def test_total_quality_array_size(): """ Test that total quality array defaults to the proper size """ cal_in = UVCal() cal_out = UVCal() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.fitsA') cal_in.read_calfits(testfile) # Create filler total quality array cal_in.total_quality_array = np.zeros( cal_in._total_quality_array.expected_shape(cal_in)) proper_shape = (cal_in.Nspws, cal_in.Nfreqs, cal_in.Ntimes, cal_in.Njones) nt.assert_equal(cal_in.total_quality_array.shape, proper_shape) del (cal_in) # also test delay-type calibrations cal_in = UVCal() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.HH.uvc.fits') message = testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format' uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [testfile], message=message) cal_in.total_quality_array = np.zeros( cal_in._total_quality_array.expected_shape(cal_in)) proper_shape = (cal_in.Nspws, 1, cal_in.Ntimes, cal_in.Njones) nt.assert_equal(cal_in.total_quality_array.shape, proper_shape) del (cal_in)
def test_input_flag_array(): """ Test when data file has input flag array. Currently we do not have a testfile, so we will artifically create one and check for internal consistency. """ cal_in = UVCal() cal_out = UVCal() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.fitsA') write_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test/outtest_input_flags.fits') message = testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format which' uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [testfile], message=message) cal_in.input_flag_array = np.zeros(cal_in._input_flag_array.expected_shape(cal_in), dtype=bool) cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(write_file) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) # Repeat for delay version testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.HH.uvc.fits') message = [testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format which', testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format for delay files'] uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [testfile], message=message, nwarnings=2) cal_in.input_flag_array = np.zeros(cal_in._input_flag_array.expected_shape(cal_in), dtype=bool) cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(write_file) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) del(cal_in) del(cal_out)
def test_jones(): """ Test when data file has more than one element in Jones matrix. Currently we do not have a testfile, so we will artifically create one and check for internal consistency. """ cal_in = UVCal() cal_out = UVCal() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.fitsA') write_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test/outtest_jones.fits') message = testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format which' uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [testfile], message=message) # Create filler jones info cal_in.jones_array = np.array([-5, -6, -7, -8]) cal_in.Njones = 4 cal_in.flag_array = np.zeros(cal_in._flag_array.expected_shape(cal_in), dtype=bool) cal_in.gain_array = np.ones(cal_in._gain_array.expected_shape(cal_in), dtype=np.complex64) cal_in.quality_array = np.zeros( cal_in._quality_array.expected_shape(cal_in)) cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(write_file) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) # Repeat for delay version testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.HH.uvc.fits') message = [ testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format which', testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format for delay files' ] uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [testfile], message=message, nwarnings=2) # Create filler jones info cal_in.jones_array = np.array([-5, -6, -7, -8]) cal_in.Njones = 4 cal_in.flag_array = np.zeros(cal_in._flag_array.expected_shape(cal_in), dtype=bool) cal_in.delay_array = np.ones(cal_in._delay_array.expected_shape(cal_in), dtype=np.float64) cal_in.quality_array = np.zeros( cal_in._quality_array.expected_shape(cal_in)) cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(write_file) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) del (cal_in) del (cal_out)
def test_write_time_precision(): """ Test that times are being written to appropriate precision (see issue 311). """ cal_in = UVCal() cal_out = UVCal() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.fitsA') write_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test/outtest_omnical.fits') message = testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format which' uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [testfile], message=message) # overwrite time array to break old code dt = cal_in.integration_time / (24. * 60. * 60.) cal_in.time_array = dt * np.arange(cal_in.Ntimes) cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(write_file) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out)
