예제 #1
def test_add_namespace(default_ns, additional_ns, test_ns, exp_ns, exp_exc):
    # pylint: disable=no-self-use
    Test add_namespace() and the namespaces property
    # setup the inmemory repository
    repo = InMemoryRepository(default_ns)
    for ns in additional_ns:
    if not exp_exc:
        # The code to be tested
        assert isinstance(repo.namespaces, list)
        assert exp_ns in repo.namespaces
        for ns in additional_ns:
            assert ns in repo.namespaces
        if default_ns:
            assert default_ns in repo.namespaces

        with pytest.raises(exp_exc.__class__) as exec_info:

            # The code to be tested
예제 #2
def create_repo(init_namespace, init_objects):
    Create a InMemoryRepository object from the init parameters.
    repo = InMemoryRepository(initial_namespace=init_namespace)
    if init_objects:
        class_store = repo.get_class_store(init_namespace)
        inst_store = repo.get_instance_store(init_namespace)
        qual_store = repo.get_qualifier_store(init_namespace)
        for item in init_objects:
            if isinstance(item, CIMClass):
                class_store.create(item.classname, item)
            elif isinstance(item, CIMInstance):
                inst_store.create(item.path, item)
                assert isinstance(item, CIMQualifierDeclaration)
                qual_store.create(item.name, item)
    return repo
예제 #3
def test_remove_namespace(default_ns, additional_ns, test_ns, exp_ns, exp_exc):
    # pylint: disable=no-self-use
    Test _remove_namespace()
    repo = InMemoryRepository(default_ns)
    for ns in additional_ns:
    if not exp_exc:

        # The code to be tested

        assert exp_ns not in repo.namespaces
        with pytest.raises(exp_exc.__class__) as exec_info:

            # The code to be tested
예제 #4
def test_repository_method_errs(desc, args, condition, capsys):
    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    This is a test of the various methods of the repository that return
    valid responses for all of the types. This test create, update,
    get, delete and inter* methods of the object store as accessed through
    the InMemoryRepository for good responses. It does not test exception
    if not condition:
        pytest.skip("Condition for test case not met")

    init_args = args['init_args']
    init_objs = args['init_objs']
    err_names = args['err_names']
    valid_names = args['valid_names']

    namespace = init_args

    # setup the inmemory repository and the methods that provide access to
    # the repository for each object type
    repo = InMemoryRepository(namespace)

    # Relate repository names to corresponsing get_xxx_repo function
    repos = {'classes': repo.get_class_store(namespace),
             'instances': repo.get_instance_store(namespace),
             'qualifiers': repo.get_qualifier_store(namespace)}

    for item in init_objs:
        if isinstance(item, CIMClass):
            class_store = repos['classes']
            class_store.create(item.classname, item)
        elif isinstance(item, CIMInstance):
            inst_repo = repos['instances']
            inst_repo.create(item.path, item)
        elif isinstance(item, CIMQualifierDeclaration):
            qual_repo = repos['qualifiers']
            qual_repo.create(item.name, item)
            assert False

    for repo_name, xxx_repo in repos.items():
        err_name = err_names[repo_name]
        valid_name = valid_names[repo_name]
            assert False, "Get should return exception"
        except KeyError:

            assert False, "Delete Exception failed {} {}"
        except KeyError:

        # Try to get object from repo and create it.
            obj = xxx_repo.get(valid_name)
            obj = xxx_repo.create(valid_name, obj)
        except ValueError:

        # Try to get object from repo and update it with err_name.
        # NOTE: this works because repo does not validate names against
        # objects on create or update.
            obj = xxx_repo.get(valid_name)
            obj = xxx_repo.update(err_name, obj)
        except KeyError:
예제 #5
def test_repository_valid_methods(desc, args, condition, capsys):
    This is a test of the various methods of the repository that return
    valid responses for all of the types. This test create, update,
    get, delete and inter* methods of the object store as accessed through
    the InMemoryRepository for good responses. It does not test exception
    if not condition:
        pytest.skip("Condition for test case not met")

    init_args = args['init_args']
    init_objs = args['init_objs']

    namespace = init_args

    # setup the inmemory repository and the methods that provide access to
    # the repository for each object type
    repo = InMemoryRepository(initial_namespace=namespace)

    class_store = repo.get_class_store(namespace)
    inst_repo = repo.get_instance_store(namespace)
    qual_repo = repo.get_qualifier_store(namespace)

    # Holding dict for items created in repository by repository name
    input_items = {'classes': {}, 'instances': {}, 'qualifiers': {}}

    # Relate repository names to corresponsing get_xxx_repo function
    repos = {'classes': repo.get_class_store(namespace),
             'instances': repo.get_instance_store(namespace),
             'qualifiers': repo.get_qualifier_store(namespace)}

    # Insert the items in init_objs into the repository
    # Counter of number of objects by type created.
    inst_count = 0
    class_count = 0
    qual_count = 0
    for item in init_objs:
        if isinstance(item, CIMClass):
            class_store = repos['classes']
            class_store.create(item.classname, item)
            class_count += 1
            input_items['classes'][item.classname] = item
        elif isinstance(item, CIMInstance):
            inst_repo = repos['instances']
            inst_repo.create(item.path, item)
            inst_count += 1
            input_items['instances'][item.path] = item
        elif isinstance(item, CIMQualifierDeclaration):
            qual_repo = repos['qualifiers']
            qual_repo.create(item.name, item)
            qual_count += 1
            input_items['qualifiers'][item.name] = item
            assert False

    #   Execute repository object access methods and verifyresults

    # Test counts of objects in the repository
    assert class_count == len(input_items['classes'])
    assert inst_count == len(input_items['instances'])
    assert qual_count == len(input_items['qualifiers'])

    assert class_store.len() == class_count
    assert inst_repo.len() == inst_count
    assert qual_repo.len() == qual_count

    # verify the print_repository returns correct data
    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    result = captured.out
    assert "QUALIFIERS: Namespace: root/blah Repo: qualifier len:2" in result
    assert "CLASSES: Namespace: root/blah Repo: class len:2" in result
    assert "INSTANCES: Namespace: root/blah Repo: instance len:2" in result

    # Test exists(), get(), iter_names, iter_values, and delete with with
    # valid names

    # Verify the correct response for each objstore
    for type_dict, obj_dict in input_items.items():
        xxx_repo = repos[type_dict]
        for name, obj in obj_dict.items():
            assert xxx_repo.object_exists(name), '{} exists() fail {}' \
                .format(desc, name)

            rtnd_obj = xxx_repo.get(name)
            assert rtnd_obj == input_items[type_dict][name]

            # update each object with the same object as originally installed.
            xxx_repo.update(name, obj)

        # test obj store repr
        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        result = captured.out
        assert "InMemoryObjectStore(" in result
        assert "size=2" in result

        # Test iter_names and iter_values
        names = list(xxx_repo.iter_names())
        assert set(names) == set(input_items[type_dict].keys())

        objs = list(xxx_repo.iter_values())
        assert set(objs) == set(input_items[type_dict].values())

        for name, obj in obj_dict.items():

    for type_dict, obj_dict in input_items.items():
        xxx_repo = repos[type_dict]
        assert xxx_repo.len() == 0