예제 #1
파일: drawer.py 프로젝트: AntipovDen/XdivK
def state(x0, y0, r, c):
    x1 = x0 - r / sqrt(2)
    y1 = y0 + r / sqrt(2)
    x2 = x0 - 3 * r / 4 / sqrt(2)
    y2 = y1 + r / 8
    x3 = x0 - r / 4 / sqrt(2)
    y3 = y1 - r / 8
    x4 = x0 + r / 4 / sqrt(2)
    y4 = y1 + r / 8
    x5 = x0 + 3 * r / 4 / sqrt(2)
    y5 = y1 - r / 8
    x6 = x0 + r / sqrt(2)
    y6 = y1
    delta = r / 40

    c.fill(path.circle(x0, y0, r), [color.cmyk.RoyalBlue])
    c.fill(path.rect(x1 + delta, y0 + delta,
                     r * sqrt(2) - 2 * delta, r), [color.rgb.white])

    inside = path.curve(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x0, y1) << \
             path.curve(x0, y1, x4, y4, x5, y5, x6, y6) << \
             path.line(x6, y6, x6, y0) << \
             path.line(x6, y0, x1, y0)
    c.fill(inside, [color.cmyk.RoyalBlue])
    c.stroke(path.circle(x0, y0, r), [style.linewidth(r / 25)])
예제 #2
def array34(arange, hlshape=None):
    c = canvas.canvas()
    if hlshape is None:
        c.text(2, 3.3, 'shape=(3, 4)', [text.halign.center])
        c.text(2, 3.3, 'shape=%s' % repr(hlshape), [text.halign.center])
    if hlshape is not None:
        if len(hlshape) == 1:
            hlshape = (1, hlshape[0])
    if arange:
        gridcolor = color.grey(0)
        gridcolor = color.grey(0.5)
    if hlshape is None:
        arange = True
    elif (hlshape[0] in (1, 3)) and (hlshape[1] in (1, 4)):
        arange = False
        arange = None
    drawgrid(c, 4, 3, 0, gridcolor, arange=arange)
    if hlshape is not None:
        c.stroke(path.rect(0, 3, hlshape[1], -hlshape[0]),
                 [deco.filled([color.rgb(1, 0.8, 0.4)])])
        drawgrid(c, hlshape[1], hlshape[0], 3 - hlshape[0], arange=False)
    if arange is None:
        alertcolor = color.rgb(0.6, 0, 0)
        c.stroke(path.line(0, 0, 4, 3), [alertcolor, style.linewidth.Thick])
        c.stroke(path.line(0, 3, 4, 0), [alertcolor, style.linewidth.Thick])
    return c
예제 #3
    def draw_sector(self, end):
        """draw the sector"""
        segment = path.path(
            path.arc(self.xo, self.yo, self.inner_r, self.start_angle,
            path.arcn(self.xo, self.yo, self.sector_width + self.inner_r,
                      self.end_angle, self.start_angle), path.closepath())
        self.shape_canvas.fill(segment, [self.sector_color])

        # draw a delimiting line between sectors
        line_color = color.gray(0.15)
        if end and (self.end_angle - self.start_angle) < 0.25:
            line_color = color.rgb.red

        r = self.inner_r + self.sector_width
        start_radians = self.start_angle * pi / 180.0
        end_radians = self.end_angle * pi / 180.0
        x0 = self.inner_r * cos(start_radians) + self.xo
        y0 = self.inner_r * sin(start_radians) + self.yo
        x1 = r * cos(start_radians) + self.xo
        y1 = r * sin(start_radians) + self.yo

        self.shape_canvas.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1),
                                 [style.linewidth(0.01), line_color])

        x0 = self.inner_r * cos(end_radians) + self.xo
        y0 = self.inner_r * sin(end_radians) + self.yo
        x1 = r * cos(end_radians) + self.xo
        y1 = r * sin(end_radians) + self.yo

        self.shape_canvas.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1),
                                 [style.linewidth(0.01), line_color])
예제 #4
파일: render.py 프로젝트: punkdit/morse2019
def draw_matrix(M, flow=None):