def test_readwriteread_total_quality_array(): """ Test when data file has a total quality array. Currently we have no such file, so we will artificially create one and check for internal consistency. """ cal_in = UVCal() cal_out = UVCal() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.fitsA') write_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test/outtest_total_quality_array.fits') message = testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format which' uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [testfile], message=message) # Create filler total quality array cal_in.total_quality_array = np.zeros( cal_in._total_quality_array.expected_shape(cal_in)) cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(write_file) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) del (cal_in) del (cal_out) # also test delay-type calibrations cal_in = UVCal() cal_out = UVCal() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.HH.uvc.fits') write_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test/outtest_total_quality_array_delays.fits') message = [ testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format which', testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format for delay files' ] uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [testfile], message=message, nwarnings=2) cal_in.total_quality_array = np.zeros( cal_in._total_quality_array.expected_shape(cal_in)) cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(write_file) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) del (cal_in) del (cal_out)
def test_readwriteread_delays(): """ Read-Write-Read test with a fits calibration files containing delays. Read in uvfits file, write out new uvfits file, read back in and check for object equality """ cal_in = UVCal() cal_out = UVCal() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.HH.uvc.fits') write_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test/outtest_firstcal.fits') message = testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format' uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [testfile], message=message) cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(write_file) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) del (cal_in) del (cal_out)
def test_readwriteread(): """ Omnical fits loopback test. Read in uvfits file, write out new uvfits file, read back in and check for object equality. """ cal_in = UVCal() cal_out = UVCal() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.fitsA') write_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test/outtest_omnical.fits') message = testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format which' uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [testfile], message=message) cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(write_file) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) # test without freq_range parameter cal_in.freq_range = None cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(write_file) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out)
def test_extra_keywords(): cal_in = UVCal() cal_out = UVCal() calfits_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.fitsA') testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test/outtest_omnical.fits') message = calfits_file + ' appears to be an old calfits format which' uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [calfits_file], message=message) # check for warnings & errors with extra_keywords that are dicts, lists or arrays cal_in.extra_keywords['testdict'] = {'testkey': 23} uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.check, message=['testdict in extra_keywords is a ' 'list, array or dict']) nt.assert_raises(TypeError, cal_in.write_calfits, testfile, run_check=False) cal_in.extra_keywords.pop('testdict') cal_in.extra_keywords['testlist'] = [12, 14, 90] uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.check, message=['testlist in extra_keywords is a ' 'list, array or dict']) nt.assert_raises(TypeError, cal_in.write_calfits, testfile, run_check=False) cal_in.extra_keywords.pop('testlist') cal_in.extra_keywords['testarr'] = np.array([12, 14, 90]) uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.check, message=['testarr in extra_keywords is a ' 'list, array or dict']) nt.assert_raises(TypeError, cal_in.write_calfits, testfile, run_check=False) cal_in.extra_keywords.pop('testarr') # check for warnings with extra_keywords keys that are too long cal_in.extra_keywords['test_long_key'] = True uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.check, message=['key test_long_key in extra_keywords ' 'is longer than 8 characters']) uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.write_calfits, [testfile], {'run_check': False, 'clobber': True}, message=['key