예제 #1
 def __getitem__(self, key: str):
     """ Parse and return the attribute corresponding to the given key """
     _xattr = self._xattr_map[key]
     assert _xattr.name == key
     if _xattr.type == 'UNDEFINED':
         return None
     elif _xattr.type == 'BOOL':
         return _xattr.b
     elif _xattr.type == 'INT':
         return _xattr.i
     elif _xattr.type == 'INTS':
         return IntVector(_xattr.ints)
     elif _xattr.type == 'INTS2D':
         return IntVector2D(_xattr.ints2d)
     elif _xattr.type == 'FLOAT':
         return _xattr.f
     elif _xattr.type == 'FLOATS':
         return FloatVector(_xattr.floats)
     elif _xattr.type == 'STRING':
         return _xattr.s
     elif _xattr.type == 'STRINGS':
         return StrVector(_xattr.strings)
     elif _xattr.type == 'MAP_STR_STR':
         return MapStrStr(_xattr.map_str_str)
     elif _xattr.type == 'MAP_STR_VSTR':
         return MapStrVectorStr(_xattr.map_str_vstr)
         raise NotImplementedError(
             "Unsupported attribute: {} of type: {}".format(
                 _xattr, _xattr.type))
예제 #2
    def test_set_value(self):

        ts = TensorShape(IntVector(lpx.IntVector([1, 2, 3, 4])))

        ts.set_value(0, -1)

        assert len(ts) == 4
        assert ts[0] == -1
        assert ts[1] == 2
예제 #3
    def test_get_set_item_slice(self):

        ts = TensorShape(IntVector(lpx.IntVector([-1, 2, 3, 4])))

        ts_slice = ts[1:3]

        assert len(ts_slice) == 2
        assert ts_slice == [2, 3]

        ts[1:3] = [3, 2]
        assert ts == [-1, 3, 2, 4]
예제 #4
    def test_to_list(self):

        ts = TensorShape(IntVector(lpx.IntVector([1, 2, 3, 4])))

        assert ts == [1, 2, 3, 4]
        lst = ts.tolist()
        lst2 = list(ts)

        ts[0] = -1
        assert ts == [-1, 2, 3, 4]
        assert lst == [1, 2, 3, 4]
        assert lst2 == [1, 2, 3, 4]
예제 #5
    def test_get_set_item(self):

        ts = TensorShape(IntVector(lpx.IntVector([-1, 2])))

        assert len(ts) == 2
        assert isinstance(ts[0], int)
        assert ts[0] == -1
        assert ts[1] == 2

        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):

        ts[1] = 3
        assert ts[1] == 3
예제 #6
    def shapes(self):
        _shapes = self._xlayer.shapes
        _shapes_t = self._xlayer.shapes_t
        if _shapes_t == 'TensorShape' and len(_shapes) != 1:
            raise ValueError("TensorShape can only be one dimensional"
                             " but got: {}".format(len(_shapes)))

        if _shapes_t == 'TensorShape':
            return TensorShape(IntVector(_shapes[0]))
        elif _shapes_t == 'TupleShape':
            return TupleShape(IntVector2D(_shapes))
            raise ValueError("Unsupported shapes type: {}, should be"
                             " TensorShape or TupleShape".format(_shapes_t))
예제 #7
    def test_get_size(self):

        ts = TensorShape(IntVector(lpx.IntVector([-1, 2, 3, 4])))

        assert ts.get_size() == [24]
예제 #8
 def sizes(self):
     return IntVector(self._xlayer.sizes)
예제 #9
class OpaqueFunc(object):

    # TypeCode conversion functions
    # First: C++ -> Python
    # Second: Python -> C++
    type_codes_ = {
        TypeCode.vInt: (
            lambda arg_: IntVector(arg_.ints),
            lambda arg_: lpx.OpaqueValue(lpx.IntVector(arg_))),
        TypeCode.Str: (
            lambda arg_: arg_.s,
            lambda arg_: lpx.OpaqueValue(arg_)),
        TypeCode.Byte: (
            lambda arg_: arg_.bytes,
            lambda arg_: lpx.OpaqueValue(arg_)),
        TypeCode.vStr: (
            lambda arg_: StrVector(arg_.strings),
            lambda arg_: lpx.OpaqueValue(lpx.StrVector(arg_))),
        TypeCode.StrContainer: (
            lambda arg_: StrContainer.from_lib(arg_.str_c),
            lambda arg_: lpx.OpaqueValue(arg_._str_c)),
        TypeCode.BytesContainer: (
            lambda arg_: BytesContainer.from_lib(arg_.bytes_c),
            lambda arg_: lpx.OpaqueValue(arg_._bytes_c)),
        TypeCode.XGraph: (
            lambda arg_: XGraph._from_xgraph(arg_.xg),
            lambda arg_: lpx.OpaqueValue(arg_._xgraph)),
        TypeCode.XBuffer: (
            lambda arg_: XBuffer.from_lib(arg_.xb),
            lambda arg_: lpx.OpaqueValue(arg_._xb)),
        TypeCode.vXBuffer: (
            lambda arg_: [XBuffer.from_lib(e) for e in arg_.xbuffers],
            lambda arg_: lpx.OpaqueValue(
                lpx.XBufferHolderVector([xb._xb for xb in arg_]))),
        TypeCode.OpaqueFunc: (
            lambda arg_: OpaqueFunc.from_lib(arg_.of),
            lambda arg_: lpx.OpaqueValue(arg_._of))

