예제 #1
 class Schema(NodeSchema):
     # The main attributes are not validated (i.e. `Raw`)
     # They could be many different things.
     min_flow = fields.ParameterReferenceField(allow_none=True)
     cost = fields.ParameterReferenceField(allow_none=True)
     storage_node = fields.NodeField()
     release_values = DataFrameField()
     scenario = fields.ScenarioReferenceField(allow_none=True)
예제 #2
    class Schema(NodeSchema):
        # The main attributes are not validated (i.e. `Raw`)
        # They could be many different things.
        # TODO add turbine max_flow in here
        min_flow = fields.ParameterReferenceField(allow_none=True)
        cost = fields.ParameterReferenceField(allow_none=True)

        storage_node = fields.NodeField()
        turbine_elevation = marshmallow.fields.Number()
        generation_capacity = marshmallow.fields.Number()
        min_operating_elevation = marshmallow.fields.Number()
        efficiency = marshmallow.fields.Number()
        density = marshmallow.fields.Number()

        # Default values for missing inputs.
        # Assume inputting for Mm3/day (1e6) and MW (1.15741e-11)
        flow_unit_conversion = marshmallow.fields.Number(missing=1e6)
        energy_unit_conversion = marshmallow.fields.Number(missing=1.15741e-11)
예제 #3
 class Schema(NodeSchema):
     node = fields.NodeField()
     proportion = marshmallow.fields.Number()
     reuse_proportion = marshmallow.fields.Number()