def test_import_from_workdir_py(tmpdir): """Test that file is read and added to the workdir""" contents = textwrap.dedent(""" import os def jambalaya(a,b): import sys return a+b print("JAMBALAYA") class Jambalaya(object): pass """) with open(tmpdir / "", "w") as pyfile: pyfile.write(contents) wd = WorkDir(tmpdir) assert hasattr(wd, "jambalaya") assert hasattr(wd, "Jambalaya") assert callable(wd.jambalaya) assert isinstance(wd.Jambalaya, type) assert not hasattr(wd, "sys") assert not hasattr(wd, "os") assert wd.jambalaya(2, 5) == 7
def test_log_errors(tmpdir): """Test if errors are written to the logfile.""" wd = WorkDir(tmpdir, logfile="mylog.txt", loglevel_file=logging.INFO) wd.log("Hello", logging.DEBUG) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): with wd: assert False with open(tmpdir / "mylog.txt") as f: assert "AssertionError" in
def test_failure_import_with_workdir(tmpdir): """Test that bugs in the functions are detected.""" contents = textwrap.dedent(""" def jambalaya(a, b): assert hasattr(wave, "Chunk") # to make sure that top level imports are recognized return a+b """) with open(tmpdir / "", "w") as pyfile: pyfile.write(contents) wd = WorkDir(tmpdir) with pytest.raises(NameError): wd.jambalaya(2, 5)
def test_function_added_as_method(tmpdir): """Test that workdir is accessible for functions that use workdir""" contents = textwrap.dedent(""" def jambalaya(a, workdir, b): return workdir.path, a+b """) with open(tmpdir / "", "w") as pyfile: pyfile.write(contents) wd = WorkDir(tmpdir) path, sum = wd.jambalaya(2, 5) assert isinstance(path, pathlib.Path) assert str(path) == str(tmpdir)
def test_create_directory(tmpdir): """Check mkdir parameter""" dir = tmpdir / "subdir" wd = WorkDir(dir, mkdir=False) assert not wd.path.exists() wd = WorkDir(dir, mkdir=True) assert wd.path.exists() wd = WorkDir(dir, mkdir=True) # check failures (wd.path / "a").touch() with pytest.raises(WorkDirException): WorkDir(wd.path / "a", mkdir=True)
def test_import_imports(tmpdir): """Test that top-level imports are known to the function.""" contents = textwrap.dedent(""" import wave def jambalaya(a,b): assert hasattr(wave, "Chunk") # to make sure that top level imports are recognized return a+b """) with open(tmpdir / "", "w") as pyfile: pyfile.write(contents) wd = WorkDir(tmpdir) assert hasattr(wd, "jambalaya") assert wd.jambalaya(2, 5) == 7
def test_commandline_workdir_option(tmpdir): contents = textwrap.dedent(""" import click @click.option("-s") @click.option("-p") def things(s, workdir, here, p): print(s) print(here/"here.tmp") print(workdir/"test.tmp") print(p) @click.option("-s") def hello(s): print("Hello", s) """) with open(tmpdir / "", "w") as f: f.write(contents) main = forge_command_line_interface(directory=tmpdir) runner = CliRunner(env={"PWD": str(tmpdir)}) result = runner.invoke(main, "--help") assert "things" in result.output assert "hello" in result.output result = runner.invoke(main, ["things", "-p", "thing2", "-s", "thing1"]) print(result.output) wd = WorkDir(tmpdir) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.output == '\n'.join( ["thing1", str(wd / "here.tmp"), str(wd / "test.tmp"), "thing2", ""])
def forge_command_line_interface(*args, **kwargs): """ Forge the click.Group that holds all commands defined in All arguments are forwarded to the constructor of WorkDir. Returns ------- A click.Group that defines one command for every custom function in the WorkDir. """ wd = WorkDir(*args, **kwargs) main = click.Group( name="workdir", help=textwrap.dedent( """ Commands in this working directory. Add commands by defining functions in; decorate them with "@click.option(...)" to define function parameters as command line options. """) ) # add version option main = click.version_option(version=pyworkdir.__version__, prog_name="pyworkdir")(main) # collect commands for attribute in wd.custom_attributes: object = getattr(wd, attribute) if inspect.isfunction(object) and not hasattr(object, "__nocli__"): main.command()(object) for command in wd.commands: bash, doc = wd.commands[command].split("//") cmd = click.Command(command, callback=bash_function(bash), help=doc) main.add_command(cmd) # default commands main.command()(forge_method(wd, show, replace_args={"workdir": wd}, add=False)) return main
def test_vars_and_classes_from_pyfile(tmpdir): """Test that variables and classes from python files get added """ contents = textwrap.dedent(""" import pyworkdir a = 2 class A(pyworkdir.WorkDir): pass """) with open(tmpdir / "", "w") as pyfile: pyfile.write(contents) wd = WorkDir(tmpdir) assert hasattr(wd, "A") assert hasattr(wd, "a") assert wd.a == 2 assert issubclass(wd.A, WorkDir) assert isinstance(wd.A(), WorkDir)