    st_text = center

    rows = M.rows
    cols = M.cols

    dx = 0.5
    dy = 0.5
    H = len(rows) * dy
    W = len(cols) * dx

    layout = {}

    for i, col in enumerate(cols):
        x, y = i * dx, H + dy
        layout[col] = x, y
        cvs.text(x, y, "$%s$" % col, st_text)

    for j, row in enumerate(rows):
        x, y = -dx, H - j * dy
        layout[row] = x, y
        cvs.text(x, y, "$%s$" % row, st_text)

    cvs.stroke(path.line(-1.4 * dx, H + 0.5 * dy, W - 0.5 * dx, H + 0.5 * dy))
    cvs.stroke(path.line(-0.5 * dx, 0.6 * dy, -0.5 * dx, H + 1.4 * dy))

    for i, col in enumerate(cols):
        for j, row in enumerate(rows):
            value = M[row, col]
            if value == 0:
                c = '.'
                c = str(value)
            x, y = i * dx, H - j * dy
            layout[row, col] = x, y
            cvs.text(x, y, "$%s$" % c, st_text)

    if flow is None:

    r = 0.2
    critical = flow.get_critical()
    for item in rows + cols:
        if item in critical:
            x, y = layout[item]
            cvs.stroke(path.circle(x, y, r), st_thick + [red])

    for key in flow.get_pairs():
        if key not in layout:
        x, y = layout[key]
        cvs.stroke(path.circle(x, y, r), st_thick + [orange])
예제 #5
파일: drawer.py 프로젝트: AntipovDen/XdivK
def arrow(x0, y0, x1, y1):
    alpha = 0.3
    beta = 0.5
    x2 = x1 + (x1 - x0) * alpha
    y2 = y1 + (y1 - y0) * alpha
    x3 = x2 + (y1 - y0) * beta
    y3 = y2 + (x0 - x1) * beta
    x4 = x2 - (y1 - y0) * beta
    y4 = y2 - (x0 - x1) * beta
    arrow = path.line(x0, y0, x3, y3) << path.line(
        x3, y3, x1, y1) << path.line(x1, y1, x4, y4)
    return arrow
예제 #6
def drawgrid(c, nxcells, nycells, yoff, gridcolor=color.grey(0), arange=None):
    c.stroke(path.rect(0, yoff, nxcells, nycells), [gridcolor])
    for nx in range(nxcells-1):
        c.stroke(path.line(nx+1, yoff, nx+1, yoff+nycells), [gridcolor])
    for ny in range(nycells-1):
        c.stroke(path.line(0, yoff+ny+1, nxcells, yoff+ny+1), [gridcolor])
    entry = '1'
    if arange is not None:
        for nx in range(nxcells):
            for ny in range(nycells):
                if arange:
                    entry = str(4*ny+nx)
                c.text(nx+0.5, 2.5-ny, entry,
                       [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle, gridcolor])
예제 #7
def frontplane(z, nxmax, mymax, facecolor, edgecolor, trans):
    p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(0, z, 0)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(nxmax, z, 0)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(nxmax, z, nymax)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(0, z, nymax)), path.closepath())
    c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    c.stroke(p, [edgecolor])
    for nx in range(1, nxmax):
        x0, y0 = projector(nx, z, 0)
        x1, y1 = projector(nx, z, nymax)
        c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
    for ny in range(1, nymax):
        x0, y0 = projector(0, z, ny)
        x1, y1 = projector(nxmax, z, ny)
        c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
def arraygraphics(a,
                  bgcolor=color.hsb(0.9, 1, 0.5)):
    """create a graphical representation of a two-dimensional array
    a         array containing the data to be shown
    slicestr  string defining the slice to be highlighted
    xscale    PyX scaling for text
    fgcolor   color of highlighted data
    bgcolor   color of highlighted cells

