def __setstate__(self, state): try: handle, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(handle) with open(tmp, 'w') as f: f.write(state['model_json']) self.model = pv.Vinecop(tmp) finally: os.remove(tmp)
def fit(self, rank_standardized: np.ndarray) -> None: """Fit a Vine copula to continuous data. Args: rank_standardized (ndarray): 2D array of shape (sample, feature) with values in range [-1,1] Returns: None """ self.model = pv.Vinecop(rank_standardized, controls=self.controls)
def fit_with_discrete(self, rank_standardized: np.ndarray, is_discrete: List[bool]) -> None: """Fit a Vine copula to mixed continuous/discrete data Args: rank_standardized (ndarray): 2D array of shape (sample, feature) with values in range [-1,1] is_discrete (List[bool]): 1D list of booleans of shape (feature) indicating whether features are discrete or continuous Returns: None """ var_types = ["d" if d else "c" for d in is_discrete] self.model = pv.Vinecop(rank_standardized, controls=self.controls, var_types=var_types)
import pyvinecopulib as pv import numpy as np # Simulate some data np.random.seed(1234) # seed for the random generator n = 1000 # number of observations d = 5 # the dimension mean = np.random.normal(size=d) # mean vector cov = np.random.normal(size=(d, d)) # covariance matrix cov =, cov) # make it non-negative definite x = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, n) # Transform copula data using the empirical distribution u = pv.to_pseudo_obs(x) # Fit a Gaussian vine # (i.e., properly specified since the data is multivariate normal) controls = pv.FitControlsVinecop(family_set=[pv.BicopFamily.gaussian]) cop = pv.Vinecop(u, controls=controls) # Sample from the copula n_sim = 1000 u_sim = cop.simulate(n_sim, seeds=[1, 2, 3, 4]) # Transform back simulations to the original scale x_sim = np.asarray([np.quantile(x[:, i], u_sim[:, i]) for i in range(0, d)]) # Both the mean and covariance matrix look ok! [mean, np.mean(x_sim, 1)] [cov, np.cov(x_sim)]
def train_model(model, dataset, ds_name, epochs=10, batch_size=32, sample_size=32, eval_size=32, img_size=32, lr=1e-3, weight_decay=1e-4, loss_log_interval=20, image_log_interval=20, model_log_interval=20, checkpoint_dir='./checkpoints', resume=False, cuda=False, seed=0, device=None, cores=1): if resume: epoch_start = utils.load_checkpoint(model, checkpoint_dir) else: epoch_start = 0 fixed_noise = torch.rand(sample_size, model.z_size).to(device) if model.model_name in ['vae', 'cvae', 'vae2', 'cvae2']: m = dist.Normal( torch.Tensor([0.0]).to(device), torch.Tensor([1.0]).to(device)) fixed_noise = m.icdf(fixed_noise) output_folder = './results/' + ds_name resfile_prefix = ds_name + "_" + \ model.model_name + \ "_ld_" + \ str(model.z_size) + \ "_bs_" + str(batch_size) if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) data_root = './datasets' if model.model_name in ['dec_vine', 'dec_vine2', 'dec_vine3']: # load pre-trained AE if model.model_name == 'dec_vine': pretrain_prefix = resfile_prefix.replace("dec", "ae") elif model.model_name == 'dec_vine2': pretrain_prefix = resfile_prefix.replace("dec_vine2", "ae_vine2") elif model.model_name == 'dec_vine3': pretrain_prefix = resfile_prefix.replace("dec_vine3", "ae_vine3") pretrain_files = [ filename for filename in os.listdir(checkpoint_dir) if filename.startswith(pretrain_prefix) ] pretrain_epochs = [ int(filename.replace(pretrain_prefix + "_", "")) for filename in pretrain_files ] pretrain_path = os.path.join( checkpoint_dir, pretrain_files[pretrain_epochs.index(max(pretrain_epochs))]) model.pretrain(pretrain_path) # form initial cluster centres data_loader = utils.get_data_loader(dataset, batch_size, cuda=cuda) data_stream = tqdm(enumerate(data_loader, 1)) features = [] for batch_index, (x, _, _) in data_stream: tmp_x = Variable(x).to(device) if model.model_name == 'dec_vine': z = z = elif model.model_name == 