    def __init__(self,
                 func: Callable = None,
                 type_codes: List[TypeCode] = None) -> None:

        self._of = lpx.OpaqueFunc()
        if type_codes is None:
            type_codes = []

        if func is not None:
            self.set_func(func, type_codes)

    def from_lib(cls, _of: lpx.OpaqueFunc) -> 'OpaqueFunc':
        of = OpaqueFunc.__new__(cls)
        of._of = _of
        return of

    def set_func(self, func: Callable, type_codes: List[TypeCode]):

        # if type_codes is not None:
        for tc in type_codes:
            if tc not in OpaqueFunc.type_codes_:
                raise NotImplementedError("Function with argument of"
                                          " unsupported type: {} provided"

        def opaque_func_wrapper(args):
            new_args = []

            if type_codes is not None:
                args_type_codes = type_codes
                args_type_codes = [TypeCode(args[i].get_type_code_int())
                                   for i in range(len(args))]

            for tc, arg_ in zip(args_type_codes, args):
                if tc not in OpaqueFunc.type_codes_:
                    raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type code: {tc}")
                arg_ = OpaqueFunc.type_codes_[tc][0](arg_)


        arg_type_codes_ = lpx.IntVector([tc.value for tc in type_codes])
        self._of.set_func(opaque_func_wrapper, arg_type_codes_)

    def __call__(self, *args: Any) -> None:
        """ Call internal lib OpaqueFunc with provided args """

        args_type_codes = self.get_arg_type_codes()

        if len(args) != len(args_type_codes):
            raise ValueError("Invalid number of arguments detected."
                             " OpaqueFunc is expecting {} arguments"
                             " but got: {}"
                             .format(len(args_type_codes), len(args)))

        oa_v = []
        for tc, arg_ in zip(args_type_codes, args):
            if tc not in OpaqueFunc.type_codes_:
                raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type code: {tc}")

        oa = lpx.OpaqueArgs(oa_v)


    def get_arg_type_codes(self):
        return [TypeCode(i) for i in self._of.get_arg_type_codes()]

    def get_nb_type_codes(self):
        return len(self.get_arg_type_codes())

    def __del__(self):
예제 #10
    def test_int_vector(self):

        iv = lpx.IntVector([1, 2, 3])
        ivx = IntVector(iv)
        assert ivx == iv
        assert ivx == [1, 2, 3]

        # List comprehension
        assert [i for i in ivx] == [1, 2, 3]

        # Append
        assert len(iv) == 4
        assert len(ivx) == 4

        # Contains
        assert 2 in iv
        assert 2 in ivx
        assert -1 not in iv
        assert -1 not in ivx
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            assert 'a' not in ivx

        # Delete
        del ivx[3]
        assert ivx == [1, 2, 3]
        assert iv == lpx.IntVector([1, 2, 3])

        # Equal
        assert ivx == [1, 2, 3]
        assert ivx == lpx.IntVector([1, 2, 3])
        assert iv == lpx.IntVector([1, 2, 3])

        # Add / Extend
        ivx.extend([4, 5])
        assert len(iv) == 5
        assert len(ivx) == 5

        ivx += [6, 7]
        assert len(ivx) == 7
        del ivx[6]
        del ivx[5]

        # Get item
        assert ivx[3] == 4
        assert ivx[-1] == 5
        assert len(ivx) == 5
        assert ivx[:] == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):

        # Index
        assert ivx.index(2) == 1
        assert ivx.index(5) == 4
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        # Insert
        ivx.insert(0, -1)
        assert len(ivx) == 6
        assert len(iv) == 6
        assert ivx[0] == -1
        del ivx[0]

        # Iter
        c = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        for i, e in enumerate(ivx):
            assert e == c[i]
        for i, e in enumerate(iv):
            assert e == c[i]

        # Length
        assert len(ivx) == len(iv)
        assert len(ivx) == 5

        # Not equal
        assert iv != lpx.IntVector([1, 2, 3])
        assert ivx != [1, 2, 3, 4]

        # Repr
        assert repr(iv) == "IntVector[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
        assert repr(ivx) == "IntVector[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"

        # Str
        assert str(iv) == "IntVector[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
        assert str(ivx) == "IntVector[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"

        # Set
        ivx[0] = -1
        assert ivx == [-1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        assert iv == lpx.IntVector([-1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
            ivx[6] = -1
        ivx[:] = [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5]
        assert len(ivx) == 5
        assert ivx == [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5]