    assert a.ndim == 2
    n0, n1 = a.shape
    highlighted = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=bool)
    exec("highlighted{} = True".format(idxstr))
    c = canvas.canvas()
    for ny, nx in zip(*np.nonzero(highlighted)):
        c.fill(path.rect(nx, n0 - ny, 1, -1), [bgcolor])
    c.stroke(path.rect(0, 0, n1, n0))
    for nx in range(1, n1):
        c.stroke(path.line(nx, 0, nx, n0))
    for ny in range(1, n0):
        c.stroke(path.line(0, ny, n1, ny))
    textcentered = [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle]
    textcentered_highlighted = textcentered + [fgcolor]
    for nx in range(n1):
        for ny in range(n0):
            if highlighted[ny, nx]:
                textattrs = textcentered_highlighted
                textattrs = textcentered
            c.text(nx + 0.5, n0 - ny - 0.5, a[ny, nx], textattrs)
    if title:
        textcolor = bgcolor
        textcolor = color.grey(1)
    titlestr = r"\Large a" + idxstr.replace('%', '\%')
    c.text(0.5 * n1, n0 + 0.4, titlestr, [text.halign.center, textcolor])
    return c
예제 #9
def draw_config(name):
    c = canvas.canvas()
    config = configs[name]
    ysize = len(config)
    xsize = len(config[0])
    for nx in range(xsize):
        for ny in range(ysize):
            if config[ny][nx]:
                c.fill(path.rect(nx, ysize-ny, 1, -1))
    strokecolor = color.grey(0.6)
    c.stroke(path.rect(0, 0, xsize, ysize), [strokecolor])
    for nx in range(1, xsize):
        c.stroke(path.line(nx, 0, nx, ysize), [strokecolor])
    for ny in range(1, ysize):
        c.stroke(path.line(0, ny, xsize, ny), [strokecolor])
    return c
예제 #10
def plate_circle_layer(plate, information, message, plate_radius=32.6):
    outerclip = 39.6
    box_xoffset = 1.
    box_xsize = 4.
    box_ysize = 16.
    text_ybuffer = 0.5
    text_xbuffer = 0.3

    clippath = path.circle(0., 0., outerclip)
    plate_clipobject = canvas.clip(clippath)
    plate_circle = canvas.canvas([plate_clipobject])

    plate_circle.stroke(path.circle(0., 0., plate_radius),
        path.line(-plate_radius + box_xoffset, -box_ysize * 0.5,
                  -plate_radius + box_xoffset - box_xsize, -box_ysize * 0.5),
        path.line(-plate_radius + box_xoffset - box_xsize, -box_ysize * 0.5,
                  -plate_radius + box_xoffset - box_xsize, box_ysize * 0.5),
        path.line(-plate_radius + box_xoffset, box_ysize * 0.5,
                  -plate_radius + box_xoffset - box_xsize, box_ysize * 0.5),
    tab_path = path.line(-plate_radius - text_xbuffer,
                         -box_ysize * 0.5 + text_ybuffer,
                         -plate_radius - text_xbuffer,
                         box_ysize * 0.5 - text_ybuffer)
    tab_text = r"\font\myfont=cmr10 at 100pt {\myfont " + str(plate) + "}"
    plate_circle.draw(tab_path, [deco.curvedtext(tab_text)])

    information_path = (path.circle(0., 0., plate_radius).transformed(
    plate_circle.draw(information_path, [
                        textattrs=[text.valign.top, text.vshift.topzero])

    message_path = (path.circle(0., 0.,
    plate_circle.draw(message_path, [
                        textattrs=[text.valign.top, text.vshift.topzero])
    return plate_circle
예제 #11
파일: xyz.py 프로젝트: 11011110/blog
def edge(p, q):
    d = distance(p, q) / radius
    v = [(p[i] - q[i]) / d for i in (0, 1, 2)]
    p = [p[i] - v[i] for i in (0, 1, 2)]
    q = [q[i] + v[i] for i in (0, 1, 2)]
    lx1, ly1 = perspective(p)
    lx2, ly2 = perspective(q)
    c.stroke(path.line(lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2), edgeColor)
예제 #12
파일: drawer.py 프로젝트: AntipovDen/XdivK
def draw_drop(x, y, r, c):
    c.fill(path.circle(x, y - 3 * r, r), [color.cmyk.RoyalBlue])
    c.stroke(path.circle(x, y - 3 * r, r))