def test_terminal_command(tmpdir): with WorkDir(tmpdir) as wd: assert len(wd.commands) == 0 content = textwrap.dedent(""" commands: echo: echo Hello > {{ here/"out.txt" }} // print something """) with open(tmpdir / "workdir.yml", 'w') as f: f.write(content) with WorkDir(tmpdir) as wd: assert len(wd.commands) == 1 assert wd.commands[ "echo"] == f"echo Hello > {str(tmpdir/'out.txt')} // print something" with WorkDir(tmpdir): wd.echo() assert os.path.isfile(tmpdir / "out.txt") with open(tmpdir / "out.txt", "r") as f: assert == "Hello"
def test_files(tmpdir): """Test WorkDir.files()""" with WorkDir(tmpdir) as wd: (wd.path / "a").touch() (wd.path / "b").touch() (wd.path / "c").touch() os.mkdir(wd / "dir") assert len([f for f in wd.files()]) == 3 assert all(isinstance(f, pathlib.Path) for f in wd.files()) assert all(os.path.dirname(f) == "" for f in wd.files()) assert all( os.path.dirname(f) == str(tmpdir) for f in wd.files(abs=True))
def test_environment(): """Test that environment variables are changed""" os.environ["JAMBAPATH"] = "set" wd = WorkDir(environment={"jambalayalaya": "1", "JAMBAPATH": "."}) assert not "jambalayalaya" in os.environ assert "JAMBAPATH" in os.environ with wd: assert "jambalayalaya" in os.environ assert os.environ["jambalayalaya"] == "1" assert os.environ["JAMBAPATH"] == "." assert not "jambalayalaya" in os.environ assert "JAMBAPATH" in os.environ assert os.environ["JAMBAPATH"] == "set"
def test_logging(tmpdir): """Test logging with default configuration.""" wd = WorkDir(tmpdir) assert wd.logger is None assert not os.path.isfile(tmpdir / "workdir.log") wd.log("Hi") # File is created with first log assert os.path.isfile(tmpdir / "workdir.log") wd.log("Hello", logging.DEBUG) wd.log("Bye", logging.WARN) with open(tmpdir / "workdir.log") as f: lines = f.readlines() assert "Hi" in lines[0] assert "Hello" in lines[1] assert "Bye" in lines[2]
def test_yml_environment(tmpdir): """Test that environment variables can be set through the yml files.""" contents = textwrap.dedent(""" environment: a: 1 b: 2 """) with open(tmpdir / "workdir.yml", "w") as f: f.write(contents) with WorkDir(tmpdir): assert "a" in os.environ assert "b" in os.environ assert os.environ["a"] == "1" assert os.environ["b"] == "2"
def test_option(tmpdir): """Test if functions with options are parsed""" content = textwrap.dedent(""" import click @click.option("--path") def parentdirr(path, workdir): return (workdir/path).parent """) with open(tmpdir / "", 'w') as f: f.write(content) wd = WorkDir(tmpdir) assert hasattr(wd, "parentdirr") assert list(wd.custom_attributes.keys()) == ["parentdirr"]
def test_custom_loglevel_and_file(tmpdir): """Test if custom logging settings are effective.""" wd = WorkDir(tmpdir, logfile="mylog.txt", loglevel_file=logging.INFO) wd.log("Hello", logging.DEBUG) wd.log("Bye", logging.WARN) assert os.path.isfile(tmpdir / "mylog.txt") with open(tmpdir / "mylog.txt") as f: lines = f.readlines() assert "Bye" in lines[0]
def test_redefine_function_arguments_locally(tmpdir): """Test if non-local functions are parsed when defining them with function arguments.""" content = textwrap.dedent(""" from os.path import dirname from click import option option("--path")( dirname ) """) with open(tmpdir / "", 'w') as f: f.write(content) wd = WorkDir(tmpdir) assert hasattr(wd, "dirname") assert list(wd.custom_attributes.keys()) == ["dirname"]
def test_yml_templates(tmpdir): """Test that templates are resolved in yml files.""" contents = textwrap.dedent(""" environment: a: {{ workdir.__len__() }} attributes: jambalayalaya: {{ here/"file.tmp" }} """) with open(tmpdir / "workdir.yml", "w") as f: f.write(contents) with WorkDir(tmpdir) as wd: assert "a" in os.environ assert os.environ["a"] == "1" assert hasattr(wd, "jambalayalaya") assert wd.jambalayalaya == tmpdir / "file.tmp"
def test_yml_attributes(tmpdir): """Test that attributes can be set from yml files.""" contents = textwrap.dedent(""" environment: a: 1 attributes: jambalayalaya: 2 """) with open(tmpdir / "workdir.yml", "w") as f: f.write(contents) with WorkDir(tmpdir) as wd: assert "a" in os.environ assert not "jambalayalaya" in os.environ assert hasattr(wd, "jambalayalaya") assert wd.jambalayalaya == 2
