coeffs=30,  # Use 30 Legendre coefficients to represent G(tau)
    "mt19937",  # Use the Mersenne Twister 19937 random generator
    Use_Segment_Picture=True)  # Here we can use the segment picture

# Initalize the Green's function to a semi circular
S.G <<= SemiCircular(Half_Bandwidth)

# Now do the DMFT loop
for IterationNumber in range(N_loops):

    # Compute S.G0 with the self-consistency condition while imposing paramagnetism
예제 #11
    def __init__(self, Beta, Norb, U_interact=None, J_Hund=None, GFStruct=False, map=False, use_spinflip=False,
                 useMatrix = True, l=2, T=None, dimreps=None, irep=None, deg_orbs = [], Sl_Int = None):
        self.offset = 0
        self.use_spinflip = use_spinflip
        self.Norb = Norb
        if (useMatrix):
            if not (Sl_Int is None):
                Umat = Umatrix(l=l)
                assert len(Sl_Int)==(l+1),"Sl_Int has the wrong length"
                if (type(Sl_Int)==ListType):
                    Rcl = numpy.array(Sl_Int)
                    Rcl = Sl_Int
                if ((U_interact==None)and(J_Hund==None)):
                    MPI.report("Give U,J or Slater integrals!!!")
                    assert 0
                Umat = Umatrix(U_interact=U_interact, J_Hund=J_Hund, l=l)
            if (Umat.N==Umat.Nmat):
                # Transformation T is of size 2l+1
                self.U = Umat.U
                self.Up = Umat.Up
                # Transformation is of size 2(2l+1)
                self.U = Umat.U
             # now we have the reduced matrices U and Up, we need it for tail fitting anyways

            if (use_spinflip):
                #Take the 4index Umatrix
                # check for imaginary matrix elements:
                if (abs(Umat.Ufull.imag)>0.0001).any():
                    MPI.report("WARNING: complex interaction matrix!! Ignoring imaginary part for the moment!")
                    MPI.report("If you want to change this, look into Wien2k/Solver_MultiBand.py")
                self.U4ind = Umat.Ufull.real
            # this will be changed for arbitrary irep:
            # use only one subgroup of orbitals?
            if not (irep is None):
                #print irep, dimreps
                assert not (dimreps is None), "Dimensions of the representatives are missing!"
                assert Norb==dimreps[irep-1],"Dimensions of dimrep and Norb do not fit!"
                for ii in range(irep-1):
                    self.offset += dimreps[ii]


            if ((U_interact==None)and(J_Hund==None)):
                MPI.report("For Kanamori representation, give U and J!!")
                assert 0
            self.U  = numpy.zeros([Norb,Norb],numpy.float_)
            self.Up = numpy.zeros([Norb,Norb],numpy.float_)
	    for i in range(Norb):
		for j in range(Norb):
		    if (i==j):
		        self.Up[i,i] = U_interact + 2.0*J_Hund
			self.Up[i,j] = U_interact
			self.U[i,j]  = U_interact - J_Hund

        if (GFStruct):
            assert map, "give also the mapping!"
            self.map = map
            # standard GFStruct and map
            GFStruct = [ ('%s'%(ud),[n for n in range(Norb)]) for ud in ['up','down'] ]
            self.map = {'up' : ['up' for v in range(self.Norb)], 'down' : ['down' for v in range(self.Norb)]}

        #print GFStruct,self.map
        if (use_spinflip==False):
            Hamiltonian = self.__setHamiltonian_density()
            if (useMatrix):
                Hamiltonian = self.__setfullHamiltonian_Slater()
                Hamiltonian = self.__setfullHamiltonian_Kanamori(J_Hund = J_Hund)

        Quantum_Numbers = self.__setQuantumNumbers(GFStruct)
        # Determine if there are only blocs of size 1:
        self.blocssizeone = True
        for ib in GFStruct:
            if (len(ib[1])>1): self.blocssizeone = False

        # now initialize the solver with the stuff given above:
                        Beta = Beta,
                        GFstruct = GFStruct,
                        H_Local = Hamiltonian,
                        Quantum_Numbers = Quantum_Numbers )


        self.N_Cycles  = 10000
        self.Nmax_Matrix = 100
        self.N_Time_Slices_Delta= 10000
        #if ((len(GFStruct)==2*Norb) and (use_spinflip==False)): 
        if ((self.blocssizeone) and (use_spinflip==False)):
            self.Use_Segment_Picture = True
            self.Use_Segment_Picture = False
예제 #12
from pytriqs.Base.GF_Local import *
from pytriqs.Solvers.Operators import *
from pytriqs.Solvers.HybridizationExpansion import Solver

D, V, U = 1.0, 0.2, 4.0
e_f, Beta = -U/2.0, 50

# The impurity solver
S = Solver(Beta = Beta,                             # inverse temperature
           GFstruct = [ ('up',[1]), ('down',[1]) ], # Structure of the Green's function 
           H_Local = U * N('up',1) * N('down',1),   # Local Hamiltonian 
           Quantum_Numbers = {                      # Quantum Numbers 
               'Nup' : N('up',1),                   # (operators commuting with H_Local) 
               'Ndown' : N('down',1) },          
           N_Cycles = 100000,                       # Number of QMC cycles
           Length_Cycle = 200,                      # Length of one cycle 
           N_Warmup_Iteration = 10000,              # Warmup cycles
           Use_Segment_Picture = True,              # Use the segment picture
           Global_Moves = [                         # Global move in the QMC
               (0.05, lambda (a,alpha,dag) : ( {'up':'down','down':'up'}[a],alpha,dag ) ) ], 

from pytriqs.Base.Archive import HDF_Archive
import pytriqs.Base.Utility.MPI as MPI

for random_name in ['mt11213b','lagged_fibonacci607']:

  # Solve using random_name as a generator
  S.Random_Generator_Name = random_name
  for spin, g0 in S.G0 :
    g0 <<= inverse( iOmega_n - e_f - V**2 * Wilson(D) )