    triangle = path.line(
        x, y, x + sqrt(8) * r / 3, y - 8 * r / 3) << path.line(
            x + sqrt(8) * r / 3, y - 8 * r / 3, x - sqrt(8) * r / 3,
            y - 8 * r / 3)
    c.fill(triangle, [color.cmyk.RoyalBlue])
        path.line(x - sqrt(8) * r / 3, y -
                  8 * r / 3, x, y) << path.line(x, y, x + sqrt(8) * r / 3, y -
                                                8 * r / 3))

    c.fill(path.circle(x - 0.5 * r, (y - 3 * r) / 2, 0.2 * r),
           [color.rgb.white, trafo.scale(sx=1, sy=2)])
예제 #13
    def draw(self):
        """draw the text!!"""

        for layer in self.sectors:
            radius = self.sectors[layer]['radius']
            letter_radius = radius + 0.25 * self.sector_width

            prev_radian = 0
            for radian in self.sectors[layer]['letters']:
                end = False
                letter = self.sectors[layer]['letters'][radian][0]
                if len(letter) > 1:
                    end = True
                freq = self.sectors[layer]['letters'][radian][1]

                offset = False
                cur_radian = radian

                if (radian - prev_radian) * letter_radius < 0.22:
                    cur_radian = prev_radian + 0.22 / letter_radius
                    prev_radian = cur_radian
                    offset = True

                centroid_x = radius * cos(radian) + self.xo
                centroid_y = radius * sin(radian) + self.yo
                if end:
                    letter_x = radius * cos(cur_radian) + self.xo
                    letter_y = radius * sin(cur_radian) + self.yo
                    letter_x = letter_radius * cos(cur_radian) + self.xo
                    letter_y = letter_radius * sin(cur_radian) + self.yo

                # rotate the text accordingly
                transform = trafo.rotate(radian * 180 / pi)

                if cur_radian > pi / 2 and cur_radian < (3 * pi / 2):
                    transform = trafo.rotate(180 + radian * 180 / pi)

                # if this condition is true then the letter is actually the
                # whole word, it is an end sector, so display the frequency
                if len(letter) > 1:
                    letter += ' '
                    letter += str(freq)

                # the random floats are me tuning the color just right lol
                text_color = color.rgb(0, 0.0784 * 1.4, 0.156 * 1.4)
                    letter_x, letter_y, r"\texttt{" + letter + '}', [
                        text.halign.center, text.valign.middle, transform,
                        text.size.scriptsize, text_color
                if offset:
                        path.line(centroid_x, centroid_y, letter_x, letter_y),
                        [style.linewidth(0.0035), text_color])
                self.canvas.fill(path.circle(centroid_x, centroid_y, 0.0065),
                prev_radian = cur_radian
예제 #14
def outline_layer():
    tab_xsize = 1.3
    tab_ysize = 2.0
    clippath = path.circle(0., 0., limit_radius)
    clipobject = canvas.clip(clippath)
    outline = canvas.canvas([clipobject])
    outline.stroke(path.circle(0., 0., full_radius), [style.linewidth.thick])
        path.line(-full_radius, -tab_ysize * 0.5, -full_radius - tab_xsize,
                  -tab_ysize * 0.5), [style.linewidth.thick])
        path.line(-full_radius, tab_ysize * 0.5, -full_radius - tab_xsize,
                  tab_ysize * 0.5), [style.linewidth.thick])
        path.line(-full_radius - tab_xsize, -tab_ysize * 0.5,
                  -full_radius - tab_xsize, tab_ysize * 0.5),
    outline.stroke(path.line(-full_radius - tab_xsize, 0., -limit_radius, 0.),
    return outline
예제 #15
def pLine(canv, pt, r, fi, linewidth=LINE_DEF_WIDTH, marks=False):