def test_recursive_pyfile(tmpdir): """Test that pyfiles are loaded recursively and that more specific settings override more general ones.""" contents = textwrap.dedent(""" a = 2 b = 2 """) contents_parent = textwrap.dedent(""" a = 3 c = 3 """) os.mkdir(tmpdir / "subdir") with open(tmpdir / "subdir/", "w") as f: f.write(contents) with open(tmpdir / "", "w") as f: f.write(contents_parent) wd = WorkDir(tmpdir / "subdir") assert hasattr(wd, "a") assert hasattr(wd, "b") assert hasattr(wd, "c") assert wd.a == 2 assert wd.b == 2 assert wd.c == 3 # test custom attributes dict assert wd.custom_attributes["a"] == os.path.realpath(tmpdir / "subdir/") assert wd.custom_attributes["b"] == os.path.realpath(tmpdir / "subdir/") assert wd.custom_attributes["c"] == os.path.realpath(tmpdir / "") # assert non-recursive wd = WorkDir(tmpdir / "subdir", python_files_recursion=0) assert not hasattr(wd, "c") # assert non-recursive wd = WorkDir(tmpdir / "subdir", python_files_recursion=1) assert hasattr(wd, "c")
def test_import_local_modules_in_pyfile(tmpdir): """Check if local imports are resolved in""" content = textwrap.dedent(""" import library b = library.a """) library_content = textwrap.dedent(""" a = 1 """) with open(tmpdir / "", 'w') as f: f.write(content) with open(tmpdir / "", 'w') as f: f.write(library_content) wd = WorkDir(tmpdir) assert hasattr(wd, "b") assert wd.b == 1
def test_terminal_command(tmpdir): content = textwrap.dedent(""" commands: echo: echo Hello > {{ here/"out.txt" }} // print something """) with open(tmpdir / "workdir.yml", 'w') as f: f.write(content) runner = CliRunner(env={"PWD": str(tmpdir)}) main = forge_command_line_interface(directory=tmpdir) result = runner.invoke(main, "--help") assert "echo" in result.output and "print something" in result.output with WorkDir(tmpdir): os.system("workdir echo") assert os.path.isfile(tmpdir / "out.txt") with open(tmpdir / "out.txt", "r") as f: assert == "Hello"
def test_here_argument(tmpdir): """Test that the `here` parameter is replaced by the directory of the""" contents = textwrap.dedent(""" def some_path(here, workdir, filename): return workdir/filename, here/filename """) with open(tmpdir / "", "w") as f: f.write(contents) subdir = WorkDir(tmpdir / "subdir") wd = WorkDir(tmpdir) sub_wd, sub_here = subdir.some_path("file.txt") parent_wd, parent_here = wd.some_path("file.txt") assert str(parent_here) == os.path.join(tmpdir, "file.txt") assert sub_here == parent_here assert parent_here == parent_wd assert sub_wd == subdir.path / "file.txt"
def test_show(tmpdir): content = textwrap.dedent(""" a = 1 def b(s): print(s) """) with open(tmpdir / "", 'w') as f: f.write(content) content = textwrap.dedent(""" environment: A: 1 commands: echo: echo // echo attributes: c: a """) with open(tmpdir / "workdir.yml", 'w') as f: f.write(content) with WorkDir(tmpdir) as wd: out = StringIO() show(wd, variables=True, environment=True, commands=True, sources=True, functions=True, out=out) dictionary = yaml.load(out.getvalue(), yaml.SafeLoader) attributes = set(dictionary["attributes"].keys()) functions = set(dictionary["functions"]) customs = attributes.union(functions) environment = set(dictionary["environment"]) name = dictionary["name"] sources = dictionary["sources"] commands = dictionary["commands"] assert customs == set(wd.custom_attributes.keys()) assert environment == set(wd.environment) assert name == str(tmpdir) assert sources == wd.custom_attributes assert commands == wd.commands
def test_competing_local_import_in_pyfile(tmpdir): """Check that local imports work as expect (import from here, not subdir).""" content = textwrap.dedent(""" import library b = library.a """) library_content = textwrap.dedent(""" a = 1 """) library_sub_content = textwrap.dedent(""" a = 2 """) os.mkdir(tmpdir / "subdir") with open(tmpdir / "", 'w') as f: f.write(content) with open(tmpdir / "", 'w') as f: f.write(library_content) with open(tmpdir / "subdir/", 'w') as f: f.write(library_sub_content) wd = WorkDir(tmpdir) assert hasattr(wd, "b") assert wd.b == 1 assert list(wd.custom_attributes.keys()) == ["b"]
def test_error_in_context(tmpdir): """Test that an exception in the context is forwarded.""" with pytest.raises(AssertionError): with WorkDir(tmpdir): assert False
def test_truediv(tmpdir): """Test the division operator.""" with WorkDir(tmpdir) as wd: assert str(wd / "file.txt") == tmpdir / "file.txt"
def test_change_directory(tmpdir): """Test that the working directory changes the directory correctly""" surrounding_path = os.getcwd() with WorkDir(tmpdir): assert os.getcwd() == str(tmpdir) assert os.getcwd() == surrounding_path
def test_str(tmpdir): wd = WorkDir(tmpdir) assert str(wd) == str(tmpdir)
def test_len(tmpdir): """Test length operator""" with WorkDir(tmpdir) as wd: assert len(wd) == 0 os.mkdir(wd / "a") assert len(wd) == 1