class TestRtManager(unittest.TestCase): rt_manager = RtManager() xf_exec_graph_factory = RuntimeFactory() @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.rt_manager.register_rt('test', TestRuntime, X_2_T) def test_register_rt(self): rt_manager = TestRtManager.rt_manager xf_exec_graph_factory = TestRtManager.xf_exec_graph_factory assert('test' in rt_manager.runtimes) assert('test' in xf_exec_graph_factory._runtimes) def test_register_op(self): rt_manager = TestRtManager.rt_manager xf_exec_graph_factory = TestRtManager.xf_exec_graph_factory rt_manager.register_op('test', 'TestOp2', get_test_op_2) assert('TestOp2' in X_2_T)
class TestQuantSimPass(unittest.TestCase): xgraph_factory = XGraphFactory() xf_exec_graph_factory = RuntimeFactory() @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): def xgraph_build_func(xgraph): raise NotImplementedError("") def xgraph_optimizer(xgraph): raise NotImplementedError("") def xgraph_quantizer(xgraph): raise NotImplementedError("") def xgraph_compiler(xgraph): raise NotImplementedError("") target_registry = TargetRegistry() target_registry.register_target('npu_test', xgraph_optimizer, xgraph_quantizer, xgraph_compiler, xgraph_build_func) @register_op_support_check('npu_test', 'Convolution') def conv_op_support(X, bXs, tXs): return True @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): target_registry = TargetRegistry() target_registry.unregister_target('npu_test') def test_conv(self): W = np.reshape( np.array([[[1, 2], [3, 0]], [[1, 1], [0, 1]]], dtype=np.float32), (2, 1, 2, 2)) B = np.array([0., 0.], dtype=np.float32) net = [ XLayer( name='in', type=['Input'], shapes=[1, 1, 4, 4], sizes=[16], bottoms=[], tops=['conv2d0'], layer=['in'], targets=[] ), XLayer( name='conv2d0', type=['Convolution'], shapes=[1, 2, 3, 3], sizes=[18], bottoms=['in'], tops=[], layer=['conv2d0'], data=ConvData(W, B), attrs={ 'data_layout': 'NCHW', 'kernel_layout': 'OIHW', 'kernel_size': [2, 2], 'shape': [1, 2, 3, 3], 'padding': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'strides': [1, 1], 'dilation': [1, 1], 'groups': 1 }, targets=[] ) ] xgraph = TestQuantSimPass.xgraph_factory.build_from_xlayer( net, name='test1' ) quant_sim_pass = XGraphQuantSimPass( fdir=FILE_PATH, name=xgraph.get_name() + '_qsim' ) qsim_xgraph = quant_sim_pass.execute(xgraph=xgraph, subgraphs_only=False) exec_graph = TestQuantSimPass.xf_exec_graph_factory.build_runtime( qsim_xgraph ) inpts = { 'in': np.reshape( np.array([ [10, 10, 0, 40], [50, 10, 0, 80], [30, 50, 10, 0], [10, 90, 30, 40]], dtype=np.float32 ), (1, 1, 4, 4)) } res = outpt = res[0] # for idx, layer, inpts, outpt, _ in exec_graph.run_stepwise(inpts): # print(, outpt) expected_outpt = np.array([[[ [182.28346, 36.45669, 80.20472], [160.40944, 160.40944, 189.5748], [160.40944, 342.6929, 102.078735]], [[29.165354, 7.2913384, 123.95275], [109.37008, 21.874016, 80.20472], [167.70079, 87.49606, 51.039368]]]], dtype=np.float32) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(outpt, expected_outpt, decimal=4) def test_conv_maxpool_subgraph(self): W = np.reshape( np.array([[[1, 2], [3, 0]], [[1, 1], [0, 1]]], dtype=np.float32), (2, 1, 2, 2)) B = np.array([0., 0.], dtype=np.float32) net = [ XLayer( name='in', type=['Input'], shapes=[1, 1, 4, 4], sizes=[16], bottoms=[], tops=['conv2d0'], layer=['in'], targets=[] ), XLayer( name='conv2d0', type=['Convolution'], shapes=[1, 