    pta = pt
    ptb = pPoint(r, fi, pt)

    line = path.line(pta.x, pta.y, ptb.x, ptb.y)

    canv.stroke(line, [style.linewidth(linewidth)])

    if marks:
예제 #16
def Line(canv,
    line = path.line(pta.x, pta.y, ptb.x, ptb.y)

    canv.stroke(line, [style.linewidth(linewidth), color])

    if marks:
예제 #17
def draw_lines_to_canvas(c, lines: torch.Tensor, lw=1, lcols=None):
    if lcols is not None:
        lcols = lcols.detach().cpu()

    if lines is not None:
        lines = lines.detach().cpu()
        for i in range(lines.shape[0]):
            _lw = lw[i] if isinstance(lw, torch.Tensor) else lw
            if _lw > 0:
                if lcols is None:
                        path.line(lines[i, 0, 1], -lines[i, 0, 0],
                                  lines[i, 1, 1], -lines[i, 1, 0]),
                        [style.linewidth(_lw), style.linecap.round])
                        path.line(lines[i, 0, 1], -lines[i, 0, 0],
                                  lines[i, 1, 1], -lines[i, 1, 0]),
                            style.linewidth(_lw), style.linecap.round,
예제 #18
    def makePath(self):
        ''' makes pyx path object from pygame points '''
        # so we can use pop() w/o modifying self.positions
        positions = copy.copy(self.points)

        p = None

        while len(
                positions) > 4:  # need at least 4 points to make bezier curve
            # make a bezier curve
            points = []
            for _ in range(3):
                points += positions.pop()
            points += positions[-1]  # so next curve will start at this point

            if p:
                p += path.curve(*points)
                p = path.curve(*points)

        # LINES
        while len(positions) > 1:  # use up rest of points with lines
            points = []
            points += positions.pop()
            points += positions[-1]

            if p:
                p += path.line(*points)
                p = path.line(*points)

        # store curve in object
        p = deformer.smoothed(2.0).deform(p)  # smooth curve
        self.path = p
        self.arclen = p.arclen_pt() * metersPerPoint
        self.duration = self.arclen / self.velocity
예제 #19
파일: draw.py 프로젝트: nespinoza/pyx-utils
def arrow(g,
        Function that draws an arrow in a given plot


                g               (Object) A graph-type object to which you want to add the text

                x_coord_init    (Double) x-coordinate (in plot units) at which you want the arrow
                                to start.

                y_coord_init    (Double) y-coordinate (in plot units) at which you want the arrow
                                to start.

                x_coord_final   (Double) x-coordinate (in plot units) at which you want the arrow
                                to end.

                y_coord_final   (Double) y-coordinate (in plot units) at which you want the arrow
                                to end.

		size		(int) Size of the arrow.

		line_color	(instance) Instance color that defines the color of the line of the arrow.

		stroke_color	(instance, optional) Defines the stroke color (default is same as line_color).

		fill_color	(instance, optional) Defines the color fill of the arrow (default is same as 


    if stroke_color is None:
        stroke_color = line_color
    if fill_color is None:
        fill_color = line_color

    x0, y0 = g.pos(x_coord_init, y_coord_init)
    xf, yf = g.pos(x_coord_final, y_coord_final)
     [pyx_style.linewidth.normal, pyx_style.linestyle.solid, line_color,\
      pyx_deco.filled([fill_color])], size=0.1)])
예제 #20
def earrowLine(canv,

    line = path.line(pta.x, pta.y, ptb.x, ptb.y)

    arrow_type = deco.earrow([deco.stroked([color])], size=10)