'dec_vine2' or model.model_name == 'dec_vine3': z = torch.nn.functional.relu(, -1))) z = features.append(z) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=model.cluster_number, n_init=20) y_pred = kmeans.fit_predict( = torch.tensor( kmeans.cluster_centers_).to(device) pretrain = 0 if pretrain == 1 and model.model_name == 'ae_vine3': pretrain_prefix = resfile_prefix #ds_name + '_ae_vine3' pretrain_files = [ filename for filename in os.listdir(checkpoint_dir) if filename.startswith(pretrain_prefix) ] pretrain_epochs = [ int(filename.replace(pretrain_prefix + "_", "")) for filename in pretrain_files ] pretrain_path = os.path.join( checkpoint_dir, pretrain_files[pretrain_epochs.index(max(pretrain_epochs))]) pretrained_ae = torch.load(pretrain_path, map_location=device) model.load_state_dict(pretrained_ae['state']) print('load pretrained ae3 from', pretrain_path) # reconstruction_criterion = torch.nn.BCELoss() reconstruction_criterion = torch.nn.BCELoss(size_average=False) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) if model.model_name == 'gan': lr_g = lr_d = 0.0002 k = 1 fix_noise = get_noise(sample_size) opt_g = torch.optim.Adam(model.net_g.parameters(), lr=lr_g, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) # optimizer for Generator opt_d = torch.optim.Adam(model.net_d.parameters(), lr=lr_d, betas=(0.5, 0.999)) # optimizer for Discriminator for epoch in range(epoch_start, epochs + 1): print("Epoch {}".format(epoch)) if model.model_name == "dec_vine" or model.model_name == "dec_vine2": # update target distribution p model.eval() p = [] indices = [] data_loader = utils.get_data_loader(dataset, batch_size, cuda=cuda) data_stream = tqdm(enumerate(data_loader, 1)) for batch_index, (x, _, idx) in data_stream: tmp_x = Variable(x).to(device) _, tmp_p = model(tmp_x) p.append(tmp_p.detach().cpu()) tmp_idx = idx indices.append(tmp_idx) p = indices = p = model.target_distribution(p[indices]) p = Variable(p).to(device) model.train() data_loader = utils.get_data_loader(dataset, batch_size, cuda=cuda) data_stream = tqdm(enumerate(data_loader, 1)) for batch_index, (x, _, idx) in data_stream: # learning rate decay if model.model_name == 'gan' and ( epoch) == 8: # and dataset == "CelebA": opt_g.param_groups[0]['lr'] /= 10 opt_d.param_groups[0]['lr'] /= 10 #print("learning rate change!") if model.model_name == 'gan' and ( epoch) == 15: # and dataset == "CelebA": opt_g.param_groups[0]['lr'] /= 10 opt_d.param_groups[0]['lr'] /= 10 #print("learning rate change!") iteration = (epoch - 1) * (len(dataset) // batch_size) + batch_index x = Variable(x).to(device) idx = Variable(idx).to(device) if model.model_name == 'gan': # train Discriminator real_data = Variable(x.cuda()) #print(real_data.shape) prob_fake = model.net_d( model.net_g(get_noise(real_data.size(0)).to(device))) prob_real = model.net_d(real_data) loss_d = -torch.mean( torch.log(prob_real) + torch.log(1 - prob_fake)) opt_d.zero_grad() loss_d.backward() opt_d.step() # train Generator if batch_index % k is 0: prob_fake = model.net_d(model.net_g( get_noise().to(device))) loss_g = -torch.mean(torch.log(prob_fake)) opt_g.zero_grad() loss_g.backward() opt_g.step() else: if model.model_name == 'ae_vine' or model.model_name == 'ae_vine2' or model.model_name == 'ae_vine3': x_reconstructed = model(x) elif model.model_name == 'dec_vine' or model.model_name == 'dec_vine2': x_reconstructed, q = model(x) p_batch = p[idx] penalization_loss = 10 * F.kl_div(q.log(), p_batch) del p_batch, q elif model.model_name == 'cvae' or model.model_name == "cvae2" or model.model_name == "cvae3": (mean, logvar, atanhcor), x_reconstructed = model(x) penalization_loss = model.kl_divergence_loss( mean, logvar, atanhcor) elif model.model_name == 'vae' or model.model_name == "vae2" or model.model_name == "vae3": (mean, logvar), x_reconstructed = model(x) penalization_loss = model.kl_divergence_loss(mean, logvar) reconstruction_loss = reconstruction_criterion( x_reconstructed, x) / x.size(0) if model.model_name == 'ae_vine' or model.model_name == 'ae_vine2' or model.model_name == 'ae_vine3': loss = reconstruction_loss else: loss = reconstruction_loss + penalization_loss optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if iteration % loss_log_interval == 0: f = open( output_folder + "/" + resfile_prefix + "_losses" + ".txt", 'a') if model.model_name == 'gan': f.write("\n{:<12} | {} | {} | {} | {} ".format( model.model_name, iteration, loss_g, loss_d, seed)) ''' print("\n{:<12} | {} | {} | {} | {} ".format( model.model_name, iteration, loss_g, loss_d, seed )) ''' else: if model.model_name == 'ae_vine' or model.model_name == 'ae_vine2' or model.model_name == 'ae_vine3': f.write("\n{:<12} | {} | {} | {} ".format( model.model_name, iteration, loss, seed)) else: f.write("\n{:<12} | {} | {} | {} | {} | {}".format( model.model_name, iteration,,,, seed)) f.close() # adding this just to have a way of calculating the scores at 0 epochs if batch_index > 0 and epoch == 0: break if epoch % model_log_interval == 0: print() print('###################') print('# model checkpoint!') print('###################') print() utils.save_checkpoint(model, checkpoint_dir, epoch, resfile_prefix + "_" + str(epoch)) if epoch % image_log_interval == 0: print() print('###################') print('# image checkpoint!') print('###################') print() model.eval() ae_vine_models = [ 'ae_vine', 'ae_vine2', 'dec_vine', 'dec_vine2', 'ae_vine3', 'dec_vine3' ] if model.model_name in ae_vine_models: data_loader_vine = utils.get_data_loader(dataset, 5000, cuda=cuda) data_stream_vine = tqdm(enumerate(data_loader_vine, 1)) features = [] for batch_index, (x, _, _) in data_stream_vine: tmp_x = Variable(x).to(device) if model.model_name == 'ae_vine': encoded = model.encoder(tmp_x) e = model.q(encoded) elif model.model_name == 'dec_vine': encoded = e = elif model.model_name == 'ae_vine2': encoded = torch.nn.functional.relu( model.fc1( model.encoder(tmp_x).view(x.size(0), -1))) e = model.fc21(encoded) elif model.model_name == 'dec_vine2': encoded = torch.nn.functional.relu(, -1))) e = elif model.model_name == 'ae_vine3': encoded = F.relu( model.fc1( model.encoder(tmp_x).view(x.size(0), -1))) e = model.fc21(encoded) elif model.model_name == 'dec_vine3': encoded = F.relu(, -1))) e = features.append(e.detach().cpu()) if batch_index > 0: break features = x = features features = pv.to_pseudo_obs(features) u = features #np.savetxt(resfile_prefix + '_features' + str(epoch) + '_.csv', features, delimiter=",") #copula_controls = base.list(family_set="tll", trunc_lvl=5, cores=cores) copula_controls = pv.FitControlsVinecop( family_set=[pv.BicopFamily.tll], trunc_lvl=5, num_threads=cores) #vine_obj = rvinecop.vine(features, copula_controls=copula_controls) vine_obj = pv.Vinecop(np.array(features), controls=copula_controls) model.vine = vine_obj model.marginal = model.fit_marginal(u, x) fake = model.sample(sample_size, fixed_noise) del x, e, encoded, vine_obj, data_loader_vine elif model.model_name == 'gan': fake = model.net_g( #+ 0.5 print(fake.shape) else: fake = model.sample(sample_size, fixed_noise) fake = fake.reshape(sample_size, model.channel_num, model.image_size, model.image_size) name_str = resfile_prefix + '_fake_samples_epoch' vutils.save_image(fake.detach(), '%s/%s_%03d.png' % (output_folder, name_str, epoch), normalize=True) del fake if epoch % 10 == 0: s = metric.compute_score_raw(ds_name, dataset, img_size, data_root, eval_size, batch_size, output_folder + '/real/', output_folder + '/fake/', model, model.z_size, 'resnet34', device) f = open(output_folder + "/" + resfile_prefix + "_scores" + ".txt", 'a') scr_arr = [str(a) for a in s] f.write("\n{:<12} | {} | {} | {}".format(model.model_name, epoch, ', '.join(scr_arr), seed)) f.close()