2, 3, 3], sizes=[18], bottoms=['in'], tops=[], layer=['conv2d0'], data=ConvData(W, B), attrs={ 'data_layout': 'NCHW', 'kernel_layout': 'OIHW', 'shape': [1, 2, 3, 3], 'padding': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'strides': [1, 1], 'dilation': [1, 1], 'groups': 1 }, targets=[] ), XLayer( name='max_pool2d0', type=['Pooling'], shapes=[1, 2, 2, 2], sizes=[8], bottoms=['conv2d0'], tops=[], layer=['max_pool2d0'], attrs={ 'kernel_size': [2, 2], 'insize': [3, 3], 'outsize': [2, 2], 'data_layout': 'NCHW', 'padding': [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], 'strides': [1, 1], 'pool_type': 'Max' }, targets=[] ) ] xgraph = TestQuantSimPass.xgraph_factory.build_from_xlayer( net, name='testtest' ) p_xgraph = partition(xgraph, ['npu_test']) assert p_xgraph.get_layers()[0].target == 'cpu' assert p_xgraph.get_layers()[1].target == 'npu_test' assert p_xgraph.get_layers()[2].target == 'cpu' assert p_xgraph.get_layers()[0].subgraph is None assert p_xgraph.get_layers()[1].subgraph == 'xp0' assert p_xgraph.get_layers()[2].subgraph is None quant_sim_pass = XGraphQuantSimPass( fdir=FILE_PATH, name=xgraph.get_name() + '_qsim' ) qsim_xgraph = quant_sim_pass.execute(xgraph=p_xgraph, subgraphs_only=True) exec_graph = TestQuantSimPass.xf_exec_graph_factory.build_runtime( qsim_xgraph ) inpts = { 'in': np.reshape( np.array([ [10, 10, 0, 40], [50, 10, 0, 80], [30, 50, 10, 0], [10, 90, 30, 40]], dtype=np.float32 ), (1, 1, 4, 4)) } res = outpt = res[0] expected_outpt = np.array([[ [[182.28346, 189.5748], [342.6929, 342.6929]], [[109.37008, 123.95275], [167.70079, 87.49606]]]], dtype=np.float32) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(outpt, expected_outpt, decimal=4)
class TfGenerator(object): """ Responsible for generating tensorflow model from xgraph data structure """ runtime_factory = RuntimeFactory() xgraph_factory = XGraphFactory() xgraph_partitioner = XGraphPartitioner() @classmethod def generate(cls, xgraph, base_name, subgraphs_only=False, layout='NCHW', batch_size=-1, placeholder=False, out_dir=os.getcwd()): # type: (XGraph, str, boolean, str, int) -> Dict[str, str] """ Generate one or multiple tensorflow pb file from an xgraph and return dictionary of the base_name/partitions mapping to the pb files """ # layout_transform_pass = XGraphLayoutTransformationPass(layout) # xgraph = layout_transform_pass.execute(xgraph, subgraphs_only=False) # Import tensorflow only when needed import tensorflow as tf executors = [] if not subgraphs_only: executors.append((base_name, base_name, TfGenerator.runtime_factory.build_runtime( xgraph, batch_size=batch_size, placeholder=placeholder))) else: for Xp in \ TfGenerator.xgraph_partitioner.get_subgraphs(xgraph): sub_xgraph = TfGenerator.xgraph_factory.build_from_xlayer( Xp.subgraph_data) executors.append((base_name + '_' +,, TfGenerator.runtime_factory.build_runtime( sub_xgraph, batch_size=batch_size, placeholder=placeholder), sub_xgraph.get_output_names())) ret = {} for file_name, name, executor, output_names in executors: graph_def = executor.tf_graph.as_graph_def() # with executor.tf_step_graph.as_default(): # graph_def = tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def() with tf.compat.v1.Session(graph=executor.tf_graph) as sess: graph_def = tf.