    canv.stroke(line, [style.linewidth(linewidth), color, arrow_type])
    if marks:
예제 #21
def plot_single_range(data, binsize, width, height):
    plot_width = width
    plot_height = height
    c = canvas.canvas()
    xmax = 0.0
    methods = data.keys()
    for method in methods:
        where = numpy.where((data[method]['binsize'] == binsize) *
                            (data[method]['interaction'] == 'cis') *
                            (data[method]['range'] > 0))
        if where[0].shape[0] > 0:
            xmax = max(xmax, numpy.amax(data[method]['range'][where]))
            X = data[method]['range'][where]
    X = numpy.r_[0, X]
    X[0] = X[1]**2.0 / X[2]
    xmin = X[0]
    g = graph.graphxy(width=plot_width,
                      x=graph.axis.log(painter=painter, min=X[0], max=xmax),
                      x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
                      y2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1))
    for x in X[1:-1]:
        pos = ((log(x) - log(xmin)) / (log(xmax) - log(xmin)) * plot_width)
        g.stroke(path.line(pos, 0, pos, plot_height),
                 [style.linestyle.dotted, style.linewidth.THin])

    X = (X[1:]**0.5) * (X[:-1]**0.5)
    for method in methods:
        where = numpy.where((data[method]['binsize'] == binsize) *
                            (data[method]['interaction'] == 'cis') *
                            (data[method]['range'] > 0))
        if where[0].shape[0] > 0:
            Y = data[method]['correlation'][where]
            g.plot(graph.data.points(zip(X, Y), x=1, y=2), [
                    lineattrs=[method_colors[method], style.linewidth.Thick])
    if binsize / 1000000 > 0:
        binstring = "%iMb" % (binsize / 1000000)
    elif binsize / 1000 > 0:
        binstring = "%iKb" % (binsize / 1000)
        binstring = str(binsize)
    g.text(plot_width / 2, plot_height + 0.3, "%s binning" % (binstring),
           [text.halign.center, text.valign.top,
    return c
예제 #22
def draw_line_segments(lines: torch.Tensor, filename, lw=1, svg=False):
    c = canvas.canvas()

    lines = lines.detach().cpu()
    lw = style.linewidth(lw)

    for i in range(lines.shape[0]):
            path.line(lines[i, 0, 1], -lines[i, 0, 0], lines[i, 1, 1],
                      -lines[i, 1, 0]), [lw, style.linecap.round])

    if svg:
def plot_correlation_diffs(corr1, corr2, name, width, height):
    ho = 1.2
    vo = 0.4
    plot_width = width - ho
    plot_height = height - vo
    diffs = {}
    ymin = numpy.inf
    ymax = -numpy.inf
    for n in ['Phillips', 'Nora']:
        for meth in meth_names.keys():
            cname = "%s_%s" % (meth, n)
            diff = corr2[cname] - corr1[cname]
            ymin = min(ymin, diff)
            ymax = max(ymax, diff)
    for meth in meth_names.keys():
        cname = "%s_%s" % (meth, name)
        diffs[meth] = corr2[cname] - corr1[cname]
    yspan = ymax - ymin
    ymin -= yspan * 0.05
    ymax += yspan * 0.05
    yspan = ymax - ymin
    c = canvas.canvas()
    g = graph.graphxy(
        y=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, min=ymin, max=ymax),
        x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
        y2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1))
    w = plot_width / float(len(meth_names) + 1)
    y0 = -ymin / yspan * plot_height
    for i, meth in enumerate(methods):
        col = method_colors[meth]
            path.rect((i + 0.5) * w, y0, w, diffs[meth] / yspan * plot_height),
    g.stroke(path.line(0, y0, plot_width, y0),
             [style.linestyle.dotted, style.linewidth.THin])
    c.insert(g, [trafo.translate(ho, vo)])
        0, plot_height * 0.5 + vo, r"$r_{0K} - r_{50K}$",
        [text.halign.center, text.valign.top,
    c.text(plot_width * 0.5 + ho, vo * 0.5, name,
           [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle,
    return c
예제 #24
def corner(nx, ny, z, facecolor, edgecolor, trans, xdir, ydir):
    if xdir:
        p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(nx, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx - 1, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx - 1, z + 1, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z + 1, ny)), path.closepath())
        c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    if ydir:
        p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(nx, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z, ny + 1)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z + 1, ny + 1)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z + 1, ny)), path.closepath())
        c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    x0, y0 = projector(nx, z, ny)
    x1, y1 = projector(nx, z + 1, ny)
    c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
예제 #25
def draw_graph(graph, pts=None, name="output"):
    import pyx
    from pyx import path, deco, trafo, style, text, color, deformer
    from pyx.color import rgb, cmyk
    from pyx.color import rgbfromhexstring as rgbhex

    black = rgb(0., 0., 0.)
    blue = rgb(0., 0., 0.8)
    lred = rgb(1., 0.4, 0.4)
    red = rgb(1., 0.0, 0.0)
    white = rgb(1., 1., 1.)

