async def async_select_option(self, option: str) -> None: """Change the Select Entity Option.""" if option not in self.options: raise HomeAssistantError( f"Cannot set the value to {option}; Allowed values are: {self.options}" ) if isinstance(self.device, Light): if self.entity_description.key == _KEY_LIGHT_MOTION: lightmode, timing = LIGHT_MODE_TO_SETTINGS[option] _LOGGER.debug("Changing Light Mode to %s", option) await self.device.set_light_settings( LightModeType(lightmode), enable_at=None if timing is None else LightModeEnableType(timing), ) return unifi_value = self._hass_to_unifi_options[option] if self.entity_description.key == _KEY_PAIRED_CAMERA: if unifi_value == TYPE_EMPTY_VALUE: unifi_value = None camera = await self.device.set_paired_camera(camera) _LOGGER.debug("Changed Paired Camera to to: %s", option) return unifi_value = self._hass_to_unifi_options[option] if isinstance(self.device, Camera): if self.entity_description.key == _KEY_DOORBELL_TEXT: if unifi_value.startswith( DoorbellMessageType.CUSTOM_MESSAGE.value): await self.device.set_lcd_text( DoorbellMessageType.CUSTOM_MESSAGE, text=option) elif unifi_value == TYPE_EMPTY_VALUE: await self.device.set_lcd_text(None) else: await self.device.set_lcd_text( DoorbellMessageType(unifi_value)) _LOGGER.debug("Changed Doorbell LCD Text to: %s", option) return if self.entity_description.ufp_enum_type is not None: unifi_value = self.entity_description.ufp_enum_type(unifi_value) elif self.entity_description.key == _KEY_VIEWER: unifi_value =[unifi_value] _LOGGER.debug("%s set to: %s", self.entity_description.key, option) assert self.entity_description.ufp_set_function coro = getattr(self.device, self.entity_description.ufp_set_function) await coro(unifi_value)
async def async_light_settings( self, mode: str, enable_at: str | None = None, duration: int | None = None, sensitivity: int | None = None, ) -> None: """Adjust Light Settings.""" turn_off_duration: timedelta | None = None enable_at_mode: LightModeEnableType | None = None if enable_at is not None: enable_at_mode = LightModeEnableType(enable_at) if duration is not None: turn_off_duration = timedelta(seconds=duration) await self.device.set_light_settings( LightModeType(mode), enable_at=enable_at_mode, duration=turn_off_duration, sensitivity=sensitivity, )
async def _set_light_mode(obj: Light, mode: str) -> None: lightmode, timing = LIGHT_MODE_TO_SETTINGS[mode] await obj.set_light_settings( LightModeType(lightmode), enable_at=None if timing is None else LightModeEnableType(timing), )