def test_transplant2(self): """To use on server. Passes binary data to input, and passes io.BytesIO instance to output """ o = io.BytesIO() pyxif.transplant(I1, I2, o) self.assertEqual(pyxif.load(I1), pyxif.load(o.getvalue())) try: i = i._getexif() except:"'transplant' generated wrong file") finally: i.close()
def process_clahe(in_path, tileGridSize, grey=False, out_path="", clip_limit=2): """ Appy CLAHE (contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization) method on an image for more information about CLAHE, see Overwriting image will raise an error, as the initial image is needed to copy-past metadata :param in_path: input image :param tileGridSize: size of the "blocks" to apply local histogram equalization :param grey: if True, the image will be converted to grayscale :param out_path: output path, the folders must exists and the image extension must be valid by default, output will be saved as input_path/input_name_clahe.JPG :param clip_limit: contrast limit, used to avoid too much noise """ if out_path == "": out_path = ".".join(in_path.split(".")[:-1]) + "_clahe.JPG" # read input print("Processing CLAHE method on " + in_path.split("/")[-1]) img = cv.imread(in_path) # convert color to gray if grey: img = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # apply a median filter before clahe img = cv.medianBlur(img, 3) # create clahe object clahe = cv.createCLAHE(clipLimit=clip_limit, tileGridSize=(tileGridSize, tileGridSize)) # CLAHE # apply CLAHE for each image channel, and then recreate the full image (only useful if gray==False) channels_ini = cv.split(img) channels_final = [] for channel in channels_ini: # Apply CLAHE channels_final.append(clahe.apply(channel)) img_final = cv.merge(channels_final) # save image and write metadata from initial file cv.imwrite(out_path, img_final) pyxif.transplant(in_path, out_path)
def test_transplant(self): pyxif.transplant(INPUT_FILE1, INPUT_FILE2, "transplant.jpg") exif_src = pyxif.load(INPUT_FILE1) img_src = pyxif.load(INPUT_FILE2) generated = pyxif.load("transplant.jpg") self.assertEqual(exif_src, generated) self.assertNotEqual(img_src, generated) try: i ="transplant.jpg") i._getexif() except:"'transplant' generated wrong file") finally: i.close() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): pyxif.transplant(NOEXIF_FILE, INPUT_FILE2, "foo.jpg")
def transplant_sample(): pyxif.transplant(os.path.join("samples", "01.jpg"), os.path.join("samples", "02.jpg"), "transplant_sample.jpg")