    if pts is None:
        pts = pos_circ(graph)

    directed = isinstance(graph, (nx.DiGraph, nx.MultiDiGraph))

    #W = 10.
    #H = 10.

    R = 1.5
    r = 0.2

    c = pyx.canvas.canvas()

    for edge in graph.edges():
        src, tgt = edge

        x0, y0 = pts[src]
        x1, y1 = pts[tgt]

        color = black
        if edge in edge_colors:
            color = eval(edge_colors[edge])
        c.stroke(path.line(R * x0, R * y0, R * x1, R * y1), [color])

    for node in graph.nodes():
        x, y = pts[node]
        p = path.circle(R * x, R * y, r)

        color = white
        if node in node_colors:
            color = eval(node_colors[node])
        c.fill(p, [color])
        c.stroke(p, [black])

예제 #26
def array(shape):
    baseshape = (3, 4)
    bgcolor = color.grey(0.5)
    c = canvas.canvas()
    c.text(baseshape[1] / 2, baseshape[0] + 0.3, 'shape=%s' % repr(shape),
    if len(shape) == 1:
        shape = (1, shape[0])
    assert len(shape) == 2
    c.stroke(path.rect(0, 0, baseshape[1], baseshape[0]), [bgcolor])
    for nx in range(1, baseshape[1]):
        c.stroke(path.line(nx, 0, nx, baseshape[0]), [bgcolor])
    for ny in range(1, baseshape[0]):
        c.stroke(path.line(0, ny, baseshape[1], ny), [bgcolor])
    if not (shape == baseshape):
        c.fill(path.rect(0, baseshape[0], shape[1], -shape[0]),
               [color.rgb(1, 0.8, 0.4)])
        if shape[0] in (1, baseshape[0]) and shape[1] in (1, baseshape[1]):
            for nx in range(baseshape[1]):
                for ny in range(baseshape[0]):
                        nx + 0.5, baseshape[0] - ny - 0.5,
                        str(baseshape[1] * min(ny, shape[0] - 1) +
                            min(nx, shape[1] - 1) + 1),
                        [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle, bgcolor])
            alertcolor = color.rgb(0.6, 0, 0)
            c.stroke(path.line(0, 0, baseshape[1], baseshape[0]),
                     [alertcolor, style.linewidth.Thick])
            c.stroke(path.line(0, baseshape[0], baseshape[1], 0),
                     [alertcolor, style.linewidth.Thick])
        for nx in range(baseshape[1]):
            for ny in range(baseshape[0]):
                c.text(nx + 0.5, baseshape[0] - ny - 0.5,
                       str(baseshape[1] * ny + nx + 1),
                       [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle])
    c.stroke(path.rect(0, baseshape[0], shape[1], -shape[0]))
    for nx in range(1, shape[1]):
        c.stroke(path.line(nx, baseshape[0], nx, baseshape[0] - shape[0]))
    for ny in range(1, shape[0]):
        c.stroke(path.line(0, ny, shape[1], ny))
    if not (shape == baseshape):
        for nx in range(shape[1]):
            for ny in range(shape[0]):
                c.text(nx + 0.5, baseshape[0] - ny - 0.5,
                       str(baseshape[1] * ny + nx + 1),
                       [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle])
    return c
예제 #27
    def plot(self, canvas, other=None):
        """Plot these directions on a pyx canvas.