test_long_key in extra_keywords is longer than 8 characters']) cal_in.extra_keywords.pop('test_long_key') # check handling of boolean keywords cal_in.extra_keywords['bool'] = True cal_in.extra_keywords['bool2'] = False cal_in.write_calfits(testfile, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(testfile) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) cal_in.extra_keywords.pop('bool') cal_in.extra_keywords.pop('bool2') # check handling of int-like keywords cal_in.extra_keywords['int1'] = cal_in.extra_keywords['int2'] = 7 cal_in.write_calfits(testfile, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(testfile) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) cal_in.extra_keywords.pop('int1') cal_in.extra_keywords.pop('int2') # check handling of float-like keywords cal_in.extra_keywords['float1'] = np.int64(5.3) cal_in.extra_keywords['float2'] = 6.9 cal_in.write_calfits(testfile, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(testfile) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) cal_in.extra_keywords.pop('float1') cal_in.extra_keywords.pop('float2') # check handling of complex-like keywords cal_in.extra_keywords['complex1'] = np.complex64(5.3 + 1.2j) cal_in.extra_keywords['complex2'] = 6.9 + 4.6j cal_in.write_calfits(testfile, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(testfile) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) cal_in.extra_keywords.pop('complex1') cal_in.extra_keywords.pop('complex2') # check handling of comment keywords cal_in.extra_keywords['comment'] = ('this is a very long comment that will ' 'be broken into several lines\nif ' 'everything works properly.') cal_in.write_calfits(testfile, clobber=True) cal_out.read_calfits(testfile) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out)
def test_errors(): """ Test for various errors. """ cal_in = UVCal() cal_out = UVCal() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.HH.uvc.fits') write_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test/outtest_firstcal.fits') message = testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format' uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [testfile], message=message) cal_in.set_unknown_cal_type() nt.assert_raises(ValueError, cal_in.write_calfits, write_file, run_check=False, clobber=True) # change values for various axes in flag and total quality hdus to not match primary hdu uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [testfile], message=message) # Create filler jones info cal_in.jones_array = np.array([-5, -6, -7, -8]) cal_in.Njones = 4 cal_in.flag_array = np.zeros(cal_in._flag_array.expected_shape(cal_in), dtype=bool) cal_in.delay_array = np.ones(cal_in._delay_array.expected_shape(cal_in), dtype=np.float64) cal_in.quality_array = np.zeros( cal_in._quality_array.expected_shape(cal_in)) # add total_quality_array so that can be tested as well cal_in.total_quality_array = np.zeros( cal_in._total_quality_array.expected_shape(cal_in)) header_vals_to_double = [{ 'flag': 'CDELT2' }, { 'flag': 'CDELT3' }, { 'flag': 'CRVAL5' }, { 'totqual': 'CDELT1' }, { 'totqual': 'CDELT2' }, { 'totqual': 'CRVAL4' }] for i, hdr_dict in enumerate(header_vals_to_double): cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) unit = hdr_dict.keys()[0] keyword = hdr_dict[unit] F = data = F[0].data primary_hdr = F[0].header hdunames = uvutils.fits_indexhdus(F) ant_hdu = F[hdunames['ANTENNAS']] flag_hdu = F[hdunames['FLAGS']] flag_hdr = flag_hdu.header totqualhdu = F[hdunames['TOTQLTY']] totqualhdr = totqualhdu.header if unit == 'flag': flag_hdr[keyword] *= 2 elif unit == 'totqual': totqualhdr[keyword] *= 2 prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=data, header=primary_hdr) hdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, ant_hdu]) flag_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(, header=flag_hdr) hdulist.append(flag_hdu) totqualhdu = fits.ImageHDU(, header=totqualhdr) hdulist.append(totqualhdu) if float(astropy.__version__[0:3]) < 1.3: hdulist.writeto(write_file, clobber=True) else: hdulist.writeto(write_file, overwrite=True) nt.assert_raises(ValueError, cal_out.read_calfits, write_file, strict_fits=True) # repeat for gain type file testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.fitsA') write_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test/outtest_omnical.fits') cal_in.read_calfits(testfile) # Create filler jones info cal_in.jones_array = np.array([-5, -6, -7, -8]) cal_in.Njones = 4 cal_in.flag_array = np.zeros(cal_in._flag_array.expected_shape(cal_in), dtype=bool) cal_in.gain_array = np.ones(cal_in._gain_array.expected_shape(cal_in), dtype=np.complex64) cal_in.quality_array = np.zeros( cal_in._quality_array.expected_shape(cal_in)) # add total_quality_array so that can be tested as well cal_in.total_quality_array = np.zeros( cal_in._total_quality_array.expected_shape(cal_in)) header_vals_to_double = [{ 'totqual': 'CDELT1' }, { 'totqual': 'CDELT2' }, { 'totqual': 'CDELT3' }, { 'totqual': 'CRVAL4' }] for i, hdr_dict in enumerate(header_vals_to_double): cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) unit = hdr_dict.keys()[0] keyword = hdr_dict[unit] F = data = F[0].data primary_hdr = F[0].header hdunames = uvutils.fits_indexhdus(F) ant_hdu = F[hdunames['ANTENNAS']] totqualhdu = F[hdunames['TOTQLTY']] totqualhdr = totqualhdu.header if unit == 'totqual': totqualhdr[keyword] *= 2 prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=data, header=primary_hdr) hdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, ant_hdu]) totqualhdu = fits.ImageHDU(, header=totqualhdr) hdulist.append(totqualhdu) if float(astropy.__version__[0:3]) < 1.3: hdulist.writeto(write_file, clobber=True) else: hdulist.writeto(write_file, overwrite=True) nt.assert_raises(ValueError, cal_out.read_calfits, write_file, strict_fits=True)
def test_read_oldcalfits(): """ Test for proper behavior with old calfits files. """ # start with gain type files cal_in = UVCal() cal_out = UVCal() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.fitsA') write_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test/outtest_omnical.fits') cal_in.read_calfits(testfile) # add total_quality_array so that can be tested as well cal_in.total_quality_array = np.zeros( cal_in._total_quality_array.expected_shape(cal_in)) # now read in the file and remove various CRPIX and CRVAL keywords to # emulate old calfits files header_vals_to_remove = [{ 'primary': 'CRVAL5' }, { 'primary': 'CRPIX4' }, { 'totqual': 'CRVAL4' }] messages = [write_file, 'This file', write_file] messages = [m + ' appears to be an old calfits format' for m in messages] for i, hdr_dict in enumerate(header_vals_to_remove): cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) unit = hdr_dict.keys()[0] keyword = hdr_dict[unit] F = data = F[0].data primary_hdr = F[0].header hdunames = uvutils.fits_indexhdus(F) ant_hdu = F[hdunames['ANTENNAS']] totqualhdu = F[hdunames['TOTQLTY']] totqualhdr = totqualhdu.header if unit == 'primary': primary_hdr.pop(keyword) elif unit == 'totqual': totqualhdr.pop(keyword) prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=data, header=primary_hdr) hdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, ant_hdu]) totqualhdu = fits.ImageHDU(, header=totqualhdr) hdulist.append(totqualhdu) if float(astropy.__version__[0:3]) < 1.3: hdulist.writeto(write_file, clobber=True) else: hdulist.writeto(write_file, overwrite=True) uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_out.read_calfits, [write_file], message=messages[i]) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) nt.assert_raises(KeyError, cal_out.read_calfits, write_file, strict_fits=True) # now with delay type files cal_in = UVCal() cal_out = UVCal() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'zen.2457698.40355.xx.HH.uvc.fits') write_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test/outtest_firstcal.fits') message = testfile + ' appears to be an old calfits format' uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_in.read_calfits, [testfile], message=message) # add total_quality_array so that can be tested as well cal_in.total_quality_array = np.zeros( cal_in._total_quality_array.expected_shape(cal_in)) # now read in the file and remove various CRPIX and CRVAL keywords to # emulate old calfits files header_vals_to_remove = [{ 'primary': 'CRVAL5' }, { 'flag': 'CRVAL5' }, { 'flag': 'CRPIX4' }, { 'totqual': 'CRVAL4' }] messages = [write_file, 'This file', 'This file', write_file] messages = [m + ' appears to be an old calfits format' for m in messages] for i, hdr_dict in enumerate(header_vals_to_remove): cal_in.write_calfits(write_file, clobber=True) unit = hdr_dict.keys()[0] keyword = hdr_dict[unit] F = data = F[0].data primary_hdr = F[0].header hdunames = uvutils.fits_indexhdus(F) ant_hdu = F[hdunames['ANTENNAS']] flag_hdu = F[hdunames['FLAGS']] flag_hdr = flag_hdu.header totqualhdu = F[hdunames['TOTQLTY']] totqualhdr = totqualhdu.header if unit == 'primary': primary_hdr.pop(keyword) elif unit == 'flag': flag_hdr.pop(keyword) elif unit == 'totqual': totqualhdr.pop(keyword) prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=data, header=primary_hdr) hdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, ant_hdu]) flag_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(, header=flag_hdr) hdulist.append(flag_hdu) totqualhdu = fits.ImageHDU(, header=totqualhdr) hdulist.append(totqualhdu) if float(astropy.__version__[0:3]) < 1.3: hdulist.writeto(write_file, clobber=True) else: hdulist.writeto(write_file, overwrite=True) uvtest.checkWarnings(cal_out.read_calfits, [write_file], message=messages[i]) nt.assert_equal(cal_in, cal_out) nt.assert_raises(KeyError, cal_out.read_calfits, write_file, strict_fits=True)