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, graph_def, output_names) file_path = os.path.join(out_dir, file_name + '.pb') with tf.gfile.GFile(file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(graph_def.SerializeToString()) ret[name] = file_path return ret @classmethod def run(self, xgraph, pb_file, inputs): # type: (XGraph, str, dict[str, numpy.ndarray]) """ Run frozen tensorflow graph for corresponding XGraph """ # Import Tensorflow only when needed import tensorflow as tf input_graph_def = tf.GraphDef() with tf.gfile.GFile(frozen_graph, "rb") as f: input_graph_def.ParseFromString( tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph() tf.import_graph_def(input_graph_def, name='') input_names = xgraph.get_input_names() output_names = xgraph.get_output_names() inputs_tf = {} for in_name in input_names: input_tensor = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(in_name + ':0') inputs_tf[input_tensor] = inputs[in_name] outputs = [ tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(out_name + ':0') for out_name in output_names ] with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess: res =, feed_dict=inputs_tf) return res
class TestRuntimeFactory(unittest.TestCase): xgraph_factory = XGraphFactory() runtime_factory = RuntimeFactory() def test_runtime_factory_net_params(self): xlayers = [ XLayer(name='in1', type=['Input'], bottoms=[], tops=['conv1'], targets=[]), XLayer(name='in2', type=['Input'], bottoms=[], tops=['add1'], targets=[]), XLayer(name='conv1', type=['Convolution'], bottoms=['in1'], tops=['add1'], data=ConvData(weights=np.array([[[[1, 2], [3, 4]]]], dtype=np.float32), biases=np.array([0., 1.], dtype=np.float32)), targets=[]), XLayer(name='add1', type=['Eltwise'], bottoms=['conv1', 'in2'], tops=['conv2', 'pool1'], targets=[]), XLayer(name='conv2', type=['Convolution'], bottoms=['add1'], tops=['add2'], data=ConvData(weights=np.array([[[[4, 5], [6, 7]]]], dtype=np.float32), biases=np.array([0., -1.], dtype=np.float32)), targets=[]), XLayer(name='pool1', type=['Pooling'], bottoms=['add1'], tops=['add2'], targets=[]), XLayer(name='add2', type=['Eltwise'], bottoms=['conv2', 'pool1'], tops=[], targets=[]), XLayer(name='pool2', type=['Pooling'], bottoms=['add1'], tops=['pool3'], targets=[]), XLayer(name='pool3', type=['Pooling'], bottoms=['pool2'], tops=[], targets=[]) ] xgraph = TestRuntimeFactory.xgraph_factory.build_from_xlayer(xlayers) # 1. net, params = TestRuntimeFactory.runtime_factory\ ._get_net_and_params(xgraph, ['add1']) assert len(net) == 4 np.testing.assert_array_equal( params['conv1_kernel'], np.array([[[[1, 2], [3, 4]]]], dtype=np.float32)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(params['conv1_biases'], np.array([0., 1.], dtype=np.float32)) # 2. net, params = TestRuntimeFactory.runtime_factory\ ._get_net_and_params(xgraph, ['conv1']) assert len(net) == 2 assert net[0].name == 'in1' assert net[1].name == 'conv1' np.testing.assert_array_equal( params['conv1_kernel'], np.array([[[[1, 2], [3, 4]]]], dtype=np.float32)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(params['conv1_biases'], np.array([0., 1.], dtype=np.float32)) # 3. net, params = TestRuntimeFactory.runtime_factory\ ._get_net_and_params(xgraph, ['pool1', 'pool2']) assert len(net) == 7 np.testing.assert_array_equal( params['conv1_kernel'], np.array([[[[1, 2], [3, 4]]]], dtype=np.float32)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(params['conv1_biases'], np.array([0., 1.], dtype=np.float32))