        Plot these directions using standard AMS conventions: Lambert
        equal-area projection; major direction as a square; intermediate
        direction as a triangle; minor direction as a circle. If the
        "other" argument is provided, additionally draw a line from each
        direction in this PrincipalDirs object to its corresponding direction
        in the other PrincipalDirs object; this is intended to provide a
        visual comparison between pairs of PrincipalDirs objects, in
        particular when the directions are close to one another.
        self.p1.plot(canvas, "s")
        self.p2.plot(canvas, "t")
        self.p3.plot(canvas, "c")
        if other is not None:
            for p in "p1", "p2", "p3":
                v1 = getattr(self, p).project()
                v2 = getattr(other, p).project()
                canvas.stroke(path.line(v1[0], v1[1], v2[0], v2[1]),
예제 #28
def winding(n,
            endpointcolor=color.rgb(0.6, 0.2, 0),
            pathcolor=color.rgb(0.4, 0.3, 0.8)):
    c = canvas.canvas()
    ticklen = 0.1
    c.stroke(path.circle(0, 0, radius), [style.linewidth.Thin])
    tick = path.line((1 - ticklen) * radius, 0, (1 + ticklen) * radius, 0)
    c.stroke(tick, [endpointcolor, style.linewidth.Thick])
    c.stroke(tick, [trafo.rotate(angle), endpointcolor, style.linewidth.Thick])
    tick_outer = (1 + ticklen) * radius
    for _angle, label in ((0, r'$\phi_\text{i}$'), (radians(angle),
        c.text((tick_outer + 0.3) * cos(_angle),
               (tick_outer + 0.3) * sin(_angle), label,
               [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle, endpointcolor])
    if windingnumber:
        c.text(0, -radius - 0.3, '$n={}$'.format(n),
               [text.halign.center, text.valign.top])
    c.stroke(spiral(radius, angle, n), [pathcolor, style.linewidth.Thick])
    return c
예제 #29
def draw_square(x, y, kante):
    c.fill(path.rect(x, y, kante, kante), [color.grey(1)])
    c.stroke(path.line(x, y, x + kante, y + kante),
             [style.linewidth.thick, color.grey(0.5)])
    c.stroke(path.rect(x, y, kante, kante), [style.linewidth.thick])
예제 #30
파일: tmp.py 프로젝트: AntipovDen/Matan
c = canvas.canvas()

c.stroke(path.circle(0, 0, 1))
c.stroke(path.circle(5, 0, 1))
c.stroke(path.circle(15, 0, 1))
c.stroke(path.circle(20, 5, 1))

c.stroke(path.circle(9, 0, 0.1), [style.linewidth.THICK])
c.stroke(path.circle(10, 0, 0.1), [style.linewidth.THICK])
c.stroke(path.circle(11, 0, 0.1), [style.linewidth.THICK])

c.text(0, 0, r'\Huge{1}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
c.text(5, 0, r'\Huge{2}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
c.text(15, 0, r'\Huge{K}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
c.text(20, 5, r'\Huge{0}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])

c.stroke(path.curve(1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2), 2, 2, 3, 2,  5 - 1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2)), [deco.earrow(size=1)])
c.stroke(path.curve(5 - 1 / sqrt(2), -1 / sqrt(2), 3, -2, 2, -2,  1 / sqrt(2), -1 / sqrt(2)), [deco.earrow(size=1)])
c.stroke(path.curve(1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2), 1, 5, 10, 5,  19, 5), [deco.earrow(size=1)])
c.stroke(path.curve(5 + 1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2), 7, 5, 12, 5,  19, 5), [deco.earrow(size=1)])
c.stroke(path.line(15 + 1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2), 20 - 1 / sqrt(2), 5 - 1 / sqrt(2)), [deco.earrow(size=1)])

c.text(2.5, 2.5, r'\huge{$p_1^2$}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
c.text(2.5, -1, r'\huge{$p_2^1$}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
c.text(2.5, 4, r'\huge{$p_1^0$}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
c.text(8, 3, r'\huge{$p_2^0$}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])
c.text(18, 2, r'\huge{$p_K^0$}', [text.parbox(0), text.valign.middle, text.halign.center])